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When compared with nearby unvergetated areas, seagrass meadows contain a dense and strikingly rich assemblage of vertebrates and invertebrates. Most recent literature has focused on evaluating the role of predation in structuring seagrass faunal communities; however, habitat complexity, abundance of food and sediment stability may also be important. This paper summarizes studies relating predator-prey relationships to different features of the seagrass system. This review suggests that the abundance of many species, both epifauna and infauna, is positively correlated with two distinct aspects of plant morphology: 1) the root-rhizome mat, and 2) the plant canopy. A scheme was developed that defines the conditions under which any particular species will be abundant or rare in a seagrass assemblage. This scheme is based on prey and predator characteristics (e.g., epifaunal vs. infaunal, tube-dweller vs. nontube dweller, burrowers vs. nonburrowers, and large vs. small as adult) and on characteristics of the seagrasses (e.g., leaf morphology, shoot density, shoot biomass, structural complexity of the meadow, and root-rhizome density and standing crop).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the placement of dredged material on sediment-starved back barrier marshes in southeastern North Carolina could offset submergence without negatively affecting function. Clean sediment was placed in thickness from 0 to 10 cm, on deteriorated and non-deteriorated marsh plots. Original stem densities were greater, in non-deteriorated plots (256 stems m−2) compared to deteriorated sites (149 stems m−2). By the second growing season (after sediment additions), stem densities in the deteriorated plots (308 stems m−2) approached levels in the non-deteriorated plots (336 stems m−2). Sediment additions to, both nos-deteriorated and deteriorated plots resulted in a higher redox potential with plots receiving the most sediment exhibiting the highest Eh values. In deteriorated plots, placement of dredged material had the greatest effect on plant density, but also affected soil oxidation-reduction potential and sediment deposition (or mobility). Following sediment placement, substrate texture and composition incrementally returned to prefill conditions due to a combination of bioturbation and sedimentation. Where infaunal differences occurred, they were generally less abundant in deteriorated plots, but responses to sediment addition were variable. Sediment addition had little effect on the non-deteriorated plots, suggesting that the disposal of certain types of dredged material in marshes may be useful to mitigate the effects of marsh degradation without adversely affecting non-deteriorating marsh.  相似文献   

Three quarters of the global human population will live in coastal areas in the coming decades and will continue to develop these areas as population density increases. Anthropogenic stressors from this coastal development may lead to fragmented habitats, altered food webs, changes in sediment characteristics, and loss of near-shore vegetated habitats. Seagrass systems are important vegetated estuarine habitats that are vulnerable to anthropogenic stressors, but provide valuable ecosystem functions. Key to maintaining these habitats that filter water, stabilize sediments, and provide refuge to juvenile animals is an understanding of the impacts of local coastal development. To assess development impacts in seagrass communities, we surveyed 20 seagrass beds in lower Chesapeake Bay, VA. We sampled primary producers, consumers, water quality, and sediment characteristics in seagrass beds, and characterized development along the adjacent shoreline using land cover data. Overall, we could not detect effects of local coastal development on these seagrass communities. Seagrass biomass varied only between sites, and was positively correlated with sediment organic matter. Epiphytic algal biomass and epibiont (epifauna and epiphyte) community composition varied between western and eastern regions of the bay. But, neither eelgrass (Zostera marina) leaf nitrogen (a proxy for integrated nitrogen loading), crustacean grazer biomass, epifaunal predator abundance, nor fish and crab abundance differed significantly among sites or regions. Overall, factors operating on different scales appear to drive primary producers, seagrass-associated faunal communities, and sediment properties in these important submerged vegetated habitats in lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Grazing by small epifauna on live seagrass leaves was formerly viewed as unimportant in controlling plant biomass and growth, instead researchers focused on the indirect benefits of small invertebrates that crop algal competitors. Recent evidence shows that the emerald nerite Smaragdia viridis preferentially ingests seagrass leaf tissue. In contrast, the button snail Modulus modulus feeds on epiphytes and periphyton coating the leaves. We conducted laboratory microcosm and field experiments to investigate how the different feeding preferences of these seagrass-associated snails affect turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum primary production. Data revealed that after 24 h S. viridis reduced foliar biomass (25%) and chlorophyll (30%) and injured the equivalent of 50% of daily seagrass growth per shoot. Conversely, M. modulus did not affect these variables. Our results emphasize that in subtropical seagrass communities not all small epifauna browse off leaf surfaces and some can have important direct negative impacts on their seagrass host.  相似文献   

