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Every year the Earth crosses or passes near one of the dust trails left by Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle in its pass through the Solar System every 33.2 years. This produces a meteor shower Commonly called the Leonid. The 2001 Leonid meteor shower is one of the strongest in recent years. We present observations made by the 50 MHz all-sky meteor radar located at the Platteville Atmospheric Observatory in Colorado (40° N, 105° W). The spatial and temporal distributions of the meteor activity detected by the radar during the 2001 Leonid shower differs from the observed sporadic activity detected by VHF radars. Estimation of the radiant flux of the meteor shower of the shower by a well-known methodology is presented, and the intensity of the phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss a new method for measuring the coordinates of meteor shower radiants from meteor radar data. The method uses a high accuracy of radar goniometer measurements of one of the angular coordinates for meteor radiants and collective properties of incident meteor showers. It is based on a computer technology of searching for the coordinates of radiants using the intersections of meteor position lines on the celestial sphere and filtering nonrandom combinations of these intersections. The method allows the following: to detect meteor showers with a rate of more than 5 per day of observations and to separate meteor groups from different meteor showers with different radiants and velocities. The method makes it possible to increase the angular resolution from 10° × 10° achieved with a quasi-tomographic technique to 2° × 2°, with a prospect of a further increase in the accuracy through the individual reduction of separated meteor groups. We use the reduction of one-day-long observations during maximum activity of the Geminids meteor shower in 1993 to illustrate the potentialities of the method. We show an example of detecting a weak meteor shower that was active during December 1993.  相似文献   

Presented are results of Perseid 1993 meteor shower from radar observation at Ondejov observatory. Investigation of the shower activity profiles in four echo duration intervals proved the position of dominant peak at solar longitude L = 138.°8±0.°05 (epoch 1950.0) followed by series of secondary maxima positions of which depend on examined echo duration class. Extremely low value of the mass distribution indexs = 1.27 ± 0.01 near the maximum activity peak associated with high proportion of fragmenting particles leads to the suggestion that meteor particles concentrated in this filament are younger than those which form the other parts of the stream.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of detectable meteor shower activity in the atmosphere of Venus. We compare the Venus-approaching population of known periodic comets, suspected cometary asteroids and meteor streams with that of the Earth. We find that a similar number of Halley-type comets but a substantially lesser population of Jupiter family comets approach Venus. Parent bodies of prominent meteor showers that might occur at Venus have been determined based on minimum orbital distance. These are: Comets 1P/Halley, parent of the η Aquarid and Orionid streams at the Earth; 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova which currently approaches the venusian orbit to 0.0016 AU; three Halley-type comets (12P/Pons-Brooks, 27P/Crommelin and 122P/de Vico), all intercepting the planet's orbit within a 5-day arc in solar longitude; and Asteroid (3200) Phaethon, parent of the December Geminids at the Earth. In addition, several minor streams and a number of cometary asteroid orbits are found to approach the orbit of Venus sufficiently close to raise the possibility of some activity at that planet. Using an analytical approach described in Adolfsson et al. (Icarus 119 (1996) 144) we show that venusian meteors would be as bright or up to 2 magnitudes brighter than their Earth counterparts and reach maximum luminosity at an altitude range of 100-120, 20-30 km higher than at the Earth, in a predominantly clear region of the atmosphere. We discuss the feasibility of observing venusian showers based on current capabilities and conclude that a downward-looking Venus-orbiting meteor detector would be more suitable for these purposes than Earth-based monitoring. The former would detect a shower of an equivalent Zenithal Hourly Rate of at least several tens of meteors.  相似文献   

A new method of processing of visual meteor data has been worked outand applied to Perseid meteor shower observations. Reduced meteor hourly rates with magnitudes brighter than +3 are proportional to meteor flux densities with a coefficient equals to the effective collecting area. Corrections due to moon light and for meteor path lenghts were applied. Our observations 1972–1979 and 1982–1990 gave similar hourly rate profiles with a maximum rate of 71 meteors at solar longitude L=140.36°. Perseids 1980 and 1981 were about 1.5 times more active. The maximum Perseid activity in 1991–1992 was 119 meteors at solar longitude 139.54° and narrow peaks are observed at the same longitude showing an enhanced activity up to 225 meteors.  相似文献   

