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This research examines urban sculpture production to understand how a public art (called “urban sculpture” in China) scene is produced in the country, using Shanghai as a case study. Theories of Chinese urban planning are innovatively applied. The findings generate theoretical implications for “contextualizing” public art production in geographical studies. All the chief officials in charge of urban sculpture planning in Shanghai were interviewed, and documentary analyses were conducted. The article argues that urban sculptures are conceived of as both symbolic capitals and didactic tools in the cultural policies of Shanghai. Urban sculpture planning plays an important role in coordinating and manipulating development of symbolic resources to advance urban entrepreneurialism within the ideological framework of the Communist Party’s leadership. The main features of the urban sculpture planning system of China are twofold: (1) The two-tier planning structure combines a master plan at the municipal level and detailed plans for site analysis and design guidance at the district level, all collaboratively working to create an attractive city image for urban entrepreneurialism. (2) An authoritarian style of planning system controls the contents and expression of urban sculpture within the ideological framework of urban sculpture planning.  相似文献   

Water–rock interaction is one of the prime factors affecting the fluoride contents of surface and groundwater. If fluoride concentration of drinking water has been neglected, excess fluoride can cause serious dental and medical problems on human health, which is well known at Golcuk-Isparta region. In the research area, Egirdir lake, Golcuk lake and surrounding springs have been utilized as drinking water sources. Golcuk lake water and surrounding groundwaters have high fluoride content (1.4–4.6 mg/l), which is above the WHO standards. Fluoride is predominantly supplied by dissolution of fluoride within the fluormicas of volcanics during the circulation of water. Fluoride concentrations of waters have shown variations for dry and rainy seasons depending on the degree of interaction between groundwater and volcanic rocks. It tends to decrease in rainy seasons and increase in dry seasons for all years. In this study, temporal variations and spatial distribution of fluoride concentration in public water system of Isparta were investigated to get benefit using GIS techniques from1990 to 2003 years. Extremely fluoride concentrations were measured in the public water system in 1990 at almost every district of the city. In 2003, fluoride content of the public water system decreased in some district of city due to drinking water has started obtaining from Egirdir lake in 1995. The fluoride contents of Isparta drinking water ought to be modified with suitable mixture of lake waters and groundwater point of view to health impact.  相似文献   

Legal processes shape how water resources are allocated, regulated, distributed, and governed. This paper examines the public trust doctrine, a legal principle that addresses the state’s role in governing natural resources by requiring states to manage certain bodies of water and their shorelines for the good of the public. The paper focuses on how the public trust doctrine has been used—with varying degrees of success—to protect water bodies by contesting the diversion and transfer of water in California. The paper compares how the doctrine was applied in two cases: Mono Lake and the Salton Sea, two California lakes that have been threatened by water diversions and transfers. Advocates at Mono Lake successfully used the public trust doctrine for environmental protection, while public trust was an unsuccessful strategy at the Salton Sea. The paper examines issues of nonequilibrium ecosystems, natural versus artificial ecosystems, and wasteful versus reasonable uses of water.By investigating why one case was deemed eligible for public trust protections while the other was not, this paper examines how discursive constructions of nature are embedded in and enacted by legal institutions and how these constructions of nature impact the implementation of legal protections of natural resources. In examining the use of the public trust doctrine in California, the paper examines both the potential and the limitations of the public trust in practice, showing how legal processes and institutions can be used to protect public interests in natural resources but also how particular environmental narratives are reinforced through these institutions.  相似文献   

