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Typhoon disaster is one of the most influentialnatural disasters. The strong storm surge of Bangla-desh cyclone, which happened in November 1970,resulted in 300000 deaths. Asia and the western Pa-cific can be regarded as an area where is affected mostseverely by the disasters of tropical storms[1]. Themost important thing is to improve the accuracy oftyphoon tracks prediction internationally. Lande-sea,C.[2] pointed out that for a successful forecast oftropic cyclone (TC) tracks, it is not …  相似文献   

热带气旋边界层关键结构研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边界层的动热力结构在很大程度上决定了热带气旋(TC)的发生发展,首先,TC边界层是触发TC对流的源地,并作为海-陆-气能量交换的主要中介,提供TC发生发展的重要能源;其次,边界层是TC对流发展所需水汽的主要输送通道;第三,TC登陆时,陆地下垫面摩擦直接作用于边界层,加强辐合、对流和湍流输送.对这些特征的了解有利于从根本上掌握TC发展变化的规律,为提高登陆TC分析和预报水平奠定基础,具有重要的科学价值和实际意义.本文在前期TC边界层研究工作的基础上,从热力学和动力学的角度,介绍了近年来国际上关于TC边界层风场、湍流交换、卷涡、能量和水汽输送等关键结构特征研究的主要进展.阐述了边界层入流对于TC能量平衡、水汽输送的重要作用,揭示了边界层超梯度风现象存在的机制和成因,以及边界层卷涡与边界层动量输送和TC强度发展的关系.这些认识有助于加强TC边界层关键结构对TC发展作用的理论认识.在此基础上,指出了目前TC边界层研究中存在的核心难点问题,并建议将TC边界层研究与数值预报方法相结合:除了将边界层观测通过资料同化应用于TC数值模式初始化,还可研究优化与TC涡旋结构相关的边界层参数化方法,实现TC数值模式初始化与边界层物理过程的衔接,探索可切实改进TC预报的有效途径.  相似文献   

半个世纪来热带海洋风暴对中国大陆的影响   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用美国海军台风警报中心(JTWC)提供的1945~2002年热带风暴路径资料统计分析了西北太平洋(NWP)和中国南海(SCS)风暴生成及登陆中国大陆热带风暴的时空演变特征.季节变化上,NWP风暴登陆主要集中于6~11月,SCS风暴影响主要集中在6~9月,但后者登陆总数比前者少.西北太平洋风暴在东南沿海(27°N,120°E)附近登陆的频次最高,在此以北随纬度急剧下降.年际变化时间尺度上,登陆大陆的风暴年总数与来自南海的年风暴数成正比.登陆我国的热带风暴年频数有明显的区域差异和显著的2~7年振荡.长期趋势上,两个海域的风暴年生成频数和登陆大陆的年风暴频数在58年中总体呈线性增长趋势,其中登陆频数增长趋势相对缓慢,但近几年登陆风暴数与生成风暴数都表现出减少的趋势.生成频数和登陆频数都呈现出年代际变化,其年代转换发生在1960、1970年和1990年前后.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Asian-Pacific oscillation (APO) and the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific (WNP) in summer is preliminarily investigated through an analysis of ob- served data. The result has shown clearly that APO is significantly and positively correlated to the tropical cyclone frequency in the WNP. If APO is above (below) the normal in summer, more (less) tropical cyclones will tend to appear in the WNP. The present study also addresses the large-scale at- mospheric general circulation changes underlying the linkage between APO and the WNP tropical cy- clone frequency. It follows that a positive phase of summer APO is concurrent with weakened as well as northward and eastward located western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), low-level convergence and high-level divergence, and reduced vertical zonal wind shear in the WNP, providing favorable envi- ronment for the tropical cyclone genesis, and thus more tropical cyclones will come into being, and vice versa.  相似文献   

