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Galileo's Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) obtained its final observations of Io during the spacecraft's fly-bys in August (I31) and October 2001 (I32). We present a summary of the observations and results from these last two fly-bys, focusing on the distribution of thermal emission from Io's many volcanic regions that give insights into the eruption styles of individual hot spots. We include a compilation of hot spot data obtained from Galileo, Voyager, and ground-based observations. At least 152 active volcanic centers are now known on Io, 104 of which were discovered or confirmed by Galileo observations, including 23 from the I31 and I32 Io fly-by observations presented here. We modify the classification scheme of Keszthelyi et al. (2001, J. Geophys. Res. 106 (E12) 33 025-33 052) of Io eruption styles to include three primary types: promethean (lava flow fields emplaced as compound pahoehoe flows with small plumes <200 km high originating from flow fronts), pillanian (violent eruptions generally accompanied by large outbursts, >200 km high plumes and rapidly-emplaced flow fields), and a new style we call “lokian” that includes all eruptions confined within paterae with or without associated plume eruptions). Thermal maps of active paterae from NIMS data reveal hot edges that are characteristic of lava lakes. Comparisons with terrestrial analogs show that Io's lava lakes have thermal properties consistent with relatively inactive lava lakes. The majority of activity on Io, based on locations and longevity of hot spots, appears to be of this third type. This finding has implications for how Io is being resurfaced as our results imply that eruptions of lava are predominantly confined within paterae, thus making it unlikely that resurfacing is done primarily by extensive lava flows. Our conclusion is consistent with the findings of Geissler et al. (2004, Icarus, this issue) that plume eruptions and deposits, rather than the eruption of copious amounts of effusive lavas, are responsible for Io's high resurfacing rates. The origin and longevity of islands within ionian lava lakes remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

Since before the beginning of the Galileo spacecraft’s Jupiter orbital tour, we have observed Io from the ground using NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). We obtained images of Io in reflected sunlight and in-eclipse at 2.3, 3.5, and 4.8 μm. In addition, we have measured the 3.5 μm brightness of an eclipsed Io as it is occulted by Jupiter. These lightcurves enable us to measure the brightness and one-dimensional location of active volcanoes on the surface. During the Galileo era, two volcanoes were observed to be regularly active: Loki and either Kanehekili and/or Janus. At least 12 other active volcanoes were observed for shorter periods of time, including one distinguishable in images that include reflected sunlight. These data can be used to compare volcano types and test volcano eruption models, such as the lava lake model for Loki.  相似文献   

Loki is the largest patera and the most energetic hotspot on Jupiter's moon Io, in turn the most volcanically active body in the Solar System, but the nature of the activity remains enigmatic. We present detailed analysis of Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) and PhotoPolarimeter/Radiometer (PPR) observations covering the 1.5-100 μm wavelength range during the I24, I27, and I32 flybys. The general pattern of activity during these flybys is consistent with previously proposed models of a resurfacing wave periodically crossing a silicate lava lake. In particular our analysis of the I32 NIMS observations shows, over much of the observed patera, surface temperatures and implied ages closely matching those expected for a wave advancing counterclockwise at 0.94-1.38 km/day. The age pattern is different than other published analyses which do not show as clearly this azimuthal pattern. Our analysis also shows two additional distinctly different patera surfaces. The first is located along the inner and outer margins where components with a 3.00-4.70-μm color temperature of 425 K exist. The second is located at the southwestern margin where components with a 550-K color temperature exist. Although the high temperatures could be caused by disruption of a lava lake crust, some additional mechanism is required to explain why the southwest margin is different from the inner or outer ones. Finally, analysis of the temperature profiles across the patera reveal a smoothness that is difficult to explain by simple lava cooling models. Paradoxically, at a subpixel level, wide temperature distributions exist which may be difficult to explain by just the presence of hot cracks in the lava crust. The resurfacing wave and lava cooling models explain well the overall characteristics of the observations. However, additional physical processes, perhaps involving heat transport by volatiles, are needed to explain the more subtle features.  相似文献   

