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Abstract. Laser Raman microprobe analysis was performed on the fluid inclusions from the Honko-Sanjin zone in the Hishikari epithermal gold deposit, southern Kyushu, Japan. Gas concentrations of fluid inclusions through the zone were below detection limits (e.g., 5 mmole/kg H2O for CO2), with an exception at shallow portion in which the CO2/N2 mole ratio was determined to be 5.3. Boiling of hydrothermal solutions probably separated gases from ore fluids at the deep portion of the deposit, and migration of gases to shallow portion resulted in CO2-rich steam-heated water and related acid alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Hishikari epithermal gold deposit consists of parallel vertical veins hosted by the Quaternary volcanic rocks (QVR) and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (CSR) at the shallow and deep levels, respectively. In order to reveal the litholog‐ical influence on the evolution of vein systems in the Hishikari field, vein density, width, spacing and position were statistically examined using cores sampled from three boreholes. The statistical features of the veins identified were summarized as follows, (i) The QVR have lower mean vein densities than the CSR. (ii) The former has smaller deformation degrees (ratios of total vein width per length) than the latter, (iii) Cumulative frequencies of vein density obey negative‐exponential distributions in both the types of rocks, (iv) Cumulative frequencies of vein width obey power‐law distributions with exponents of about ‐1 in both the types of rocks, but consist of two segments in the CSR. (v) Cumulative frequencies of vein spacing obey lognormal distributions with coefficients of variation between 1.8 and 3.5 in both the types of rocks. And (vi) fractal dimensions of vein position are between 0.45 and 0.52 at measure lengths between 0.1 and 10 m without distinctive difference between the two types of rocks. The feature (i) indicates higher ductility of the QVR against fracturing than the CSR. The feature (ii) implies that large deformation was accumulated in rocks themselves (e.g., alteration zones) in addition to the veins examined in the QVR compared to only the veins in the CSR. The feature (iv) suggests that the vein systems in the CSR reached a stage at which the several selected large veins grew as main conduit, that potentially provided pathways for ore‐forming fluids to ascend from deep levels. The coefficients of variation of vein spacing and fractal dimensions of vein position (features v and vi) indicate clustered distribution of the veins in the field. This study might be helpful for a better understanding of lithological influence on the evolution of vein systems not only in the Hishikari field but also in other fields.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):326-335
Fluid inclusion microthermometry was conducted on late‐stage barren comb quartz and the latest stibnite at the Hishikari deposit to characterize the hydrothermal activity responsible for vein formation. Eight fluid inclusion assemblages (i.e. fluid inclusions trapped at the same time, ‘FIAs’) were studied to determine the formation fluid temperatures and salinities for the comb quartz in the Shosen No. 2 vein, Sanjin ore zone, and the stibnite in the Seisen No. 1–1 vein, Yamada ore zone. The average homogenization temperatures (the formation temperatures) of the seven FIAs from the comb quartz were between 207 and 230°C, while the average homogenization temperature (the formation temperature) of an FIA from the stibnite was 113°C. The measured fluid salinities of the seven FIAs from the comb quartz were low, ranging between 0.0 and 1.1 wt% NaCl equiv., indicating that dilute fluids were responsible for the comb quartz formation. By comparison with previous microthermometric data, the formation temperatures of the studied comb quartz were higher than those of columnar adularia and comb quartz at most other veins (generally around 200°C) but were similar to those of columnar adularia at Keisen veins (230°C) in the same ore zone. The higher formation temperatures both in the Shosen and the Keisen veins in the Sanjin ore zone indicate that the fractures corresponding to the vein system at the Sanjin ore zone were main conduits for hot ascending fluids. The low formation temperature of stibnite in the