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Laboratory investigations on impulsive waves caused by underwater landslide   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Laboratory investigations have been performed on the submarine landslide generated waves by performing 120 laboratory tests. Both rigid and deforming-slide masses are considered. The effects of bed slope angle, initial submergence, slide geometry, shape and deformation on impulse wave characteristics have been inspected. Impulse wave amplitude, period, energy and nonlinearity are studied in this work. The effects of bed slope angle on energy conversion from slide into wave are also investigated. Laboratory-based prediction equations are presented for impulse wave amplitude and period in near and far-field and are successfully verified using the available data in previous laboratory and numerical works.  相似文献   

Abdul Hayir   《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(18):2329-2342
In this study, the motion of a submarine block slide, with variable velocities, and its effects on the near-field tsunami amplitudes are investigated. The numerical results show that the amplitudes generated by the slide are almost the same as those created by its average velocity when , where is average velocity of the slide and is the long period tsunami velocity in ocean of constant depth h. In contrast, the kinematic model of the slide must take into account time variations in the moving velocity, if , especially when .  相似文献   

This paper presents a new submarine landslide model based on the non-hydrostatic wave model NHWAVE of Ma et al. (2012). The landslide is modeled as a water–sediment mixture. The dense plume is driven by baroclinic pressure forcing introduced by spatial density variations. The model is validated using laboratory measurements of turbidity currents and of water wave generation by a granular landslide. The model is then utilized to study the dependence of landslide motion and associated tsunami wave generation on parameters including sediment settling velocity, initial depth of the landslide and slide density. Model results show that the slide motion and water waves which it generates are both sensitive to these parameters. The relative tsunamigenic response to rigid and deformable landslides of equal initial geometry and density is also examined. It is found that the wave energy is mostly concentrated on a narrow band of the dominant slide direction for the waves generated by rigid landslides, while directional spreading is more significant for waves generated by deformable landslides. The deformable landslide has larger speed and acceleration at the early stage of landslide, resulting in larger surface waves. The numerical results indicate that the model is capable of reasonably simulating tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides.  相似文献   

The process of scour around submarine pipelines laid on mobile beds is complicated due to physical processes arising from the triple interaction of waves/currents, beds and pipelines. This paper presents Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models for predicting the scour depth beneath submarine pipelines for different storm conditions. The storm conditions are considered for both regular and irregular wave attacks. The developed models use the Feed Forward Back Propagation (FFBP) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique. The training, validation and testing data are selected from appropriate experimental data collected in this study. Various estimation models were developed using both deep water wave parameters and local wave parameters. Alternative ANN models with different inputs and neuron numbers were evaluated by determining the best models using a trial and error approach. The estimation results show good agreement with measurements.  相似文献   

A numerical model is presented to predict the interaction of multidirectional random surface waves with one or more rectangular submarine pits. The water depth is assumed uniform and the method involves the superposition of diffraction solutions based on linearized shallow water wave theory obtained by a two-dimensional boundary integral approach. The incident wave conditions are specified using a discrete form of the Mitsuyasu directional spectrum. The present numerical model has been validated through comparisons with previous theoretical results for regular waves. Good agreement was obtained in all cases. Based on these comparisons it is concluded that the present numerical model is an accurate and efficient tool to predict the wave field around multiple submarine pits and navigation channels in many practical situations.  相似文献   

对3个典型的滑坡海啸强度的预测模型进行了介绍,并将其与海底边坡稳定性分析相结合,提出了滑坡海啸的预测方法。采用滑坡海啸预测方法计算了岙山原油码头潜在滑坡区滑坡海啸的强度,结果表明,若该地区发生滑坡,局部海岸将会产生波高为2~3 m的海啸,与当时观测到结果相吻合,因而该预测方法是具有一定准确性的较好预测海啸强度的方法。  相似文献   

Abdul Hayir   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(5-6):654-664
The aim of this study is to present the solutions for the near-field tsunami amplitudes caused by submarine landslumps and slides spreading in two orthogonal directions. A linearized shallow water wave theory is derived. The transform techniques (Fourier and Laplace transform) are used for the solution of Laplace equation. The results show that if the ratio of the velocties is v1/v2=0.1, the numerical results are almost the same as the values obtained for one dimensional movement of the slumps and slides. But, when the ratio of the velocties is v1/v2=1, obtained normalized peak amplitudes, ηmax/ζ0 are smaller than the numerical values for one dimensional solution. It is concluded that normalized peak amplitudes for the models are small because of the interaction of the velocities. Numerical examples are presented for various parameters.  相似文献   

