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 The Aachen hot springs flow out from Upper Devonian limestones at the Variscan thrust front of the Rhenish Massif. Hydrogeochemical analyses were used to determine the origin of the water and show that sodium, chloride, and sulfate originate from dissolving evaporites that are influenced by meteoric groundwater. The circulation depths of the Aachen thermal water is estimated to be >3500 m using SiO2–geothermometry and the regional geothermal gradient of about 30  °C/km. The deep circulation in Paleozoic sandstones, siltstones and shales and a considerable residence time allow rock water reactions which explain the concentrations of Ba, Sr, F and Si. While the thermal water rises into Upper Devonian limestones carbonates are dissolved. Cooler fresh water from the vicinity contributes to the thermal aquifer depending on the pressure head of the springs. Sulfate reduction coupled with methane oxidation can be observed as soon as the water temperature is below 65  °C. Received: 21 September 1998 · Accepted: 19 May 1999  相似文献   

 Salt-water discharges from a fault system in the crystalline basement of the Black Forest into the gravel aquifer of the Kinzig River valley near Ohlsbach, upper Rhine River valley, southwestern Germany. The salt water (TDS, 16 g/kg) ascends from a reservoir at  1 3 km depth. Once discharged into the gravel aquifer, the saline deep water mixes with fresh groundwater and is carried along the groundwater flow path to the middle of the Rhine River valley. There, the natural geogene salt-water plume merges with a man-made chloride-rich infiltration zone along the Rhine River. The plume was mapped using (1) chloride data from groundwater observation wells, and (2) resistivity data from geoelectric sounding. Background chloride is about 7 mg/kg. In the central region of the plume, chloride concentration exceeds 200 mg/kg. A continuous area of Cl  1 50 mg/kg is distinguished from the discharge fault to the Rhine River over a distance of 12 km. Resistivities range from  1 50 Ω in uncontaminated regions to <7 Ω in the 700 m-long central region of the plume. A low resistivity plume (7–10 Ω) stretches for  1 7 km into the Rhine River valley. The two plume maps are in good agreement. Received, April 1998 / Revised, November 1998, January 1999 / Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

 Drilling of 15 boreholes at a disused liquid waste disposal site near Perth, Western Australia, has indicated that a contamination plume extends about 1000 m in a southerly direction from the site in the direction of groundwater flow. The plume is up to 600 m wide and 5–40 m thick. Chemical and microbiological analyses have indicated that contaminated groundwater contains high concentrations of ammonia, iron, and bacteria at levels that commonly exceed national drinking water guidelines. It is likely that a proposed water supply production well in the path of the contamination plume will have to be abandoned, and additional wells may have to be abandoned if the plume continues to extend in the direction of groundwater flow. There is currently insufficient information to indicate whether the plume is continuing to expand, but studies on similar plumes in the Perth metropolitan area have indicated that contaminated groundwater can move at rates up to 100 m yr–1. Several other liquid waste disposal sites are now located in residential areas of Perth where wells are used for garden irrigation. Further work is required to ensure that there is no potential impact of groundwater contamination on public health in these areas. Received: 31 July 1995 · Accepted: 18 September 1995  相似文献   

 The Hadejia–Nguru Wetlands are annually inundated flood plains in semi-arid northeastern Nigeria. The area has a unique ecosystem that forms a natural barrier against the encroachment of the Sahara desert. Both the rich wetland vegetation and local farmers using shallow tube wells depend on a groundwater mound (with a water table less than 6 m below the surface) that is present in the unconfined aquifer under the flood-plain area. Using well records (1991–97) and a hydrogeologic profile based on piezometers that were monitored for two years, it is shown that recharge through the annually inundated flood plains is the source of the groundwater mound. Maintenance of the groundwater-recharge function of the flood plains depends on wet-season releases from two large upstream dams. On the basis of a water-budget method, the mean (1991–97) wet-season unconfined groundwater recharge in the flood-plain area between Hadejia and Nguru and in the immediate vicinity (1250 km2) is estimated to be 132 mm (range, 73–197 mm). Outflow from the unconfined flood-plain aquifer to the unconfined upland aquifer is approximately 10% of the wet-season flood-plain recharge. The unconfined groundwater outflow from the flood-plain area can provide a significant contribution to the present-day rural water supply in the surrounding uplands, but it does not offer much potential for additional groundwater abstraction. In addition to outflow to the upland aquifer (∼14 mm), the distribution of the annually recharged water volume of the shallow flood-plain aquifer is (1) domestic uses (3 mm), (2) small-scale irrigation (∼15 mm), and (3) evapotranspiration ( 1 100 mm). Along the hydrogeologic profile, the recharge in the upland (i.e., outflow from the unconfined flood-plain aquifer and possibly diffuse rain-fed recharge) is in balance with the water uses (i.e., domestic uses, groundwater outflow, and evapotranspiration). The absence of a seasonal water-level trend in the two piezometers in the upland indicates that no rain-fed recharge occurs through preferential path-way (macropore) flow. Received, June 1998 / Revised, November 1998, January 1999 / Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

