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重点讨论基于不同软件平台下,机载LiDAR数据加工DEM测绘产品工艺技术研究。针对原始LiDAR点云集数据拼接、系统精度纠正、预处理→地面高程点提取→非地面点滤波分类→数字地面模型编辑→数字高程模型网格化→DEM产品质量检验等生产工艺流程进行研究。通过对LiDAR数据滤波分类处理算法应用研究,实现不同地物类别点云自动化提取。同时针对高精度的DTM、DEM数模产品拓展应用,重构地表模型三维虚拟成像。  相似文献   

通过机载LiDAR飞行数据处理,获得飞行区内高精度的数字高程模型(DEM)和数字地表模型(DSM)等数字地形成果,应用数字地形进行地质构造解译,确定小江活动断裂展布及构造地貌特征,圈定飞行区内金沙江、小江的滑坡及泥石流的分布范围,估算其面积及体积,为此类地质灾害的预警提供可靠信息。   相似文献   

LiDAR技术在活动构造研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沿断裂带的大比例尺地貌填图是活动构造研究的重要基础。传统方法一般通过遥感、航片解译以及典型地点的实地测量进行详细填图。因此传统方法一般只能获得二维变形特征,或者局部的三维变形。激光雷达测量(Light Detection And Ranging-LiDAR)技术优势为对地貌的高精度、全方位、三维直接测量,可以为活动构造研究提供沿整条断裂带的高精度地貌高程基础数据。基于LiDAR数据的量化分析是未来活动构造研究的趋势。目前,美国、欧洲、日本以及我国台湾地区等均已经开展沿主要活动断裂带的大规模机载LiDAR测量。与传统方法相比,LiDAR技术在森林覆盖区和城区的活动断裂填图中具有巨大的优势,在沿断裂位错测量上也更精准,更有效。并且震前与震后LiDAR数据对比也是研究同震变形特征、探索断裂发震模式的重要手段。本文综述LiDAR技术在活动构造研究中的主要应用,介绍LiDAR技术在活动构造研究中的优势与前景。分析表明,激光雷达技术在活动构造研究中的应用势在必行,沿国内主要活动断裂带的机载LiDAR测量将成为未来国内活动断裂研究基础数据获取的重要手段。  相似文献   

InSAR(合成孔径干涉雷达测量)是一种新型对地观测技术,由于其高精度、大区域、可穿透云雾、全天候、全天时的工作特性,在数字高程模型(DEM)提取以及地表形变监测方面有着独特的优势.在InSAR图像处理的过程中,相位解缠是至关重要的一步,相位解缠效果的好坏直接影响到高程图的精度.本文利用ASAR数据,在ROI_PAC软件下进行处理,对DEM提取流程进行简要的分析.ROI_PAC软件处理InSAR数据所应用的相位解缠算法是最经典的路径跟踪法——枝切法.对于该算法本文进行了详细的分析探讨,并针对算法中残差点搜索的过程提出了一种新的改进算法思想.  相似文献   

近年来,隐蔽性强、突发性高、破坏力大、灾害链长的重大地质灾害频繁发生。如何实现人工排查无法到达区域地质灾害隐患的早期识别,已是地质灾害防治领域必需解决的难题。本文基于无人机载LiDAR和倾斜摄影技术,获取地质灾害隐患点更加精准、精细的地形地貌勘测数据,采用定性与定量相结合方法开展地质灾害隐患早期识别。无人机载LiDAR技术能够“穿透”地表植被,获取真实地表数字高程模型(DEM),据此可计算出地质灾害的关键特征参数,如山体阴影、坡度、等高线、粗糙度以及曲率等微地貌因子。无人机载倾斜摄影技术能够快速获取地质灾害隐患点的三维模型和数字正射影像(DOM),使在三维实景场景模型中开展地质灾害隐患点识别和研判成为可能。通过建立数据综合应用策略,对地质灾害隐患点定性和定量分析,能够实现早期发现、有效识别。本文通过对九寨沟九道拐滑坡点的研究分析,结果表明无人机载LiDAR和倾斜摄影技术在地质灾害隐患早期识别方面具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

数字地质调查RGMap(RGMapGIS和MEMapGIS)系统是目前应用于我国地质矿产资源调查数字化专用软件系统,在基础地质填图、矿产资源评价领域得到推广使用,笔者应用RGMapGIS系统集成的综合数据处理模块对物化探勘查获取的测点信息数据进行相关方法数据处理,并编制了物化探成果图件。  相似文献   

机载激光雷达技术(LiDAR)可以直接获取地表高精度三维信息,载有LiDAR设备的飞机可深入到震后交通遭受严重破坏的重灾区,快速对大范围区域进行数据采集及数据分析,为灾情信息获取与评估以及震后救援提供技术支撑。本文对获得的海地雅克梅勒(Jacmel)地区震后LiDAR点云数据进行了处理和分析,通过提取建筑物矢量,生成数字地表模型(DSM),探索了震后建筑物信息提取及三维建模方法,创建了真实可量测的三维建筑物模型。结果表明,由于雅克梅勒地区距离震中较远、建筑物破坏程度较低,震后大部分建筑物完好,基于激光点云数据的震区建筑物三维重建效果较好。  相似文献   

