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As the improvement of international status and the implementation of China’s neighboring diplomacy, the development of border regions and the security of border cities, as well as their spatial structure and regional differences are gaining more attention from academic circle. Based on the interdisciplinary perspectives of urban geography, regional economics and geopolitics, this paper explores the regional differences of border geo-cities in China and the surrounding countries with the help of remote sensing information acquisition and ArcGIS spatial analysis. Three primary results are found as follows: (1) The border geo-cities in China and surrounding countries are divided into five geographical regions: geo-cities in South China Sea, geo-cities in Southeast Asia, geo-cities in South Asia, geo-cities in Central Asia and geo-cities in Northeast Asia. (2) In the spatial structure system of China’s border geo-cities, the importance of geo-cities in five major regions is fairly different. In terms of the security and economic development, the rank of priority is geo-cities in North-east Asia, geo-cities in South China Sea, geo-cities in Central Asia, geo-cities in South Asia, geo-cities in Southeast Asia. (3) Considering China’s geo-setting for the development of border geo-cities, the east region is significantly better than the west, and the north region is slightly better than the south.  相似文献   

地缘文化战略与国家安全战略构想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对地缘政治理论与国家安全的评述发现,国家安全的内容从军事、政治安全向经济、社会、环境等安全议题转移。研究尺度从国家尺度拓展为全球与个体高低尺度兼容。同时随着批判地缘政治理论、流行地缘政治理论及反地缘政治理论日渐成熟,以及次文化区域冲突日益频繁、民族国家内部分裂和“虚拟国家”的诞生等地缘板块新动向出现,地缘政治理论正从地理实体空间出发主张的“领土扩张”,发展到注重“经济主导”的地缘政治与经济互动,再到当下强调“文化区域主权”转变。新时期基于文化区域的地缘文化战略理论将成为传统地缘理论的有力补充。我国需要重视以文化认同为基础,以“稳民心,争人心”为核心,以文化软实力提升为导向的国家安全战略构想,对提升中国在国际地缘格局中的地位和战略力量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

空间认同:城市空间研究转向中的知识前沿、趋势与启发   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郭文 《地理科学》2019,39(4):587-595
中国城市化进程的快速发展,促使人们不断解构、调整和重构对城市空间的认同,这是城市化发展中不容忽视的新问题。以Web of Science(WoS)为数据源,对国外城市空间认同研究进行了分析和知识再现。研究发现:城市空间认同是人们对城市发展中社会经济认同、文化认同、集体认同、身份认同与情感认同的集合。作为重要的国民意识,城市空间认同主题是国外学者关注的重要领域,对该领域研究的本质上是对城市空间实践中人文主义空间诉求的知识表征; 在2008~2017年的国外城市空间认同研究中,美国、英国、澳大利亚等国家具有明显优势,国际合作研究网络主要在美洲-欧洲、欧洲-澳洲,以及澳洲-欧美之间;国外城市空间认同研究高被引文献注重对“空间多中心性”“地方与连续性”“城市社区”“城市公民身份”“空间绅士化”“地方主义”等方面的讨论。 未来研究更加倾向在“认同”“空间”“城市”“地理”“政治”“地方”,以及“社区”等新主题方面。相比较而言,国内对城市空间认同的研究较为欠缺,随着中国城市空间实践不断推向纵深阶段,需要强化城市空间认同研究的“理论自觉”。  相似文献   

肖潇  张捷  卢俊宇 《地理科学进展》2012,31(8):1080-1086
文化地理学作为人文地理学的重要分支, 是学者们广泛关注的热点, 但鲜有研究涉及居民对文化景观的感知和认同问题。本文选取了中国传统文化代表--书法景观为研究切入点, 根据地方感理论构建了假设模型, 提出了17 个假设影响路径。根据遵义会议会址景区及周围红色旅游商业街中书法景观的居民感知调查数据, 构建了居民书法景观感知的结构方程模型。分析结果验证了居民感知态度与文化认同的递进性, 拒绝了部分研究假设。同时, 在书法景观功能感知的5 个维度:经济获益、环境审美、场所识别、景观原真性和行为导向中, 经济获益和景观原真性是居民文化认同的决定性因素。研究结果体现了原真性元素在城市文化景观中的核心地位, 验证文化景观对城市经济建设不可或缺的推动作用, 对城市文化景观保护和规划管理具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