Cliff S.J. Shaw   《Lithos》1997,40(2-4):243-259
The Coldwell alkaline complex is a large (> 350 km2) gabbro and syenite intrusion on the north shore of Lake Superior. It was emplaced at 1108 Ma during early magmatic activity associated with the formation of the Mid-Continent Rift of North America. The eastern gabbro forms a partial ring dyke on the outer margin of the complex and consists of at least three discrete intrusions. The largest of these is the layered gabbro that comprises a 300 m thick fine- to medium-grained basal unit overlain by up to 1100 m of variably massive to layered gabbroic cumulates which vary from olivine gabbro to anorthosite. Several xenoliths of Archaean metamorphic rocks that range in size from 10's to 100's of meters are present in the central part of the intrusion. Within discrete horizons in the layered gabbro are many centimeter- to meter-scale, gabbroic xenoliths. The main cumulus minerals, in order of crystallization, are plagioclase, olivine and clinopyroxene ± Fe-Ti oxides. Biotite and Fe-Ti-oxide are the dominant intercumulus phases. Orthopyroxene occurs not as a cumulus phase but as peritectic overgrowths on cumulus olivine. A detailed petrographic and mineral chemical study of samples from two stratigraphically controlled traverses through the layered gabbro indicates that the stratigraphy cannot be correlated along the 33 km strike of the ring dyke. Mineral compositions show both normal and reversed fractionation trends. These patterns are interpreted to record at least three separate intrusions of magma into restricted dilatant zones within the ring dyke possibly associated with ongoing caldera collapse. Calculations of parental melt composition using mineral — melt equilibria show that even the most primitive gabbros crystallized from an evolved magma with mg# of 0.42-0.49. The presence of orthopyroxene overgrowths on cumulus olivine suggests rising silica activity in the melt during crystallization and implies a subalkaline parentage for the layered gabbro.  相似文献   

Using data on the entire population in combination with data on almost all individuals in Sweden listed as inventors, we study how the probability of being listed on a patent as inventor is influenced by the density of other future inventors residing in the same region. In this process, we control for demographic and sector effects along with the educational characteristics of parents. This approach allows us to trace how location history influences individuals’ inventive capacity. We focus on three types of influences: (a) future inventors in the municipality around the time of birth, (b) future inventors around the time of graduation from high school and (c) future inventors at graduation from higher education. We find suggestive evidence that co-locating with future inventors may impact the probability of becoming an inventor. The most consistent effect is found for place of higher education; some positive effects are also evident from birthplace, whereas no consistent positive effect can be derived from individuals’ high school location. Therefore, the formative influences mainly deriving from family upbringing, birth region and from local milieu effects arising from a conscious choice to attend a higher education affect the choice of becoming an inventor.  相似文献   

Peter Lindner 《Geoforum》2007,38(3):494-504
Soviet collectives in general and especially the kolkhozes in rural areas were much more than merely production units. They regulated a significant part of everyday life in the villages and thus have to be seen as all-embracing social institutions, constituting the bedrock for rural communities. Relying on the homogenising effect of the kolkhoz-mechanism most authors who analyse the process of transformation in the Post-Soviet Russian countryside highlight the failures of privatisation and consequently presume continuity and not change. This paper argues, first, that in view of the weakness of the central state in the 90s a considerable leeway existed at the local level for different ways and degrees to implement the reform legislation and, second, that the concrete outcomes of the restructuring can only be adequately understood focusing on interests and power relations on the micro level rather than dealing with farms as such as the ‘acting units’.The common vantage point for most of the kolkhozes was an “alliance for the locale” between management and workers. It had its roots in the fear to become “slaves on one’s own land” if non-local investors would be allowed to buy agricultural land, to remain without infrastructure like streets, water supply and kindergartens if the kolkhoz would be divided up and to lack the machinery to work the private plots without the support of the farms. But beyond this consensus the chairmen of the collective farms could rely on a bulk of different allocative and authoritative resources to stage-manage privatisation. This introduced a highly ‘individual’ moment in the process and led to rising disparities and an increasing disintegration of rural Russia in the 1990s. Using a farm in southern Russia as an example the closer look at these resources and the “failed privatisation” unveils, that not continuity, but hybrid amalgamations of old and new characterise the Post-Soviet Russian countryside.  相似文献   

陈安安  陈伟  吴红波  张伟  吴玉伟 《冰川冻土》2014,36(5):1069-1078
以祁连山七一冰川为例, 基于Landsat TM/ETM+数据建立了通过单波段(近红外波段)阈值法提取雪线的方法, 并结合观测数据进行了验证. 将此方法应用到2000-2013年木孜塔格冰鳞川冰川粒雪线高度变化的估算中, 结合茫崖气象站暖季气温(9、7、8月份的平均气温)和6-8月降水量数据, 探索粒雪线高度与气温、降水量之间的关系. 结果表明: 单波段阈值法可较为准确地估计冰川的雪线位置, 2000-2013年冰鳞川冰川粒雪线高度呈波动变化, 在2006年达到最大值(海拔5 678 m). 气温升高是冰鳞川冰川粒雪线高度变化的主导因素, 气温上升1 ℃可导致粒雪线高度升高约83 m.  相似文献   