This study investigated macroinvertebrate community composition in seagrass beds at a range of spatial scales, with an emphasis on the transition between vegetated and unvegetated sediment. At four intertidal sites in three New Zealand estuaries (Whangamata, Wharekawa, and Whangapoua Harbours), a large continuous bed of seagrass (Zostera capricorni) was selected with adjacent unvegetated sediment. Macroinvertebrate community composition and biomass, as well as sediment characteristics, were determined at sampling locations 1 and 50 m inside seagrass beds, and 1, 10, and 50 m outside seagrass beds. Analysis of univariate measures of community composition (total abundance, number of species, and diversity) and total biomass indicated significant differences among sites and sampling locations, but contrary to many previous studies these measures were not higher inside than outside the seagrass beds. Multivariate analysis indicated that sites with high seagrass biomass supported a similar community composition. The remaining sampling locations were clustered by site, but there were also significant differences in community composition among sampling locations within a site. There were distinctive communities at the edge of seagrass beds at sites with high seagrass biomass, and evidence that the effects of seagrass beds may extend into the unvegetated sediment. At the low seagrass biomass site there was no evidence of any edge effects, although community composition differed inside and outside the bed. Differences in community composition were driven primarily by small changes in the relative abundance of the dominant taxa. At high seagrass biomass sites the absence of deep-burrowing polychaetes and low numbers of bivalves suggests that one possible mechanism underlying the observed variation in community composition was inhibition by the dense root-rhizome mat. The results of this study emphasize the need to consider the linkages between habitats in heterogeneous estuarine landscapes and how those linkages vary among sites, if the structure and functioning of macroinvertebrate communities in seagrass habitats are to be understood.  相似文献   

We characterized the abundance and species composition of sessile and mobile epifaunal assemblages in the York River, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, U.S., during the summer hypoxia seasons in 1996 and 1997. We collected communities on artificial substrates in two areas of the river that have historically experienced different exposure to hypoxia. Despite frequent hypoxic stress, epifauna formed dense communities in both areas. Dominant species comprised a range of phyla and included the polychaetesPolydora cornuta andSabellaria vulgaris, the bryozoansMembranipora tenuis andConopeum tenuissimum, the tunicateMolgula manhattensis, the barnacleBalanus improvisus, the anemoneDiadumene leucolena, and the hydroidsEctopleura dumortieri andObelia bicuspidata. Common mobile species included the nudibranchsCratena kaoruae andDoridella obscura, the amphipodsMelita nitida andParacaprella tenuis, the polychaeteNereis succinea, and the flatwormStylochus ellipticus. We found few differences in species composition between the two areas, even though one area usually experienced lower oxygen concentrations during hypoxic events, suggesting that hypoxia does not exclude any epifaunal species, in the York River. We did find differences between the two study areas in percent cover and abundance of some species. While tunicates, hydroids, and anemones were equally abundant in both areas during both study years, bryozoans and the polychaeteS. vulgaris were more abundant in the area with gereally higher oxygen, suggesting that they may be less tolerant of hypoxic stress. The polychaeteP. cornuta was more abundant in the area that usually had lower oxygen. These results suggest that many epifaunal species have high hypoxia tolerance, and most epifaunal species found in the lowr York River are able to survive in hypoxic areas. Epifaunal species are not necessarily more susceptible to hypoxia than infaunal species in the York River. Epifaunal communities in areas with brief hypoxic episodes and moderate hypoxia (0.5–2 mg O2 I−1) can persist with little change in species composition, and with few changes in abundance, as oxygen concentrations fall.  相似文献   

The epifaunal and infaunal assemblages associated with Caulerpa taxifolia in the Port River/Barker Inlet estuary of Adelaide, South Australia were compared to those associated with the co-occurring seagrass Zostera muelleri. Both taxa contained an abundant and diverse fauna, but with substantial differences between them. In particular, ophiuroids (brittle stars) were abundant in Caulerpa, but almost absent from Zostera. Crustaceans, mostly amphipods, and annelids, mostly polychaetes, were abundant in both Caulerpa and Zostera, but the families present differed substantially. Taxa that dominated in Caulerpa include the amphipods: Amphithoidae, Corophiidae, and Talitridae; and the polychaetes: Cirratulidae, Nephtyidae, and Nereididae. Zostera was dominated by the polychaetes: Capitellidae; amphipods: Caprellidae; isopods: Sphaeromatidae; and Neballidae. Some taxa (arthropods, nemerteans, and echinoderms) had their peak abundance during summer, when Caulerpa biomass was highest, while others did not seem to respond to changes in Caulerpa biomass. Overall, epifauna were 4–9 times more abundant in Caulerpa than Zostera, while infauna were slightly more abundant in Zostera, indicating that at least in South Australia, Caulerpa provides a functional habitat for a diverse array of taxa.  相似文献   

