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大溪砾岩为一套厚层碳酸盐质砾岩,具有砾石含量高,砾石分选、磨圆较好的特点。据砾石统计、薄片分析、古生物鉴定、古流分析及重矿物组合表明,大溪砾岩中砾石主要来自龙门山区的泥盆系—三叠系,填隙物中的石英碎屑可能主要来自杂岩体。大溪砾岩的砾石成分有向上趋于复杂的特点。  相似文献   

晚侏罗世承德盆地砾岩碎屑源区分析及构造意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河北承德及寿王坟盆地在晚侏罗世土城子期堆积了大量的粗碎屑沉积.砾石成分统计结果显示,承德-寿王坟盆地充填的土城子组碎屑母岩组合主要有三种,其中火山岩、花岗质岩石和变质岩组合在承德盆地占绝对优势,反映了当时盆地以北的“内蒙地轴”为主要的蚀源区.向北逆冲的双庙断裂将承德盆地分成南北两个部分,断裂两侧的砾石成分组合基本相同,显示出碎屑物质共同来源于北部,同时也暗示了该断裂在土城子期可能没有强烈的活动(强烈活动期可能在土城子组之后?).分析表明,承德盆地南部的不对称向斜构造两侧砾石成分截然不同,说明该向斜构造控制了碎屑分布,是同沉积期形成的.该盆地南侧的碎屑供应量远远小于北侧,反映了控制盆地南缘发育的向北逆冲的灰窑断层可能是一条次要的同沉积断裂.在晚侏罗世整体向南推进的逆冲断裂系统中,灰窑断裂和双庙断裂应属于背向逆冲断层.承德盆地中大量的粗碎屑堆积与同期冲断带的耦合关系分析,指示了这一时期盆地北侧存在强烈的逆冲断裂活动.作为主要物源区,北部的“内蒙地轴”在晚侏罗世发生了强烈的隆升-剥蚀作用,推测当时在地貌上可能存在近E-W走向的古山系(或古高原?).  相似文献   

对西秦岭北缘出露的上新世韩家沟砾岩进行了野外观测,在此基础上进行了沉积特征研究及物源分析.结果表明,韩家沟砾岩以细砾为主,成分主要是砂岩和灰岩,其次为花岗岩和石英岩;砾石磨圆较差,是岩性、水动力条件、搬运距离等因素共同作用的结果;垂向上,洪积砾岩与冲积砾岩交替出现,粒径呈现反旋回,揭示了扇体的进积发育;砾石扁平面指示由...  相似文献   

靳立杰 《地质与勘探》2024,60(3):515-529
Inkisi组是泛非运动之后刚果盆地最早的沉积地层之一。确定Inkisi组地层时代、物源及恢复构造演化过程,对研究刚果盆地的演化具有重要地质意义。本文通过对Inkisi组碎屑锆石进行U-Pb年代学研究,深入探讨了其形成时代,对泛非运动进行了约束,并进一步探讨了其物源。研究发现,Inkisi组下段与上段碎屑锆石最小年龄分别为526±6 Ma和534±14 Ma,最年轻的4颗锆石的加权平均年龄为532±9.4 Ma,由此限定了Inkisi组的最大沉积时代。因此将其时代划归早寒武世,并将其从新元古界Xisto-Gresoso群解体。另外,Inkisi组岩石并未发生变质变形,也说明其形成于泛非运动之后。碎屑锆石年龄谱结果显示,Inkisi组碎屑锆石的年龄变化范围较广,整体呈现五个年龄峰值:>2800 Ma、2800~2400 Ma、2100~1750 Ma、1500~900 Ma、850~500 Ma。通过将年龄峰值及周围地质体进行对比,认为西刚果造山带、卡赛克拉通、安哥拉克拉通是其主要的物源,卢弗里安构造带等是其次要物源。  相似文献   

