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Sulfur isotope ratios have been determined in 27 selected volcanic rocks from Iceland together with their whole rock chemistry. The 34S of analyzed basalts ranges from –2.0 to +0.4 with an average value of –0.8 Tholeiitic and alkaline rocks exhibit little difference in 34S values but the intermediate and acid rocks analyzed have higher 34S values up to +4.2 It is suggested that the overall variation in sulfur isotope composition of the basalts is caused by degassing. The small range of the 34S values and its similarity to other oceanic and continental basalts, suggest that the depleted mantle is homogeneous in its sulfur isotope composition. The 34S of the depleted mantle is estimated to be within the range for undegassed oceanic basalts, –0.5 to +1.0  相似文献   

The REE (rare-earth) contents of sixty-three <2 μ fractions of Pennsylvanian and Permian platform sediment from the mid-continent of the U.S.A. vary considerably (ΣREE = 46–439 ppm;La/ Lu = 5.2–15.7; correlation coefficient of REE with La/Lu = 0.89), but the Eu/Sm ratios are nearly constant even in reducing environments that concentrate U (0.16–0.22). There is no correlation of REE content to clay mineralogy.Lower Permian <2 μ fractions from continental to nearshore marine sediment in Oklahoma have higher REE content (244–261 ppm) than marine facies in Kansas (46–140ppm), but <2μ Upper Permian fractions in an evaporite basin have constant but high REE content (288–281 ppm; one = 153—ppm). All Pennsylvanian <2 μ fractions from Oklahoma have high REE content (209–439 ppm), and fractions from Kansas cyclothems have variable REE content (86–438 ppm). REE content in the <2 μ fractions is inherited from the provenance, but is modified by ion exchange during weathering, transportation, or deposition. Exchangable REE tend to be concentrated in clay minerals in basic environments, but removed in acid environments.Sand and gravel-size fractions consist mostly of quartz or chert so their REE content is low (7.9–40.6 ppm) although heavy minerals may contribute a large fraction of the REE content. Unexpectedly, silt-size fractions have REE contents (74–355 ppm) that are usually lower but similar to their <2 μ fractions, and the REE contents do not correlate to clay mineral/quartz ratios. The interpretation of REE content in sedimentary rocks needs to be done cautiously due to the above factors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the formation conditions of rhyolites and results of their interaction with later portions of basic magmas on the basis of the investigation of melt and fluid inclusions in minerals from a rhyolite xenolith and host neovolcanic basalts of the Cleft segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. In terms of bulk chemistry and the compositions of melt inclusions in pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts, the basic rocks of the southern part of this segment are typical MOR basalts. Their olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase crystallized at temperatures of 1160–1280°C and a pressure range between 20 and 100 MPa. The xenolith is a leucocratic rock with negligible amounts of mafic minerals, which clearly distinguishes it from the known occurrences of silicic rocks in the rift valleys of MOR. The rhyolite melt crystallized at temperatures of 900–880°C. The final stages of rhyolite melt crystallization at temperatures of 780–800°C were accompanied by the release of a saline aqueous fluid with high chloride contents. Based on the geochemical characteristics of melt inclusions and melting products, it can be suggested that the magmatic melt was produced by melting of metamorphosed oceanic crust within the Cleft segment under the influence sof saline aqueous fluid trapped in the pores and interstices of the rock. The rock represented by the xenolith is a late differentiation product of such melts. The ultimate products of silicic melt fractionation show high volatile contents: H2O > 3.0 wt %, Cl ~ 2.0 wt %, and F ~ 0.1 wt %. The interaction of the xenolith with the host basaltic melt occurred at temperatures equal or slightly higher than those of ferrobasalt melts (1190–1180°C). During ascent the xenolith occurred for a few tens of hours in high-temperature basic magma, and diffusion exchange between the basaltic and silicic melts was very minor.  相似文献   

