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Sediment samples from the upper reaches to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay were analysed for extractable organic silicon (silicone) content. Organic silicon in the sediments ranged from less than 0.2 to some 36 ppm, w/w. In general, silicone tended to accumulate in high depositional areas: the northern bay, and along the shores to the south. While present, anthropogenic inputs in terms of defined source were not clear. It appears that processes in the bay act to rapidly remove silicone from the water column, probably on a function of the flocculation/precipitation of seston, especially in the northern area.  相似文献   

Wave measurement and modeling in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three recently measured wind and wave data sets in the northern part of Chesapeake Bay (CB) are presented. Two of the three data sets were collected in late 1995. The third one was collected in July of 1998. The analyzed wind and wave data show that waves were dominated by locally generated, fetch limited young wind seas. Significant wave heights were highly correlated to the local driving wind speeds and the response time of the waves to the winds was about 1 h. We also tested two very different numerical wave models, Simulation of WAves Nearshore (SWAN) and Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), to hind-cast the wave conditions against the data sets. Time series model–data comparisons made using SWAN and GLERL showed that both models behaved well in response to a suddenly changing wind. In general, both SWAN and GLERL over-predicted significant wave height; SWAN over-predicted more than GLERL did. SWAN had a larger scatter index and a smaller correlation coefficient for wave height than GLERL had. In addition, both models slightly under-predicted the peak period with a fairly large scatter and low correlation coefficient. SWAN predicted mean wave direction better than GLERL did. Directional wave spectral comparisons between SWAN predictions and the data support these statistical comparisons. The GLERL model was much more computationally efficient for wind wave forecasts in CB. SWAN and GLERL predicted different wave height field distributions for the same winds in deeper water areas of the Bay where data were not available, however. These differences are as yet unresolved.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2008,28(18):2565-2573
A numerical model is used to determine the resonant period and quality factor Q of Chesapeake Bay and explore physical mechanisms controlling the resonance response in semi-enclosed seas. At the resonant period of 2 days, the mouth-to-head amplitude gain is 1.42 and Q is 0.9, indicating that Chesapeake Bay is a highly dissipative system. The modest amplitude gain results from strong frictional dissipation in shallow water. It is found that the spatial distribution of energy dissipation varies with forcing frequency. While energy at tidal frequencies is dissipated around topographic hotspots distributed throughout the Bay, energy dissipation at subtidal frequencies is mainly concentrated in the shallow-water lower Bay. An analytic calculation shows that the bottom friction parameter is much larger in Chesapeake Bay than in other coastal systems with strong resonance response. The model-predicted amplitude gains and phase changes agree well with the observations at semidiurnal and diurnal tidal frequencies. However, the predicted amplitude gain in the resonant frequency band (34–54 h period) falls below that inferred from band-passed sea level observations. This discrepancy can be attributed to the local wind forcing which amplifies the sea level response in the upper Bay. The model is also used to show that rising sea levels associated with global warming will shift the resonance period of Chesapeake Bay closer to the diurnal tides and thus exacerbate flooding problems by causing an increase in tidal ranges.  相似文献   

