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Bortnikovite, a new mineral species that is an intermetallic compound of Pd, Cu, and Zn with the simplified formula Pd4Cu3Zn has been detected at the unique Konder placer deposit in the Ayan-Maya district, Khabarovsk krai. The primary source of this placer is a concentrically zoned alkaline ultramafic massif. The X-ray diffraction pattern is indexed on the assumption of a tetragonal unit cell: a = 6.00 ± 0.02 Å and c = 8.50 ± 0.03 Å, V = 306 ± 0.01 Å3, Z = 3, probable space group P4/mmm. The calculated density is 11.16 g/cm3; the mean microhardness VHN is 368 kg/mm2. In reflected light, the new mineral is white with a slight grayish beige tint; bireflectance, anisotropy, and internal reflections are not observed. The reflectance spectrum belongs to the concave group of the anomalous type. The measured values of reflectance are as follows: 56.9 (470 nm), 61.7 (546 nm), 63.4 (589 nm), and 65.4% (650 nm). The new mineral is intergrown with isoferroplatinum, titanite, perovskite, V-bearing magnetite, bornite, and chlorite. The origin of bortnikovite is related to the effect of alkaline fluid on ultramafic rocks. The new mineral is named in honor of Professor Nikolai Stefanovich Bortnikov, a prominent mineralogist and researcher of ore deposits and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Bortnikovite is the first platinum group mineral that contains Zn as a major mineralforming element.  相似文献   

This paper explores the inherent contradiction and conceptual conflict that arises when sacred sites are marketed as secular for the purpose of promoting tourism. The question of conflict is further frustrated within the context of Israel’s contested religious landscape and Israeli policy. Using a Lefebvrian framework, the historical development of the Bahai Gardens in Haifa, Israel, the tourism board’s promotion of the site as Haifa’s primary tourist designation, and the distinct spatial practices that have been used by both constituencies are investigated. Further, the authors posit that the Bahai Gardens are multi-dimensional spaces characterized by two different socio-spatial processes and practices that co-exist—the tourist’s and the pilgrim’s. These practices transform the holy site into a secular shared community asset. The paper concludes with a discussion of the socio-spatial implications of the case and its broader implications concerning the globalization of tourism and the efficacy of developing “layered” Lefebvrian triad to try and avoid conflict.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a landsystem approach to analyse the landforms and sediments exposed on the forefields of three closely spaced outlet glaciers of the Vatnajökull Ice Cap, southeast Iceland; Morsárjökull, Skaftafellsjökull and Svínafellsjökull, in order to determine how individual glacier and environmental characteristics influence landscape development. Analysis of satellite imagery and fieldwork were used in conjunction to examine the geomorphology and sedimentology of the forefields, and to define the characteristic landsystems of each of the glaciers. Morsárjökull and Skaftafellsjökull have similar proglacial fields, with similarities in the distribution and scale of the landforms, and their characteristics conform to the established active temperate landsystem. Svínafellsjökull differs significantly from the other glaciers having a proglacial field that more closely resembles an early stage debris‐charged landsystem. Variations between the glaciers in terms of their ice distribution (hypsometry, equilibrium line altitude), bedrock type, topography and debris content are important factors that contribute to the landsystem variability evident in their proglacial fields. The forefields of these three glaciers may be used as analogues to enhance understanding of palaeoenvironmental conditions that existed along the southern margin of Pleistocene glaciers that covered much of northern North America and Europe in the past.  相似文献   

