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东北地区水稻冷害气候风险度和经济脆弱度及其分区研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
应用历年气象、水稻产量资料和冷害指标,分析东北地区水稻低温冷害发生的温度条件、气候频率和风险概率,建立了水稻冷害气候风险度模式,将东北地区分成高、偏高、中等、较低和低风险5级水稻冷害气候风险度区.在气候风险性分析的基础上,考虑各地水稻冷害减产率、总产量和面积比例等经济损失因素,建立水稻生产对低温冷害反应的经济脆弱度模式...  相似文献   

东北地区玉米低温冷害气候和经济损失风险分区   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
马树庆  王琪  王春乙  霍治国 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1169-1177
分析了东北地区玉米低温冷害发生的热量条件、发生频率、风险指数和风险概率,用冷害气候风险评价指标将东北地区划分成高、偏高、中等、较低和低风险5个玉米低温冷害气候风险区域。考虑到冷害气候风险和玉米产量和面积比例等农业生产结构因素,建立了玉米低温冷害的气候—灾损综合风险评估模式,并将东北地区划分成高风险、较高风险、中风险、较低风险和低风险5个玉米低温冷害灾损综合风险区域,并指出各区域减缓玉米冷害风险的技术和战略措施。结果表明,东北地区的北部、东部和中部低温冷害灾损风险较大,吉林省西南部和辽宁省大部风险较小。  相似文献   

气候变暖对宁夏引黄灌区水稻生产的影响   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
桑建人  刘玉兰  邱旺 《中国沙漠》2006,26(6):953-958
对宁夏引黄灌区10个测站1961\_2004年水稻生长发育期5~9月的气温进行分析,结果表明,宁夏引黄灌区水稻生长期的气候明显变暖。t检验表明,5~9月日平均气温的突变发生在1993年,突变后的气温比突变前升高了0.8℃。在水稻生长发育各阶段,气温都有所升高,但没有超过水稻生长发育的适宜温度范围。引黄灌区水稻的温度敏感系数在5月、7~9月上旬为正值,尤其在7月下旬至8月中旬最大,此阶段气候变暖对水稻生产有利,6月、9月中下旬为负值,气候变暖对水稻生产有不利影响。气候变暖为高产品种的引进创造了条件,降低了水稻对温度变化的敏感性,使水稻单产变率减小,保证了水稻的高产稳产。就宁夏引黄灌区而言,气候变暖对水稻单产的贡献为2.51%。  相似文献   

黑龙江省冷害与全球变暖对水稻产量的影响(英文)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
This study is focused on indexes for the rice chilling injury in Heilongjiang Province during 1960-2009. Firstly, we compared a new derived climate data weighted by rice planting density with the traditional method, and found that the new one is more reasonable to assess the impact of climate change on crop yields. Considering the frequency and intensity of rice chilling in the province, secondly, chilling indexes defined by meteorological, national and international levels were assessed. The result showed that the meteorological standards were suitable for the delayed-type injury, while the international one, so-called sum of Grow-ing Degree Day below threshold (GDDn-), characterized best the sterile-type chilling injury for rice. The explanation ability of the rice yield time series model including both injury types as two independent variables reached approximately 92% (p < 0.05). Finally, we concluded that the contribution rates of human and weather factors to rice yields are about 87.2% and 12.8% respectively, and as light increasing trend for sterile-type chilling injury was found during heading to flowing period in recent years, indicating a high chilling risk for rice planting in Heilongjiang Province in the future global warming.  相似文献   

近20年气候变暖对黑龙江省水稻增产的贡献   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
方修琦  王媛  徐锬  云雅如 《地理学报》2004,59(6):820-828
研究过去的气候变暖对作物产量的影响是认识变暖对农业影响的有效途径,但如何定量区分出气候变化和技术发展对粮食作物的影响程度是目前研究的难点。本文提出的算法在一定程度上可以克服传统算法缺陷,用此方法估算过去20年气候变暖对黑龙江省水稻单产增加的贡献率,结果表明:20世纪80年代相对于70年代水稻单产增加了30.6%,其中由气候变暖带来的增产量占实际增产量的12.8%~16.1%,相当于使70年代的单产增加3.9%~4.9%。20世纪90年代水稻单产较80年代增产42.7%,其中,气候变暖对单产增加的贡献率约为23.2%~28.8%,相当于在20世纪80年代的单产水平上增产9.9%~12.3%。  相似文献   

