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Resource scheduling for both cost and pollution minimization in the power system is so crucial. To reduce the greenhouse gas emission, employing renewable energy resources, especially solar and wind energy, and beside them plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are effective solutions. In industrial factories, using biomass resources for power generation is both economic and environmental approach. In sugarcane company, bagasse is plant fiber residue which is used as fuel. Electric lift trucks, capable of being connected to power grid, could decrease the pollution in industrial transportations. In this paper, scheduling problem for a large-scale sugarcane factory including solar resources, a thermal unit, and electric lift trucks is presented and solved by CPLEX solver in GAMS software. In order to consider uncertainties, different scenarios are noticed. To contribute better understanding of optimization problem, cost, pollution, and charging regime of electric lift trucks are carefully analyzed. The results show that implementation of the biomass electric power generation is effective for reducing cost and amount of emission.  相似文献   

An evaluation has been conducted to establish if using renewable energy is technically and economically feasible to pump water in Sacala las Lomas, Guatemala. A deep groundwater well has been proposed and a multi-stage pump system is being considered to distribute groundwater to users’ homes. A weather station was erected in Sacala to collect site-specific data. Wind velocity, wind direction, solar insolation, temperature, precipitation, and barometric pressure data were collected over a 1-year study period. The analysis of the data indicated that the potential power generated by a photovoltaic array or wind turbine would be insufficient to economically pump water to the village under current conditions. Although there may be reasons other than economics that make the potential renewable energy applications attractive, the space and maintenance required to install and operate a sufficient off-grid system outweigh the benefits. A grid-intertie system would allow any number of solar panels to be used in the system while still providing the electricity demand using grid-power.  相似文献   

The devastating effects of fossil fuels on the environment, limited natural sources and increasing demand for energy across the world make renewable energy sources more important than in the past. The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference resulted in a global agreement on net zero CO2 emissions shortly after the middle of the twenty-first century, which will lead to a collapse of fossil fuel demand. The focus of the study is to define a cost optimal 100% renewable energy system in Iran by 2030 using an hourly resolution model. The optimal sets of renewable energy technologies, least-cost energy supply, mix of capacities and operation modes were calculated and the role of storage technologies was examined. Two scenarios have been evaluated in this study: a country-wide scenario and an integrated scenario. In the country-wide scenario, renewable energy generation and energy storage technologies cover the country’s power sector electricity demand. In the integrated scenario, the renewable energy generated was able to fulfil both the electricity demand of the power sector and the substantial electricity demand for water desalination and synthesis of industrial gas. By adding sector integration, the total levelized cost of electricity decreased from 45.3 to 40.3 €/MWh. The levelized cost of electricity of 40.3 €/MWh in the integrated scenario is quite cost-effective and beneficial in comparison with other low-carbon but high-cost alternatives such as carbon capture and storage and nuclear energy. A 100% renewable energy system for Iran is found to be a real policy option.  相似文献   

本文讨论商用和民用小型分布式热电联产系统的能源利用效率、公众安全和环境保护问题。指出由于安装、运行场所为城市中心地区或居民住宅区,公众的生命财产安全是考虑技术方案的优先问题,对周围环境影响的考虑应优先于能源利用效率和经济效益;若小型分布式热电联产系统把一次能源转换过程产生的污染物和余热的排放地点转移到城市内的建筑物和住宅区,有关地区的大气环境质量不可避免受到影响;分布式热电联产系统的使用还存在资源制约的问题。因此,应规范在城市中心地区和居民住宅区设置分布式热电联产系统。  相似文献   

基于建筑屋顶面积大、无遮阳等具有可利用光伏屋顶发电的有利条件,本文以山西某市职中校区内的建筑物为例,从气象条件、系统运行方式、光伏电池方阵设计及并网电气设计等方面提出了综合优化设计方案。  相似文献   

姚震  黎江峰  吴巧生  周娜 《地质通报》2018,37(7):1374-1378
通过文献梳理建立中国天然气资源安全评价指标体系,运用聚类分析和灰色关联分析优化了已构建的评价指标体系。在此基础上采用熵值法衡量出中国天然气安全指数,通过设立高、基准和低3种情景方案,运用PSO-SVM模型对2020年中国天然气安全态势进行了分析。结果表明:(1)在评价期内,中国天然气处于不安全程度,天然气安全指数呈现先波动下降再缓慢上升的趋势;(2)不同的天然气利用政策及与之配套的能源政策能够显著影响中国天然气安全发展。建议中国政府加强对天然气等能源政策的干预力度,以便更好地发挥上述政策和措施在提高天然气能源利用效率、改善能源结构和保证国民经济平稳运行方面的积极作用。  相似文献   

