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ResponseProcessofOceantoAtmosphericForcingandOptimalResponseFrequencyintheCZOceanModelNiYunqi(倪允琪),ZouLi(邹力)andWuAiming(吴爱明)(...  相似文献   

利用位涡趋势法诊断台风“莫拉克”(2009)的移动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
位涡趋势(PVT)法可以计算非绝热加热等物理过程对台风移动的直接影响(非引导效应)。在成功模拟2009年第8号台风“莫拉克”移动路径和近地面最大风速的基础上,进一步考虑了台风不对称环流发展的影响,对原有的位涡趋势诊断法进行了改进,并首次将该方法应用于高分辨率数值模式模拟结果中,诊断不同物理过程对“莫拉克”移动的影响。分析表明,虽然非绝热加热等物理过程主要作用于维持台风“莫拉克”的垂直结构,但非绝热加热等物理过程引起的非引导效应也对“莫拉克”移动的短时振荡有重要作用。  相似文献   

The moist potential vorticity (MPV) equation is derived from complete atmospheric equations including the effect of mass forcing, with which the theory of Up-sliding Slantwise Vorticity Development (USVD) is proposed based on the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD). When an air parcel slides up along a slantwise isentropic surface, its vertical component of relative vorticity will develop, and the steeper the isentropic surface is, the more violent the development will be. From the definition of MPV and the MPV equation produced here in, a complete vorticity equation is then put forward with mass forcing, which explicitly includes the effects of both internal forcings, such as variations of stability, baroclinicity, and vertical shear of horizontal wind, and external forcings, such as diabatic heating, friction, and mass forcing.When isentropic surfaces are flat, the complete vorticity equation matches its traditional counterpart. The physical interpretations of some of the items which are included in the complete vorticity equation but not in the traditional one are studied with a simplified model of the ChangjiangoHuaihe Meiyu front. A 60-h simulation is then performed to reproduce a torrential rain event in the ChangjiangoHuaihe region and the output of the model is studied qualitatively based on the theory of USVD. The result shows that the conditions of the theory of USVD are easily satisfied immediately in front of mesoscale rainstorms in the downwind direction, that is, the theory of USVD is important to the development and movement of these kinds of systems.  相似文献   

通过求取定常线性准地转位涡模式的解析解,研究了感热加热强迫所激发的副热带定常波的结构特征,讨论了基本流、牛顿冷却及地面摩擦等对定常波振幅和位相的影响。结果表明,东风时定常波在垂直方向上表现为上、下层反位相的第一斜压结构,且地面系统远强于中高层;西风时定常波呈现出向上的传播特征,在高层,随着风速增大振幅随高度的升高有增大趋势。在近地层,东风时气旋(反气旋)主体位于加热西(东)侧;西风时气旋(反气旋)主体位于加热东(西)侧,近地层以上相反。此外,发现东、西风基本流的作用具有对称特征,这与潜热加热显著不同。研究结果还表明,牛顿冷却对定常波有重要影响,基本流越弱影响越显著。在静止大气中,感热加热强迫下无斯韦尔德鲁普(Sverdrup)解,考虑牛顿冷却时,感热强迫在热源范围内的近地层和中高层分别激发出气旋式和反气旋式环流,气旋中心位于加热中心略偏西的位置。在非静止大气中,牛顿冷却项使地面系统中心向上风方向移动,东风时向东移。牛顿冷却对高、低层系统均有削弱作用。地面摩擦则明显不同,它总会使低层系统减弱,高层系统增强。  相似文献   

本文通过对1979-2017年夏季925 hPa经向风异常进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解,研究了亚澳季风区内越赤道气流的年际变化特征.结果表明,越赤道气流的第一模态表现为亚澳季风区内不同通道间的同相变化,即一致加强或减弱;第二模态表现为孟加拉湾和澳大利亚越赤道气流的反相变化,其中新几内亚和孟加拉湾越赤道气流的反相变化最...  相似文献   