我国数字填图技术研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李超岭 《新疆地质》2003,21(Z1):1-6
数字填图系统(RGMAP)是中国地质调查局研发的,用来进行区域地质调查工作的专业软件.通过4幅150000和10幅1250000数字填图试点应用,使数字填图系统已臻于完善,为中国地质调查局全面推广数字填图方法奠定了良好的基础.野外数据采集数字化,使得地质调查数据实现了一体化的描述、组织、综合、管理及资源的统一描述、再现和集成.建立个性化的多用户,多目标的社会化服务体系,是今后地质调查主流程信息化的主要任务和目标.  相似文献   

基于机载LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)数据的DEM快速构建是当前研究的热点内容之一。论文根据机载LiDAR数据的特点,基于最新开发的ENVI软件LiDAR模型,进行了DEM数据的快速构造研究。最后,根据榆树地区的LiDAR数据,通过解算等过程得到了当地的DEM数据。  相似文献   

数字地质调查信息综合平台(DGSS)在我国地质调查中逐渐占据主导地位。以1∶5万水系沉积物化探测量后期成图的实际应用为例,通过迭代法计算背景值和标准偏差,求得异常下限,进而绘制出地球化学元素等值线图及异常图;通过软件集成的数据分析功能分析各元素相关系数,确定元素组合,绘制组合异常图、综合异常图。展示数字地质调查信息综合平台在处理数据及数据成图两方面所具有的功能强大、方便快捷、高效精准的优点。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to map landslide susceptibility in Zigui segment of the Yangtze Three Gorges area that is known as one of the most landslide-prone areas in China by using data from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and digital mapping camera (DMC). The likelihood ratio (LR) and logistic regression model (LRM) were used in this study. The work is divided into three phases. The first phase consists of data processing and analysis. In this phase, LiDAR and DMC data and geological maps were processed, and the landslide-controlling factors were derived such as landslide density, digital elevation model (DEM), slope angle, aspect, lithology, land use and distance from drainage. Among these, the landslide inventories, land use and drainage were constructed with both LiDAR and DMC data; DEM, slope angle and aspect were constructed with LiDAR data; lithology was taken from the 1:250,000 scale geological maps. The second phase is the logistic regression analysis. In this phase, the LR was applied to find the correlation between the landslide locations and the landslide-controlling factors, whereas the LRM was used to predict the occurrence of landslides based on six factors. To calculate the coefficients of LRM, 13,290,553 pixels was used, 29.5 % of the total pixels. The logical regression coefficients of landslide-controlling factors were obtained by logical regression analysis with SPSS 17.0 software. The accuracy of the LRM was 88.8 % on the whole. The third phase is landslide susceptibility mapping and verification. The mapping result was verified using the landslide location data, and 64.4 % landslide pixels distributed in “extremely high” zone and “high” zone; in addition, verification was performed using a success rate curve. The verification result show clearly that landslide susceptibility zones were in close agreement with actual landslide areas in the field. It is also shown that the factors that were applied in this study are appropriate; lithology, elevation and distance from drainage are primary factors for the landslide susceptibility mapping in the area, while slope angle, aspect and land use are secondary.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术获取高精度DTM的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维激光扫描技术又被称为实景复制技术,是测绘领域继GPS技术之后的又一次技术革命,它突破了传统的单点测量方法,具有高效率、高精度的独特优势。三维激光扫描技术能够提供扫描物体表面的三维点云数据,因此可以用于获取高精度高分辨率的数字地形模型。本文将以一工程边坡为例讨论利用三维激光扫描技术快速获取数字地形模型的方法,着重论述三维点云数据的获取、拼接、坐标校正、去噪及数字高程模型的生成方法,由此得出在一定空间范围内利用三维激光扫描技术快速获取高精度高分辨率的数字地形模型具有可行性。  相似文献   

以数字化校园工程———“数字成都理工大学”为例,探讨利用航空影像和数字摄影测量技术,获取基础空间地理信息的方法及途径。并采用三维建模软件Cyber C ity对建筑物进行三维建模。而对于复杂地物,采用三维地理信息系统IMAGIS软件建立单个模型,从而实现了成都理工大学校区的三维可视化虚拟重建和漫游。实践证明,利用数字摄影测量技术和遥感影像,能够有效地获取大范围区域地表地物的三维信息,并快速地建立地面模型和三维景观。  相似文献   

探索采煤地表沉陷的高新监测技术方法是推动采煤沉陷监测的重要工作,无人机载LiDAR采煤塌陷监测技术是无人机与LiDAR构建的一种新型低空三维空间测量技术。以宁东煤炭基地马莲台煤矿采煤沉陷区为例,采用无人机机载LiDAR监测技术获取了2017年4月及8月2期三维点云数据,通过数据三维建模和沉降信息提取,得到了地面沉陷情况的三维立体图,监测出了3处地面沉降区,并利用实测水准点和已有GPS自动监测站数据,对该技术监测地面沉降的精度进行评估。研究结果表明,无人机机载LiDAR监测技术方法可满足采煤塌陷的立体监测需求,具有机动灵活、成本低、效率高、精度高等特点,未来可在类似地区推广应用。  相似文献   

