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Reconnaissance seismic reflection data indicate that Canada Basin is a >700,000 sq. km. remnant of the Amerasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean that lies south of the Alpha-Mendeleev Large Igneous Province, which was constructed across the northern part of the Amerasia Basin between about 127 and 89-83.5 Ma. Canada Basin was filled by Early Jurassic to Holocene detritus from the Beaufort-Mackenzie Deltaic System, which drains the northern third of interior North America, with sizable contributions from Alaska and Northwest Canada. The basin contains roughly 5 or 6 million cubic km of sediment. Three fourths or more of this volume generates low amplitude seismic reflections, interpreted to represent hemipelagic deposits, which contain lenses to extensive interbeds of moderate amplitude reflections interpreted to represent unconfined turbidite and amalgamated channel deposits.Extrapolation from Arctic Alaska and Northwest Canada suggests that three fourths of the section in Canada Basin is correlative with stratigraphic sequences in these areas that contain intervals of hydrocarbon source rocks. In addition, worldwide heat flow averages suggest that about two thirds of Canada Basin lies in the oil or gas windows. Structural, stratigraphic and combined structural and stratigraphic features of local to regional occurrence offer exploration targets in Canada Basin, and at least one of these contains bright spots. However, deep water (to almost 4000 m), remoteness from harbors and markets, and thick accumulations of seasonal to permanent sea ice (until its possible removal by global warming later this century) will require the discovery of very large deposits for commercial success in most parts of Canada Basin.  相似文献   

During the 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition cruise in the summer of 2008, nutrients(NO_3~-, NO_2~-,SiO_3~(2-), and PO_4~(3-)) and dissolved oxygen were measured in the western Arctic Ocean, to derive the vertical distribution of nutrient tracers and its relationship to water structure and biogeochemical processes. The nutrient data show that surface waters had the lowest NO_3~-/PO_4~(3-)water column, suggesting an excess of phosphate. Winter Bering Shelf water(wBSW) had high Si*(16.7 μmol/L;Si*=[Si(OH)_4]–[NO_3~-]) with negative N*(-11.7 μmol/L; N*=[PO_4~(3-)]-16[PO_4~(3-)]+3.5 μmol/L) in the water column,indicating nitrate deficiency. The warm Atlantic layer had positive N*(0.8 μmol/L) and negative Si*(-5.4 μmol/L)compared with Pacific source water. The vertical distribution of nutrients indicates that wBSW can be characterized by N* minimum and Si* maximum. In contrast, minima of Si* and SiO_3~(2-)/PO_4~(3-)below 200 m indicate the distribution of Atlantic warm water.  相似文献   

北冰洋深海广泛分布的富锰棕色沉积层(棕色层)是海冰、洋流、物源供给等多种因素共同作用的结果,本文基于西北冰洋门捷列夫海岭ARC07-E25岩芯沉积物稀土元素与微量元素含量、颜色反射率参数、粗颗粒组分和无机碳含量的变化特征,对该类沉积层中稀土元素的组成特征、形成机制和物质来源进行了综合分析。结果显示,沉积物稀土元素总含量(∑REE)在122.37×10−6~231.94×10−6之间变化,北美页岩标准化配分模式显示出轻微的中稀土(MREE)富集以及由La、Ce、Nd主导的较强的轻稀土(LREE)优势。沉积物中∑REE随着粗组分颗粒(如冰筏碎屑)的增多而呈现降低趋势,表明门捷列夫海脊沉积物中的稀土元素主要富集在细粒沉积物中。根据∑REE在沉积物中的变化特征将E25岩芯沉积物划分为4种地层,反映出了冰期/间冰期的气候转变过程中温暖条件下形成的棕色层与寒冷条件下形成的浅灰绿色沉积层(灰色层)的岩性旋回中稀土元素组成的差异,由于两种沉积层在形成时受到不同的底层水氧化还原环境的控制,导致了铈(Ce)元素在氧化水体中会由Ce3+氧化为Ce4+并发生沉降,而在还原水体中则由Ce4+还原为Ce3+发生溶解,这一特性使LREE含量产生较大波动,进而影响到∑REE,使之趋于在代表氧化条件的棕色层中升高而在代表还原条件的灰色层中降低。R型因子分析和物质来源判别结果显示,E25岩芯沉积物中稀土元素与亲碎屑元素(Nb、U、Th)有较好的相关性,主要来源于东西伯利亚海和新西伯利亚群岛的近岸侵蚀物质以及勒拿河物质的输入。  相似文献   