崔荣国 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1135-1140
随着全球经济的发展,能源消费不断增长。在全球的能源消费中,可再生能源占比不断提高,2017年占比为10.4%,成为能源消费的重要组成部分。全球可再生能源的利用中,水电处于主导地位,占6成以上;其次为风能,占比超过1成;太阳能和地热发展较晚,占比均不足1成。各国可再生能源利用水平不均,挪威、加拿大和巴西等国家的可再生资源已成为本国能源消费的主要来源之一。中国同样重视可再生能源的开发利用,2017年中国能源消费中可再生能源占比为11.8%,已超过天然气成为第三大能源消费来源。总之,随着可再生能源开发利用水平的不断提高,可再生能源在全球能源消费中的比重将进一步增加,将成为化石能源的重要替代资源。  相似文献   

Of the various types of road structures, bridges are the most exposed to icing; the problem of icing is widely addressed through salting, which reduces the lifespan of the bridge. One promising solution to avoid the use of salt is the seasonal storage of solar heat energy captured directly through the asphalt layer; however, this solution can only be achieved cost effectively if a necessary geostructure is used as a heat exchanger. In this study, such an approach is studied for a bridge crossing a canal, and the geotechnical and energy-related challenges of such a solution are discussed. Bridge piers and abutments are located on piles, which are used as heat exchangers. Depending on local conditions, seasonal storage and natural thermal reload are two possible solutions for the operation of such a system. In particular, the presence of underground water flow is thought to be a significant factor in such a design and is considered here. This study aims to determine the geotechnical and energy design parameters through thermo-hydro-mechanical simulations. A three-dimensional finite-element model analysis is necessary given the distance between bridge piles. Various underground water flow scenarios are studied. The capture of energy and de-icing requirements is based on the few existing structures that use other means of energy exchange with the ground. The results indicate that the use of heat-exchanger piles for de-icing bridges can only be considered at specific sites; however, the efficiency of the solution at those sites is high. Possible foundation and structure stability problems are also considered, such as vertical displacements due to the dual use of the foundation piles.  相似文献   

To estimate the rate of organic production, two solar powered tropical natural aquatic systems (Oxbow lakes) have been studied for 24 months. The study of utilization of energy in those two tropical lakes has revealed that herbivores were more efficient in energy utilization than autotrophs. Silver carp and grass carp were found to be most efficient in conversion of energy in the grazing and detritus food chain of these lakes. The efficiency of the system to fish production was found to be 0.05 % of the total available solar radiation. Various forms of life are all accompanied by energy changes, even though no energy is created or destroyed in the studied system.  相似文献   

Although solar power systems are considered as one of the most promising renewable energy sources, some uncertain factors as well as the high cost could be barriers which create customer resistance. Leasing instead of purchase, as one type of product service system, could be an option to reduce consumer concern on such issues. This study focuses on consumer concerns about uncertainty and willingness to pay for leasing solar power systems. Conjoint analysis method is used to find part worth utilities and estimate gaps of willingness to pay between attribute levels, including various leasing time lengths. The results show the part worth utilities and relative importance of four major attributes, including leasing time. Among concerns about uncertainties, government subsidy, electricity price, reliability, and rise of new generation solar power systems were found to be significantly related to the additional willingness-to-pay for a shorter leasing time. Cluster analysis is used to identify two groups standing for high and low concerns about uncertainty. People with more concerns tend to pay more for a shorter lease time.  相似文献   

Within one decade a fundamental choice will have to be made: Should the energy system follow the historical trends of risky and unsustainable energy use patterns? Or should it take the course towards sustainable development and climate protection, giving top priority to energy efficiency and to a broad mix of renewable energies? Both roads are technically feasible. “Back-casting”-scenarios could help to answer the question, what technological options are available for climate protection and how societal goals can be achieved in a cost-effective way. Lessons learned from world energy scenarios and possible implementation options will be discussed. A case study of the German Parliament’s Enquete Commission on Sustainable Energy Systems will be taken as illustration. The analysis shows that sustainable energy systems can be financed and that economic growth can be decoupled from absolute levels of non-renewable energy consumption by stepping up energy productivity.  相似文献   

