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本文对海-气边界层波致风机制的相关理论进行了阐述,并利用ERA-40再分析资料给出了太平洋谱峰速度、波龄、波陡等描述涌浪和波致风机制物理量的年际和季节空间分布特征。分析表明:东太平洋赤道地区等海域涌浪速度最大且涌浪由南向北传播明显;太平洋波边界层高度基本呈现出东高西低的分布形势;波致风机制主要发生在赤道热带海域,北半球夏季波致风机制偏强,冬季偏弱,南半球反之;北半球北部海域夏季更易发生波致风机制,赤道附近海域相反;南海为风浪与涌浪组成的混合浪,对其波候等相关研究有必要分开进行讨论。  相似文献   

1Introduction Sulfurisoneofthemostimportantelements whosebiogeochemicalcyclesarepivotaltotheatmo- sphericenvironmentandtotheclimaticchanges.The predominant,stablechemicalspeciesofsulfurinthe atmosphereissulfuricacidorsulfatewhichunderor- dinaryconditionsexistsmainlyinsmallaerosolparti- cles(Chinetal.,1996;Kerminenetal.,2000;Restadet al.,1998).Sulfuricacidorsulfate-dominatedaerosols areubiquitousintheloweratmosphere.Inthemarine boundarylayer(MBL),non-sea-saltsulfuricacidorsulfate(nss-SO42-)…  相似文献   

A structure function approach is applied to estimate the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) dissipation rate in the bottom boundary layer of the Pearl River Estuary(PRE).Simultaneous measurements with an acoustic Doppler velocimeter(ADV) supplied independent data for the verification of the structure function method.The results show that,1) the structure function approach is reliable and successfully applied method to estimate the TKE dissipation rate.The observed dissipation rates range between 8.3×10 4 W/kg and 4.9×10 6 W/kg in YM01 and between 3.4×10 4 W/kg and 4.8×10 7 W/kg in YM03,respectively,while exhibiting a strong quarter-diurnal variation.2) The balance between the shear production and viscous dissipation is better achieved in the straight river.This first-order balance is significantly broken in the estuary by non-shear production/dissipation due to wave-induced fluctuations.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn the Equatorial Pacific, due to the difference between the atmospheric circulation and air-sea interaction, the near-surface seawater heat structure in the eastern and western Pacific presents two ℃obviously different characteristics: warm pool ( > 28 ) in the western equatorial Pacific and cold ℃tongue ( < 24 ) in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The water bodies of these two heat structures would give rise to change in spatial distribution under the action of the equato…  相似文献   

Theconcentrationanddistributionofdimethylsulfideinthemarineatmosphericboundarylayerneartheequator¥LiXingsheng;LiZhe;F.Parungo...  相似文献   

利用热带海洋和全球大气试验(TOGA)期间(1980~1996年)热带大气海洋观测阵(TAO)的长期浮标资料,分析了赤道行星波对西赤道太平洋暖池热传播的作用。结果表明,西赤道太平洋暖池纬向热传播主要出现在次表层水体中,并沿温跃层向东传播;而向西传播的季节热结构变化主要出现在中、西赤道太平洋的混合层中;驻波型传播在西赤道太平洋主要出现于温跃层,在中赤道太平洋主要出现于混合层和温跃层,在东赤道太平洋主要出现于混合层。在平均条件下,赤道太平洋上层水温纬向热传播信号以驻波型和东传型较强,西传型较弱。赤道Kelvin波压力分量贯穿西、东赤道太平洋并向东输送暖池热能,纬向流分量的热输送主要出现在西赤道太平洋;Rossby波压力分量的热输送主要出现在东、中赤道太平洋;混合Rossby重力波激发纬向流的热输送作用比相应温跃层扰动强。在平均条件下,赤道太平洋上层水温的驻波型变化制约了西赤道太平洋暖池热量的持续向东输送,因此形成了赤道太平洋水温的正常季节变化形态。当水温的驻波型变化减弱而东传型变化加强时,随后将形成厄尔尼诺现象。  相似文献   

The longitude of the western limit of the equatorial Pacific upwelling is a key parameter for studies of carbon budget and pelagic fisheries variability. Although it is well defined at the surface on the equator by a salinity front and a sharp variation of the partial pressure of CO2, data from two equatorial cruises make it clear that this hydrological limit does not necessarily coincide with the boundary of the nitrate and chlorophyll enriched area. In January-February 1991 during a non-El Niño period, when trade winds and the South Equatorial current (SEC) were favorable to upwelling, the two limits were at the same longitude. Conversely, in September-October 1994 during El Niño conditions, when the equatorial upwelling had stopped, the nitrate and chlorophyll enriched zone was found a few degrees of longitude east of the hydrological boundary (5.5° at the surface and 2.5° for the 50 m upper layer), whereas no such offset was observed for zooplankton biomass. A simple model, based on the HNLC (High Nutrient - Low Chlorophyll) ecosystem functioning, was initialized with nitrate uptake measurements and estimates of upwelling break duration. The model results support the hypothesis that zonal separation of the limits arises from biological processes (i.e. nitrate uptake and phytoplankton grazing) achieved during that upwelling break.  相似文献   

