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The axisymmetric distribution of stress, internal energy and particle velocity resulting from the impact of an iron meteoroid with a gabbroic anorthosite lunar crust has been calculated for the regime in which shock-induced melting and vaporization takes place. Comparison of impact flow fields, with phase changes in silicates taken into account, with earlier results demonstrate that in the phase change case when the 15-km/s projectile has penetrated some two projectile radii into the moon, the peak stress in the flow is ~0.66 Mbar at a depth of 66 km, and the stress has decayed to ~66 kbar at a depth of 47 km. Rapid attenuation occurs because of the high rarefaction velocity of the high-pressure phases associated with a 35% (zero-pressure) density increase. This feature of the phase-change flow tends to strongly concentrate the maximum shock pressures along the meteoroid trajectory (axis) and makes the conical zone along which high internal energy deposition occurs, both shallow and narrow. Examination of the gravitational energies required to excavate larger craters on the moon indicates the importance of gravity forces acting during the excavation of craters having radii in the range greater than ~2 – ~140 km. It is observed that the “hydrodynamic” energy vs. crater radius relation approaches those for various “gravitational” energy vs. radius relations at the radii values corresponding to the larger mare basins. Cratering energy values in the range of (1.0 – 9.4) · 1032 erg are inferred on this basis for the Imbrium crater. Using these values and the criteria that all rocks exposed to ~100 kbar or greater shock pressures are included in the ejecta (some of which falls back) implies that the maximum depth of sampling expected to be represented within the Apollo collection lies in the range 148–328 km.  相似文献   

Following the Ixtoc I oil rig blowout in Campeche Bay we hypothesized that resulting tarballs should eventually appear in the Gulf Stream off Gerogia and that because of dynamic barriers in the innershelf little would reach nearshore areas. To test these hypotheses, surface tows to collect floating tar were taken off the coasts of Georgia and Florida in October and December, 1979.No tar was found within 40 km of the shore. All samples more than 40 km offshore contained some tar. The mean concentration was 0.82 mg m?2 with a range of 0.01–5.6 mg m?2. Closely spaced sampling showed extreme variation but trends were consistent. Perylene was the most abundant compound in the tarballs.  相似文献   

The variation of the point-defect concentrations in olivine with changes in enstatite activity and oxygen partial pressure are derived from formal thermodynamic arguments. Two models for these variations are constructed; the models differ in the choice of the approximate charge-neutrality condition in the near-stoichiometric regime. Under favorable circumstances, the effect of the oxygen partial pressure on olivine's point-defect chemistry can provide a diagnostic technique. Activity differences within the upper mantle may have a significant effect on olivine's transport properties because of their effect on the point-defect concentrations. The activity of enstatite plays an important role in the point-defect chemistry of olivine.  相似文献   

Dust deposition in the sea at an iron ore unloading terminal in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland, was measured by means of sediment collectors placed 10 m above the sea bed on the outer face of the unloading jetty. A ‘background’ sedimentation of up to 64 g m?2 day?1 of non-ferrous material was obtained with no ships in port. During unloading dust quantities up to 18 021 g m?2 day?1 were obtained, but the quantities depended on the type of ore unloaded, and much smaller quantities of sediment were obtained with ores less prone to fine particle formation. Any ecological effects would involve sea bed benthos, although rates of transportation of the sedimented dust are probably rapid in the immediate vicinity of the ore terminal.  相似文献   

In a laboratory experiment to simulate mine tailings disposal into a coastal inlet of British Columbia, initial rapid increases in dissolved iron, copper and lead were observed in the first three hours with subsequent slow decreases to background values within one month. Manganese and nickel increased slowly during the experiment while cadmium and zinc did not increase.  相似文献   

Equations are proposed which describe the diffusion of a plume of oil from chemically dispersed oil slicks into the oceanic water column and which yield estimates of oil concentration as a function of the volume of oil dispersed, time-varying plume area, depth, time, and as a function of a single adjustable parameter, vertical diffusivity. A ‘diffusion floor’ at any desired depth may be included. Experimental data were fitted to the equations to yield an estimate of this diffusivity. It is concluded that oil concentrations can be estimated with a mean error of a factor of three, this high value being attributable to the inherently variable nature of the oceanic diffusion processes. Implications for assessing the toxic effects of dispersed slicks are discussed. It may be possible to calculate acute median lethal water depths and volumes for given organisms subjected to given dispersed oil slicks.  相似文献   

Oil-degrading bacteria isolated from oil spills, an industrial bay, and an offshore oil field by liquid enrichment on crude oils and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon compounds were screened for extra-chromosomal DNA. Plasmids were detected in 21% of the strains isolated on whole crude oil and in 17% of the strains isolated on polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Multiple plasmids were observed in 50% of the plasmid-containing strains. Pseudomonas was the predominant genus isolated during the study. Plasmids do not appear to be of importance to these strains during degradation of freshly introduced oil at a nonpolluted site such as might be the case in an ocean oil spill. Plasmids do appear to be significant in the adaptation of Pseudomonas species to chronic petroleum pollution.  相似文献   

