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我国两汉以前有明确日期和全食或近全食描述的日食记录有18个。对应用这些记录所做的地球自转长期加速的结果进行了比较和讨论。这些工作包括Curott、Newton、Stephenson、韩延本以及作者本人根据渡边敏夫的日食典所得到的结果。本文证实我国古代这些记录绝大多数是可靠的,但其观测地点没有记载,不能认为它们都是在当时的首都。因而利用这些记录作地球自转长期加速的精细分析尚需进一步的考证。  相似文献   

迄今所知,中国和西亚地区有几条可能的日食记录发生在 B.C.1400至 B.C.1000,其中主要被保存在出土的中国殷商时期的卜辞中。但它们都没有完整的年月日纪日。其中有一些需要进一步证实它们是不是日食。有些明确的日食纪事需要考订它们发生的时日。这些研究对历史学、天文学都是有意义的。文中对先秦时期的日食记录进行了讨论。本文依据 P.V.Neugebauer 的方法计算给出了 B.C.1399至 B.C.1000四百年间的日食表。为了研究殷墟出土卜辞中的日食记录,本文并计算列出了殷商时期安阳—殷商首都全部可见的日食。此外,介绍了 Dr.R.R.Newton 在这方面做的工作。  相似文献   

关于仲康日食的记载可能是人类历史上最早的一次日食记录,可惜没有记载日食的发生日期.夏商周断代工程研究认为,发生在公元前2043年10月3日、公元前2019年12月6日、公元前1970年11月5日和公元前1961年10月26日的日食都可能是仲康日食的备选者.利用美国航空航天局(National Aeronautics a...  相似文献   

朱文鑫《历代日食考》研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用现代天文计算结果来全面研究整理中国古代日食记录,首推朱文鑫先生的<历代日食考>.他开拓的利用现代天文计算方法系统考察中国古代天象记录的研究,成为中国天文学史研究中的显学.介绍了<历代日食考>一书的内容和学术价值,比较了各个研究者对中国各代日食记录的统计,并对错误较多的西汉日食记录做了进一步的考证,以续朱先生言.分析指出,西汉日食记录的错误,许多是由另一条正确记录衍生出的.其错误的形态显示,原始记录只有年月,而日干支和所在宿度,是衍生错误已经发生之后加注的.  相似文献   

把古代日食的观测记录用于地球自转长期减速和月亮在轨道上的长期加速的现代研究中,只要记录可靠,分析得法可以得到与现代观测同样精度的结论。甚至于还可以得到现代观测所不能得到的结论。近十几年来西方科学家对中国古日食记录表现了极大的兴趣。他们的研究的结果几乎一致认为中国的观测记录是很可靠的,因此这些记录在人类科学史中具有很高的价值,这种局面也引起了国内天文界的注意。我们认为到现在为止,中国古代日食记录还并没有得到充分的利用。而且在已经应用的资料中出现了一些  相似文献   

作者刘次沅、马莉萍。日食在中国古代受到特殊重视,因此在史籍中留下了大量的日食记载,它们与各种历史事件,尤其是国家大事相联系,形成中国历史的一大特点,本食典分别以日食表和日食图的形式,给出公元前2300-公元2100年这44个世纪中国可见日食。附录给出日出日落时间表、公元2000~2050年中国可见重要日食的详  相似文献   

清代正史日食记录初探   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对清代正史日食记录的全面复算,对清代正史日食记录作了分析和讨论。根据前人和我们的分析,《清史稿》、《清实录》、《清朝文献通考》等正史里的日食史料来自日食预报,清朝正史中的日食记录包括了清代发生的日食的绝大多数;从1735年开始至清末,清代日食预报的时刻精度比之前提高了5分钟左右,得益于《历象考成后编》的编纂;《历象考成》、《历象考成后编》、《仪象考成》的编纂是清代日食预报中太阳所在宿度精度提高的主要原因;《西洋新法历书》的计算方法中日食方位是按太阳的地平方位来定位的,而《历象考成》和《历象考成后编》则自日面顶点计算日食方位。《历象考成后编》中日食方位的计算方法比《西洋新法历书》的方法有了极大改进。  相似文献   

明代中期兴起的地方志和私人著作,记载了许多天象事件,日食记录是其中重要内容.地方性日食记录的精华集中在对日全食现象的生动描述,地方志记录的最大价值是一次日全食的多个见全食点.明代中国东部地区发生了15次中心日食.明后期的10次中,8次都有大量的地方性记录.讨论了明代地方性日食记录的各种特点,并重点展示了这8次日全食在全国各地的观测地点分布以及对日全食景象的生动描述.  相似文献   

对隋唐五代时期的日食、月食记录进行了全面的搜集、勘误和统计分析.研究了这些记录的文献来源、时间分布、覆盖率和记录特征.这一时期记载了实际可见日食的65%和月食的28%.  相似文献   

研究内容如下:(1)考察了朱文鑫先生"两汉日食考"中的142次日食数据,比对西汉(东汉)时期《中国古代天象记录总集》,所得公历日期与其同者计38次(61次),占70%(85%),所得结论与其同者42次(61次),占78%(85%).两汉《五行志》记日食计126次,其中无食21次,首都不见7次,日出前9次,日没后1次,见食凡88次,占70%,见食地通常为首都.(2)借助笔者建立的中国历史时期的日期转换平台考察两汉《五行志》日食的历日记录,由此对两汉历谱精度进行了评估.西汉(东汉)行用历法中月、日的标准误差分别为0.31月(0.17月)和0.97日(0.74日).(3)同时亦研究了两汉日食位置记录的精度,得出西汉(东汉)太阳位置记录的标准误差为11.08?(6.63?),扣除可能的错记则为9.30?(3.59?).指出若两汉的距星相同,则东汉时期太阳位置的观测误差均值为2.8?,远好于西汉时期的8.2?;若两者存在差异,则它们多出在误差偏大的宿中.(4)尝试通过有食分描述的日食记录确定?T(ET-UT)取值,同时得出"既"的食分范围为0.969~1.0,"几尽"为0.829~0.985,"不尽如钩"为0.861~0.926.  相似文献   