Since the interaction between atmospheric synoptic eddy(SE)(2–8 days) activity and low-frequency(LF)(monthly)flow(referred to as SELF) plays an essential role in generating and maintaining dominant climate modes,an evaluation of the performance of BCC_CSM1.1(m) in simulating the SE feedback onto the LF flow is given in this paper.The model captures well the major spatial features of climatological eddy vorticity forcing,eddy-induced growth rate,and patterns of SELF feedback for the climate modes with large magnitudes in cold seasons and small magnitudes in warm seasons for both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.As in observations,the eddy-induced growth rate and SELF feedback patterns in the model also show positive SE feedback.Overall,the relationships between SE and LF flow show that BCC_CSM1.1(m)satisfactorily captures the basic features of positive SE feedback,which demonstrates the simulation skill of the model for LF variability.Specifically,such an evaluation can help to find model biases of BCC_CSM1.1(m) in simulating SE feedback,which will provide a reference for the model's application.  相似文献   

Three different reconstructed wind-stress fields which take into account variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation, one general circulation model wind-stress field, and three radiative forcings (volcanic activity, insolation changes and greenhouse gas changes) are used with the UVic Earth System Climate Model to simulate the surface air temperature, the sea-ice cover, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) since 1500, a period which includes the Little Ice Age (LIA). The simulated Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature, used for model validation, agrees well with several temperature reconstructions. The simulated sea-ice cover in each hemisphere responds quite differently to the forcings. In the Northern Hemisphere, the simulated sea-ice area and volume during the LIA are larger than the present-day area and volume. The wind-driven changes in sea-ice area are about twice as large as those due to thermodynamic (i.e., radiative) forcing. For the sea-ice volume, changes due to wind forcing and thermodynamics are of similar magnitude. Before 1850, the simulations suggest that volcanic activity was mainly responsible for the thermodynamically produced area and volume changes, while after 1900 the slow greenhouse gas increase was the main driver of the sea-ice changes. Changes in insolation have a small effect on the sea ice throughout the integration period. The export of the thicker sea ice during the LIA has no significant effect on the maximum strength of the AMOC. A more important process in altering the maximum strength of the AMOC and the sea-ice thickness is the wind-driven northward ocean heat transport. In the Southern Hemisphere, there are no visible long-term trends in the simulated sea-ice area or volume since 1500. The wind-driven changes are roughly four times larger than those due to radiative forcing. Prior to 1800, all the radiative forcings could have contributed to the thermodynamically driven changes in area and volume. In the 1800s the volcanic forcing was dominant, and during the first part of the 1900s both the insolation changes and the greenhouse gas forcing are responsible for thermodynamically produced changes. Finally, in the latter part of the 1900s the greenhouse gas forcing is the dominant factor in determining the sea-ice changes in the Southern Hemisphere.
Jan SedláčekEmail:

海陆气耦合模式,是用来定量描述过去气候变化的成因和预报未来气候变化的唯一数学工具。由于大气反馈过程的差异,特别是云辐射反馈的差异,这些模式对外强迫的平衡态响应有相当大的差异。然而,参加政府间气候变化专门委员会(Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)第4次评估报告(Assessment Report,AR4)的所有耦合模式,对20世纪气候的模拟结果均非常相似。本文研究了这种相似性的产生原因及启示。结果表明,若大气反馈越大,则气候对外强迫的响应时滞越长、与深海的热交换越多、模式中海洋涌升流的影响越大。这3种同样重要的物理机制共同作用,降低了瞬变气候变化对模式差异的敏感性;然而,在较长的时间尺度上,模式间大气反馈过程差异将在多个方面显现出来  相似文献   

通过求取定常线性准地转位涡模式的数值解,研究了感热型垂直非均匀分布的冷、热源强迫所激发的副热带环流的结构特征,讨论了副热带背景风场和洋面辐射冷却对洋面副热带高压"三角形偏心"结构形成的重要作用。结果表明,基本流对感热加热强迫的副热带环流有重要影响,当基本流为常数时,感热加热强迫的气旋和反气旋主要集中在对流层中下层,且地面系统远强于中高层。当基本流为非常数时,其经向切变能改变气旋和反气旋中心的经向位置,使它移至0风速所在纬度附近;其垂直变化加强了中高层气旋和反气旋,中心位于对流层上层,与南亚高压的位置基本一致。研究结果还表明,在大洋东部洋面辐射冷却与副热带地区背景风场的共同作用下,形成了洋面副热带高压特有的"三角形偏心"结构。副热带高纬度的西风使感热强迫的洋面副热带高压东移,低纬度的东风使其西移,形成东北—西南走向的"平行四边形"结构,且中心位于大洋西部。大洋东部强洋面辐射冷却激发的洋面反气旋加强了大洋东部的副热带高压,使其中心东移至大洋东部,从而表现出东北—西南走向的"三角形偏心"结构。  相似文献   