Eutrophic depletion of dissolved oxygen (DO) and its consequences for ecosystem dynamics have been a central theme of research, assessment and management policies for several decades in the Chesapeake Bay. Ongoing forecast efforts predict the extent of the summer hypoxic/anoxic area due to nutrient loads from the watershed. However, these models neither predict DO levels nor address the intricate interactions among various ecological processes. The prediction of spatially explicit DO levels in the Chesapeake Bay can eventually lead to a reliable depiction of the comprehensive ecological structure and functioning, and can also allow the quantification of the role of nutrient reduction strategies in water quality management. In this paper, we describe a three dimensional empirical model to predict DO levels in the Chesapeake Bay as a function of water temperature, salinity and dissolved nutrient concentrations (TDN and TDP). The residual analysis shows that predicted DO values compare well with observations. Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and root mean square error-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR) are used to evaluate the performance of the empirical model; the scores demonstrate the usability of model predictions (NSE, surface layer = 0.82–0.86; middle layer = 0.65–0.82; bottom layer = 0.70–0.82; RSR surface layer = 0.37–0.44; middle layer = 0.43–0.58 and bottom layer = 0.43–0.54). The predicted DO values and other physical outputs from downscaling of regional weather and climate predictions, or forecasts from hydrodynamic models, can be used to forecast various ecological components. Such forecasts would be useful for both recreational and commercial users of the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1998,18(10):1157-1177
The spatial and temporal variability of water entering and leaving the Chesapeake Bay estuary was determined with a spatial resolution of 75 m. The four cruises during which the observations were made took place under different conditions of freshwater discharge, tidal phase, and wind forcing. The tidal variability of the flows was dominated by the semidiurnal constituents that displayed greatest amplitudes and phase lags near the surface and in the channels that lie at the north and south sides of the entrance. The subtidal variability of the flows was classified into two general scenarios. The first scenario occurred during variable or persistently non-southwesterly winds. Under these conditions there was surface outflow and bottom inflow in the two channels, inflow over the shoal between the two channels, and possible anticyclonic gyre formation over the shoal. The flow pattern in the channels was produced by gravitational circulation and wind forcing. Over the shoal it was caused by tidal rectification and wind forcing. The second scenario occurred during persistently southwesterly winds. The anticyclonic gyre over the shoal vanished suggesting that wind forcing dominated the tidal rectification mechanism over the shoal, while gravitational circulation and wind forcing continued to cause the flows in the channels. In both scenarios, most of the volume exchange took place in the channels.  相似文献   

Cross-Media Models of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and Airshed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A continuous, deterministic watershed model of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, linked to an atmospheric deposition model is used to examine nutrient loads to the Chesapeake Bay under different management scenarios. The Hydrologic Simulation Program - Fortran, Version 11 simulation code is used at an hourly time-step for ten years of simulation in the watershed. The Regional Acid Deposition Model simulates management options in reducing atmospheric deposition of nitrogen. Nutrient loads are summed over daily periods and used for loading a simulation of the Chesapeake estuary employing the Chesapeake Bay Estuary Model Package. Averaged over the ten-year simulation, loads are compared for scenarios under 1985 conditions, forecasted conditions in the year 2000, and estimated conditions under a limit of technology scenario. Limit of technology loads are a 50%, 64%, and 42% reduction from the 1985 loads in total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids, respectively. Urban loads, which include point source, on-site wastewater disposal systems, combined sewer overflows, and nonpoint source loads have the highest flux of nutrient loads to the Chesapeake, followed by crop land uses.on assignment from NOAA Air Resources Laboratory  相似文献   

The CE-Qual-ICM model computes phytoplankton biomass and production as a function of temperature, light, and nutrients. Biomass is computed as carbon while inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica are considered as nutrients. Model formulations for production, metabolism, predation, nutrient limitation, and light limitation are detailed. Methods of parameter determination and parameter values are presented. Results of model application to a ten-year period in Chesapeake Bay indicate the model provides reasonable representations of observed biomass, nutrient concentrations, and limiting factors. Computed primary production agrees with observed under light-limited conditions. Under strongly nutrient-limited conditions, computed product is less than observed. The production characteristics of the model are similar to behavior reported for several similar models. Process omitted from the model that may account for production shortfalls include variable algal stoichiometry, use of urea as nutrient, and vertical migration by phytoplankton.  相似文献   

A model predicting suspension-feeding bivalve biomass and its interactions with water quality has been developed and coupled with the Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication Model. This coupling included deposition of filtered particulate matter to the sediments and the recycling of inorganic nutrients back to the water column. Because individual size is a crucial determinant of bivalve filtration and respiration rates, an empirical function, was developed from data, relating computed areal biomass to size, which was then used to adjust these rates during the simulation. Biomass was strongly related to the eutrophication model's predictions of organic and total solids distributions, as well as to bottom water dissolved oxygen. The tight coupling between seasonal organic matter concentration and biomass suggested that food, or the ability of suspension feeders to ingest it given present total solids loadings, is a limiting factor baywide. Hypoxia and anoxia also reduced benthic biomass in affected locations. High site-specific temporal variability observed in the data may contain a large component of spatial patchiness, on scales below which the present estuarine eutrophication model could resolve. Further insights will be needed to incorporate the effects of patchiness, as well as other important spatial and temporal signals, such as predation and recruitment.  相似文献   

