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2021年2月13日23点07分(当地时间)日本福岛县海域发生了7.3级地震,这是2011年以来东日本大地震记录到的较大余震。距离震源较近的强震动观测点记录到约1.5 g的最大加速度。对离震源较近的几个城市及乡村,包括郡山市、福岛市和仙台市以内的地方进行了建筑物的震害调查。调查中发现:日本常用的木结构民宅在地震中仅发生了屋顶的瓦片掉落和剥离等轻微破坏,并没有发生严重的破坏。另外,在郡山市和福岛市有几栋高层钢筋混凝土结构的房屋有较严重的损坏。2021年福岛地震这一现象可能与地震动的短周期特性(小于1s)以及建筑物的高次振型有关。  相似文献   

以汶川地震地表形变带的实地测量数据为基础,结合沿实测地震地表变形剖面建筑物破坏情况的调查与测量,分析了不同地震地表变形类型及其建筑物破坏特征,定量化地讨论了地表变形梯度与建筑物破坏程度间的关系.提出无论地震地表变形表现为何种类型的断层陡坎,强变形均局部化在宽10~30 m的地表破裂带内;建筑物受损情况最直接的影响是建筑物所处地点的地表变形梯度,地表变形梯度大于0.1的地段,建筑物均完全被摧毁;地表变形梯度在0.07~0.1间的地段,建筑物遭受严重损坏,产生倾斜及强烈变形等;地表变形梯度在0.03~0.07间的地段,建筑物可能受到中度损坏,产生倾斜及变形等,具有抗震设防能力的建筑物一般不会倒塌;地表变形梯度小于0.03的地段具有抗震设防能力的构建筑物一般只会受到轻度损伤或基本完好.  相似文献   

本文以汶川地震地表形变带的实地测量数据为基础,结合沿实测地震地表变形剖面建筑物破坏情况的调查与测量,分析了不同地震地表变形类型及其建筑物破坏特征,定量化地讨论了地表变形梯度与建筑物破坏程度间的关系。提出无论地震地表变形表现为何种类型的断层陡坎,地表破裂、强变形局部化在宽10~30m的地表破裂带内;建筑物受损情况最直接的影响是建筑物所处地点的地表变形梯度,地表变形梯度大于0.1的地段,建筑物均完全被摧毁;地表变形梯度在0.07~0.1间的地段,建筑物遭受严重损坏,产生倾斜及强烈变形等;地表变形梯度在0.03~0.07之间的地段,建筑物可能受到中度损坏,产生倾斜及变形等,具有抗震设防能力的构建筑物一般不会倒塌;地表变形梯度小于0.03的地段具有抗震设防能力的构建筑物一般只会受到轻的损坏或基本完好。  相似文献   

A large number of buildings were seriously damaged or collapsed in the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake. Based on field surveys and studies of damage to different types of buildings, seismic design codes have been updated. This paper briefly summarizes some of the major revisions that have been incorporated into the Standard for classification of seismic protection of building constructions GB50223-2008 and Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-2001. The definition of seismic fortification class for buildings has been revisited, and as a result, the seismic classifications for schools, hospitals and other buildings that hold large populations such as evacuation shelters and information centers have been upgraded in the GB50223-2008 Code. The main aspects of the revised GB50011-2001 code include: (a) modification of the seismic intensity specified for the Provinces of Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu; (b) basic conceptual design for retaining walls and building foundations in mountainous areas; (c) regularity of building configuration; (d) integration of masonry structures and precast RC floors; (e) requirements for calculating and detailing stair shafts; and (f) limiting the use of single-bay RC frame structures. Some significant examples of damage in the epicenter areas are provided as a reference in the discussion on the consequences of collapse, the importance of duplicate structural systems, and the integration of RC and masonry structures.  相似文献   

On May 11, 2011 an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 ( \(M_{w}\) ) struck Murcia region causing nine casualties and damage to buildings and infrastructures. Even if the main characteristics of the event would classify it as a moderate earthquake, the maximum Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) registered (equal to 0.37 g) exceeded significantly local code provisions in terms of hazard at the site. This high PGA was a result of directivity effects in the near source region. An overview of earthquake characteristics and damage observed is provided. Notwithstanding the lack of proper structural design characterizing building stock in the area, most of the losses were caused by non-structural damage. According to in field observations, it emerges that masonry infills provided additional, “not designed”, strength to reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. Observed damage data, collected after the earthquake, are shown and compared to the results of a simplified approach for nonstructural damage assessment of RC infilled structures (FAST vulnerability approach). The latter comparison provided a fair accordance between observed data and analytical results.  相似文献   