latest stage (113°C) indicates that stibnite precipitation occurred during a waning stage of hydrothermal activity. Combined with previous thermodynamic data on antimony solubilities, the large discrepancy between the formation temperature of the comb quartz (200–230°C) and that of the stibnite suggests that the stibnite may have precipitated as a result of a drastic cooling of the hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Abstract: The origin of mineralizing fluids responsible for the Hishikari vein-type epithermal Au deposits was studied on the basis of the hydrogen isotopic ratio (δD) of the inclusion fluid from vein quartz and adularia. The origin of hydrothermal fluids was estimated by combination of the present δ values and the oxygen isotopic ratios (δ18O) previously reported by Shikazono and Nagayama (1993). The water in the fluid inclusions was extracted by means of decrepitation of quartz at 500°C. Hydrogen was obtained by reduction of the collected water with Zn shot at 450°C. The δD values were determined by mass spectrometer. The δD values of inclusion fluid obtained from quartz range from –61 to –114%. These are significantly lower than the δD value of the thermal water presently venting from the Hishikari deposits and that of local meteoric water. Hydrogen isotopic fractionation between water and amorphous silica, which might have initially precipitated from the hydrothermal fluids at least partly, is not a probable cause of this isotopic depletion, while some water might have been released from the initial hydrous amorphous silica during recrystallization to quartz observed presently. Thus, a part of ore fluids for the Hishikari deposits is supposed to have been originated from the water having anomalous δD values of lower than –100%. Such D depletion cannot be caused by simple oxygen-shift of meteoric water or by contribution of magmatic volatiles. The δD values of water released from the shale samples of the Shimanto–Supergroup, a major host to the Hishikari veins range from –132 to –148%. Therefore, the anomalous δD values of inclusion fluids from some vein quartz and adularia suggest that the water released from hydrous minerals of the sedimentary basement rocks by dehydration or the groundwater isotopically exchanged with sedimentary rocks at elevated temperatures during circulation, partly contributed to the hydrothermal fluids responsible for the Hishikari deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ages for thirty adularia samples collected from various veins were in the Hishikari gold deposit determined by 40Ar/39Ar dating to constrain the timing of adularia‐quartz vein formation and to determine the temporal change in temperature of hydrothermal fluid. Plateau ages were obtained from all adularia samples, and significant excess 40Ar is not recognized from inverse isochrones. The duration of mineralization within individual veins was determined by adularia ages from the early and late stages of mineralization within the same vein. The durations of mineralization in the Daisen‐1, Daisen‐3, Hosen‐2 and Keisen‐3 veins in the Honko‐Sanjin zone were 7,000, 140,000, 160,000 and 170,000 years, respectively. The durations of mineralization in the Seisen‐2 and Yusen‐1–2 veins in the Yamada zones were 360,000 and 320,000 years, respectively. Mineralization lasted for a relatively longer period in individual veins at the Yamada zone. Mineralization ages from the Honko‐Sanjin zone range from 1.04 to 0.75 Ma, and most mineralization ages are concentrated in a short period from 1.01 to 0.88 Ma. In contrast, mineralization ages for the Yamada zone range from 1.21 to 0.64 Ma. These results indicate that fracturing and subsequent vein formation lasted for a longer period in the Yamada zone (about 570,000 years) compared with those events in the Honko‐Sanjin zone (about 290,000 years). The homogenization temperatures of liquid‐rich fluid inclusions in columnar adularia used for age determination were determined to be 223°C on average, and most of these temperatures range from 180 to 258d?C. No significant temporal change in homogenization temperature is recognized in this study. However, adularia in the Keisen veins indicated higher homogenization temperatures compared with elsewhere in the deposit, suggesting that the principal ascent of mineralizing hydrothermal fluid was via the Keisen veins.  相似文献   