太平洋夏季水对加拿大海盆海冰的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋雪珑  周生启 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):38-45
近年来,北极海冰发生了大面积减少,减少的原因仍存在着争议。基于2003-2011年的水文和遥感卫星数据,对北冰洋加拿大海盆的太平洋水和海冰进行研究。通过对比2006年和2007年太平洋水位温与海冰密集度的空间分布,发现太平洋水暖异常于2007年1-3月进入加拿大海盆的中部,并可能导致了2007年夏季海冰大面积的融化。2003-2011年,在加拿大海盆的中部,太平洋水位温与海冰密集度存在着时间上的负相关。选取2007年8月,发现两者在空间上也存在着负相关。这很可能说明太平洋水暖异常在流动的过程中,向上输送了热量,在一定程度上,融化了海冰,从而触发海冰-反照率正反馈,导致海冰的减少。因此,通过白令海峡进入北冰洋的太平洋夏季水,对北极海冰面积的减少有着重要影响。  相似文献   

With the recently recovered organic-rich sediments of early Tertiary age from the Lomonosov Ridge by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 302, the first data collection directly from source rocks of the central basins of the Arctic Ocean is now available. Using the results of seismic interpretations and published sedimentological and organic geochemical data from Expedition 302, the framework for the first quantitative assessment of source-rock quality and distribution of the Palaeogene sediments was modelled in the central Arctic Ocean. The modelling results suggest that an approximately 100-m-thick Early to Middle Eocene sedimentary sequence of good to very good source rocks exists along a 75 km long transect across the Lomonosov Ridge. In-situ generation of hydrocarbons is unlikely because the overburden (200–250 m) and consequently the thermal maturity are too low. Burial history and thermal modelling reveal that an additional overburden of at least 1000 m is necessary to start hydrocarbon generation along the ridge. However, source-rock modelling results show that good source-rock potential may exist in correlative units in the adjacent Amundsen Basin. Simulated organic carbon contents of 1.5–5%, coupled with an overburden of 1000–1200 m, and heat flow anomalies (117 and 100 mW m−2) due to the vicinity to the Gakkel Ridge spreading centre indicate that necessary conditions for hydrocarbon expulsion are already reached, and point to viability of a potential petroleum system. Our results support the hypothesis that deposition of a potentially good hydrocarbon source rock occurred across the entire Arctic Basin and adjacent margins during the early Tertiary.  相似文献   

2016年秋季热带西太平洋网采浮游植物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈卓  孙军  张桂成 《海洋科学》2018,42(7):114-130
作者于2016年9月27日~10月25日对热带西太平洋(0°~20°N, 120°~130°E)10个站位的网采浮游植物群落结构进行了采样调查。应用Uterm?hl方法对调查海域浮游植物的物种组成、细胞丰度、优势物种以及群落多样性等相关生态特征进行了分析。希望为热带西太平洋提供一些基础的背景资料,为以后的研究奠定基础。结果表明, 鉴定出浮游植物共计4门、66属、243种(包括变种、变型), 含硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)34属、103种, 甲藻门(Pyrrophyta)28属、133种, 金藻门(Chrysophyta)2属、4种,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)2属、3种。浮游植物细胞丰度1 965.573×103 细胞/m3 , 其中蓝藻的细胞丰度为1 945.169×103 细胞/m3 , 决定了浮游植物的分布格局, 占总细胞丰度的98.96%, 高值区分布在0°N130°E-10°N130°E的4个站位(E130-13、E130-15、E130-17、E130-19); 硅藻丰度在20°N断面N20-4站位存在高值区; 甲藻丰度在130°E断面的3个站位(E130-10、E130-13、E130-15)存在高值区。本次调查的优势种依次为铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebaultii)、扁形原甲藻(Prorocentrum compressum)、扁豆原甲藻(Prorocentrum leniculatum)、胞内植生藻(Richelia intracellularis)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)、细弱海链藻(Thalassiosira subtilis)、具边线形圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus marginato-lineatus)、科氏角藻(Ceratium kofoidii)、鲁比膝沟藻(Gonyaulax lurbynaii)、中华半管藻(Hemiaulus sinensis)、霍氏半管藻(Hemiaulus hauckii)、小等刺硅鞭藻(Dictyocha fibula)。Shannon-Weiner多样性指数的均值为2.440,Pielou 均匀度指数的均值为0.163。相关分析结果显示浮游植物空间分布主要受PO4-P、NH4-N的影响,且由蓝藻的相关性决定的。聚类分析得出群落结构分为大洋群聚和近岸群聚两种类型(其中大洋群聚的站位又划分为0°~10°N纬度范围聚集和10°~20°N纬度范围聚集)。  相似文献   

