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利用我国地磁台网每天的“子夜均值”资料,应用高性能计算技术,建立中国地磁场动态演化模式,研究汶川5.12地震前后中国地磁异常场逐日演化特征。结果表明:地震前后地磁异常场变化特性较明显,在时间上有显著的阶段性特征,这可能反映了地震不同孕育阶段的特征。  相似文献   

唐山7.8级地震前后地下流体动态异常演化特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以30口水动态及油井动态观测井1973年至1978年的观测资料为基础,对唐山7.8级地震前后水动态和油井动态异常的演化过程进行了分析研究,认为该次地震前后水动态演化过程可分为4个阶段。异常首先在震中区附近出现,然后异常区向外围区扩展,并呈现多点集中的特点。在中短期阶段异常明显向震中区收缩、迁移。在临震阶段在震中区附近形成高异常集中区。  相似文献   

在对地震异常前兆信息量先前研究的基础上,进一步给出了描述各种地震异常前兆信息量的普适性综合数学表达式.从大量震例资料入手,再次研究了地震异常延续有效性的问题,进而建立了地震异常持续有效时间与延续有效时间的数学关系式.收集整理了1980~1997年华北地区水化、形变、地磁、应力、水位、地电等371个观测项目、上百万个前兆观测数据,对每一观测项目逐一计算了它们的地震异常前兆信息量.研究了华北地区近20年的地震异常前兆信息场的演化特征及其与地震的关系,建立了华北地区Ms≥5地震的中短期综合预报指标体系,经R值评分检验,表明该地震综合预报指标体系在中短期地震预测中具有一定效果.  相似文献   

以苏鲁豫皖地区2005年至2008年四期地磁矢量场的观测数据为基础,分别建立了该区域的F、D、I三个独立分量四期的地磁异常场模型。通过对郯庐断裂带中段地磁异常场时空动态演化特征分析,发现该区域的F、D、I分量地磁异常场形态在2005年11月九江地震前后出现了较大程度的变化,甚至出现了地磁正负异常场的反转,从2007年春季至2008年春季,该区域地磁异常场分布形态基本保持稳定。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震前电磁辐射异常变化特征初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8.0级地震前,距离震中只有35km的金河电磁波台记录到了宝贵的电磁扰动信息。本文分析了汶川5.12大地震前后该台的电磁波异常变化特征,表明:①强震前确实有电磁辐射异常存在,震前存在丰富的电磁扰动信息;②电磁扰动前兆异常在时间进程上有明显的阶段性变化特征,这可能是地震孕育不同阶段特征的反映。  相似文献   

利用小震震源机制解、地震视应力、GPS测量结果等资料,对汶川地震前后太原盆地应力场变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,汶川地震对太原盆地构造应力场的影响较为显著,不仅改变了应力场的方向,也改变了应力值的大小;应力场特征由震前NNE-SSW向拉张应力的局部小区域应力场为主,转为震后NEE-SWW向挤压应力为主且接近华北地区应力场。该变化态势有利于局部应变能积累,因而可能是太原盆地中小地震活跃的诱发因素。  相似文献   

唐山地震前后地下水位动态图象及其形成演化模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
耿杰 《地震地质》1998,20(3):64-260
对唐山地震前后地下水位动态图象的生成方法、时空演化特征及其形成演化模式的研究表明,唐山地震前后地下水位动态图象正负区和异常特征区的时空演化具有明显的规律性和阶段性。负值区的演化具有“收缩—扩展—急速扩展—发震”的特征;异常特征区的演化显示“迁移—扩展—稳定—发震—消失”的特征;滑动变差值显示“增大—减小—发震—急速减小”的变化过程。探讨了地下水位动态图象演化与构造变形、断层运动和上地幔物质上涌的关系,提出了唐山地震地下水位动态图象“场—区—源”的演化模式  相似文献   

利用南北地震带及附近地区20 多年来的大地垂直形变资料, 结合区域地震活动资料, 初步分析归纳了大地形变时空分布与地震群体活动的关系。在此基础上, 进一步对南北地震带中南段之川滇菱形块体形变场中期动态演化图象与b 值等地震活动参数图象进行了综合对比分析, 研究了形变场动态演化所揭示的区域现今构造运动的时空差异与反映地壳介质结构特性的b 值的时空分布变化、强震前后地震非均匀度值分布变化以及地震空区等的关系。结果表明: 强震前区域形变场动态演化与地震活动参数的时空分布均具有一定的非均匀特征, 二者所反映的大区域应力场变化与介质结构的不均匀导致的强烈差异运动产生的应变能积累是强震孕育的主要原因。得出了一些利用大地形变场动态演化与地震活动参数图象相结合进行强震中期预测的有益结果。  相似文献   