Using the NIMS Io Thermal Emission Database (NITED), a collection of over 1000 measurements of radiant flux from Io’s volcanoes (Davies, A.G. et al. [2012]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L01201. doi:10.1029/2011GL049999), we have examined the variability of thermal emission from three of Io’s volcanoes: Pele, Janus Patera and Kanehekili Fluctus. At Pele, the 5-μm thermal emission as derived from 28 night time observations is remarkably steady at 37 ± 10 GW μm?1, re-affirming previous analyses that suggested that Pele an active, rapidly overturning silicate lava lake. Janus Patera also exhibits relatively steady 5-μm thermal emission (≈20 ± 3 GW μm?1) in the four observations where Janus is resolved from nearby Kanehekili Fluctus. Janus Patera might contain a Pele-like lava lake with an effusion rate (QF) of ≈40–70 m3 s?1. It should be a prime target for a future mission to Io in order to obtain data to determine lava eruption temperature. Kanehekili Fluctus has a thermal emission spectrum that is indicative of the emplacement of lava flows with insulated crusts. Effusion rate at Kanehekili Fluctus dropped by an order of magnitude from ≈95 m3 s?1 in mid-1997 to ≈4 m3 s?1 in late 2001.  相似文献   

The temporal signature of thermal emission from a volcano is a valuable clue to the processes taking place both at and beneath the surface. The Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) observed the volcano Prometheus, on the jovian moon Io, on multiple occasions between 1996 and 2002. The 5 micron (μm) brightness of this volcano shows considerable variation from orbit to orbit. Prometheus exhibits increases in thermal emission that indicate episodic (though non-periodic) effusive activity in a manner akin to the current Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha (afterwards referred to as the Pu'u 'O'o) eruption of Kilauea, Hawai'i. The volume of material erupted during one Prometheus eruption episode (defined as the interval from minimum thermal emission to peak and back to minimum) from 6 November 1996 to 7 May 1997 is estimated to be ∼0.8 km3, with a peak instantaneous volumetric flux (effusion rate) of ∼140 m3 s−1, and an averaged volumetric flux (eruption rate) of ∼49 m3 s−1. These quantities are used to model subsurface structure, magma storage and magma supply mechanisms, and likely magma chamber depth. Prometheus appears to be supplied by magma from a relatively shallow magma chamber, with a roof at a minimum depth of ∼2-3 km and a maximum depth of ∼14 km. This is a much shallower depth range than sources of supply proposed for explosive, possibly ultramafic, eruptions at Pillan and Tvashtar. As Prometheus-type effusive activity is widespread on Io, shallow magma chambers containing magma of basaltic or near-basaltic composition and density may be common. This analysis strengthens the analogy between Prometheus and Pu'u 'O'o, at least in terms of eruption style. Even though the style of eruption appears to be similar (effusive emplacement of thin, insulated, compound pahoehoe flows) the scale of activity at Prometheus greatly exceeds current activity at Pu'u 'O'o in terms of volume erupted, area covered, and magma flux. Whereas the estimated magma chamber at Prometheus dwarfs the Pu'u 'O'o magma chamber, it fits within expectations if the Pu'u 'O'o chamber were scaled for the greater volumetric flux and lower gravity of Io. Recent volumetric eruption rates derived from Galileo data for Prometheus were considerably smaller than the rate that produced the extensive flows formed in the ∼17 years between the Voyager and Galileo missions. These smaller eruption rates, coupled with the fact that flows are not expanding laterally, may mean that the immediate heat source that generates the Prometheus plume is simultaneously running out of available volatiles and the thermal energy that drives mobilization of volatiles. This raises the question of whether the current Prometheus eruption is in its last throes.  相似文献   

