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A theoretical framework for the time-dependent processes leading to the high rates of new production in eastern boundary upwelling systems has been assembled from a series of past upwelling studies. As part of the CoOP WEST (Wind Events and Shelf Transport) study, new production in the Bodega Bay upwelling area and it's control by ambient nitrate and ammonium concentrations and the advective wind regime are described. Data and analyses are focused primarily on the WEST 2001 cruise (May–June 2001) when the two legs differed greatly in wind regimes but not nutrient concentrations. Elevated concentrations of ammonium in upwelled water with high nitrate were observed in both legs. Nitrate uptake by phytoplankton as a function of nitrate concentration was linear rather than Michaelis–Menten-like, modulated by inhibitory levels of ammonium, yielding coefficients that enable the specific nitrate uptake element of new production to be estimated from nutrient concentrations. The range of specific nitrate uptake rates for the two legs of WEST 2001 were similar, essentially a physiological response to nutrient conditions. However, the low “realization” of new production i.e. incorporation of biomass as particulate nitrogen that occurred in this system compared to the theoretical maximum possible was determined by the strong advective and turbulent conditions that dominated the second leg of the WEST 2001 study. These data are compared with other upwelling areas using a physiological shift-up model [Dugdale, R.C., Wilkerson, F.P., Morel, A. 1990. Realization of new production in coastal upwelling areas: a means to compare relative performance. Limnology and Oceanography 35, 822–829].  相似文献   

The NSF-sponsored Coastal Ocean Processes Wind Events and Shelf Transport (WEST) experiment investigates the interplay between wind-driven transport and shelf productivity; while eastern boundary shelves are characterized by high productivity due to upward fluxes of nutrients into the euphotic zone, wind forcing also represents negative physical and biological controls via offshore transport and deep (light-limiting) mixing of primary producers. Although this interaction has been well documented for eastern boundary systems generally and for California specifically, one of the primary goals of WEST was to characterize more fully the interplay between positive and negative effects of wind stress, which result in the consistently elevated biological productivity in these shelf regions. During 3 month-long summer cruises (2000–2002) we observed extremes in upwelling/relaxation, using both in situ instrumentation and remotely sensed data. Relationships between optical and physical properties were examined, with emphasis on biogeochemical implications. During 2000, the WEST region was optically dominated by phytoplankton and covarying constituents. During 2001 and 2002, periods of more intense upwelling favorable winds, we observed a transition to optical properties dominated by detrital and inorganic materials. In all years, the continental shelf break provided a natural boundary between optically distinct shelf and open ocean waters. During 2002, we obtained discrete trace-metal measurements of particulate iron and aluminum; we develop a bio-optical proxy for acetic-acid leachable iron from backscatter and fluorescence, and demonstrate that particulate iron is not well correlated to traditional upwelling proxies such as macronutrients, temperature, and salinity. We conclude that the shelf break between ca. 100 and 200 m water depth serves as a natural break point between coastal and oceanic water masses in this region, and that the elevated biomass and productivity associated with this eastern boundary current regime is dominated by these iron rich, shallow shelf waters.  相似文献   

