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In equilibrated metamorphic rocks containing coexisting garnet, cordierite, quartz and sillimanite, the exchange of iron and magnesium between cordierite and garnet offers a highly favourable geological thermometer and barometer, because this exchange reaction is insensitive to pressure. Thermodynamic analysis shows that this thermometer may be calibrated from knowledge of the breakdown reactions for iron and magnesian cordierite end members to garnet. The thermometer was experimentally calibrated using cordierites of intermediate composition. When applied to rocks showing petrographic evidence of equilibrium, and chemical evidence of reaction between garnet and cordierite, the thermometer yielded temperatures of 600–750:C, and pressures of 5.7–6.7 kilobars. Similar conditions are indicated by other literature data on cordierite-garnet gneisses, and are believed to represent hornblende granulite grade of metamorphism.  相似文献   

Cordierite and garnet are common in migmatites adjoining Caldeonian (sensu lato) synorogenic intrusions in the Highlands of Scotland. Migmatitic hornfelses of the Huntly-Portsoy area, of particular interest in being closely associated with the regional andalusite/kyanite boundary, contain both of the pressure-sensitive sub-assemblages (cordierite-garnet-sillimanite) and (cordierite-garnet-ortho-pyroxene). In other areas regional metamorphism was of higher-pressure (kyanite-sillimanite) type, the metamorphic patterns having been subsequently modified at lower pressures. The subassemblage cordierite-garnet-sillimanite is found in pelites occurring near contacts of the Strontian Granodiorite and the nearby, but probably earlier, Glen Scaddle basic complex, where andalusite also occurs in the contact zone. The sub-assemblage cordierite-garnet-orthopyroxene is studied in migmatitic hornfelses of the Lochnagar aureole. Zoning of cordierite and garnet is found in all specimens, and results largely from retrograde diffusive reactions.The calibrations of the garnet-cordierite-sillimanite geobarometer by Thompson (1976) and by Holdaway and Lee (1977) are used to estimate pressures of migmatization. These calibrations give results 2–3 kbar lower than that of Hensen and Green (1973). In the Huntly-Portsoy area, where the pressure must have been close to that of the Al2SiO5 triple point, the Thompson result is 5.5 ±0.1 kbar. The calibration by Holdaway and Lee (1977), in which the H2O content of cordierite is treated, gives a maximum pressure estimate (for P H 2 O=P) of 6.1 ±0.2 kbar. Rough calculations in which is also estimated, using a simplified biotite-sillimanite-quartz dehydration reaction, give P=4.9±0.1 kbar with 0.6P.The Glen Scaddle area gives P = 5.6–5.9 kbar, P by this method, compared with P=5.2–5.3 kbar by the Thompson calibration. The Strontian area gives lower values (<5kbar) despite being structurally below the Glen Scaddle area; this would indicate late origin of the cordierite-bearing migmatites and is consistent with their interpretation in terms of the thermal effects of the Strontian Granodiorite. The Lochnagar aureole is also relatively low-pressure.Estimates of maximum temperatures are 700–740 °C for the Strontian and Huntly-Portsoy areas, and 780–820 °C for the higher grade localities in the Glen Scaddle and Lochnagar areas, where orthopyroxene coexists with potash felspar and cordierite (but not sillimanite). It is likely that cordierite in all the rocks studied was produced as a result of melting reactions that are also responsible for migmatization.  相似文献   

对西大别四道河含石榴子石花岗片麻岩进行了锆石 U-Pb 和石榴子石 Lu-Hf 年代学测试,锆石 U-Pb谐和年龄为(223±1) Ma,石榴子石-全岩 Lu-Hf 等时线年龄为(212.2±0.7) Ma.石榴子石具有极高的母子体同位素比值(176Lu/177Hf =~300).结合锆石和石榴子石的微量元素特征,该锆石 U-Pb 年龄代表的可能是超高压/高压变质时间,石榴子石 Lu-Hf 年龄代表的是石榴子石重结晶时间,可能指示了后期退变质作用流体活动  相似文献   