本文依托2008年夏季中国第三次北极科学考察航次,对西北冰洋海盆区和楚科奇海陆架营养盐及光合色素进行了测定和分析。根据海水理化性质将研究海区分为5个区,并使用CHEMTAX软件(Mackery et al.,1996)讨论了西北冰洋不同海区浮游植物群落组成结构及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果显示在楚科奇海陆架区,太平洋入流显著影响浮游植物生物量和群落结构。高营养盐Anadyr水团以及白令陆架水控制海域,表现出高Chl a且浮游植物以硅藻为主,相反,低营养盐如阿拉斯加沿岸流控制海域,Chl a生物量低且以微型,微微型浮游植物为主。在外陆架海区,海冰覆盖情况影响着水团的物理特征及营养盐浓度水平,相应地显著影响浮游植物群落结构。在海冰覆盖区域,硅藻生物量站到总Chl a生物量的75%以上;在靠近门捷列夫深海平原海区,受相对高盐的冰融水影响(MW-HS),营养盐浓度和Chl a浓度相对海冰覆盖区略高,浮游植物结构中微型、微微型藻类比重增加,硅藻比例则降至33%;南加拿大海盆无冰海区(IfB),表层水盐度最淡,营养盐浓度最低,相应地显示出低Chl a生物量,表明海冰消退,开阔大洋持续时间延长,将导致低生物量及激发更小型浮游植物的生长,并不有利于有机碳向深海的有效输出。  相似文献   

1Introduction Besidestheprecipitationandriverdischarges,the watersinthePacificOceanandtheAtlanticOceanare thesourcesoftheArcticOceanwater.TheAtlantic waterenterstheArcticOceanviatheFramStraitand theBarentsSea.Foritsdenserfeatureduetohigh salinity,mostofitsinkstothenorthofSvaldbardand circulatesinallthedeepbasinsintheArcticOcean, formingthedeepandbottomwatersoftheArcticO- cean(Aagaardetal.,1985;Rudelsetal.,1999).The BeringStraitistheonlychannelforthePacificwater toflowintotheArcticOce…  相似文献   

The warming of the Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) is studied based on the analyses of hydrographic observations in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean during 1985-2006. It is shown that how the anomalously warm AIW spreads in the Canada Basin during the observation time through the analysis of the AIW temperature spatial distribution in different periods. The results indicate that by 2006, the entire Canada Basin has almost been covered by the warming AIW. In order to study interannual variability of the AIW in the Canada Basin, the Canada Basin is divided into five regions according to the bottom topography. From the interannual variation of AIW temperature in each region, it is shown that a cooling period follows after the warming event in upstream regions. At the Chukchi Abyssal Plain and Chukchi Plateau, upstream of the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current (ACBC) in the Canada Basin, the AIW temperature reached maximum and then started to fall respectively in 2000 and 2002. However, the AIW in the Canada Abyssal Plain and Beaufort Sea continues to warm monotonically until the year 2006. Furthermore, it is revealed that there is convergence of the AIW depth in the five different regions of the Canada Basin when the AIW warming occurs during observation time. The difference of AIW depth between the five regions of the Canada Basin is getting smaller and smaller, all approaching 410 m in recent years. The results show that depth convergence is related to the variation of AIW potential density in the Canada Basin.  相似文献   