We present a set of rotational lightcurve measurements of the small main belt Asteroid 3169 Ostro. Our observations reveal an unambiguous, double-peaked rotational lightcurve with a peak-to-peak variation up to 1.2±0.05 mag and a synodic period of 6.509±0.001 h. From the large flux variation and the overall shape of the lightcurves, we suggest that 3169 Ostro could be a tightly bound binary or a contact binary, similar to the Trojan Asteroid 624 Hektor. A shape model of this system is proposed on the assumption that 3169 Ostro is a Roche binary described by a pair of homogeneous elongated bodies, with a size ratio of 0.87, in hydrostatic equilibrium and in circular synchronous motion around each other. The direction of the spin axis is determined modulo 180° by its J2000 ecliptic coordinates λ0=50±10°, β0=±54±5°. The binary interpretation and the pole solution adequately fit the earlier photometric observations made in 1986 and 1988. However, additional supporting lightcurves are highly desirable especially in the next mutual events occurrence of 2008 and 2009 in order to remove the pole ambiguity and to confirm unambiguously the binary nature of 3169 Ostro.  相似文献   

Radio observations of the Lyrid meteor shower obtained by a forward scatter radio system (Bologna-Lecce) in 1994 are analysed and discussed. The shower maximum appeared at solar longitude 31.0°(1950.0) and a distinct displacement between the maxima of the short-duration (< 1s) and long-duration ( 1s) echoes is observed. The shower has displayed a high activity, but no exceptional burst similar to that one observed in 1982, was recorded. It has been shown that the shower activity continues down to the smallest particle size of which existence in a meteoroid stream means their recent origin.  相似文献   

Image intensified video detection systems were used to observe the 1991 Perseid meteor shower from two locations in eastern Canada. In 29.6 hours of total observing time a total of 668 meteors were detected, of which 403 were Perseids. We derived a profile of TVZHR (television zenithal hourly rate) values for the 1991 Perseid shower over the solar longitude (epoch 2000) interval 138°51 to 141°01. The apparent limiting stellar magnitudes of the observing systems were +9.4 and +8.8 (corresponding to limiting meteor magnitudes for our geometry ranging from +8.7 to +7.0). Within the observing period, the maximum TVZHR rate was approximately 1600, and occurred at solar longitude 139.9°. This is in good agreement with the second peak observed by visual observers. The data suggest that TVZHR values should be divided by a factor of approximately 5 to compare TVZHR and ZHR values.  相似文献   

J.F Carbary  J.-H Yee 《Icarus》2003,161(2):223-234
During the Leonid meteor shower on 18 November 1999, the five spectrographic imagers onboard the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) satellite recorded the first complete meteor spectra from 110 to 860 nm. The observation occurred at 00:23:36.2 UT, at which time the satellite was pointed at a tangent altitude of 100 km over 37.2°N and 78.2°E. The spectrograph slits were oriented approximately parallel to the horizon at a tangent altitude of 100 km, and the meteor passed approximately perpendicular through the slits’ fields of view. All five spectrographic imagers observed the passage of a bright object (mv < −2.8 at 100 km) and each recorded several frames of data. In the visible, common meteor emissions were observed from iron, sodium, and oxygen. However, the ultraviolet spectrum displayed a wealth of more intense features, some of which actually caused saturation in the spectrographs. The most intense features appeared between 220 and 300 nm and are attributed to neutral and singly ionized iron and ionized magnesium. Some unknown emissions, possibly from an unidentified molecular species such as iron oxide, appear between 180 and 220 nm. In the far ultraviolet from 110 to 130 nm, oxygen and nitrogen features appear in the spectrum, with some features from ionized iron and magnesium. In particular, the FUV spectrum showed an intense emission from hydrogen Lyman alpha and a much weaker emission from what appeared to be neutral carbon. The atmospheric emissions can be associated with the heating within the meteor shock, while the metallic emissions originate from the fireball of the meteor proper. The ultraviolet emissions were much stronger than those in the visible and near-infrared parts of the spectrum. The energy of emissions in the ultraviolet (110 < λ < 337 nm) exceeded the energy of the visible (337 < λ < 650 nm) by a factor of at least 5.  相似文献   