With data mainly from Guangzhou mesonet Automatic Weather Stations (AWS), Guangzhou Doppler Radar and satellite T BB data, characteristics and evolution of the urban heat island (UHI) over Guangzhou City were analyzed in a tropical cyclone affected situation for early August 2005. In particular, two thunderstorms occurring during this period respectively at the night of 4 August and in the afternoon of 7 August were investigated to study the relationships between the development of thunderstorms and the UHI. Results showed that two thunderstorms were associated with the UHI effects. UHI induced local air convergence and initiated the thunderstorm convections. Both cases showed a general agreement in time and space for the locations of maximum UHI, convergence, convection, and precipitation. Convection was found to be more favorable to developing in time periods and locations with stronger intensity of UHI. Analysis also showed that, due to the urban effects, both thunderstorms got strengthened when moving over Guangzhou City, with maximum radar echoes observed right over the urban area and precipitation located within the city. All these features reveal that two thunderstorms were urban-induced storms. Supported jointly by the R&D Infrastructure and Facility Developemnt Program (2003DIB4J145) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Urban Meteorological Science Research Fund (UMRF200504) and the Open Research Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences  相似文献   

We used a two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic barotropic model simulation to study effects of an initial brows-like meso-scale vortex on tropical cyclone(TC) track.Our results show that the impact of each of the three foundational factors(the environmental current,the asymmetric structure and the asymmetric convection system) on TC track varies with time and the importance of each of the factors is different for the different TC motion time period.They show two kinds of the effects.One is a direct way.The asymmetric outer wind structure and the positive longitudinal wind speed averaged in radial-band(100-300) km in the period of(0-11) h are caused by the introduction of the initial brows-like meso-scale vortex,which results in TC track to turn to the north from the northwest directly.The other is an indirect influence.First,initial TC axisymmetric circulation becomes a non-axisymmetric circulation after the addition of the meso-scale vortex.The initial non-axisymmetric circulation experiences an axisymmetrizational process in the period of(0-11) h.Second,axisymmetrizationed TC horizontal size is enlarged after t=12 h.Third,both the TC asymmetric structure and the TC energy dispersion induced-anticyclone are intensified,which quickens the TC motion and results in the track to turn to the north indirectly.The TC motion is characterized by the unusual track under the direct and the indirect effect.The formation of the unusual track should be attributed to the common effects of three factors,including the environmental flow,the TC asymmetric structure and the asymmetric convection system.  相似文献   

陈宪  钟中  江静  孙源 《地球物理学报》2019,62(2):489-498
本文利用"模式手术"方法研究了西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)对东亚-西北太平洋区域大尺度环流的影响.结果表明,夏季频繁的西北太平洋TC活动导致东亚夏季风增强,季风槽加深;西太平洋副热带高压东退,位置偏北;东亚副热带高空急流强度增强,北太平洋(东亚大陆)上急流轴偏北(偏南);热带地区(副热带地区)的对流层中低层出现异常上升气流(下沉气流),并且从低纬向高纬呈现异常上升气流和异常下沉气流交替分布特征.在中国东南沿海,TC降水导致夏季降水量明显增加;而在长江中下游和华北地区,TC活动引起的异常下沉气流使夏季降水量显著减少.因此,夏季西北太平洋TC活动对东亚-西北太平洋区域气候有显著影响.  相似文献   

We calculated the fractal dimensions Db of the perimeter of tropical cyclone(TC)Dan based on the satellite GMS-5 infrared sensor images from 1800 UTC,1 October 1999 to 1200 UTC,9 October 1999.The fractal dimensions Db were used to characterize objectively the temporal change of TC complex structure.Our results show that the change of fractal dimension during TC Dan motion can be divided into three stages.The statistically significant difference does not exist either between Dm1 and DL or between Dm3 and DL,but it exists between Dm2 and DL,where Dmi denotes the mean value of Db in i-th stage(i=1,2 and3);DL denotes Lovejoy’s fractal dimension calculated based on satellite and radar data within the size range(1–1.2×106 km2),which is used as a"normal value"of the fractal dimension of the cumulus cloud perimeter for the global tropical region.TC Dan turns to the north from the west abruptly at the end of the second stage.The emergence of the second stage with high fractal dimensions may be viewed as a possible premonition for the track turning.Our results also show that there are two kinds of processes resulting in the translation from the first stage to the second stage.One is the interaction of TC circulation and an adjacent small scale convective cloud cluster,causing to the complexity increase of a local segment of the perimeter.The other includes the fragmentation of a strong convective area within the TC inner region,the self-organization of the small strong convective cloud clusters,the emergence,development,and merger of the small scale non-convective holes,and the formation of a gap of the perimeter,causing to the complexity increase of the whole TC perimeter.  相似文献   