利用文献[1]给出的由深井水位变化反演地壳深层应力变化的方法和华北地区井水位变化资料,反演了唐山7.8级地震前后大区域应力场的动态变化过程,分析了应力场的动态调整变化特征,结果表明,唐山地震前2年,在震中区及附近出现应力下降异常区,临震前异常幅度增大并且异常区向外围扩展,震后异常区收缩并逐渐消失。  相似文献   

<正>在地壳内部存在大量的地震断裂带,地震的发生是断裂带上应力不断积累的结果,而地震发生的地点和时间取决于断裂带之间的应力传递。地震矩张量分析是研究断裂活动应力性质的重要手段。2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震极大地改变了区域应力场,在附近多个断  相似文献   

Using the digital telemetric seismic waveform data of Chengdu and Kunming, this article studies the focal mechanism solutions and the apparent stress values of a large number of small earthquakes, and then analyzes the dynamic variation of regional stress fields and the spatio-temporal distribution of apparent stress values. The annual variation values of the azimuth of average principal stress field before the May 12, 2008 M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in the Sichuan-Yunnan region were 58° from 2003 to 2004, 85° from 2003 to 2005,61° from 2006 to 2007 and 90° from 2006 to April 2008 respectively. In recent years, deflection or disturbances occurred in the azimuth of the average principal stress field in the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Analysis shows that this may be related to the change of stress field states of crustal blocks before and after the December 26, 2004 M_S9.0 Sumatra earthquake and the 2008 M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. The ratio of thrust-type earthquakes in the Sichuan-Qinghai block was on the higher side in the period from 2006 to 2007, and the source faulting type of the regional moderate and small earthquakes had changed before the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. The change of state of the stress field is consistent with the changes in block displacement fields revealed by GPS data and the crustal shortening velocity vertical to the Longmenshan fault zone. Based on the radiation energy calculated from all bands of the seismic waveform, the value of apparent stress σ_app is obtained. The fluctuation shape of the fitting trend of the apparent stress is related to the intensity of regional seismicity. It reveals that the micro-dynamic fluctuation process of the regional stress value is similar to the azimuth transition of the regional principal compressive stress field, which can be used to probe for pregnant physical processes. Areas with a higher value of apparent stress σ_app are possible areas of potential seismic risk. It can be seen from the spatial distribution of the medium and short-term apparent stress σ_app before the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, the Longmenshan fault zone is in a low stress distribution area, and the relatively high apparent stress is in the peripheral area. These images may show medium and short-term locking phenomena near the seismogenic tectonics of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. For example, changes with time of the focal parameter consistency of the sub-blocks in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, continual increase of thrust-type earthquakes in the Sichuan-Qinghai block and the appearance of spatial distribution areas of high apparent σ_app stress. The work on this aspect was continued after the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, and the results seem to be shown a clearer relationship between these phenomena and future great earthquakes.  相似文献   