Lead and cadmium concentrations were measured in eggs and in bone, kidney, liver and stomach contents of downy young, prefledgling, and adult Laughing Gulls collected from Matagorda Bay and Galveston Bay, Texas. Matagorda Bay drains a rural, moderately industrialized region while the Galveston Bay area is heavily urbanized and industrialized. Lead levels were lower in birds from Matagorda Bay and decreased in birds from Galveston Bay between 1977 and 1980. Cadmium levels were also lower in birds from Matagorda Bay but increased over the three-year period in those from Galveston Bay. The temporal decrease in lead may be associated with such environmental control efforts as reduced point source emissions and substitution of unleaded gasoline.  相似文献   

Residues of DDE, DDT and PCBs were determined in four different commercial bony fishes: grey mullet, red mullet, striped mullet and gold bandgoat fish, as well as in shrimps, limpets and sediments obtained from the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The PCB levels in living organisms and sediments were found to be very low, and in most cases below the detection limits. The DDE and DDT values were relatively high compared to PCBs and there was a linear correlation between the organochlorine residue concentrations and the extractable organic material of the analysed samples.  相似文献   

Marine mussels accumulate the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene from contaminated environments. Baseline studies in California indicate that levels of the carcinogen in mussels are at or near zero, except in areas of human activity. This finding runs counter to previous suggestions that benzo(a)pyrene is widely distributed in marine organisms.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS), a volatile excretion product of marine phytoplankton, was determined in the water column during the spring phytoplankton bloom on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf. In the same samples, a broad range of variables which characterize the biological processes in this region were measured. DMS was correlated with phytoplankton chlorophyll in the outer shelf and oceanic domains, but not in the middle shelf domain. A very strong correlation between the cell density of the haptophyte Phaeocystis poucheti and the DMS concentration in seawater was found, which suggests that this species accounts for most of the DMS present in the study region. We propose that in P. poucheti and certain other phytoplankton species the excretion of DMS is incidental to the release of acrylic acid which serves to inhibit bacterial attack upon the algae.  相似文献   

Total nitrogen contents have been measured by RNA of 30 iron and 4 stony-iron meteorites. Wide variations in N concentrations are noted (0.5 ppm to about 200 ppm). As a group, the IA irons have the highest nitrogen. This element is positively correlated with C, Ga, and Ge. Samples of meteorites that have been exposed to shock do not show any abnormal N distribution.  相似文献   

A neutron activation method is used to measure6Li via the reaction6Li(n, α)3H in iron meteorites. It is found that most6Li occurs in non-metallic inclusions which can be separated by dissolution of the metal in 4 M H2SO4. The non-magnetic portion of such a residue has as high as 0.9 ppm6Li, while in the bulk sample6Li ranges from 0.02 to 10 ppb. Average6Li contents (ppb) for various classes are IA, 1.8; IIAB, 1.6; and IIIA, 0.4. Cosmic-ray-produced6Li is generally much smaller than the native6Li.  相似文献   

Nitrogen concentrations in various tektites and natural glasses have been measured using RNAA and are found to be almost constant at about 15 ppm. A terrestrial origin for tektite formation is favoured.  相似文献   

X-ray energy spectroscopy has been successfully utilized to provide rapid, multi-elemental, quantitative analyses of the intertidal mussel, Mytilus edulis, found in southern coastal waters of British Columbia (Canada). Since no a priori decision needed to be made on which elements required monitoring, concentrations of the seven dominant elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Se and Pb) were determined in the gills and viscera of these organisms. The potential usefulness of XES for providing relevant data on aquatic bioaccumulators for environmental monitoring studies is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of ultraviolet light, heating, freezing and weathering on the mercury concentration in the primary feathers from Guillemot and Black Guillemot has been examined. Even within 8 months of exposure variation in mercury concentration due to either loss of mercury or weight loss of the feathers has been found to be less than 10% relative.  相似文献   

The feathers of 277 Black, Common and Brünnich's Guillemot from the Baltic, Kattegat, Faroe Islands and Greenland were analysed for mercury. The levels were found to be higher in the Baltic and the Kattegat compared to the Faroe Islands and Greenland. While the levels were almost constant for the last two areas a substantial increase during this century was found for the Baltic and the Kattegat. In Common Guillemots from the Baltic a decrease was indicated after 1969. In general the mercury levels were higher for Black Guillemots living close to the coast compared to the Uria sp. living off-shore. The inhomogeniety of the mercury load near the shore was indicated by a large individual variation within a colony of Black Guillemots. This variation was reinforced by differences in migration and feeding habits. It has been shown by analysis of individuals recaptured during successive years that the year to year variation of one individual is considerably smaller.It is concluded that chronological series based on feathers from sea birds and museum collections may contribute to the elucidation of the long term trend of mercury pollution at sea.  相似文献   

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