We present the first clear observations of meteor shower activity from meteor-head echoes detected by a high-power large-aperture radar (HPLAR). Such observations have been performed at the Jicamarca VHF radar using its interferometric capabilities allowing the discrimination of meteor shower echoes from the much more frequent sporadic meteors. Until now, HPLARs were unable to distinguish meteor shower from the much more common sporadic meteor ones. In this work we have been able to detect and characterize the η-Aquariids (ETA) as well as the Perseids (PER) showers. The shower activity is more conspicuous for the ETA than for the PER shower due to the more favorable geometry. Namely, PER meteors come from low elevation angles, experiencing more filtering due to the combined Earth-atmosphere-radar instrument. In both cases, there is an excellent agreement between the measured mean velocity of the shower echoes and their expected velocity, within a fraction of 1 km s−1. Besides the good agreement with expected visual results, HPLARs observe meteors with a variety of particles sizes and masses, not observed by any other technique. Taking into account the different viewing volumes, compare to optical observations Jicamarca observes more than 1000 times more ETA meteors. Our results indicate that Jicamarca and other HPLARs are able to detect the echoes from meteor showers, but without interferometric capabilities such populations are difficult to identify just from their velocity distributions, particularly if their velocity distributions are expected to be similar to the more dominant distributions of sporadic meteors.  相似文献   

Among all the asteroid dynamical groups, Centaurs have the highest fraction of objects moving in retrograde orbits. The distribution in absolute magnitude, H, of known retrograde Centaurs with semi-major axes in the range 6–34 AU exhibits a remarkable trend: 10 % have H<10 mag, the rest have H>12 mag. The largest objects, namely (342842) 2008 YB3, 2011 MM4 and 2013 LU28, move in almost polar, very eccentric paths; their nodal points are currently located near perihelion and aphelion. In the group of retrograde Centaurs, they are obvious outliers both in terms of dynamics and size. Here, we show that these objects are also trapped in retrograde resonances that make them unstable. Asteroid 2013 LU28, the largest, is a candidate transient co-orbital to Uranus and it may be a recent visitor from the trans-Neptunian region. Asteroids 342842 and 2011 MM4 are temporarily submitted to various high-order retrograde resonances with the Jovian planets but 342842 may be ejected towards the trans-Neptunian region within the next few hundred kyr. Asteroid 2011 MM4 is far more stable. Our analysis shows that the large retrograde Centaurs form an heterogeneous group that may include objects from various sources. Asteroid 2011 MM4 could be a visitor from the Oort cloud but an origin in a relatively stable closer reservoir cannot be ruled out. Minor bodies like 2011 MM4 may represent the remnants of the primordial planetesimals and signal the size threshold for catastrophic collisions in the early Solar System.  相似文献   

The results of observations of the Orionid meteor shower are given in the period from 2006 to 2008. Observations were carried out using a highly sensitive camera FAVOR (FAst Variability Optical Registrator) a limiting magnitude of above +11.0m (for stars) and a field of view of 18° × 20°. Over the period of the shower from October 2 to November 7, 2006–2008, there were 3713 meteors. 449 of these meteors were associated with the Orionid meteor shower. The distributions of Orionid meteors by the stellar magnitude is presented. It turned out that most of meteors (65%) of this shower have a brightness of +5.0m-+7.0m. On each night of observation the index of meteor activity was calculated for Orionids.  相似文献   

Paul A. Wiegert  Martin Houde 《Icarus》2008,194(2):843-846
Asteroid 3200 Phaethon resembles a comet in some ways, including a highly-eccentric orbit (e∼0.89) and a strong associated meteor shower (the Geminids). Yet this object has never been observed to exhibit any cometary activity, i.e., gas production. We observed 3200 Phaethon with the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory on two occasions, once while it was near its closest approach to Earth as it neared perihelion, and another while it was further from Earth post-perihelion. Observations of the J=2→1 and J=3→2 rotational transitions of 12CO, typically strong lines in comets and indicative of gas production, yielded no detection. Upper limits on the 12CO production of 1.8×1028 and for Phaethon were determined on these two occasions.  相似文献   