海底滑坡的危险性评价与分区,对海洋工程设施的选址和危险预防具有指导作用。本文基于无监督机器学习的谱聚类算法对黄河口埕岛海域展开了海底滑坡危险性评价,构建了输入参数为9、输出类别为4、核函数参数为0.08的海底滑坡危险性评价模型。使用该模型进行评价,将研究区分为了海底滑坡危险性高、较高、较低和低的区域。评价结果与地质环境因素分布特征对比显示,最重要的影响因素为海底沉积物类型和水动力作用,最重要的触发因子为液化。模型参数分析结果显示,合理简化输入因子可获得精度略低的评价结果,而核函数参数是影响评价准确性的重要指标。以上研究表明,谱聚类算法能够较好地用于海底滑坡危险性评价,数据类别丰富度和精度是影响评价精细程度的重要因素。  相似文献   

In this paper the aim is to investigate whether there are differences between the dispersion and non-dispersion solutions on tsunami propagation. For this purpose, two numerical models of tsunami propagation are compared. One of these numerical models is a nondispersive model that uses Saint Venant equations and the other is a dispersive model that uses Boussinesq equations. The tsunamis resulting from a submarine mass failure (SMF) which is settled at the bottom of the north eastern Sea of Marmara are examined. An analytical solution considering wave dispersion is developed for obtaining near-field tsunami amplitudes above the submarine mass failure. Numerical modeling is used at the sea surface from the common boundary called as liquid boundary with incident waves up to the coastal regions to get the tsunami amplitudes. The output of the analytical model is taken as the disturbances for the numerical method. In the numerical solutions TELEMAC-2D software system is used for both dispersive and nondispersive modeling. The results of the dispersive and nondispersive models are compared to each other. Both temporal and spatial differences in the amplitudes and wave shapes are examined. The obtained results demonstrate that there are no noticeable differences between the dispersion and non-dispersion solutions except some special cases and some special landslide velocities.  相似文献   

The authors have previously determined that the effectiveness and failure pattern of the ice cover caused by flexural-gravity waves generated by a submerged body motion near the bottom ice can greatly depend on the depth of the water area. In its turn, the presence of a ledge on the ice surface may affect a wave propagation pattern. This paper presents an experimental study of the bottom contour influence on the deflection and length of flexural-gravity waves. The authors describe a numerical model for the analysis of the deformed state of ice caused by hydrodynamic loads due to a submarine motion, taking into account the bottom contour. The experiments are carried out in the ice tank. The results of calculations and experiments are compared.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional modeling of multidirectional random-wave diffraction by a group of rectangular submarine pits is presented in this paper. The fluid domain is divided into N interior regions representing the pit area and an overall exterior region separated by the imaginary pit boundaries. In the interior region, the analytical expressions of the Fourier series expansion for velocity potentials in the pit regions have been derived with the unknown coefficients determined from a series of Green's function based boundary integral equations. The boundary integral approach has also been applied to obtain the velocity potential and free-surface elevation in the exterior region. The Pierson–Moskowitz (P–M) frequency spectrum was selected for the random wave simulation using the superposition of solutions of a finite number of decomposed wave components. Numerical results for the cases of regular waves and random waves are presented to examine the influences of the pit geometry and incident wave condition on the overall wave field. The general diffraction pattern of alternate bands of increase and decrease of relative wave height in front of the pit system can be observed. It is found that, in the shadow region, the relative wave height is reduced. As the number of pit increases, the effectiveness of reducing the relative wave height behind the multiple-pit system increases. However, the relative wave height within the pit area and in front of the leading pit shows increasing trend. It is noticed that under the random-wave condition, the level of increase and decrease of the relative wave height due to the existence of submarine pits is less pronounced than that observed from results in regular-wave condition.  相似文献   