The Fukusen No. 1 vein is located in the southeastern part of the Yamada deposit, Hishikari epithermal gold deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan. 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of adularia from the margin and the center of the Fukusen vein are determined to be 0.617 ± 0.024 Ma and 0.606 ± 0.009 Ma, respectively. The Fukusen No. 1 vein shows banding structure composed mainly of quartz, adularia and clay minerals. Colloform texture is displayed by cryptocrystalline to amorphous silica material that is associated with fine-grained electrum and sulfides near the center of the vein. Pyrite in the Fukusen No. 1 vein often shows acicular shape resulting from inversion from marcasite. Near the center of the vein, primary marcasite occurs associated with colloform texture of silica. The Fukusen No.1 vein preserves primary texture and materials which were deposited from the ore-forming hydrothermal solution. The Fukusen No. 1 vein was formed in a short period and is one of the youngest veins in the Hishikari deposits.  相似文献   

黔西南水银洞金矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水银洞金矿床是黔西南典型的特大型卡林型金矿床之一。但其成矿流体来源尚有争议。通过对水银洞金矿床脉石英和方解石中流体包裹体的温度与压力、盐度与密度、包裹体成分和包裹体H和O同位素等方面的研究,指出水银洞卡林型金矿床成矿流体属中低温(96.7~220℃)、低盐度(NaCl)0.635%~9.861%,平均值为4.282%±2.260%、中等密度(0.725~0.977 g/cm3,平均值为0.910±0.061 g/cm3);脉石英阶段流体水化学类型属Cl--Na+型或SO42--Cl-Na+型,方解石阶段属SO42--Cl--Ca2+型。成矿流体压力可能为高-超高压(160±40 MPa);成矿流体主要是大气降水形成的地下热水,可能有部分岩浆热液的掺入。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration, involving chiefly chlorite and illite, is extensively distributed within host rocks of the Pleistocene Hishikari Lower Andesites (HLA) and the Cretaceous Shimanto Supergroup (SSG) in the underground mining area of the Hishikari epithermal gold deposit, Kagoshima, Japan. Approximately 60% of the mineable auriferous quartz‐adularia veins in the Honko vein system occur in sedimentary rocks of the SSG, whereas all the veins of the Yamada vein system occur in volcanic rocks of the HLA. Variations in the abundance and chemical composition of hydrothermal minerals and magnetic susceptibility of the hydrothermally altered rocks of the HLA and SSG were analyzed. In volcanic rocks of the HLA, hydrothermal minerals such as quartz, chlorite, adularia, illite, and pyrite replaced primary minerals. The amount of hydrothermal minerals in the volcanic rocks including chlorite, adularia, illite, and pyrite as well as the altered and/or replaced pyroxenes and plagioclase phenocrysts increases toward the veins in the Honko vein system. The vein‐centered variation in mineral assemblage is pronounced within up to 25 m from the veins in the peripheral area of the Honko vein system, whereas it is not as apparent in the Yamada vein system. The hydrothermal minerals in sandstone of the SSG occur mainly as seams less than a few millimeters thick and are sporadically observed in halos along the veins and/or the seams. The alteration halos in sandstone of the SSG are restricted to within 1 m of the veins. In the peripheral area of the Honko vein system, chlorite in volcanic rocks is characterized by increasing in Al in its tetrahedral layer and the Fe/Fe + Mg ratio toward the veins, while illite in volcanic rocks has relatively low K and a restricted range of Fe/Fe + Mg ratios. Temperature estimates derived from chlorite geothermometry rise toward the veins within the volcanic rocks. The magnetic susceptibility of tuff breccia of the HLA varies from 21 to less than 0.01 × 10?3 SI within a span of 40 m from the veins and has significant variation relative to that of andesite (27–0.06 × 10?3 SI). The variation peripheral to the Honko vein system correlates with an increase in the abundance of hematite pseudomorphs after magnetite, the percentage of adularia and chlorite with high Fe/Fe + Mg ratios, and the degree of plagioclase alteration with decreasing distance to the veins. In contrast, sedimentary rocks of the SSG maintain a consistent magnetic susceptibility across the alteration zone, within a narrow range from 0.3 to 0.2 × 10?3 SI. Magnetic susceptibility of volcanic rocks of the HLA, especially tuff breccia, could serve as an effective exploration tool for identifying altered volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

福建碧田金矿床冰长石特征及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子探针、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射等测试方法的应用,揭示了碧田金矿床冰长石的存在及其矿物学特征。冰长石的存在及其它地质证据,说明碧田金床属于冰长石-绢云母型浅成低温热液贵金属矿床,与附近产出的紫金山酸性-硫酸盐型铜金矿床成因类型不同。  相似文献   