Iran is facing large challenges in the area of energy policy. In order to illuminate these challenges and the problems and possibilities, which are present, firstly, the current energy consumption patterns have been analyzed in Iran as well as the energy policy of the Iranian government. Based on this analysis, the alternative concepts have been then formulated for Iran’s future energy. The increase in energy usage in Iran is distinctly out of proportion with the development of economic productivity. Negative structural characteristics of this system are: first, an above average energy intensity; second, an increase in energy consumption in the traffic sector; third, a high growth rate in usage of electric energy; and lastly, an above-average amount of stress to the environment. Traditionally, Iran’s energy policy has focused on satisfying the growing demand for energy by oil and, in the last fifteen years, by successively expanding natural gas. However, the further development of the natural gas supply only makes sense within the context of a holistic energy policy, which takes into account the principles of sustainable development. In the short term, such a policy would take advantage of both considerable energy saving techniques, as well as potential renewable energy sources. In the long term, such a policy would strive for the complete transfer to renewable energy sources and technology.  相似文献   

中国的温室气体排放、减排措施与对策*   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
黄耀 《第四纪研究》2006,26(5):722-732
根据《中华人民共和国气候变化初始国家信息通报》,1994年中国温室气体排放总量约为3650×106t的CO2当量,其中CO2,CH4和N2O分别占73.1 % ,19.7 % 和7.2 % 。CO2排放主要来自能源活动,CH4排放主要来自农业活动和能源活动,N2O排放主要来自农业活动。在过去的20余年里,中国为减缓全球温室气体排放的增长速度做出了重要的贡献。对文献资料和大量研究结果的分析表明,中国可通过采取相关措施和制订相应政策进一步减少温室气体的排放。减少CO2排放的主要措施和对策包括:调整能源结构(降低煤炭消费比例、适度提高天然气比例和发展核能);提高能源生产、转化、分配和使用过程中的效率;开发利用水能、风能、太阳能和生物能等可再生能源;通过植树造林,推广秸秆还田、平衡施肥和少(免)耕等增加陆地生态系统的碳吸收。减少CH4排放的主要措施和对策包括:回收利用煤层气;改造生活垃圾填埋场地和筛选环境适应性强的CH4氧化菌并接种于填埋场;改善反刍动物的营养成分;稻田合理灌溉、提高水稻的收获指数、选育和种植CH4排放低的水稻品种等。减少农田N2O排放的主要措施和对策包括:提高氮肥利用率;推广施用长效肥和控释肥;施用生物抑制剂和实施微生物工程等。  相似文献   

景锦  李鹏远  李天骄 《地球学报》2023,44(2):305-314
在全球能源低碳转型的背景下,白银不仅广泛应用于电子电气、钎焊合金等传统工业领域以及首饰银器和投资领域,更是与光伏、电动汽车和5G技术等绿色清洁能源领域密切相关。本研究采用部门分析法分别预测在既定政策情景(STEPS)、宣布承诺情景(APS)和2050年净零排放情景(NZE)三种情景下光伏、电动汽车领域的白银需求,并使用ARIMA模型分析传统工业领域需求,预测至2035年全球白银需求。研究结果表明,三种情景下, 2035年工业领域对白银的需求量分别为19 360 t、21 621 t和26 894 t。在中情景下(APS情景)低碳领域白银需求量将在2031年超过传统工业领域白银需求量;在高情景下(NZE情景)低碳领域需求量将在2024年超过传统工业领域白银需求量。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine how energy balances and economical indices of barley production are affected by irrigated and dry land farming systems. Data were collected from 26 irrigated and 68 dry land barley farms. The complimentary data were collected through questionnaires filled by farmers in face-to-face interviews during 2010. The results indicated that total energy input for irrigated barley was 19,308.96 MJ ha?1 and for dry land barley was 7,867.82. The non-renewable energy was about 66.83 and 71.02 % in irrigated and dry land systems while the renewable energy was 33.17 and 28.98 %, respectively. Energy use efficiency is energy output MJ ha?1 divided by energy input MJ ha?1. Energy use efficiency was 5.3 and 3.96 in dry land and irrigated systems, respectively. Although net return in the irrigated system (266.13$ ha?1) was greater than that in the dry land system (208.64) but the benefit to cost ratio in irrigated system (1.38) was lower than that in the dry land system (1.58). Results showed that human labor as well as machinery energy inputs were the most important inputs influencing the dry land and irrigated barley production systems, respectively. The second important input in the irrigated barley was electricity (with 0.16) which was followed by water for irrigation and diesel fuel (0.14 and 0.13, respectively). In total energy consumption, the ratio of non-renewable energy was greater than that of renewable energy. Since the main non-renewable energy input was diesel, electricity, and chemical fertilizers; therefore, management and improvement in the application of these inputs would increase the proportion of renewable energy.  相似文献   