Bulk hydrocarbon deposition rates have been measured over a 15 month period at four stations in south-eastern Virginia surrounding the lower Chesapeake Bay. A nearly linear trend of atmospheric particulate deposition was recorded. Deposition rates at the urban station (195 μg m?2 day?1) were aproximately three times greater than those recorded for nonurban and coastal locations (mean value 69 μg m?2 day?1). The increased levels at the urban location were attributed to localized source inputs. Anthropogenic hydrocarbons accounted for approximately 50% of the total deposition at all stations. Significant biogenic inputs were indicated by the odd/even n-alkane distribution. A minimum flux to the water surface, based on mean nonurban deposition rates (24 mg yr?1), indicated an annual particulate hydrocarbon flux of +275 metric tons. Little information is available for the comparison of additional source inputs; however, the data reported here indicate that the aerial deposition of hydrocarbons is of the same order of magnitude as the input from municipal wastewater facilities and accidental discharge and is a potentially significant source of hydrocarbon pollution to the Chesapeake Bay Estuary.  相似文献   

A monthly sampling programme for dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT) and tetrabutyltin (TTBT) was initiated for a period of one year (July 1985–June 1986) in the Maryland waters of Chesapeake Bay. Concentrations of the above butyltin species were evaluated in the microlayer and water column of eight sampling stations representing two small and two large marinas, a large harbour, two major river systems and a heavily used shipping channel. DBT concentrations in the microlayer were generally higher in the four marinas when compared with the other stations. The highest DBT concentration reported in the microlayer was 1156 ng l−1. Mean microlayer TBT concentrations ranged from 54–310 ng l−1 in the four marinas. Three TBT concentrations ranging from 1049–1171 ng l−1 were reported in the microlayer of the marinas. TBT concentrations of 41 and 29 mg l−1 were detected in the microlayer of a heavily used shipping channel (C & D Canal) during May and June. TTBT concentrations were not detected in the microlayer at most stations during the 12 month sampling period.Mean DBT concentrations in the water column ranged from 23–145 ng l−1 in the four marinas. DBT concentrations in the water column of the other stations were < 35 ng l−1. Mean water column concentrations of TBT ranged from 51–408 ng l−1 in all four marinas. Peak concentrations of TBT were reported in May and June for the various marinas. The highest TBT concentration reported in the water column was 998 ng l−1. TBT concentrations of 20–24 ng l−1 were reported in one of the river systems (Potomac River). TTBT concentrations were not detected in the water column at most of the stations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the present and potential role of effluent trading in water quality management. In particular, it focuses upon the case of the Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of the US, where the implementation of a trading system has been discussed and undertaken. Potential benefits of effluent trading include advantages such as the following: (1) With appropriate monitoring and enforcement, the total pollutant loadings can be kept at or below the prespecified level. (2) New and expanding dischargers can be accommodated, as long as they purchase credits. (3) Abatement costs of pollutants can be reduced. (4) Flexible regulations incorporating trading can reduce the incentive for industries to relocate to areas with less stringent water quality regulation. (5) Broader environmental goals can be addressed, such as wildlife habitat provision and endangered species protection. (6) Preliminary studies with a view to trading-system implementation encourage discussion and dialogue among stakeholders, and positively foster concerted, holistic solutions for maintenance of water bodies.  相似文献   

The response of the Chesapeake Bay to river discharge under the influence and absence of tide is simulated with a numerical model. Four numerical experiments are examined: (1) response to river discharge only; (2) response to river discharge plus an ambient coastal current along the shelf outside the bay; (3) response to river discharge and tidal forcing; and (4) response to river discharge, tidal forcing, and ambient coastal current. The general salinity distribution in the four cases is similar to observations inside the bay. Observed features, such as low salinity in the western side of the bay, are consistent in model results. Also, a typical estuarine circulation with seaward current in the upper layer and landward current in the lower layer is obtained in the four cases. The two cases without tide produce stronger subtidal currents than the cases with tide owing to greater frictional effects in the cases with tide. Differences in salinity distributions among the four cases appear mostly outside the bay in terms of the outflow plume structure. The two cases without tide produce an upstream (as in a Kelvin wave sense) or northward branch of the outflow plume, while the cases with tide produce an expected downstream or southward plume. Increased friction in the cases with tide changes the vertical structure of outflow at the entrance to the bay and induces large horizontal variations in the exchange flow. Consequently, the outflow from the bay is more influenced by the bottom than in the cases without tide. Therefore, a tendency for a bottom-advected plume appears in the cases with tide, rather than a surface-advected plume, which develops in the cases without tide. Further analysis shows that the tidal current favors a salt balance between the horizontal and vertical advection of salinity around the plume and hinders the upstream expansion of the plume outside the bay.  相似文献   