对大兴安岭富林地区早古生代大伊希康河组、黄花沟组、红水泉组沉积岩进行了系统的碎屑锆石年代学研究,结果表明:①大伊希康河组的碎屑锆石的年龄在458±4~470±4Ma之间,与区域上的多宝山岛弧的火山岩年龄相一致,暗示着额尔古纳地块在早-中奥陶世大伊希康河组沉积时还未隆起;②黄花沟组碎屑锆石年龄谱为431±4~2227±24Ma,与区域上的额尔古纳地块所呈现的几组热事件年龄相一致,表明早志留世黄花沟组接受沉积时额尔古纳地块已经隆升至地表,为周缘盆地提供物源;③红水泉组的碎屑锆石测定年龄值为283±4~780±7Ma,其中283±4Ma为区域上的晚石炭世侵入岩热事件响应的年龄,多数碎屑锆石的测得年龄为333±3~343±3Ma,表明该套沉积物接受沉积时间的下限为333±3Ma;此时,物源区额尔古纳地块的新太古代-古元古代结晶基底已剥蚀殆尽。另外,利用岩石地球化学方法与推测的物源区进行了尝试性的对比研究。  相似文献   

库鲁克塔格位于南天山和塔里木盆地接合部,保留相对较完整的地层记录。新元古代贝义西组主要为一套火山-沉积组合序列,育肯沟组为浊流成因的砂岩和粉砂岩组合。对取自两个地层的沉积岩样品,分别进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年,并分别获得了93组和71组U-Pb有效年龄。其中贝义西组锆石U-Pb年龄主峰值为821Ma、次峰值为861Ma的碎屑锆石(761~847Ma)具有显著优势,育肯沟组年龄值为768Ma(次峰值为800Ma和741Ma)的碎屑锆石比较集中,说明库鲁克塔格地区在741Ma、768Ma、800Ma、821Ma和861Ma有大规模的岩浆活动。10个太古代碎屑锆石年龄以及综合已有的研究成果,确认库鲁克塔格存在中-新太古代基底。贝义西组砂岩主要源自761~847Ma、851~972Ma和1808~2498Ma岩石。育肯沟组主要来自734~845Ma、858~963Ma和1708~2486Ma的岩石。  相似文献   

在西准噶尔阿舍勒阔尔勒斯地区,下石炭统姜巴斯套组与下伏黑山头组和上覆下二叠统哈尔加乌组之间均为不整合接触,而在黑山头组顶部、姜巴斯套组底部和哈尔加乌组顶部的砂岩样品中,最年轻碎屑锆石组给出的年龄分别为328 Ma(早石炭世谢尔普霍夫期)、318 Ma(晚石炭世巴什基尔期)和297 Ma(早二叠世阿瑟尔期)。显然,姜巴斯套组的时代不是早石炭世,建议将其归为上石炭统莫老坝组。黑山头组顶部为含海相碎屑岩;莫老坝组只保留了下部退积型充填序列,缺失上部进积型充填序列,是准噶尔残余洋盆于晚石炭世消失并发生构造抬升和剥蚀所致;哈尔加乌组为典型的陆相沉积。石炭系—二叠系碎屑岩均为近源沉积的产物,各组中最年轻的锆石来自同时代的火山岩。  相似文献   

随着近年来对朗杰学群的解体,发现前人对于朗杰学群、涅如组、修康群及洛林岩群的研究存在混淆,研究对象是否为朗杰学群应重新审慎,同时,几者是否为同一构造背景产物仍存在较大争议。本文对朗杰学群命名地(贡嘎县姐德秀镇-朗杰学乡一带)的朗杰学群重矿物特征、地球化学特征及古生物化石进行了研究。朗杰学群砂岩主量元素和微量元素化学成分低于地壳克拉克值,SiO2含量平均为74.14%,K2O/Na2O值平均为0.70,反映砂岩成熟度较低,没有经历明显的成岩后生改造;化学蚀变指数(CIA)较集中,平均为71.55,属低级-中等风化程度,指示气候和构造环境都处于相对稳定状态;古环境分析显示,100Mg/Al2O3值平均为7.85,CaO/Fe+CaO值平均为0.314,表明朗杰学群形成于中等盐度的深水厌氧环境,且由北向南沉积水体逐渐加深;重矿物以锆石为主,其次为金红石,分选磨圆较差,ATi指数为93.3~98.97,ZTR指数为48.01~85.75,反映朗杰学群物源区的火山岩较为丰富,且搬运距离较...  相似文献   