Morphological and vegetation mapping and stratigraphic studies were carried out on a 60 by 250 m low–centered polygon field on a flood–plain of the Riviére Deception in the continuous permafrost zone of northernmost Ungava. Analyses of grain size, water and ice content, deformation structures, and macrorests were carried out on drill–core samples, up to a maximum depth of 3.19 m, and radiocarbon dates were obtained from several peat horizons. Five different vegetational habits were identified: uplifted banks, ice–wedge fissures, hummocky centres, wet polygon centres, and water ponds. The stratigraphic analyses revealed many sand layers and organic layers, alternating with a few layers of segregated ice. In the raises banks, brown fen peats represent former wet conditions prior to bank uplift. Total ice volumes of the core samples from polygon centres and banks averaged 60%, and were generally in the form of pore ice. Segregated ice was concentrated in ice wedges. The Low gradient of the polygon field and the shallow active layer are responsible for impded drainage. The origins of this isolated low–centred polygon field are discussed in terms of special local terrain conditions. River flooding since glacio–isostatic emergence at 6000 BP repeatedly spread alluvial sands onto the low flood–plain, which thus became progressively built up to its present elevation. Peat layers buried by these alluvial sands have permitted the changing local drainage conditions to be radiocarbon–dated for the last 2600 years for the core sites. Impeded drainage, low winter temperatures, probable thin snow cover, rapid sedimentation of flood–plain sands, and high volumetric ice contents have created the critical thermal regime necessary for repeated frost cracking in a polygonal pattern, with concomitant ice–wedge dev–elopment. Ice wedges developed at least as early as 2200 BP, causing the formation of low banks. Further growth of ice wedges deformed the peat and sand layers on the bank margins and led to the rise of the latter to heights of 0.5 to 1 m above the intervening low wet polygon centres. More water was then collected in the depressions, leading to a transformations of the vegetation cover from mossy heath to sphagnum bog, wet fen, sedge-covered ponds, and eventually in some cases to open-water pools. The stratigraphic evidence suggests that several generations of high banks formed and disappeared and that their position has changed. Deformation by continued ice–wedge growth has been insignificant since 1000 BP, However. A relatively thick surface peat layer also indicates that sand layers have not been contributed to the polygon field by flooding since ? 500 BP.  相似文献   

Hybrid depositional systems are created by the interaction of two or more hydrodynamic processes that control facies distribution and their characteristics in terms of sedimentary structures and depositional geometry. The interaction of wave and tide both in the geological sedimentary record and modern environments has been rarely described in the literature. Mixed coastal environments are identified by the evidence of wave and tidal structures and are well identified in nearshore environments, while their recognition in lower shoreface–offshore environments lacks direct information from modern settings. Detailed field analyses of 10 stratigraphic sections of the Lower Ordovician succession (Fezouata and Zini formations; Anti‐Atlas, Morocco) have allowed the definition of 14 facies, all grouped in four facies zones belonging to a storm‐dominated, wave‐dominated sedimentary siliciclastic system characterized by symmetrical ripples of various scales. Peculiar sedimentary organization and sedimentary structures are observed: (i) cyclical changes in size of sedimentary structures under fair‐weather or storm‐weather conditions; (ii) decimetre‐deep erosional surfaces in swaley cross‐stratifications; (iii) deep internal erosion within storm deposits; (iv) discontinuous sandstone layers in most depositional environments, and common deposition of sandstones with a limited lateral extension, interpreted to indicate that deposition at all scales (metric to kilometric) is discontinuous; (v) combined flow–oscillation ripples showing aggrading–prograding internal structures alternating with purely aggrading wave ripples; and (vi) foreshore environments characterized by alternating phases of deposition of parallel stratifications, small‐scale and large‐scale ripples and tens of metres‐wide reactivation surfaces. These characteristics of deposition suggest that wave intensity during storm‐weather or fair‐weather conditions was continuously modulated by another controlling factor of the sedimentation: the tide. However, tidal structures are not recognized, because they were probably not preserved due to dominant action of storms and waves. A model of deposition is provided for this wave‐dominated, tide‐modulated sedimentary system recording proximal offshore to intertidal–foreshore environments, but lacking diagnostic tidal structures.  相似文献   