李响  吴辉碇  王辉 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):180-186
由于海上大气边界层的下垫面是复杂多变的海面,因此海面状态的参数化对海上大气边界层数值模拟起到十分关键的作用.采用高分辨率的大气边界层模式进行敏感性试验研究,讨论了不同海面参数化方案对海上大气边界层数值模拟产生的影响.结果表明:几种海面粗糙度参数化方案在中低风速下模拟垂直结构主要的差异出现在边界层和自由大气分界面上;考虑...  相似文献   

Simulation of the ocean surface mixed layer under the wave breaking   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
A one-dimensional mixed-layer model, including a Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme, was implemented to investigate the dynamical and thermal structures of the ocean surface mixed layer in the northern South China Sea. The turbulent kinetic energy released through wave breaking was incorporated into the model as a source of energy at the ocean surface, and the influence of the breaking waves on the mixed layer was studied. The numerical simulations show that the simulated SST is overestimated in summer without the breaking waves. However, the cooler SST is simulated when the effect of the breaking waves is considered, the corresponding discrepancy with the observed data decreases up to 20% and the MLD calculated averagely deepens 3.8 m. Owing to the wave-enhanced turbulence mixing in the summertime, the stratification at the bottom of the mixed layer was modified and the temperature gradient spread throughout the whole thermocline compared with the concentrated distribution without wave breaking.  相似文献   

1998年季风爆发期南海大气边界层的日变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南海尚未有关于海洋大气边界层结构日变化方面的研究.研究海洋大气边界层,有利于我们更好地研究海洋表层结构变化影响机制,对发生在海洋大气边界层上的过程进行预测预报.因此了解南海海洋大气边界层的结构特征,对于我们进一步了解南海天气尺度海气相互作用有非常重要的意义.通过对1998年在南海南部(6°15′N,110°E)和南海北部(20°29′39″N,116°57′48″E)的南海季风试验中定点科考船释放一天四次的探空观测资料分析得出,季风爆发前海洋大气边界层存在规则的日变化,在中午达到深厚.季风爆发后南海北部大气边界层日变化消失,南海南部依然明显.分析表明对其日变化起重要影响的是短波辐射;潜热输送对大气边界层高度日变化影响不大.与大气边界层厚度日变化相对应,南海南部边界层内水汽日变化明显,而南海北部较不明显.  相似文献   

依托中国“大洋一号”第20和第21调查航次,分析测定了东、西赤道太平洋4个站位的颗粒态生物硅浓度及其粒级结构。结果显示赤道太平洋采样站各层位颗粒态生物硅(PBSi)总浓度分布范围为5~65 nmol/dm3,东赤道太平洋的调查站位颗粒态生物硅的总浓度平均值达46 nmol/dm3,是西赤道太平洋的近3倍。PBSi的粒径结果显示在东赤道太平洋调查站位0.8~20 μm粒径颗粒是PBSi的主要来源,其平均贡献率高达64%;而在西赤道太平洋2种粒径的生物硅贡献率相当。营养盐分布对PBSi的浓度及粒径分布有显著的影响,并在一定程度上控制了“硅质泵”的组成结构,是控制大洋生物泵运转的重要因素。  相似文献   

用SODA海洋同化和NCEP大气再分析资料,分析了热带太平洋次表层海温异常主要模态与北太平洋低纬度西边界流海域上层海洋环流和亚洲-北太平洋地区大气垂直和水平流场变化之间的关系,得到以下结果:(1) 在热带太平洋海洋次表层ENSO事件具有两种模态,二者组合构成ENSO循环。第一模态为ENSO成熟期,主要出现在冬季,第二模态为ENSO过渡期,主要出现夏季。(2) ENSO循环对北太平洋低纬度西边界流区上层海洋环流有重要影响。在El Niño发展期或La Niña 衰退期,该区出现气旋性异常环流,北赤道流(NEC)加强,NEC分叉位置北移,棉兰老海流(MC)加大,菲律宾以东黑潮(KC)减小,北赤道逆流(NECC)最强。在El Niño(La Niña)成熟期,该区气旋性(反气旋性)异常环流达最强,NEC最强(最弱),NEC分叉位置最北(最南),MC最大(最小),KC最小(最大),NECC减弱(加强)。在El Niño衰退期或La Niña发展期与El Niño发展期相反,该区出现反气旋性异常环流,由此导致相应流系异常发生反位相变化。(3) ENSO循环对北太平洋低纬度西边界流海域上层海洋环流的影响是通过ENSO事件期间热带太平洋热力状况异常改变上空大气环流来实现的。ENSO事件首先造成热带太平洋海洋热力状况异常,导致其上空对流活动异常,后者直接或间接通过“大气桥”能量传输引起相关地区大气环流场的变化,致使海面风应力场异常,进而强迫上层海洋环流场的相应变化。文章最后还分析了ENSO事件期间菲律宾附近异常反气旋或异常气旋性风场的产生和持续原因,讨论了北太平洋低纬度西边界流海域海气相互作用在ENSO循环中的贡献。  相似文献   

