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Many studies have highlighted the role of coupling between surface processes and flow in the lower continental crust in deforming the crust and creating topographic relief over Quaternary timescales. On the basis of the rheological knowledge gained, it is suggested that intraplate seismicity can also be caused by coupling between surface processes and flow in the lower continental crust. This view is shown to be a natural consequence of the modern idea that isostatic equilibrium is maintained by flow in the weak lower crust in response to erosion and sedimentation. It is supported by a general correlation between the vigour of surface processes and rates of intraplate seismicity, and by instances of seasonal seismicity that correlates with seasonal climate. Human interference in the environment can affect surface loading: for instance, deforestation for agriculture or urban development can cause increased erosion rates; global warming is expected to cause increased storminess (and thus increased erosion rates) and/or global sea‐level rise. The possibility of increased rates of seismicity resulting from these processes should thus be considered in future hazard assessment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lower crustal xenoliths brought up rapidly by basaltic magma onto the earth surface may provide di-rect information on the lower crust. The main purpose of this research is to gain an insight into the rheology of the lower crust through the detailed study of lower crustal xenoliths collected from the Hannuoba basalt, North China. The lower crustal xenoliths in this area consist mainly of two pyroxene granulite, garnet granulite, and light-colored granulite, with a few exception of felsic granulite. The equilibration temperature and pressure of these xenoliths are estimated by using geothermometers and geobarometers suitable for lower crustal xenoliths. The obtained results show that the equilibration temperature of these xenoliths is within the range of 785―900℃, and the equilibrium pressure is within the range of 0.8―1.2 GPa, corresponding to a depth range of 28―42 km. These results have been used to modify the previously constructed lower crust-upper mantle geotherm for the studied area. The dif-ferential stress during the deformation process of the lower crustal xenoliths is estimated by using recrystallized grain-size paleo-piezometer to be in the range of 14―20 MPa. Comparing the available steady state flow laws for lower crustal rocks, it is confirmed that the flow law proposed by Wilks et al. in 1990 is applicable to the lower crustal xenoliths studied in this paper. The strain rate of the lower crust estimated by using this flow law is within the range of 10-13―10-11 s-1, higher than the strain rate of the upper mantle estimated previously for the studied area (10-17―10-13 s-1); the equivalent viscosity is estimated to be within the range of 1017―1019Pa·s, lower than that of the upper mantle (1019―1021 Pa·s). The constructed rheological profiles of the lower crust indicate that the differential stress shows no significant linear relation with depth, while the strain rate increases with depth and equivalent vis-cosity decrease with depth. The results support the viewpoint of weak lower continental crust.  相似文献   

The evolution of an internal bore at the Malin shelf break   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations of internal waves were made at the Malin shelf edge during SESAME (Shelf Edge Studies Acoustic Measurement Experiment), a part of the NERC LOIS-SES experiment, in August-September 1996. These measurements provide a high resolution dataset demonstrating internal wave generation and propagation. This note presents observations of the evolution of an internal bore. The process is shown clearly in a sequence of thermistor chain tows across the shelf break covering a complete tidal cycle, as the double-sided bore transforms into a group of undulations and eventually into more distinct solitary waveforms. Current structures associated with the bore and waves were also observed by ship-mounted ADCP. Analysis of the waveforms in terms of the linear modes and empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) indicate the dominance of the first mode, which is typical of a shallow water seasonal thermocline environment. Determination of the phase speed of the waves from the consecutive ship surveys enabled the Doppler shift in the towed data to be removed, allowing analysis of the real length scales of the waves. The bore evolution has been modelled using a first order non-linear KdV model for the first mode, initialised with the waveform in the first survey. Comparison of the model and the observations show close agreement in the amplitudes, length scales, phase speeds and separations of the leading internal waves as they evolve. Finally, analysis of the observed internal wave shapes indicates that, within the uncertainties of measurement, the wave-lengths lie between those predicted by first and second order soliton theory.  相似文献   