A large variation in 14C around AD 775 has been considered to be caused by one or more solar super‐flares within one year. We critically review all known aurora reports from Europe as well as the Near, Middle, and Far East from AD 731 to 825 and find 39 likely true aurorae plus four more potential aurorae and 24 other reports about halos, meteors, thunderstorms etc., which were previously misinterpreted as aurorae or misdated; we assign probabilities for all events according to five aurora criteria. We find very likely true aurorae in AD 743, 745, 762, 765, 772, 773, 793, 796, 807, and 817. There were two aurorae in the early 770s observed near Amida (now Diyarbakır in Turkey near the Turkish‐Syrian border), which were not only red, but also green‐yellow – being at a relatively low geomagnetic latitude, they indicate a relatively strong solar storm. However, it cannot be argued that those aurorae (geomagnetic latitude 43 to 50°, considering five different reconstructions of the geomagnetic pole) could be connected to one or more solar super‐flares causing the 14C increase around AD 775: There are several reports about low‐ to mid‐latitude aurorae at 32 to 44° geomagnetic latitude in China and Iraq; some of them were likely observed (quasi‐)simultaneously in two of three areas (Europe, Byzantium/Arabia, East Asia), one lasted several nights, and some indicate a particularly strong geomagnetic storm (red colour and dynamics), namely in AD 745, 762, 793, 807, and 817 – always without 14C peaks. We use 39 likely true aurorae as well as historic reports about sunspots together with the radiocarbon content from tree rings to reconstruct the solar activity: From AD ∼733 to ∼823, we see at least nine Schwabe cycles; instead of one of those cycles, there could be two short, weak cycles – reflecting the rapid increase to a high 14C level since AD 775, which lies at the end of a strong cycle. In order to show the end of the dearth of naked‐eye sunspots, we discuss two more Schwabe cycles until AD ∼844. The 14C record (from both Intcal and Miyake et al. 2013a) is anti‐correlated to auroral and sunspot activity, as expected from solar wind modulation of cosmic rays which produce the radiocarbon. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have used Galileo spacecraft data to produce a geomorphologic map of the Culann-Tohil region of Io's antijovian hemisphere. This region includes a newly discovered shield volcano, Ts?i Goab Tholus and a neighboring bright flow field, Ts?i Goab Fluctus, the active Culann Patera and the enigmatic Tohil Mons-Radegast Patera-Tohil Patera complex. Analysis of Voyager global color and Galileo Solid-State Imaging (SSI) high-resolution, regional (50-330 m/pixel), and global color (1.4 km/pixel) images, along with available Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) data, suggests that 16 distinct geologic units can be defined and characterized in this region, including 5 types of diffuse deposits. Ts?i Goab Fluctus is the center of a low-temperature hotspot detected by NIMS late during the Galileo mission, and could represent the best case for active effusive sulfur volcanism detected by Galileo. The Culann volcanic center has produced a range of explosive and effusive deposits, including an outer yellowish ring of enhanced sulfur dioxide (SO2), an inner red ring of SO2 with short-chain sulfur (S3-S4) contaminants, and two irregular green diffuse deposits (one in Tohil Patera) apparently produced by the interaction of dark, silicate lava flows with sulfurous contaminants ballistically-emplaced from Culann's eruption plume(s). Fresh and red-mantled dark lava flows west of the Culann vent can be contrasted with unusual red-brown flows east of the vent. These red-brown flows have a distinct color that is suggestive of a compositional difference, although whether this is due to surface alteration or distinct lava compositions cannot be determined. The main massif of Tohil Mons is covered with ridges and grooves, defining a unit of tectonically disrupted crustal materials. Tohil Mons also contains a younger unit of mottled crustal materials that were displaced by mass wasting processes. Neighboring Radegast Patera contains a NIMS hotspot and a young lava lake of dark silicate flows, whereas the southwest portion of Tohil Patera contains white flow-like units, perhaps consisting of ‘ponds’ of effusively emplaced SO2. From 0°-15° S the hummocky bright plains unit away from volcanic centers contains scarps, grooves, pits, graben, and channel-like features, some of which have been modified by erosion. Although the most active volcanic centers appear to be found in structural lows (as indicated by mapping of scarps), DEMs derived from stereo images show that, with the exception of Tohil Mons, there is less than 1 km of relief in the Culann-Tohil region. There is no discernable correlation between centers of active volcanism and topography.  相似文献   

Physics and Chemistry of sulfur lakes on Io   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model for a convecting sulfur lake, heated from below by a silicate magma chamber , is constructed and applied to major hot spot regions on Jupiter's satellite Io. We use a two-layer parametrized convection scheme for sulfur and silicates based on a local boundary layer analysis to calculate temperature profiles in the system and the maximum flux which can be extracted from the silicate magma in steady state. The results indicate that the highest-component temperature of some observed hot spots (J. S. Pearl and W. M. Sinton, 1982, In The Satellites of Jupiter (D. Morrison, Ed.), pp. 724–755. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson) is consistent with a convecting molten sulfur system, and the total flux from the most energetic spot, Loki Patera, is close to the maximum which can be extracted from molten silicates by convection. Simple hydrodynamic models of evaporative outflow from sulfur lakes indicate that the intermediate-component temperature of hot spots such as Loki can be identified with the evaporative sulfur flux which condenses in the atmosphere and over a wide area surrounding the lake(s). The ratio of warm to hot component fluxes for Loki and other hot spots is consistent with this interpretation, and evaporation sets a strong constraint on the maximum surface temperature for a steady-state lake. The Voyager IRIS continuum spectrum can be fitted by a sulfur lake model in which sulfur vapor condensing on the shore is assumed to radiate as a blackbody. The lifetime of such a lake, in steady state, based on evaporation and silicate cooling time scales is 1–100 years, implying long-term Earth-based observations could detect variations in the Loki thermal output. The model provides a useful interpretive tool for possible variability because it gives predictions for the relative thermal fluxes at different wavelengths. The sodium-sulfur phase diagram is also presented and used to show the evaporated lakes may leave behind a sodium-rich residue which could supply the torus with sodium. Finally, uncertainties in the model are assessed, including the lack of sulfur emission features in the Loki spectrum, and the alternative possibility that the SO2 plume observed at Loki could be supplying the excess thermal flux.  相似文献   