Hong-Jin Yang  Changbom Park 《Icarus》2005,175(1):215-225
We have compiled and analyzed historical Korean meteor and meteor shower records in three Korean official history books, Samguksagi which covers the three Kingdoms period (57 B.C.-A.D. 935), Goryeosa of Goryeo dynasty (A.D. 918-1392), and Joseonwangjosillok of Joseon dynasty (A.D. 1392-1910). We have found 3861 meteor and 31 meteor shower records. We have confirmed the peaks of Perseids and an excess due to the mixture of Orionids, north-Taurids, or Leonids through the Monte Carlo test. The peaks persist from the period of Goryeo dynasty to that of Joseon dynasty, for almost one thousand years. Korean records show a decrease of Perseids activity and an increase of Orionids/north-Taurids/Leonids activity. We have also analyzed seasonal variation of sporadic meteors from Korean records. We confirm the seasonal variation of sporadic meteors from the records of Joseon dynasty with the maximum number of events being roughly 1.7 times the minimum. The Korean records are compared with Chinese and Japanese records for the same periods. Major features in Chinese meteor shower records are quite consistent with those of Korean records, particularly for the last millennium. Japanese records also show Perseids feature and Orionids/north-Taurids/Leonids feature, although they are less prominent compared to those of Korean or Chinese records.  相似文献   

The results of day-time detection of GEMINID 2007 meteor shower from dynamic VLF radiation spectra in Tripura (23.50° N, 91.25° E), India, is presented here. The field experiments were performed during 12–17th December, 2007 inside Tripura University campus located at a hilly place in the North-Eastern part of India. A well calibrated software VLF receiver was used to perform the field experiments. Analyses of data reveal an hourly average rate of the shower around 50. The VLF emissions lie in the range from 8 kHz to 13 kHz which is 10 to 15 times higher than previous reports. The mean duration of each VLF emission calculated from dynamic spectra is found to be 6 s and the mean bandwidth is 3.6 kHz. The temporal variation of VLF emission duration and bandwidth of VLF radiation is also studied. The results strongly support the fact that VLF electromagnetic waves are produced during the passage of meteors in the atmosphere. The experiment also makes the study of dynamic VLF spectra as a strong tool to detect low intensity meteor shower during daytime.  相似文献   

The results of V-band polarimetric observations of the potentially hazardous near-Earth Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 at large phase angles are presented as well as its photometric observations in BVRI bands. Observations were made in March-April 2006 during its close approach to the Earth using the 1.82-m Asiago telescope (Italy) and the 0.7-m telescope at the Chuguevskaya Observational Station (Ukraine). We obtained polarimetric measurements at the phase angle of 115°, the largest phase angle ever observed in asteroid polarimetry. Our data show that the maximum value of the polarization phase curve reached 7.7% and occurred in the phase angle range of 90-115°. The measured values of linear polarization degree, BVRI colors and magnitude-phase dependence correspond to the S-type composition of this asteroid. Based on our observations the following characteristics of the Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 were obtained: a rotation period of 2.5325±0.0004 h, a lightcurve amplitude of 0.13 mag, an albedo of 0.24±0.06 and a diameter of 1.6±0.3 km.  相似文献   

