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First of all,for the odd and even symmetry components of both hemisphere circulations are given the absolute and relative measurements with which to examine the seasonal change and interannual abnormality of the components on the 1980-1986 monthly mean 500-hPa height charts.Results show a noticeable relationship between a major El Nino event and the component anomaly,with the even part anomaly almost-synchronizing with its culmination and that of the odd part about half a year prior to the event,a relation that is still more sharply manifested at the 200-hPa height field.  相似文献   

Analysis is done of the distribution of odd and even symmetric components of circulations on a global basis in termsof observations and technique for the odd/even symmetry,indicating that climatic features of the component patternsand their temporal evolution are able to reveal their influence of land-sea discrepancy in the Northern and SouthernHemispheres,the time scale of atmospheric response to radiation heating,circulation waveform structure and seasonaladjustment of global circulation.  相似文献   

In this paper,the response of the atmospheric general circulation to winter anomalous snowcover was investigated through observations studies and model simulation.Results from the observations show that:(1)the anomalous winter snow cover in theextratropics of Eurasian Continent bears an intimate relation to the contemporary atmosphericgeneral circulation.The positive anomaly of winter snow cover is usually accompanied by positiveatmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and stronger East Asian winter monsoon:or vice versa.(2)The linkage between them suggests that the abnormal winter snow cover has an importantimpact on winter atmospheric general circulation.The anomalous snow cover pattern can lead tothe anomaly of winter atmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and thus influence East AsianWinter monsoon.With NCAR CCM2 including BATS land surface scheme,three groups of experiments wereperformed to examine the atmospheric response to the anomalous snow cover pattern and explorethe relevant mechanism.Simulated results agree well with the observations,which testify thesignificant response of the atmosphere to snow cover anomaly.It is found that the radiative coolinginduced by anomalous snow cover plays an important role in above processes,and the feedback oflong-wave radiation can not be neglected.  相似文献   

Two schemes for vertical discretization of the model are proposed,one with equal △lnσ andthe other in terms of Tschebyscheff polynomials.It is proved that in adiabatic and inviscid cases ifthe meteorological elements and related physical quantities are continuous in time and in thehorizontal,the total energy and total mass are conserved within a high approximation respectively,and there is a correct conversion between total kinetic and total potential energy.Numericalcomputations show that the schemes both have high accuracy.For example,in integrating thehydrostatic equation the computational errors of geopotential height resulting from the schemes aremuch less than those resulting from EC79 in a-coordinate.  相似文献   

The mass stream function of zonal mean meridional circulation is calculated in terms of NCEP/NCAR monthly meridional wind speed and vertical velocity, and the climatic and anomalous features of zonal mean SST and meridional circulation are investigated. Results show that (1) a joint ascending branch of Northern and Southern Hadley circulation is on the side of the summer hemisphere near the equator ,being well consistent with the extremum of [SST ],and a strong descending by the winter-hemispheric side.(2)El Nino-related [SST] in low latitudes is an important outer-forcing source for anomaly meridional circulation, which is affected by seasonal variation of basic airflow and [SST ], and interannual and interdecadal changes of [SST] .  相似文献   

An eighth-order set of ordinary differential equations, which governs the dynamics of aquasi-geostrophic flow of the baroclinic atmosphere, is used to investigate bifurcational and chaoticforms of the atmospheric circulation. Numerical integrations of the set exhibit period-doublingbifurcations of the flow patterns. It would seem that the Feigenbaum relation (r_n-r_(n-1))/(r_(n+1)-r_n)=4.6692 is satisfied approximately. Above a limit point the solutions are aperiodic and chaotic, anda strange attractor having four inter-linked chaotic fragments appears. A window of period-6emerges also in the chaotic region.  相似文献   

Large number of rain water samples, at 7 rural locations in the semi-arid region of the DeccanPlateau were collected during 4 consecutive monsoon seasons (1979-1982).pH, conductivityand the major ionic components (C1~-, SO_4~= , NO_3~- , NH_4~+ , Na~+, K~+, Ca~(++), Mg~(++) of the abovesamples were determined. The pH of rain water was found to be highly alkaline and the valuesvaried from 6.4 to 7.8. Soil-oriented elements showed good correltioan (r~0.6) with pH valuesof rain water. The high concentration of soil-oriented elements, specially Ca~(++), is found to play animportant role in neutralizing the acidity of rain water and maintaining high alkaline pH. The studysuggested that the contribution of atmospheric aerosol of natural sources (sea and soil) to thechemical composition of rain water is more than that of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Summer climate plays an especially important role in the people’s daily life around East Asia, one of the most populated regions in the world, for most of the regions receive more than 70% of the annual precipitation in summer due to the effect of monsoon climate. Global climate change caused by mankind activities have become a hot topic in recent years, though it is still not clear how these activities result in the climate change around East Asia. Successive studies (Qi…  相似文献   