城市群研究述评与展望   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
自从法国地理学家戈特曼提出大都市带(Megalopolis)的概念之后,城市群作为一种特殊形态的城市体系,成为城市地理学的核心研究内容。国外学者相继提出半城市化区域、全球城市—区域、多中心巨型城市—区域等概念,其研究都建立在都市区基础之上,强调城市之间以及城乡之间密切的功能联系。中国学者提出了都市连绵区、城市群等概念,并开展了大量研究工作。都市连绵区的界定立足于都市区基础之上,亦与国际上相关的研究接轨。但城市群在国内更为流行,且被写进国家五年发展规划纲要之中。城市群作为中国区域发展空间战略的重心,发挥着区域经济增长极的作用。国内城市群研究却存在着概念含糊、界定模糊等问题。城市群是都市区之间强烈的相互作用形成的,相关研究必须建立在都市区基础之上,才能避免概念以及空间尺度的混淆。中国官方并未有都市区的界定方案。结合第六次人口普查数据,加强对都市区和城市群界定的研究,立足于都市连绵区基础之上,开展跨学科研究,深入分析不同空间尺度城市群集聚与扩散模式,建立起中国城市群研究范式。  相似文献   

As the improvement of international status and the implementation of China's neighboring diplomacy, the development of border regions and the security of border cities, as well as their spatial structure and regional differences are gaining more attention from academic circle. Based on the interdisciplinary perspectives of urban geography, regional economics and geopolitics, this paper explores the regional differences of border geo-cities in China and the surrounding countries with the help of remote sensing information acquisition and Arc GIS spatial analysis. Three primary results are found as follows:(1) The border geo-cities in China and surrounding countries are divided into five geographical regions: geo-cities in South China Sea, geo-cities in Southeast Asia, geo-cities in South Asia, geo-cities in Central Asia and geo-cities in Northeast Asia.(2) In the spatial structure system of China's border geo-cities, the importance of geo-cities in five major regions is fairly different. In terms of the security and economic development, the rank of priority is geo-cities in Northeast Asia, geo-cities in South China Sea, geo-cities in Central Asia, geo-cities in South Asia, geo-cities in Southeast Asia.(3) Considering China's geo-setting for the development of border geo-cities, the east region is significantly better than the west, and the north region is slightly better than the south.  相似文献   

Racism has become a fact of life in Australia over the past decade or so, yet there are relatively few studies of its nature or extent, and still fewer on its geography. Using a social constructivist approach, this study draws on a survey of 5056 respondents to investigate attitudes to racism and cultural diversity in New South Wales and Queensland, and of perceptions of out-groups as instances of ‘strangers in our midst’. On racism, results show the presence of a continuum of attitudes ranging from generally tolerant to generally intolerant, a presence which cuts across compositional (social or aspatial) characteristics to emphasise the existence of a distinctive geography, an everywhere different nature to racist and non-racist attitudes which transcends urban–rural and traditional social layers. On the other hand, perceptions of out-groups are not uniformly correlated with presence or absence of cultural diversity. In many cases, the ability to make judgements about significant ‘others’ or out-groups has been shown to relate more to abstract notions of self and national identity, reproduced in public by mainstream news media and political leaders. In particular, it may reflect an Anglo (or Anglo-Celtic) view on nationalism, which is a hallmark of the ‘new racism’: an assimilationist or ethnocultural view of Australian society which is different from the ‘civic nation’ ideal envisaged by multiculturalism. That the geography of attitudes and perceptions people have towards and about different cultural groups is so ‘everywhere different’ has important implications for attempts to address and redress issues of intolerance in Australia.  相似文献   