The diffuse attenuation coefficient(Kd) for downwelling irradiance is calculated from solar irradiance data measured in the Arctic Ocean during 3rd and 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE), including 18 stations and nine stations selected for irradiance profiles in sea water respectively. In this study, the variation of attenuation coefficient in the Arctic Ocean was studied, and the following results were obtained. First, the relationship between attenuation coefficient and chlorophyll concentration in the Arctic Ocean has the form of a power function. The best fit is at 443 nm, and its determination coefficient is more than 0.7. With increasing wavelength, the determination coefficient decreases abruptly. At 550 nm, it even reaches a value lower than 0.2. However, the exponent fitted is only half of that adapted in low-latitude ocean because of the lower chlorophyll-specific absorption in the Arctic Ocean. The upshot was that, in the case of the same chlorophyll concentration, the attenuation caused by phytoplankton chlorophyll in the Arctic Ocean is lower than in low-latitude ocean. Second, the spectral model, which exhibits the relationship of attenuation coefficients between 490 nm and other wavelength, was built and provided a new method to estimate the attenuation coefficient at other wavelength, if the attenuation coefficient at 490 nm was known. Third, the impact factors on attenuation coefficient, including sea ice and sea water mass, were discussed. The influence of sea ice on attenuation coefficient is indirect and is determined through the control of entering solar radiation. The linear relationship between averaging sea ice concentration(ASIC, from 158 Julian day to observation day) and the depth of maximum chlorophyll is fitted by a simple linear equation. In addition, the sea water mass, such as the ACW(Alaskan Coastal Water), directly affects the amount of chlorophyll through taking more nutrient, and results in the higher attenuation coefficient in the layer of 30–60 m. Consequently, the spectral model of diffuse attenuation coefficient, the relationship between attenuation coefficient and chlorophyll and the linear relationship between the ASIC and the depth of maximum chlorophyll, together provide probability for simulating the process of diffuse attenuation coefficient during summer in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Atmospheric moisture transport plays an important role in latent heat release and hydrologic interactions in the Arctic. In recent years, with the rapid decline in sea ice, this transport has changed. Here, we calculated the vertically integrated atmospheric moisture meridional transport(AMTv) from two global reanalysis datasets, from1979–2015, and found moisture pathways into the central Arctic. Four stable pathways showed an occurrence frequency greater than 70%, and these pathways exhibited a perennial seasonal pattern in the atmosphere above the Laptev Sea Pathway(LSP), Canadian Arctic Archipelago Pathway(CAAP), both sides of the Greenland plateau. Another seasonal pathway appeared above the east of the Chukchi Sea(CSP) during the melting/freezing months(March to September). Through these pathways, AMTv contributed a total moisture exchange of60%–80%—averaged over a 75°N circle—and focused on the low troposphere. Transports across the LSP, CSP and CAAP pathways likely create an enclosed moisture route. Meridional moisture fluxes are intensified in the Pacific sector of Arctic(PSA), especially during melting/freezing months. AMTv interannual variabilities are illustrated mainly in the Laptev Sea and the east Greenland pathway. Results indicate that accompanying a tendency for a stronger Beaufort Sea High in this sea level pressure field, AMTv through PSA pathways, switched from output to input, and approximately 960 km~3 of equivalent liquid water was transferred into the central Arctic during each decade. The detrended AMTv increment is highly correlated with the rapid decline of old ice areas(correlation coefficient is –0.78) for their synchronous fluctuations in the 1980 s and the last decade.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional thermodynamic model of melt pond is established in this paper.The observation data measured in the summer of 2010 by the Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE-2010) are used to partially parameterize equations and to validate results of the model.About 85% of the incident solar radiation passed through the melt pond surface,and some of it was released in the form of sensible and latent heat.However,the released energy was very little(about 15%),compared to the incident solar radiation.More than 58.6% of the incident energy was absorbed by melt pond water,which caused pond-covered ice melting and variation of pond water temperature.The simulated temperature of melt pond had a diurnal variation and its value ranged between 0.0°C and 0.3°C.The melting rate of upper pond-covered ice is estimated to be around two times faster than snow-covered ice.At same time,the change of melting rate was relatively quick for pond depth less than 0.4 m,while the melting rate kept relatively constant(about 1.0 cm/d) for pond depth greater than 0.4 m.  相似文献   

2016年8月7-14日中国第七次北极科学考察期间,在83°N附近设立的长期浮冰站开展了辐射和湍流通量观测研究。结果表明,观测期间反照率变化范围为0.64~0.92,平均反照率为0.78;基于现场观测数据评估了PW79、HIRHAM、ARCSYM和CCSM3 4种不同复杂度的反照率参数化方案在天气尺度的表现,最为复杂的CCSM3结果优于其他参数化方案,但不能体现降雪条件下的反照率快速增长。浮冰区冰雪面平均净辐射为18.10 W/m2,平均感热通量为1.73 W/m2,平均潜热通量为5.55 W/m2,海冰表面消融率为(0.30±0.22) cm/d,表明此时北冰洋浮冰正处于快速消融期。冰面的平均动量通量为0.098(kg·m/s)/(m2·s),动量通量与风速有很好的对应关系,相关系数达0.80。  相似文献   