The responses of coastal upwelling to different magnitudes of wind stress over a narrow and a wide shelf are studied using a 3-D primitive equation numerical model. The results show that the position of the upwelling front depends on both the strength and the duration of the wind forcing. The comparison between different shelf widths shows that wide shelf will limit the cold water intrusion, so that the corresponding decrease in sea surface temperature is less compared to narrow shelves. Besides, the difference between hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic model results shows that nonhydrostatic effects will enhance the growth of surface meandering, and can be more pronounced near steep fronts. Although difference does exist, our results show that the nonhydrostatic effects are very small at least in this idealized study case.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the ocean circulation along Australia’s southern shelves and slope. Uniquely, the long, zonal shelf is subject to an equatorward Sverdrup transport that gives rise to the Flinders Current - a small sister to the world’s major Western Boundary Currents. The Flinders Current is strongest near the 600 m isobath where the current speeds can reach 20 cm/s and the bottom boundary layer is upwelling favourable. It is larger in the west but likely intermittent in both space and time due to possibly opposing winds, thermohaline circulation and mesoscale eddies. The Flinders Current may be important to deep upwelling within the ubiquitous canyons of the region.During winter, the Leeuwin Current and local winds act to drive eastward currents that average up to 20-30 cm/s. The currents associated with the intense coastal-trapped wave-field (6-12 day band) are of order 25-30 cm/s and can peak at 80-90 cm/s. Wintertime winds and cooling also lead to downwelling to depths of 200 m or more and the formation of dense coastal water within the Great Australian Bight and the South Australian Sea. Within the Great Australian Bight, the thermohaline circulation associated with this dense water is unknown, but may enhance the eastward shelf-edge, South Australian Current. The dense salty water formed within Spencer Gulf is known to cascade as a gravity current to depths of 200 m off Kangaroo Island. This dense water outflow and meanders in the shelf circulation also fix the locations of a sequence of quasi-permanent mesoscale eddies between the Eyre Peninsula and Portland.During summer, the average coastal winds reverse and surface heating leads to the formation of warm water in the western Great Australian Bight and the South Australian Sea. No significant exchange of shelf water and gulf water appears to occur due to the presence of a dense, nutrient-rich (sub-surface) pool that is upwelled off Kangaroo Island. The winds lead to weak average coastal currents (<10 cm/s) that flow to the north-west. In the Great Australian Bight, the wind stress curl can lead to an anticyclonic circulation gyre that can result in shelf-break downwelling in the western Great Australian Bight and the formation of the eastward, South Australian Current. In the east, upwelling favourable winds and coastal-trapped waves can lead to deep upwelling events off Kangaroo Island and the Bonney Coast that occur over 3-10 days and some 2-4 times a season. The alongshore currents here can be large (∼40 cm/s) and the vertical scales of upwelling are of order 150 m (off Kangaroo Island) and 250 m (off the Bonney Coast).Increasing evidence suggests that El Nino events (4-7 year period) can have a major impact on the winter and summer circulation. These events propagate from the Pacific Ocean and around the shelf-slope wave-guide of West Australia and into the Great Australian Bight. During winter El Nino events, the average shelf currents may be largely shut-down. During summer, the thermocline may be raised by up to 150 m. The nature and role of tides and surface waves is also discussed along with uncertainties in the general circulation and future research.  相似文献   

A distinct, coastal upwelling cell inshore of the southern limb of the East Madagascar Current is described. The upwelling cell has cold surface water, with high concentrations of chlorophyll-a. It is located where this current moves from a bathymetry characterised by a narrow continental shelf and a steep slope to one characterised by a wider shelf and a less steep slope. There seems to be no correlation between the local winds and the presence of upwelled water, suggesting current-induced upwelling. Advection of upwelling filaments is consistent with the concept of an East Madagascar retroflection.  相似文献   

The spin up and relaxation of an autumn upwelling event on the Beaufort slope is investigated using a combination of oceanic and atmospheric data and numerical models. The event occurred in November 2002 and was driven by an Aleutian low storm. The wind field was strongly influenced by the pack-ice distribution, resulting in enhanced winds over the open water of the Chukchi Sea. Flow distortion due to the Brooks mountain range was also evident. Mooring observations east of Barrow Canyon show that the Beaufort shelfbreak jet reversed to the west under strong easterly winds, followed by upwelling of Atlantic Water onto the shelf. After the winds subsided a deep eastward jet of Atlantic Water developed, centered at 250 m depth. An idealized numerical model reproduces these results and suggests that the oceanic response to the local winds is modulated by a propagating signal from the western edge of the storm. The disparity in wave speeds between the sea surface height signal—traveling at the fast barotropic shelf wave speed—versus the interior density signal—traveling at the slow baroclinic wave speed—leads to the deep eastward jet. The broad-scale response to the storm over the Chukchi Sea is investigated using a regional numerical model. The strong gradient in windspeed at the ice edge results in convergence of the offshore Ekman transport, leading to the establishment of an anti-cyclonic gyre in the northern Chukchi Sea. Accordingly, the Chukchi shelfbreak jet accelerates to the east into the wind during the storm, and no upwelling occurs west of Barrow Canyon. Hence the storm response is fundamentally different on the Beaufort slope (upwelling) versus the Chukchi slope (no upwelling). The regional numerical model results are supported by additional mooring data in the Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

