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A random-walk model for dispersion of heavy particles in turbulent air flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A random-walk model is presented for calculating the dispersion of heavy particles in a turbulent air flow when only air turbulence statistics and the drag characteristics of the particle are known. Algebraic expressions for the modification of air velocity variance 2 and Lagrangian autocorrelation tune-scale T L,due to particle inertia effects, are derived. These expressions introduce only a very small computational overhead on the random-walk models for inertia-less particles of Wilson et al. (1983). Measurements of T Land by Snyder and Lumley (1971) for four different particles are used to determine constants in the heavy-particle model. It is shown that the agreement between the model, for a single set of constants, and the dispersion measurements is good for the 47 m hollow glass, 87 m glass, and 47 m copper particles. The predictions for the 87 m corn pollen particles show less satisfactory agreement by underestimating dispersion measurements by 15% after 0.4s. Finally, some aspects of the model's application to spray dispersion in and above a crop canopy are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper some fundamental aspects of the Lagrangian stochastic theory of turbulent dispersion are discussed. Because of their similar mathematical form, the one- and two-particle theories are treated in parallel. Particular issues identified and discussed include the lack of uniqueness and universality, the role of Reynolds number and intermittency, the importance of two-particle acceleration correlations in relative dispersion and the imposition of consistency constraints between one- and two-particle models.  相似文献   

We review the theoretical basis for, and the advantages of, random flight models for the trajectories of tracer particles in turbulence. We then survey their application to calculate dispersion in the principal types of atmospheric turbulence (stratified, vertically-inhomogeneous, Gaussian or non-Gaussian turbulence in the surface layer and above), and show that they are especially suitable for some problems (e.g., quantifying ground emissions).  相似文献   

By considering two analytical solutions of G. I. Taylor (1921) for dispersion in homogeneous turbulence, we derive a quantitative upper limit for the timestep dt to be used in the stochastic Lagrangian model; a more severe upper limit will probably exist in inhomogeneous turbulence. For practical purposes, there is no lower limit to the timestep.  相似文献   

Using a hypothesis of an approximate relation between Eulerian and Lagrangian statistical functions of turbulence, calculations of one- and two-particle Lagrangian correlation tensors of fluid particle displacements and velocities in a field of isotropic and stationary turbulence are given.  相似文献   

吉林省大暴雨的统计分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁士晟 《大气科学》1983,7(4):432-437
通过资料的统计分析,证明吉林省大范围大暴雨和局地大暴雨之间存在着明显的差异.大范围大暴雨不仅暴雨区面积大、水汽充沛、整层湿润、含有较大的内能,而且几乎都是由台风造成的——至少影响吉林省面积最大的九次大暴雨都如此.大范围大暴雨与环境场密切相关,而局地大暴雨与东亚环流关系不大.经过计算得到大范围大暴雨所需水汽,仅靠影响系统是不够的,它需要有大量源源不断水汽的补充,而局地大暴雨则所需水汽依靠影响系统已足足有余.  相似文献   

We show that a forward Lagrangian stochastic (LS) model simulates well the ensemble-averaged concentration transient due to a short time (5 min) point source in the uniform atmospheric surface layer. In LS models, computational particles, which may not descend below ground level, are necessarily reflected at an imposed (artificial) boundary above ground. Model results were rather insensitive to the placing of the lower reflection boundary, and no definite benefit stemmed from including a parametrization for unresolved delays/displacements beneath the lower boundary.  相似文献   

By means of a large-eddy simulation, the convective boundary layer is investigated for flows over wavy terrain. The lower surface varies sinusoidally in the downstream direction while remaining constant in the other. Several cases are considered with amplitude up to 0.15H and wavelength ofH to 8H, whereH is the mean fluid-layer height. At the lower surface, the vertical heat flux is prescribed to be constant and the momentum flux is determined locally from the Monin-Obukhov relationship with a roughness lengthz o=10–4 H. The mean wind is varied between zero and 5w *, wherew * is the convective velocity scale. After rather long times, the flow structure shows horizontal scales up to 4H, with a pattern similar to that over flat surfaces at corresponding shear friction. Weak mean wind destroys regular spatial structures induced by the surface undulation at zero mean wind. The surface heating suppresses mean-flow recirculation-regions even for steep surface waves. Short surface waves cause strong drag due to hydrostatic and dynamic pressure forces in addition to frictional drag. The pressure drag increases slowly with the mean velocity, and strongly with /H. The turbulence variances increase mainly in the lower half of the mixed layer forU/w *>2.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow above and within a forest   总被引:10,自引:22,他引:10  
A large-eddy simulation has been performed of an atmospheric surface layer in which the lower third of the domain is occupied by a drag layer and heat sources to represent a forest. Subgridscale processes are treated using second-order closure techniques. Lateral boundaries are periodic, while the upper boundary is a frictionless fixed lid. Mean vertical profiles of wind velocity derived from the output are realistic in their shape and response to forest density. Similarly, vertical profiles of Reynolds stress, turbulent kinetic energy and velocity skewness match observations, at least in a qualitative sense. The limited vertical extent of the domain and the artificial upper boundary, however, cause some departures from measured turbulence profiles in real forests. Instantaneous turbulent velocity and scalar fields are presented which show some of the features obtained by tower instrumentation in the field and in wind tunnels, such as the vertical coherence of vertical velocity and the slope of structures revealed by temperature patterns.  相似文献   

Wind flow within inflexible plant canopies is turbulent and leads to an oscillatory motion of individual plants. A study was conducted to describe the motion of corn (Zea mays L.) stalks in the wind using a transfer function in the frequency domain to gain insight into the transfer of energy between the turbulent wind and the corn plant. Plant motion was measured and the wind moment was estimated on 23 plants during six windy days in October 1988, at West Lafayette, IN. Plant motion was theoretically described by a rigid rod. The results showed that lower stalk motion was generally well described by a second-order response model defined by a damping coefficient, natural frequency, and rotary stiffness.Published as Paper Number 12,541 of the Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

