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基于SWAT模型的南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染模拟   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李爽  张祖陆  孙媛媛 《湖泊科学》2013,25(2):236-242
本文利用SWAT模型结合实测数据,对南四湖流域2001-2010年年均非点源氮磷污染进行模拟,分析了南四湖流域非点源氮磷负荷空间分布特征,计算各河流流域对南四湖湖区污染的贡献率,并对非点源氮磷污染严重的关键区进行识别.研究表明:(1)先模拟湖东和湖西的两个典型小流域的非点源氮磷污染,并将模型推及整个南四湖流域,该方法不仅提高了计算效率,且得到了较好的模拟结果.通过对比发现,湖东的模拟效果要好于湖西,一定程度上说明SWAT模型在起伏较大的地区能取得更高的精度.(2)南四湖流域非点源氮磷污染严重,几乎所有区域的氮负荷超标,40%以上的区域磷负荷超标严重.湖东非点源氮磷污染较湖西严重,其中洸府河流域是南四湖湖区非点源氮磷污染的主要贡献者.(3)通过对径流量、泥沙负荷、氮负荷、磷负荷的相关分析可以得出,南四湖流域非点源氮负荷以溶解态为主,随径流进入水体;非点源磷负荷以吸附态为主,随泥沙进入水体.  相似文献   

岩溶流域含水系统的主要特征之一是连通地表的落水洞等垂直管道将近水平的地下暗河联系起来,降水及其形成的地表径流可以通过这些管道迅速地灌入地下河系,从而改变了水及其所携带的非点源污染物质在垂直与水平方向的传输速度与数量,使岩溶流域内地表-地下之间的物质交换与传输过程变得比较复杂;应用广泛的SWAT模型在模拟岩溶地区的水文、水质时会存在一些不足与局限.为此,本文针对岩溶水系统特征,引入落水洞、伏流、暗河的水文过程以及主要营养盐的输移过程,修正SWAT模型原有的水文循环过程及相关算法,改变其只适用于松散均匀介质流域非点源污染模拟的单一特征,并研究建立适合于岩溶流域的非点源污染模型和相应的模拟方法.选取横港河流域岩溶地区作为非点源污染的对象,应用修正后的模型通过控制性的模拟方法和敏感性性分析,定量评估落水洞、伏流、暗河等岩溶特征对氮、磷等主要非点源污染物质输移的影响及其带来的时空效应,并进一步探讨落水洞、伏流、暗河等对地表-地下水文与营养盐的交互作用及转换机理.结果表明,岩溶特征对流域的氮、磷负荷有增加作用,其中总磷的增加明显大于总氮的增加,总磷和总氮的增量分别为0.86%和2.12%;植被岩溶指数的增加会导致流域可溶性磷、有机磷的产出量增加,有机氮、地表产流中硝酸氮和沉积磷的产出量则居其次,落水洞改变了降雨的产流方式,增加了落水洞所在流域的有机磷和有机氮的产出,其增量变化在0~0.7和0~0.3 kg/hm2之间.  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的淮河上游流域设计洪水修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变化环境下洪水序列的一致性遭到破坏,引发基于统计原理计算的设计洪水可靠性下降,亟需开展非一致性条件下的设计洪水修订研究.以淮河上游流域为研究区域,运用Pettitt检验法和滑动t检验法综合检测年最大洪峰流量序列突变点,在此基础上,采用SWAT分布式水文模型对变异前的洪峰与洪量序列进行还现,利用径流深的模拟结果修订设计洪...  相似文献   

水资源恶化、水体富营养化严重威胁生态环境健康,农业活动所产生的氮是造成水污染的主要原因之一.本研究以句容水库农业流域为研究对象,基于实地监测数据验证了SWAT模型模拟当地氮污染的适用性,并分析了氮素负荷的时空分布特征及其关键源.结果 表明:硝态氮(NO3-N)和总氮(TN)的年均入库量分别为9.98和27.22 t.时...  相似文献   

吴威  吴松  陈爽 《湖泊科学》2012,24(2):252-258
系统动力学(SD)模型在模拟复杂的区域发展问题中具有明显优势,本文在深入分析环鄱阳湖地区区域发展各子系统、各要素之间关系的基础上,构建了区域发展SD模型,并通过设立4种发展情景模拟了不同发展模式下区域发展特征.结果表明,惯性发展不仅发展速度较慢,同时将带来严重的生态与环境问题;高经济增长低环保投入发展尽管保持了经济的高速增长,但对生态环境将造成较大程度的破坏;高经济增长高环保投入方式通过加大环保投入,能较好地解决经济高速增长所带来的污染问题;而强调经济结构调整的产业优化升级发展方式在保证经济较高速发展的同时,较好地维持了区域生态环境的良性循环.充分考虑环鄱阳湖地区区域特征,本文综合各模式优劣势,提出了推荐发展模式,以实现经济增长与生态环境保护之间的平衡.  相似文献   