In the acid volcanic rocks of the Cerberean Cauldron of Central Victoria, four almandine garnet types can be distinguished. Types 1 and 2 are the most important. Type 1 garnets, about 1 mm across, euhedral and free of inclusions, occur mainly in the Rubicon Rhyolite. Type 2 garnets, up to 1 cm across, often irregular and always with inclusions, are most abundant in the Lake Mountain Rhyodacite. Type 1 garnets are enriched in Fe and Mn and depleted in Mg and Ca with respect to Type 2 garnets. Zoning patterns in Type 1 garnets show enrichment of Fe and Mn in the cores. Conversely Type 2 garnets have Fe and Mn enriched rims, although the zoning is frequently less regular. Fe rich cordierite occurs, mainly in the Rubicon Rhyolite, as nearly euhedral sixlings, without inclusions. They are frequently altered but where fresh show zoning patterns like those of the Type 1 garnets.These characteristics are best explained if the Type 2 garnets and cordierite are residuals of high grade metamorphic assemblages in granitic liquids produced by partial melting of pelitic rocks. Type 1 garnets and biotite subsequently crystallized from the liquid and the zoning patterns of Type 2 garnets and cordierite were modified near their rims by reaction.  相似文献   

桐柏山地区信阳-舒城断裂带西段石榴云母片岩中石榴石变斑晶保留了较多岩石形成过程中的变形-变质信息,它真实地反映了中国南北两大板块缝合带的形成条件和演化历史.石榴石探针成分分析结果表明其属于铁铝榴石,反映出经受中级区域变质作用的特征.在Nadi石榴石成分与变质带的关系图上主要投影在略偏石榴石带的蓝晶石带内,显示岩石遭受了...  相似文献   

出露于阿中地块库木塔什萨依一带的亚干布阳片麻岩主要岩性为黑云斜长片麻岩、黑云二长片麻岩。利用LA-ICPMS方法进行锆石微区U-Pb同位素定年,得到206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为900.2±2.9Ma,表明亚干布阳片麻岩原岩形成于新元古代早期青白口纪;地球化学结果显示,主量元素具有高SiO_2、Al_2O_3、K_2O+Na_2O含量,低Na_2O、MgO、CaO和TiO_2含量的特征,A/CNK值介于0.95~1.22之间,属于高钾钙碱性系列的过铝质花岗岩。岩石富集Rb、Th、K等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Sr、P、Hf、Ti等高场强元素;岩石轻稀土元素分馏较强而重稀土元素分馏较弱,具有明显的负Eu异常,总体呈右倾的"V"字形稀土元素配分模式,显示典型的地壳重熔型花岗岩特征。亚干布阳片麻岩的源岩主要为地壳中沉积岩类的部分熔融,形成于俯冲-同碰撞构造环境。综上说明亚干布阳片麻岩是新元古代早期俯冲碰撞热事件的产物,反映阿中地块和柴达木地块青白口纪处于汇聚碰撞阶段,构造岩浆活动强烈,与Rodinia超大陆汇聚事件具有一致性。  相似文献   

Two xenoliths of garnet harzburgite from the Finsch kimberlite, South Africa, have been found to contain diamond. One of the xenoliths has mineral compositions typical of low-T coarse textured garned peridotites, whereas minerals in the other are similar but not identical to most peridotite-suite minerals included in diamonds, especially in the low-CaO content of garnet. Geothermobarometric calculations show both xenoliths equilibrated at temperatures above 1,100°C and pressures>55 kbar, which is near the low-pressure end of the range of equilibration conditions for diamond-free garnet lherzolites and garnet harzburgites from Finsch. The chemistries of the minerals in the two rocks are distinctly different to most of the mineral inclusions in Finsch diamonds. This, as well as the different 13C compositions between xenolith diamonds (-2.8 to-4.6) and diamonds in the kimberlite (generally<-4.3) suggest different origins or sources for the diamonds.  相似文献   

刘培喜 《吉林地质》2000,19(1):51-57
本文阐述了杨木桥子沟片麻岩地质特征,探讨了成因机制、变形期次及成岩时代,推断了古陆壳存在的可能.  相似文献   