气候变暖的适应行为与黑龙江省夏季低温冷害的变化   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
方修琦  王媛  朱晓禧 《地理研究》2005,24(5):664-672
与气候变暖相联系的极端天气、气候事件及其影响的研究正日益受到重视,极端事件与气候变化直接相关,而极端事件的影响还与人类的适应行为密切相关。本文以农业对温度变化最敏感的黑龙江省为例,分析了变暖对夏季低温冷害事件的影响。结果显示,变暖后夏季出现低温冷害临界气温的概率减小;但由于人们追求更高经济效益的适应行为,在变暖的情况下种植更适应较暖气候条件的农作物,低温冷害的发生的频率和强度并不一定随变暖而减少,但作物单产期望值还是会增加。  相似文献   

中国避暑型气候的地域类型及其时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于中国各地纬度、地形及海陆位置的地域差异,形成了多种多样的避暑型气候。本文采用1993-2012年756个国家基本站和122个辐射站逐日气象数据,基于通用热气候指数(UTCI)模型计算各气象站点的人体感知温度,结合聚类分析方法对避暑型气候的地域类型进行了研究,并对其空间分布、时间变化和舒适特征进行了分析。结果表明:中国避暑型气候主要包括西南高原型、中东部山岳型、东北山地平原型、西北山地高原型和环渤海低山丘陵型5种地域类型;各类避暑型气候具有显著的地域特色:西南高原型避暑气候纬度低、海拔高,太阳辐射较强;中东部山岳型避暑气候地势高、风速大,夏季舒适偏冷;环渤海低山丘陵型避暑气候地势低、湿度大,夏季舒适偏热且舒适度受海风影响明显;西北山地高原型避暑气候温度适宜、天气晴朗,但略显干燥;东北山地平原型避暑气候凉爽、风速不大、辐射不强、湿度适中,综合条件相对优越。从各类避暑型气候夏季人体感知温度的变化来看,环渤海低山丘陵型舒适期较短,其余类型舒适期相对较长,东北山地平原型和西北山地高原型人体感知温度曲线呈良好的单峰对称变化,其余类型大致呈单峰不对称形态。本文不仅丰富了避暑型气候研究的理论成果,而且也可为避暑型旅游资源的开发与规划提供科学依据,进一步指导人们的避暑旅游活动。  相似文献   

利用祁连山区及其周边26个气象观测站1961-2005年夏季积雨云形状和气温观测资料,采用线性趋势分析、墨西哥帽小波分析等方法,分析了祁连山区夏季积雨云出现频率的空间分布与时间变化特征,探讨了与气候变暖的关系,并选用同期NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料,对祁连山区夏季积雨云的环流特征进行分析.结果表明:①祁连山区夏季积雨云出现频率明显高于河西走廊和柴达木盆地.②祁连山区夏季平均气温呈逐年上升趋势,20世纪90年代以来,上升趋势更为明显.祁连山区夏季积雨云出现频率明显减少,近45年来祁连山区夏季积雨云出现频率减少近8%.③在3和20年尺度上,祁连山区夏季气温和积雨云出现频率为反相位变化结构为主;在气温振荡最强的10a时间尺度上,20世纪80年代初期以前2者为反相位关系,而之后随着祁连山区显著增温,2者则呈现出同相位变化特征.④在年代际尺度和年际尺度上,祁连山区夏季气温和积雨云出现频率均为显著的负相关关系.分析表明,在气候变暖的背景下,祁连山区和河西走廊的夏季积雨云出现频率减少,而柴达木盆地为增多.⑤祁连山区夏季积雨云出现频次的多少,是对欧亚500hpa环流异常的响应.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖背景下陕甘宁地区风速时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风速是影响沙尘天气最重要因素,认识温度对风速的影响有助于环境保护实践。运用Mann-Kendall突变检验法、线性趋势法、Spearman秩相关分析对陕甘宁地区1960—2014年风速和气温日平均值数据进行年尺度及季尺度时空变化特征分析。结果表明:(1)陕甘宁地区气温呈上升趋势,冬季气温上升最快,年平均气温在1994年发生突变。(2)陕甘宁地区年平均风速呈显著下降趋势(P< 0.01),且以0.07 m·s-1·(10a)-1的速率下降,春季下降速度最快,气温突变后下降趋势更明显。(3)从空间尺度上看,年平均风速呈现以环县、延安、西吉、河曲为中心向四周逐渐增加的趋势,且区域平均风速呈整体下降趋势。四季平均风速在气温突变后以陕甘宁中部地区为减少中心。(4)气候变化背景下陕甘宁地区风速变化与气温存在负相关关系。  相似文献   