经济地理学发展审视与新构思   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李小建 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1865-1877
分析了现今国际经济地理学发展中基于少数发达国家的经济发展、基于少数国家地理背景、基于经济学原理的偏颇,提出基于中国特殊的地理环境、特殊的人口、资源、环境关系、特殊的政府与社会关系、特殊文化、特殊的学科背景建立中国特色的经济地理学。中国特色的经济地理学应侧重经济社会发展、侧重人地和谐,侧重政府的特殊作用、侧重国内区域间关系与全球的影响、侧重与自然地理的关系,在研究中注重自然科学方法与社会科学方法的兼顾。中国持续高速增长的经济地理研究、中等收入陷阱的国家与地区跨越、政府特殊作用下的区域发展、城镇化、信息化、工业化与农业现代化关系、人地和谐与区域发展、农村聚落格局的演变趋势等,均可作为重要的研究问题。  相似文献   

杜芳娟  陈晓亮  朱竑 《地理科学》2011,31(12):1512-1517
在文化转向思潮的引领下,新文化地理学从注重结果向注重过程转移,更强调地理事象所发生的空间过程及其内化在特殊地域系统中的社会关系。在这一过程中,景观的符号象征意义和表征作用得到重新解读。以民族文化为旅游吸引物的发展背景下,通过对贵州世居民族仡佬族官方祭祖活动的参与式观察和相关群体的深度访谈,发现民族精英为将务川树立为仡佬族族群的中心,重构了"九天天主"及其祭祖仪式和场所,地方意义由此发生了改变‘,小塘石笋’由自然景观变为仡佬族族群的文化中心景观。"仡佬之源"的地方中心性空间策略虽扩大了仡佬族的知名度,提升了地方影响力,但祭祀活动却呈现出精英的"台上"认同与民众"台下"认同的对立。这一分歧的根本原因是当地仡佬族模糊的身份记忆以及仡佬族作为散居族群的文化多元性所致。在仡佬族祭祖的文化实践中,精英通过各种社会关系和权力影响和重构了地方身份认同,而地方的民族身份认同又影响地方意义的重构。文章指出,没有民众的"自下而上"支持,悬置于族群之上的官方主导的文化重构实践具有很大的脆弱性。研究对完善地方感研究中主体性缺失及地方与认同研究中身份认同研究不足具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

中南半岛是亚洲南部的三大半岛之一,是东南亚重要的组成部分。其中的缅甸、老挝、越南与中国有接壤。在世界联系日益紧密的大背景下,中南半岛作为我国“三环外交”中第一环的一个重要环节,由于其特殊地理位置,丰富的自然资源,使中国与中南半岛具有区域合作、国家安全等诸方面的地缘战略考虑。  相似文献   

张铃钰  叶浩威  安宁 《热带地理》2019,39(6):880-888
通过文本分析和档案分析的方法,立足文学地理学分析框架和研究范式,分析了香港70年代、过渡时期、后殖民时期三部文学界热门且公认具代表性的作品——《我城》《烦恼娃娃的旅程》和《后殖民食物与爱情》,解构了作品中“本土”“国家”和“全球”3个空间维度下再现的地理物象、空间想象、人物活动、地方文化,窥探其内部隐含的文化认同与身份意识问题。结果发现,由于香港社会历史和文化背景不断变迁等原因,香港的文化和身份意识处于不断重塑的状态。通过文本分析,发现香港文学作品中最早萌芽的是“本土”意识。西西的《我城》被认为是本土意识的发轫之作,其在港英政府和回不去的家这一夹缝中在“城”这一空间尺度上勾勒出浓浓的地方意识。其次,在中国恢复行使香港主权这一背景下,《烦恼娃娃的旅程》这一极具回归题材代表性的作品深刻地刻画了香港人在身份认同尺度升级过程中的迷惘。最后,也斯的《后殖民食物与爱情》通过“食物”为线索讲述了回归后的香港故事,为读者认识后殖民时期多元文化混杂下的香港社会提供了细致的观察。通过对三部文学作品的分析,发现港人经历了由殖民统治时期本土身份意识的觉醒以及对中国文化的归属,到回归过渡阶段身份意识的尺度升级及其不适,再到回归后多元文化的交织和协商,不仅在尺度上实现了由地方到国家再到全球化的身份意识塑造,而且在结构上存在中华文化、西方文化和香港本土文化不断协商与冲突的三重性。更为重要的是,通过文学地理视角的讨论,发现这样的文化和身份意识不是属于某个群体的特有特征,而是根植于香港社会的每一寸肌肤,不仅反映了小说作者对香港社会的细致观察,在一定程度上也反映了社会本身所面临的文化和身份困扰。  相似文献   