2011年1月19日安徽安庆M4.8地震的震源机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们用5个区域数字地震台网84个台站记录到的清楚的149个P波(P<,n>、R<,g>)的初动符号,求得了2011年1月19日安庆M4.8地震的震源机制解.节面Ⅰ:走向223°,倾角90°,滑动角-90°;节面Ⅱ:走向45°,倾角0°,滑动角-90°.根据野外考察得出的这次地震极震区长轴走向结果,可以推断,223°走向...  相似文献   

High-frequency rupture process of the Oct 23, 2011 Van-Merkez earthquake is imaged by back-projection method using high-quality teleseismic P wave data from the US Array, and prestack Kirchhoff migration using P wave data from a subarray of global seismic networks. The rupture model with two asperities is confirmed by previous two methods. In low-frequency imaging, a large asperity derived from the migration method corresponds to the second one from the high-frequency P waves. The consistency of the locations of asperities from datasets with different frequency bands indicates that there is possible insignificance of the frequency-dependent feature for the earthquake. The resultant images illustrate the spatial and temporal evolution of the rupture, which mainly propagated WSW over a length of 33 km during the first 18 s, accompanying with bursts of two asperities at 3 and 11–13 s. The rupture direction is confirmed by the S wave corner frequency variations of strong ground accelerations. The rupture fronts are mainly located at the updip of the causative fault. Based on polarities of the P waveforms and focal mechanisms of the mainshock and aftershocks, the failure of these two asperities is determined to have occurred on a reverse fault with a dip angle of 47°. Hence, the rupture pattern of the 2011 Van-Merkez earthquake was dominated by a unilateral rupture toward the west-southwest direction.  相似文献   

On 24 May 2014, a Mw 6.9 earthquake occurred in the west of Gokceada Island, northern Aegean Sea. The earthquake was close to Canakkale, Enez, Tekirdag cities, and damaged 300 buildings in the Marmara Region, NW Turkey. We simulated its broadband (0.1–10 Hz) ground motions including 1D deep and shallow structures soil amplification effects at the 12 strong ground motion stations in the western Marmara Region. The 1D deep velocity structures from the focal layer to the engineering bedrock with an S-wave velocity of 0.78 km/s in different azimuthal directions were tuned by comparing the observed group-velocity dispersion curves of Rayleigh and Love waves from the mainshock with theoretical ones. We also added the shallow parts from previous surveys into the 1D models. Synthetic seismograms on the engineering bedrock were generated using the discrete wave number method with a source model and the 1D deep velocity structures. Then the surface motion was generated considering shallow soil amplification. The synthetic seismograms are generally in good agreement with the observed low and high-frequency parts at most of the stations indicating an appropriateness of the source model and the 1D structural model.  相似文献   

As a part of Marmara Sea, Izmit Bay (Turkey) has been one of the most polluted sites in the region for the last 25 years. On 17 August 1999, a powerful earthquake along the North Anatolian Fault struck the eastern part of the Marmara region including Izmit Bay. The earthquake destroyed many coastal cities. The Bay was also affected by the quake and subsequent fire in the refinery situated on the north-eastern coast of the Bay. Oceanographic characteristics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels of Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea) have been investigated to find out the degree of contamination. Seawater samples were collected at nine stations of the Bay in April and September 1999 and the results were compared with those obtained in the previous years (1984 and 1994). Monitoring data are presented for plant nutrients (nitrate + nitrate, ortho-phosphate and silicate), dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a. Surface sediments and mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, have been analysed for total PAH (T-PAH) contents in April and September 1999 (before and after the Marmara Earthquake) for the samples collected from eight coastal stations of the Bay. Biomarker (Lysosomal stability and feeding rate) studies at three different sites of the Bay have also been performed to investigate the effect of pollution on mussels. Nitrate + nitrite levels in the upper layer of the eastern part of the Bay increased significantly compared to those measured before the earthquake. Of the samples analysed, the highest o-phosphate concentrations were found in September 1999 in the bottom waters of the Bay. The concentration of chlorophyll a reached its minimum value of the last 15 years. Dissolved oxygen decreased dramatically from 1984 to 1999. Total PAH concentrations measured in April 1999 at both offshore and coastal sites of the Bay were more or less the same (2 micrograms l-1). The subsequent fire after the earthquake caused an increase in the total PAH levels in water column, in sediment and in mussels. Seawater total PAH concentrations ranged between 3.5 and 11 micrograms l-1 at open coast stations and 5-17.5 micrograms l-1 at coastal stations in September 1999. A 2- to 3-fold increase in sediment PAH concentrations (200-5220 mg kg-1 dry weight) was detected after the earthquake. This increase was much more significant in the sediments located around the refinery. More contaminated mussels were detected around the refinery area (110-170 mg kg-1 dry weight). Overall, sediment and mussel PAH concentrations in Izmit Bay are much higher than those found in the other marine systems. In general, the feeding rate and the neutral red retention times of the mussels decreased in some sites of the Bay after the earthquake, but no direct correlation could be detected between the body burden of mussels and biomarkers or between the two biomarker techniques.  相似文献   