Germanium concentrations in geothermal waters in Iceland lie mostly in the range 2–30 ppb. There is an overall positive relation between the germanium content of the water and its temperature. Most of the germanium occurs as Ge(OH)?5in solution but Ge(OH)4 may also be present in significant amounts in saline waters when above 200°C. Evidence indicates that aqueous germanium concentrations are controlled by exchange reactions where it substitutes for silica in silicates and iron in sulphides. It is the rate of dissolution and the relative abundance of the alteration minerals which take up germanium to a variable extent that ultimately fix Ge(OH)4 concentrations in the water. This, together with water pH, fixes total dissolved germanium. It is mostly the primary rock composition that dictates the relative abundance of the alteration minerals. Conductive cooling in upflow zones favours removal of germanium from solution. During the initial stages of boiling of rising hot water dissolution is enhanced but precipitation at later stages.Thermodynamic data of various aqueous germanium species and several minerals are summarized and dissociation constants and solubilities estimated at elevated temperatures using available predictive methods.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope ratios have been determined using laser fluorination techniques on olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts and bulk glasses from the Reykjanes Ridge and Iceland. δ18O in Reykjanes Ridge olivines shows hyperbolic correlations with Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios that terminate at δ18O = +4.5‰ at compositions almost identical to those of moderately enriched lavas on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. Samples with low δ18O show no indication of contamination by oceanic crust such as elevated Cl/K, and are too deep to have been influenced by meteoric water hydrothermal systems. They cannot represent Icelandic melts contaminated in the crust and transferred laterally along the ridge since fissure systems are strongly oblique to the ridge axis. It follows that Icelandic mantle advected along the ridge has low δ18O. The hyperbolic 143Nd/144Nd-δ18O correlation appears to be more strongly curved than magma mixing trajectories and suggests that melt fractions are ∼4.5× greater and source Nd contents ∼9× greater in the mantle at 63°N compared with that at 60°N. Primitive lavas from the Reykjanes Peninsula show linear correlations between olivine δ18O and 143Nd/144Nd or 206Pb/204Pb, extending to δ18O of +4.3‰ at 143Nd/144Nd close to the lowest ratios observed in Icelandic magmas. These correlations cannot be produced by melt mixing or crustal contamination because these would yield strongly hyperbolic trajectories. Lower δ18O seen in more evolved samples from the Eastern Rift Zone may reflect crustal contamination, though there is some evidence of a mantle source with lower δ18O in eastern Iceland. It is very difficult to explain the low δ18O of enriched Icelandic mantle sources on current understanding of mantle and crustal oxygen isotopes. There is no obvious reason why such low-δ18O sources should not contribute to other ocean islands. No oceanic crustal lithologies exist that could produce the low-δ18O enriched sources by recycling into the mantle, and there is no evidence for changes in δ18O of ophiolite suites with time, nor of changes during high-P metamorphism. Low δ18O appears to be associated with high 3He/4He, and we speculate that this signature may be characteristic of the host mantle into which ocean crust was recycled.  相似文献   

The products of the activity of the Late Quaternary Kazbek neovolcanic center in the Greater Caucasus are studied by isotopic-geochronological methods. It is found that the youngest magmatism evolved during the last 400–450 k.y. over four discrete phases: 395–435, 200–250, 90–120, and less than 50 ka. The petrological-geochemical and published isotopic data point to the mixed mantle-crustal origin of the Kazbek lavas with the leading role of crystallization differentiation of deep magmas and assimilation of the crustal material. We recorded two episodes (~100 and less than 50 ka) of replenishment of the subsurface magmatic chamber under the Kazbek center by the main mantle melt and its mixing with the relict dacite magma that led to the formation of highly mobile hybrid andesite lavas and served as a trigger of the renewal of volcanic activity. Reactivation of the mantle source of the Kazbek center at the end of the Neopleistocene and the Holocene age of the last eruptions indicate the potential danger of this region because of the renewal of the volcanic activity. The medium Devdoraki copper deposit is located in the vicinity of the Kazbek volcano. It represents a unique polychronous, currently evolved ore-magmatic system that originated in the Jurassic.  相似文献   

