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Ke Chen  Shuming Bao  Yong Mai  Wen Lv 《GeoJournal》2014,79(2):255-266
In the midst of global economic and financial integration, there are increasing cross-border capital flows between China and the rest of the world. Foreign financial businesses also start to play more important roles in the nation’s market after waves of financial reforms. Within such a background, this study aims to investigate the agglomeration and location choice of overseas financial institutions in Chinese cities. Data from the 2004 China Economic Census show that foreign financial establishments, including banks, insurance companies, and other financial service businesses, were mainly agglomerated in coastal cities. In particular, three major urban areas, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, concentrated a majority of overseas financial institutions. Results from regression models show that foreign businesses’ location choice is greatly influenced by a city’s urban economy, involvement in the global market, and telecommunication infrastructure. However, we do not find a significant link between foreign financial institutions’ market entry and the size of domestic financial centers in China.  相似文献   

基于《地理学报》和Annals of the Association of American Geographers学术论文的统计,对比近百年中美两国地理学的发展脉络,着重从总体特征、重点研究内容及其变化、理论—实践关系三方面对比异同,获得经验和借鉴。美国地理学经过初期发展、高速发展后,目前进入持续发展阶段;中国地理学在曲折中崛起,目前正处在高速发展时期。美国地理学中人文地理学一直居主导地位,中国则从重视自然地理开始逐渐向自然、人文、方法三足鼎立方向迈进;美国地理学家非常重视微观、中观实践,但在国家宏观决策中远没有中国地理学家发挥作用更直接。美国地理学研究水平高于中国,但这种差距正在缩小,研究方向的变化相差3~5年。世界地理研究中心有向亚太地区、向中国转移的可能,中国地理学家要勇于创建具有中国特色的地理学派。  相似文献   

我国“人文地理学以信息为对象的研究”:15年发展回顾   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
以国内发表人文地理学论文的专业核心期刊为检索源,考察了15年来“人文地理学以信息为对象的研究”的相关成果。依据研究内容、研究对象和研究思维等的差异划分了问题研究阶段、专题研究阶段、时代性课题研究阶段和主题研究阶段4个发展时期。依据研究成果的影响力,归纳了新的空间形态及新的流、信息产业和信息化、互联网与区域经济差异、信息技术作用下的城市、旅游在线服务5个热点研究领域。最后结合国际地理联合会“信息社会的地理学委员会”提供的行动方案,对今后国内“人文地理学以信息为对象的研究”发展予以展望并提出若干研究议题。  相似文献   

现代港口地理学的研究进展及展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于港口地理研究的时代背景变迁,分析了现代港口地理学的研究进展与研究内容,重点从港口地理的基本研究范畴、港口理论、港口体系、枢纽港、港口与腹地关系、航运网络、航运企业和码头企业等角度深入解析其重点历程与主要论点,对中国港口地理学的研究进展和国际学者的相关论点进行了阐述,然后从研究内容、研究范式、研究重点和研究地区等角度,总结和评价现代港口地理学的研究特征,梳理其发展规律与研究轨迹。同时基于以上研究,从研究范式、研究重点、研究单位等角度,对港口地理学的未来研究趋向进行了深入探讨。通过该研究,系统总结了港口地理学的研究进展,有助于该学科的理论和实证研究。  相似文献   

基于微博平台的中国城市网络信息不对称关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈映雪  甄峰  王波  邹伟 《地球科学进展》2012,27(12):1353-1362
网络信息空间的空间关系及信息流研究为信息化影响下的地理空间演变研究奠定基础。借助微博这一新兴网络信息传播平台获取中国城市间网络信息联系数据,采用流分析方法呈现城市间网络信息联系的空间格局。研究发现:中国城市网络信息关系呈现出"一超多强"的空间极化不对称格局。网络空间不对称格局与地理距离、经济社会发展水平存在密切关联性,表现为:城市对外网络信息总不对称度与其经济社会发展水平的相对一致性;经济社会发展差距对城市间网络信息不对称程度影响的距离衰减性;城市间网络信息不对称程度与经济社会发展差距的相对一致性;东、中、西部三大地区间网络信息不对称关系与经济发展梯度的相对一致性。  相似文献   