The progressive electrification of the building conditioning sector in recent years has greatly contributed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by using renewable energy sources, particularly shallow geothermal energy. This energy can be exploited through open and closed shallow geothermal systems (SGS), and their performances greatly depend on the ground/groundwater temperature, which can be affected by both natural and anthropogenic phenomena. The present study proposes an approach to characterize aquifers affected by high SGS exploitation (not simulated in this work). Characterization of the potential hydro/thermogeological natural state is necessary to understand the regional flow and heat transport, and to identify local thermal anomalies. Passive microseismic and groundwater monitoring were used to assess the shape and thermal status of the aquifer; numerical modeling in both steady-state and transient conditions allowed understanding of the flow and heat transport patterns. Two significant thermal anomalies were detected in a fluvio-glacial aquifer in southern Switzerland, one created by river water exfiltration and one of anthropogenic nature. A favorable time lag of 110 days between river and groundwater temperature and an urban hot plume produced by underground structures were observed. These thermal anomalies greatly affect the local thermal status of the aquifer and consequently the design and efficiency of current and future SGS. Results show that the correct characterization of the natural thermo-hydrogeological status of an aquifer is a fundamental basis for determining the impact of boundary conditions and to provide initial conditions required to perform reliable local thermal sustainability assessments, especially where high SGS exploitation occurs.


A first order characteristic of the relative abundance of the elements in solar system materials ranging in size from inclusions in primitive meteorites to planetary sized objects such as the Earth and the Moon is that they are very much like that of the Sun for the more refractory elements but systematically depleted to varying degrees in the more volatile elements. This is taken as evidence that evaporation and and/or condensation were important processes in determining the distinctive chemical properties of solar system materials. In some instances there is also isotopic evidence suggesting evaporation in that certain materials are found enriched in the heavy isotopes of their more volatile elements. Here model calculations are used to explore how the relative rates of various key processes determine the relationship between elemental and isotopic fractionation during partial evaporation and partial condensation. The natural measure of time for the systems considered here is the evaporation or condensation timescale defined as the time it would take under the prevailing conditions for evaporation or condensation to completely transfer the element of interest between the two phases of the system. The other timescales considered involve the rate of change of temperature, the rate at which gas is removed from further interaction with the condensed phase, and the rates of diffusion in the condensed and gas phases. The results show that a key determinant of whether or not elemental fractionations have associated isotopic effects is the ratio of the partial pressure of a volatile element (Pi) to its saturation vapor pressure (Pi,sat) over the condensed phase. Systems in which the rate of temperature change or of gas removal are slow compared to the evaporation or condensation timescale will be in the limit Pi ∼ Pi,sat and thus will have little or no isotopic fractionation because at the high temperatures considered here there is negligible equilibrium fractionation of isotopes. If on the other hand the temperature changes are relatively fast, then PiPi,sat and there will be both elemental and isotopic fractionation during partial evaporation or partial condensation. Rapid removal of evolved gas results in Pi ? Pi,sat which will produce isotopically heavy evaporation residues. Diffusion-limited regimes, where transports within a phase are not sufficiently fast to maintain chemical and or isotopic homogeneity, will typically produce less isotopic fractionation than had the phases remained well mixed. The model results are used to suggest a likely explanation for the heavy silicon and magnesium isotopic composition of Type B CAIs (as due to rapid partial melting and subsequent cooling at rates of a few °C per hour), for the uniformity of the potassium isotopic composition of chondrules despite large differences in potassium depletions (as due to volatilization of potassium by reheating in regions of large but variable chondrules per unit volume), and that the remarkable uniformity of the potassium isotopic composition of solar system materials is not a measure of the relative importance of evaporation and condensation but rather due to the solar nebula having evolved sufficiently slowly that materials did not significantly depart from chemical equilibrium.  相似文献   