As the Agulhas Current flows along the south-east coast of South Africa, a number of processes operate that bring cold, deep water up onto the narrow shelf. As a consequence, upwelling along the coastline is enhanced farther southward and downstream. This situation is investigated off Algoa Bay and along the south-east coast to Port Alfred, where measurements demonstrate that marked temperature variability occurs at the coastline, particularly in summer when temperature structures are more intense and easterly-component winds more common. There is no indication that upwelling is more prevalent at Port Alfred; increasing variability farther south is evident at Woody Cape/Cape Padrone, where the coastline veers westwards, forming the eastern boundary of Algoa Bay. Here it is found that, after a wind change to north-easterly, cold water is upwelled along the shoreline between 19 hours and 2.5 days later. Such upwelling progresses north-eastwards with the movement of the wind and weather systems, although colder water also moves south-westwards into Algoa Bay. Winds, currents, sea level and sea temperatures are highly correlated, with fluctuations in sea level measuring >50 cm being associated with coastal trapped waves (CTWs). Such barotropic wind-driven CTWs are frequently active during upwelling, although it is unclear whether there is any interaction between the two phenomena.  相似文献   

Thermal infra-red satellite imagery and ship-borne studies of 15N stable isotopes are used to provide a first estimate of the quantity of carbon exported from the Benguela upwelling system during summer 1983/84. From satellite imagery, a region where cold water of upwelling origin was present on a quasi-permanent basis and a more offshore region where the presence of such water was intermittent were designated. New production inside the 200 m isobath was excluded from the calculations because an unknown proportion of it may be recycled within the continental shelf system and would not therefore constitute export production and hence potential sequestration. Total production can be apportioned between new and regenerated production depending on the relative utilization of NO3–N or NH4–N and urea respectively. New production generally results from the input of NO3–N to the euphotic zone via upwelling and/or turbulent diffusion and is the only portion of the total production which, in the long term, constitutes a carbon sink. This principle is modified to address the problem of possible new-production recycling on the continental shelf on short time-scales. Nitrate-uptake experiments conducted in the euphotic zone of aged upwelled and filament water throughout the Benguela yielded values of new production, and the mean of these data was applied to the appropriate areas identified by satellite imagery. New production off the continental shelf during summer 1983/84 attributable to upwelling-derived water was 2,14 × 1013 ± l,77 × 1013 g. An attempt is made to place this value in the context of new-production pathways in the Benguela.  相似文献   

Resuspension, transport, and deposition of sediments over the continental shelf and slope are complex processes and there is still a need to understand the underlying spatial and temporal dynamical scales. As a step towards this goal, a two-dimensional slice model (zero gradients in the alongshore direction) based on the primitive flow equations and a range of sediment classes has been developed. The circulation is forced from rest by upwelling or downwelling winds, which are spatially uniform. Results are presented for a range of wind speeds and sediment settling speeds. Upwelling flows carry fine sediments (low settling speeds) far offshore within the surface Ekman layer, and significant deposition eventually occurs beyond the shelf break. However, coarser sediments quickly settle out of the deeper onshore component of the circulation, which can lead to accumulation of bottom sediments within the coastal zone. Downwelling flows are more effective at transporting coarse sediments off the shelf. However, strong vertical mixing at the shelf break ensures that some material is also carried into the surface Ekman layer and returned onshore. The concentrations and settling fluxes of coarse sediments decrease offshore and increase with depth under both upwelling and downwelling conditions, consistent with trends observed in sediment trap data. However, finer sediments decrease with depth (upwelling) or reach a maximum around the depth of the shelf break (downwelling). It is shown that under uniform wind conditions, suspended sediment concentrations and settling fluxes decay offshore over a length scale of order τs/ρf|ws|, where τs is the wind stress, ρ the water density, f the Coriolis parameter, and ws is the sediment settling velocity. This scaling applies to both upwelling and downwelling conditions, provided offshore transport is dominated by wind-driven advection, rather than horizontal diffusion.  相似文献   