The surface composition of Europa is of great importance for understanding both the internal evolution of Europa and its putative ocean. The Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) investigation on Galileo observed Europa and the other Galilean satellites from 0.7 to 5.2 μm with spatial resolution down to a few kilometers during flybys by the spacecraft as it orbited Jupiter. These data have been analyzed and results published over the life of the Galileo mission and afterward. One result was the discovery of hydrated minerals at some locations on Europa and Ganymede. The data are noisy, especially for Europa, due to radiation affecting the NIMS electronics and detectors, and other artifacts are also present. The NIMS data are now being reprocessed using the accumulated knowledge gained over the entire missions to remove noise spikes and compensate for some other defects in the data. We are analyzing these reprocessed data in an attempt to defined better the nature of the hydrate spectral features and improve their interpretation. We report here on analyses of two NIMS reprocessed observations for the 0.7-3-μm region. A revised hydrate spectrum is calculated and mapped in detail across two lineaments. The spectrum shows the expected distorted water features but little or no spectral structure in these features. A narrow, weak spectral feature appears at 1.344 μm, which is weakly correlated with lower albedo. Several other weak features may be present but are difficult to confirm in these limited data sets. The hydrate signature shows the greatest strength within and toward the center of the lineaments, confirming and strengthening the association of the hydrate with these endogenic features. This trend may indicate that the material in the lineaments is youngest toward the center and has more water frost coverage toward the edge. A small, visually dark, circular feature has a spectrum that shows both hydrate and crystalline water ice features and perhaps contains a hydrate different in spectral characteristics and perhaps composition than found in the lineament.  相似文献   

The method of singular spectral analysis (SSA) is described and used to analyze the series of Wolf numbers that characterizes solar activity from 1748 until 1996. Since this method is relatively new, we detail its algorithm as applied to the data under study. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of the SSA method and the conditions for its applicability to an analysis of the solar-activity data. Certain regularities have been found in the dynamics of this series. Both short and long (80–100-year) periodicities have been revealed in the sunspot dynamics. We predict the solar activity until 2014.  相似文献   

P.M. Schenk  R.R. Wilson 《Icarus》2004,169(1):98-110
Stereo and photoclinometry derived topography of shield-like volcanoes on Io indicate little relief (<3 km) and very low slopes (0.2° to 0.6°). Several shield volcanoes appear to be associated with broad rises of 1 to 3 km, but only 5 shield volcanoes have been identified with steep flank slopes (between 4° and 10°). These steep slopes are restricted to within 20-30 km of the summit, but where discernable, most of the lava flows observed on these edifices occur on the outer flanks where slopes are less than a degree. Despite their abundance, ionian shield volcanoes are among the flattest in the Solar System. The steepest volcanoes on Io are most comparable to large venusian shield volcanoes. Using simplistic Bingham rheologies we estimate the viscosity and yield strengths of ionian lavas. Yield strengths are estimated at 101-102 Pa, lower than most basaltic lavas. Viscosity estimates range from 103 to 105 Pa s, although these are probably upper limits. Actual values may have been as low as 100 Pa s. Viscosity is sensitive to flow velocity, which is poorly known on Io. The best constraint on flow velocity comes from observations of the 1997 Pillan eruption, which bracket the eruptive phase to 132 day maximum, and more probably less than 50 days. Low slopes, long run-out distances and our estimated rheologic properties are consistent with (but not proof of) a low silica, low viscosity, high temperature composition for ionian lavas, supporting arguments for low-silica lava compositions such as basalt or komatiite. We cannot eliminate sulfur on rheologic grounds, however.  相似文献   