湘东北万古金矿的流体包裹体特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
万古金矿位于位于平江县城西南.金矿(化)体产于中元古宙蓟县系变质岩中,严格受NWW向构造破碎带控制.金矿体呈似层状、透镜状.矿脉由含金石英脉和(或)含金破碎蚀带组成.流体包裹体研究表明,成矿流体温度较低(220~ 260℃),具有多源性,并以深源流体为主.  相似文献   

Abstract: The physical and chemical mechanism of gold precipitation in the typical low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit at the Hishikari mine was quantified by submillimeter scale oxygen isotope analyses of vein quartz. In situ CO2 laser-ablated fluorination was used to measure temporal δ18O excursions. The calculated oxygen isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluid indicate a dynamic process of epithermal vein formation. Intermittent opening of the vein allowed introduction of metal-bearing deep fluid to the epithermal system, and associated boiling and subsequent mixing with meteoric water caused precipitation of precious metals.  相似文献   

Abstract. The presence of invisible gold was confirmed in arsenian pyrite from the Hishikari epithermal gold deposit, Kagoshima, Japan, by means of EPMA and SIMS analyses. The relative concentration of invisible gold may be positively correlated with As contents (0.01 to 10.37 wt%) of fine-grained arsenian pyrite which commonly occurs in the auriferous quartz veins. Although arsenian pyrite occurs widely in any mineralization stage with electrum and other sulfide, sulfosalts, selenide or telluride minerals, arsenian pyrites having higher As contents accompanied by invisible gold occur dominantly in the middle stage of fine-adularia-quartz and in the late stage of coarse-quartz rather than in the early stage of columnar-adularia.  相似文献   

夏家店金矿是在东秦岭震旦系与寒武系界面新发现和勘查的金矿床,主要为含金角砾岩型。研究认为夏家店金矿的硅化与区内的断裂构造期次关系紧密。矿石矿物中石英流体包裹体的成分富含Cl-和SO24-;成矿流体体系属CO2-H2O-XCl-XSO4(X代表阳离子)型。成矿温度有两个峰值,其一为240~360oC,集中于240~280oC;其二为120~240oC,集中于180~220oC,两期蚀变特征相协调。氢氧同位素组成反映了成矿流体主体是来自于富δ18OHO的变质水。  相似文献   

相山铀矿田邹家山矿床成矿流体特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过流体包裹体的岩相学研究、显微测温和激光拉曼探针测试,探讨了邹家山铀矿床成矿流体特征、演化及矿质沉淀方式。研究结果表明,该矿床的成矿流体为中低温热液,碳氢化合物对铀的富集具有不可忽视的作用,流体持续的沸腾作用是矿质沉淀的主要因素。  相似文献   

流体包裹体和硫同位素研究可以揭示成矿流体特征和成矿物质来源,是探讨矿床成因的重要手段。冬瓜林金矿床位于哀牢山金矿带的镇沅金矿田,研究程度较低,矿床成因研究尚未系统开展。本文针对该矿床利用显微测温和硫同位素示踪,分别对两个金成矿阶段脉体中的流体包裹体和矿石中黄铁矿的硫同位素进行了测定,进而探讨其矿床成因。流体包裹体测试结果显示,流体体系为NaCl-H_2O体系;包裹体的均一温度主要分布于100~400℃(有160~190℃和280~310℃两个峰值),盐度集中于6%~9%,密度集中于0.7~0.8 g/cm3和0.9~1.0 g/cm~3,表明成矿流体为中低温度和低盐度的流体。硫同位素测试结果显示,两个金成矿阶段的δ~(34)S值分别集中于0~1‰和-4.7‰~3‰,整体上与该矿床最主要的矿石——煌斑岩型矿石的δ~(34)S值最为接近,且矿床中煌斑岩和金矿化关系最为密切,因此成矿物质可能主要来自与煌斑岩有关的幔源物质,但受到地壳物质的混染。综合上述结果认为,冬瓜林金矿床的形成可能与幔源含金流体有关,但有大气降水和围岩的加入,这一结论为揭示本矿床及哀牢山金矿带的矿床成因研究提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