二连浩特北部地区位于二连-东乌旗铜多金属成矿带之西端,具有良好的成矿远景.在二连地区1:25万数字化区域地质调查工作基础上,阐述了GIS技术在1:25万区域地质调查工作中的技术路线、数据获取、数据管理中空间数据库工作流程和图层管理.在数字高程模型子系统(DTM)中,利用地形数据制作立体地形图.以基础地质为背景,通过对航磁、重力、化探异常等多源、多尺度数据分析预测,总结了成矿规律,对该区进行了成矿预测,圈出个成矿远景区.  相似文献   

Three dimensional (3D) photorealistic models of geological outcrops have the potential to enhance the teaching of earth sciences by providing scale models in a virtual reality environment. These models can be run on low-cost desktop computers. Photorealistic models for geological outcrops are a digital illustration of outcrop photographs with either a point cloud representation or Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) mesh of the outcrop surface. The level of detail for these models is dependent on the target resolutions (physical and optical) that were used during data acquisition. In addition, the technique in which the data is rendered as a digital model affects the level of detail that can be observed by the geologists. A colored point cloud representation is suitable for large-scale features, but fine details are lost when the geologist zooms in to view the model close up. In contrast, a photorealistic model that is constructed from photographs draped onto a triangle mesh surface derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds provides a level of detail that is restricted only by the resolution of the photographs.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method for assessing aeolian fetch distances in beach/dune systems. The remote‐sensing technique has advantages over currently used proxy measures of fetch distance, such as those based on tide gauges and beach profiles. The method uses a digital camera, global positioning system surveying, and a geographical information system software package to produce a rectified image of the beach surface. From this, direct measurements of the wet–dry beach boundary can be combined with wind direction measurements to determine fetch distance. The method offers an improvement on current approaches to sediment transport estimates: a 28‐day study on Magilligan Strand, Northern Ireland, showed that the commonly used high water mark approach overestimated fetch distance by 30% compared with the technique reported here.  相似文献   

The spatial resolution of digital elevation models (DEMs) is an important factor for reliable landslide studies. Multi-interferometric techniques such as persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PSInSAR) are used to evaluate the landslide state of activity and its ground deformation velocity, which is commonly measured along the satellite line of sight (LOS). In order to compare velocities measured by different satellites in different periods, their values can be projected along the steepest slope direction, which is the most probable direction of real movement. In order to achieve this result, DEM-derived products are needed. In this paper, the effectiveness of different DEM resolutions was evaluated in order to project ground deformation velocities measured by means of PSInSAR technique in two different case studies in the Messina Province (Sicily, southern Italy): San Fratello and Giampilieri. Three DEMs were used: (i) a 20-m resolution DEM of the Italian Military Geographic Institute (IGM), (ii) a 2-m resolution DEM derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS) light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data for the San Fratello 2010 landslide, and (iii) a 1-m resolution DEM derived from ALS LiDAR data for the area of Giampilieri. The evaluation of the applied method effectiveness was performed by comparing the DEMs elevation with those of each single permanent scatterer (PS) and projecting the measured velocities along the steepest slope direction. Results highlight that the higher DEM resolution is more suitable for this type of analysis; in particular, the PS located nearby the watershed divides is affected by geometrical problems when their velocities are projected along the steepest slope.  相似文献   

Structural maps are traditionally produced by mapping features such as faults, folds, fabrics, fractures and joints in the field. However, large map areas and the spatially limited ground perspective of the field geologist can potentially increase the likelihood that not all structural features will be identified within a given area. The ability to recognise and map both local and regional structural features using high-resolution remote sensing data provides an opportunity to complement field-based mapping to help generate more comprehensive structural maps. Nonetheless, vegetation cover can adversely affect the extraction of structural information from remotely sensed data as it can mask the appearance of subtle spectral and geomorphological features that correspond to geological structures. This study investigates the utility of airborne Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data and airborne multispectral imagery for detailed structural mapping in vegetated ophiolitic rocks and sedimentary cover of a section of the northern Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Visual enhancement techniques were applied to a 4-m airborne LiDAR digital terrain model and 4-m airborne multispectral imagery to assist the generation of structural lineament maps. Despite widespread vegetation cover, dykes and faults were recognisable as lineaments in both data sets, and the predominant strike trends of lineaments in all resulting maps were found to be in agreement with field-based structural data. Interestingly, prior to fieldwork, most lineaments were assumed to be faults, but were ground-verified as dykes instead, emphasising the importance of ground-truthing. Dyke and fault trends documented in this study define a pervasive structural fabric in the upper Troodos ophiolite that reflects the original sea-floor spreading history in the Larnaca graben. This structural fabric has not previously been observed in such detail and is likely to be continuous in adjacent regions under sedimentary cover. This information may be useful to future exploration efforts in the region focused on identification of structurally controlled mineral and groundwater resources. Overall, our case study highlights the efficacy of airborne LiDAR data and airborne multispectral imagery for extracting detailed and accurate structural information in hard-rock terrain to help complement field-based mapping.  相似文献   

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