马艺萍  王荣华  戴霜  马晓军 《沉积学报》2022,40(6):1525-1541
开展现代河流沉积物的物源分析正演研究,对厘清河流搬运分选过程对不同碎屑成分的影响、不同源区对汇区沉积物的贡献机制以及物源定量分析具有重要意义。对北祁连北大河与洪水坝河现代河流沉积物的物源开展了正演研究,结合砾石成分统计、重矿物分析和碎屑锆石U-Pb测年方法,分析了流域内不同物源对现代河流不同碎屑成分贡献的差异性。结果表明,两条河流沉积物的特征显示汇区不同碎屑成分对物源区岩性的反映各有侧重。其中砾石岩性能够反映整个流域的主要岩性;砂粒中的重矿物组合也可以反映源区主要岩性,且对重矿物含量较高的岩体或地层(如铁矿)十分敏感;碎屑锆石年龄谱反映了整个流域物源端元锆石的综合贡献,各年龄峰锆石占比与源区各年龄峰锆石贡献呈较好的正相关关系,其中源区沉积岩碎屑锆石的贡献比较显著。通过河流物源正演分析进一步建立现代河流源汇模式是实现物源量化分析的一个可行方向。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江缝合带是新特提斯洋俯冲消亡的残余,记录了新特提斯洋打开—闭合的全过程。本文以雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段仲巴地区南侧的纳久混杂岩为研究对象,进行了详细的放射虫年代学,砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb同位素年代学以及碎屑组分统计研究。我们的数据表明,纳久混杂岩中硅质岩含有大量保存较好的放射虫化石,包含Pseudodictyomitra carpatica带典型分子,根据放射虫时代组合确定其时代为早Barremian阶;混杂岩中砂岩岩块主要为岩屑砂岩,不同样品碎屑锆石得出的最大沉积年龄介于95~73 Ma之间。碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄源区分析表明,碎屑物质来自北侧的冈底斯岩浆弧和拉萨地体。纳久混杂岩南侧的砂岩沉积时代为早白垩世,碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄源区表明具有典型的特提斯喜马拉雅特征。我们的数据表明,纳久混杂岩基质时代为早白垩世,砂岩岩块时代为晚白垩世,与北侧的早白垩世蛇绿岩共同组成了白垩纪的增生楔,随着印度与欧亚大陆的碰撞仰冲到特提斯喜马拉雅之上。  相似文献   

李顺  丁林  付佳俊  岳雅慧 《岩石学报》2016,32(11):3537-3546
达金砾岩出露于西藏阿里地区冈仁波齐峰南麓,因其地层中发现深海有孔虫化石而受到广泛关注,然而由于达金砾岩的沉积时代不确定,对其沉积的大地构造背景也没有统一的认识。本文中,根据最年轻的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄限定达金砾岩的最大沉积时代为渐新世末-中新世初(24~27Ma)。综合野外观察,砂岩碎屑统计和碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分析,本文认为达金砾岩的底部和顶部地层中碎屑物质直接来源于北侧的冈底斯弧,而其中部地层中碎屑物质(包括有孔虫化石)应再旋回自西侧的弧前盆地错江顶群地层。达金砾岩与上覆的冈底斯砾岩连续沉积,且其沉积时代,源区分析结果都与冈底斯砾岩一致,因此本文认为达金砾岩应隶属于冈底斯砾岩。达金砾岩地层变形较弱,产状近乎水平,应沉积于拉张应力背景下,可能与渐新世末-中新世初俯冲的印度板片的"折返"和"断离"有关。  相似文献   