观测结果表明,在夏季青藏高原高层大气热源(TPUHS)的发展和衰减阶段(高原热源由浅向深发展),北半球的环流异常表现出不同的Rossby波列型。本研究利用线性斜压模式LBM来探究深浅TPUHS的波列效应。模拟结果表明,深浅TPUHS能强迫出不同的Rossby波列型,而且波列型与观测结果相似。对应浅的TPUHS,Rossby波列型从青藏高原延伸至美国西海岸;而对应深的TPUHS,Rossby波列型从青藏高原延伸至阿拉斯加。  相似文献   

The complexity of the tropical climate system demands the development of a hierarchy of models to ensure our understanding of its response to anthropogenic forcing. The response of the tropical Pacific Ocean to radiative forcing has been studied previously with a box model. The model has provided insights into the tropical Pacific climate change that are otherwise not easily attainable. But that model only encompasses the tropical Pacific region. Recent studies have also shown that the Indian Ocean (IO) may be important in the response of the Pacific Walker circulation to radiative forcing, raising the need to expand the model to take into account the role of IO. This study presents the results concerning the tropical Pacific response to radiative forcing from an expanded-box model that includes the tropical IO, which influences the tropical Pacific through an inter-basin SST gradient.The three-box model predicts an enhanced zonal SST gradient in tropical Pacific in response to the increased radiative forcing, similar to the previous two-box model. It is further noted that in the three-box model, a warmer IO relative to the Pacific enhances Pacific easterlies and subsequently strengthens the equatorial ocean circulation. Because of this ocean dynamical cooling, the warming response in the Pacific is effectively reduced in the three-box model that includes the role of IO compared with that in the two-box model. The role of the IO warming trend in enhancing the Pacific trade winds is confirmed using an atmospheric general circulation model experiment. These results may help to fully explain the relatively small observed warming trend in the tropical Pacific compared to that in the tropical IO evident in 20th century SST reconstructions.  相似文献   

从一般的热力学原理或其它自然原理对唯象关系所强加的限制,能够演绎出大气系统的一系列热力学性质。利用非平衡态线性热力学导出了湍流K闭合理论中湍流交换系数同唯象系数的关系,从理论上证明大气系统热量湍流输送同水泡之间存在交叉耦合,还导出了湍流强度同速度和位温梯度的关系,从而证明速度和位温空间分布的非均匀性是湍流之源。并证明湍流强度定理,不可压缩气体和各向同性湍流大气中,湍流强度正比于速度与位温梯度的标积。进而证明大气涡旋定理,位温的切变将导致涡旋运动或各种环流运动,速度涡度等于速度同位温相对梯度的矢积。展现了线性热力学在大气系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

ImprovingtheVorticity-StreamfunctionMethodtoSolveTwo-DimensionalAnelasticandNonhydrostaticModelSunLitan(孙立潭)andHuangMeiyuan(黄...  相似文献   

张华  卢鹏 《气象学报》2014,72(6):1257-1268
为了在不大幅度增加计算成本的情况下提高大气辐射传输计算的精度,利用单层四流球谐函数结合多层二流累加法,构造了可用于多层大气的四流球谐函数算法。为了比较与其他辐射传输算法的差异,引入48流离散纵坐标算法作为比较标准,Eddington 近似、四流离散纵坐标算法作为比较对象。在真实大气廓线条件下,计算了晴空和有云大气顶向上辐射通量、地表向下辐射通量以及加热率廓线。得出以下结论:在晴空情况下,与作为标准的48流离散纵坐标法相比,Eddington 近似、四流离散纵坐标法和新构造的四流球谐函数方法加热率绝对误差都小于0?3 K/d;向上、向下辐射通量的相对误差分别小于1%和0?6%。这表明在晴空情况下,3种算法对加热率的计算精度差别不大;对辐射通量的计算精度,两种四流近似算法比传统的 Eddington 近似更为精确。在有云情况下,与48流离散纵坐标法相比,四流球谐函数和四流离散纵坐标法计算的云顶加热率相对误差小于1%,而 Eddington 近似计算的云顶加热率相对误差大于5%。结果表明:新构造的四流球谐函数算法可用于大气辐射传输模式,在不大幅度增加计算成本的同时,提高了晴空大气的整体辐射计算精度和有云大气辐射加热率的计算精度。  相似文献   

