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外大陆架划界面临挑战 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着1982年《联合国海洋法公约》的生效,200海里外大陆架划界问题已经成为海洋法领域众人关注的问题。本文介绍了世界沿海国拥有外大陆架的状况,提出了有关技术要求和调查的困难性,指出了世界沿海国外大陆架划界面临着的某些挑战。 相似文献
2012年9月16日,外交部宣布,中国政府决定向根据《联合国海洋法公约》设立的大陆架界限委员会提交东海部分海域二百海里以外大陆架划界案。目前,国家海洋局已经做好该划界案的相关技术准备工作。 相似文献
当前,200海里外大陆架划界问题已经成为海洋法领域新的热点问题。200海里外大陆架外部界限划定,不仅关系到沿海国的主权权利,同样与各国的经济利益相联系。深海中丰富的矿藏,对于沿海国的经济发展有着重要的意义。国际上要求1999年5月6日之前批准《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》)并生效的国家,在2009年5月6日之前必须完 相似文献
1 大陆架的概念 (1)大陆架的自然定义大陆架是指环绕大陆的浅海地带 ,陆地向海的自然延伸部分。其范围自海岸线 (多指低潮线 )开始以极缓的倾斜达到海底坡度显著增加的陆架坡折处。陆架坡折的水深变化在 2 0~ 5 5 0m之间 ,平均 130m。陆架平均坡度 0°0 7′,平均宽度 75km。大陆架外是倾斜度显著增大的大陆坡和倾斜坡度变小至深海海底的大陆基。大陆架、大陆坡和大陆基三者构成大陆边。大陆边是整个地球的大陆地壳和大洋地壳的一个过渡地带 ,占海洋面积的 2 1% ,蕴藏有丰富的石油和天然区等自然资源。 (2 )国际海洋法中的大陆… 相似文献
李金蓉 《海洋与海岸带开发》2012,(10):19-20
2012年9月16日,外交部表示,我国政府决定向《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》)设立的大陆架界限委员会(以下简称委员会)提交东海部分海域二百海里以外大陆架划界案。 相似文献
由于全球大陆边缘地貌和地质特征的复杂性,且《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》)第76条对200海里以外大陆架外部界限划定的规则存在一定的模糊性,导致大陆架外部界限的划定极其复杂。根据《公约》设立的大陆架界限委员会(以下简称委员会)负责审议沿海国提交的划界案并给出建议,委员会在外大陆架划界方面发挥重要作用。截止2012年12月底,委员会一共收到沿海国65份划界案,目前已完成其中18份划界案的审议工作并给出了建议。本文系统分析了各委员会建议摘要,对委员会在审议划界案时采用的划界原则、审议的关键技术问题等做了综合分析总结,以便为我国今后外大陆架划界和积极应对侵害我国海洋权益的他国划界主张提供参考和借鉴。 相似文献
《联合国海洋法公约》作为专门调整世界海洋关系的根本法,被各国广泛誉为“海洋宪法”。但是,它也正如宪法一样,在许多问题上提供的是最原则、最根本的规定,很多具体的解决规则需要相关国家在这一法律框架内通过协商谈判解决。关于大陆架划界的法律制度就经历了一个逐渐完善的过程,1958年《大陆架公约》规定海岸相向或相邻国家之间的大陆架疆界,首先应通过协定确定,这一原则禁止某一国家单方面确定其大陆架的界限, 相似文献
专属经济区和大陆架制度是现代海洋法的新制度,全球以专属经济区和大陆架为主要标志的国际海洋新秩序将全面建立。根据《联合国海洋法公约》,中国可管辖的专属经济区和大陆架面积可达300万平方公里。了解周边海洋国家对专属经济区和大陆架的管理状况,不仅对维护我国在专属经济区和大陆架的权益方面有重要意义,而且对我国的海洋经济发展也会产生深远的影响。 相似文献
新仙女木(Younger Dryas)事件是末次冰消期持续升温过程中的一次突然降温的典型非轨道事件,对于研究古气候、古环境的快速突变事件和短周期现象,合理评估现今气候一环境条件并做出气候变化的预测有着重要的意义。它是一个全球性的事件,中国东部陆架海也普遍发现了“新仙女木”事件的沉积记录。由于中国东部陆架位于欧亚大陆和太平洋之间,受季风的强烈影响,因此有着独特的响应。在“新仙女木”事件发生时,海平面在-50m水深位置稍微下降或振荡徘徊,在-50m线上则以湖泊沼泽、埋藏河床、风沙沉积记录为主,-50m以下则以海洋沉积记录为主,这条线的附近则存在沼泽泥炭和古潮流沙脊。 相似文献
中国陆架沉积环境地球化学研究表明,我国近海和远海海域的海洋沉积物质量保持良好,部分近海海域沉积物质量较差。探讨了我国陆架海域沉积物的有机物、重金属元素和生源要素等环境地球化学。 相似文献
东海陆架前缘斜坡(冲绳海槽西坡)北部的断块隆脊地貌 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
东海陆架前缘斜坡(冲绳海槽西坡)北部的断块隆脊,是呈长条形的脊状台式隆起,位于29°30′N-31°10′N;128°00′E-128°20′E之间。其由NNE向链状排列的断块山地组成,且与NNE向的断裂构造相一致,其顶部水深约300m~400m左右。从实测单道地震剖面看,隆脊的东西两侧均有断层出现。隆脊西坡倾向陆架一侧,坡度大,有的地方坡度超过10°;而东侧坡度较缓,仅1°左右,缓倾至海槽西坡坡底,并以沟坎式与冲绳海槽槽底相连。冲绳海槽地区的构造运动,使隆脊地区受到断裂构造的作用。NNE向的大断裂使该隆脊位置的东西两侧断裂下降而中间抬起,加之下部岩浆上侵,显现出链式排列的断块山地,表现为一条长形的断块隆脊构造地貌体。推测该地貌体形成的时期较晚,它是与断层的发生同时期形成的。 相似文献
Abstract. Sediment characteristics determining macrofauna communities were investigated on the continental shelf of Crete. The sedimentary environment of the outer continental shelf of Crete is characterized by a silty substrate with significant decrease in chlorophyll a and organic carbon concentration with depth. Redox potential values indicated an ample supply of oxygen at all depths. Values of most production-related parameters TOC, chlorophyll a , ATP were found at the low end of the range reported from the literature even though the sampling stations were very close to the coastline. Organic carbon to chlorophyll ratios in the sediments indicated that most of the organic material is of phytoplankton origin; the quality of the organic material in the outer shelf, however, seems to be of lower bioavailability. 相似文献
S. Manickchand-Heileman L.A. Soto E. Escobar 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1998,46(6):885-899
A preliminary mass-balance trophic model was constructed to determine the flow of energy in a community of fish and invertebrates on the continental shelf of the south-western Gulf of Mexico. Input parameters were taken from the literature, except for the biomass of fish groups which was obtained from trawl surveys in the study area. The model consists of 12 fish groups, five invertebrate groups, phytoplankton and detritus. Results indicate an imbalance between primary production and consumption, with only about 10% of primary production being consumed in the water column. Most of the primary production is exported to detritus which forms the basis of the food-web, with a detritivory/herbivory ratio of 2·5. Benthic invertebrates play a significant role in transferring energy from detritus to higher trophic levels. Eight discrete trophic levels were found, with very reduced flow at levels higher than the fifth. The highest fractional trophic level is 4·3, and consists of sharks. Analysis of mixed trophic impacts showed that detritus and lower trophic levels have a significant positive impact on other groups in the system. Mean transfer efficiency is 9·2%. Some whole system properties are also given. Of net primary production, 6·7% is required to sustain current catch levels, suggesting that the resources in this area are fully exploited. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Using physical (acoustical engineering mechanics and scanning electron microscope) and other technical methods, is study makes a comprehensive analysis of the structural characteristics and engineering mechanics properties of sediments, the sediment structure, microstructure and their classification characteristics and in the light of the physical-mechanical characteristic parameters, the relations between the grain contact, grain accumulation, and porosity with the physical-mechanical characteristics of sediment, and reports the relationship between the acoustic physical parameters and the stress-strain properties of sediment. Results show that there are six structural types in the shelf seabed sediment of the northern South China Sea, among which, the mixed contact structural type sediment has a higher compressive strength and a higher sound velocity than others, and that in the shallow seabed there exists a mesoscale structure with high and low velocity layers. 相似文献
Physical Properties of Sediments on the Northern Continental Shelf of the South China Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Using physical (acoustical engineering mechanics and scanning electron microscope) and other technical methods, is study makes a comprehensive analysis of the structural characteristics and engineering mechanics properties of sediments, the sediment structure, microstructure and their classification characteristics and in the light of the physical-mechanical characteristic parameters, the relations between the grain contact, grain accumulation, and porosity with the physical-mechanical characteristics of sediment, and reports the relationship between the acoustic physical parameters and the stress-strain properties of sediment. Results show that there are six structural types in the shelf seabed sediment of the northern South China Sea, among which, the mixed contact structural type sediment has a higher compressive strength and a higher sound velocity than others, and that in the shallow seabed there exists a mesoscale structure with high and low velocity layers. 相似文献
Abstract. Bacterial (direct and heterotrophic counts, heterotrophic potentials) and organic matter (org C, org N) parameters were studied over 2 years in the surface sediments of 3 stations located on the continental shelf (station A: 15m; station B: 35m) and slope (station C: 910m) in the northwestern Mediterranean Basin.
Although logistic constraints did not allow a satisfactory sampling periodicity in the offshore survey, some seasonal trends were still observable at the deepest station. Variations were quantitatively more important in the two shallow sediments (from 3×102 heterotrophic bacteria – ml-1 in December 1984 to 107 heterotrophic bacteria-ml-1 in March 1986). Epifluorcsccncc direct counts were relatively constant (5×108 cells-ml-1 ), while heterotrophic potentials (with 14 C labelled glucose and glutamic acid) showed a succession of very short pulses over the year. Different concentrations of organic matter (from 0.2% orgC at 15m to 0.8% orgC at 35m) appeared to sustain very similar bacterial numbers. Nevertheless, a certain relation between the seasonal evolution of bacterial and organic matter parameters was discernable. Although depth apparently had no measurable effect on maximal spring bacterial densities, it seemed to lessen the summer and winter decreases in the two shallow stations. 相似文献
Although logistic constraints did not allow a satisfactory sampling periodicity in the offshore survey, some seasonal trends were still observable at the deepest station. Variations were quantitatively more important in the two shallow sediments (from 3×10
陆架沙丘(波)形成发育的环境条件 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
陆架大、中、小、巨沙丘(沙波)发育的动力机制与河流沙波有相似之处,也有许多差异,前者含定时多向的潮流、持续定向的洋流和偶发性的暴风浪流,后者为单向持续水流。20~100cm/s的底流速是发育沙丘的动力因素,水流的多向性和浪流的偶发性又常常制约沙丘发育的强度和迁移的速度;陆架浅水区(小于18m)受破浪的影响,沙丘尺度与水深呈微弱负相关,深水区水深的影响甚微。陆架输沙量是沙丘发育的物质条件,特别是细、中砂底质,在此粒度范围内沙波尺度与粒径呈微弱正相关,平缓广阔的地形在沙丘发育中也起一定的作用。 相似文献