Located on the south of the Gangdese,the Qiuwu Formation has traditionally been considered as Eocene coal-bearing clastic sediments consisting of sandstone,mudstone and conglomerate,unconformably on top of Gangdese batholith.However,its precise age and depositional environment remain ambiguous.Here,we present a newly measured stratigraphic section near the Ngamring County,western Xigaze.Detrital zircon U-Pb ages were also applied to trace the provenance of sediments and to constrain the maximum depositional age of the Qiuwu Formation.Sedimentary facies analyses indicate subaqueous fan and alluvial fan depositional environments.Clast composition of the conglomerate is dominated by magmatic rocks at the lower part,while chert and mafic detritus occur in the upper part,suggesting a southern source.Sandstone modal analyses indicate that the compositions of quartz,feldspar and lithic grains changed from transitional arc to dissected arc,implying the unroofing of the Gangdese arc.Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the Qiuwu Formation are compared with those from Gangdese magmatic rocks and Yarlung-Zangbo ophiolites,suggesting that the Gangdese arc is a main source of the Qiuwu detritus and that the southern source played a role during the later stage.The major peak of detrital zircon ages is at 45-55 Ma,which corresponds to Linzizong volcanic rocks in southern Gangdese arc.The weighted mean age of the five youngest zircons from the lower part of the section is 21.0 ± 2.2 Ma,suggesting that the Qiuwu Formation was deposited in early Miocene,coeval with other conglomerates exposed along the southern margin of Gangdese.Combining new observations with previously published data,we propose that the provenance of the Qiuwu Formation had shifted from a single northern source to double sources from both the north and the south.Activities of Great Counter Thrust were primarily responsible for the shift by making the south area a high elevation to provide sediments for the Qiuwu Formation.  相似文献   

Age-dating of detrital zircons from 22 samples collected along, and adjacent to, the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone, southern Tibet provides distinctive age-spectra that characterize important tectonostratigraphic units. Comparisons with data from Nepal, northern India and the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes of central Tibet constrain possible sources of sediment, and the history of tectonic interactions.Sedimentary rocks in the Cretaceous–Paleogene Xigaze terrane exhibit strong Mesozoic detrital zircon peaks (120 and 170 Ma) together with considerable older inheritance in conglomeratic units. This forearc basin succession developed in association with a continental volcanic arc hinterland in response to Neotethyan subduction under the southern edge of the Eurasia. Conspicuous sediment/source hinterland mismatches suggest that plate convergence along this continental margin was oblique during the Late Cretaceous. The forearc region may have been translated > 500 km dextrally from an original location nearer to Myanmar.Tethyan Himalayan sediments on the other side of the Yarlung-Tsangpo suture zone reveal similar older inheritance and although Cretaceous sediments formed 1000s of km and across at least one plate boundary from those in the Xigaze terrane they too contain an appreciable mid-Early Cretaceous (123 Ma) component. In this case it is attributed to volcanism associated with Gondwana breakup.Sedimentary overlap assemblages reveal interactions between colliding terranes. Paleocene Liuqu conglomerates contain a cryptic record of Late Jurassic and Cretaceous rock units that appear to have foundered during a Paleocene collision event prior the main India–Asia collision. Detrital zircons as young as 37 Ma from the upper Oligocene post-collisional Gangrinboche conglomerates indicate that subduction-related convergent margin magmatism continued through until at least Middle and probably Late Eocene along the southern margin of Eurasia (Lhasa terrane).Although the ages of detrital zircons in some units appear compatible with more than one potential source with care other geological relationships can be used to further constrain some linkages and eliminate others. The results document various ocean closure and collision events and when combined with other geological information this new dataset permits a more refined understanding of the time–space evolution of the Cenozoic India–Asia collision system.  相似文献   

This work deals with new lithostratigraphic, sedimentological, petrographic and geochemical data collected from coastal Quaternary formations of the Tangier Peninsula along the Northern Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts in the southern side of the Gibraltar Strait (Morocco).The sedimentological features of the analyzed sections reflect a palaeoenvironment evolution from a submerged beach-type to a high energy littoral depositional system, namely lower shoreface to beachface environment with a regressive trend to thickening- and coarsening-upward sequences. Other successions, located nearby Larache city and in the Sidi Kankouch area, are also characterized by a positive trend to fining- and thinning-upward sequences, reflecting an evolution from lower beachface or upper shoreface to lower shoreface. It is possible that the transgressive to regressive trend inversion could be related to fluctuations of sediment input rate versus accommodation space during the progradation of a coastal palaeoenvironment.The lateral and vertical evolution of the studied marine formations is related to late Quaternary neotectonics, mainly to the last repercussions of isostatic rebound of the External and Flysch Basin Domains, during a period of relatively uniform sea level between 280,000 and 125,000 years B.P.The provenance of arenites of these Quaternary marine formations, studied by means of modal counting and geochemical analysis, seems to be linked mainly to Middle-Upper Miocene and Pliocene terrigenous successions, unconformably resting on various formations of the Neogene accretionary prism. The latter has been built by the stacking of Flysch Nappes and External Units of the Northern Rif Chain.  相似文献   