After more than a decade of multidisciplinary studies of the Central American subduction zone mainly in the framework of two large research programmes, the US MARGINS program and the German Collaborative Research Center SFB 574, we here review and interpret the data pertinent to quantify the cycling of mineral-bound volatiles (H2O, CO2, Cl, S) through this subduction system. For input-flux calculations, we divide the Middle America Trench into four segments differing in convergence rate and slab lithological profiles, use the latest evidence for mantle serpentinization of the Cocos slab approaching the trench, and for the first time explicitly include subduction erosion of forearc basement. Resulting input fluxes are 40–62 (53) Tg/Ma/m H2O, 7.8–11.4 (9.3) Tg/Ma/m CO2, 1.3–1.9 (1.6) Tg/Ma/m Cl, and 1.3–2.1 (1.6) Tg/Ma/m S (bracketed are mean values for entire trench length). Output by cold seeps on the forearc amounts to 0.625–1.25 Tg/Ma/m H2O partly derived from the slab sediments as determined by geochemical analyses of fluids and carbonates. The major volatile output occurs at the Central American volcanic arc that is divided into ten arc segments by dextral strike-slip tectonics. Based on volcanic edifice and widespread tephra volumes as well as calculated parental magma masses needed to form observed evolved compositions, we determine long-term (105 years) average magma and K2O fluxes for each of the ten segments as 32–242 (106) Tg/Ma/m magma and 0.28–2.91 (1.38) Tg/Ma/m K2O (bracketed are mean values for entire Central American volcanic arc length). Volatile/K2O concentration ratios derived from melt inclusion analyses and petrologic modelling then allow to calculate volatile fluxes as 1.02–14.3 (6.2) Tg/Ma/m H2O, 0.02–0.45 (0.17) Tg/Ma/m CO2, and 0.07–0.34 (0.22) Tg/Ma/m Cl. The same approach yields long-term sulfur fluxes of 0.12–1.08 (0.54) Tg/Ma/m while present-day open-vent SO2-flux monitoring yields 0.06–2.37 (0.83) Tg/Ma/m S. Input–output comparisons show that the arc water fluxes only account for up to 40 % of the input even if we include an “invisible” plutonic component constrained by crustal growth. With 20–30 % of the H2O input transferred into the deeper mantle as suggested by petrologic modeling, there remains a deficiency of, say, 30–40 % in the water budget. At least some of this water is transferred into two upper-plate regions of low seismic velocity and electrical resistivity whose sizes vary along arc: one region widely envelopes the melt ascent paths from slab top to arc and the other extends obliquely from the slab below the forearc to below the arc. Whether these reservoirs are transient or steady remains unknown.  相似文献   

贵州剑河八郎松山(九高山)寒武系"清虚洞组"产有多门类具软躯体的生物群——剑河生物群,其中三叶虫非常丰富,属于叉尾虫科(Dorypygidae)的拟油栉虫(Olenoides Meek,1877),是一个重要的三叶虫属。Olenoides全球分布,出现于寒武纪第二世(都匀期),灭绝于寒武纪第三世(古丈期晚期),是进行地层对比重要的三叶虫。松山(九高山)"清虚洞组"中的Olenoides包括2个种(含1个相似种):收缩拟油栉虫Olenoides contrictus(Chien,1961)及湖北拟油栉虫(相似种)O.cf.hubeiensis(Sun,1984),两者应为"清虚洞组"上覆地层凯里组产出的O.paraptus及O.hubeiensis的原始类型。Olenoides在寒武系黔东统都匀阶"清虚洞组"的发现,为其在研究区产出的最低层位。为Olenoides早期的形态、演化及时空分布的研究提供了重要的材料,也为寒武系都匀阶(第4阶)的生物地层研究提供了一些新的信息。  相似文献   