深海热液流体与周围海水之间存在明显的物理和化学差异,通过检测海水的位温浊度异常是探测深海热液活动的重要手段之一。本文采用"海底火山带项目(Submarine Ring of Fire 2002)"拖曳式温盐深测量仪数据资料,研究了东北太平洋Explorer Ridge热液场的水文特征及物质能量通量的释放。结果表明Explorer Ridge热液场热液羽状流中性浮力层所在深度范围约为1 600~1 900 m,距离海底的高度约为200 m,最大位温、盐度和浊度异常分别为0.04℃、0.004和0.18 NTU;中性浮力层热液羽状流帽呈椭圆结构,其长轴与洋中脊线重合,羽状流帽总面积约为27 km2;热液羽状流在中性层范围内存在明显的分层现象,通过经验公式计算得到Explorer Ridge热液场观测范围内热液喷口的总的浮力通量为6.19×10-2 m4/s3,平均值为2.063×10-2 m4/s3;总的体积通量为9.884×10-2 m3/s,平均值为3.295×10-2 m3/s;总的热通量为194.9 MW,平均值为64.967 MW。  相似文献   

气候模式和再分析数据中北冰洋中层水再现能力的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The simulations of the Arctic Intermediate Water in four datasets of climate models and reanalyses, CCSM3, CCSM4, SODA and GLORYS, are analyzed and evaluated. The climatological core temperatures and depths in both CCSM models exhibit deviations over 0.5°C and 200 m from the PHC. SODA reanalysis reproduces relatively reasonable spatial patterns of core temperature and depth, while GLORYS, another reanalysis, shows a remarkable cooling and deepening drift compared with the result at the beginning of the dataset especially in the Eurasian Basin(about 2°C). The heat contents at the depth of intermediate water in the CCSM models are overestimated with large positive errors nearly twice of that in the PHC. To the contrary, the GLORYS in 2009 show a negative error with a similar magnitude, which means the characteristic of the water mass is totally lost. The circulations in the two reanalyses at the depth of intermediate water are more energetic and realistic than those in the CCSMs, which is attributed to the horizontal eddy-permitting resolution. The velocity fields and the transports in the Fram Strait are also investigated. The necessity of finer horizontal resolution is concluded again. The northward volume transports are much larger in the two reanalyses, although they are still weak comparing with mooring observations. Finally, an investigation of the impact of assimilation is done with an evidence of the heat input from assimilation. It is thought to be a reason for the good performance in the SODA, while the GLORYS drifts dramatically without assimilation data in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

北冰洋浮游生物空间分布及其季节变化的模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
低营养级浮游生物生态动力过程对环境变化的响应非常敏感。随着全球气候变化加剧,北冰洋正在经历快速的环境变化。厘清北冰洋低营养级浮游生物季节分布与变化特征是探究北冰洋生态系统对环境快速变化响应的前提,也是评估北极海区固碳能力的重要依据。基于此,本文构建了海洋–海冰–生物地球化学循环模型,并对北冰洋叶绿素浓度以及浮游生物结构的时空变化特征进行了模拟,结果表明:(1)北冰洋表层叶绿素浓度的峰值主要出现在5月,且太平洋一侧叶绿素浓度高于大西洋一侧;随着海水层化,表层受营养盐限制的海区呈现次表层叶绿素浓度最大值现象,且由陆架向海盆,次表层叶绿素浓度最大值层逐渐加深;9月,叶绿素浓度高值重回水体上层,太平洋一侧海区表层叶绿素浓度呈现较为明显的次峰值。(2)由于太平洋和大西洋入流营养盐浓度及结构的不同,北冰洋表层浮游生物群落结构存在明显空间差异。太平洋一侧,硅藻和中型浮游动物占优,硅藻在5月和9月出现生物量峰值,微型浮游植物在3月、5月和6月维持相对较高生物量;而大西洋一侧,在早春-春末夏初-夏秋经历了微型浮游植物-硅藻-微型浮游植物的演替,总体而言,微型浮游植物和微型浮游动物占优。此外,两侧海区浮游动物浓度峰值相较浮游植物滞后约半月。  相似文献   