Effects of Stokes production on summer ocean shelf dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional numerical model,which is configured on the basis of Princeton ocean model(POM),is used to study the effect of Stokes production(SP) of the turbulent kinetic energy on a density profile and Ekman transport in an idealized shelf region in summer.The energy input from SP is parameterized and included into the Mellor-Yamada turbulence closure submodel.Results reveal that the intensity of wind-driven upwelling fronts near the sea surface is weakened by the SP-associated turbulent kinetic energy input.The vertical eddy viscosity coefficient in the surface boundary layer is enhanced greatly owing to the impact of SP,which decreases the alongshore velocity and changes the distribution of upwelling.In addition,the SP-induced mixing easily suppresses the strong stratification and significantly increases the depth of the upper mixed layer(ML) under strong winds.  相似文献   

Brief overviews of the Arctic’s atmosphere, ice cover, circulation, primary production and sediment regime are given to provide a conceptual framework for considering panarctic shelves under scenarios of climate variability. We draw on past ‘regional’ studies to scale-up to the panarctic perspective. Within each discipline a synthesis of salient distributions and processes is given, and then functions are noted that are critically poised and/or near transition and thereby sensitive to climate variability and change. The various shelf regions are described and distinguished among three types: inflow shelves, interior shelves and outflow shelves. Emphasis is on projected climate changes that will likely have the greatest impact on shelf-basin exchange, productivity and sediment processes including (a) changes in wind fields (e.g. currents, ice drift, upwelling and downwelling); (b) changes in sea ice distribution (e.g. radiation and wind regimes, enhanced upwelling and mixing, ice transport and scour resuspension, primary production); and (c) changes in hydrology (e.g. sediment and organic carbon delivery, nutrient supplies). A discussion is given of the key rate-controlling processes, which differ for different properties and shelf types, as do the likely responses; that is, the distributions of nutrients, organic carbon, freshwater, sediments, and trace minerals will all respond differently to climate forcing.A fundamental conclusion is that the changes associated with light, nutrients, productivity and ice cover likely will be greatest at the shelf-break and margins, and that this forms a natural focus for a coordinated international effort. Recognizing that the real value of climate research is to prepare society for possible futures, and that such research must be based both on an understanding of the past (e.g. the palaeo-record) as well as an ability to reliably predict future scenarios (e.g. validated models), two recommendations emerge: firstly, a comprehensive survey of circumpolar shelf-break and slope sediments would provide long-term synchronous records of shelf-interior ocean exchange and primary production at the shelf edge; secondly, a synoptic panarctic ice and ocean survey using heavy icebreakers, aircraft, moorings and satellites would provide the validation data and knowledge required to properly model key forcing processes at the margins.  相似文献   

根据黄、渤、东海的浅地层剖面仪记录,作者发现晚更新世末期中国黄、渤、东海陆架曾发生过沙漠化。据目前所知,渤海的辽东浅滩、黄海的苏北浅滩、东海的台湾浅滩,都可能为独立的沙漠体,全新世海侵后将其淹没。衍生沉积可划分为3种类型,其一为完全埋藏型,构成南黄海北部的厚层泥质沉积区;其二为半埋藏性,如庙岛列岛一带的黄土沉积;其三为完全出露型,以南京附近的黄土沉积为典型。古季风的吹扬作用是海退后陆架发生沙漠化和产生一系列衍生沉积的基本动力。  相似文献   