对气候变暖问题争议的分析   总被引:50,自引:8,他引:50  
王绍武  龚道溢 《地理研究》2001,20(2):153-160
综合评述和分析了近年来关于全球气候变暖问题的研究。重点是有关气候变暖的一些争议。目前的结论是:(1)19世纪中期以来全球平均地表气温上升了0.4~0.8℃;(2)全球气候变暖的论断得到了海洋温度、大气温度、钻孔温度、陆地雪盖、海冰及冰川资料的支持;(3)1998年是近一个半世纪有观测资料以来最暖的一年,对1961~1990年平均的距平为0.55℃。20世纪变暖的趋势为0.066℃/10a;(4)1990′s是20世纪最暖的10年,平均气温距平0.35℃,也可能是500a或者甚至1000a来最暖的10年。所以,20世纪气候的变暖是无可怀疑的。人类活动影响很可能是20世纪气候变暖的主要原因,至少是主要原因之一。  相似文献   

近50年气候驱动下东北地区玉米生产潜力时空演变分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用GAEZ模型,综合考虑气象、土壤、地形等因素,估算1961-2010年东北玉米生产潜力,分析50年来气候变化导致的东北玉米生产潜力时空格局演变特征。研究发现:① 1961-2010年,东北玉米平均生产潜力波动较大,整体上以每10年80 kg/hm2的线性倾向率增加;② 由于气候变化,20世纪末、21世纪初玉米生产潜力变化较为频繁;③ 玉米生产潜力总值黑龙江省始终处于最高,近50年间增长幅度黑龙江省>吉林省>辽宁省;④ 近50年来,黑龙江省玉米生产潜力的波动较为剧烈,吉林省和辽宁省相对稳定;⑤ 近50年东北玉米适宜种植区有所增加,主要集中在黑龙江省西北地区,高生产潜力区域增加明显,呈现北移趋势。研究可为东北地区高效利用气候和土地资源,优化玉米生产布局提供依据。  相似文献   

近50年来气候变化背景下中国大豆生产潜力时空演变特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大豆是中国最重要的粮食兼油料作物之一,随着人口的增长和人们生活水平的提高,中国对大豆产品的消费需求不断增加.全球气候变化给大豆生产带来了一定影响,其中有负面的,也有正面的.本文以2010年中国耕地空间分布遥感监测数据为基础,在1961-2010年的长时间序列气象数据、土壤数据等数据基础上,采用GAEZ模型,综合考虑光、温、水、CO2浓度、病虫害、农业气候限制、土壤、地形等因素,估算了中国大豆生产潜力,进而分析了近50年来气候变化导致的中国大豆生产潜力的时空格局特征.研究表明:①中国大豆生产潜力呈现由南向北、由西向东增加的趋势.东北平原区、长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区是大豆高产区.②近50年来,中国大豆适宜种植面积持续增加,而大豆平均生产潜力却持续下降,大豆生产潜力总量先降后增.③中国大豆生产潜力的变化区域差异明显.东北平原区大豆生产潜力总量居全国第一,长江中下游地区和黄淮海平原区分别居第二、三位.本文揭示了近50年来气候变化背景下中国大豆生产潜力的时空格局演变特征,对合理安排大豆种植布局,高效利用气候和土地资源,实现大豆稳产高产具有指导意义.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial distribution and changing trends of agricultural heat and precipitation resources in Northeast China were analyzed to explore the impacts of future climate changes on agroclimatic resources in the region. This research is based on the output meteorological data from the regional climate model system for Northeast China from 2005 to 2099, under low and high radiative forcing scenarios RCP4.5 (low emission scenario) and RCP8.5 (high emission scenario) as proposed in IPCC AR5. Model outputs under the baseline scenario, and RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios were assimilated with observed data from 91 meteorological stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2010 to perform the analyses. The results indicate that: (1) The spatial distribution of temperature decreases from south to north, and the temperature is projected to increase in all regions, especially under a high emission scenario. The average annual temperature under the baseline scenario is 7.70°C, and the average annual temperatures under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 are 9.67°C and 10.66°C, respectively. Other agricultural heat resources change in accordance with temperature changes. Specifically, the first day with temperatures ≥10°C arrives 3 to 4 d earlier, the first frost date is delayed by 2 to 6 d, and the duration of the growing season is lengthened by 4 to 10 d, and the accumulated temperature increases by 400 to 700°C·d. Water resources exhibit slight but not significant increases. (2) While the historical temperature increase rate is 0.35°C/10a, the rate of future temperature increase is the highest under the RCP8.5 scenario at 0.48°C/10a, compared to 0.19°C/10a under the RCP4.5 scenario. In the later part of this century, the trend of temperature increase is significantly faster under the RCP8.5 scenario than under the RCP4.5 scenario, with faster increases in the northern region. Other agricultural heat resources exhibit similar trends as temperature, but with different specific spatial distributions. Precipitation in the growing season generally shows an increasing but insignificant trend in the future, with relatively large yearly fluctuations. Precipitation in the eastern region is projected to increase, while a decrease is expected in the western region. The future climate in Northeast China will change towards higher temperature and humidity. The heat resource will increase globally, however its disparity with the change in precipitation may negatively affect agricultural activities.  相似文献   