2011年1月19 日安庆ML4.8地震的震源机制解和深度研究   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
2011年1月19日在安徽省安庆市辖区与怀宁县交界处发生了ML4.8级地震,引起安庆市及周边地区强烈的震感.为了更好地认识这次地震的发震构造,我们利用安徽省及临近几个省份区域台网的近震波形资料,首先通过hypo2000绝对定位得到震中位置;然后采用CAP方法反演了该地震的震源机制解和震源深度,并在此基础上结合P、sP、pP和sPmP等深度震相对震源深度进行了精确确定;最后,将反演得到的结果作为已知输入,利用F-K方法计算理论地震图,并与观测记录进行对比,以验证结果的可靠性.反演结果显示,这次安庆地震是一个带少量走滑分量的逆冲型地震,地震矩震级为MW=4.3,最佳双力偶解为节面Ⅰ走向131°,倾角30°,滑动角29°;节面Ⅱ走向15°,倾角75°,滑动角116°,最佳震源深度为4~5 km,属于浅源地震.从震中和震源机制解来看,安庆地震极有可能发生在宿松-枞阳断裂上.  相似文献   

Collapses of school or dormitory buildings experienced in recent earthquakes raise the issue of safety as a major challenge for decision makers. A school building is ‘just another structure’ technically speaking, however, the consequences of a collapse in an earthquake could lead to social reactions in the complex aftermath of a seismic tremor more than any other type of structure may possibly cause. In this paper a school building that collapsed during 2011 Tabanli, Van Earthquake in eastern Turkey, is analysed in order to identify the possible reasons that led to collapse. Apart from the inherent deficiencies of RC buildings built in Turkey in the 80's and 90's, its structural design exhibits a strikingly high asymmetry. In the analyses conducted, much attention has been given to the direction of the earthquake load and its coincidence with the bi-axial structural response parameters. The failure of the structure to comply with the 1975 Code, in vigor at the time of construction, has also been evaluated with respect to the structure’s collapse. Among the parameters that controlled the collapse, the high plan asymmetry and the coincidence of the vulnerable directions with the dominant shaking direction were critical, as well as the underestimation of the seismic hazard and the lateral design force level, specified by the then Turkish Earthquake Code.  相似文献   

The Kozani-Grevena (Greece) destructive earthquake occurred in a region of low seismicity. A considerable amount of strong-motion data was acquired from the permanent strong motion network of the Institute of Engineering Scismology and Earthquake Engineering (ITSAK) as well as from a temporary one installed after the earthquake. On the basis of this data set as well as on the observed macroseismic intensities, local attenuation relations for peak ground acceleration and velocity are proposed. A posteriori seismic hazard analysis is attempted for the affected and surrounding areas in terms of peak ground acceleration, velocity, bracketed duration and spectral acceleration. The analysis shows that the event of May 13, 1995 can be characterized as one with a mean return period of 500 to 1000 years. Relying on the observed spectral-acceleration amplification factors and the expected peak ground acceleration for mean return period of 500 years, region-specific elastic design spectra for the buildings of the Kozani and Grevena prefectures are proposed.  相似文献   

The North Anatolian fault zone that ruptured during the mainshock of theM 7.4 Kocaeli (Izmit) earthquake of 17 August 1999 has beenmonitored using S wave splitting, in order to test a hypothesisproposed by Tadokoro et al. (1999). This idea is based on the observationof the M 7.2 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake, Japan.After the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, a temporal change was detectedin the direction of faster shear wave polarization in 2–3 years after the mainshock (Tadokoro, 1999). Four seismic stations were installed within andnear the fault zone at Kizanlik where the fault offset was 1.5 m, about80 km to the east of the epicenter of the Kocaeli earthquake. Theobservation period was from August 30 to October 27, 1999. Preliminaryresult shows that the average directions of faster shear wave polarization attwo stations were roughly parallel to the fault strike. We expect that thedirection of faster shear wave polarization will change to the same directionas the regional tectonic stress reflecting fault healing process. We havealready carried out a repeated aftershock observation at the same site in2000 for monitoring the fault healing process.  相似文献   

