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This paper presents examples of various large tidal sandbodies from the Eocene Roda Sandstone in the southern Pyrenees and the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the East China Sea. An attempt is made to summarize the geometric variability of these large tidal sandbodies in relation to the sediment supply and tidal discharge of the depositional system. Transverse sand bars were developed in low-sinuosity, high-gradient channels with high influxes of coarse sediments and water from fluvial systems. Tidal point bars were formed in meandering low-gradient estuarine channel where tidal influence was stronger and sediment was finer than those of the transverse sand bar. A tidal delta complex was built up at the estuary mouth with an abundant sediment supply and an increased tidal discharge. Tidal sand ridges were formed when relict fluvial or deltaic sands were eroded and reworked by strong tidal currents during subsequent sea-level rise.

Since the sediment supply and the tidal discharge of the depositional system were closely related to the eustatic sea-level change and basin subsidence, i.e. the relative sea-level change, special attention will be given to the relationship between geometric variability of tidal sandbodies and the sequence stratigraphic framework in which various sandbodies occurred. Three orders of eustatic sea-level fluctuations can be recognized. The third-order eustatic sea-level cycle, together with basin subsidence, controlled the development of systems tracts and the occurrence of different tidal sandbodies, such as estuary and tidal flat facies during the late stage of a LSW systems tract (type 1 sequence) or a SM systems tract (type 2 sequence); tidal point bar facies, tidal delta facies or tidal sand-ridge facies during a TR systems tract; estuary facies during an early HS systems tract; and fluvial sand bar facies in a late HS systems tract and the early stage of a SM or LSW systems tract. There are also the fourth-order and fifth-order eustatic fluctuations, which are superimposed on the third-order eustatic changes and have important control on the build-up, abandonment and preservation of composite and single tidal sandbodies, respectively.

Since the deposition of tidal sandbodies is very sensitive to eustatic sea-level changes, recognition of various tidal sandbodies is important in sequence stratigraphy analyses of sedimentary basins and in the facies prediction of clastic sediments in basin modelling.  相似文献   

The composite section of upper Maikop sediments compiled for the central part of the Eastern Paratethys is presented. The section (more than 1000 m) comprises the Karadzhalgan, Sakaraulian, and Kotsakhurian regional stages. The lower boundary of the Miocene drawn at the base of the Karadzhalgan regional stage is unambiguous only in the southern part of the central Ciscaucasia. In most areas of the Ciscaucasia, this boundary is drawn arbitrarily because of uniform lithology in the Oligocene-Miocene boundary interval and poor paleontological substantiation. Generally, the Maikop sequence is insufficiently studied and incomplete in many areas because of a discordant upper boundary of the Maikop Group. Nevertheless, materials presented in the paper characterize for the first time the composition and structure of the Lower Miocene sequence over a vast area of the Eastern Paratethys. The horizonwise reconstruction of Early Miocene basins has made it possible to reveal the major features of final stages in the formation of the Maikop clayey sequence.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the Taman Peninsula is defined using the sections at Zelensky Hill ?? Panagia, Popov Kamen, Taman and Zheleznyi Rog. The stratigraphy is constructed from distribution of mollusks, foraminifers, nannofossils, diatoms, and organic-walled phytoplankton, as well as incorporating paleomagnetic data. The occurrence of oceanic diatom species in the Middle-Upper Sarmatian, Maeotian and Lower Pontian makes a direct correlation possible between the sections studied, the Mediterranean basin and oceanic zonation. The new data on planktonic and benthic biotic groups suggests a pulsating connection of the Eastern Paratethys with the open marine basins, especially during transitional intervals within constant environments. Comprehensive studies of the Chokrakian-Kimmerian microbiota provide evidence for several levels of marine microbiotic associations that are related to short-term marine invasions. The biotic and paleomagnetic data of the Taman Peninsula sections give a more comprehensive, but sometimes a controversial picture on the Eastern Paratethys history and the nature of its relationship with the adjacent marine basins.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the distribution of trace metals (Zn, Hg, Cd, Cu, and Pb), as indicators of pollution, in the surficial offshore shelf sediments along the northern coast of Heraklion Prefecture (Crete, Mediterranean Sea). The concentrations and the spatial distribution of the different trace metals, in relation to the sedimentological characteristics and the water circulation pattern of the entire continental shelf, are associated with human inshore sources of pollutants located along the coastline of the study area. Although the trace metal concentrations measured are higher than the background values, they are not considered to be dangerous to human health, as they are lower than the standard values given by the World Health Organisation, with only a few localised exceptions. Furthermore, results reveal the important role of local hydrodynamism that moves fine-grained material and associated trace metals offshore (seawards to wave breaking zone) and then transports them eastwards by entrapping them in the prevailing offshore shelf-water circulation.  相似文献   