在分析地质矿产、土地资源等重要政策法规的基础上,结合南通工作实际,全面梳理了两者之间的“互通”与“隔阂”。认为推进矿地融合,应出台南通国土资源管理方面的矿地融合工作文件,建立矿地融合的国土资源环境综合监测体系;完善现行的南通市国土资源“一张图”,打通信息壁垒;建设南通市地质资料馆,开展社会化服务。  相似文献   

中国土地制度改革的方向与途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年12月2日下午,上海市地质调查研究院副总工程师李勤奋教授与上海市地质调查研究院总工程师办公室副主任兼《上海国土资源》编辑部主任龚士良教授专程赴北京拜访了国务院发展研究中心农村经济研究部副部长刘守英研究员,并代表《上海国土资源》期刊作了专题访谈。刘部长对十八届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》中土地制度改革等内容作了全面深入的解读和诠释,指出以往的土地制度为我国工业化、城市化发展做出了重大贡献,但要保障下一个战略机遇期中国经济社会的可持续发展,需要统筹考虑农民权益保障、发展空间规划、土地增值收益的公平分配、土地利用效率提升等因素,对土地制度进行全面改革。十八届三中全会将建立城乡统一的建设用地市场作为今后我国加快完善现代市场体系的重要内容,体现出中央对土地制度改革的重视,也明确了土地制度改革的方向。允许集体经营性建设用地进入市场,不仅有利于保护农民利益,而且有助于缩小征地范围。刘部长同时对生态保护红线与耕地保护红线的相互关系作了阐述。  相似文献   

黑河流域土地利用与覆被变化特征   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
在土地类型划分的基础上, 利用黑河流域1987年和2000年两期TM遥感数据, 从土地利用与覆被变化幅度、变化速率及动态度等角度, 定量分析了流域上、中、下游及全流域总体土地利用与覆被变化的特征并进行了对比.结果表明: 在变化幅度上, 全流域各类土地利用与覆被变化均十分强烈, 中游地区最为显著, 综合土地利用与覆被变化指数达到7.6%, 耕地、城镇建设用地、水域和草地等是全流域变化最为剧烈的利用类型; 在变化速度方面, 流域上游地区的耕地、城镇居民用地和沙漠化土地年平均递增速度最高, 中游地区明显小于上游和下游地区, 但沙漠化除外, 为全流域水平的4.7倍, 下游耕地、城镇用地、水域面积和其它难利用土地变化较快, 说明上、下游生态系统极不稳定, 变化剧烈. 对中游动态度的分析表明, 耕地、城镇居民用地和较难利用土地较稳定, 其它土地类型的利用与覆被动态变化都很活跃, 说明中游地区土地利用与覆被变化复杂而强烈, 具有变化的多向性和互动性, 从而为流域合理调整土地利用方式和环境改善提供了一定的科学依据.  相似文献   