The Al–Mg-rich granulites from the In Ouzzal craton, Algeria, show a great diversity of mineral reactions which correspond to continuous equilibria as predicted by phase relationships in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system. The sequence of mineral reactions can be subdivided into three distinct stages: (1) a high-P stage characterized by the growth of coarse mineral assemblages involving sapphirine and the disappearance of early corundum and spinel-bearing assemblages; (2) a high-T stage characterized by the development of Sa–Qz-bearing assemblages; and (3) a later stage, in which garnet-bearing assemblages are replaced by more or less fine symplectites involving cordierite. During the course of early mineral reactions, the distribution coefficient, Kd, between the various ferromagnesian phases decreased significantly whereas Al2O3 in pyroxene increased concomitantly. These observations, when combined with topological constraints, clearly indicate that the high-P stage 1 was accompanied by a significant rise in temperature (estimated at 150 ± 50° C) under near isobaric conditions, in agreement with the reaction textures. By stage 2, pressure and temperature were extreme as evidenced by the low Kd value between orthopyroxene and garnet (Kd= 2.06–1.99), the high alumina content in pyroxene (up to 11.8%) and the high magnesium content in garnet [100 Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 60.6]. Mineral thermometry based on Fe–Mg exchange between garnet and pyroxene and on Al-solubility in pyroxene gives temperatures close to 970 ± 70° C at 10 ± 1.5 kbar. These results are in agreement with the development of Sa–Qz assemblages on a local scale. Late mineral reactions have been produced during a decompression stage from about 9 to 6 kbar. Except for local re-equilibration of Mg and Fe at grain boundaries, there is no evidence for further reactions below 700° C. We interpreted the whole set of mineral reactions as due to changes in pressure and temperature during a tectonic episode located at c. 2 Ga. Because of the lack of evidence for further uplift after the thermal relaxation which occurred at c. 6 kbar, it is possible however that the exhumation of this granulitic terrane occurred in a later tectonic event unrelated to its formation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Dajing Cu–Sn–Ag–Pb–Zn ore deposit, Inner Mongolia of China, is a fissure‐filling hydrothermal ore deposit that occurs within the Upper Permian Linxi group. No magmatic pluton and volcanic rocks outcrop on the surface of the deposit. Most of ore veins show clear‐cut boundary with country rocks. Wallrock alterations that include silicification, carbonation, chlori–tization, and sericitization are generally weak and occur in the close vicinity of ore veins. Mineralization is divided into three stages: (1) cassiterite–arsenopyrite–quartz stage, (2) sulfide stage, and (3) Pb–Zn–Ag–carbonate stage. These mineralization stages have distinct ranges of homogenization temperatures, 290–350C for Stage 1, 260–320C for Stage 2, and 150–250C for Stage 3. However, salinities for Stages 1, 2, and 3 overlap and range between 2.2 and 10.4 wt % NaCl equivalent. The dD values relative to V‐SMOW of inclusion water from quartz are lower than –88% and centered at –100 to –130%. The δ34S values relative to CDT of sulfide ore minerals and δ13C values relative to PDB of carbonate gangue minerals, vary from –0.3 to +2.6%, and from –7.0 to –2.9%, respectively. Integrated isotopic data point to two major contributions to the mineralizing fluid that include a dominant meteoric‐derived water and the other from hypogene magma for sulfur and carbon species. Analyses of inclusion gas and liquid compositions are performed. The H2O and CO2 are the two most abundant gaseous components, whereas SO42‐ and Cl, and Na+, Ca2+, and K+ are the major anions and cations, respectively. A linear trend is shown on the gaseous H2O versus CO2 plot. Phase separation is excluded as cause for the trend on the basis of isotope data and fluid inclusion microthermometry. In addition, a weak wallrock alteration does not support fluid‐rock interaction as an efficient mechanism. Hence, the linear H2O–CO2 trend is interpreted in terms of absorption or dilution of CO2–dominant magmatic vapor by meteoric‐derived water. Cooling effects resulting from dilution may have caused precipitation of ore minerals. Major and trace element compositions of regional granites show a high‐K calc–alkaline characteristics and an arc–affinity. Lead isotopic compositions of galena samples from the Dajing deposit exhibit elevated U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. These characteristics indicate a common source of supra subduction zone mantle wedge for regional granites and metals from the Dajing deposit.  相似文献   