An integrated study including petrography, mineral chemistry, metamorphic P–T path modelling, and zircon U–Pb dating was conducted on a granitic gneiss and enclosed eclogite from South Dulan, North Qaidam UHP (ultrahigh-pressure) belt. The result shows that the granitic gneiss underwent a clockwise P–T path with a peak-P stage at 655–745°C, 30–34 kbar, and a subsequent peak-T stage at 815–870°C, 14–18 kbar, which is similar to the P–T estimates reported for coesite-bearing continental-type eclogites in this region. The enclosed eclogite resembles an olivine–pyroxene-rich cumulate in Qaidam block. It has a similar prograde P–T path with the country gneiss and experienced a peak-P stage of 682–748°C at 27–34 kbar. Zircon U–Pb dating yields an eclogite-facies metamorphic age of 447 ± 2 Ma for the granitic gneiss and 445 ± 6 Ma for the enclosed eclogite. These ages agree with metamorphic ages obtained from paragneisses (427–439 Ma), coesite-bearing continental-type eclogites (430–451 Ma), and UHPM (ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic) oceanic crust–mantle sequence (440–445 Ma) from South Dulan, as well as UHP eclogites, garnet peridotite, and gneisses from other units (460–420 Ma) within this belt reported by others. Similar metamorphic ages as well as P–T evolution documented in gneisses and intercalated eclogites imply that both rocks experienced a coeval UHP event. Summarizing all the published geochronology data, we argue that the North Qaidam UHP belt was mainly formed by continental deep subduction at ~460 to ~420 Ma. The UHPM oceanic crust-mantle sequence in South Dulan may represent oceanic lithosphere in the transition zone between oceanic and continental crust, which was dragged upward by the exhumed continental rocks after break-off of the dense oceanic crust.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been numerous calibrations of the biotite-garnet Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer. The Eastern Lac Seul region of the English River subprovince, Ontario, provides an excellent field area in which to compare these calibrations.Trend surface analysis using the temperatures obtained from garnet cores and matrix biotites-showed almost identical trends in the eastern Lac Seul region regardless of the calibration used. The absolute temperatures and the precision of each calibration do, however, show large variation. Geothermometers based solely on lnKD were found to give more precise results than the calibrations that attempt to incorporate non-Fe-Mg components. The Perchuk and Lavrent'eva (1983) thermometer yields the most precise and accurate results. If a sufficient number of samples are collected over a region, it can be used to estimate metamorphic temperature trends to ±30° C. Metamorphism and migmatization of the English River subprovince occurred during the Kenoran orogeny, 2.68 b.y. ago. Our results show that a thermal anticline has been preserved, with temperatures of 600° C at the north and south contacts with Uchi and Wabigoon Greenstone belts, increasing to 725 °C at the center of the subprovince. A garnet-cordierite in isograd occurs at 650° C and an orthopyroxene in isogradat 700° C.  相似文献   

石榴子石是高级变质作用的重要矿物之一,能够保留成分环带和不同变质阶段的矿物或流体包裹体,为示踪寄主岩石经历的变质演化历史提供重要信息。本文对采自雅拉香波片麻岩穹窿内高级变质岩中石榴子石进行了详细的包裹体成分、主量元素环带和微量元素特征的研究,揭示出石榴子石黑云母片麻岩至少记录了五期岩浆或变质热事件。第Ⅰ期石榴子石为来源于源区的岩浆型石榴子石。第Ⅱ期、第Ⅲ期和第Ⅳ期石榴子石为变质型石榴子石,但不同期次变质作用的温压条件和生长介质、矿物组合不同。第Ⅴ期石榴子石为转熔型石榴子石,是黑云母脱水熔融形成,记录了喜马拉雅造山过程早期加厚地壳条件下的深熔作用。喜马拉雅造山带变质岩中石榴子石具有复杂的成因机制和演化历史,在应用石榴子石进行变质作用研究时,需要仔细甄别,否则会得到错误的结论。  相似文献   

The Loon Lake pluton in the Grenville province of Southeastern Ontario consists of a quartz monzonite rim surrounding a monzonite core containing inclusions of gneiss, gabbro and diorite. The pluton was emplaced in amphibolite facies Apsley gneiss, amphibolite and marble. Abnormally high 18O values are observed in all igneous rock types: quartz monzonite (8.9–13.9), monzonite (8.9–9.7), diorite-gabbro (8.0–9.3). High 18O contents are attributable to interaction between pluton and country rocks, through either isotopic exchange or direct mixing of mobilizate anatectically produced in the contact aureole of the pluton.The Apsley gneiss displays a 18O range from 8.3 to 16.9. There is no difference in 18O distribution between rocks inside and outside the contact aureole, although intermineral isotopic fractionations in the aureole are smaller than those outside. A chemical composition discriminant function that distinguishes rocks of igneous origin (DF>0) from sedimentary (DF<0) is inversely correlated with 18O of the gneisses, indicating that low 18O values are inherited from a silicic volcanic protolith. Al2O3/Na2O, an index of maturity of sediments, increases with 18O for the DF<0 group but is almost constant for the DF>0 group over a 18O range from 8.3 to 13.4. The DF<0 group is inferred to have formed from a series of clastic sediments of varying degree of weathering or maturity; the DF>0 group formed either from tuffs partially altered to zeolites, or from hydrated volcanic flows or ignimbrites.  相似文献   