Volcanic plumes on the Jovian satellite Io may be a visible manifestation of a plasma-arc discharge phenomenon. The amount of power in the plasma arc (1011 W) is not enough to account for all the energy dissipated by the volcanoes. However, once a volcano is initiated by tidal and geologic processes, the dynamics of the volcanic plumes can be influenced by the plasma arcs. As initially pointed out by Gold (1979), plasma arcs are expected because of 106 A currents and 400 kV potentials generated by the flow past Io of a torus of relatively dense magnetospheric plasma. We utilize our experience with laboratory plasma arcs to investigate the plume dynamics. The filamentation in the plume of the volcano Prometheus and its cross-sectional shape is quantitatively consistent with theories developed from laboratory observation.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 30 May 1988.  相似文献   

C. Blanco  S. Catalano 《Icarus》1975,25(4):585-587
A long-term variation of the magnitude at mean opposition is shown to exist for Io and Titan. The variation of Io seems to be correlated with the orbital period of Jupiter, the maximum light occurring at perihelion.  相似文献   

Giovanni Leone  Lionel Wilson 《Icarus》2011,211(1):623-635
We solve numerically the equations describing the transfer of heat through the lithosphere of Io by a mixture of conduction and volcanic advection as proposed by O’Reilly and Davies (O’Reilly, T.C., Davies, G.F. [1981]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 8, 313-316), removing the requirement that average material properties must be used. As expected, the dominance of advective heat transfer by volcanic eruptions means that Io’s geothermal gradient well away from volcanic centres is very small, of order 1 K km−1. This result is independent of any reasonable assumptions about the radiogenic heating rate in the lithosphere. The lithosphere temperature does not increase greatly above the surface temperature until the base of the lithosphere is approached, except in limited areas around shallow magma bodies. As a consequence, solid volatile sulphur compounds mobilized by volcanic processes and re-deposited on the surface of Io commonly remain solid until they reach great depths as they are progressively buried by ongoing activity. For current estimates of the volcanic heat transfer rate, melting of SO2 does not begin until a depth of ∼20 km and sulphur remains solid to a depth of ∼26 km in a 30 km thick lithosphere. Rising magmas can incorporate fluids from these deep sulphur compound aquifers, and we quantify the major influence that this can have on the bulk density of the magma and hence the resulting possible intrusion and eruption styles.  相似文献   

Keck AO survey of Io global volcanic activity between 2 and 5 μm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present in this Keck AO paper the first global high angular resolution observations of Io in three broadband near-infrared filters: Kc (2.3 μm), Lp (3.8 μm), and Ms (4.7 μm). The Keck AO observations are composed of 13 data sets taken during short time intervals spanning 10 nights in December, 2001. The MISTRAL deconvolution process, which is specifically aimed for planetary images, was applied to each image. The spatial resolution achieved with those ground-based observations is 150, 240, and 300 km in the Kc, Lp, and Ms band, respectively, making them similar in quality to most of the distant observations of the Galileo/NIMS instrument. Eleven images per filter were selected and stitched together after being deprojected to build a cylindrical map of the entire surface of the satellite. In Kc-band, surface albedo features, such as paterae (R>60 km) are easily identifiable. The Babbar region is characterized by extremely low albedo at 2.2 μm, and shows an absorption band at 0.9 μm in Galileo/SSI data. These suggest that this region is covered by dark silicate deposits, possibly made of orthopyroxene. In the Lp-Ms (3-5 μm) bands, the thermal emission from active centers is easily identified. We detected 26 hot spots in both broadband filters over the entire surface of the minor planet; two have never been seen active before, nine more are seen in the Ms band. We focused our study on the hot spots detected in both broadband filters. Using the measurements of their brightness, we derived the temperature and area covered by 100 brightness measurements. Loki displayed a relatively quiescent activity. Dazhbog, a new eruption detected by Galileo/NIMS in August 2001, is a major feature in our survey. We also point out the fading of Tvashtar volcanic activity after more than two years of energetic activity, and the presence of a hot, but small, active center at the location of Surt, possibly a remnant of its exceptional eruption detected in February 2001. Two new active centers, labeled F and V on our data, are detected. Using the best temperature and the surface area derived from the L and M band intensities, we calculated the thermal output of each active center. The most energetic hot spots are Loki and Dazhbog, representing respectively 36 and 19% of the total output calculated from a temperature fit of all hot spots (20.6×1012 W). Based on the temperature derived from hot spots (∼400 K), our measurement can unambiguously identify the contribution to the heat flux from the silicate portion of the surface. Because the entire surface was observed, no extrapolation was required to calculate that flux. It is also important to note that we measured the brightness of the individual hot spots when they were located close to the Central Meridian. This minimizes the line-of-sight effect which does not follow strictly a classical cosine law. Finally, we argue that despite the widespread volcanic activity detected, Io was relatively quiescent in December 2001, with a minimum mean total output of 0.4-1.2 W m−2. This output is at least a factor of two lower than those inferred from observations made at longer wavelengths and at different epochs.  相似文献   