An experiment is performed to simulate the drag effect of raindrops on the air motion in the atmos-phere by means of fine sand particles precipitating through a liquid fluid. The results suggest that the drag effect of the precipitating particles may cause the downward motion in the column where sand particles (or raindrops) precipitate, and produce the updraft around, thus forming a vertical vortex flow pattern around the precipitation area. This effect is also found to be propagating outward, resulting in a multi-vortex flow field. In the stratified fluid, vortexes can be observed at 2 or 3 levels. In the lower layer, the rotating direc-tion of vortexes varies periodically. In addition, the whole flow field induced by the drag effect of precipitat-ing particles is characterized by clear vacillation. The experimental results obtained in this paper can be used to explain the phenomena of multi-layer clouds and multi-belt rainfall around the severe rain.  相似文献   

Previous large-eddy simulations of turbulent shear flows have shown significant sensitivity to some aspects of the subgrid-scale turbulence models. In particular, Mason and Thomson (1992) demonstrated a marked improvement in simulations through the inclusion of stochastic stress variations in the subgrid model. Here a series of simulations is presented with a view to exploring the general sensitivity to such a subgrid model and in particular to the size and nature of the stochastic stress variations. The model proposed by Mason and Thomson is found to be fairly satisfactory but some quantitative uncertainty remains.  相似文献   

TheEffectofWeakShear-inducedMotiononBrownianCoagulationofAerosolParticlesWinjingsons(C.S.Win)(温景嵩)(Departmentofphysics,Nankai...  相似文献   

利用新一代中尺度数值预报模式WRF3.3和1°×1°的NCEP气象再分析资料,对2011年7月24日北京强降水天气过程进行数值模拟,并利用模式输出的高分辨率资料进行诊断分析。结果表明:WRF模式能较好地模拟出这次强降水过程。该过程不仅受到对流层中低层长波低槽和地面辐合区系统性的动力抬升作用,还受到对流层高层辐散的强迫作用。在这种配置下,中低层大尺度动力抬升与高层强辐散呈现出垂直耦合状态,有利于强降水区垂直环流和对流的发展。同时北京地区上空500 hPa以下相对湿度大于70 %,在降水区形成了深厚的高湿环境,为降水的产生、加强和维系提供了充沛的水汽条件。从大气稳定度方面看,北京市全境均处于K指数高值区,高峰值为42.5 ℃,反映了大气层结非常不稳定。从动力作用分析发现,高空辐散、低空辐合的流场特征促进了降水的产生,螺旋度低层正值、高层负值的耦合结构是触发并维持降水的动力机制。  相似文献   

利用蒲河流域内所有国家气象站以及区域自动气象站共28站逐小时降水实况、过程降水量、数字高程模型、土地利用、土壤类型等资料,采用FloodArea水动力模型,对2020年6月19日21时-22日20时出现的历史罕见暴雨洪涝过程进行洪水淹没模拟及效果检验。模拟结果表明:1)全过程模拟水位与实测水位整体拟合度较高,确定性系数DC达93.22%;2)蒲河上游来水较小,持续性强降水是造成此次洪涝水位偏高的主要原因,模拟显示蒲河流域中上游水位上涨明显,其中石角水文站模拟的最大上涨水位达7.61米,与实测上涨水位7.14米较为一致;3)FloodArea水动力模型能够较准确地反演出蒲河流域暴雨致洪个例的淹没进程,能够直观地反映出淹没范围、淹没深度的空间差异,且淹没深度与逐小时实测水位的确定性系数较高,淹没深度的突增对洪峰的预报预警具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

应用08时500hpa环流形势和08时700hpa昆明站风速与颠簸出现情况进行一些相关概率计算,然后,将出现概率较高的天气形势与风速作为指标,来预报颠簸。  相似文献   

应用08时500hPa环流形势和08时700hPa昆明站风速与颠簸出现情况进行一些相关概率计算,然后,将出现概率较高的天气形势与风速作为指标,来预报颠簸.  相似文献   

西南地区东部一次大暴雨的中尺度数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
伍红雨  黄红  陈德辉 《气象科学》2008,28(5):494-501
利用中尺度数值模式MM5V3 5对2007年5月23-25日发生在贵州的一次大暴雨过程进行48 h的数值模拟研究,并结合天气形势、雷达回波和卫星云图演变对此次过程进行分析.结果表明:模式较成功地模拟了这次强降水过程,模拟出了暴雨的强度、位置以及随时间的变化.导致这次大暴雨发生的主要影响系统是中尺度低涡,它的稳定维持是暴雨产生的主要原因.中尺度系统的发展、增强、减弱,主要由低层的正涡度产生.高层辐散、低层辐合、强烈的垂直上升运动是大暴雨天气维持和发展的可能机制之一,强降水与强烈的上升运动区和正涡度区有很好的对应关系.  相似文献   

盐粉催化积云降水的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐华英  郝京甫 《大气科学》1983,7(4):403-410
本文利用二维直角坐标非定常积云降水模式模拟播撒盐粉催化降水过程.播撒是在云中一个网格点中一次引入盐粉,盐粉进云后碰并云滴长大并随云中气流移动和沉降.在计算盐粉成雨的同时还计算自然成雨. 计算结果表明,在合适条件下,盐粉催化后约半小时可出现增雨,增加雨量为10%—50%,它是播撒量的几千倍.盐粉直径小的降雨效率高,但在云中生长时间长,一般采用几十微米至一百微米直径的盐粉为宜.  相似文献   

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