Calcite is a common fracture inflilling mineral in the Grenville gneisses of the Chalk River area, Ontario, Canada. It exhibits a variety of occurrences and textures which suggests calcite has precipitated under different hydrogeochemical conditions that may be identified through a detailed chemical and isotopic investigation of the calcite and associated infilling minerals.The δ18O of these calcites range over 20%. but the δ13C varies over a narrow range of 5%.. None of the calcites analyzed is in isotopic equilibrium with both the δ18O and δ13C of the present day ground water. The lightest δ18O calcites (near 0%. SMOW) are present in sealed fractures and are sometimes associated with laumontite. This suggests that these light calcites formed from hydrothermal solutions (at temperatures less than about 300°C) shortly after the period of metamorphism that formed the gneisses. This interpretation is supported by relatively unradiogenic87Sr/86Sr ratios near 0.709 and δ13C values of −5 to −6%..Most of the Chalk River calcites, however, are considerably heavier in18O and lighter in13C than the hydrothermal end member. This may be the result of low temperature recrystallization of the hydrothermal calcites by meteoric waters under variable water/rock ratios. The13C contents and87Sr/86Sr ratios of these younger, low temperature calcites appear to be partially buffered by the isotopic composition of the original hydrothermal calcite.Pyrite is often associated with the fracture calcites. These pyrites display a wide range in δ34S values of about 70%., which suggests that sulphide precipitation occurred under semi-closed conditions. These data indicate that fracture permeability has been a major control on the isotopic composition of fracture minerals since formation of the gneiss.  相似文献   

阿尔金山走滑断裂带位于青藏高原北缘,向东北与北山构造带相带,它斜切了塔里木板块和柴达木地块,东天山构造带和祁连构造带,新近在该构造带中段苏呈什杰一带发现了高压-超高压岩石新类型-含菱镁矿石二辉橄榄岩,其与高压壳源型榴辉岩共生一起,为幔源型超高变压岩构造侵位的产物。  相似文献   

N.B.W Harris  S Jayaram 《Lithos》1982,15(2):89-98
Mineral compositions from cordierite-bearing metasedimentary enclaves adjacent to the Closepet granite in the Bangalore region of the South Indian Craton indicate peak metamorphism in the range 4.5–5.0 kb, 690–730°C. PH2O is found to decrease towards the south and those assemblages which lie south of the charnockite line are formed under conditions of PH2O < 0.3 Ptotal. 250 km north Bangalore, andalusite-bearing assemblages from the northern margin of the Closepet granite indicate peak metamorphic conditions in the range 2.6–3.8 kb, 520–620°C. The inferred piezotacrmic array is strongly convex towards the temperature axis and may represent a transient geotherm in the upper crust related to the emplacement of the Closepet granite or to volatile activity along the margins of the granite.  相似文献   

张佳瑶  何艳红  陈亮  徐可心 《地质通报》2019,38(10):1626-1636
甘肃天水地区长沟河闪长岩位于北祁连造山带东端,发育片麻状构造面理,长期以来被认为是形成于前寒武纪的侵入岩体。用LA-ICP-MS技术测得2组岩浆锆石的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄为463.3±2.3Ma(MSWD=0.52,n=11)和443.8±2.6Ma(MSWD=0.44,n=9)。锆石微量元素分析表明,2组年龄具有一致的微量元素组成,说明二者晶出于同源封闭的岩浆体系。t-Eu/Eu~*投图显示,约460Ma的岩浆锆石无Eu异常,与幔源岩浆锆石稀土元素特征一致。而约440Ma的岩浆锆石具有负Eu异常,指示母岩开始发生斜长石的结晶分离,与深熔作用过程一致。因此,约460Ma为长沟河闪长质片麻岩原岩的形成年龄,约440Ma为长沟河闪长质片麻岩深熔岩浆的结晶年龄。Hf同位素分析测试结果显示,约460Ma和约440Ma两组锆石的εHf(t)值分别为8.23~11.57和6.36~8.03,指示460Ma发育幔源新生地壳岩浆作用,而440Ma壳源再造活动增强。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1817-1834
We present new geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data for recently recognized lamprophyre dikes in the East Kunlun orogenic belt of NW China. Based on euhedral amphibole phenocrysts and fine-grained, plagioclase-bearing groundmass with accessory magnetite, apatite, and titanite, these dikes are classified as spessartites. Plagioclase in these rocks is Ca-rich with An ranging from 45 to 82. Most of the amphibole phenocrysts are magnesiohastingsite or ferropargasite, with systematic ‘‘normal’ zoning in which Al2O3, CaO, and Mg# decrease from core to rim. The dikes have moderate Mg# (43–49) and high Al2O3 (17.5–18.0 wt.%), FeOtotal (7.4–8.4 wt.%), and CaO (5.9–7.4 wt.%). Based on low total alkalis (Na2O?+?K2O?=?4.2%–5.0 wt.%), most samples plot in the low-K, calc-alkaline field. They are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (e.g. K, Rb, Sr, and Ba) and light rare-earth elements, but are depleted in high-field-strength elements (e.g. Ta, Nb, P, and Ti), and have enriched Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions ((87Sr/86Sr)= 0.70883–0.71045, εNd(t) = –5.51–5.72, εHf(t)?=?–4.42–0.38). Zircon U–Pb geochronology indicates that the dikes were emplaced at 253 ± 2.5 Ma and are unrelated to their granite host, which has an age of 443 ± 1.7 Ma. The geochemical and isotopic data suggest derivation from an enriched lithospheric mantle source that had been metasomatized by subduction-related fluids. Low degrees of partial melting of a phlogopite-bearing, spinel peridotite, followed by fractional crystallization of olivine, amphibole, and Ti-bearing minerals, can account for the observed geochemical features of the dikes. Trace element geochemistry and regional geology suggest that the East Kunlun lamprophryes formed in a subduction-related setting.  相似文献   