An objective of the Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment Program (MAIA) of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to develop an index for assessing benthic community condition in estuaries of the mid-Atlantic region of the United States (Delaware Bay through Pamlico Sound). To develop such an index, natural unimpaired communities must first be identified and variability related to natural factors accounted for. This study focused on these two objectives; Lnansó et al. (2002) describe the index. Using existing data sets from multiple years, classification analyses of species abundance and discriminant analysis were employed to identify major habitat types in the MAIA region and evaluate the physical characteristics that structure benthic infaunal assemblages. Sampling was restricted to soft bottoms and to the index development period, July through early October. The analyses revealed salinity and sediment composition as major factors structuring infaunal assemblages in mid-Atlantic estuaries. Geographical location was a secondary factor. Nine habitat classes were distinguished as a combination of 6 salinity classes, 2 sediment types, and the separation of North Carolina and Delaware-Chesapeake Bay polyhaline sites. The effect of sediment types on faunal assemblages was restricted to polyhaline sites, which were separated into two sediment groups above and below 90% sand content. Assemblages corresponding to each of these 9 habitats were identified in the context of widely recognized patterns of dominant taxa. Differences between North Carolina and Delaware-Chesapeake Bay polyhaline assemblages were attributed to the relative contributions of species and not to differences in species composition. No zoogeographic discontinuities could be identified. Our results reinforce the findings of recent studies which suggest that, with respect to estuarine benthic assemblages, the boundary between the Virginian and the Carolinian Provinces be moved to a new location south of Pamlico Sound.  相似文献   

The complexity of habitat structure created by aquatic vegetation is an important factor determining the diversity and composition of soft-sediment coastal communities. The introduction of estuarine organisms, such as oysters or other forms of aquaculture, that compete with existing forms of habitat structure, such as seagrass, may affect the availability of important habitat refugia and foraging resources for mobile estuarine fish and decapods. Fish and invertebrate communities were compared between adjacent patches of native seagrass (Zostera marina), nonnative cultured oyster (Crassostrea gigas), and unvegetated mudflat within a northeastern Pacific estuary. The composition of epibenthic meiofauna and small macrofaunal organisms, including known prey of fish and decapods, was significantly related to habitat type. Densities of these epifauna were significantly higher in structured habitat compared to unstructured mudflat. Benthic invertebrate densities were highest in seagrass. Since oyster aquaculture may provide a structural substitute for seagrass being associated with increased density and altered composition of fish and decapod prey resources relative to mudflat, it was hypothesized that this habitat might also alter habitat preferences of foraging fish and decapods. The species composition of fish and decapods was more strongly related to location within the estuary than to habitat, and fish and decapod species composition responded on a larger landscape scale than invertebrate assemblages. Fish and decapod species richness and the size of ecologically and commercially important species, such as Dungeness crab (Cancer magister), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), or lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus), were not significantly related to habitat type.  相似文献   

Lucinid bivalves dominate the infauna of tropical seagrass sediments. While the effect of seagrass on lucinids has been studied, the reverse effect has largely been ignored. Lucinids can alter porewater chemistry (i.e., increase porewater nutrients by suspension feeding and decrease porewater sulfides by oxygen introduction and bacterial oxidation), which can potentially change seagrass productivity and growth morphology. To observe correlations between porewater chemistry and lucinid presence, a field survey and laboratory microcosm experiment were conducted. Survey sampling sites with lucinids had significantly lower sulfide and higher ammonium concentrations than sampling sites without lucinids. There was no difference in phosphate concentration among sampling sites. Both lucinid species used in the microcosm experiment (Ctena orbiculata andLucinesca nassula) significantly lowered sulfide concentrations in the sediment porewater. Microcosm and field survey results were incorporated into a sulfide budget. In seagrass sediments, lucinids remove 2–16% of the total sulfide produced. Sulfide is a major stressor to both plants and animals in Florida Bay sediments; this removal may be important to maintaining seagrass productivity and health. Oxygen introduction into sediments byC. orbiculata was estimated in a dye experiment.C. orbiculata were added to small tubes containing sieved mud and incubated in a bath of seawater with a Rhodamine WT. Rhodamine WT accumulation in the sediment was measured. A first order estimate showed that oxygen introduction can account for less than 5% ofC. orbiculata sulfide removal.  相似文献   