New trace element analyses are reported for 25 samples of basalt taken from a vertical traverse in an 11 m thick single flow of Icelandic tholeiite. Compositional variations among the samples substantially exceed those expected from analytical uncertainties and are random with respect to height in the flow. These variations in an undifferentiated single flow suggest a short-range segregation model in which the proportions of phenocrysts. groundmass minerals and residual liquid vary randomly among different samples of the flow. A least-squares mixing model is used to determine whether the compositional variations reflect different proportions of crystallizing phases and residual liquid. Most elements (alkalis and alkaline earths excepted) are fit to within their analytical uncertainties, supporting the short-range segregation model. A Monte-Carlo calculation is used to model the phase modes and compositions of various samples of a hypothetical basalt. Most compositional and interelement variations for the Icelandic basalt resemble those of the hypothetical basalt. The calculations show that short-range segregation produces inhomogeneity as large as interflow compositional differences and results in incoherence among elements with different geochemical behaviors while preserving coherence among elements of similar behavior.  相似文献   

Pressures of Crystallization of Icelandic Magmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iceland lies astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and was createdby seafloor spreading that began about 55 Ma. The crust is anomalouslythick (20–40 km), indicating higher melt productivityin the underlying mantle compared with normal ridge segmentsas a result of the presence of a mantle plume or upwelling centeredbeneath the northwestern edge of the Vatnajökull ice sheet.Seismic and volcanic activity is concentrated in 50 km wideneovolcanic or rift zones, which mark the subaerial Mid-AtlanticRidge, and in three flank zones. Geodetic and geophysical studiesprovide evidence for magma chambers located over a range ofdepths (1·5–21 km) in the crust, with shallow magmachambers beneath some volcanic centers (Katla, Grimsvötn,Eyjafjallajökull), and both shallow and deep chambers beneathothers (e.g. Krafla and Askja). We have compiled analyses ofbasalt glass with geochemical characteristics indicating crystallizationof ol–plag–cpx from 28 volcanic centers in the Western,Northern and Eastern rift zones as well as from the SouthernFlank Zone. Pressures of crystallization were calculated forthese glasses, and confirm that Icelandic magmas crystallizeover a wide range of pressures (0·001 to 1 GPa), equivalentto depths of 0–35 km. This range partly reflects crystallizationof melts en route to the surface, probably in dikes and conduits,after they leave intracrustal chambers. We find no evidencefor a shallow chamber beneath Katla, which probably indicatesthat the shallow chamber identified in other studies containssilica-rich magma rather than basalt. There is reasonably goodcorrelation between the depths of deep chambers (> 17 km)and geophysical estimates of Moho depth, indicating that magmaponds at the crust–mantle boundary. Shallow chambers (<7·1 km) are located in the upper crust, and probablyform at a level of neutral buoyancy. There are also discretechambers at intermediate depths (11 km beneath the rift zones),and there is strong evidence for cooling and crystallizing magmabodies or pockets throughout the middle and lower crust thatmight resemble a crystal mush. The results suggest that themiddle and lower crust is relatively hot and porous. It is suggestedthat crustal accretion occurs over a range of depths similarto those in recent models for accretionary processes at mid-oceanridges. The presence of multiple stacked chambers and hot, porouscrust suggests that magma evolution is complex and involvespolybaric crystallization, magma mixing, and assimilation. KEY WORDS: Iceland rift zones; cotectic crystallization; pressure; depth; magma chamber; volcanic glass  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩地区古风化壳岩溶储层   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
世界整装大油气田均以海相盆地为主,储集类型首推碳酸盐岩岩溶孔洞+裂缝。岩溶发育的程度除相控外,层序不整合界面与区域性地层不整合面的复合面,在表生成岩作用环境下可形成碳酸盐岩古风化壳型岩溶。塔里木盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶系古喀斯特油气藏的重大突破,佐证了碳酸盐岩岩溶储层的特殊意义。我国海相盆地碳酸盐岩风化壳岩溶的形成和演化,均与加里东构造旋回中的幕次古隆起和海平面下降共耦,埋藏期和热水溶蚀的叠加可改善岩溶的储集性能。在大面积覆盖的油气田区预测古风化壳型的岩溶储层,可通过地震剖面追踪区域性地层不整合面和层序界面,圈出古岩溶的时空展布、推测古岩溶地貌以及与不同层位岩性相的关系。孔洞充填方解石与碳酸盐围岩的氧碳同位素有别,前者的Z值小于120,是反馈淡水岩溶环境的重要标志之一。  相似文献   

