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Observation of the operation of the Sanmenxia Reservoir on the Yellow River has led to the conclusion that to preserve a certain effective storage volume for reservoirs built on heavily silt-laden rivers is feasible if the reservoir is operated according to the principle known as "storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow". The relative stability of the bed elevation at the end of the backwater and the reservoir's erosion and deposition equilibrium depend on the compatibility of the pool level maintained in non-flood seasons with the conditions of flow and sediment load during flood seasons. Operating the reservoir to regulate the flood and sediment load during flood seasons can reduce the rate of aggradation in the Lower Yellow River. The basic condition for applying the operation mode of "storing the clear water and discharging the muddy flow" is that a sufficient amount of water should be used for discharging sediment during flood seasons. Under the condition of extremely low flow years, reservoir sedimentation cannot be avoided even if this operation mode is adopted.  相似文献   

The method of multiple regression is used to analyze the influences of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas on the channel siltation and fluvial process of the lower Yellow River based on the flood events from 1950 to 1985. The results showed that the flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas carry larger amounts of sediment load and coarser particle sizes than from other source areas, which increases deposition in the lower river channel. And there exist good correlations between channel siltation of the lower reaches of the Yellow River and the coming water and sediment of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas. Through these correlations, the amounts of sediment deposition in the lower river channel could be roughly estimated based on the runoff and sediment load of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas. The sediment deposition caused the fluvial process. There exists a complex response of channel form change to the coming water and sediment load of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas. When the sediment concentration is smaller than 200kg/m3, the ratio between wide-depth ratio after flood and wide-depth ratio before flood((B/h)a / (B/h)b) will increase with the increase of the maximum sediment concentration; when the sediment concentration is near 200kg/m3, (B/h)a / (B/h)b reaches the maximum value; and when the sediment concentration reaches the limits of hyperconcentrated flow, (B/h)a / (B/h)b will decrease with the increase of the maximum sediment concentration. Generally, flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas made channel form of the lower Yellow River deeper and narrower, but a large amount of sediment deposition simultaneously occurs. So, the impacts of flood events from the coarse sediment producing areas on the channel of the lower Yellow River are lessened.  相似文献   

In the light of the regional physiography and its effect on clay mineral composition of cohesive sediment (d < 0.005 mm) the source area of cohesive sediment in the Yangtze Estuary can be identified as three supplying regions: the main stem of the Yangtze River, the deltaic region of the abandoned Yellow River including the northwest Huanghai Sea and the Hangzhou Bay. Based on the evaluation of clay mineral composition in the supplying regions and the converging region, a computational model is established. More than 89.6% of cohesive sediment comes from the Yangtze River, a considerable amount is replenished from the deltaic region of the abandoned Yellow River while some part of the cohesive sediment load is transported from the Yangtze Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay. Computation results reveal that the annual deposit of cohesive sediment in the Yangtze Estuary amounts to 45.54 x 106 t. The annual cohesive sediment load replenished from the deltaic region of the abandoned Yellow River is 27.30 x 106t, while the annual cohesive sediment load transported to the Hangzhou Bay is 22.47 x 106 t. The amount of deposit in the Yangtze Estuary has been checked against the value obtained by comparing bathemetry of the Yangtze Estuary in 1915 and 1963.  相似文献   

Small runoff, large sediment load, and incompatible relationship of flow and sediment load are very important characteristics of the Yellow River. They are also the crux of the most prominent problems of the Yellow River. To solve these problems, the regimes of flow and sediment load have to be improved by increasing water, reducing sediment load, and by using reservoirs to regulate flow and sediment load. The results of experiments for regulating the flow and sediment load in the last three years by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have indicated that this measure is a realistic and effective way to mitigate the prominent problems in flood control of the Lower Yellow River at present and in the near future. However, the regulation system is still imperfect. It is advisable to speed up the pace of research and construction of the system for regulating flow and sediment load.  相似文献   

LINTRODUCTIONThetributariesofmiddleYellowRiverarefamousintheworldforthehighestsuspendedsedimentconcentrationandsedimentyield.Forexample,atWenjiachuanstationofKuyeheRiverthemeasuredhighestsuspendedconcentrationis1700kg/m',andthemeanannualsedimentyieldis25000t/(kln'.a).Theformationofhyperconcentratedflowsandtheirinfluenceonerosionprocessesareofgreatimportancenotonlyfromatheoreticalpointofviewbutalsoforpracticalpurposes.Therefore,scientistsfromChinaandallovertheworldhavedrawntheirintensio…  相似文献   