The analysis of diatom, palynofloral, and benthic foraminiferal assemblages made it possible to substantiate the age of Cenozoic sections recovered by wells on the northern and northeastern Sakhalin shelf. Biostratigraphic materials, lithological properties of stratigraphic units, and standard logs served as the basis for developing the first stratigraphic correlation scale of Cenozoic sequences on the Sakhalin shelf.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The mineral composition and depositional environments of the Konkian in eastern Georgia (Kura trough, eastern Paratethys) corresponding to the Kosovian...  相似文献   

Terranes of the Eastern Arctic shelf of Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The Maeotian of Eastern Paratethys corresponds to the interval of the magnetochronological scale from the base of the subchron C4Ar2n to upper parts of the Chron C4n (9.6–7.5 Ma). Fission-track dates of Maeotian deposits are in general agreement with paleomagnetic chronology. In the continental stratigraphic scale of Western Europe this interval corresponds to zones MN10 (save the lowermost parts), MN11, and MN12 (upper part). Taking into account age estimates of MN zones boundaries established in Western Europe, the East European mammalian localities of Ukraine and Moldova can be stratified as follows: MN10, Raspopeni, Grebeniki, Novaya Emetovka 1, ?lower bed of Ciobruci; MN11, Novaya Emetovka 2; MN12, Cimislia, Ciobruci upper bed, Cherevichnoe, Tudorovo, Dzedzvtakhevi, and sites in the lower Pontian deposits. The faunal criteria used to distinguish MN zones in Western Europe cannot be completely applied to sites of the Eastern Paratethys because of paleozoogeographic distinctions between West and East European provinces. Specific criteria of zone boundaries definitions should be developed for the East European province.  相似文献   

Holocene temperature fluctuations in the northern Tibetan Plateau   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Arid Central Asia (ACA) lies on a major climatic boundary between the mid-latitude westerlies and the northwestern limit of the Asian summer monsoon, yet only a few high-quality reconstructions exist for its climate history. Here we calibrate a new organic geochemical proxy for lake temperature, and present a 45-yr-resolution temperature record from Hurleg Lake at the eastern margin of the ACA in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Combination with other proxy data from the same samples reveals a distinct warm–dry climate association throughout the record, which contrasts with the warm–wet association found in the Asian monsoon region. This indicates that the climatic boundary between the westerly and the monsoon regimes has remained roughly in the same place throughout the Holocene, at least near our study site. Six millennial-scale cold events are found within the past 9000 yr, which approximately coincide with previously documented events of northern high-latitude cooling and tropical drought. This suggests a connection between the North Atlantic and tropical monsoon climate systems, via the westerly circulation. Finally, we also observe an increase in regional climate variability after the mid-Holocene, which we relate to changes in vegetation (forest) cover in the monsoon region through a land-surface albedo feedback.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1331-1343
We consider spatial relationships of complexes of the folded basement, the intermediate structural storey, and the koilogenic structural storey. A Hyperboreal Platform with a core of pre-Baykalian consolidation is surrounded on the south and east by Baykalian, Caledonian, and Cimmerian fold systems, and the region we discuss is limited to its southern slopes, in the koilogenic structural storey, we recognize the Laptev and East Siberian sedimentary basins and their constituent complexes, and establish their relationship with the underlying structural storeys. —Author.  相似文献   