Twenty different rocks have been analyzed for tellurium by atomic absorption. The average tellurium content of 12 igneous rocks is 82 p.p.b., with a range, 3.4 p.p.b. ≥ Te = 210 p.p.b. In ultrabasic rocks, the tellurium content is ? 10 p.p.b. Of the rocks analyzed, carbonates showed the highest Te content, 1–2 p.p.m., and the tellurium concentrations in 6 sedimentary rocks decrease in the following order: carbonates > shales > sandstones.  相似文献   

The chemistry of basalts from the Icelandic Rift Zone is discussed on the basis of 34 analysis, both new and previously published. It is concluded that a distinct chemical grouping is present between alkalibasalts and tholeiitic basalts.The tholeiitic basalts can furthermore be grouped into batches with slightly different primitive chemistry but identical differentiation trends.The chemical variation within a group of basalts from the same volcanic center can be related to a time scale in such a way, that the youngest (historic) lavas all show advanched differentiation, but the lavas known to be oldest have the most primitive chemistry.The possibility is suggested, that the volcanic activity along the Icelandic Rift Zone represents an independent cycle of chemical differentiation, distinct from the Tertiary volcanic activity along the Wyville Thompson Ridge.Attention is drawn to a fairly well defined grouping of basalts from different parts of the Midatlantic Ridge using the plot combined iron against magnesia.  相似文献   

Despite the discovery of cryptotephra layers in over 100 peatlands across northern Europe, Holocene cryptotephra layers have not previously been reported from Polish peatlands. Here we present the first Holocene tephra findings from two peatlands in northern Poland. At Bagno Kusowo peatland we identify the most easterly occurrence of the AD 860 B tephra, recently correlated to the White River Ash (WRAe) derived from Mount Churchill, Alaska. A shorter core from Linje peatland contains tephra from the Askja 1875 eruption, extending the spatial distribution and regional importance of this Icelandic tephra in Eastern Europe. Our research indicates the potential of cryptotephra layers to date and correlate the growing number of palaeoenvironmental studies being conducted on Polish peatlands and contributes towards the development of a regional Holocene tephrostratigraphy for Poland. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Fluids in metamorphic rocks   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
J. L. R. Touret   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):1-25
Basic principles for the study of fluid inclusions in metamorphic rocks are reviewed and illustrated. A major problem relates to the number of inclusions, possibly formed on a wide range of PT conditions, having also suffered, in most cases, extensive changes after initial trapping. The interpretation of fluid inclusion data can only be done by comparison with independent PT estimates derived from coexisting minerals, but this requires a precise knowledge of the chronology of inclusion formation in respect to their mineral host.