Flow records, rising‐stage sediment samplers, and a sand suspension model are used to examine suspended sediment concentrations during major floods caused by tropical cyclones TC Joni and TC Kina in the Rewa River, Fiji. The highest concentrations of total suspended solids were measured during the early stages of TC Kina. The suspension model predicts higher sand concentrations for TC Kina compared with TC Joni because of the larger slope and higher shear stresses during Kina. Extremely high wash load concentrations early in TC Kina are at least partly due to remobilization of fine sediment deposited during the earlier TC Joni flood. Samples from the TC Kina had volumetric concentrations larger than 5%, indicating hyperconcentrated streamflows. Mass‐density shear stresses in the hyperconcentrated flows are up 1·6 times larger than clear‐water shear stresses, but they occur early during low stages of the flood and probably do not result in severe bed erosion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extreme wave events in coastal zones are principal drivers of geomorphic change. Evidence of boulder entrainment and erosional impact during storms is increasing. However, there is currently poor time coupling between pre‐ and post‐storm measurements of coastal boulder deposits. Importantly there are no data reporting shore platform erosion, boulder entrainment and/or boulder transport during storm events – rock coast dynamics during storm events are currently unexplored. Here, we use high‐resolution (daily) field data to measure and characterize coastal boulder transport before, during and after the extreme Northeast Atlantic extra‐tropical cyclone Johanna in March 2008. Forty‐eight limestone fine‐medium boulders (n = 46) and coarse cobbles (n = 2) were tracked daily over a 0.1 km2 intertidal area during this multi‐day storm. Boulders were repeatedly entrained, transported and deposited, and in some cases broken down (n = 1) or quarried (n = 3), during the most intense days of the storm. Eighty‐one percent (n = 39) of boulders were located at both the start and end of the storm. Of these, 92% were entrained where entrainment patterns were closely aligned to wave parameters. These data firmly demonstrate rock coasts are dynamic and vulnerable under storm conditions. No statistically significant relationship was found between boulder size (mass) and net transport distance. Graphical analyses suggest that boulder size limits the maximum longshore transport distance but that for the majority of boulders lying under this threshold, other factors influence transport distance. Paired analysis of 20 similar sized and shaped boulders in different morphogenic zones demonstrates that geomorphological control affects entrainment and transport distance – where net transport distances were up to 39 times less where geomorphological control was greatest. These results have important implications for understanding and for accurately measuring and modelling boulder entrainment and transport. Coastal managers require these data for assessing erosion risk. © 2016 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   




Two years of eddy covariance measurements of above- and below-canopy carbon fluxes and static opaque chamber and gas chromatography technique measurements of soil respiration for three treatments (bare soil, soil litterfall, soil litterfall seedling) were carried out in a tropical seasonal rain forest. In addition, data of photosynthesis of dominant tree species and seedlings, leaf area index, litter production and decomposing speed, soil moisture, soil temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density within the forest were all measured concurrently. Data from January 2003 to December 2004 are used to present annual variability of carbon flux and relationships between carbon flux and impact factors. The results show that carbon flux of this forest presented unusual tendency of annual variation; above-canopy carbon fluxes were negative in the dry season (November-April) and mainly positive in the rainy season, but overall the forest is a carbon sink. Carbon flux has obviously diurnal variation in this tropical seasonal rain forest. Above-canopy carbon fluxes were negative in the daytime and absolute values were larger in the dry season than that in the rainy season, causing the forest to act as a carbon sink; at night, carbon fluxes were mainly positive, causing the forest to act as a carbon source. Dominant tree species have greater photosynthesis capability than that of seedlings, which have a great effect on above-canopy carbon flux. There was a significant correlation between above-canopy carbon flux and rate of photosynthesis of tree species. There was also a significant correlation between above-canopy carbon flux and rate of photosynthesis of seedlings; however, the below-canopy carbon flux was only significantly correlated with rate of photosynthesis of seedlings during the hot-dry season. Soil respiration of the three treatments displayed a markedly seasonal dynamic; in addition, above-canopy carbon fluxes correlated well with soil respiration, litterfall production, litterfall decomposition rate, precipitation, and soil moisture and temperature. A primary statistical result of this study showed that above-canopy carbon flux in this forest presented carbon source or sink effects in different seasons, and it is a carbon sink at the scale of a year.  相似文献   

The relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) and the tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific(WNPTCF) in summer is investigated by use of observation data. It is found that their linkage appears to have an interdecadal change from weak connection to strong connection. During the period of 1948–1977, the NAO was insignificantly correlated to the WNPTCF. However, during the period of 1980–2009, they were significantly correlated with stronger(weaker) NAO corresponding to more(fewer) tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific. The possible reason for such a different relationship between the NAO and the WNPTCF during the former and latter periods is further analyzed from the perspective of large-scale atmospheric circulations. When the NAO was stronger than normal in the latter period, an anomalous cyclonic circulation prevailed in the lower troposphere of the western North Pacific and the monsoon trough was intensified, concurrent with the eastward-shifting western Pacific subtropical high as well as anomalous low-level convergence and high-level divergence over the western North Pacific. These conditions favor the genesis and development of tropical cyclones, and thus more tropical cyclones appeared over the western North Pacific. In contrast, in the former period, the impact of the NAO on the aforementioned atmospheric circulations became insignificant, thereby weakening its linkage to the WNPTCF. Further study shows that the change of the wave activity flux associated with the NAO during the former and latter periods may account for such an interdecadal shift of the NAO–WNPTCF relationship.  相似文献   

热带气旋集合预报中的不确定性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合考虑了数值天气预报过程中的两种不确定性:初值和模式的不确定性,建立了一个拥有20个成员的中尺度集合预报系统来模拟1997年热带气旋Danny的路径和对流系统.发现模拟气旋路径的集合平均误差在12 h以后比所有成员的误差都小.通过考察模拟结果对各种不确定性的敏感性,发现两种不确定性在模拟中都很重要,但不同的不确定性对模拟结果的贡献是不同的.初值的不确定性主要影响模式积分的前12 h,模式的不确定性在整个积分过程中始终存在.不确定性最敏感的区域主要分布在气旋附近的强天气区.  相似文献   

冷空气入侵对热带气旋发生发展的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
韩瑛  伍荣生 《地球物理学报》2008,51(5):1321-1332
本文从梯度风方程出发,证明温度梯度增强对涡度起到增强作用.因此当冷空气侵入热带气旋外围时,只要没有破坏热带气旋的暖心结构,就会引起温度梯度的增长,从而促进热带气旋的发生发展.本文采用NCAR/PSU研制的非静力中尺度模式MM5,研究北半球冷暖空气入侵在热带气旋形成和加强过程中的作用.通过研究冷暖空气对热带气旋发展影响的试验发现,冷暖空气在入侵热带气旋外围时,最主要改变的是外围的环流场.北半球冷空气的入侵将会增强热带气旋北面的北风,形成指向热带气旋中心的推力,即辐合增强,暖空气入侵减弱北面的北风,形成背向热带气旋中心的拉力,即辐合减弱.由于拉力作用,一方面把边界上由于冷空气入侵而生成的能量往热带气旋中心输送,另一方面导致温度梯度的增加.因此从天气学形势来看,在热带气旋发生发展的过程中,北方的冷高压将会增强热带气旋北面的风速,从而导致热带气旋的增强;南半球澳高的增强,将使越赤道气流增强,热带气旋南面的风速也因此增强,从而引起热带气旋的增强.  相似文献   

在系统分析并筛选出华北地区地震频度、地震活动标度、mf值、调制比、b值、D值、η值、地震活动强度熵和地震活动时间熵等映震较好的9项测震学参数基础上,应用综合异常指数方法,分别计算了它们各自的地震异常指数时序值,进而合成得到华北地区测震学综合异常指数时序曲线,通过研究其地震短期异常特征,给出了华北地区ML≥5.8地震短期综合预测的判据指标,经R值评分检验表明,该指标具有较好的地震预测效能。  相似文献   