The Almadén district is the largest mercury concentration in the world, with a total content of about 250 000 t of mercury, nearly one third of the known total mercury resources of the Earth. Mercury has been exploited since the Celtic and Roman times, with peak production during the Renaissance and between 1939–1945. The district is hosted by a Paleozoic synclinorium overlying Precambrian rocks. The Paleozoic sequence comprises epicontinental quartz arenite rocks, including black shales and quartzites. Diatremes, alkaline lavas of different composition, and late tholeiitic diabases account for the Ordovician to Devonian magmatism. The tectonic setting of this complex suite corresponds to the intraplate type. The mercury deposits of Almadén can be classified into two main types: type 1, early stratiform type ores characterized by cinnabar deposition on the lower Silurian quartzites (Criadero quartzite; e.g. the Almadén and El Entredicho deposits), and type 2, late discordant orebodies (e.g. Las Cuevas), largely hosted or related to diatremes (the `frailesca rocks') of alkaline basaltic composition. In type 1 cinnabar was deposited during diagenesis, in relation to hydrothermal circulation driven by magmatic activity. Type 2 include a variety of deposits having in common the discordant character of the orebodies (e.g. veins, stockworks, massive replacements), and their wide dispersion along the stratigraphic column, i.e. from Lower Silurian (e.g. Nueva Concepción) to Upper Devonian (e.g. Corchuelo). Received: 23 October 1998 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

 A karst-fissured aquifer in the Upper Jurassic carbonate rocks of the Krakow Upland shows a very high yield (safe yield 117 000 m3/day) and belongs to the major groundwater basins (MGBs) of Poland. The uncovered character of the aquifer and its hydraulic structure favor the intensive infiltration and migration of anthropogenic pollutants from the surface. This pollution is caused by agriculture and industry in the proximity of Krakow and the Upper Silesian agglomeration. Progressive degradation of groundwater quality on a regional scale results. Evaluation of the endangering of the aquifer studied is based on the analysis of the time interval of vertical water percolation from the surface, the time interval of groundwater horizontal flow through the aquifer and the duration of water residence in the aquifer derived from tritium data. Quaternary and Cretaceous overburden occur in the Krakow Upland in addition to numerous outcrops of limestones. The time interval of vertical water percolation in highly permeable limestones does not exceed 3 years and in the areas covered by overburden it is from several to 50 years. The mean effective time interval of horizontal groundwater flow through the Upper Jurassic rocks along the flow paths ranges from several months in the areas of direct drainage to over 15 years in the elevated areas of local groundwater divides. The age of water in the rock matrix was determined using tritium data interpreted according to an exponential model and it ranges from 70 years to over 130 years. In karst-fissured systems with a high retardation index (Rp=21) the effective time of water circulation in local drainage basins does not exceed 7 years. The Krakow-Wieluń Upland is the most extensive and uniform karst region in Poland. It is a belt of Upper Jurassic limestone extending from Krakcow in the southeast to Wieluń in the northwest on the northeast slope of the Silesian Upland. Residual hills of Paleogene age separated by infilled karst depressions are the most characteristic features of the Krakow-Wieluń Upland. More than 800 small caves are known in this area, but only two of them reach 1 km of aggregate passage length (Gazek and others 1992). Received: 4 December 1996 · Accepted: 29 April 1997  相似文献   

 RedSanders in their natural distribution occur almost exclusively in quartzites and shales. This indicates the geobotanical response to these rock types in the semi-arid tract of the southeastern portion of Andhra Pradesh in the tropical dry deciduous forests of Chittoor, Cuddapah and Nellore districts. Thus Red Sanders are important from a commercial point of view and also a useful tool to demarcate stratigraphic formations. Received: 27 April 1998 · Accepted: 21 July 1998  相似文献   