The M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008 caused heavy casualties and economic loss. According to the field investigations, the characteristics can be described as follows: The meizoseismal region with an intensity of XI shows an obviously zonal distribution and suffered serious destruction from the earthquake, and the destruction perpendicular to the earthquake surface rupture decreased sharply. At the same time, the intensity X and IX regions perpendicular to the rupture are narrow and therefore their coverage area is small. The intensity on both sides of the rupture attenuates rapidly, but intensity VII and the VI regions are wide, the latter covering about 240,000 km~2. In intensity VI region, the damage area perpendicular to the rupture in the southern part is much larger than that of the northern part. Also, much new understanding about destruction types and destructive modes for all kinds of buildings, landforms and terrain is achieved in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the crustal movements, strain field changes and large scale dynamic characteristics of horizontal deformation before the Wenchuan earthquake (M_S=8.0) using GPS data obtained from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. The following issues are discussed. First, the strain fields of the Longmenshan fault zone located at the epicenter show slow accumulation, because of the tectonic dynamics process subjected to the eastward movement of the Bayan Har block. Second, the different movements between the Longmenshan fault and South China block are smaller than the errors of GPS observation. Third, the high value of compressive strain (2004~2007) is located at the epicenter, which shows that the local squeezing action is stronger than before. Fourth, the data from GPS reference stations in the Chinese Mainland show that crustal shortening is faster than before in the north-eastern direction, which is part of the background of the local tectonic dynamics increase in the Longmenshan fault zone.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震房屋建筑震害特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
尽管在汶川大地震中大量房屋建筑遭受了严重破坏,然而,不同类型的房屋建筑所表现出的反应特征各不相同。本文在地震灾区震害现场调查所收集的大量资料的基础上,着重对几类主要房屋建筑,如砖木房屋、多层砌体房屋、钢筋混凝土房屋等在强烈地震作用下的地震反应及震害进行了总结和分析,以期从中得到一些有益的认识,为灾区恢复重建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The reason for the failure to forecast the Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake is under study, based on the systematically collection of the seismicity anomalies and their analysis results from annual earthquake tendency forecasts between the 2001 Western Kunlun Mountains Pass M_S8.1 earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake. The results show that the earthquake tendency estimation of Chinese Mainland is for strong earthquakes to occur in the active stage, and that there is still potential for the occurrence of a M_S8.0 large earthquake in Chinese Mainland after the 2001 Western Kunlun Mountains Pass earthquake. However the phenomena that many large earthquakes occurred around Chinese Mainland, and the 6-year long quietude of M_S7.0 earthquake and an obvious quietude of M_S5.0 and M_S6.0 earthquakes during 2002~2007 led to the distinctly lower forecast estimation of earthquake tendency in Chinese Mainland after 2006. The middle part in the north-south seismic belt has been designated a seismic risk area of strong earthquake in recent years, but, the estimation of the risk degree in Southwestern China is insufficient after the Ning’er M_S6.4 earthquake in Yunnan in 2007. There are no records of earthquakes with M_S≥7.0 in the Longmenshan fault, which is one of reasons that this fault was not considered a seismic risk area of strong earthquakes in recent years.  相似文献   

Based on seismic wave records of the Chengdu digital seismic network and Zipingpu reservoir digital seismic network from August 16,2004 to May 12,2008 when the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake occurred,the parameters of focal mechanisms of 486 earthquakes with magnitude larger than M1.6 in the Zipingpu reservoir area were calculated using amplitude ratio method,meanwhile the temporal-spatial variation characteristics of mechanisms and stress field were analyzed based on these parameters.Results show a low ratio of thrust earthquakes and an increased number of strike-slip earthquakes in the reservoir water area in the period from 2006 to 2008.While in the areas far from the reservoir waterfront,the thrust earthquakes took up a high proportion and the strike-slip ones did not increase.The direction of mean principal compressive stress field was deflected and disturbed differently in each area before the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake.  相似文献   

通过对汶川8.0级地震前四川金河台电磁扰动数据变化的研究,结果显示:①电磁扰动0.001~1 Hz在震前每天06:00~22:00出现非脉冲性高值波动变化,在12:00和18:00达到最大;1~10 Hz在2008年1~3月出现与超低频类似的高值变化,最大幅度为300 mV; 10~20Hz无明显异常.②分析了电磁扰动...  相似文献   

对汶川8.0级地震震中周围800km范围内73个井孔的表层水温资料进行了分析。根据设定的异常与不确定性异常判定依据,发现有9个井孔出现了前兆异常;有5个井孔的异常不能确定是否为前兆异常;有3个井孔出现了典型非前兆异常变化;其余未出现任何异常变化。分析认为异常存在早期、中期和晚期三个阶段,表现为缓变、突变和向下的阶梯状变化。对9个异常井孔的同井水位、气氡等其它流体测项以及同台或邻近台站形变仪器(钻孔应变、钻孔倾斜、洞体应变等)在表层水温异常变化时段内的动态变化特征进行了对比,发现地壳形变与表层水温在异常的晚期阶段具有一定的相关关系;而同井水位与表层水温异常的关系不大。  相似文献   

对汶川8级地震后群众咨询信息的分析及探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
段锋  袁志祥 《华南地震》2009,29(2):105-110
“5.12”四川汶川8.0级地震发生后,很多人打电话咨询有关情况,对5月12日至6月12日电话中的咨询信息进行了分析.就群众关心的地震问题、解答的效果以及暴露出的工作问题进行总结与分析,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

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