根据137°E断面1967~1995年冬、夏季的温、盐资料,计算和分析该断面的地转流;分析144°E断面上投放卫星跟踪漂流浮标的漂移轨迹;结合CSK图集中的海面重力势分布,对副热带逆流、北赤道流和北赤道逆流几个特征的相同点和不同点进行比较,得出若干有益的结论:(1)副热带逆流、北赤道流、北赤道逆流,并不是单纯的单支海流,而是存在着两支或多支现象;(2)流速结构的带状分布,东、西向流相互交错间隔出现,流层较浅,均为表层流或近表层流;(3)多年平均而言,3支海流的流速以北赤道逆流最强,北赤道流次之,副热带逆流最弱;流量则不同,北赤道流最大,副热带逆流最小,北赤道逆流居中.3支海流的流速夏季均大于冬季,但流量稍有差异:副热带逆流和北赤道流均具有夏强、冬弱的特点,而北赤道逆流为冬强、夏弱;(4)冬季,副热带逆流的"源地",位于巴士海峡和台湾以东"副热带脊"的一个"暖脊"中心附近海域;(5)冬季,卫星跟踪漂流浮标的漂移轨迹,基本上反映出北赤道流和北赤道逆流的路径.但因副热带逆流区为涡旋频繁区,致使浮标漂移轨迹难以反映出副热带逆流的路径.  相似文献   

Boundary layer observations were made over the Gulf of Mexico over a 3-year period in order to develop and test methods for estimating surface fluxes and boundary layer wind fields. In addition to routinely available buoy and CMAN surface data, six 915 MHz radar wind profilers (RWPs) and RASS profilers were mounted on oil platforms and on the shore. Estimates of surface momentum, sensible heat, and latent heat fluxes have been made from the surface observations using the COARE software. Simulations by the National Weather Service's Eta meteorological model are compared with the observations of surface fluxes and wind profiles. The boundary layer is found to be unstable over 90% of the time, and latent heat fluxes are about five to ten times larger than sensible heat fluxes, as usually found over tropical oceans. Eta model simulations of surface fluxes are within about ±50% of COARE estimates of the fluxes based on surface observations. Most of the time, COARE-derived fluxes at 11 sites are within a factor of two of each other at any given hour. In multi-day case studies, COARE calculations are found to agree with Eta model simulations of these fluxes and parameters within a factor of two most of the time. Eta model simulations of wind speeds in the boundary layer tend to exceed the RWP observations by 1–2 m s−1 near shore and by 2–6 m s−1 at distances of 100–200 km offshore.  相似文献   

垂直探测台风边界层特征对于认清台风结构具有重要意义。基于1319号台风“天兔”途经的三个边界层风廓线雷达站的观测资料,结合探空数据,本文分析了“天兔”的边界层径向、切向风特征,结果表明:1)最大切向风速出现在眼区附近,在“天兔”稳定维持为强台风级别期间,最大切向风速基本稳定在1800 m高度左右,随着登陆后强度的迅速减弱,最大切向风速减弱、最大切向风速垂直范围缩小;2)最大风速所在高度和台风入流层顶高基本相近,大于依据理查森数或位温梯度所判断出的边界层高度,而基于信噪比(SNR)或其梯度所判断的混合层高度时常偏低;3)“天兔”登陆前边界层高度可以达到2100 m以上,在台风级别及以上时,各站观测到的边界层高度变化不大,基本在1200~1600 m之间,登陆后随着台风强度的减弱,边界层高度迅速减小。  相似文献   

通过在珠江黄茅海河口进行的25 h定点连续观测,分析了潮流底边界层在憩流时刻的动力特征。结果表明,憩流期非恒定性增强,改变了平均流和湍流结构。主要表现:1)平均流结构出现三种不同类型,分别是对数分布(摩擦力主导)、垂向均匀分布(惯性主导)和过渡状态(摩擦力和惯性力平衡);2)湍流各向异性增强,湍谱惯性子区带宽减小。各湍流特征参数在转流时刻达到最小值,表明惯性作用抑制了湍流的发育。  相似文献   