The peninsular shield of India is characterized by a number of intra-cratonic sedimentary basins of which the Cuddapah and Vindhyan Basins are conspicuous.The crescent-shaped Cuddapah Basin (~1400 m.y.) covering roughly 35,000 square kilometers in the southern peninsula and enclosing the Cuddapah formations (Precambrian) includes shallow marine shales, limestones, sandstones and quartzites. These sediments are overlain by the younger Kurnool formations of Vindhyan (Upper Precambrian) age in the western and northern marginal portions of the basin and are intruded by basaltic sils and dykes. The eastern margin of the basin is characterized by an overthrust with steeply folded beds, while in the remaining parts, the formations show a gentle eastward dip. Evidence for Recent epeirogenic movements is provided by geomorphic features and current seismicity.The Great Vindhyan Basin of north-central India covering more than 100,000 square kilometers encloses Vindhyan sediments including some marine shales and limestones in the lower parts and shallow-water deposits of red sandstones and shales in the upper parts. The beds are generally horizontal, but are strongly disturbed along the southern margin. There are intrusions of basaltic dykes and kimberlite pipes.The Gondwana basins (Upper Carboniferous to Jurassic) are relatively smaller cratonic units in Archaean faulted troughs.Gravity and magnetic investigations, both regional and detailed, supplemented by deep seismic sounding profiles in the Cuddapah Basin have brought out the deep structural features of the basin, including the Moho, indicating a total thickness of generally 5–8 km with a maximum thickness of sediments of nearly 12 km in the eastern part. The beds show both a layered structure in the horizontal and block structure in the vertical, disturbed by a low-angle thrust fault on the eastern margin. In the Vindhyan Basin, the gravity and magnetic data indicate about 5000 m of sediments in the central portions, with major, roughly faults over the western and southern margins.The deep structural features of these intra-cratonic basins, as indicated by the geophysical results, are discussed in relation to the geological theories proposed for their genesis and development.  相似文献   

The causes and nature of nitrate pollution of wells in a village within Kotagede, a subdistrict of the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, were investigated in a detailed hydrological study. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater frequently exceeded the WHO recommended limit of 50 mg L − 1. Groundwater nitrate concentrations were measured over a 19-month period in monitoring wells and in piezometers placed strategically in relation to sewage tanks within the village. Results indicate that the tanks are major sources of nitrate in the groundwater and that the input is markedly dependent on rainfall, resulting in a surge of nitrate into the groundwater at the beginning of each wet season. That the tanks are a major source was confirmed by measuring nitrate in soil cores obtained by augering close to selected tanks. Washrooms, where people wash themselves, are not significant sources of nitrate. Faecal coliform counts in groundwater from a random selection of wells are very high. The results have implications for the siting of wells and toilets within villages in Indonesia. Received, January 1999/Revised, August 1999/Accepted, August 1999  相似文献   

 To provide additional volume of thermal water for balneotherapy and space heating the well Cieplice-1 has been deepened from 661 m to 2002.5 m. A spontaneous outflow of water with temperatures reaching 87.8  °C was obtained. Thermal logging revealed 97.7  °C at 1870 m. These results are consistent with earlier estimates based on various chemical geothermometers that indicated water temperatures in the lower parts of the geothermal system possibly exceeding 100  °C. This was also confirmed by the cationic composition geothermometer. The estimates based on the dependence of saturation indices on temperature did not prove correct, suggesting 65  °C as the most probable maximum temperature of the water. Received: 11 Sebtember 1998 · Accepted: 7 January 1999  相似文献   

The Ouenza siderite deposit is located proximal to evaporitic diapirs of Triassic age. Mineralization occurs mainly in Aptian neritic limestones which host important iron concentrations (120–150 MT) and minor Pb, Zn, Cu, Ba and F occurrences. The iron ore consists of iron carbonate minerals which have been oxidized partially to hematite. Fine-grained ankerite and siderite replace limestones, whereas sparry ankerite and siderite were emplaced in veins. Limited variation in the chemical and isotopic compositions of ankerite and siderite were observed, which indicate that they precipitated from the same fluid. Stable isotope compositions (δ18O and δ13C) of iron carbonates and limestones allow estimation of the isotopic composition of the mineralizing fluid and precipitation temperature: δ18O = 7.5‰ SMOW, T = 100–120 °C. Later deposition of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ba and F minerals is controlled by fractures oriented NE–SW and SE–NW. Fluid inclusion studies of quartz yield salinities of 18–22 wt.% equivalent NaCl and homogenization temperatures between 150 and 180 °C. These values are similar to those of Mississippi Valley type deposits which are associated with basinal brines. Received: 4 January 1996 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