The structure of macro infaunal (>0.5 mm sieve size) assemblages was examined in samples of unconsolidated substrates collected during the summers of 1994–1997 at 208 stations throughout North Carolina estuaries. Numerical classification (cluster analysis) of stations resulted in 14 distinct site groups that reflected discernible habitatrelated patterns in species distributions. Multiple discriminant analysis, performed on synoptic abiotic variables (depth, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, percent silt-clay), showed that the separation of site groups was related primarily to salinity. Percent silt-clay had a secondary influence on the separation of sites within similar salinity zones. Species diversity among site groups generally decreased with decreasing salinity and increasing mud content of sediment. Nodal analysis showed a wide range in constancy and fidelity of species assemblages within site groups. Some assemblages dominated by euryhaline species had no particular affinity with any one site group. The strongest affinities, as evidenced by high values of both constancy and fidelity, were displayed by an assemblage of oligochaetes, insect larvae, gammaridean amphipods, and the clamCorbicula fluminea in tidal freshwater muds; and an assemblage of haustoriid amphipods, the bivalveDonax variabilis, the polychaeteParaonis fulgens, and unidentified echinoids at high-salinity sites in outer Pamlico Sound near ocean inlets. A series of stations with impaired benthic assemblages in polluted habitats emerged from the cluster analysis and was distinguishable from other site groups that reflected a greater influence of natural controlling factors (such as salinity and sediment type) on species distributions. These results suggest that the interaction of both anthropogenic and natural environmental controlling factors is important in defining the structure of these infaunal assemblages.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(7-8):781-791
Fine-scale solid-phase trace metal and acid-volatile sulphide profiles are presented for sediment cores taken at four locations in Lake Ketel, a dynamic sedimentation basin of the river Rhine in The Netherlands. The purpose of this study was to relate these profiles to the dynamics of sediment transport in the lake. The internal cycling of solids in the lake affects the distribution of trace metals and acid-volatile sulphide in the sediments. Comparison of vertical profiles of trace metals and sulphide indicates significant spatial variation in the dynamics of sediment transport in Lake Ketel. The construction of a dredge spoil storage depot in 1996 seems to have significantly influenced the hydrodynamic and sediment dynamics in Lake Ketel. Consequently, deposition rates in Lake Ketel based on comparison of solid-phase trace metal concentrations in the sediments and historical levels in Rhine suspended matter can only be used as rough estimates.  相似文献   

Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, is an estuary used as a harbor for a military installation and for recreation, fishing, and research purposes. Rapid shoaling of the bay had been reported and attributed to increased stream erosion and sedimentation from the newly suburbanized watershed. Comparison of a 1976 bathymetric survey of Kaneohe Bay with that of a 1927 survey indicates an average shoaling of the lagoonal area of 1.0 m. Average shoaling for the north and middle bay at 0.6m/49 years (1.2 cm yr−1 is lower than for the south bay at 1.5m/49 years (3.1 cm yr−1). The total lagoonal fill in the 49-year period is about 1.95× 107 m3, assigned as follows: 64% carbonate detritus from the reefs as well as growth of living coral and unrecorded dredging spill, 9% recorded dredging spoils, and only 27% terrigenous sediment. Seismic reflection profiles distinguish spoil from natural sediment and show that the infilling sediment is trapped between, burying reef structures built during Quaternary lower stands of the sea. There had been little obvious change between 1882 and 1927 surveys. All information suggests that increased shoaling rates since 1927 are due to reported and unreported disposal of dredge spoil, mainly from 1939 to 1945 for ship and seaplane channels in the south bay, and not from increased runoff and urbanization around the south bay. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution No. 1257.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the pollen records from lake sediments is always hampered by a lack of information relating to different pollen production, transportation, deposition, and preservation. It is important to understand the modern process of pollen sedimentation and its climatic implications. This paper presents results from a palynological study on 61 surface sediments samples from Bosten Lake, the largest inland freshwater lake in China. Our results suggest that Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia dominate the modern pollen assemblages and have stable percentages at most sites of the lake basin except for the estuary area. Pollen Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio is about 0.5, indicating the dry climate of the region. Principle Components Analysis (PCA) of pollen data can identify the pollen samples as several ecological groups from different parts of the lake. Pollen transportation dynamics and the mixing effect of lake currents and waves on pollen deposition have affected the pollen assemblages. The distribution of Typha pollen seems to be affected by the location where the parent plants grow. Picea pollen has higher percentages at estuary area, suggesting fluvial transport. Pollen concentration has high values at the central part of the lake basin due to the sedimentation focusing process effect. Our results suggest that the pollen assemblages of the sediment core from the central part of the lake can potentially record the regional vegetation history.  相似文献   

