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Three experiments were conducted with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to assess the effects of dietary exposure to copper and cadmium. The results presented here provide an overview, details of each experiment will be published in full elsewhere. In the first experiment, salmon parr exposed for four weeks to 35 and 700 mg Cu kg−1 diet had significantly elevated intestinal copper concentrations, cell proliferation (PCNA) and apoptosis rates compared to control fish. No differences were observed in gill or plasma copper concentrations among the groups. In contrast to the controls, the Cu exposed groups did not grow significantly during the exposure period. The second experiment (three months exposure) was conducted to assess the effects of dietary copper (control, 35, 500, 700, 900 or 1750 mg Cu kg−1 diet) on growth and feed utilization in salmon fingerlings. Growth was significantly reduced after three months exposure to dietary Cu concentrations above 500 mg kg−1. Similarly, copper body burdens were significantly higher in fish exposed to elevated dietary copper concentrations (above 35 mg Cu kg−1 diet). In the third experiment, salmon parr were exposed to one of six dietary cadmium concentrations (0, 0.5, 5, 25, 125 or 250 mg Cd kg−1 diet) for four months. Cadmium accumulated in the liver>intestine>gills of exposed fish. Rates of apoptosis and cell proliferation in the intestine increased following exposure to dietary cadmium. Exposure to elevated concentrations of dietary cadmium had no effect on growth in salmon parr. Results from these studies indicate that cellular biomarkers have potential as early warning signs of negative effects on the overall fitness of an organism.  相似文献   

To reduce the potential risks of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) entering the human food chain in vegetables, two pot experiments (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2) were carried out to screen for Cd and Pb pollution‐safe cultivars (PSCs) of Chinese flowering cabbage (Brassica parachinensis L.). The three Cd treatments in Exp. 1 (0.114, 0.667, and 1.127 mg kg?1) showed that Chinese flowering cabbage could easily take up Cd from polluted soils, and there were wide variations in Cd accumulation among different cultivars. The Cd accumulation trait at cultivar level was rather stable under different soil Cd treatments. In Exp. 2, seven cultivars that had been shown in Exp. 1 to be typical high or low accumulators of Cd were selected and six Cd + Pb joint exposure treatments were applied to them. The results showed that there were similar trends of accumulation between Cd and Pb for the tested cultivars, but Pb accumulation by the species was much poorer than that of Cd. It was worth noting that an increase in soil Pb levels significantly (p < 0.01) depressed shoot Cd accumulation. Six cultivars were selected as Cd + Pb PSCs. This study showed that it is feasible to apply a PSC strategy in Chinese flowering cabbage cultivation, to cope with the Cd and Pb contamination commonly found in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Utilising newly available instrumentation, the carbon balance in two small tropical catchments was measured during two discharge events at high temporal resolution. Catchments share similar climatic conditions, but differ in land use with one draining a pristine rainforest catchment, the other a fully cleared and cultivated catchment. The necessity of high resolution sampling in small catchments was illustrated in each catchment, where significant chemical changes occurred in the space of a few hours or less. Dissolved and particulate carbon transport dominated carbon export from the rainforest catchment during high flow, but was surpassed by degassing of CO2 less than 4 h after the discharge peak. In contrast, particulate organic carbon dominated export from the cleared catchment, in all flow conditions with CO2 evasion accounting for 5–23% of total carbon flux. Stable isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the ephemeral rainforest catchment decreased quickly from ~1.5 ‰ to ~ ?16 ‰ in 5 h from the flood beginning. A two‐point mixing model revealed that in the initial pulse, over 90% of the DIC was of rainwater origin, decreasing to below 30% in low flow. In the cultivated catchment, δ13CDIC values varied significantly less (?11.0 to ?12.2 ‰) but revealed a complex interaction between surface runoff and groundwater sources, with groundwater DIC becoming proportionally more important in high flow, due to activation of macropores downstream. This work adds to an increasing body of work that recognises the importance of rapid, short‐lived hydrological events in low‐order catchments to global carbon dynamics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For large‐scale sites, difficulties for applying coupled one‐dimensional (1D)/2D models for simulating floodplain inundation may be encountered related to data scarcity, complexity for establishing channel–floodplain connections, computational cost, long duration of floods and the need to represent precipitation and evapotranspiration processes. This paper presents a hydrologic simulation system, named SIRIPLAN, developed to accomplish this aim. This system is composed by a 1D hydrodynamic model coupled to a 2D raster‐based model, and by two modules to compute the vertical water balance over floodplain and the water exchanges between channel and floodplain. Results are presented for the Upper Paraguay River Basin (UPRB), including the Pantanal, one of the world's largest wetlands. A total of 3965 km of river channels and 140 000 km2 of floodplains are simulated for a period of 11 years. Comparison of observed and calculated hydrographs at 15 gauging stations showed that the model was capable to simulate distinct, complex flow regimes along main channels, including channel‐floodplain interactions. The proposed system was also able to reproduce the Pantanal seasonal flood pulse, with estimated inundated areas ranging from 35 000 km2 (dry period) to more than 120 000 km2 (wet period). Floodplain inundation maps obtained with SIRIPLAN were consistent with previous knowledge of Pantanal dynamics, but comparison with inundation extent provided by a previous satellite‐based study indicates that permanently flooded areas may have been underestimated. The results obtained are promising, and further work will focus on improving vertical processes representation over floodplains and analysing model sensitivity to floodplain parameters, time step and precipitation estimates uncertainty. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increased hazard of arsenic toxicity at many provinces of India causing extensive contamination of their wetlands. To illustrate the consequences of the arsenic menace on the aquatic fauna, a nutritionally important freshwater catfish Clarias batrachus (Linn.) was subjected to the stress of sublethal concentration (1 mg/L; 5% of 96‐h LC50 value) of sodium meta‐arsenite. The alterations induced by the arsenic salt on certain biomolecules (proteins, free amino acids (FAA), and protease activities) in five tissue components (muscle, liver, brain skin, and gills) of the fish using biochemical techniques were estimated. Significant (p < 0.01) decrease in the concentration of proteins in all the tissues (19.74–44.84% in muscles; 3.17–49.39% in liver; 10.05–36.16% in brain; 12.62–52.01% in skin and 7.34–61.69% in gills), and significant (p < 0.01) increase in FAA (6.84–269.89% in muscles; 125.89–358.03% in liver; 1.07–152.90% in brain; 29.31–401.62% in skin and 38.53–165.07% in gills), and protease activities (43.59–183.33% in muscles; 19.52–131.90% in liver; 8.85–46.72% in brain; 33.33–261.53% in skin and 25.39–50.79% in gills) of the exposed fish were observed. This increase in amino acids and enzyme activity point out toward breakdown of protein leading to their depletion.  相似文献   

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