We have analysed the meteor records in the chronicles that describe the era of the Song dynasty ( ad 960–1279). The data are complementary to the record-vacant 10th century of the Koryo dynasty ( ad 918–1392). The annual activity of sporadic meteors analysed shows a generic sinusoidal behaviour as in modern observations. In addition, we have also found that there are two prominent meteor showers, one in August and the other in November, appearing on the fluctuating sporadic meteors. The date of occurrence of the August shower indicates it to be the Perseids. By comparing the date of occurrence of the November shower with those of the Leonid showers of the Koryo dynasty, recent visual observations and the world-wide historical meteor storms, we conclude that the November shower is the Leonids. The regression rate of the Leonids is obtained to be     days per century, which agrees with recent observations.  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese records of observations of planetary positions are introduced and classified. A table which includes 66 records of planetary occultations is given in this paper. Those ancient records are valuable for research on the secular motions of planets.  相似文献   

We describe a method of studying the variation in the rotation of the Earth in historical times using ancient records of central solar eclipses. From the records of central eclipses covering a period of some one thousand four hundred years (7th century B.C. to 7th century A.D.), given in the Chinese annals, we selected 88 entries and calculated the rotation variation parameter ΔT. Our result shows that the Earth is spinning down at a relative rate of − (1.88 ± 0.10) × 10−10/yr.  相似文献   

The impact of Chinese historical astronomical records is important in the study of astronomy today. In particular, the impact of the Chinese records related to historical supernovae have made important contributions to modern astronomy, contributing to the rapid progress of space sciences and high-energy astrophysics made in the recent two decades. These historical records could also be of assistance in the future. In this connection, the main topics discussed in this paper are the great new star which occurred in the 14th century Before Christ (BC), the historical supernovae Anno Domini (AD) 185 and AD 393, and the new concept of the “Po star” and its application.  相似文献   

地球自转长期变化的研究依赖于古代天象记录.近年来这方面研究取得明显进展.本文着重介绍作者由中国古代公元十世纪以前732个月掩犯记录得到的最新结果,并与其他结果进行了对比和综合分析,中国月掩犯记录填补了公元三至八世纪的资料缺环,并证实了公元五世纪前后地球自转非潮项的明显变化.  相似文献   

The Daye Calendar was compiled in AD 597 in the Sui Dynasty. We investigate the records of sunrise and sunset times on the 24 solar-term days in the calendar. By converting the ancient Chinese time units, Chen, Ke and Fen to hour, minute and second, and carrying out a comparison between the ancient records and values computed with modern astronomical theory, we find that the accuracy of solar measurements in the Sui period is remarkably high: for sunrise times, the average absolute deviation is 3.63 min (this value can be further reduced to 3.03 min when erroneous data are excluded), and for sunset times it is 3.48 min. We also find that the observed sunrise and sunset times are strictly symmetrically distributed with respect to both the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice, with their deviations showing a similar symmetrical distribution as well. We give a discussion on the date of observation, the feature of the data, and possible reasons of the deviation.  相似文献   

In this paper we have examined the real behaviour of solar activity during the period AD 1400–1600. The results are as follows: (1) the distributions of the 20 naked-eye sunspot records are inhomogeneous. There are 2 sightings in the 15th century and 18 sightings in the 16th century; (2) the distributions of auroral records are similar to sunspot. There are 33 records in the 15th century and 315 records in the 16th century; (3) the climatic fluctuations in China shows that the period AD 1430–1520 was cold while the period AD 1520–1620 was warm. These facts clearly demonstrate that the Spörer Minimum, if it extended from AD 1460 to 1550, could be a specious results and it, if its extent was AD 1400–1510, is a real feature of solar variability in that time.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

〈史记-历术甲子篇〉给出了一个76年周期中各历年的年首,月数和冬至、但由于没有推大小月。闰月和24节气的方法。仍得不到完整的历谱、本义分析了〈历术甲子篇〉的基本条件,由此出发推导出原文的全部数据.分析原文的数学逻辑,同时发现原文所置的闰年也同样符合这一方法.本文按同样原则设想了置大小月,置24节气,置闰月的方法,这样方可得到完整的历谱.本文还对〈历术甲子篇〉的实用性和误差进行了讨论.指出简单易行的改进方法.并对中国古代历法的某些原则提出批评。  相似文献   

Abstract— Statistics of witnessed and recovered meteorite falls found in Chinese historical texts for the period from 700 B.C. to A.D. 1920 are presented. Several notable features can be seen in the binned distribution as a function of time. An apparent decrease in the number of meteorite reports in the 18th century is observed. An excess of observed meteorite falls in the period from 1840 to 1880 seems to correspond to a similar excess in European data. A x2 probability test suggests that the association between the two data sets are real. Records of human casualties and structural damage resulting from meteorite falls are also given. A calculation based on the number of casualty events in the Chinese meteorite records suggests that the probability of a meteorite striking a human is far greater than previous estimates. However, it is difficult to verify the accuracy of the reported casualty events.  相似文献   

何玉囡 《天文学报》1995,36(3):321-330
本文分析了傣历纪元纪时法中的一些基本算法,给出了计算闰月总数的修正公式,编制了计算傣历的程序,计算了傣历1283-1402年(公元1921-2040年)年历表,并对傣历与农历的月序比较提出了新看法。  相似文献   

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