Ezer  Tal 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(1):23-34
Ocean Dynamics - Fast sea level rise (SLR) is causing a growing risk of flooding to coastal communities around the Chesapeake Bay (hereafter, CB or “the Bay”), but there are also...  相似文献   

Lessons that employ authentic environmental data can enhance the ability of students to understand fundamental science concepts. This differs from traditional "environmental education" in that school curricula need not set aside time for educators to teach only environmental topics. Rather, the "environment" is used to advance student learning in science and technology. The success of this approach depends on programs that encourage scientists to communicate more effectively with teachers at all education levels. The expanding diversity of research and monitoring activities on the world's marine waters constitutes an outstanding potential education resource. Many of these projects involve remote sensing with sophisticated instrumentation and employ Internet technology to compile measurements, interpret data using graphs and satellite imagery, and share the results among scientific colleagues and the general public alike. Unfortunately, these resources, which constitute a much shortened path between research findings and textbook presentation, are seldom interpreted for use by K-12 educators. We have developed an example that uses the Chesapeake Bay as a paradigm to demonstrate how such interpretation can assist educators in teaching important principles in physical oceanography and marine ecology. We present this example using PowerPoint to conduct a virtual tour of selected Internet sources. Our example begins with the conceptual "salt wedge" circulation model of Chesapeake Bay as a partially mixed estuary. Teachers have the opportunity to explore this model using salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen data taken from a research vessel platform during summer professional development programs. This source of authentic data, originally obtained by teachers themselves, clearly demonstrates the presence of a picnocline and deep-water anoxia. Our lesson plan proceeds to interpret these data using additional Internet-based resources at increasing scales of time and space. The "salt wedge," picnocline, and anoxia are examined using graphics derived from data taken by researchers using "ScanFish," a towed instrument that samples temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen at a resolution of only a few meters vertically and horizontally. The seasonal dynamics of these parameters at a given location are interpreted using biweekly monitoring data obtained as part of the state-federal Chesapeake Bay Program. The influence of annual variations in freshwater input is examined using stream flow data from US. Geological Survey gauging stations. Satellite remote sensing images from the TOPEX/Poseidon project are used to show how El Ni?o and La Ni?a events in the mid-Pacific affect the Chesapeake Bay system via rainfall on its watershed. Finally, the life cycle of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is presented to show how an estuarine organism has adapted to this truly unique and dynamic coastal environment.  相似文献   

The response of the density-driven circulation in the Chesapeake Bay to wind forcing was studied with numerical experiments. A model of the bay with realistic bathymetry was first applied to produce the density-driven flow under average river discharge and tidal forcing. Subsequently, four spatially uniform wind fields (northeasterly, northwesterly, southwesterly, and southeasterly) were imposed to examine the resulting cross-estuary structure of salinity and flow fields. In general, northeasterly and northwesterly winds intensified the density-driven circulation in the upper and middle reaches of the bay, whereas southeasterly and southwesterly winds weakened it. The response was different in the lower bay, where downwind flow from the upper and middle reaches of the bay competed with onshore/offshore coastal flows. Wind remote effects were dominant, over local effects, on volume transports through the bay entrance. However, local effects were more influential in establishing the sea-level slopes that drove subtidal flows and salinity fields in most of the bay. The effect of vertical stratification on wind-induced flows was also investigated by switching it off. The absence of stratification allowed development of Ekman layers that reached depths of the same order as the water depth. Consequently, bathymetric effects became influential on the homogeneous flow structure causing the wind-induced flow inside the bay to show a marked transverse structure: downwind over the shallow areas and upwind in the channels. In the presence of stratification, Ekman layers became shallower and the wind-induced currents showed weaker transverse structure than those that developed in the absence of stratification. In essence, the wind-driven flows were horizontally sheared under weak stratification and vertically sheared under stratified conditions.  相似文献   

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