It is shown that temporal variation in hydrochemistry may be attributed, in part, to continuous seismotectonic activity occurring before the onset of the 1995 “Kobe” earthquake, Japan, challenging the “one earthquake–one signal” hypothesis with respect to potential precursory signals to this devastating event. A possible continuous seismotectonic influence on chloride and sulphate ion-concentration is evaluated with aggregate earthquake-information by transforming a multivariate earthquake time series (including coordinates and magnitude) into a one-dimensional time series (considering geometric relationships between earthquakes and the well-site). A piecewise analysis of ion-concentration and seismotectonic-activity time series compares trends and change points between the two time series: a positive correlation (before the proposed onset of the preparation stage) is followed by a negative correlation (during the proposed preparation stage) which, in turn, is succeeded by a positive correlation (after the heaviest aftershock sequences). This suggests that seismotectonic processes occurring before the Kobe earthquake dynamically influenced aquifer characteristics, leading to temporal variations in the hydrochemical time series. Accordingly, a dynamic change in the mixing ratios of waters with different hydrochemical characteristics is proposed as a mechanism for explaining observed variation. The research can be extended by considering vectors in the stress field that lead to changes in the aquifer-well system.The influence of seismotectonics on precursory changes in groundwater composition for the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary The system forsterite-kalsilite-quartz (Fo-Ks-Qz) has been studied at 28 kb and variable temperatures in the presence of CO2 or H2O and in the absence of volatiles to clarify the role of potassium in mantle phase equilibria. Under dry conditions, the forsterite--enstatite (En)-sanidine (San) peritectic (En + liquid Fo + San) occurs at 1460°C ± 20 °C at Fo5Ks62Qz33 and the Fo-San-Ks eutectic at 1440 ± 10 °C at (Fo 6Ks 69Qz 25). Dry melting of forsterite-enstatite-sanidine produces liquids at 1460°C which lie well to the Ks side of the Fo-San join. Under water-saturated-conditions, there is a large liquidus of phlogopite (Ph). The extrapolation of the Fo Ph join to intersect the Fo-Ph reaction boundary defines a thermal divide for liquids trending either towards the Ks-San-Ph or Qz-San-Ph eutectics. Under CO2-saturated conditions, the olivine-enstatite cotectic moves to much lower SiO2 compositions, such that the Fo-En-San eutectic occurs < 1260 ± 20 °C at compositions well within Fo--San-Ks field. The experimental study of the system establishes mechanisms through variation of CO2 H2O (C-H-0) by which a simplified phlogopite-bearing harzburgite may yield potassic liquids ranging from hypersthenenormative (and fractionating on a path to SiO2 oversaturation) to strongly leucite (or kalsilite)-normative. The fractionation of hydrous silica-undersaturated liquids may trend either towards SO2-oversaturated minimum or towards SiO2-undersaturated minimum depending upon the role of phlogopite.
Die Liquidusfläche des Systems forsterit-kalsilite-quarz bei 28 kbar unter trockenen bedingungen, sowie bei anwesenheit von H2O und CO2
Zusammenfassung Das System Forsterit-Kalsilit-Quarz (Fo-Ks-Qz) wurde bei 28 kbar und variablen Temperaturen in Anwesenheit von CO2 and H2O sowie bei Abwesenheit von Volatilen untersucht, um die Rolle des Kaliums in den Phasengleichgewichten des Erdmantels aufzuklären. Unter trockenen Bedingungen liegt das Forsterit-Enstatit(En)-Sani din(San)-Peritektikum (En + liquid -> Fo + San) bei 1460±:E 20°C undFo 5Ks 62Qz 33 und das Fo-San-Ks Eutektikum bei 1440± 10 °C und Fo6Ks 69Qz 25. Trockenes Schmelzen von Forsterit-Enstatit-Sanidin erzeugt Schmelzen bei 1460°C, die deutlich auf der Ks-Seite der Linie Fo-San liegen. Unter wassergesättigten Bedingungen besteht ein großer Liquidus für Phlogopit (Ph). Die Extrapolation der Fo-Ph-Linie bis zum Schnitt mit der Grenze der Fo-Ph-Reaktion definiert eine thermische Scheidelinie für Schmelzen, gegen die Eutektika von Ks-San-Ph oderQz-San-Ph zu tendieren. Unter CO2-Sättigung verschiebt sich das Olivin-Enstatit-Kotektikum zu viel niedrigeren SiO2-Gehalten, so daß das Fo-En--San-Eutektikum bei 1260°C und Zusammensetzungen klar innerhalb des Fo-San-Ks-Feldes auftritt. Das experimentelle Studium des Systems setzt die Mechanismen durch Variation von CO2-H2O (C-H-O) fest, durch welche ein vereinfachter Phlogopit-führender Harzburgit kalibetonte Schmelzen liefern kann, die von Hypersthen-normativ (und auf einem Fraktionierungsweg zu SiO2-Übersättigung führend) bis zu stark Leuzit-(oder Kalsilit-)normativ variieren. Die Fraktionierung von wäßrigen SiO2-untersättigten Schmelzen kann je nach der Rolle des Phlogopits entweder gegen ein SiO2-übersättigtes Minimum oder gegen ein SiO2-untersättigtes Minimum tendieren.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