A population of the invasive musselMusculista senhousia was monitored bimonthly from May 1999 through April 2000 in the Sacca di Goro, a brackish lagoon of the Po River Delta, Northern Adriatic Sea, in order to give information on the gametogenic cycle, population dynamics, and secondary production of this successful invader. The gonad underwent 4 different stages: spent (December to February), developing (March to May), ripe (June to August), and spawning (September to November). The population was numerically dominated by a single cohort of individuals for most of the year. The mean size of this cohort rapidly increased to 24–25 mm shell length, after which growth slowed and mussels rarely grew larger than 30–32 mm. Summer anoxia may have greatly reduced mussel abundance; annual cohort mortality was 95%. No recruitment was registered on the bed until February 2000, and there was a large pulse of new recruits in April when two cohorts were clearly recognizable. The established bed was the primary site for new recruitment. Secondary production, calculated with two different methods, gave comparable estimates; P:B ratios were 1.5 and 1.7.M. senhousia beds seemed to facilitate the presence of other macrofaunal taxa: abundance of some species (a small gastropod, amphipods, and tube-building polychaetes) were significantly higher within mussel mats at two sites sampled in May 2000 than they were in soft-sediments ∼100 m away.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and chemistry of gold-bearing listwaenites of Gemiköy in the Araç massif (southern part of the Daday-Devrekâni massif) were investigated in detail. The process of listwaenitization and the reasons for gold enrichment in the area are discussed. The listwaenites have no direct contact with any magmatic intrusion or extrusion. Detailed chemical analysis showed that the listwaenitized rocks contain silica-, silica and carbonate-, and carbonate-rich parts. Each part is different chemically from the others, even in terms of accessory mineral content. In general, the listwaenites differed chemically and mineralogically from the surrounding ultramafic rocks. In particular, SiO2 and CaO contents of listwaenites were higher and MgO and Al2O3 contents were lower than in the surrounding ultramafic rocks. Furthermore, Ni, As, Mn, Zn, Pb and Co enrichment occurred during listwaenitization, while K was absent and Ni enrichment was detected especially in silica and carbonate-, and carbonate-rich parts. Finally, Gemiköy listwaenites are interpreted as autometamorphic, even though they show similarities to allometamorphic listwaenites according to Ploshko's (1963) classification.  相似文献   

Metapelites, migmatites and granites from the c. 2 Ga Mahalapye Complex have been studied for determining the PT–fluid influence on mineral assemblages and local equilibrium compositions in the rocks from the extreme southwestern part of the Central Zone of the Limpopo high‐grade terrane in Botswana. It was found that fluid infiltration played a leading role in the formation of the rocks. This conclusion is based on both well‐developed textures inferred to record metasomatic reactions, such as Bt ? And + Qtz + (K2O) and Bt ± Qtz ? Sil + Kfs + Ms ± Pl, and zonation of Ms | Bt + Qtz | And + Qtz and Grt | Crd | Pl | Kfs + Qtz reflecting a perfect mobility (Korzhinskii terminology) of some chemical components. The conclusion is also supported by the results of a fluid inclusion study. CO2 and H2O ( = 0.6) are the major components of the fluid. The fluid has been trapped synchronously along the retrograde PT path. The PT path was derived using mineral thermobarometry and a combination of mineral thermometry and fluid inclusion density data. The Mahalapye Complex experienced low‐pressure granulite facies metamorphism with a retrograde evolution from 770 °C and 5.5 kbar to 560 °C and 2 kbar, presumably at c. 2 Ga.  相似文献   

In the last decade, even in areas that had been considered tectonically stable, a great amount of Cenozoic, including the Quaternary period, structural data have been collected throughout Brazil. The main goal of this study is to describe the Cenozoic structures and tectonic evolution of an area that is located at the border of the Paraná Basin in the state of São Paulo.The research methods consisted of the analysis of: (1) brittle structure data, mainly conjugate fractures and fault slip data; (2) lineaments traced on air photos and TM Landsat and radar images; and (3) a second-order base surface map.The study area, during the Cenozoic, has been affected by five strike–slip tectonic events, which generated mainly strike–slip faults, and secondarily normal and reverse ones. The events were named, from the oldest to the youngest, E1-NE, E2-EW, E3-NW, E4-NS, and E5-NNE; and the maximum principal stresses σ1 strike approximately NE–SW, E–W, NW–SE, N–S, and NNE–SSW, respectively. Event E2-EW seems to have been contemporaneous with the deposition of the Rio Claro Formation, the most important Cenozoic deposit of probable Neogenic age, and also to have controlled the distribution of its deposits. Event E3-NW was the strongest one in the area, as is pointed out by structural data, and the maximum principal stress σ1 of event E5-NNE is partially concordant with the orientation of σH-max of well break-out data in the Paraná Basin, suggesting a Neotectonic activity for this event. Finally, discontinuities parallel and correlated to the directions of strike–slip faults of the Cenozoic events seem to have actively controlled the sculpturing of the relief in the study area.  相似文献   