The three essential steps in any fluid inclusion investigation are described: observation, measurements, and interpretation. Observation, with a conventional petrographic microscope, leads to the identification and relative chronology of a limited number of fluid types (same overall composition, eventually changes in fluid density). For the chronology, the notion of GIS (Group of synchronous inclusions) is introduced. It should serve as a systematic basis for the rest of the study. Microthermometry measurements, completed by nondestructive analyses (mostly micro-Raman), specify the composition and density of the different fluid types. The major problem of density variability can be significantly reduced by simple considerations of the shape of density histograms, allowing elimination of a great number of inclusions having suffered late perturbations. Finally, the interpretation is based on the comparison between few isochores, representative of the whole inclusion population, and PT mineral data. Essential is a clear perception of the relative chronology between the different isochores. When this is possible, as illustrated by the complicated case of the granulites from Central Kola Peninsula, a good interpretation of the fluid inclusion data can be done. If not, fluid inclusions will not tell much about the metamorphic evolution of the rocks in which they occur.  相似文献   

Based on the crystal chemistry of alkali-zirconosilicates (AZS), it is argued that Zr, in silicate melts, is a network-modifier rather than a complex-former. With the aid of silicate melt theory the late crystallization of AZS in peralkaline melts can be explained. The high ks/ns and high Q calculated in some norms of peralkaline rocks but not expected from the modes, is the result of calculating ZrSiO4 rather than (K,Na)2ZrSiO5·xSiO2.  相似文献   

Icelandic high temperature geothermal systems are considered to number thirty three, thereof three are submarine and seven subglacial. All are briefly described but the chemistry of fluids from twenty four of them is considered. The fluid in the three submarine areas and those four on land that are closest to the sea are relatively saline but to a differing extent mixed with groundwater. The rest contain dilute fluids. The fluids of the central highland systems are mostly locally derived but may in some instances be quite old whereas those in the northerly Krafla area which is inland and the Öxarfjörður area which is close to the sea appear to be a mixture of local and central highland water, but those in the inland Hengill, Geysir, Námafjall and Theistareykir areas appear to have travelled relatively long distances from the central highlands. The gas observed is magmatic except in the northerly Öxarfjördur area close to the sea where it is apparently derived from organic sediments.  相似文献   

The distribution of U has been studied in two metamorphic rock-series with a gradient of regional metamorphism. One series ranges from the lowest greenschist to amphibolite facies and the other one shows increasing metamorphic grade from amphibolite to granulite facies. Several medium and high pressure granulitic inclusions from alkali basalts were also analyzed. The abundances of U in the rocks do not appear to be affected by metamorphism below the granulite facies grade. Granulites are depleted in U in comparison with equivalent rocks of amphibolite facies grade. There are also differences in their U distribution, as the bulk of U in amphibolite facies rocks is located along the fractures and cleavage planes of ferro-magnesian minerals and in U-rich accessories, while in granulites, most of the U resides in accessory minerals. It seems that the depletion of U in granulites is due to a loss of U which is not located in accessory minerals or in the crystal structure of rock-forming minerals and may also be related to a migration of hydrous fluids, perhaps during dehydration.  相似文献   

In any rock six kinds of magnetic anisotropy can be distinguished, viz.: (1) shape alignment of grains; (2) alignment of crystals with magneto-crystalline anisotropy; (3) alignment of magnetic domains; (4) the stringing-together of magnetic grains, which is a special case of (1); (5) stress-induced anisotropy; and (6) exchange anisotropy. Each of these anisotropies, together with the method of measurement and practical uses in the fields of geology and geophysics, is discussed.  相似文献   

KREEP Rocks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
KREEP rocks with high contents of K, REE and P were first recognized in Apollo-12 samples, and it was confirmed later that there were KREEP rock fragments in all of the Apollo samples, particularly in Apollo-12 and -14 samples. The KREEP rocks distributed on the lunar surface are the very important objects of study on the evolution of the moon, as well as to evaluate the utilization prospect of REE in KREEP rocks. Based on previous studies and lunar exploration data, the authors analyzed the chemical and mineral characteristics of KREEP rocks, the abundance of Th on the lunar surface materials, the correlation between Th and REE of KREEP rocks in abundance, studied the distribution regions of KREEP rocks on the lunar surface, and further evaluated the utilization prospect of REE in KREEP rocks.  相似文献   

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