Exceptional ground motions have been observed in the near-source region in relatively small and moderate earthquakes such as the Lorca earthquake of 2011. In the Mw 5.2 mainshock, horizontal peak ground acceleration reached 0.37 g at the LOR accelerograph station in the north-central part of the town. Maximum ground acceleration and velocity in this station was strongly polarised in the fault’s strike-normal axis, a feature interpreted as a near-field effect of rupture directivity. This quake hit the Lorca area causing serious structural damage, unevenly distributed in the urban area as result of a heterogeneous spread of building vulnerability and seismic shaking severity. This study investigates the characteristics of the earthquake shaking at the LOR station (on rock) and other 11 zones of Lorca with different site conditions. We have computed the 1-D transfer functions of the shallow structure at these 11 points with available local Vs models obtained with SPAC technique. These transfer functions were used to convolve the LOR accelerogram and simulate the ground motion which occurred at each site. A set of key engineering ground-motion parameters obtained here, indicate different shake levels at each site and all these values are clearly above the LOR station ones. These parameter values are in the range of typical expected values for European earthquakes with local intensity VIII. Their large values, especially those of acceleration response spectra and energy input spectra, more clearly for periods between 0.4 and 0.6 s, point out that the seismic demand has been quite high and help to explain the heavy damage spread on the town’s buildings.  相似文献   

The rapid urban development in Istanbul has lead to an increase in the exposure levels of the urban vulnerability. Due to the steadily increasing population, with improper land-use planning, inappropriate construction techniques and inadequate infrastructure systems, associated with an existing high hazard level, Istanbul is one of the most risky cities in the Mediterranean region. Estimations of casualties and losses, expected for given earthquake scenarios, are necessary to develop sustainable rehabilitation programs and for improving preparedness. Deterministic hazard scenarios and time-dependent probabilistic hazard assessment were used as input to a GIS-based loss estimation model, to evaluate the earthquake risk for Istanbul.  相似文献   

通过余震序列的精确定位可以较为准确地刻画主震破裂区的时空变化规律.为了减小仪器时钟误差对地震定位精度的影响,本文基于2011年1月19日安庆地震流动台站的S-P到时差,通过主事件和双差地震定位法得到较为准确的主震位置和余震序列时空分布,并评估了仪器时钟误差;又通过对sPL近震深度震相的分析,得到了余震序列较为可靠的深度分布.结果表明,安庆地震发生在宿松-枞阳断裂带附近,余震序列大体近水平分布在5 km深度,呈长1.5 km、宽1 km、高0.3km的薄板状展布;从时空分布来看,随着时间的推移余震序列似乎有往北东方向扩展的趋势.研究表明,基于S-P到时差的定位方法可以有效消除时钟不准确带来的影响,为中小地震和余震序列活动性的研究提供可靠的定位结果.  相似文献   

本文利用深度学习算法PhaseNet、震相关联算法REAL以及多种定位算法快速地构建了 2021年5月21日漾濞Ms6.4主震前3天至后7天的高分辨率地震目录,揭示了漾濞地震序列的精细位置分布及详细的时空迁移过程.漾濞地震序列的空间分布表现为多级雁列式结构,深度介于5~10 km之间.主断层自北西端朝着南东向呈放射状分...  相似文献   

A study of variations in the critical frequency of the F2 layer (foF2) prior to a shallow-focus eartquake with a magnitude M = 5.1 which occurred in Spain on May 11, 2011, is carried out. The obtained results show that a positive disturbance in the foF2 value was observed at the ionospheric Del’ebre station, which is the closest to the earthquake epicenter. At the same time, no disturbances in foF2 are revealed at ionospheric stations located at a greater distance from the epicenter. This fact makes it possible to conclude that the positive disturbance in the F2 layer observed at the Del’ebre station could have a sesmogenic nature.  相似文献   

陈培善 《地震学报》2011,33(4):553-556
本目录中的地震参数来自"中国地震台站观测报告"(简称"月报").其中,国内及邻区给出M≥4.7的事件,全球给出M≥6.0的事件."月报"由中国地震台网中心按月做出.本目录中的发震时刻采用协调世界时(UTC);为了方便中国读者,也给出北京时(BTC).震中位置  相似文献   

陈培善 《地震学报》2011,33(3):404-405
本目录中的地震参数来自"中国地震台站观测报告"(简称"月报").其中,国内及邻区给出M≥4.7的事件,全球给出M≥6.0的事件."月报"由中国地震台网中心按月做出.本目录中的发震时刻采用协调世界时(UTC);为了方便中国读者,也给出北京时(BTC).震中位置  相似文献   

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