The eastern edge of the Djerba Island represents an important tourist pole. However, studies describing the environmental processes affecting this Island are scarce. Although never studied before, the peculiar Djerba lagoon is well known by the local population and by tourists. In July 2014, surface sediment and seawater samples were collected in this lagoon to measure grain size, organic matter content and living foraminiferal assemblages to describe environmental conditions. Seawater samples were also collected and the concentration of 17 chemical elements were measured by ICP-OES. The results show that a salinity gradient along the studied transect clearly impacts seagrass distribution, creating different environmental conditions inside the Djerba lagoon. Biotic and abiotic parameters reflect a transitional environment from hypersaline to normal marine conditions. Living benthic foraminifera show an adaptation to changing conditions within the different parts of the lagoon. In particular, the presence of Ammonia spp. and Haynesina depressula correlates with hypersaline waters, whilst Brizalina striatula characterizes the parts of the lagoon colonized by seagrass. Epifaunal species, such as Rosalina vilardeboana and Amphistegina spp. colonize hard substrata present at the transition between the lagoon and the open sea.  相似文献   

The effects of seagrass bed geometry on wave attenuation and suspended sediment transport were investigated using a modified Nearshore Community Model (NearCoM). The model was enhanced to account for cohesive sediment erosion and deposition, sediment transport, combined wave and current shear stresses, and seagrass effects on drag. Expressions for seagrass drag as a function of seagrass shoot density and canopy height were derived from published flume studies of model vegetation. The predicted reduction of volume flux for steady flow through a bed agreed reasonably well with a separate flume study. Predicted wave attenuation qualitatively captured seasonal patterns observed in the field: wave attenuation peaked during the flowering season and decreased as shoot density and canopy height decreased. Model scenarios with idealized bathymetries demonstrated that, when wave orbital velocities and the seagrass canopy interact, increasing seagrass bed width in the direction of wave propagation results in higher wave attenuation, and increasing incoming wave height results in higher relative wave attenuation. The model also predicted lower skin friction, reduced erosion rates, and higher bottom sediment accumulation within and behind the bed. Reduced erosion rates within seagrass beds have been reported, but reductions in stress behind the bed require further studies for verification. Model results suggest that the mechanism of sediment trapping by seagrass beds is more complex than reduced erosion rates alone; it also requires suspended sediment sources outside of the bed and horizontal transport into the bed.  相似文献   

In November 2004, we evaluated the effect of Hurricane Ivan on seagrass meadows in Alabama by surveying all coastal locations known to support seagrass prior to Hurricane Ivan's Iandfall in September 2004. We found that 82% of the sites containing seagrass in 2002 still supported seagrass, and that, as in 2002, the most abundant species wasHalodule wrightii (shoalgrass). We also found more sites containingRuppia maritima (widgeongrass) than previously recorded. We confirmed the existence ofThalassia testudinum (turtlegrass) in Little Lagoon, Alabama, whose first record in the state had been noted in 2002. A resurvey of the western half of Alabama's coastal waters in October 2005 after Hurricane Katrina found no loss of seagrass, with all sites that supported seagrass in 2004 still containing seagrass in 2005. There was no major loss of Alabama's seagrass resources due to Hurricanes Ivan or Katrina, even though both category 3 hurricanes severely affected the northern Gulf Coast.  相似文献   