司伟  包为民  瞿思敏  石朋 《湖泊科学》2018,30(2):533-541
空间集总式水文模型的洪水预报精度会受到面平均雨量估计误差的严重影响.点雨量监测值的误差类型、误差大小以及流域的雨量站点密度和站点的空间分布都会影响到面平均雨量的计算.为提高实时洪水预报精度,本文提出了一种基于降雨系统响应曲线洪水预报误差修正方法.通过此方法估计降雨输入项的误差,从而提高洪水预报精度.此方法将水文模型做为输入和输出之间的响应系统,用实测流量和计算流量之间的差值做为信息,通过降雨系统响应曲线,使用最小二乘估计原理,对面平均雨量进行修正,再用修正后的面平均雨量重新计算出流过程.将此修正方法结合新安江模型使用理想案例进行检验,并应用于王家坝流域的16场历史洪水以及此流域不同雨量站密度的情况下,结果证明均有明显修正效果,且在雨量站密度较低时修正效果更加明显.该方法是一种结构简单且不增加模型参数和复杂度的实时洪水修正的新方法.  相似文献   

不合理的灌溉、施肥和耕作是导致乌梁素海流域农业面源污染的主要根源,乌梁素海作为我国北方地区重要的生态安全屏障,多年来面临着湖泊水环境污染、水生态退化等问题,科学开展湖泊水环境综合治理首先要解决流域内农业面源污染问题.研究通过修改土壤水平衡、溶质平衡、地下水平衡和作物生长等模块对SWAT 2012原始版本进行改进,并采用改进的SWAT模型构建了乌梁素海流域分布式水文模型,利用实测径流、硝态氮与总磷排放量、地下水埋深以及作物产量校正和验证模型.基于现状情景,以玉米、葵花和小麦3种主要作物为研究对象,设置了削减灌水量、施肥量及调整耕作方式3种农田管理情景.基于改进SWAT模型不同情景的模拟结果,计算分析各管理情景下的硝态氮与总磷负荷及对各作物产量的影响.结果表明,改进SWAT模型具有良好的模拟效果.不同作物削减5%夏灌水量增产最多达8.41%~10.32%,削减10%秋浇水量均明显减少硝态氮和总磷负荷.不同作物营养物负荷均随着氮磷施肥削减比例的增大呈现逐渐降低的趋势,但下降曲线逐渐趋于平缓;各作物产量随氮磷施肥削减比例的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,其中玉米、小麦氮磷施肥削减比例达20%时产量开...  相似文献   

胡斌 《华南地震》2014,(Z1):53-56
运用灵敏度分析技术对某隔震桥梁进行了模型修正。以结构自振频率差值作为收敛准则,通过摄动待修正参数获得结构的灵敏度矩阵,继而优化迭代求得结构参数修正值,从而达到模型修正目的。修正研究结果表明:基于灵敏度分析的模型修正方法能较好地运用在隔震桥梁上。  相似文献   

针对桁架结构优化问题,给出基于改进的生长空间限定与并行搜索的模拟植物生长算法(GSL&PS-PGSA)优化模型,对典型平面桁架、空间桁架结构分别进行截面优化及形状优化分析,结果表明:改进GSL&PS-PGSA算法的优化效果显著,其优化所得结构经济高效;对于平面桁架截面优化,相比二级优化法、相对差商法及连续变量法,改进GSL&PS-PGSA所得结构较其减少了8%~15%的用钢量;对于空间桁架优化,截面优化所得结构总质量较序列两级算法轻约8.1%,较蚁群算法轻约3.6%,而形状优化所得结构总质量则分别较序列两级算法、蚁群算法轻约31.2%、22.4%。因此,改进的GSL&PS-PGSA算法对桁架结构优化问题具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

在钢桁梁桥模型损伤定位的基础上,采用模型修正方法对其损伤程度进行识别,对其中几个关键问题进行了研究分析,得出了一些有用的结论,可作为实际桥梁健康监测的参考依据。  相似文献   