新疆萨热阔布金矿床流体包裹体研究及矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆萨热阔布金矿床位于阿尔泰造山带南缘克兰火山-沉积盆地内,矿体呈脉状产于康布铁堡组上亚组地层中(D1k2)。不同成矿阶段石英脉中广泛发育流体包裹体,可划分为H2O-CO2包裹体(C型)、纯CO2包裹体(PC型)、水溶液包裹体(W型)及含子矿物多相包裹体(S型)四类。测温结果显示,成矿早阶段主要发育C型和PC型包裹体,均一温度范围为271~446℃,流体盐度介于5.9%~8.4%NaCleqv之间;中阶段主要发育C、PC、W和S型包裹体,均一温度低于早阶段,为236~374℃,流体盐度介于4.8%~15.0%NaCleqv之间;晚阶段主要发育W型包裹体,均一温度范围为139~264℃,流体盐度介于1.1%~6.9%NaCleqv之间。对成矿压力和深度的估算表明,成矿压力为90~330MPa,成矿深度为9~12km。综上所述,萨热阔布金矿成矿流体具有富CO2、中低盐度的变质流体特征,流体沸腾导致了成矿物质的沉淀。结合矿床地质特征,萨热阔布金矿床属于造山型金矿床。  相似文献   

The Bangbu gold deposit is a large orogenic gold deposit in Tibet formed during the AlpineHimalayan collision. Ore bodies(auriferous quartz veins) are controlled by the E-W-trending Qusong-Cuogu-Zhemulang brittle-ductile shear zone. Quartz veins at the deposit can be divided into three types: pre-metallogenic hook-like quartz veins, metallogenic auriferous quartz veins, and postmetallogenic N-S quartz veins. Four stages of mineralization in the auriferous quartz veins have been identified:(1) Stage S1 quartz+coarse-grained sulfides,(2) Stage S2 gold+fine-grained sulfides,(3) Stage S3 quartz+carbonates, and(4) Stage S4 quartz+ greigite. Fluid inclusions indicate the oreforming fluid was CO_2-N_2-CH_4 rich with homogenization temperatures of 170–261°C, salinities 4.34–7.45 wt% Na Cl equivalent. δ~(18)Ofluid(3.98‰–7.18‰) and low δDV-SMOW(-90‰ to-44‰) for auriferous quartz veins suggest ore-forming fluids were mainly metamorphic in origin, with some addition of organic matter. Quartz vein pyrite has δ~(34)SV-CDT values of 1.2‰–3.6‰(an average of 2.2‰), whereas pyrite from phyllite has δ~(34)SV-CDT 5.7‰–9.9‰(an average of 7.4‰). Quartz vein pyrites yield 206Pb/204 Pb ratios of 18.662–18.764, 207Pb/204 Pb 15.650–15.683, and ~(208)Pb/204 Pb 38.901–39.079. These isotopic data indicate Bangbu ore-forming materials were probably derived from the Langjiexue accretionary wedge. 40Ar/39 Ar ages for sericite from auriferous sulfide-quartz veins yield a plateau age of 49.52 ± 0.52 Ma, an isochron age of 50.3 ± 0.31 Ma, suggesting that auriferous veins were formed during the main collisional period of the Tibet-Himalayan orogen(~65–41 Ma).  相似文献   