地学信息图谱方法前瞻   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地学信息图谱是地理学发展的新契机。地学信息图谱研究不仅局限于表现,更是一种分析方法。地学信息图谱是图形、方法和认知三者的综合与统一。从地理学自身、GIS技术和"数字地球"战略三方面分析了地学信息图谱发展的背景。通过古代阴阳理论、物理学、生物学以及传统地图学,阐述了信息分析中的图谱方法。结合信息时代的特点,阐述了地学信息图谱方法的切入点。根据地理学发展的现状,提出地学信息图谱研究的起步工作主要有三方面:区域地理单元及其等级体系;地理单元的遥感影像特征分析;地学信息的表达方法。着重讨论了地学信息图谱研究关键要解决的三方面的地理学问题:地理对象的概括、地理学基本问题的分类、地理信息及其表达。  相似文献   

Location-enabled online tools and/or services (i.e. Google Earth/Maps, Flickr, Facebook check-ins, etc.) have been widely used for distributing and processing geospatial-related data. They attract diverse users to consume and contribute geographic information (GI) in many different forms. This study examines college students’ consumption and contribution of GI through these tools and/or services as well as their perception of risk and privacy. It evaluates the impact of Geographic information systems (GIS) and geography knowledge on the related behavior and perception. Through conducting a survey, it was found that college students’ consumption frequency of GI through the investigated tools and services is positively related to their knowledge in GIS and geography, but their GI contribution is not related. GIS knowledge was found to help raise students’ awareness level of risk. However, this relationship does not translate into students’ concern about potential privacy disclosure or their willingness to share personal location information through using location-enabled online tools and/or services. Discussions on the gap between students’ consumption and contribution of GI through the tools and/or services are shared in the paper as well as possible explanations on the disconnection between their risk awareness, privacy concern, and willingness to share personal information. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

大数据背景下的国家地质信息服务系统建设   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
郑啸  李景朝  王翔  梁婉娟 《地质通报》2015,34(7):1316-1322
探讨大数据背景下建设国家地质信息服务系统的相关问题。结合典型的云计算构架给出国家地质信息服务系统的概念模型。从地质信息特点角度讨论了地质数据资源整合的相关问题。结合中国地质调查局系统、地质相关行业、地质相关单位部门现状,讨论系统节点建设与节点对接问题。对比发达国家地质调查局提供信息服务的新特点,提出基于大数据的国家地质信息服务系统如何助推地质信息共享,资料数据服务与信息知识服务并重,服务于国家建设与社会经济发展的问题。  相似文献   

Pierpaolo Mudu 《GeoJournal》2007,68(2-3):195-210
In the last 20 years, the growth of Chinese immigration in Italy has increased, being characterized by multiple migration strategies linked to transnational economic activities. This has been particularly the case with the Chinese immigrant community in Rome, where many of these immigrants are involved in the restaurant or import–export business. In this context, the Chinese immigrant presence in the restaurant sector will be analysed in detail within a multimethod approach developed to explore the number, location and characteristics of all Chinese restaurants that were opened and closed since the 1970s. This exercise in economic geography is linked to other questions such as power and cultural relations, urban planning practices and the discourses of racism. The development and the geography of the Chinese restaurants allow us to understand not only how far or close they are to the mainstream Italian restaurant sector, but also the spatial trajectories of Roman Chinese in general within the urban landscape. As Chinese restaurants outside China have become a symbol of transnational Chinese identity, it is worth considering the real spatial practices attached to the construction and negotiation of this transnationality.  相似文献   

许光  李玉宏  王宗起  尤龙 《地质学报》2023,97(5):1711-1716
<正>氦是已知的具最低熔点和沸点的元素,来源于铀、钍放射性衰变和地幔脱气,是重要的战略性稀有气体资源。因其化学惰性和沸点极低,不仅应用于制冷、医疗、半导体、科研、石化、超导实验、光电子产品生产等方面,还是军工、航天、核工业、深海潜水等领域重要的战略资源,关系国家安全和高新技术产业发展(李玉宏等,2018;张雪等,2018;陶小晚等,2019;秦胜飞等,2021)。  相似文献   