This paper examines the first-order dynamic interactions between crustal shortening, extension, and volcanism in tectonic evolution in the North American Cordillera. The protracted crustal compression in the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic (110–55 Ma) contributed to the subsequent Tertiary extension by thermally weakening the lithosphere and producing an overthickened (>50 km) and gravitationally unstable crust. In addition to post-kinematic burial heating, synkinematic thermal processes including conduction are shown significantly because of the long period of crustal contraction and the slow shortening rates (<4 mm/yr). The effects of shear heating were probably limited for the same reasons. Localized delamination of the lithospheric mantle may have contributed to the abundant plutonism and high crustal temperature in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera at the end of the orogeny. Most early-stage extension in the Cordillera, characterized by formation of metamorphic core complexes, resulted from gravitational collapse of the overthickened crust. Plutionism may have facilitated strain localization, causing widespread crustal extension at relatively low stress levels. Crustal collapse, however, was unlikely the direct cause of the Basin-Range extension, because the gravitational stresses induced by crustal thickening are limited to the crust; only a small fraction of the gravitational stresses may be transmitted to the lithospheric mantle. Nor could core complex formation induce the voluminous mid-Tertiary volcanism, which requires major upwelling of the asthenosphere. While the causes of the asthenospheric upwelling are not clear, such processes could provide the necessary conditions for the Basin-Range extension: the driving force from thermally induced gravitational potential and a thermally weakened lithosphere. The complicated spatial and temporal patterns of volcanism and extension in the Basin and Range province may be partially due to the time-dependent competing effects of thermal weakening and rheological hardening associated with intrusion and underplating of mantle-derived magmas.  相似文献   

Since the formation of the primal nucleus at 3.8Ga[1], the North China had underwent the multi-cycle geologic processes such as arc accretion[2—4] andrift[5—7], and finally accomplished the craton[8] aroundat 1.8 Ga[2,3,9]. Paleozoic Fuxian kimberlites (LiaoningProvince) contain not only abundant peridotitic butalso mafic xenoliths. The investigation on peridotiticxenoliths indicted that the North China Craton hadcold and thick lithospheric root in the middle Ordovi-cian. The deep part o…  相似文献   

To investigate the thinning of the whole crust, and the contribution of the upper versus lower crust to the stretching since Cenozoic, we calculated the stretching factor of the northern margin of South China Sea with data such as whole crustal thickness, depth of Cenozoic sedimentary basement and the horizontal displacement of faults. An isometric line drawing on whole crustal stretching factor is then obtained. Along the seismic Line 1530 in Baiyun sag, we also calculated the stretching factors of the upper and lower crust. The results suggest that the whole crustal thickness decreases seaward while the whole crustal stretching factor increases from shelf to slope. The Moho upwells highest beneath where the crust is thinned most. The value of the whole crustal stretching factor ranges from 1.5 to 6. Two areas were thinned intensely: the center of Yinggehai Basin, and the Baiyun sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. The calculation of the upper and lower crustal stretching factors from DSP1530 in Baiyun sag shows that the original crust of Baiyun sag should be thinned before deformation. Its pre-Cenozoic evolution as well as tectonic position during Cenozoic might be responsible for that.  相似文献   

The Tibetan plateau as one of the youngest orogen on the Earth was considered as the result of continent-continent collision between the Eurasian and Indian plates.The thickness and structure of the crust beneath Tibetan plateau is essential to understand deformation behavior of the plateau.Active-source seismic profiling is most available geo-physical method for imaging the structure of the continental crust.The results from more than 25 active-sources seismic profiles carried out in the past twenty years ...  相似文献   

The nature and origin of the concentrated deformation zone along the Japan Sea coast (NKTZ: Niigata-Kobe tectonic zone) was investigated by carefully analyzing the GPS data and qualitatively modeling the lower crust in NKTZ. It was concluded that this deformation zone is not a plate boundary between the Amurian plate (AMU) and the North America plate but is rather an internal deformation zone near the eastern margin of AMU. The data previously obtained on the conductivity anomalies in the lower crust and the 3He/4He ratios suggest that the concentrated deformation in NKTZ results from the lower crust in NKTZ being weakened by a high water content. The high water content is thought to result from the dehydration of subducting slabs. NKTZ has a higher water content in the lower crust than other regions do because there is no Philippine Sea plate (PHS) seismic slab beneath NKTZ. In other regions, it is estimated that the mantle wedge above the seismic Philippine Sea slab prevents the water dehydrated from the slab from rising to the lower crust, and that the lithosphere within PHS itself prevents the water dehydrated from the Pacific plate from rising up through it.  相似文献   