For the past three centuries, the economic geography of the global coffee sector has been characterized by the supply of beans from tropical countries for consumption in North America and Europe, with various modes of value chain coordination enacted by lead firms to ensure reliable and affordable supply. This pattern is now fundamentally changing, with growth in coffee consumption in emerging markets, including China, exceeding that in established markets. But China is not only a growing consumer market, it is less well known that rapidly increasing agricultural production in Yunnan province of southwest China has also inserted the country as an important source region for coffee, and this has been pivotal in facilitating the emergence of Chinese lead firms in the sector. This article presents the emergence of China, and Chinese firms, at a critical juncture for the structure and governance of the global value chain for coffee. The processes through which this is occurring are outlined, and the implications for regional development prospects across Southeast Asia are discussed. We argue that the changing economic geography of coffee value chains, and their increasing driven‐ness by Chinese actors, is starting to reshape the regional coffee industry in profoundly new ways.  相似文献   

The relationships between migration trends and changes in socioeconomic structures, settlement systems, and regional development programs in developing countries are analyzed. Current and possible future trends in urbanization in Southeast Asia are summarized, with a focus on the effects of migration. The impact of internal migration on spatial distibution in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines is examined. The need for taking cultural traditions into consideration in the formulation of population policies and programs is emphasized.  相似文献   

黎傅雯 《热带地理》1996,16(2):167-174
本文在探讨东亚地区国民文化特质形成背景的基础上,着重分析了日本,亚洲“四小龙”的国民文化特质在其地区发展中的作用,并指出其对我国在发展现代化经济过程中应重视提高国民文化素质的启示。  相似文献   

滇东南喀斯特山水文化旅游区文化旅游开发构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化旅游作为近年来增长最快的一个全新旅游分支,将成为21世纪旅游主体项目。滇东南喀斯特山水文化旅游区文化旅游资源具有很强的民族特色和地域特色,独特丰富的文化旅游资源为其开展文化旅游奠定了坚实基础。文化是旅游的灵魂和根基,要促进滇东南喀斯特山水文化旅游区旅游业的可持续发展,必须深入挖掘其文化底蕴,大力发展文化旅游。该论文对滇东南喀斯特山水文化旅游区的文化旅游资源概况及特征进行归纳分析,在此基础上对文化旅游开发的技术路线、开发导向和主题定位、开发图式进行了讨论,最后提出相应的文化旅游开发建议。  相似文献   

Progress of economic geography in China’s mainland since 2000   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Economic geography in China’s mainland has developed in a different way from that in many other countries. On the one hand, it has been increasingly active in participating in academic dialogues and knowledge development led by Anglophone countries; on the other hand, it takes practice-based and policy-oriented research, i.e. satisfying the demands from the Chinese government and society, as the linchpin of research. Since there has been a lot of literature reviewing the development of economic geography in the country before the new millennium, this paper will make a comprehensive analysis of the discipline in 2000–2015, based on a bibliometric survey and research projects done by Chinese economic geographers. The analysis indicates that (1) economic geography research in China’s mainland is unevenly distributed but concentrated in several leading institutions; (2) traditional research fields like human-nature system, regional disparity, industrial location and transportation geography remain dominant while new topics such as globalization, multinational corporations and foreign direct investments, information and communication technology, producer services, climate change and carbon emission emerge as important research areas; (3) Chinese economic geography is featured by policy-oriented research funded by government agencies, having considerable impacts on regional policy making in China, both national and regional. To conclude, the paper argues that the development of economic geography in China’s mainland needs to follow a dual track in the future, i.e. producing knowledge for the international academic community and undertaking policy-oriented research to enhance its role as a major consulting body for national, regional and local development.  相似文献   