Based on the linear planetary wave theory and observed data,the teleconnections between El Nino andatmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere(NH)are studied.It is shown that the zonal groupvelocity for stationary Rossby waves in the atmosphere is always positive.Thus,the energy of thesedisturbances can not propagate westward.In certain conditions,however,the westward propagation ofnonstationary waves is possible.Going further into this question,we prove that the low-frequency distur-bances over the eastern equatorial Pacific,which are closely related to the large-scale air-sea interactionin low-latitudes,can influence the extratropical atmospheric circulation in the NH along two typical energypaths;i.e.,the waves with wavenumber one(n=1)propagate through the western North Pacific into EastAsia and form the“East Asian Path”,which plays an important part in the teleconnections between ElNino and atmospheric anomalies over East Asia,besides,the waves with n≥2 propagate along the“PNAPath”into the middle and eastern North Pacific as well as North America,leading to the relevant atmos-pheric anomalies to be excited over there.  相似文献   

In correspondence with the establishment of the“upper high and lower high”pressure pattern due to the activitiesof 500 hPa high over the Tibetan Plateau in summer,a series of changes of the East Asia atmospheric circulation willtake place.In this paper,the distributions of divergence and vertical velocity of 500 hPa high,the evolutions of atmos-pheric heat source,the variations of vorticity and zonal wind at 100 hPa level and vertical meridional cell over theTibetan Plateau etc.are statistically analyzed.Thus,we can see that the ascending motion and the convective heatingover the Tibetan Plateau,the South Asia high and the westerly jet on the north of the Plateau at 100 hPa level are weak-ened.The northern branch and the southern branch of the easterly jet on the south of the Plateau merge into a singlewhole and situate on the south of the former northern branch.In the meantime,thermodynamic land-sea discrepancy inSouth Asia and the convective heating over the Bay of Bengal is enhanced.It will play an important role in the mainte-nance of the easterly jet and the South Asia monsoon.  相似文献   

The“climate draft”often occurs in the coupling process of the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) andoceanic general circulation model (OGCM).One of the main methods to overcome the“climate draft”is to simulate theflow and temperature fields in the low-layer correctly.Therefore we designed a three-level AGCM including a planeta-ry boundary layer (PBL) and have run it seven model years to do climate simulation.The results show that the simulatedlower level air flow,surface air temperature and sea-level pressure in January and July,approximate to the climate av-erage fields,especially in Asian monsoon area.The simulated upper level flow and geopotential height are also in betteragreement with the observed fields.Moreover,the two westerly jets over the northern and southern sides of theQinghai-Xizang Plateau in winter,the disappearance of its southern subtropical jet during the seasonal transition fromspring to summer,the establishment of the two easterly jets near the equator and over the subtropical region during theseasonal transition,are also simulated well.In the mainland of China,the seasonal abrupt shift of the rainfall belt,suchas the Meiyu belt in South China during April to May,which jumps to the Changjiang River region in June,again jumpsback to the north China in July,and rapidly withdraws to the south in August,are simulated very well.Now we arecoupling this model to a global six-level OGCM and nesting a fine mesh (1°×1.25°)regional climate model over Chinaarea with it.  相似文献   

Discussions are carried out on the vertical discretization of current atmospheric models.It ispointed out that there exist problems in the integration of the hydrostatic equation and thecomputation of vertical advection,vertical diffusion and so on.Then some possible ways forsolving or alleviating them are suggested.Finally,the choice of vertical coordinate and basisfunctions is discussed.  相似文献   

The numerical solving and the program designing of the rotated complex empirical orthogonalfunction(RCEOF)are discussed.Some examples of RCEOF are also presented.  相似文献   

The SST anomaly of the central-eastern equatorial Pacific and the arctic sea ice anomalies of the four districts lo-cated respectively in 160°E—110°W,110°W—20°W,70°E—160°E and 20°W—70°E are taken as five separate factors.And the relationship between each factor and the atmospheric general circulation and the climate is investigated byobservational analysis and numerical experiments.It is shown that the effects of the arctic sea ice anomalies on the varia-tions of atmospheric circulation and climate are comparable to or even in some cases greater than that of EI Ninoevents.So one should pay much attention to the study of polar sea ice anomalies in climate research.  相似文献   