发育特征结构的石榴子石是研究俯冲带矿物演化和元素迁移的理想对象。本文首次报道苏鲁造山带东北端威海地区出露的含"环状"石榴子石的石榴角闪岩,并对其开展了详细的岩相学、矿物化学、锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学和变质作用研究。X射线主元素扫面显示,"环状"石榴子石经历了3个阶段生长:最高Ca部分的成核阶段、相对低Ca部分的扩展阶段和最低Ca部分的快速塑形阶段,分别对应M1、M2和M3阶段变质作用,相应的矿物组合为石榴子石高Ca环核部及其矿物包裹体(如角闪石+富Na斜长石+金红石+绿帘石+磷灰石)、石榴子石低Ca环内边及其后成合晶矿物(如角闪石+富Ca斜长石边部+钛铁矿±金红石±磷灰石)和最低Ca石榴子石环外边±角闪石±钛铁矿,未发现超高压变质矿物或假象。传统地质温压计估算出M1和M2阶段的变质P-T条件分别为620~740℃/6.8~10.4kbar和705~775℃/5.3~7.1kbar,而M3阶段可能发生于温度稍高和压力稍低的P-T范围。其中M...  相似文献   

The non-ideal regular Mg-Fe binary in cordierite has been derived through multivariate linear regression of the expressionRT InKD +(P- 1)ΔVK 1 0 , 298 along with updated subfegular mixing parameter of almandine-pyrope solution (Hackler and Wood 1989; Berman 1990). The data base used for multivariate analyses consists of published experimental data (n = 177) on Mg-Fe partitioning between garnet and cordierite in theP-T range 650–1050°C and 4–12 K bar. The non-ideality can be approximated by temperature-dependent Margules parameters. The retrieved values of ΔH<T> o and ΔH<T> o of exchange reaction between garnet and cordierite and enthalpy and entropy of mixing of Mg-Fe cordierite were combined with recent quaternary (Fe-Mg-Ca-Mn) mixing data in garnet to obtain the geothermometric expressions to determine temperature (T Kelvin): $$\begin{gathered} T(WH) = 6832 + 0.031(P - 1) - \{ 166(X_{Mg}^{Gt} )^2 - 506(X_{Fe}^{Gt} )^2 + 680X_{Fe}^{Gt} X_{Mg}^{Gt} + 336(X_{Ca} + X_{Mn} ) \hfill \\ (X_{Mg} - X_{Fe} )^{Gt} - 3300X_{Ca}^{Gt} - 358X_{Mn}^{Gt} \} + 954(X_{Fe} - X_{Mg} )^{Crd} /1.987\ln K_D + 3.41 + 1.5X_{Ca}^{Gt} \hfill \\ + 1.23(X_{Fe} - X_{Mg} )^{Crd} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ $$\begin{gathered} T(Br) = 6920 + 0.031(p - 1) - \{ 18(X_{Mg}^{Gt} )^2 - 296(X_{Fe}^{Gt} )^2 + 556X_{Fe}^{Gt} X_{Mg}^{Gt} - 6339X_{Ca}^{Gt} X_{Mg}^{Gt} \hfill \\ - 99(X_{Ca}^{Gt} )^2 + 4687X_{Ca}^{Gt} (X_{Mg} - X_{Fe}^{Gt} ) - 4269X_{Ca}^{Gt} X_{Fe}^{Gt} - 358X_{Mn}^{Gt} \} + 640(X_{Fe} - X_{Mg} )^{Crd} \hfill \\ + 1.90X_{Ca}^{Gt} (X_{Mg} - X_{Ca} )^{Gt} . \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$   相似文献   

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