网络信息空间的地理学研究回顾与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙中伟  路紫  王杨 《地球科学进展》2007,22(10):1005-1011
网络信息空间(以下简称网络空间)的地理学是当前地理学研究的重点方向之一。1991年万维网诞生并向大众普及后网络空间开始得到广泛认可,同时其作为一种新的空间与事物也吸引了地理学界的高度关注。以多种期刊数据库和搜索引擎为检索源,考察国内外网络空间的地理学研究成果。依据研究内容将国外研究归纳为网络空间地理内涵、虚拟社区、虚拟化身与认知、网络空间的经济地理学,网络空间制图和互联网6个重点研究领域,将国内研究归纳为互联网的区域作用、网站和虚拟地理环境3个热点领域,并分别进行了梳理回顾。最后对国内外研究进行了简要评述,从网络空间的外部层面、内部层面和作用层面提出了若干研究议题。  相似文献   

中国古地理学研究进展与关键科学问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
古地理学着重于研究和重建地史时期地球表面自然地理状况。国际古地理学主要是在板块构造理论指导下,依托古地磁、古生物和地球化学等手段,重建地史时期的大陆位置、板块边界、海陆分布,侧重于板块尺度的板块构造古地理。中国古地理学主要侧重于以矿产资源勘探服务为导向的不同尺度的盆内岩相古地理研究及编图。当前中国古地理研究对前寒武纪板块构造体制之前的古地理研究仍处于探讨和假说阶段,对显生宙重大古地理变迁的构造机制、地表过程、生命效应是最具挑战的科学问题,诸如古生代与生物大灭绝事件相伴生的古地理变化,中三叠世末扬子板块与华北板块拼合后的古地理效应,白垩纪以来中国地势由东高西低转变为西高东低的过程和机制等。未来中国古地理学研究不仅要继续加强服务于页岩气等新矿产资源勘探的应用岩相古地理研究,还应建设对接国际的多学科融合的中国古地理数据库,系统重建中国小陆块群聚散的多重古地理演变过程,深入认识全球古地理演变的中国地质记录及其地球生命环境意义。  相似文献   

Location of foreign research and development in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yifei Sun 《GeoJournal》2011,76(6):589-604
This study examines the location of foreign research and development activities within China, using the 2004 China Economic Census data, published in 2006. The study reveals that the scale of foreign R&D in China is significant and involves a few thousand of foreign enterprises, much broader than what has been reported before. It also finds that foreign R&D activities in China are highly concentrated in a few costal provinces and cities including Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian and Beijing, though the degree of concentration in Beijing is significantly lower than what was reported before. The results of the analyses demonstrate that proximity to foreign manufacturing investment dictates the location of foreign R&D. Also important is the quality of local technological infrastructure, which is a composite measurement of availability of quality labor and their creativity. However, labor costs and infrastructure do not show consistent or significant impacts.  相似文献   

马国庆  吴琪  熊盛青  李丽丽 《地球科学》2021,46(9):3365-3375
场源中心位置的计算是重磁数据反演的主要任务之一,现主要通过异常与场源位置之间的数学物理方程来估算地质体的位置.为了快速、准确获得地质体的位置信息,提出基于重磁梯度比值的深度学习技术实现场源位置的获取;其利用深度学习技术所建立的重磁梯度比值水平分布与地质体埋深、构造指数的关系,快速实现异常场源位置计算,且提出利用多个值的相互关系来更加准确、稳定地计算出地质体的信息.该方法可以计算复杂地质体的中心位置,且避免了以往线性方程反演方法需对结果进行筛选的复杂过程,对于存在剩磁的磁异常则采用解析信号的深度学习方法来进行位置反演.理论模型试验证明利用梯度比值的深度学习方法可以准确获得地质体的深度,且通过对比更多点的深度学习计算结果发现,采用多个不同比例极值点可以减弱噪声带来的干扰,从而得到更加准确的位置.最后将该方法应用于实测磁异常的反演工作,获得了地下磁性物体的中心位置,且计算结果与欧拉反褶积法相接近,因此该方法具有良好的实用性.   相似文献   

Zhongshu Zhao 《GeoJournal》1992,26(2):149-152
Round sky and square earth is a basic concept in the tradition of ancient Chinese geography. It appeared at least two thousand years ago and has influenced Chinese geography significantly — both for good and for ill. As an academic subject in China, the history of geographical thought is new. It has become the center of geographical history (Yang 1989, p. 7; Wang 1982, p. 4). This transformation began in the 1980s. Earlier studies of the history of ancient Chinese geography paid more attention to the history of exploration, cartography, and geographers themselves. It neglected serious study of the concept and influence of the idea of round sky and square earth. This paper discusses this concept, its influence on ancient Chinese cartography, and its significance in early geographical literature, specifically the Geographical Society Yu Gong (Tribute of Yu).  相似文献   