 Foresighted and determined local authorities, purposeful exploration (i.e. by seismic reflection) and extensive testing led to the discovery of a substantial groundwater resource near the community of Seon (Switzerland) at a depth of 268–305 m. Production tests revealed a hydraulic conductivity of ∼5.10–5 m/s, transmissivity of ∼5.10–4 m2/s and a storage coefficient of ∼2% in the aquifer. Pumping up to 1500 l/min is sustainable; the water quality complies chemically and bacteriologically with drinking-water requirements. The residence time of several 103 years, determined by isotope techniques, guarantees protection from surface contamination. The elevated temperature of 19.5  °C of the produced water enables combined use for drinking water and space heating. The environmental benefits are substantial: the emission reduction amounts up to 780 tons/year CO2 and 1 ton/year SO2. Received: 21 September 1998 · Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

Mathura oil refinery was commissioned during 1977 and effluent storage ponds were constructed at the same time. These storage ponds receive wastewater from the refinery at a rate of 10000 m3/day. After treatment, waste water is discharged through a 3-km pipeline to a stream leading to the Yamuna river. The groundwater-monitoring as well as water-quality monitoring was carried at 24 observation wells in the refinery site during 1997. The water quality measurements indicated total dissolved chloride and sulphate concentration of native groundwater as 400 mg/l, whereas elevated levels up to 600 mg/l were found at the wells close to polishing ponds. Thus combined transport of chloride and sulphate was simulated in the mass transport model. A three-dimensional flow, pathlines and mass transport model of the aquifer system were constructed to analyze the impact of seepage from polishing ponds contaminating the groundwater regime. The permeability of aquifer varies between 1.5–2.5 m/day. The porosity of formation was assumed as 0.2. The constant head and constant concentration boundaries were assigned to the nodes representing effluent storage ponds. Longitudinal dispersivity of 100 m, horizontal transverse dispersivity of 10 m and vertical transverse dispersivity of 0.01 m were assumed. The mass transport model was calibrated for 20 years by comparing total dissolved chloride and sulphate concentrations from 1997. The model predictions indicate further migration of contaminants on the east of effluent ponds in future. Received: 4 January 1999 · Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations are carried out in the different blocks of Burdwan district, West Bengal, India in order to assess its suitability for drinking as well as irrigation water purpose. Altogether 49 representative groundwater samples are collected from bore wells and the water chemistry of various ions viz. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, CO32−, HCO3, Cl, SO42− and NO3 are carried out. The chemical relationships in Piper and Gibbs diagram suggest that the groundwater mainly belongs to alkali type and Cl group and are controlled by rock dominance. A comparison of groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards proves that most of the water samples are suitable for drinking water purpose whereas groundwater in some areas of the district has high salinity and high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), indicating unsuitability for irrigation water and needs adequate drainage.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at Pageru river basin, Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh, to monitor seasonal fluctuations of groundwater and to determine how the fluctuation in the water levels will affect the groundwater quality. Groundwater levels were found to be influenced by rainfall and pumping of water from the wells for irrigation and domestic uses. Ninety-nine water samples were collected from different wells and analysed for major chemical constituents both in pre- and post-monsoon seasons to determine the quality variation. All major chemical constituents, such as Ca, Mg, Na, K etc., are significantly increased after post-monsoon recharge. According to the overall assessment of the basin, water quality was found to be useful both for drinking and irrigation.  相似文献   

 The occurrence, movement and control of groundwater, particularly in hard-rock areas, are governed by different factors such as topography, lithology, structures like fractures, faults and nature of weathering. An attempt is made in the present study to investigate the extent of the influence of structures such as fractures and thereby delineate the nature of subsurface lithology with the help of an electrical resistivity method. For this study, the Upper Gunjanaeru River basin, Cuddapah district Andhra Pradesh was chosen to determine groundwater potentials. In order to understand the significance of the fracture pattern, geological, hydrogeomorphological and lineament maps were prepared based on the field data and also from the LANDSAT TM imagery. Further, electrical resistivity surveys were conducted to determine the subsurface lithology and also to confirm the studies of LANDSAT imagery. The isoresistivity contour map has been prepared based on the 45 VES conducted to determine the resistivity variations in the study area. The isoresistivity contours obtained were found to conform to the structural trends obtained by geological studies and also confirm the relationship between the structure and secondary porosity present in the rocks. The lineaments in the area have two preferred directions. One set is a NE-SW direction (N 30°–70° E; S 30°–70° W) and another is a NW-SE direction (N 0°–30° W; S 0°–30° E and N 60°–80° W; S 60°–80° E). The water-table contour map shows that the direction of groundwater flow is south to north. Received: 3 March 1997 · Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