谢坤  任雪娟  张耀存  姚素香 《气象学报》2009,67(6):1002-1012
将区域海气耦合模式RegCM3-POM和区域气候模式RegCM3 40年(1963-2002年)的模拟结果与NCEP/NCAR再分析资料进行对比,检验区域海气耦合模式对中国华北地区夏季大气水汽含量和水汽输送特征的模拟能力,比较耦合模式与单独区域气候模式的差异.结果表明,区域海气耦合模式RegCM3-POM的模拟性能相对于单独区域气候模式RegCM3,大气水汽输送特征的模拟能力有了较大的改进.分析显示两种模式都能够较好地再现东哑地区气候平均夏季大气水汽储量浅红和水汽输送的空间分布特征,而耦合模式对大气水汽输送的模拟更为合理.在对流层中低层更接近观测;耦合模式对中国华北地区夏季平均大气水汽输送通量在垂直方向卜的分布型及水平4个边界水汽输送收支的模拟,相对于单独大气模式有了一定的改进;耦合模式对伴随华北地区夏季早涝的大气水汽异常输送也具有较好的模拟能力,其模拟的水汽输送异常的来源与观测基本一致,尤其是在20°N以北地区,耦合模式结果相对于单独区域气候模式有了很大的改进.但同时耦合模式在低纬度海洋上对气候平均夏季大气水汽含量模拟的偏差比区域气候模式显著;与观测相比,耦合模式对来自孟加拉湾地区的大气水汽输送模拟偏弱,而对西太平洋副热带高压西侧水汽输送模拟偏强,与华北夏季旱涝相联系的水汽输送异常的模拟在低纬度海洋上也存在明显偏差.  相似文献   

A model for studying the heat and mass exchange between the atmosphere and a water body is developed, in which the phase change process of water freezing in winter and melting in summer and the function of the convective mixing process are taken into consideration. The model uses enthalpy rather than temperature as the predictive variable. It helps to set up governing equations more concisely, to deal with the phase change process more easily, and make the numerical scheme simpler. The model is verified by observed data from Lake Kinneret for a non-frozen lake in summer time, and Lake Lower Two Medicine for a frozen lake in winter time. Reasonably good agreements between the model simulations and observed data indicate that the model can serve as a component for a water body in a land surface model. In order to more efficiently apply the scheme in a climate system model, a sensitivity study of various division schemes with less layers in the vertical direction in the water body is conducted. The results of the study show that the division with around 10 vertical layers could produce a prediction accuracy that is comparable to the fine division with around 40 layers.  相似文献   

为探讨黄海海洋涡旋的三维结构特征、能量输送与转换及影响机制,对黄海海域典型台风海洋气旋与近海海湾反气旋式涡旋个例进行数值模拟和时空诊断分析。采用FVCOM(Finite Volume Community Ocean Model)区域海洋数值模式精细化描述台风海洋涡旋与近海海洋中小尺度涡旋系统。对涡旋能量传输特征模拟显示,气旋式和反气旋式海洋涡旋中,非对称强流区动能能量下传比涡旋中心部位的强度更强,维持时间更长,下传深度更深。反气旋式海洋涡旋因Ekman流动形成的向中心辐合作用,造成此类差异更显著。气旋涡的动能主要来源于台风的近海面风应力动能和海洋涡旋有效位能的转换,反气旋涡旋区域风动力偏弱,其动能强度维持在低位,其涡旋增强伴随着有效位能的增加。环境因子影响机制从风浪,底摩擦和地形三方面讨论。结果显示:耦合波浪模块后,台风强风应力和风浪的综合作用扩大台风海洋涡旋尺度,并增强涡旋环流强度,同时对相邻的反气旋涡有压缩和减弱作用。风浪效应对台风海洋涡旋有正贡献。强台风过程表层环流响应台风应力而浅水地形和底摩擦强烈影响涡旋下层,造成台风海洋涡旋结构在垂直方向上偏移,并影响到下层环流速度减小,流向与表层相反。在海洋气旋涡和反气旋涡的显著辐散区,其混合层下方有温盐要素的涌升对应,辐合区有温盐要素的下沉对应;同时海底地形的升降也造成温盐强迫上升与下降,其强度与地形起伏尺度成正比,较环流系统作用更强。  相似文献   