熊帅  许文良  王枫  葛文春 《岩石学报》2020,36(3):741-758
本文对出露在兴凯地块南部伊曼群的变沉积岩和侵入其中的火成岩进行了系统的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和Hf同位素研究,旨在查明伊曼群的形成时代与物源,并讨论侵入岩的成因和构造背景。伊曼群二云母片岩中锆石呈自形-半自形,显示典型的岩浆生长环带,暗示其岩浆成因。定年结果表明:100个碎屑锆石分析点给出了555~1322Ma的年龄区间,主要峰值年龄为555Ma、612Ma、700Ma、739Ma、769Ma、839Ma、936Ma;其中约533Ma的锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值介于-4.1~+3之间,二阶段模式年龄t_(DM2)介于1305~1755Ma之间;700~839Ma的锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值介于-3.7~+7.8之间,二阶段模式年龄t_(DM2)介于1246~1907Ma之间。侵入伊曼群的白云母二长花岗岩的定年结果显示为443±3Ma,此年龄对应ε_(Hf)(t)值介于-17.6~-4.2之间,二阶段模式年龄t_(DM2)介于1688~2529Ma之间。结合二云母片岩中碎屑锆石的最小年龄以及穿切其中花岗岩的形成时代,可以判定伊曼群二云母片岩的形成时代介于443~555Ma之间,应为新元古代晚期至晚奥陶世之间。基于伊曼群中碎屑锆石的年龄众数及与区域岩浆事件的对比,伊曼群的沉积物源主要来自松嫩地块和佳木斯地块的新元古代火成岩。此外,白云母二长花岗岩显示出埃达克岩的地球化学属性,岩浆源于加厚下地壳的部分熔融,暗示晚奥陶世研究区可能发生了陆壳加厚事件。  相似文献   

藏南仲巴地区早白垩世日朗组出露于特提斯喜马拉雅北亚带,整体为黄绿色火山岩屑砂岩,局部层位可见页岩与泥岩,分析为一套深海海底扇沉积组合。本文仔细分析了日朗组砂岩岩石学特征及鲍马序列和槽模沉积构造等沉积学特征,结果表明:日朗组砂岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度均不高,具有近源物源的特点;槽模构造古水流数据统计表明古流向由南向北,指示物质组分来源于南侧特提斯喜马拉雅和/或印度克拉通。砂岩碎屑组分统计结果表明日朗组的物源区构造背景属于克拉通内部及石英再旋回区。碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄频谱图对比进一步表明其物源区为印度稳定大陆边缘,外加一套早白垩世火山碎屑物质的输入。仲巴地区日朗组物源特征反映了印度大陆北缘早白垩世由深部断裂引起的一次强烈的火山事件,可能与印度大陆从澳大利亚-南极大陆裂解有关。  相似文献   


The basal conglomerates (‘Linsishan Conglomerate’, LC, herein) are exposed discontinuously along the northern part of the Sulu Orogenic Belt (SOB) and the southern part of the Jiaobei Terrane. Studying these conglomerates can offer key constrains for the formation age of the Jiaolai Basin and improve our understanding of the uplift and erosional histories of the SOB and Jiaobei Terrane, which are still in great controversy. In Huangyadi section, the LC is characterized as debris-flow deposits, channel deposits, and sheet-flow deposits. However, in Shanjiao section, the LC is changed to sheet-flow and sieve deposits, as well as debris-flow and channel deposits. These deposit characteristics indicate an unstable tectonic setting during initial opening stage of the basin. Based on the data of conglomerate component, palaeocurrent, and debris zircons ages, it can be inferred that the sediments in the Laiyang region were sourced from the Jiaobei Terrane and Northern Sulu Orogenic Belt (NSOB), and the sediments in the Zhucheng and Wulian regions were derived from the Jiaobei Terrane and the Southern Sulu Orogenic Belt (SSOB). Besides, the sediments in the Haiyang and Jimo regions were provided by the NSOB and SSOB, respectively. The significant SHRIMP U–Pb ages of a tuff developing in the LC has been obtained, indicating that 149 ± 2.5 Ma is the oldest age constraint for the Jiaolai Basin. In addition, our result shows that the Latest Jurassic (ca. 149 Ma) may be a critical time; before this time, the Jiaobei Terrane and the SOB experienced a rapid uplift with minimal uplift velocity (~0.9 km/Ma); since then, the Orogen began to collapse and a series of basins formed rapidly in its core, which indicate the tectonic stress regime of the Dabie-Sulu Orogen varied from compressional stress to tensile stress.  相似文献   