The bulk composition of the continental crust throughout geological history is thought by most previous workers to be andesitic. This assumption of an andesitic bulk composition led to an early hypothesis by 72 ) that the continental crust was created by arc magmatism. This hypothesis for the origin of continental crust was challenged by several authors because: (i) the mean rate of arc crust addition obtained by 50 ) is too small to account for some certain phases of rapid crustal growth; and (ii) the bulk composition of ocean island arcs, the main contributor to the Archean and early Proterozoic crust, is basaltic rather than andesitic ( 4 ; 49 ). New data from the Northern Izu–Bonin arc are presented here which support the 72 ) hypothesis for the origin of the continental crust by andesitic arc magma. A geological interpretation of P wave crustal structure obtained from the Northern Izu–Bonin arc by 66 ) indicates that the arc crust has four distinctive lithologic layers: from top to bottom: (i) a 0.5–2-km-thick layer of basic to intermediate volcaniclastic, lava and hemipelagite (layer A); (ii) a 2–5-km-thick basic to intermediate volcaniclastics, lavas and intrusive layer (layer B); (iii) a 2–7-km-thick layer of felsic (tonalitic) rocks (layer C); and (iv) a 4–7-km-thick layer of mafic igneous rocks (layer D). The chemical composition of the upper and middle part of the northern Izu–Bonin arc is estimated to be similar to the average continental crust by 73 ). The rate of igneous addition of the Northern Izu–Bonin arc since its initial 45-Ma magmatism was calculated as 80 km3/km per million years. This rate of addition is considered to be a reasonable estimate for all arcs in the western Pacific. Using this rate, the global rate of crustal growth is estimated to be 2.96 km3/year which exceeds the average rate of crustal growth since the formation of the Earth (1.76 km3/year). Based on this estimate of continental growth and the previously documented sediment subduction and tectonic erosion rate (1.8 km3/year, 24 ), several examples of growth curves of the continental crust are presented here. These growth curves suggest that at least 50% of the present volume of the continental crust can be explained by arc magmatism. This conclusion indicates that arc magmatism is the most important contributor to the formation of continental crust, especially at the upper crustal level.  相似文献   