东北地区未来气候变化对农业气候资源的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
初征  郭建平  赵俊芳 《地理学报》2017,72(7):1248-1260
为探求未来气候变化对东北地区农业气候资源的影响,本文基于区域气候模式系统输出的东北地区IPCC AR5提出的低辐射和高辐射强迫RCP_4.5(低排放)、RCP_8.5(高排放)情景下2005-2099年气象资料,通过与东北地区1961-2010年91个气象站点观测资料同化,分析了历史资料(Baseline)、RCP_4.5、RCP_8.5情景下东北地区农业热量资源和降水资源空间分布及其变化趋势。结果表明:① 年均温度空间分布自南向北降低,未来各地区温度均有升高,RCP_8.5情景下升温更明显,Baseline情景年均温度为7.70 ℃,RCP_4.5和RCP_8.5年均温度分别为9.67 ℃、10.66 ℃;其他农业热量资源随温度变化一致,具体≥ 10 ℃初日提前3 d、4 d,初霜日推迟2 d、6 d,生长季日数延长4 d、10 d,积温增加400 ℃·d、700 ℃·d;水资源稍有增加,但不明显。② 历史增温速率为0.35 ℃/10a,未来增温速率最快为RCP_8.5情景0.48 ℃/10a,高于RCP_4.5的0.19 ℃/10a。21世纪后期,RCP_8.5增温趋势明显快于RCP_4.5,北部地区增温更加速。其他农业热量资源随温度变化趋势相一致,但具体空间分布有所不同。生长季降水总体呈增加趋势,但不显著,年际间变化较大;东部地区降水增加,西部减少。未来东北地区总体向暖湿方向发展,热量资源整体增加,但与降水的不匹配可能将会对农业生产造成不利的影响。  相似文献   

中国东北耕地物候期对气候变化的响应(英文)   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
We investigated the responses of cropland phenophases to changes of agricultural thermal conditions in Northeast China using the SPOT-VGT Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) ten-day-composed time-series data, observed crop phenophases and the climate data collected from 1990 to 2010. First, the phenological parameters, such as the dates of onset-of-growth, peak-of-growth and end-of-growth as well as the length of the growing season, were extracted from the smoothed NVDI time-series dataset and showed an obvious correlation with the observed crop phenophases, including the stages of seedling, heading, maturity and the length of the growth period. Secondly, the spatio-temporal trends of the major thermal conditions (the first date of ≥10℃, the first frost date, the length of the temperature-allowing growth period and the accumulated temperature (AT) of ≥10℃) in Northeast China were illustrated and analyzed over the past 20 years. Thirdly, we focused on the responses of cropland phenophases to the thermal conditions changes. The results showed that the onset-of-growth date had an obvious positive correlation with the first date of ≥10℃ (P < 0.01), especially in the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle and eastern parts of Jilin Province. For the extracted length of growing season and the observed growth period, notable correlations were found in almost same regions (P < 0.05). However, there was no obvious correlation between the end-of-growth date and the first frost date in the study area. Opposite correlations were observed between the length of the growing season and the AT of ≥10℃. In the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle part of Jilin and Liaoning Provinces, the positive correlation coefficients were higher than the critical value of 0.05, whereas the negative correlation coefficients reached a level of 0.55 (P < 0.05) in the middle and southern parts of Heilongjiang Province and some parts of the Sanjiang Plain. This finding indicated that the crop growth periods were shortened because of the elevated temperature; in contrast, the extended growth period usually meant a crop transformation from early- or middle-maturing varieties into middle or late ones.  相似文献   