An atmospheric model (η model) is developed by modifying the UW θ-σ hybrid model. In the η model, the vertical coordinate transforms smoothly from terrain following to isentropic coordinates. The model is developed to capitalize on the inherent advantage of numerical modeling in isentropic coordinates and to eliminate the interface between the sigma planetary boundary layer and isentropic free atmosphere present in the UW θ-σ model. This formulation provides the potential for the data assimilation and the application of higher order schemes. This paper describes the structure of the η model and presents results from initial numerical experiments. The first experiment tests the capability of the η model for simulating the baroclinic development process. In the 48-hr numerical weather forecast experiment, the η model produces reasonable precipitation and synoptic fields at all levels which are similar to those from the UW θ-σ model. The second and third experiments test the capability of the η model for conserving 1) the joint distribution of isentropic potential vorticity (IPV) and proxy ozone and 2) equivalent potential temperature under frictionless and isentropic conditions. These experiments show that distributions of IPV and proxy ozone in the pure isentropic domain and the distributions of prognostic and diagnostic equivalent potential temperature in the model domain remain highly correlated to day 10.  相似文献   

A new method for driving a One-Dimensional Stratiform Cold (1DSC) cloud model with Weather Research and Fore casting (WRF) model outputs was developed by conducting numerical experiments for a typical large-scale stratiform rainfall event that took place on 4-5 July 2004 in Changchun, China. Sensitivity test results suggested that, with hydrometeor pro files extracted from the WRF outputs as the initial input, and with continuous updating of soundings and vertical velocities (including downdraft) derived from the WRF model, the new WRF-driven 1DSC modeling system (WRF-1DSC) was able to successfully reproduce both the generation and dissipation processes of the precipitation event. The simulated rainfall intensity showed a time-lag behind that observed, which could have been caused by simulation errors of soundings, vertical velocities and hydrometeor profiles in the WRF output. Taking into consideration the simulated and observed movement path of the precipitation system, a nearby grid point was found to possess more accurate environmental fields in terms of their similarity to those observed in Changchun Station. Using profiles from this nearby grid point, WRF-1DSC was able to repro duce a realistic precipitation pattern. This study demonstrates that 1D cloud-seeding models do indeed have the potential to predict realistic precipitation patterns when properly driven by accurate atmospheric profiles derived from a regional short range forecasting system, This opens a novel and important approach to developing an ensemble-based rain enhancement prediction and operation system under a probabilistic framework concept.  相似文献   

In this study the influence of land-surface parameters on latent heat fluxes simulated with the numerical weather prediction model Lokalmodell (LM) of the German Meteorological Service is investigated. The area of interest is the LITFASS area during the LITFASS-2003 campaign. Based on simulations with varying soil and vegetation properties, we confirm that simulated latent heat fluxes strongly depend on soil moisture and leaf area index. Both parameters are difficult to obtain from in situ measurements with sufficient spatial resolution over heterogeneous land surfaces. Therefore, a procedure is proposed to determine area average values of soil moisture from time domain reflectometer measurements performed at a limited number of sites. The area averages cover the 7 × 7 km2 grid cells of the LM around Lindenberg (south-east of Berlin). Furthermore, satellite inferred plant parameters from NOAA–AVHRR are used to initialise model runs; the derived vegetation parameters show notable differences with those in the standard input of LM. The latent heat fluxes from the LM are compared with the aggregated eddy-covariance-measurements, and while the operational LM shows a strong overestimation of latent heat fluxes, it is demonstrated that the application of land-surface parameters derived from measurements can significantly reduce the deviation between the simulated and measured latent heat fluxes.  相似文献   

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