In terms of observational analysis and numerical simulations,study is performed of thesynergistic effects of the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific SSTA on the atmosphere in northern win-ter.It turns out that the SSTA features show in-phase variation for the Indian Ocean and the central/eastern Pacific at low latitudes and anti-phase change compared with that in the neighborhood of thewestern Pacific“warming pool”.When negative SSTA in the western Pacific and positive SSTA inthe central/eastern Pacific and the Indian Ocean are available,the 500 hPa height anomaly exhibits awave train of a positive-negative-positive anomaly following a great-circle path emanating from thesubtropical western Pacific via the NW portion to North America,with enhanced westerly jet overmidlatitude East Asia and the NW Pacific,and v.v.The comparison to the results from the numeri-cal modeling of the tropical western Pacific SSTA reveals the importance of the synergistic effects ofthe oceans on atmospheric circulations.  相似文献   

On the basis of introducing the basic categories of atmospheric refraction and their existingconditions,the forming processes of three kinds of atmospheric ducts are expounded.Several maincharacteristics of atmospheric duct are summarized and analyzed,and field sounding data from theWEstern North-Pacific cloud-radiation EXperiment(WENPEX)and meteorological data aroundthe Xisha sea area are used to validate these characteristics.Meanwhile the sensitivities of theevaporation duct height to the variations of atmospheric humidity.the air-sea temperaturedifference.and horizontal wind speed are examined.With the analysis of the effect of atmosphericduct on the propagation of electromagnetic wave.the maximum trapped-wavelength and the criticalemitting angle of elevation for electromagnetic wave which can form duct propagation are derived.At the same time the four kinds of necessary conditions for electromagnetic wave to form ductpropagation are brought forward.The effects of atmospheric duct on ultrashort wave propagation,radar observation.short wave communication etc.are also discussed.  相似文献   

Based on ECMWF daily grid point data in summer (May—August),1981,the distributionfeatures of the source and sink of kinetic energy of atmosphere 30—60 day oscillation,including itshorizontal distribution characteristics and its vertical structure characteristics,are investigatedsystematically with diagnostic analysis methods over a latitude belt between 80°N and 60°S.Also,theprobable reasons for the existence of the source and sink of low frequency kinetic energy (LFKE) arediscussed preliminarily.Results show that the horizontal distribution of the sources and sinks ofkinetic energy of atmospheric 30—60 day oscillation is extremely different.The significant sourcesand sinks of LFKE mainly exist in the oceans and the coastal regions of continents or islands in themid-high latitudes.It is also found that,in the vertical direction,the sources and sinks of kineticenergy of 30—60 day oscillation display barotropic structure in the mid-high latitudes of bothhemispheres,but dispaly baroclinic structure in the equtorial region,and in the horizontal direction,the sources and sinks mainly display zonal wave-like distribution.The source and sink of LFKE aredeterminded by ageostrophic wind effect,frictional effect,interaction between sub-grid-scalesystems,nonlinear interaction,and the flux-divergence of LFKE transported by transient wind.There are some regional reasons for the generation of sources and sinks which are not completelyidentical in different areas.  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate some characteristics of the 20-50 day oscillations of certain circulationsystems in low latitudes during the northern summer seasons.The teleconnection between the variations ofthe Mascarene high and the Northwest Pacific high and its physical mechanism are studied.How the Mas-carene high plays an important role in the interaction between the atmospheric circulations of both hemispheresis discussed.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis,EOF and CCA are used to analyze the variations of atmospheric circulation factors,including the key atmospheric oscillations,W,C,E and subtropical high (SH),and their relationships.The results are shown that the variations of atmospheric circulation factors both in troposphere and lower atmosphere layer are different on different time scales.The most significant variation of atmospheric circulation factors is in the period less than 7 years.The correlation relations of atmospheric circulation factors are different on different time scales.Combination patterns of circulation factors have impact on the relationships of factors.There are lag correlations between combination patterns of circulation factors in former year and that of in next year.  相似文献   

This paper presents and analyzes experimental results in simultaneous determination of atmospheric columnar aerosol size distribution, refractive index and surface albedo by use of the radiance data in almucantar measured by a radiometer. 32 groups of data measured in Beijing during winter show that the imaginary part of refractive index for 0.6943 μm wavelength ranges from 6.022 to 0.079 with a mean of 0.0527. The mean real part and surface albedo are 1.537 and 0.287, respectively. The imaginary part was found to be less in autumn than that in winter, especially after raining. For 0.399 μm and 0.6943 μm wavelengths, the mean surface albedos are 0.101 and 0.222, and the mean imaginary parts are 0.0241 and 0.0129, respectively.  相似文献   

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