海南井水位对热带气旋响应特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2001——2010年, 海南省地下流体观测台网记录到多次热带气旋引起的井水位抖动现象.本文以2003年7月21日强热带气旋ldquo;天鹅rdquo;和2005年9月27日台风ldquo;达维rdquo;为例, 系统地研究了这两次热带气旋引起的水位抖动变化的特征.结果表明, 经过高通滤波, 水位抖动变化图像更加明显;通过频谱分析,得知热带气旋引起的水位抖动周期为100——101 min;井水位抖动的起始时间、 幅度最大值的时间与热带气旋通过海南岛陆的时间一致, 且与热带气旋的结构特点、发展和运动过程密切相关,与井孔自身的井-含水层系统对微动态信息响应的能力也有关系.分析认为,气压振荡式升降变化和摩擦是热带气旋引起水位抖动的原因.   相似文献   

热带气旋风场模型构造及特征参数估算   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
探讨了利用气旋风场分布的经验模型估算热带气旋尺度(8级大风圈半径)的方法.用美国联合台风警报中心整编的2001年西北太平洋热带气旋的“最佳尺度”资料,确定了各模型的经验常数,并计算了各模型的估算精度.结果表明,“VBogus”模型能获得热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,简称TC)尺度的较好估算.基于“VBogus”模型,通过拟合热带气旋尺度的非对称分布,构造了能描述热带气旋非对称风场的"修正VBogus"模型,并估算了该模型中各参数在不同季节和不同地理区域的取值,为热带气旋尺度变化和非对称结构机制等问题的研究和应用提供新依据.  相似文献   

Forecasts of tropical cyclones(TCs) of the western North Pacific basin during the period of July to August 2018,especially of Rumbia(2018), Ampil(2018) and Jongdari(2018) that made landfall over Shanghai, have opposed great challenges for numerical models and forecasters. The predictive skill of these TCs are analyzed based on ensemble forecasts of ECMWF and NCEP. Results of the overall performance show that ensemble forecasts of ECMWF generally have higher predictive skill of track and intensity forecasts than those of NCEP. Specifically, ensemble forecasts of ECMWF have higher predictive skill of intensity forecasts for Rumbia(2018) and Ampil(2018) than those of NCEP, and both have low predictive skill of intensity forecasts for Jongdari(2018) at peak intensity. To improve the predictive skill of ensemble forecasts for TCs, a method that estimates adaptive weights for members of an ensemble forecast is proposed. The adaptive weights are estimated based on the fit of ensemble priors and posteriors to observations. The performances of ensemble forecasts of ECMWF and NCEP using the adaptive weights are generally improved for track and intensity forecasts. The advantages of the adaptive weights are more prominent for ensemble forecasts of ECMWF than for those of NCEP.  相似文献   

Surface water flooding (SWF) is a recurrent hazard that affects lives and livelihoods. Climate change is projected to change the frequency of extreme rainfall events that can lead to SWF. Increasingly, data from Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are being used to investigate the potential water-related impacts of climate change; such assessments often focus on broad-scale fluvial flooding and the use of coarse resolution (>12 km) RCMs. However, high-resolution (<4 km) convection-permitting RCMs are now becoming available that allow impact assessments of more localised SWF to be made. At the same time, there has been an increasing demand for more robust and timely real-time forecast and alert information on SWF. In the UK, a real-time SWF Hazard Impact Model framework has been developed. The system uses 1-km gridded surface runoff estimates from a hydrological model to simulate the SWF hazard. These are linked to detailed inundation model outputs through an Impact Library to assess impacts on property, people, transport, and infrastructure for four severity levels. Here, a set of high-resolution (1.5 km and 12 km) RCM data has been used as input to a grid-based hydrological model over southern Britain to simulate Current (1996–2009) and Future (~2100s; RCP8.5) surface runoff. Counts of threshold-exceedance for surface runoff and precipitation (at 1-, 3- and 6-hr durations) are analysed. Results show that the percentage increases in surface runoff extremes, are less than those of precipitation extremes. The higher-resolution RCM simulates the largest percentage increases, which occur in winter, and the winter exceedance counts are greater than summer exceedance counts. For property impacts, the largest percentage increases are also in winter; however, it is the 12-km RCM output that leads to the largest percentage increase in impacts. The added-value of high-resolution climate model data for hydrological modelling is from capturing the more intense convective storms in surface runoff estimates.  相似文献   

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