The average chemical compositions of the continental crust and the oceanic crust (represented by MORB), normalized to primitive mantle values and plotted as functions of the apparent bulk partition coefficient of each element, form surprisingly simple, complementary concentration patterns. In the continental crust, the maximum concentrations are on the order of 50 to 100 times the primitive-mantle values, and these are attained by the most highly incompatible elements Cs, Rb, Ba, and Th. In the average oceanic crust, the maximum concentrations are only about 10 times the primitive mantle values, and they are attained by the moderately incompatible elements Na, Ti, Zr, Hf, Y and the intermediate to heavy REE.This relationship is explained by a simple, two-stage model of extracting first continental and then oceanic crust from the initially primitive mantle. This model reproduces the characteristic concentration maximum in MORB. It yields quantitative constraints about the effective aggregate melt fractions extracted during both stages. These amount to about 1.5% for the continental crust and about 8–10% for the oceanic crust.The comparatively low degrees of melting inferred for average MORB are consistent with the correlation of Na2O concentration with depth of extrusion [1], and with the normalized concentrations of Ca, Sc, and Al ( 3) in MORB, which are much lower than those of Zr, Hf, and the HREE ( 10). Ca, Al and Sc are compatible with clinopyroxene and are preferentially retained in the residual mantle by this mineral. This is possible only if the aggregate melt fraction is low enough for the clinopyroxene not to be consumed.A sequence of increasing compatibility of lithophile elements may be defined in two independent ways: (1) the order of decreasing normalized concentrations in the continental crust; or (2) by concentration correlations in oceanic basalts. The results are surprisingly similar except for Nb, Ta, and Pb, which yield inconsistent bulk partition coefficients as well as anomalous concentrations and standard deviations.The anomalies can be explained if Nb and Ta have relatively large partition coefficients during continental crust production and smaller coefficients during oceanic crust production. In contrast, Pb has a very small coefficient during continental crust production and a larger coefficient during oceanic crust production. This is the reason why these elements are useful in geochemical discrimination diagrams for distinguishing MORB and OIB on the one hand from island arc and most intracontinental volcanics on the other.The results are consistent with the crust-mantle differentiation model proposed previously [2]. Nb and Ta are preferentially retained and enriched in the residual mantle during formation of continental crust. After separation of the bulk of the continental crust, the residual portion of the mantle was rehomogenized, and the present-day internal heterogeneities between MORB and OIB sources were generated subsequently by processes involving only oceanic crust and mantle. During this second stage, Nb and Ta are highly incompatible, and their abundances are anomalously high in both OIB and MORB.The anomalous behavior of Pb causes the so-called “lead paradox”, namely the elevated U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios (inferred from Pb isotopes) in the present-day, depleted mantle, even though U and Th are more incompatible than Pb in oceanic basalts. This is explained if Pb is in fact more incompatible than U and Th during formation of the continental crust, and less incompatible than U and Th during formation of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Toshio  Nozaka 《Island Arc》1997,6(4):404-420
Abstract Basic and ultrabasic xenoliths included in Cenozoic alkali basalts from the Kibi and Sera plateaus, Southwest Japan, can be classified into five groups on the basis of mineral association and texture. Their equilibration P-T conditions estimated from paragenesis and mineral chemistry indicate that the dominant rock type from the lower crust to upper mantle changes with increasing depth as follows: (i) pyroxene granulite (Group V) and meta-sediments; (ii) garnet gabbro (Group 111) and corundum anorthosite (Group IV); (iii) spinel pyroxenite (Group 11); and (iv) spinel peridotite and pyroxenite (Group I). Groups I1 and I11 show a lower degree of recrystallization than Groups I and V, and have similarities in composition and mineral chemistry to host basalts. Based on these facts along with the P-T conditions of equilibration, Groups I1 and I11 are interpreted as formed from basaltic magma that intruded beneath the crust-mantle boundary at an early stage of the magmatism of the alkali basalts, where the lower crust and uppermost mantle had consisted of Group V and metasediments, and Group I, respectively. It follows that the crust has grown downward due to underplating of basaltic magma beneath the bottom of pre-existing crust. Group IV has commonly the same mineral assemblage, corundum + calcic plagioclase + aluminous spinel, and shows locally, nearby kyanite crystals, almost the same texture as fine-grained aggregates in a quartzite xenolith. The aggregates appear to have been formed by reaction between kyanite and host basalt, and accordingly Group IV is interpreted as formed by reaction between metasediments and basaltic magma at the time of the underplating. The Kibi, Sera and Tsuyama areas are distinguished from the areas nearby the Sea of Japan by the occurrence of the garnet gabbro and corundum anorthosite xenoliths, by the absence of the association of olivine + plagioclase in basic and ultrabasic xenoliths, and by the lower temperature of equilibration of basic xenoliths. From these facts it is stressed that in general the crust becomes thinner and geothermal gradient becomes higher towards the back-arc side. Such a regional variation in crustal structure must reflect the tectonic situation of Southwest Japan at the time of the magmatism of the alkali basalts, namely rifting and shallow-level magmatism at the back-arc side.  相似文献   

In mountainous areas,landslides induced by destructive earthquakes are one of the main causes of human casualties,which is an important link in the chain of earthquake hazards.Earthquake-triggered landslides are mainly controlled by three factors,namely seismic property,topography,and geology.Many studies have been conducted on these controlling factors of earthquake-triggered landslides.However,little is known about the effect of coseismic displacement on the distribution of landslides under di...  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was formed by coales-cence of microcontinents of different geologic histo-ries, i.e. it consists of a series of blocks, such as Hi-malayas, Lhasa, Qiangtang, Kunlun, Qaidam and Qi- lian blocks from south to north. The blocks moved firstly in the NNE direction, then in the NE direction and at last in the ENE or E-W direction from south to north by a combined action of Indian Plate moving northward and obstruction of Tarim and other blocksnorth of the plateau. T…  相似文献   

长江下游湖泊水生植物现状及与水环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
研究水生植物分布与环境因子的关系可为富营养化湖泊的生态修复提供重要科学依据.通过对长江下游10个不同营养水平湖泊的水生植物群落组成和环境状况进行野外调查,研究了长江下游湖泊主要水生植物分布状况及水环境因子对水生植物分布的影响.调查发现长江下游10个代表性湖泊主要水生植物共计6科7属11种,主要生活型为沉水植物.水生植物群落组成与环境因子的冗余分析结果显示,总氮、pH值和水深是显著影响这些不同营养水平湖泊水生植物分布的主导因子.  相似文献   