A 'first pass' groundwater management policy has been developed for use by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Afghanistan, designed to prevent derogation of existing traditional water sources, aquifer over-abstraction and chemical deterioration of soil and groundwater quality. Key elements include (1) continuing promotion of groundwater as a drinking water source, (2) a presumption against use of motorised pumps to abstract groundwater for irrigation unless other options (surface water, qanats) are not available, (3) the use of groundwater for irrigation as a temporary alternative to surface water (i.e. a strategy for drought survival) rather than as a long-term development policy, (4) limiting groundwater abstraction to a long-term average of 1 l s–1 km–2, (5) siting irrigation wells at least 500 m from other groundwater sources and (6) analysing irrigation groundwater for electrical conductivity, sodium absorption ratio, boron and residual sodium carbonate alkalinity. Analyses of these parameters indicate that groundwater from some areas is of dubious suitability for irrigation. In some villages and towns, groundwater contains elevated nitrate and faecal bacteria concentrations, probably derived from latrines, sewage or animal wastes. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

 Hydrogeologic data of 455 water wells comprising geologic logs, water qualities, and aquifer test results are analyzed to determine hydrogeological characteristics, water quality, and sustainable yield of the groundwater resources of Cheju volcanic island. The groundwater of the island occurs in unconsolidated pyroclastic deposits and clinkers interbedded in highly jointed basaltic and andesitic rocks as high-level, basal, and parabasal groundwater under unconfined conditions. The total storage of groundwater is estimated at about 44 billion m3. The average transmissivity and specific yield of the aquifer are at about 0.34 m2 s–1(29300 m2 day–1) and 0.12, respectively. The average annual precipitation is about 3.39 billion m3, of which 1.49 billion m3– equivalent to 44.0% of the total annual precipitation – is recharged into aquifers, with 0.638 billion m3 year–1 of runoff and 1.26 billion m3 year–1 of evapotranspiration. Based on a groundwater budget analysis, the sustainable yield is estimated at about 0.62 billion m3 year–1, equivalent to 41.6% of annual recharge. A low-permeability marine sedimentary formation (Sehwari formation), composed of loosely cemented sandy silt, was recently found to be situated at 120±68 m below mean sea level. If the said marine sediment is distributed as a basal formation of the freshwater zone of the island, most of its groundwater will be of parabasal type. So the marine sediment is one of the most important hydrogeological boundaries and groundwater occurrences in the area. Received: 16 January 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water in meeting irrigation, drinking, and other needs in India. The assessment of the potential zone for its recharge is critical for sustainable usage, quality management, and food security. This study reports alternative mapping of the groundwater recharge potential of a selected block by including large-scale soil data. Thematic layers of soil, geomorphology, slope, land use land cover, topographical wetness index, and drainage density of Darwha block (District Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India) were generated and integrated in a geographic information system environment. The topographic maps, thematic maps, field data, and satellite image were processed, classified, and weighted using analytical hierarchical process for their contribution to groundwater recharge. The layers were integrated by weighted linear combination method in the GIS environment to generate four groundwater potential zones viz., “poor,” “poor to moderate,” “moderate to high,” and “high.” Based on the generated groundwater potential map, about 9830 ha (12%) of the study area was categorized as high potential for recharge, 25,558 ha (31%) as poor to moderate, 33,398 ha (40%) as moderate to high, and 12,565 ha (15%) as poor potential zone. The zonation corresponds well with the field data on greater well density (0.22/ha) and irrigated crop area (27%) in the high potential zone as against 0.02 wells/ha and only 6% irrigated area in the poor zone. The map is recommended for use in regulating groundwater development decisions and judicious expenditure on drilling new wells by farmers and the state authorities.  相似文献   

黄河冲积平原面积广大,农田灌溉频繁,灌水量大,在地下水资源评价时对灌溉入渗系数取值困难。本文在现场灌溉入渗试验的基础上,分析包气带岩性及结构、水位埋深、灌溉水量对灌溉入渗系数的影响,总结提出了多种条件下灌溉入渗系数的取值范围。在单位灌水量40~60m3/亩和水位埋深小于4m、4~8m、大于8m的井灌区中,当包气带岩性为粉土、粉砂时,灌溉入渗系数可分别取值0.21~O.10、0.10—0.05、0.05~0;当包气带岩性夹有粉质粘土层时,灌溉入渗系数可分别取值0.15~0.09、0.09—0.05、0.05~0。在单位灌水量较大的渠灌区,灌溉入渗系数可按单位灌水量的增大倍数而增加,由此为黄河冲积平原区地下水补给量计算中灌溉入渗系数的确定提供了依据。  相似文献   

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