The first data on the cyclostratigraphy of Pontian deposits of the Eastern Paratethys were obtained by studying the magnetic susceptibility of Upper Miocene rocks of the Zheleznyi Rog section in the Taman Region. Based on statistical methods, using the Lomb-Scargle and REDFIT periodograms, cycles related to long-period insolation oscillations (precession of the Earth’s orbit and variations in Earth’s axial tilt) were revealed. It is proposed that a hiatus occurred (about 150000–200000 years) at the Novorossian/Portaferian boundary (Lower Pontian/Upper Pontian) due to the onset of the maximum Messinian Salinity Crisis.  相似文献   

This paper considers the results of summarized integrated geophysical investigations that were carried out from 2006 to 2012. The investigations included common depth point (CDP) seismic reflection survey, over water gravity survey, and differential hydromagnetic exploration with a total work scope of 30 000 linear kilometers. The deep structural tectonic plan, the structural and lithofacies features of the sedimentary cover section on the basic reflecting boundaries, and the features of the seismogeological complexes and seismic sections on a depth scale have been studied, and geological oil-and-gas zoning of the Northern Barents shelf has been made. Seventy-nine local anticlinal highs have been revealed, and the zones with potential nonstructural hydrocarbon traps have been determined. Due to the lack of huge anticlinal highs in the northern Barents Sea region, nonstructural traps are of interest in studying and replacing the mineral raw material base of Russia, as well as for arranging marine exploration.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2128-2151
After the first emergence following deglaciation, relative sea level rose by 10 m in western Norway and culminated late in the Younger Dryas (YD). The relative sea-level history, reconstructed by dating deposits in isolation basins, shows a sea-level low-stand between ∼13 640 and 13 080 cal yr BP, a 10 m sea-level rise between ∼13 080 and 11 790 cal yr BP and a sea-level high-stand between ∼11 790 and 11 550 cal yr BP. Shortly after the YD/Holocene boundary, sea level fell abruptly by ∼37 m. The shorelines formed during the sea-level low-stand in the mid-Allerød and during the sea-level high-stand in the YD have almost parallel tilts with a gradient of ∼1.3 m km−1, indicating that hardly any isostatic movement has taken place during this period of sea-level rise. We conclude that the transgression was caused by the major re-advance of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet that took place in western Norway during the Lateglacial. The extra ice load halted the isostatic uplift and elevated the geoid due to the increased gravitational attraction on the sea. Our results show that the crust responded to the increased load well before the YD (starting ∼12 900 cal yr BP), with a sea-level low-stand at 13 640 cal yr BP and the subsequent YD transgression starting at 13 080 cal yr BP. Thus, we conclude that the so-called YD ice-sheet advance in western Norway started during the Allerød, possibly more than 600 years before the Allerød/YD transition.  相似文献   

Palynological analysis of Sarmatian deposits found in the reference section Zelenskii Mountain-Cape Panagiya has produced new data on dinocysts and contributed to the palynological characteristics of the Sarmatian deposits of the Taman Peninsula. Six palynological assemblages have been found, reflecting the gradual replacement of forest associations with forest-steppe ones, and thus confirming the trend, revealed earlier, of climate aridization in the areas of the Eastern and Central Paratethys in the Late Sarmatian time. The distinctive cysts of the dinoflagellates Geonettia cf. clinea de Verteuil et Norris and Polykrikos schwarzii Bütschli are identified in Sarmatian deposits of the Taman Peninsula for the first time.  相似文献   

Middle Pleistocene to Holocene sediment variations observed in a 26 metre long core taken during a cruise of the RV Marion Dufresne are presented. Core MD992202 was retrieved from the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank and provides an excellent example for sedimentation processes in a mid‐slope depositional environment. The sediment composition indicates sea‐level related deposition processes for the past 375 000 years (marine isotope stages 1 to 11). The sediments consist of: (i) periplatform ooze (fine‐grained particles of shallow‐water and pelagic origin) with moderate variations in carbonate content, carbonate mineralogy and grain‐size; and (ii) coarser intervals with cemented debris consisting of massive, poorly sorted, mud‐supported or clast‐supported deposits with an increased high‐magnesium calcite content. During interglacial stages (marine isotope stages 1, 5, 7, 9 and 11) periplatform oozes (i) are characterized by higher aragonite contents, finer grain‐size and higher organic contents, whereas during glacial stages (marine isotope stages 2 to 4, 6, 8 and 10), increased low‐magnesium and high‐magnesium calcite values, coarser grain‐size and lower organic contents are recorded. These glacial to interglacial differences in mineralogy, grain‐size distribution and organic content clearly show the impact of climatically controlled sea‐level fluctuations on the sedimentation patterns of the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank. The coarser deposits (ii) occur mainly at the transitions from glacial to interglacial and interglacial to glacial stages, and are interpreted as redeposition events, indicating a direct link between sediment properties (changes in mineralogy, grain‐size distribution, variations in organic contents) and sea‐level fluctuations. Changes in hydrostatic pressure and the wave base position during sea‐level changes are proposed to have triggered these large‐scale sediment redepositions.  相似文献   