The stable isotopic composition(δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N) and carbon/nitrogen ratio(C/N) of particulate organic matter(POM) in the Chukchi and East Siberian shelves from July to September, 2016 were measured to evaluate the spatial variability and origin of POM. The δ~(13)C_(POC) values were in the range of -29.5‰ to-17.5‰ with an average of -25.9‰±2.0‰, and the δ~(15)N_(PN) values ranged from 3.9‰ to 13.1‰ with an average of 8.0‰±1.6‰. The C/N ratios in the East Siberian shelf were generally higher than those in the Chukchi shelf, while the δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N values were just the opposite. Abnormally low C/N ratios(4), low δ~(13)C_(POC)(almost-28‰) and high δ~(15)N_(PN)(10‰) values were observed in the Wrangel Island polynya, which was attributed to the early bloom of small phytoplankton. The contributions of terrestrial POM, bloom-produced POM and non-bloom marine POM were estimated using a three end-member mixing model. The spatial distribution of terrestrial POM showed a high fraction in the East Siberian shelf and decreased eastward, indicating the influence of Russian rivers. The distribution of non-bloom marine POM showed a high fraction in the Chukchi shelf with the highest fraction occurring in the Bering Strait and decreased westward, suggesting the stimulation of biological production by the Pacific inflow in the Chukchi shelf. The fractions of bloom-produced POM were highest in the winter polynya and gradually decreased toward the periphery. A negative relationship between the bloom-produced POM and the sea ice meltwater inventory was observed, indicating that the net sea ice loss promotes early bloom in the polynya.Given the high fraction of bloom-produced POM, the early bloom of phytoplankton in the polynyas may play an important role on marine production and POM export in the Arctic shelves.  相似文献   

Using a nested circulation model based on the Princeton Ocean Model, we investigate the characteristics and mechanisms of two main upwellings in the southern Taiwan Strait: the Southwest upwelling and the Taiwan Bank upwelling. The Southwest upwelling exists in summer when the southwesterly monsoon dominates, and the Taiwan Bank upwelling occurs over a longer period from May to September. The upslope current over a distinctly widened shelf transports the cold water on-shoreward at the lower layer and the southwesterly monsoon wind drives the cold water to the surface layer, forming the Southwest upwelling, while tidal residual current weakens the upslope advection. For the Taiwan Bank upwelling, the upward transport of the South China Sea water due to the Bank topography carries the cold water from the subsurface layer to the depth of approximately 25 m near the Taiwan Bank, then the strong tidal mixing forces this upwelled water further upward to the surface layer.  相似文献   

Satellite data (AVHRR) and in situ data of sea-surface temperatures have been used to describe wind-induced upwelling along the Swedish coast of the Baltic. The satellite data, transformed to isotherm charts, points out three sections of the coast where the upwelling is especially intense. The cold upwelled water, normally found within 10–20 km from the coast, sometimes spreads out in finger-like filaments. There are indications of propagation of upwelling fronts and centers, which may be associated with coastal-trapped waves. Ten years of in situ measurements of sea-surface temperature have been used for a statistical compilation of upwelling events. The statistics reveal that upwelling is a common feature along certain sections of the coast, occurring for about one-fourth to one-third of the time. Some information of time scales and temperature anomalies associated with the upwelling events are also given. A wind analysis shows a correlation between upwelling and winds parallel to the shore line, in accordance with the Ekman theory of upwelling generation.  相似文献   

In the coastal waters off northern California, seasonal wind-driven upwelling supplies abundant nutrients to be processed by phytoplankton productivity. As part of the Coastal Ocean Processes: Wind Events and Shelf Transport (CoOP WEST) study, nutrients, CO2, size-fractionated chlorophyll, and phytoplankton community structure were measured in the upwelling region off Bodega Bay, CA, during May–June 2000, 2001 and 2002. The ability of this ecosystem to assimilate nitrate (NO3) and silicic acid/silicate (Si(OH)4) and accumulate particulate material (i.e. phytoplankton) was realized in all 3 years, following short events of upwelling-favorable winds, followed by periods of relaxed winds. This was observed as phytoplankton blooms, dominated by chlorophyll in cells greater than 5 μm in diameter, that reduced the ambient nutrients to zero. These communities were located over the near-shore shelf (<100 m depth) and were dominated by diatoms. An optimal window of 3–7 days of relaxed winds, following an upwelling pulse, was required for chlorophyll accumulation. The large-celled phytoplankton that result are likely important players in coastal new production and carbon cycling.  相似文献   