First results are presented from a newly developed meteoroid orbit survey, called CAMS – Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance, which combines meteor detection algorithms for low-light video observations with traditional video surveillance tools. Sixty video cameras at three stations monitor the sky above 31° elevation. Goal of CAMS is to verify meteor showers in search of their parent comets among newly discovered near-Earth objects.This paper outlines the concept of operations, the hardware, and software methods used during operation and in the data reduction pipeline, and accompanies the data release of the first batch of meteoroid orbits. During the month of November 2010, 2169 precisely reduced meteoroid trajectories from 17 nights have an error in the apparent radiant of the trajectory <2° and error in speed <10%. Median values of the error are 0.31° and 0.53 km/s, respectively, sufficient to resolve the intrinsic dispersion of annual meteor showers and resolve minor showers from the sporadic background. The limiting visual magnitude of the cameras is +5.4, recording meteors of +4 magnitude and brighter, bright enough to stand out from the mostly fainter sporadic meteors detected as under dense radar echoes.CAMS readily detected all established showers (6) active during the clear nights in November. Of the showers that needed confirmation, we confirm the theta Aurigids (THA, IAU#390), the chi Taurids (CTA, IAU#388), and the omicron Eridanids (OER, IAU#338). We conclude that the iota November Aurigids (IAR, IAU#248) are in fact the combined activity of the theta Aurigids and chi Taurids, and this shower should be dismissed from the list. Finally, there is also a clustering consistent with the zeta Cancrids (ZCN, IAU#243), but we cannot exclude that this is lower perihelion dust belonging to the Orionid shower.Data are submitted to the IAU Meteor Data Center on a semi-regular basis, and can be accessed also at http://cams.seti.org.  相似文献   

The 33.2 MHz interferometric meteor radars located at Davis Station, Antarctica and Darwin, Australia typically detect around 15 000 specular underdense meteor echoes every day. While the angle of arrival of the scattered radio wave can be inferred using phase differences between receive antennae, the direction of individual meteors is not known beyond a plane of ambiguity perpendicular to the angle of arrival. Using the great circle mapping technique with a Jones & Jones type weighting function, 37 meteor shower systems were detected in data collected at both locations over 2006–2007, including nine undocumented showers. The orbital elements of the parent debris streams were then calculated for the 31 showers where sufficiently precise measurements were available.  相似文献   

We deal with theoretical meteoroid streams the parent bodies of which are two Halley-type comets in orbits situated at a relatively large distance from the orbit of Earth: 126P/1996 P1 and 161P/2004 V2. For two perihelion passages of each comet in the far past, we model the theoretical stream and follow its dynamical evolution until the present. We predict the characteristics of potential meteor showers according to the dynamical properties of theoretical particles currently approaching the orbit of the Earth. Our dynamical study reveals that the comet 161P/2004 V2 could have an associated Earth-observable meteor shower, although no significant number of theoretical particles are identified with real, photographic, video, or radar meteors. However, the mean radiant of the shower is predicted on the southern sky (its declination is about −23°) where a relatively low number of real meteors has been detected and, therefore, recorded in the databases used. The shower of 161P has a compact radiant area and a relatively large geocentric velocity of ∼53 km s−1. A significant fraction of particles assumed to be released from comet 126P also cross the Earth’s orbit and, eventually, could be observed as meteors. However, their radiant area is largely dispersed (declination of radiants spans from about +60° to the south pole) and, therefore, mixed with the sporadic meteor background. An identification with real meteors is practically impossible.  相似文献   

The potentially hazardous Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24 approached the Earth within 0.0125 AU on 2001 December 16 and was the target of a number of optical, infrared, and radar observing campaigns. Interest in 1998 WT24 stems from its having an orbit with an unusually low perihelion distance, which causes it to cross the orbits of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, and its possibly being a member of the E spectral class, which is rare amongst near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We present the results of extensive thermal-infrared observations of 1998 WT24 obtained in December 2001 with the 3-m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii and the ESO 3.6-m telescope in Chile. A number of thermal models have been applied to the data, including thermophysical models that give best-fit values of 0.35±0.04 km for the effective diameter, 0.56±0.2 for the geometric albedo, pv, and 100-300 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 for the thermal inertia. Our values for the diameter and albedo are consistent with results derived from radar and polarimetric observations. The albedo is one of the highest values obtained for any asteroid and, since no other taxonomic type is associated with albedos above 0.5, supports the suggested rare E-type classification for 1998 WT24. The thermal inertia is an order of magnitude higher than values derived for large main-belt asteroids but consistent with the relatively high values found for other near-Earth asteroids. A crude pole solution inferred from a combination of our observations and published radar results is β=−52°, λ=355° (J2000), but we caution that this is uncertain by several tens of degrees.  相似文献   

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