Rhythmic movements in response to tidal cycles are characteristic of infaunal inhabitant of intertidal soft-bottoms, allowing them to remain in the area with best living conditions. The effect of bioturbators as modifier of local environmental conditions and thus of gradients in intertidal habitats, has not been investigated yet. The Atlantic estuarine intertidal areas are dominated by the burrowing crabChasmagnathus granulatus that generates strong environmental heterogeneity by affecting the physical-chemical characteristics of the sediment. The comparison between intertidal areas with and without crab shows that sediments in the crab beds remain more humid, softer, and homogeneous across the intertidal and along the tidal cycle than areas without crabs. The densities of infauna were higher at high intertidal zones in crab beds than in similar areas without crabs. Infaunal organisms performed vertical movements into the sediment following the tidal cycle that were always of higher magnitude in habitats without crabs. Infaunal species tend to spend most of the time buried into the sediment in the crab bed. Migratory shorebirds use the Atlantic estuarine environments as stopover or wintering sites. They feed (mainly on polychaetes) in the low intertidal zones of both habitats (with and without crabs), but they also feed in the upper intertidal of the crab bed; polychaete per capita mortality rate is higher in the upper part of the crab bed. Environmental heterogeneity produced by crab disturbance has an effect on the infaunal behavior, risk of mortality, and the zonation pattern. This is another example of the ecosystem engineering ability of a burrowing intertidal species.  相似文献   

To use bioassessments to help diagnose or identify the specific environmental stressors affecting estuaries, we need a better understanding of the relationships among sediment chemistry guidelines, ambient toxicity tests, and community metrics. However, this relationship is not simple because metrics generally assess the responses at the community level of biological organization whereas sediment guidelines and ambient toxicity tests generally assess or are based on the responses at the organism level. The relationship may be further complicated by the influence of other chemical and physical variables that affect the bioavailability and toxicity of chemical contaminants in the environment. Between 1990 and 1993, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) conducted an Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) survey of estuarine sites in the Virginian Province of the eastern United States. The surveys collected data on benthic assemblages, physical and chemical habitat characteristics, and sediment chemistry and toxicity. We characterized these estuarine sites as affected by sediment contamination based on the exceedence of sediment guidelines or on ambient sediment toxicity tests (i.e., 10-day Ampelisca abdita survival). Then, benthic invertebrate metrics were compared among affected and unaffected sites to identify metrics sensitive to the contamination. A number of benthic invertebrate metrics differed between groups of sites segregated using the organism-level measures whereas other metrics did not. The difference among metrics appears to depend on the sensitivity of the individual metrics to the stressor gradient represented by metals or persistent organic toxics in sediments because the insensitive metrics do not effectively quantify the changes in the benthic invertebrate assemblage associated with these stressors. The significant relationships suggest that a relationship exists between the organism-level effects assessed by chemistry or ambient toxicity tests and the community-level effects assessed by community metrics and that the organism-level effects are predictive, to some extent, of community-level effects.  相似文献   

Seagrasses are marine angiosperms that form extensive submarine meadows in the photic zone where carbonate producing biota dwell as epiphytes on the leaves or as infaunal forms, and act as prolific carbonate sediment factories. Because seagrasses have a low preservation potential and records of exceptionally well‐preserved and plant material from marine settings are rare, these palaeoenvironments are difficult to identify in the rock record. Consequently, sedimentological and palaeontological proxies are the main indicators of the presence of seagrass‐dominated ecosystems. This work investigates the skeletal assemblage of Modern (Maldivian and western Mediterranean) and fossil (Eocene; Apula and Oman carbonate platforms and Oligocene; Malta platform) seagrass examples to characterize the skeletal assemblage of modern and fossil seagrasses. Two main types of grains, calcareous algae and foraminifera, constitute around 50% of the bioclastic sediment in both tropical Maldivian and temperate Mediterranean scenarios. However, in the tropical setting they are represented by green algae (Halimeda), while in the Mediterranean they are represented by corallinacean red algae. In contrast, in the Eocene examples, the foraminifera are the most conspicuous group and the green algae are also abundant. The opposite occurs in the Maltese Chattian, which is dominated by coralline algae (mean 42%), although the foraminifera are still abundant. It is suggested to use the term foralgal to identify the seagrass skeletal assemblage. To discriminate between red algae and green algae dominance, the introduction of the prefixes ‘GA’ (green algae) and ‘RA’ (red algae) is proposed. The investigated examples provide evidence that the green algae–foralgal assemblage is typical of tropical, not excessively dense seagrass meadows, characterized by a well‐illuminated substrate to support the development and calcification of the Halimeda thallus. Contrarily, the red algae‐foralgal assemblage is typical of high density tropical to subtropical seagrass meadows which create very dense oligophotic conditions on the sea floor or in temperate settings where Halimeda cannot calcify.  相似文献   

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