Liqiang Yang    Jun Deng    Chunying Guo    Jing Zhang    Shaoqing Jiang    Bangfei Gao    Qingjie Gong    Qingfei Wang 《Resource Geology》2009,59(2):181-193
The Dayingezhuang gold deposit is located in the central part of the Zhaoping Fault Zone, which is one of the most important gold-hosting faults in the Jiaodong gold province of China. Dayingezhuang is a typical large-scale shear zone-hosted disseminated gold deposit with superimposed silver mineralization. Fluid inclusion (FI) petrography and microthermometry, and analysis of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes for fluid inclusions were conducted to determine the characteristics of the ore-forming fluids and the processes of silver mineralization. Microthermometry data of FI indicated that ore-forming fluids are characterized by low salinity and low density. Homogenization pressures of FI are estimated at 20 × 105–220 × 105 Pa. The change in ore-forming fluids from K2SO4 type to NaCl type indicates the superposition of two hydrothermal mineralizing events. Ore-forming fluids were dominated by magmatic components in the early mineralization period, and affected by meteoric waters in the late period. Gold may have been transported as Au-S or Au-Cl complexes, whereas silver was transported as Ag-Cl complexes. Early fluid boiling and later fluid mixing are thought to be two of the main factors causing the deposition and superimposing of gold and silver to form the large deposit.  相似文献   

The Ciemas gold deposit is located in West Java of Indonesia,which is a Cenozoic magmatism belt resulting from the Indo-Australian plate subducting under the Eurasian plate.Two different volcanic rock belts and associated epithermal deposits are distributed in West Java:the younger late Miocene-Pliocene magmatic belt generated the Pliocene-Pleistocene epithermal deposits,while the older late Eocene-early Miocene magmatic belt generated the Miocene epithermal deposits.To constrain the physico-chemical conditions and the origin of the ore fluid in Ciemas,a detailed study of ore petrography,fluid inclusions,laser Raman spectroscopy,oxygen-hydrogen isotopes for quartz was conducted.The results show that hydrothermal pyrite and quartz are widespread,hydrothermal alteration is well developed,and that leaching structures such as vuggy rocks and extension structures such as comb quartz are common.Fluid inclusions in quartz are mainly liquid-rich two phase inclusions,with fluid compositions in the NaCl-H20 fluid system,and contain no or little CO_2.Their homogenization temperatures cluster around 240℃-320℃,the salinities lie in the range of 14-17 wt.%NaCl equiv,and the calculated fluid densities are 0.65-1.00 g/cm~3.The values of δ~(18)O_(H2O-VSMOW)for quartz range from +5.5‰ to +7.7‰,the δD_(VSMOW) of fluid inclusions in quartz ranges from-70‰ to-115‰.All of these data indicate that mixing of magmatic fluid with meteoric water resulted in the formation of the Ciemas deposit.A comparison among gold deposits of West Java suggests that Miocene epithermal ore deposits in the southernmost part of West Java were more affected by magmatic fluids and exhibit a higher degree of sulfldation than those of Pliocene-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

青海省都兰县果洛龙洼金矿成矿流体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果洛龙洼金矿是青海东昆仑地区最典型、最具规模的金矿床之一。在前人资料基础上,将果洛龙洼金矿热液成矿期划分为4个成矿阶段:贫矿化石英阶段、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(主要成矿阶段)、石英-贫硫化物阶段(次要成矿阶段)和石英-碳酸盐阶段。随后对主要和次要成矿阶段石英脉开展流体包裹体显微测温和H-O同位素研究。结果表明:原生流体包裹体主要包括气液两相、富CO2三相、纯CO2两相共3类;成矿流体总体以CO2-NaCl-H2O体系为主,均一温度为130.0~357.3 ℃,盐度(w(NaCl))为1.83%~20.11%。石英-多金属硫化物阶段石英δ18OV-SMOW值为14.8‰~17.2‰,据此计算流体的δ18OH2O值为5.5‰~8.5‰,流体的δDV-SMOW值为-61‰~-96‰;而石英-贫硫化物阶段石英δ18OV-SMOW值为15.7‰~16.9‰,据此计算流体的δ18OH2O值为4.1‰~5.3‰,流体的δDV-SMOW值为-84‰~-101‰。由此认为:主要成矿阶段成矿流体可能为高温低盐度富CO2变质热液和低温中高盐度岩浆热液两个端元组成的混合流体;次要成矿阶段成矿流体主要为混合后更均匀的中低温中低盐度热液,但后期明显有大气降水混入。总之,成矿流体的来源、性质及其演化等方面的研究结果进一步证明果洛龙洼金矿为造山型金矿。  相似文献   

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