海气湍流热通量(潜热和感热)是研究海气相互作用和大洋环流的关键要素, 认识其变化机理对理解“海洋动力过程及气候效应”有重要意义。然而, 受观测手段和计算能力两方面的限制, 过去对海气湍流热通量日变化研究存在“特征认识较粗、机制理解较疏”的现象。本文探讨了在不同边界层稳定性下海气湍流热通量日变化研究中的问题与难点, 并讨论了“不同边界层稳定性下海气湍流热通量日变化过程和机理”这一关键科学问题。本文提出, 可基于海洋浮标、平台和波浪滑翔机等综合观测数据和高时空分辨率再分析资料, 利用块体算法和脉动分离方法, 揭示全球海气湍流热通量的精细化日变化特征和决定因素, 以及海气湍流热通量日变化强度(日内小时级变化的标准差)与极端天气过程和气候事件的动力关联。同时, 为更精准认识日变化过程, 在技术上可通过耦合高频海表流速和校正边界层物理参数观测高度等方式提升海气湍流热通量估算的精确度。本文提出可将多时空尺度海气湍流热通量变化维度转换到边界层稳定性上, 以便集中认识其日变化特征和机理, 支撑全球海气能量平衡的科学认识。  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity data from 2001 through 2005 from Argo profiling floats have been analyzed to examine the time evolution of the mixed layer depth (MLD) and density in the late fall to early spring in mid to high latitudes of the North Pacific. To examine MLD variations on various time scales from several days to seasonal, relatively small criteria (0.03 kg m−3 in density and 0.2°C in temperature) are used to determine MLD. Our analysis emphasizes that maximum MLD in some regions occurs much earlier than expected. We also observe systematic differences in timing between maximum mixed layer depth and density. Specifically, in the formation regions of the Subtropical and Central Mode Waters and in the Bering Sea, where the winter mixed layer is deep, MLD reaches its maximum in late winter (February and March), as expected. In the eastern subarctic North Pacific, however, the shallow, strong, permanent halocline prevents the mixed layer from deepening after early January, resulting in a range of timings of maximum MLD between January and April. In the southern subtropics from 20° to 30°N, where the winter mixed layer is relatively shallow, MLD reaches a maximum even earlier in December–January. In each region, MLD fluctuates on short time scales as it increases from late fall through early winter. Corresponding to this short-term variation, maximum MLD almost always occurs 0 to 100 days earlier than maximum mixed layer density in all regions.  相似文献   

以往研究表明, 涌浪存在时, 近海面大气边界层内Monin–Obukhov相似性理论(Monin–Obukhov Similar Theory, MOST)将会失效, 风廓线模型的建立需要考虑波致应力的影响。基于此, 本文首先研究了包含涌浪影响的Ekman模型和常通量层模型求解的风廓线。结果表明: 两种模型估算的风廓线均对涌浪的波衰减率系数cβ有较高的依赖性, 在cβ<–50时, 模型求解的风廓线均出现近海面风速极大值, 但科氏力对近海面风廓线的影响可以忽略。在不同的大气层结下, 分析发现海浪边界层(直接受波浪影响的区域)内风速明显小于海浪边界层之上MOST廓线在相同高度的外推值, 体现了涌浪引起明显的剪切增强。通过对比分析广东省茂名市附近海上观测平台的实测数据发现, 在涌浪存在时, MOST普遍无法描述风廓线; 统计分析表明常通量层模型估算的风廓线在8 m处的风速与实测数据高度一致。考虑以往研究基本局限于中性大气层结条件, 而涌浪经常显著影响着浮力作用明显的中低风速条件, 我们的研究将有助于理解不同大气层结条件下涌浪对风廓线的影响。  相似文献   

基于水下滑翔机在2019年8至10月观测到的温盐资料,本研究分析了西北太平洋混合层总体的变化情况,并探讨了混合层异常变化的原因。结果表明,混合层温度总体上呈现随季节转换逐渐降低的趋势,混合层深度总体上呈现随季节转换逐渐增大的趋势。进一步的相关性分析得出,该海域混合层温度、混合层深度的变化特征主要是由外部大气强迫场(海面风场和净热通量)所决定的。水下滑翔机还观测到了混合层温度异常降低、混合层深度异常变浅的现象。通过计算混合层热收支发现,垂向夹卷作用是海洋混合层内温度降低和混合层深度变浅的主要原因。通过进一步计算研究海域冷涡的上升速度与海水垂向夹卷速度的变化情况,并结合卫星遥感资料,得出海洋的中尺度涡旋活动主导了混合层异常现象的发生。  相似文献   

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