In this paper the tsunamis resulting from a submarine mass failure such as slides and slumps triggered by earthquakes or other environmental effects, which is settled at the bottom of the north eastern Sea of Marmara are examined in one sample region. As the solution method, one hybrid method is developed. The main objective of this method is to combine an analytical solution presenting near-field tsunami amplitudes above the submarine mass failure with a numerical solution indicating the tsunami amplitudes in the coastal regions. For this purpose, one common linear boundary between analytical and numerical solution domains is defined. Movements of Submarine Mass Failures (SMF) are modeled using one simple kinematics source model and the amplitudes of the tsunamis at the region that are closer to the landslide are computed by using the analytical method. SMF is modeled approximately from the bottom geometry, and an average depth is used. Scenarios of SMF are established depending on the velocities and thicknesses of the failure, and near-field tsunami amplitudes are obtained in the open sea during the source time. After the source times, the solutions are found in the numerical region using TELEMAC-2D software system with the mentioned boundary above. In this boundary, the output of the analytical solutions is taken as the boundary conditions or the disturbances for the numerical method. With these disturbances, the numerical method is performed and the amplitudes are calculated in the coastal area. The generation, propagation and coastal amplifications of the tsunamis are illustrated at some certain points and regions both in the open sea and near the coast line. The results have been visualized and discussed.  相似文献   

A large number of submarine landslides with different scales have been identified in the canyon area of the submarine pipeline route of Liwan 3-1 gas field. There is still much chance that submarine sl...  相似文献   

Three dimensional seismic data, offshore Brunei, provide evidence for a giant landslide with a volume of 1200 km3, an area of ∼ 5300 km2 and an average thickness of ∼ 240 m. It extends for over 120 km from the Baram Canyon in ∼ 200 m water depth to the deep basin floor of the North West Borneo Trough. The landslide is a unique example of a major submarine landslide located on a steep, tectonically active margin adjacent to a large river and canyon system. The landslide is mappable using 3D seismic data, which allow detailed imaging of internal flow structures, erosional headwall and the basal sliding surface. The landslide is a complex deposit, involving a chaotic debris flow matrix, with flow structures and blocks 500 to 1000 m wide and up to 250 m thick. Imaging of the basal sliding surface reveals large striations ∼ 30-120 km long, ∼ 100-600 m wide, and ∼ 10-30 m deep that show significant amounts of basal erosion. In the landslide source area we describe fluid escape structures, gas buildups and bottom simulating reflectors, which may provide a mechanism for weakening and triggering slope failure. We also report older landslides, buried several hundred meters beneath the basin floor that indicate giant landsliding is a recurrent process in the NW Borneo Trough.  相似文献   

The properties of marine sediments vary spatially, and the undrained shear strength of marine clay increases linearly with depth because of depositional processes and the effective overburden pressure. To evaluate the stability of submarine slope considering the spatial variability of soil strength, the random field discretized by the Karhunen-Loève expansion is combined with the limit equilibrium method to conduct reliability analysis. For simplicity, our physical model does not include many complexities such as the effects of excess pore water pressure on the stability of submarine slopes. Stability estimates of the infinite slope model, under both static and seismic loading, are made with three types of one-dimensional stationary or non-stationary random fields. The two-dimensional slope model is also analyzed, where the shear strength varies with the positions of the strips because of the discrete random-field function for the soil material. In submarine slope reliability analysis, the non-stationary random field of the linearly increasing soil strength is used, instead of the commonly used stationary one. To obtain the failure probability through Monte Carlo simulations, a novel response surface method based on Gaussian process regression is introduced to build the surrogate model. The computational efficiency is significantly increased, because there is a considerable reduction of calls of the deterministic analysis. Therefore, the proposed method makes the prediction of submarine landslides which are usually rare events with very small probabilities more efficient.  相似文献   

海南东方近岸海底发育有大量沙波,利用多波束测深、侧扫声呐、浅地层剖面、单道地震资料综合分析了活动沙波的地球物理特征,探讨了沙波的分布特征、迁移机制、活动性及形态演变特征。结果表明,研究区海底沙波分布和规模具有显著空间差异性,大中型沙波主要发育于沙脊上,小型沙波主要发育于沙脊两侧,坑槽区发育近对称沙波,研究区西南部沙波不发育。受潮流和科氏力约束,在海底沙脊西侧沙波迁移方向主要为向北(略偏东),在沙脊东侧主要为向南(略偏西);受地形制约,坑槽区近对称沙波迁移可能停止或方向发生改变。沙波活动性强的标志主要包括:① 形态呈不对称的“脊尖槽缓”,② 叠置小沙波与沙纹发育,③ 浅部有透明层,④ 陡坡面反射模糊,⑤ 内部斜交前积结构。分析认为,沙波活动性与其形态密切相关,包括弱运动、强运动、不运动3个演变阶段。  相似文献   