IntroductionWiththefurtherstudyonthefinestructureofcrustandapplicationoftheCTtechnologytotheresearchonthecontinentaldeepstructureinNorthChina,thenon-heterogeneityofcrustanduppermantleintheseareashasbeenclearlyacknowledged.Zeng,etal(1991)gavethefocalmodeloflargeearthquakeinNorthChina,inwhichthemostimportanttraitisthetransversenonuniformoftemperaturedistributiononthetopofthemantle.Liu,etal(1986)studiedtheseismictomographyofNorthChinaregion,andindicatedthattherearemanydifferentlowervelocityare…  相似文献   

We examined the effects of freshwater flow and light availability on phytoplankton biomass and production along the Louisiana continental shelf in the region characterized by persistent spring–summer stratification and widespread summer hypoxia. Data were collected on 7 cruises from 2005 to 2007, and spatially-averaged estimates of phytoplankton and light variables were calculated for the study area using Voronoi polygon normalization. Shelf-wide phytoplankton production ranged from 0.47 to 1.75 mg C m−2 d−1 across the 7 cruises. Shelf-wide average light attenuation (kd) ranged from 0.19–1.01 m−1 and strongly covaried with freshwater discharge from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers (R2=0.67). Interestingly, we observed that the euphotic zone (as defined by the 1% light depth) extended well below the pycnocline and to the bottom across much of the shelf. Shelf-wide average chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations ranged from 1.4 to 5.9 mg m−3 and, similar to kd, covaried with river discharge (R2=0.83). Also, chl a concentrations were significantly higher in plume versus non-plume regions of the shelf. When integrated through the water-column, shelf-wide average chl a ranged from 26.3 to 47.6 mg m−2, but did not covary with river discharge, nor were plume versus non-plume averages statistically different. The high integrated chl a in the non-plume waters resulted from frequent sub-pycnocline chl a maxima. Phytoplankton production rates were highest in the vicinity of the Mississippi River bird's foot delta, but as with integrated chl a were not statistically different in plume versus non-plume waters across the rest of the shelf. Based on the vertical distribution of light and chl a, a substantial fraction of phytoplankton production occurred below the pycnocline, averaging from 25% to 50% among cruises. These results suggest that freshwater and nutrient inputs regulate shelf-wide kd and, consequently, the vertical distribution of primary production. The substantial below-pycnocline primary production we observed has not been previously quantified for this region, but has important implications about the formation and persistence of hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf.  相似文献   

Ten volcanic samples at Zhangwu,western Liaoning Province,North China were selected for a sys-tematic geochemical,mineralogical and geochronological study,which provides an opportunity to ex-plore the interaction between the continental crust and mantle beneath the north margin of the North China craton.Except one basalt sample(SiO2= 50.23%),the other nine samples are andesitic with SiO2 contents ranging from 53% to 59%.They have relatively high MgO(3.4%―6.1%,Mg#=50―64) and Ni and Cr contents(Ni 27×10?6―197×10?6,Cr 51×10?6―478×10?6).Other geochemical characteristics of Zhangwu high-Mg andesites(HMAs) include strong fractionation of light rare earth elements(LREE) from heavy rare earth elements(HREE),and Sr from Y,with La/Yb greater than 15,and high Sr/Y(34― 115).Zircons of andesite YX270 yield three age groups with no Precambrian age,which precludes ori-gin of the Zhangwu HMAs from the partial melting of the Precambrian crust.The oldest age group peaking at 253 Ma is interpreted to represent the collision of the Siberia block and the North China block,resulting in formation of the Central Asian orogenic belt by closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.The intermediate age group corresponds to the basalt underplating which caused the wide-spread coeval granitoids in the North China craton with a peak 206Pb/238U age of 172 Ma.The youngest age group gives a 206Pb/238U age of 126±2 Ma,which is interpreted as the eruption age of the Zhangwu HMAs.The high 87Sr/86Sri(126 Ma)>0.706 and low εNd(t)= ?6.36―?13.99 of the Zhangwu HMAs are distinct from slab melts.The common presence of reversely zoned clinopyroxene phenocrysts in the Zhangwu HMAs argues against the origin of the Zhangwu HMAs either from melting of the water saturated mantle or melting of the lower crust.In light of the evidence mentioned above,the envisaged scenario for the formation of the Zhangwu HMAs is related to the basaltic underplating at the base of the crust,which led to the thickening of the lower crust and formation of lower crustal eclogite,followed by foundering of the eclogitic lower crust into the asthenosphere.The foundered eclogite then melted and the resul-tant melts interacted with surrounding peridotite during their upward transport,which finally produced the high-Mg andesites.This well explains the high-Mg adakitic characters and absence of ancient in-herited zircon in the Zhangwu lavas.  相似文献   