中亚国家地缘位置与中国地缘战略的若干思考   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中亚地区以其独特的地缘位置而受到美、俄、中及欧盟等大国的高度重视。中亚是中国的重要邻邦,也是中国周边合作的重点地区,更是中国提升安全与能源保障的重要地缘战略依托。基于人文—经济地理学视角,从中亚国家的特点、中亚国家的地缘位置、中国和中亚国家的地缘关系,以及地缘合作战略等方面,对中亚国家的地缘位置及其与中国的地缘战略进行较为系统的分析。主要结论为:① 中亚地区自然—人文地理特点的一致性,区域内部发展的差异性,对外部经济的高度依赖性,大国角逐的长期性,以及对中国地缘利益的重要性,是地理学关注和研究中亚地缘问题的主要切入点;② 在全球尺度上,运用柯恩的当代世界地缘政治区划模型,分析中亚与以俄罗斯为代表的“欧亚大陆辖区”、以美国为代表的“海洋辖区”、以中国为代表的“东亚辖区”的地缘关系;在区域尺度上,建立一个“同心圆和扇形分布”相结合的模型,分析中亚与相邻国家或地区的地缘关系;③ 中国在中亚地区有着良好的地缘政治、经济、文化利益,中亚国家对中国也有巨大的地缘需求,这是中国与中亚国家相互合作的基础;④ 中国未来应逐步成为中亚地缘政治与文化的“参与者”、地缘经济的“引领者”。  相似文献   

区域产业集聚研究进展   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
马延吉 《地理科学》2005,25(2):226-232
区域产业集聚研究是人文地理学重要的研究领域,是人地关系地域系统研究的重要方面,在全球化背景下,区域发展要响应全球化,促进区域产业集聚形成,培育区域发展优势,提高竞争力,融入到全球生产网络。文章重点回顾了近10年来区域产业集聚的研究进展。区域产业集聚的理论研究取得了很大进展,集中体现在新产业区理论、新经济地理学理论、产业簇群理论、点-轴理论、公司地理论等方面。学者们从不同侧面,对区域产业集聚机制进行了研究,注重集聚经济、贸易与市场拉动、企业联系、知识传播等方面的研究。区域产业集聚研究是对全球经济一体化的重要响应,区域企业集群与推进企业的培育是区域产业集聚的关键。要不断调整区域产业集聚要素,以形成产业集聚的最佳状态和效果,要加强传统工业基地的产业集聚研究。既要培育合理的产业集聚,又要注重与区域人口、资源环境相协调。  相似文献   

Ponga, Glass and Concrete   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In accepting that Aotearoa is no-longer a rural nation there are exciting possibilities for the study of urban socio-cultural geography - the effects of urbanisation on the lives ofNewZealanders. Contemporary social geographical theories have combined with postmodernism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism and feminism toproducea ‘new cultural geography’. We argue that this new cultural geography couldprovide important theoretical avenues for the development of an ‘indigenous’ New Zealand urban socio-cultural geography.  相似文献   

万蕙  唐雪琼 《地理科学》2017,37(4):595-602
以广西龙州县边境乡村的法式民居景观为例,从历史的角度分析法式民居景观兴盛的缘由,并探讨其象征意义及认同建构。研究发现,法式民居景观作为承载文化意义的符号,是财富和社会地位的象征;又因其宫殿式形态,成为当地人幻想更大权欲以获得自我满足的源泉。此外,法式民居景观强化了当地村民对自身身份的认同建构,并唤起了他们对历史的缅怀、对家的归属感和对地方的认同感。研究既是对新文化地理学关于景观研究向社会文化意义转向的例证,也是对新文化地理学中关于地方、景观与认同关系研究的回应。  相似文献   

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