Watershed scale hydrological and biogeochemical models rely on the correct spatial‐temporal prediction of processes governing water and contaminant movement. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, one of the most commonly used watershed scale models, uses the popular curve number (CN) method to determine the respective amounts of infiltration and surface runoff. Although appropriate for flood forecasting in temperate climates, the CN method has been shown to be less than ideal in many situations (e.g. monsoonal climates and areas dominated by variable source area hydrology). The CN model is based on the assumption that there is a unique relationship between the average moisture content and the CN for all hydrologic response units (HRUs), and that the moisture content distribution is similar for each runoff event, which is not the case in many regions. Presented here is a physically based water balance that was coded in the SWAT model to replace the CN method of runoff generation. To compare this new water balance SWAT (SWAT‐WB) to the original CN‐based SWAT (SWAT‐CN), two watersheds were initialized; one in the headwaters of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia and one in the Catskill Mountains of New York. In the Ethiopian watershed, streamflow predictions were better using SWAT‐WB than SWAT‐CN [Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies (NSE) of 0·79 and 0·67, respectively]. In the temperate Catskills, SWAT‐WB and SWAT‐CN predictions were approximately equivalent (NSE > 0·70). The spatial distribution of runoff‐generating areas differed greatly between the two models, with SWAT‐WB reflecting the topographical controls imposed on the model. Results show that a water balance provides results equal to or better than the CN, but with a more physically based approach. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the Taihu Basin as a study area, using the spatially distributed and mechanism-based SWAT model, preliminary simulations of nutrient transport in the Taihu Basin during the period of 1995-2002 has been carried out. The topography, soil, meteorology and land use with industrial point pollution discharge, the loss of agricultural fertilizers, urban sewerage, and livestock drainages were all considered in the boundary conditions of the simulations. The model was calibrated and validated against water quality monitoring data from 2001 to 2002. The results show that the annual total productions of nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) into Lake Taihu are 40000t and 2000t respectively. Nutrient from the Huxi Region is a major resource for Lake Taihu. The non-point source (surface source) pollution is the main form of catchment sources of nutrients into Lake Taihu, occupied TN 53% and TP 56% respectively. TN and TP nutrients from industrial point pollution discharge are 30% and 16%, and sewerage in both forms of point source and non-point source are TN 31 % and TP 47%. Both the loss of agricultural fertilizers and livestock drainages from the catchment should be paid more attention as an important nutrient source. The results also show that SWAT is an effective model for the simulation of temporally and spatially nutrient changes and for the assessment of the trends in a catchment scale.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) were used to simultaneously conduct calibration and uncertainty analysis for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). In this combined method, several SWAT models with different structures are first selected; next GA is used to calibrate each model using observed streamflow data; finally, BMA is applied to combine the ensemble predictions and provide uncertainty interval estimation. This method was tested in two contrasting basins, the Little River Experimental Basin in Georgia, USA, and the Yellow River Headwater Basin in China. The results obtained in the two case studies show that this combined method can provide deterministic predictions better than or comparable to the best calibrated model using GA. The 66.7% and 90% uncertainty intervals estimated by this method were analyzed. The differences between the percentage of coverage of observations and the corresponding expected coverage percentage are within 10% for both calibration and validation periods in these two test basins. This combined methodology provides a practical and flexible tool to attain reliable deterministic simulation and uncertainty analysis of SWAT.  相似文献   

Streams play an important role in linking the land with lakes. Nutrients released from agricultural or urban sources flow via streams to lakes, causing water quality deterioration and eutrophication. Therefore, accurate simulation of streamflow is helpful for water quality improvement in lake basins. Lake Dianchi has been listed in the ‘Three Important Lakes Restoration Act’ in China, and the degradation of its water quality has been of great concern since the 1980s. To assist environmental decision making, it is important to assess and predict hydrological processes at the basin scale. This study evaluated the performance of the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) and the feasibility of using this model as a decision support tool for predicting streamflow in the Lake Dianchi Basin. The model was calibrated and validated using monthly observed streamflow values at three flow stations within the Lake Dianchi Basin through application of the sequential uncertainty fitting algorithm (SUFI‐2). The results of the autocalibration method for calibrating and the prediction uncertainty from different sources were also examined. Together, the p‐factor (the percentage of measured data bracketed by 95% prediction of uncertainty, or 95PPU) and the r‐factor (the average thickness of the 95PPU band divided by the standard deviation of the measured data) indicated the strength of the calibration and uncertainty analysis. The results showed that the SUFI‐2 algorithm performed better than the autocalibration method. Comparison of the SUFI‐2 algorithm and autocalibration results showed that some snowmelt factors were sensitive to model output upstream at the Panlongjiang flow station. The 95PPU captured more than 70% of the observed streamflow at the three flow stations. The corresponding p‐factors and r‐factors suggested that some flow stations had relatively large uncertainty, especially in the prediction of some peak flows. Although uncertainty existed, statistical criteria including R2 and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency were reasonably determined. The model produced a useful result and can be used for further applications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李传琼  王鹏  陈波  李燕 《湖泊科学》2018,30(1):139-149
于2015年1月和7月在赣江干流和主要支流37个采样点共采集74个水样,分析赣江水系15种溶解态金属元素(Be、Al、V、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、As、Mo、Cd、Sb、Tl、Pb、U)的空间分布特征和污染来源的贡献率.结果表明:多数水样的溶解态金属元素浓度符合水质标准,主要的超标元素是Fe,样品超标率为21.60%,其次为As(8.10%)、Mn(4.05%)、Tl(4.05%)和Al(1.35%).Be、Al、V、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、U浓度在枯水期显著高于丰水期,其他元素差异不显著.依据溶解态金属元素的空间分布特征,赣江流域可分为3个区域:湘水、章水和赣江赣州市段(C1),桃江、袁水和锦江(C2),其他区域(C3);溶解态金属元素水平大小排序为C1C2C3,其中Be、Al、Cu、Mo、Sb、As浓度在C1最高,V、Mn、Fe、Ni、Cd浓度在C2最高.采矿废水、矿渣和农田土壤降雨淋滤、钢铁冶炼废水是赣江溶解金属元素的主要来源;Be、Al、Cu、Pb、U的污染源超过40%来自采矿废水,Cu、As、Mo、Cd的污染源超过35%来自矿渣和农田土壤降雨淋滤,V、Mn、Co、Ni的污染源超过41%来自钢铁冶炼废水.  相似文献   

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