运用数值模拟的方法对在冲绳海槽产生9.0级地震,并引发海啸的过程和海啸波在东海浅水大陆架地形上的传播过程进行研究.模拟的结果表明,数值模拟产生的波浪符合海啸波的特点,东海浅水大陆架适合海啸波的传播.  相似文献   

以青藏高原北缘及东北缘的柴达木—祁连山地块内的活动断裂、由断裂所围限的微小块体为研究对象,系统收集整理区内活动断裂定量参数和GPS速度场等资料,使用球面应变率计算方法分析研究区内GPS 速度场得到现今构造应变率场,讨论区内最大剪应变率、面膨胀率与旋转率等参数与区域构造变形之间的关系;同时,依据区内详实的活动断裂资料建立精细的微小活动块体模型,利用Backslip模型反演断裂所围限的各个块体边界断裂的滑动速率、块体内部统一应变率及块体欧拉运动学参数等,并与活动构造方法获得的滑动速率做对比;最后,讨论研究区内由GPS速度场所揭示的地壳运动变形模式.结果表明:(1)柴达木—祁连山地区地壳运动,在沿着山脉走向上具有带状区域分块运动特征,大范围内具有弥散变形特征;(2)青藏高原北部变形场应是通过不同断裂差异性相对运动、区域内部逆冲挤压和块体旋转共同作用的结果.从鄂拉山到古浪民勤一带具有强烈的逆冲活动,其两侧地壳块体分别具有逆向旋转的运动性质;(3)在研究区东部GPS速度场所呈现顺时针旋转的形态,应是处于不同地块边界处的中下地壳与地幔介质差异驱动机制对上地壳块体所产生的作用,并以近地表断层应变率积累形式表现的结果,是祁连山地块、阿拉善块体、鄂尔多斯地块等大型块体推挤旋转影响下的复杂运动学形态.  相似文献   

The first comprehensive chemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data set of Plio–Pleistocene tholeiitic and alkaline volcanic rocks cropping out in Sardinia (Italy) is presented here. These rocks are alkali basalts, hawaiites, basanites, tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites, and were divided into two groups with distinct isotopic compositions. The vast majority of lavas have relatively high 87Sr/86Sr (0.7043–0.7051), low 143Nd/144Nd (0.5124–0.5126), and are characterised by the least radiogenic Pb isotopic composition so far recorded in Italian (and European) Neogene-to-Recent mafic volcanic rocks (206Pb/204Pb=17.55–18.01) (unradiogenic Pb volcanic rocks, UPV); these rocks crop out in central and northern Sardinia. Lavas of more limited areal extent have chemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic ratios indicative of a markedly different source (87Sr/86Sr=0.7031–0.7040; 143Nd/144Nd=0.5127–0.5129; 206Pb/204Pb=18.8–19.4) (radiogenic Pb volcanic rocks, RPV), and crop out only in the southern part of the island. The isotopic ratios of these latter rocks match the values found in the roughly coeval anorogenic (i.e. not related to recent subduction events in space and time) mafic volcanic rocks of Italy (i.e. Mt. Etna, Hyblean Mts., Pantelleria, Linosa), and Cenozoic European volcanic rocks. The mafic rocks of the two Sardinian rock groups also show distinct trace element contents and ratios (e.g. Ba/Nb>14, Ce/Pb=8–25 and Nb/U=29–38 for the UPV; Ba/Nb<9, Ce/Pb=24–28 and Nb/U=46–54 for the RPV). The sources of the UPV could have been stabilised in the Precambrian after low amounts of lower crustal input (about 3%), or later, during the Hercynian Orogeny, after input of Precambrian lower crust in the source region, whereas the sources of the RPV could be related to processes that occurred in the late Palaeozoic–early Mesozoic, possibly via recycling of proto-Tethys oceanic lithosphere by subduction.  相似文献   

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