To further understand the gas-curtain generation characteristics during the launching process of the underwater guns, a simulated gas-injector with multiple nozzles is designed and the expansion process of these multiple combustion-gas jets is experimentally captured. Experiment results indicate that, with turbulent mixing between the gas jets and the liquid medium, the gas curtain is generated in the observation chamber. Based on the experiment, a three dimensional unsteady model is established to simulate the expansion process of the multiple jets. Numerical result shows, with the injection of the gas jets, pressure declines in the Taylor cavity along the axial direction at the beginning. During the expansion process, the multiple jets contact and interact with each other, and pressure rises in the mixing area. After merging, backflow vortexes interact and converge, and the vortexes move along the axial direction with the expansion of the combustion gas jets.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of overtopping is traditionally studied for well-emerged harbour structures and often focuses on safety and stability. In this paper laboratory tests are presented and analysed to sharpen the hypothesis that overtopping is capable of changing the horizontal circulation pattern around low-crested structures. A unique data set from laboratory experiments was acquired in the wave basin at Delft University of Technology. The experiments were performed using an emerged impermeable low-crested structure (three freeboards and three different wave conditions for each freeboard) and yielded nine different combinations of set-up and overtopping driving forces. Using this information it was possible to quantify the changes in cross-shore and longshore velocity induced by the overtopping and the set-up changes under the different freeboard and wave conditions described. It is found that overtopping enhances the outgoing flows (longshore velocities parallel to the structure) away from the lee side of the structure and dampens the water level gradient driven flow towards the structure.  相似文献   

A numerical solution is developed to investigate the generation and propagation of small-amplitude water waves in a semi-infinite rectangular wave basin. The three-dimensional wave field is produced by the prescribed “snake-like” motion of an array of segmented wave generators located along the wall at one end of the tank. The solution technique is based on the boundary element approach and uses an appropriate three-dimensional Green function which explicitly satisfies the tank-wall boundary conditions. The Green function and its derivatives which appear in the integral equation formulation can be shown to be slowly convergent when the source and field points are in close proximity. Therefore, when computing the velocity potentials on the wave generators, the source points are chosen outside the fluid domain, thereby ensuring the rapid convergence of these functions and rendering the integral equations non-singular. Numerical results are shown which illustrate the influence of the various wavemaker and basin parameters on the generated wave field. Finally, the complete wave field produced by the diffraction of oblique waves by a vertical circular cylinder in a basin is presented.  相似文献   

浅水方程被广泛应用于海啸预警报业务及研究,而针对线性浅水方程与非线性浅水方程在不同海区水深地形条件下的适用范围、计算效率问题是海啸研究人员急需了解的。本文应用基于浅水方程的海啸数值预报模型就海啸波在南海、东海传播的线性、非线性特征以及陆架对其传播之影响进行了数值分析研究。海啸波在深水的传播表征为强线性特征,此时线性系统对海啸波幅的模拟计算具有较高的精度和效率,而弱的非线性特征及弱的色散特征对海啸波幅的预报影响甚微,可以忽略不计。海啸波传播至浅水大陆架后受海底坡度变化、海底粗糙度等因素影响,波动的非线性效应迅速传播、积累,与线性浅水方程计算的海啸波相比表现出较大差异,主要表现为:在南海区,水深小于100m时,海啸波首波以后的系列波动非线性特征比较明显,两者波幅差别较大,但首波波幅的区别不大,因此对于该区域在不考虑海啸爬高的情况下,应用线性系统计算得到的海啸波幅也可满足海啸预警报的要求;在东海区由于陆架影响,海啸波非线性特征明显增强,水深小于100m区域,首波及其后系列波波幅均差异较大,故在该区域必须考虑海啸波非线性作用。本文就底摩擦项对海啸波首波波幅的影响进行了数值对比分析,结果表明:底摩擦作用对海啸波首波波幅影响仅作用于小于100m水深。最后,该文通过敏感性试验,初步分析了陆架宽度及陆架边缘深度对海啸波波幅的影响,得出海啸波经陆架传播共振、变形后,海啸波幅的放大或减小与陆架的宽度及陆架边缘水深有关。  相似文献   

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