In Zambia’s Copperbelt as in most of the developing world, the water sector is undergoing reforms targeted at promoting an active participation of the private sector. Conventional wisdom suggests that the private sector will be better able to achieve universal access as opposed to the public sector which hitherto has failed to deliver. Using archival materials from the Copperbelt Province, this paper however argues that in countries like Zambia where economic enterprise was driven by private capital, access to water has always been tied to an active involvement of the private sector. The full story of failure to provide universal access to potable water cannot be told without examining this historical role of the private sector and its relationship with the public sector. At the same time, contemporary policy debates can benefit from the resonance of historical debates around economic efficiency, demand management, health and access in the production and consumption of water.  相似文献   

This article examines recent higher education projects in two resource-rich, developmental states: Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia. These projects are indicative of broader trend across Asia to move beyond previous national universities, toward a state-initiated model of the globally competitive university, which is designed to become an regional hub for elite education. Drawing on a range of qualitative methods, I consider the geopolitical context in which these projects have been conditioned and materialized, with a focus on how they are legitimated by policy-makers in the two case countries. By reframing discussions about the globalization of higher education in terms of a geopolitics of higher education, I argue that the cases of Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia are not exceptions set outside of the hegemonic liberal system, but that they are ‘mirrors’ of recent internationalization agendas undertaken by elite Western universities. Through considering localized discourses of promoting knowledge-based economies, I consider how elites simultaneously work with and reconfigure globally-hegemonic discourses, and specifically how these elite university projects are part of broader authoritarian political configurations in Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

桐柏-大别山区高压变质相的构造配置   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
作为华北和扬子陆块间的碰撞造山带桐柏大别山区以发育高压、超高压变质带为特征,从南到北变质相从低级到高级,代表俯冲带深度不同的变质产物,整体形成高压变质相系列。不过现今各变质相岩石的分布极受后期地壳规模的伸展构造控制,大别杂岩的穹隆作用更使高压变质相带的空间分布复杂化。超高压变质岩今日多呈大小不等的块体嵌布于相对低压的大别杂岩之内,造山带根部物质的热软化,使许多深层地幔物质得以像挤牙膏一样挤出于大别杂岩内。它们之中广泛发育着减压退变质的显微结构,与大别杂岩内一些麻粒岩相表壳岩所保存的减压退变质证迹一样,同是挤出作用和碰撞后隆升的构造证迹。高压相系的发育使南桐柏山和大别山迥然不同于桐商( 商丹) 断裂以北的北秦岭北淮阳变质带。新近发表的同位素年代学(40Ar 39 Ar) 资料:316 ~434 Ma ,已证明北秦岭是古生代变质带,它与桐柏- 大别印支期碰撞造山带差异甚大。这两个变质地温梯度差异甚大的变质地体的拼合,说明华北和扬子陆块碰撞的主缝合带是商丹- 桐商断裂带  相似文献   

A large part of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Site at Homebush Bay was reclaimed over several decades using an estimated 9 Mt of domestic, commercial and industrial waste. Past activities, such as reclamation of wetlands, land clearing, shoreline remodelling and industrial practices, have caused an adverse environmental impact on the Homebush Bay site. Core samples (n = 4513) collected from the reclaimed lands of Homebush Bay show that, prior to remediation, soil contaminated by heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn) may have posed a threat to groundwater in the area. Mean Pb concentrations from the three land types at the Olympic site range from 65 to 374 μg/g in reclaimed areas, 78–167 μg/g in landfill areas and 44–52 μg/g in non‐infilled areas, respectively. Heavy‐metal concentrations in soils from non‐infilled areas indicate that these parts of the site were uncontaminated. The distribution of heavy metals in soil samples revealed a close association between elevated concentrations and the presence of fill materials at the site. Metal concentrations were frequently above Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality. The Olympic Coordination Authority's remediation strategy to clean up the Homebush Bay site included consolidating contaminated waste into landscaped hills, which were capped with impermeable clay and thermal destruction of scheduled waste on site. The primary aims of the current study were to provide a scientific foundation for the remediation/rehabilitation of natural systems, and to make a contribution to the Olympic Coordination Authority's Development Plan and Environmental Management System for the site.  相似文献   

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