Mafic volcanic rocks of the Fortescue Group form the lowermost stratigraphic unit of the 100,000 km2 Hamersley Basin on the southern margin of the Archean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. A regional burial metamorphic gradient extends across the basin from prehnite–pumpellyite facies in the north to greenschist facies in the south. Phase equilibria modelling of mafic rocks with the computer program thermocalc , in subsets of the system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–Fe2O3, successfully reproduces observed metamorphic mineral assemblages, giving conditions of ~210 °C, 2 kbar in the north and 335 °C, 3.2 kbar in the south. Superimposed on this metamorphic gradient, regional‐scale metasomatism in the Fortescue Group progressively produces a suite of prehnite‐bearing and pumpellyite–quartz/epidote–quartz‐dominated assemblages. Further modelling of variably metasomatized samples consistently estimates conditions of 260–280 °C, 2.5–3 kbar across the basin. All modelled samples were likely metasomatized at approximately the same structural level, following regional deformation during the Ophthalmian orogeny. Folding during the Ophthalmian orogeny produced topographic and/or tectonic driving forces for regional‐scale fluid flow, pushing metasomatic fluid northwards across the Hamersley Basin. These new phase equilibria calculations support previous interpretations linking the Ophthalmian orogeny, fluid flow and upgrading of Hamersley iron ore deposits. We propose an extension of this fluid flow to the Fortescue Group, the metasomatism of which may have contributed a source of Fe to the Hamersley iron ore deposits.  相似文献   

Glaciomarine varves, in contrast to glaciolacustrine varves, are primarily dependent upon sedimentation from meltwater overflow. They are usually developed in proximal positions and are a more reliable reflection of deglaciation character within a specific area than 'classical' glaciolacustrine varves, which are generally more distal and greater influenced by bottom topography. The close relationship with ice-front processes in the glaciomarine environment is discussed and utilized to suggest correlations between the varve stratigraphy, ice-front positions and climate shifts during the deglaciation of the Savean valley, where two varve localities have been documented. A varve sequence outside this valley shows similar general trends in varve-thickness variation, and comparison between localities may help in extending the lines connecting positions of concurrent ice-marginal deposition. The study of glaciomarine varves provides a more continuous record of changes in the ice-front character than can be obtained from intermittent moraine positions.  相似文献   

Based on previous studies and detailed field investigations of the Dexing porphyry copper deposit, the Yinshan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit and the Jinshan shear zone – hosted gold deposit in the Dele Jurassic volcanic basin, in the northeastern Jiangxi province, East China, we propose that the three deposits share spatial, temporal and genetic relationships and belong to the same metallogenic system. Dexing is a typical porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit in which both ore-forming fluid and metals are derived from the granite porphyry. The Yinshan deposit consists of a porphyry copper ore located in the cupola of a quartz porphyry stock, in the lower part, and Ag–Pb–Zn ore veins in the upper part. The hydrothermal fluids were mainly derived from the magma in the early stages of the mineralizing event and became mixed with meteoric waters in the late stages. Its ore metals are magma-derived. Both the Jinshan base metal veins and the Hamashi, Dongjie and Naikeng quartz vein-type gold deposit are hosted by brittle–ductile structures, which are distal in relation to the porphyry intrusions and were formed by mixed magmatic fluids and meteoric water, whereas the gold was mainly leached from the country rocks (Mesoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group phyllite and schist). The deposits show a distinct spatial arrangement from porphyry Cu, to epithermal Ag–Pb–Zn and distal Au. We suggest a porphyry–epithermal–distal vein ore system model for this group of genetically related mineral deposits. They were formed in a back-arc setting in a Middle Jurassic active continental margin, with magmas derived from the subducted slab.  相似文献   

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