We present our new investigation into the depositional environment and provenance of the Yingshuiquan Formation in the central Qiangtang region of northern Tibet, in order to further our understanding of the environment of the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys during the Early Triassic. The Yingshuiquan Formation is composed of oolitic limestone, calcareous sandstone, calcarenite, thin-bedded ribbon limestone, bioclastic limestone, and coarse oolite limestone that were deposited in a shallow-marine basin and contain abundant Lower Triassic conodont fossils (e.g. Hadrodontina anceps, Pachycladina sp., gen. et sp, Pachyclaina oblique, Hibbardelloides sp). We selected detrital zircons from four calcareous sandstone samples for U–Pb dating, yielding minimum age peaks of 263, 269, 275, and 280 Ma, respectively, and a minimum age of 249 Ma, based on several zircons around the same age. Analysis of the conodont biofacies and zircon LA-ICP-MS dating of calcareous sandstone indicates that the data is consistent with deposition in the Early Triassic. The Yingshuiquan Formation records Early Triassic shallow-water sediment in the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys, and has a Southern Qiangtang and Northern Qiangtang terranes provenance. During the Early Triassic, the carbonate sediments of the Yingshuiquan Formation were deposited in an active environment around the Longmu Co–Shuanghu Palaeo–Tethys, which has became a residual sea basin.  相似文献   

通过1∶25万区域地质调查,在藏南普兰县拉昂错—萨嘎县旦嘎东雅鲁藏布江结合带南带修康群中发现了大量放射虫化石,通过对该区沉积地层的详细调查,结合放射虫化石对原划修康群进行了充分解体,新厘定出侏罗系至始新统7个组级岩石地层单位,其中白垩系划分为折巴组与桑单林组。折巴组以杂色硅质岩、泥岩和页岩为主,夹砂岩、玄武岩等,与上覆上侏罗统旦嘎组和下伏下白垩统桑单林组呈整合接触关系,含丰富的早白垩世放射虫化石;桑单林组以杂色石英砂岩、砂岩、泥岩、页岩及硅质岩为主,夹玄武岩等,整合于下白垩统折巴组与古近系蹬岗组之间,含丰富的晚白垩世放射虫与有孔虫化石。白垩系折巴组与桑单林组的建立与研究,丰富和完善了中生代特提斯洋盆区(雅鲁藏布江南带地层分区)的岩石地层沉积序列,提高了地层的研究水平,为研究该区沉积古地理环境和大地构造演化提供了新的基础资料。  相似文献   


八宿微陆块位于班公湖—怒江缝合带东部,其古生代地层的构造属性存在争议,有增生楔和微陆块两种观点。古生代地层(邦达组和错绒沟口组)岩性为板岩、千枚岩,夹灰岩、砂岩等岩块。本文对八宿地区邦达组和错绒沟口组进行了野外调查、砂岩镜下观察以及碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学研究,结果表明:1)地层中砂岩的地层最大沉积年龄为510.2±2.5 Ma,结合岩块中古生物化石、玄武岩和辉绿岩锆石年龄,其沉积时代初步限定为寒武纪—早石炭世。2)地层属于具有变质基底的微陆块,而不是增生楔。3)邦达组和错绒沟口组中碎屑锆石多为岩浆成因,测得U-Pb年龄可划分为650~500 Ma、1 200~700 Ma、1 850~1 550 Ma和2 600~2 400 Ma,表明物源区存在强烈的泛非期和格林威尔造山期构造岩浆事件。4)邦达组和错绒沟口组所在的微陆块与南羌塘地体具有相近的物源区,经历了相似的构造演化,属于冈瓦纳大陆的一部分。


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