The purpose of this report is to describe the research programs and program activities of the US Department of Energy (DOE) that most directly relate to topics in the field of environmental geology. In this light, the mission of the DOE and the definition of environmental geology will be discussed. In a broad sense, environmental geology is that branch of earth science that emphasizes the entire spectrum of human interactions with the physical environment that include environmental health, mineral exploration and exploitation, waste management, energy use and conservation, global change, environmental law, natural and man-made hazard assessment, and land-use planning. A large number of research, development, and demonstration programs are under DOE's administration and guidance that directly or indirectly relate to topics in environmental geology. The primary mission of the DOE is to contribute to the welfare of the nation by providing the scientific foundation, technology, policy, and institutional leadership necessary to achieve efficiency in energy use, diversity in energy sources, a more productive and competitive economy, improved environmental quality, and a secure national defense. The research and development funding effort has most recently been redirected toward greater utilization of clean fossil fuels, especially natural gas, weatherization, renewable energy, energy efficiency, fusion energy, and high-energy physics. This paper will summarize the role that environmental geology has played and will continue to play in the execution of DOE's mission and the energy options that DOE has investigated closely. The specific options are those that center around energy choices, such as alternative-fueled transportation, building technologies, energy-efficient lighting, and clean energy.  相似文献   

The Earth surface is a multiple open system. Semiconducting minerals, including most metal oxides and sulfides, absorb visible light of the solar spectrum. Microorganisms evolve varied pathways to get carbon and energy sources. It is obvious that the interaction among solar light, semiconducting minerals, photoelectron/photohole, organics, inorganics, valence electrons and microorganisms occurs continuously on our planet. In a recent study, Lu et al. (2012) presented evidence demonstrating solar energy mediated by semiconducting mineral photocatalysis, acting as energy source, promoted the growth of some non-photosynthetic bacteria and revealed that the ternary system of microorganisms, minerals and solar light has played a critical role in the history of life on our planet. In simulated system, under simulated solar light semiconducting minerals, such as metal oxides and metal sulfides, generates photoelectrons which could be used by non-phototrophic microorganisms to support their metabolisms. The growth of microorganism was closely related to photon quantity and energy, and the microorganism growth and mineral light absorption spectra were fitted well under different light wavelengths. The overall energy efficiency from photon to biomass was 0.13‰ to 1.9‰. Further studies revealed that in natural soil systems, semiconducting mineral photocatalysis could influence the microbial population. Solar energy utilization pathway by nonphototrophic microorganisms mediated by semiconducting mineral photocatalysis provides a new concept to evaluate the origin and evolution of life. Semiconducting minerals are ubiquitous on Earth’s surface and widely participate in redox reactions following photoelectron-photohole pairs excited by solar light. As photoholes can be easily scavenged by environmental reductive substances and microorganisms possess multiple strategies to utilize extracellular electrons, the highly reductive photoelectrons serve as potential energy source for microbial life. The discovery of this pathway extends our knowledge on the use of solar energy by nonphototrophic microorganisms, and provides important clues to evaluate life on the early Earth. Microorganisms, minerals and solar light constitute a complex but important ternary system through Earth history. The discovery of the novel energy conversion pathway in this system demonstrates how nonphototrophic microorganisms directly or indirectly utilized photoelectrons as the solar energy source. The fully comprehending of nonphototrophic bacteria solar energy utilization conducted by semiconducting minerals in present environment will greatly help us to better understand the energy transform mechanism among interfaces of lithosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.  相似文献   

“双碳目标”已成为我国能源发展基本国策。如何开展这一大背景下的石油地质研究及如何推动能源多元化发展,是石油科技工作者面前的现实问题。本文对2000—2020年我国二氧化碳排放、油气能源消费、油气储量、产量等进行分析研究后认为,在“碳达峰”与“碳中和”应对全球气候变化的大背景之下,21世纪内石油和天然气仍将担任能源家族中的重要角色。我国石油工业要立足于理论和实践的自主创新,实现“万米级的超深层常规油气革命和纳米级超致密储层的非常规页岩油气革命”,实现超常规发展和低碳绿色转型发展。油田注水开发是我国提高采收率的核心技术,今后应大力推广注二氧化碳驱油技术,以达到增油与减排的双重目的,创新二氧化碳捕集与埋存技术以发展石油工业的减碳产业。21世纪为能源发展的多元化时代,水电、风能和太阳能等3类可再生能源开发利用是实现双碳目标的基本保障,地热能、生物质能和海洋能是重要推手;22世纪人类将建成一个由可再生能源和新能源保障的经济社会,氢能源将是未来最具发展潜力的新能源。  相似文献   

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