In this paper, the main results of field research into the seawater dynamics on the shelf of the Crimea in the summer of 1991 are reported. It is shown that in the weather frequency band, the oscillations with periods of 11–12 days have the greatest amplitude. These represent coastal-trapped waves with a spatial scale of the order of the length of the Black Sea coastline. These waves are generated by distant winds and significantly disturb the response of the Crimea shelf waters to local wind forcing. A transient upwelling-downwelling circulation having a period of 5–7 days is induced by local winds and is not accompanied by the generation of trapped waves at the frequency of forcing. Since the average circulation on the shelf of the Crimea is of cyclonic character, downwelling events are found more frequently and have longer time periods than the upwelling events. The wind-generated trapped waves on the shelves of the Crimea and Kerch Peninsula have an average period of 27 h. The inertial oscillations were well expressed during an experiment resembling long-wave motions.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

An approximate carbon budget for the Sierra Leone River Estuary and adjacent inner continental shelf indicates that phytoplankton production is balanced by grazers only in the wet season estuary; on the continental shelf, and in the dry season estuary, phytoplankton production exceeds demand of consumer populations by 70–90%. Regional production is dominated by the dry season estuary where diatom blooms support large population of the phytophagous clupeid fish Ethmalosa fimbriata. It is suggested that as well as what is used in bacterial respiration, not quantified in the study, important amounts of inshore organic carbon production are available for export, or burial, or both, either in inshore mudbanks or at the shelf edge by slumping. This carbon budget for a tropical continental shelf having neither coral-reefs nor coastal upwelling appears to correspond with what is emerging as a generic distinction between shelves and open ocean ecosystems: surplus production on shelves, balance between producers and consumers in the open ocean.  相似文献   

A three dimensional time-dependent baroclinic hydrodynamic model, including sediment transport and incorporating a turbulence energy sub-model, is used in cross sectional form to examine sediment movement at the shelf edge off North West Iberia at 42°40.5’N where measurements were made as part of the OMEX-II programme. These calculations are complemented by a simpler, in essence time-independent model, which is used to examine the sensitivity of the sediment distribution over the slope (from a shelf-break source) to changes in the specified values of horizontal and vertical diffusion coefficients. The philosophy of the paper is to use idealized tidal, wind and wind wave forcing to examine changes in sediment distribution resulting from these processes. Calculations with the time-dependent and steady state models give insight into both the role of events and long-term effects. The steady state model focuses on the off-shelf region, whilst the time-dependent model considers on-shelf events.Tidal calculations showed that for the stratification used here the internal tide in the OMEX region was primarily confined to the shelf edge and ocean. A mean on-shelf sediment transport in the surface layer and off-shelf transport at the bed was found. Across-shelf circulations produced by up-welling/down-welling favourable winds gave rise to on-shelf/off-shelf currents in the bottom boundary layer with an opposite flow in the surface layer. In the case of an up-welling favourable wind, sediment suspension was at a maximum in the near coastal region, with sediment being advected off shore in the surface layer. With a down-welling favourable wind, surface sediment was advected towards the shore, but there was offshore transport at the bed. Near the shelf edge any upwelling flow had the tendency to return this sediment to the surface layer from whence it was transported on-shore. So in essence the sediment was trapped within an on-shelf circulation cell. Wind waves effects increased the total bed stress and hence the sediment concentration and its transport, although its pattern was determined by tidal and wind forcing.The time independent model with increased/decreased lateral diffusivity gave an enhanced/reduced horizontal sediment distribution for a given settling velocity. As the settling velocity increases, the down-slope movement of sediment is increased, with a reduction in the thickness of the near-bed sediment layer, but with little change in its horizontal extent.  相似文献   

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