We investigated the responses of cropland phenophases to changes of agricultural thermal conditions in Northeast China using the SPOT-VGT Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) ten-day-composed time-series data, observed crop phenophases and the climate data collected from 1990 to 2010. First, the phenological parameters, such as the dates of onset-of-growth, peak-of-growth and end-of-growth as well as the length of the growing season, were extracted from the smoothed NVDI time-series dataset and showed an obvious correlation with the observed crop phenophases, including the stages of seedling, heading, maturity and the length of the growth period. Secondly, the spatio-temporal trends of the major thermal conditions (the first date of ≥10℃, the first frost date, the length of the temperature-allowing growth period and the accumulated temperature (AT) of ≥10℃) in Northeast China were illustrated and analyzed over the past 20 years. Thirdly, we focused on the responses of cropland phenophases to the thermal conditions changes. The results showed that the onset-of-growth date had an obvious positive correlation with the first date of ≥10℃ (P < 0.01), especially in the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle and eastern parts of Jilin Province. For the extracted length of growing season and the observed growth period, notable correlations were found in almost same regions (P < 0.05). However, there was no obvious correlation between the end-of-growth date and the first frost date in the study area. Opposite correlations were observed between the length of the growing season and the AT of ≥10℃. In the northern part of the Songnen Plain, the eastern part of the Sanjiang Plain and the middle part of Jilin and Liaoning Provinces, the positive correlation coefficients were higher than the critical value of 0.05, whereas the negative correlation coefficients reached a level of 0.55 (P < 0.05) in the middle and southern parts of Heilongjiang Province and some parts of the Sanjiang Plain. This finding indicated that the crop growth periods were shortened because of the elevated temperature; in contrast, the extended growth period usually meant a crop transformation from early- or middle-maturing varieties into middle or late ones.  相似文献   

东北地区近40年干燥指数变化趋势及其气候敏感性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郑红星  刘静 《地理研究》2011,30(10):1765-1774
基于东北地区91个站点1971~2008的常规气象资料,应用Mann-Kendall方法分析了区内近40年干燥指数的变化趋势,并基于Penman-Monteith公式计算了干燥指数对各气象要素的敏感性系数,分析了气候变化影响下,干燥指数气候敏感系数的变化规律。研究表明:(1)东北地区近40年来干燥指数以0.06/10a...  相似文献   

Based on 1961–2005 observed winter precipitation data in Northeast China, the temporal and spatial variations of snow concentration degree (SCD) and snow concentration period (SCP), together with the circulation characteristics when there is a higher SCD, are computed and analyzed. Results show that SCD in Northeast China presents a yearly rising tendency and SCP decreases obviously. In terms of decadal variation, there is a 12-year periodic variation in PCP, and since the mid-1970s there has been an 8-year short periodic variation. As to spatial variation, SCD in winter of Northeast China has increased gradually from the eastern part to the western, and the minimum value of SCD occurs in the east of Jilin Province, while the high value center is observed in the central part of the province. For the whole Northeast China, the variation tendencies are consistent in the eastern and central parts, where SCD presents a rising tendency and SCP shows a decreasing tendency. SCD in the southwestern and northern parts has a slight rising tendency, with SCD in the southwestern part having the slightest increasing tendency, and SCP in the northern part showing the slightest decreasing tendency. When a high SCD value is observed, the whole region is controlled by the East Asian deep trough at 500 hPa, and the trough becomes deeper in the western part, while a high pressure, which is easily formed and intensified in the eastern part, makes the East Asian deep trough move eastward slowly. Upper-level jet stream and low-level jet stream co-exist, and the former is stronger and takes more of a southwestward position than the latter. The high value zone of water vapor transport over the Pacific is intensified obviously, and the extent also increases. Northeast China is influenced by the water vapor transported to the northwest along the north of the high value center.  相似文献   

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