镰状真鲨(Carcharhinus falciformis)是金枪鱼(Thunnus)延绳钓渔业中常见的兼捕鱼种之一,位于海洋食物链的顶端,对海洋物种多样性和生态系统的稳定性有重要意义,2017年10月1日作为濒危物种被正式列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约附录Ⅱ中。作者根据中国金枪鱼渔业科学观察员在中西太平洋海域(7°S~9°N,149°E~150°W)采集的1 150尾镰状真鲨样本,对其叉长、体质量、繁殖和摄食等生物学信息进行初步研究与分析。结果表明:雌、雄镰状真鲨的优势叉长范围分别为80~180 cm和60~150 cm,雌性叉长均值显著大于雄性;雌、雄的叉长和体质量关系无显著性差异(ANCOVA,P0.05),叉长和体质量的幂函数关系为:W_R=9×10–6×L_F~(2.9712);雌、雄性比符合1︰1比例;镰状真鲨的鳍脚长度与叉长呈显著正相关性,其线性关系为L_C=0.1492×L_F–6.5;镰状真鲨的怀仔数为4~15尾,平均怀仔数为8尾,子宫内雌雄胚胎长度范围为24~56 cm;摄食等级以空胃率为主,其次为1级,分别为51.77%、35.07%。  相似文献   

A coupled ice-ocean model is configured for the pan-Arctic and northern North Atlantic Ocean with a 27.5 km resolution. The model is driven by the daily atmospheric climatology averaged from the 40-year NCEP reanalysis (1958–1997). The ocean model is the Princeton Ocean Model (POM), while the sea ice model is based on a full thermodynamical and dynamical model with plastic-viscous rheology. A sea ice model with multiple categories of thickness is utilized. A systematic model-data comparison was conducted. This model reasonably reproduces seasonal cycles of both the sea ice and the ocean. Climatological sea ice areas derived from historical data are used to validate the ice model performance. The simulated sea ice cover reaches a maximum of 14 × 106 km2 in winter and a minimum of 6.7 × 106 km2 in summer. This is close to the 95-year climatology with a maximum of 13.3 × 106 km2 in winter and a minimum of 7 × 106 km2 in summer. The simulated general circulation in the Arctic Ocean, the GIN (Greenland, Iceland, and Norwegian) seas, and northern North Atlantic Ocean are qualitatively consistent with historical mapping. It is found that the low winter salinity or freshwater in the Canada Basin tends to converge due to the strong anticyclonic atmospheric circulation that drives the anticyclonic ocean surface current, while low summer salinity or freshwater tends to spread inside the Arctic and exports out of the Arctic due to the relaxing wind field. It is also found that the warm, saline Atlantic Water has little seasonal variation, based on both simulation and observations. Seasonal cycles of temperature and salinity at several representative locations reveals regional features that characterize different water mass properties.  相似文献   

殷嘉晗  张林 《海洋预报》2020,37(3):72-81
利用我国第六次—第九次北极科学考察雪龙船走航探空数据,计算北极太平洋扇区和白令海的夏季对流层高度,分析对流层内的风速、温度、水汽廓线,从而确定对流层结构,并分析各要素的垂直分布和经向分布特征。结果表明:夏季北极太平洋扇区和白令海的递减率对流层顶、冷点对流层顶平均值分别为10 003 m、10 116 m,对流层高度随纬度增加而降低。夏季北极大气对流层低层和对流层顶存在逆温,对流层顶的逆温高度和厚度随纬度增加而降低。大气可降水量与纬度呈负相关,且集中于对流层中低层。近地面的风速受地表摩擦力的影响较明显,对流层内的风速随高度增加而增大,高空急流的强度和高度随纬度增加而减小,风廓线和急流易受天气尺度过程的影响。研究结果揭示了夏季北极太平洋扇区和白令海的对流层结构,并可用于检验数值预报模式对北极大气垂直结构的预报效果、评估再分析资料描述北极大气垂直结构的能力。  相似文献   

对北太平洋西部海域、苏禄海及印尼海、中国南海、印度洋东部海域、孟加拉湾及安达曼海等表层水体中放射性核素137Cs的活度进行了测定。结果表明,上述海域表层水体中137Cs活度显示了较大的变化范围,最低值出现在南极附近的南大洋(1.1Bqm-3),较高的活度值则出现在北太平洋西部海域及中国南海(3Bqm-3)。在所研究水域范围内,137Cs活度的纬度分布特征并没有完全有效地反映出137Cs的全球理论大气沉降趋势及其纬度效应。综合本研究及Miyake等人(1988)的测定结果,我们计算出137Cs自表层海水中的析出速率在苏禄海及印尼海约为0.016/a,在孟加拉湾及安达曼海约为0.033/a,在中国南海约为0.029/a,这一结果明显低于西北太平洋日本沿海表层水体中137Cs的析出速率。这可能是因为在这些海域,横向及纵向的水体混合过程相对都较慢,而且颗粒物对137Cs的吸附析出过程也比较弱所致。  相似文献   

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