The western and northern Svalbard continental margins (European Arctic) are environmentally sensitive areas that are dependent on the northward flow of Atlantic Water, the largest heat source of the Arctic Ocean. Two marine sediment records from the Svalbard shelf: Kongsfjorden Trough and Hinlopen Trough, were analysed with regard to the benthic foraminiferal content and lithology to assess the palaeoceanographic evolution during the past two millennia with decadal to multi‐decadal temporal resolution. In both records, an overall gradual decrease of E. excavatum f. clavata during the past two millennia reflects a change towards generally warmer and less glacially influenced conditions, presumably related to enhanced inflow of Atlantic Water (AW). The influence of AW also varied on centennial time scales, as evidenced by faunal and sedimentary shifts occurring almost synchronously at both locations. The period from AD 700 to 1200 was characterized by enhanced inflow of AW, followed by the development of highly productive oceanographic fronts at both localities from AD 1200 to 1500. In contrast, the subsequent interval (AD 1500–1900) shows particularly harsh conditions in the Hinlopen Trough, with significantly reduced foraminiferal flux and sediment input related to perennial sea ice cover. In Kongsfjorden, less severe conditions were observed, indicating that the AW advection continued. The synchronicity of changes in both records demonstrates the effect of the variability in inflow of AW to the Svalbard region during the past 2000 years. Moreover, the records seem to follow climate anomalies, for example the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period, found in the North Atlantic realm.  相似文献   

The combined micropaleontological (spores and pollen, diatoms, benthic foraminifers), lithologic, and isotopic-geochemical analysis of sediments from the northern shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk recovered by hydrostatic corer from the depth of 140 mbsl elucidated environmental changes in this part of the basin and adjacent land areas during the last 12.7 thousands cal. years. Geochronological scale of the core is established using the acceleration mass-spectrometry method for radiocarbon dating of benthic Foraminifera tests. The first insignificant warming in the northern part of the sea after glaciation occurred in the mid-Boreal time (9.6 ka ago) but not at the onset of the Holocene. The strongest warming in the region took place in the mid-Atlantic epoch to reach climatic optimum in the second half of the Subboreal (6 to 2.5 ka ago). A cooling in the northern shelf and adjacent land areas is established at the beginning of the Subatlantic (2.5 ka). A comparison of results obtained for Core 89211 with dated hydrological and climatic changes in central and southern parts of the Sea of Okhotsk (Gorbarenko et al., 2003, 2004) is used for a high-resolution analysis of climatic fluctuations in the study region and other areas of the basin during deglaciation and the Holocene.  相似文献   

The signature of the Mediterranean Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the Paratethys has received wide attention because of the inferred changes in connectivity and base level. In this article, we present sequence stratigraphic interpretations on a seismic transect across the western part of the semi-isolated Late Miocene–Pliocene Dacic Basin (Eastern Paratethys, Romania), chronologically constrained by biostratigraphic field observations and well data. They reveal significant sea level changes during the middle Pontian that are coeval with the MSC. These changes were most likely transmitted to the western Dacic Basin from the downstream Black Sea and controlled by the sill height of the interconnecting gateway. During the middle Pontian lowstand of the western Dacian Basin, sedimentation continued in a remnant ∼300 m deep lake with a positive water balance. Our observations show that the evolution of semi-isolated sedimentary basins is strongly dependent on the communication with other depositional realms through its control on base level and sediment supply.  相似文献   

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