1. INTROOUCnONFor a long time, the Lower Yellow River has been aggtading. As a result, the river bed becomesmuch higher than the adjacent land beyond the levees and poses a threat to the safety of the GreatNorthern Plain of China. Since the founding of the New China, great success has been achieved insafeguarding the levee for forty years. The trend of aggravation in lower reaches however is still Soingon and is at a rate even higher than before. That makes the flood control on the LO…  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONThe Yellow River is a heavily sediment--laden river. The sediment load of the Yellow River ranks the first in the world while its annual runoff is only of medium size. Toharness the river, it is necessary to build reservoirs for regulating runoff to meet the demands of economic development. Since the founding of PRC in 1949, I S4 large and medium--sized reservoirs have been constructed on the main stem and the tributaries with atotal storage capacity of 84.5 billion m3.…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONFrom14toearly20century,thatisintheMingandQingDynastiesinChina,thereexistedapointofviewthatthecontinuoussiltation...  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONStreamflowformostriversintheworldcanberegardedasasolid-liquidtwo-phaseflow.Theexistenceofsuspendedsedimenthassomeinfluenceonthestreamflow'sphysicalandmechanicalproperties,whichinturnaffectsthestreamflow'ssedimentcarryingbehaviors(ChienandWan,1983;Chien,1989).Forriverswithrelativelylowsuspendedsedimefltconcentrations,theabove-mentionedeffectisnegligible.However,withtheincreasesinsuspendedsedimentconcentration,thiseffectbecomesincreasinglysignificant;thesediment-carryingbehavi…  相似文献   

I.INTaonUCTIOXP-NCBisatoxiccompoundwhichmaycausecarcinogenicoramutation.NowthetransPOrtandtransformationofthiskindOfsubstanceinnaturalwaterbodyisthefocusofresearchofscientistsintheworld.ThroughthestudytherelationshipbetweennonionicorganiccomPOunds,suchasP-NCB,andsuspendedsedimentisfoundtobeveryclOSe,suspendedsedimentareload-supPOrtingofmovementandmediateagentofreactionofP-NCBinwater.TheYellowRiverisheavilysediment-laidenriverintheworld.Sometimesthesuspendedsedimentcanbeupto200kgpe…  相似文献   

Coarse sediment retention by check dams is analyzed for five typical catchments in the Hekou-Longmen section of the midstream of the Yellow River, which is an area of high .coarse sediment concentration. The catchments are the Huangfuchuan, Kuye, Wuding, Sanchuan and Qiushui River Basins. The amount of coarse sediment retained by check clams in these areas for different periods was measured. Sediment reduction due to check clams is compared with other soil conservation measures and the results show that check clams are the most effective to rapidly reduce the amount of coarse sediment entering the Yellow River. If the average percentage of the drainage area with check clams for the five typical catchments reaches 3.0%, the average sediment reduction ratio can reach 60%. Therefore, to rapidly and effectively reduce the amount of sediment, especially coarse sediment, entering the Yellow River, the area percentage of check clams in the Hekou-Longmen section should be kept around 3%. The Kuye and Huangfuchuan River Basins are the preferred main catchments in which such water conservation measures are implemented.  相似文献   

lCOMPOSITIONOFTHE"92.8"FLOODThreerainstormsoccurredfrom7ththrough13,,,August,1992inShaanxiProvince,diStributingfromnorthtosouthinsequence.Therainfallareacoveredtheregionsofintensivesoilerosion,'wheretheaveragerateoferosionis10,000-15',000ton/kmZ'year.Fig.IshowsisohyetsofrainfallintensityinthecatchmentoftheMiddleYellowRiVerdepictingthedistributionoftherainstormsfrom7thto13,,,August,1992(thehydrologicalBureauYRCC,1992).ThecenterofthefirstrainstormwaslocatedattheYikezhaomengPrefec…  相似文献   


The equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport refer to the relative balance of sediment transport and the relative stability of river courses formed by the automatic adjustment of riverbeds.This is the theoretical basis for the comprehensive management of sediment in the Yellow River.Based on the theories of sediment carrying capacity and the delayed response of riverbed evolution,in this study,the equilibrium relations for water and sediment transport in the Yellow River are established.These relations include the equilibrium relationships between water and sediment transport and bankfull discharge in the upper and lower Yellow River and between water and sediment transport and the Tongguan elevation in the middle Yellow River.The results reveal that for the Ningmeng reach,the Tongguan reach,and the lower Yellow River,erosion and deposition in the riverbeds are adjusted automatically,and water and sediment transport can form highly constrained equilibrium relationships.These newly established equilibrium relationships can be applied to calculate the optimal spatial allocation scheme for sediment in the Yellow River.  相似文献   

1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Yellow River, running out of the gorges below the Sanmenxia (SMX) and Xiaolangdi (XLD) reservoirs, flows through the vast North China alluvial plain, and finally empties into the Bohai Sea (Fig. 1). The upper part of the Lower Yellow River (LYR), nearly 400 km in length, is confined by levees along both banks. The river wanders with a shallow main channel and broad flood plains. The lower part has a relatively narrow and deep main channel and less b…  相似文献   

Based on long-term measurements at three gauging stations, Toudaoguai, Fugu and Hequ, and one meteorological station, this article discusses the features of discharge (Q) and sediment concentration (Cs) of a river reach of the Yellow River with a reservoir located in the Loess Plateau. The impacts of the local sub-watershed between Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stations on sediment budget to the Yellow River have been analyzed. In addition, the deposition processes in the Tianqiao Reservoir have been investigated. Results show over 80% of the precipitation that falls in the local subwatershed is unable to contribute to the Yellow River runoff process. It is found that the annualmaximum sediment concentration is usually less than 30 kg/m^3 during flood seasons at Toudaoguai Gauging Station, but the sediment concentration varies dramatically at Fugu Gauging Station. About 35% of the sediment eroded in the sub-watersheds between Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stationswas produced from the Huangfuchuan sub-watershed which has a drainage area accounting only for 10% of the drainage area between Toudaoguai and Fugu gauging stations. The Tianqiao Reservoir generally has deposition during the summer flood season, and scouring during the non-flood season.On average, over 85% of deposited sediment in the reservoir occurs in the 12 km long lower reservoir reach. The volume of annual deposition in the reservoir mainly depends on the volume of water from the local region between Hequ and Fugu gauging stations.  相似文献   

1THETESTREACHANDDREDGINGIN1997~1998TheYellowRiverhasextended38kmfartherintotheseaeversincethechangeoftherivercourseattheestuarytotheQingshuigouflowpathin1976.InMay1996therivercoursewaschangedtoabranchatthepointof950mabovetheCSQSandtheriverlengthwas16kmshorterthanbefore.Conditionsofincomingwaterandsedimentduringthefloodseasonof1996werefavorablesuchthat3].6milliontonsofsedimentwerescouredbelowLain.Amongthem,11.6milliontonswerescouredbetweenakinandXihekou(47.5km)and2040milliontonswe…  相似文献   

1 wrsoorCnoxThe Yenow mver delta is ereated by the river transponing sediment bom the Loess Plateau to the shallOWBOhai Gulf during the paSt l45 years. lh recent years, the water discharge and sediment load enedg thesea have bein ched dramacaily The river end chann shital northeastWed hom QingshulgOuN to qngshulgou-Chah chaDnel in 1996, resulting in a new regfor of sedimenboon and erosion ofthe subaqucous delta.,A nUInerial model for river sediInen dispersion and seabed mOrPhofogy of t…  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONTwo-dimensionalnumericalmodelisaPOwerfoltoolforengineersandriVermanagerstopredictfloodhydxaulics,identifyareasofinundation,anddesignoptionsforfloodcontrollingstructures.SomespecialproblemswithheavilysedimentladenflowriVershouldbecarefullyconsideredforthenumericalmodeldesigning;1.theplaneformofariVerisusuallybraidedanditsmainchannelshiftsoften.Themainchannelandbarreplaceeachotherseveraltimesinonefloodevent.Atagivenlocationthewaterdepthmaychangefromover10meterstoseveralcenhm…  相似文献   

Estuarine environments are influenced by both river flows and oceanic tidal movement of water, sediment, and nutrients, often forming ecosystems that are rich in resources and biodiversity. The Yellow River once carried the world’s largest sediment load, but artificial structures have transformed its hydrodynamic processes. An annual Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme(WSRS) was introduced to flush accumulated sediment from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, which provides flood control and water storage.Ho...  相似文献   

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