Barney Warf 《Geoforum》2000,31(4):487-499
New York plays a fundamental role in the world economy as both a motor and beneficiary of globalization. This paper traces New York’s international ties in the 1990s. While the city’s global pre-eminence as a center of finance capital is well known, New York is also an important international center of corporate headquarters, business services, communications, tourism, and commercial real estate. Next, it reviews the spatial configuration of employment, with an emphasis on the overwhelming concentration of jobs in Manhattan, a reflection of the enormous agglomerative economies found there. Third, it notes the marginalized populations that have not benefited from globalization. Fourth, it addresses changing regimes of governance that have accompanied the city’s intersections with the global economy.  相似文献   

Ron Johnston 《GeoJournal》2006,65(1-2):17-31
Bells were installed in churches throughout much of the western world to announce upcoming services when there was no other means of transmitting such information over long distances and few people had watches. Their initial raison d’être is now obsolete but bell-ringing has been sustained, and significantly expanded, in England as a particular art-form, dependent on a peculiar technology, associated in large part with the established church there. The nature of the technology has strongly influenced the development of that art-form, whereas the resources that had to be invested in the installation of a ring of bells in a stable tower created a long-lasting geography of the practice.  相似文献   

全国1:200 000数字地质图空间数据库是基于目前中国唯一的、实测的、全国性的1:200 000区域地质调查成果,由全国多家单位共同完成的全国性基础地质学空间数据库之一。数据库在空间上包含1 163幅1:200 000地质图数据,覆盖整个国土范围的72%,包含MapGIS和ArcGIS两种格式,总数据量达到90 GB。数据库主要资料来源于1:200 000区域地质调查报告和地质图及矿产图,原始资料时间跨度从20世纪50年代中期到90年代初期。全国1:200 000数字地质图(公开版)空间数据库通过国家级验收,数据完整性、逻辑一致性、位置精度、属性精度、接缝精度均符合中国地质调查局制定的有关技术规定和标准的要求,质量优良可靠。全国1:200 000数字地质图空间数据库是国家空间数据的重要组成部分,为国民经济信息化提供数字化空间平台,为国家和省级各部门进行区域规划、地质灾害监测、地质调查、找矿勘查、宏观决策等提供信息服务。  相似文献   

Profound changes in international geopolitics and national policies, as well as global economic restructuring, and technological and communicational development have occurred since Chinatown first emerged. With the rapid pace of globalizing economy, increasing flows of population, commodities, information, and financial resources across the Pacific Rim – particularly in the last two decades – it is imperative that we reexamine the international migration patterns of Chinese population and reconceptualize the resulting Chinese settlement forms in the globalization era. This article attempts to serve such purposes by briefly reviewing the debate centered around historical and contemporary Chinatowns; discussing the impacts of societal and structural factors on Chinese immigration and settlement; presenting a spectrum of contemporary Chinese settlement forms in the United States, and highlighting some key characteristics. The article ends with brief discussion and conclusion sections that summarize some issues in contemporary Chinese community studies.  相似文献   

This paper combines labour history and labour geography through an analysis of the making of labour demands in Glasgow during the early twentieth century. The paper asserts how revisiting histories such as Red Clydeside reveals complexities within labour movements and links to more recent debates within labour geography. Archival research provides a relational account of the place-based politics of Glasgow that emerged during the forty hours movement in 1919. This allows the paper to juxtapose the broader international linkages forged by Scottish workers alongside racialised hostilities within the city. In particular, the paper compares and contrasts the progressive internationalism of the strike newspaper with the Broomielaw race riot between local and foreign sailors during the same month as the strike. This comparison also raises the longer-term trajectories of labour grievances to foreground the ambivalent and contested nature of labour demands, identities and histories. In particular, the paper pays close attention to contrasting practices of labour internationalism emerging from the relevant archives. This historical approach makes a broader contribution to debates within labour geography by engaging with the complexities and tensions of labour organising and demand making.  相似文献   

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