The recent Galileo spacecraft explored Jupiter and its satellite system and provided us with new geodetic data. In order to discuss the dynamical parameters and secular tidal effect of Io, the theory of synchronous satellite is described in detail. Using the new geodetic data of Io, two sets of Io‘s internal structure models are constructed based on the asthenosphere assumption. The liberation parameters α,β,γ and dynamical flattening H are calculated for the models of Io. A comparison of Io with the Moon indicates the they are quite different in many characteristics in spite of the fact that they are approximately equal in mass and size and that they both orbit synchronously.  相似文献   

During the Ulysses flyby of Jupiter, the spacecraft crossed the outer part of the Io plasma torus along a basically North-to-South trajectory at a Jovicentric distance of about 8RJ. The quasi-thermal noise measured by the Unified Radio and Plasma Wave (URAP) experiment is used to deduce the electron density and temperature along the trajectory. The density is deduced from the upper hybrid frequency line and the temperature from the spin modulation of Bernstein waves. These results are used to build a simplified Gaussian model of the torus. The density profile is roughly symmetric with respect to the centrifugal equator, with a scale height of about 0.9RJ. The density at equator crossing is twice as large as that expected from the Divine-Garrett Voyager-based model at the same radial distance. The density scale height is lower than that found by Voyager 1; it is consistent with an ion temperature of about 5 × 105K, assuming an effective mass of about 20 proton masses. The fitting of the pressure distribution, symmetric with respect to the centrifugal equator, yields a cold electron temperature of about 1.4 × 105K at the equator, which is of the same order of magnitude as found by Voyager 1.  相似文献   

Infrared observations of the Io eclipse of 12 April 1980 in five broad bands from 3 to 30 μm define the thermal emission spectrum both during and after eclipse. A substantial fraction of the emitted radiation during eclipse arises from hot spots; the equivalent global average heat flow is 1.5 ± 0.3 W m?2, corresponding to an internal source of (6 ± 1) × 1013 W. The hot spot spectra can be matched by components with color temperatures of 200–600°K covering 1–2% of the surface. Comparison with observations over the past 8 years suggests that, while the flux at the hottest temperatures may be highly variable, there is no evidence for major changes in the total heat flow, which is emitted primarily in the spectral region 10–20 μm. The heating curves of the surface were observed at 10 and 20 μm; when corrected for the hot spot contribution they indicate a typical global thermal inertia for Io of (0.2 ± 0.1) × 10?3cal cm?2sec?12K?1, similar to that of the other Galilean satellites.  相似文献   

We present the first digital CCD images and long-slit spectroscopy of the optical ring nebula around the Wolf–Rayet star θ Mus. The CCD images obtained through narrow-band filters centred at [O  iii ] and Hα show that the nebula has a filamentary structure, similar to supernova remnants, mainly seen in [O  iii ]. A spatial detachment between [O  iii ] and Hα images suggests excitation stratification, or multiple rings. An analysis of the physical conditions in the nebula was performed by means of long-slit CCD spectra. The spectral images show that the nebula is of low density and medium excitation. By means of quotients of recombination and collisional spectral line fluxes we determine that the principal excitation mechanism is photoionization. We have determined the electronic temperature and density, and chemical abundances for the oxygen at different sites within the nebula. Nebular chemical abundances are found to be similar to the Galactic ISM, indicating that the nebula is mainly composed of swept up material.  相似文献   

本文从气体动力学分析出发,解释了“旅行者1号”观察到的木卫一上火山羽的特点,如伞状外形和丝状结构等,给出了激波和羽顶之间流场的解析形式。  相似文献   

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