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双淹没矩形体的透反射特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘鹏飞  游亚戈  胡城 《海洋学报》2007,29(1):133-138
采用解析方法研究了斜向入射波作用下双淹没矩形体的透反射系数特性.首先利用特征函数展开法导出了绕射势函数的分析解并进一步得到透反射系数的计算公式,然后利用边界元方法验证了解析解.与单个的淹没矩形体相比,双淹没矩形体在一定范围内有较高的反射系数.最后利用解析解分析了若干工况下的双淹没矩形体的透反射特性,给出了影响透反射系数的几何因素.  相似文献   

对透空管式防波堤的消浪性能进行了研究,通过进行物理模型试验,深入探讨了管道防波堤的堤顶宽度、斜率、波陡对防波堤消浪效果的影响,得出了该结构的反射系数及透射系数与各影响参数间的关系。研究结果表明,堤顶宽度为1.2Hm,斜率为1∶1.5的模型消浪效果较好。  相似文献   

结合物理模型试验,分析斜坡坡度、波陡、相对水深、护面类型和破波参数等因素对堆石防波堤不规则波浪反射系数的影响规律。将常用的Van der Meer公式,Seelig公式,Postma公式和Davison公式计算值和实测值进行比较,并结合试验数据,基于有效波高和平均周期定义的Iribarren数,得出堆石防波堤不规则波浪反射系数经验公式。结果表明,该公式能较好地计算不规则波作用下块石和扭王块体护面堆石防波堤波浪反射系数。  相似文献   

以淹没状态下的半圆型防波堤为研究对象,采用不规则波断面模型试验,结合典型实例分析了堤体波压分布的特点,指出波浪经过堤顶破碎与否直接影响到堤体所受波力的大小,并建议了开孔办法和波力计算方法.  相似文献   

为有效提高挡板式防波堤的掩护效果,同时抑制基床冲刷,本文提出了一种新型的挡板-堆石防波堤结构,并利用理论解析的方法,对其透、反射特性进行了研究。基于线性势流理论,通过多项Galerkin方法模拟垂直挡板两侧的压力差,建立边值问题,利用匹配特征函数法进行解析求解。通过结果收敛性分析和正确性验证,发现解析解收敛性良好,且与分区边界元方法的计算结果一致。基于算例分析,研究了挡板-堆石防波堤的结构参数对防波堤掩护效果的影响,为实际工程提供科学指导。  相似文献   

才瀚涛  黄华  苏炜 《海洋科学》2020,44(6):91-100
应用椭圆余弦波的绕射理论,推导了V形防波堤的浅水波浪绕射解析解,从而对现有的Airy微幅波理论进行了有效拓展。据此理论对V形防波堤的浅水波绕射作用进行了解析计算,并与几何形状相近的圆弧型防波堤结果加以了对比。结果表明:椭圆余弦波理论计算的V形防波堤最大波浪力和最大绕射波面明显大于微幅波理论的对应值。本方法适用于张角180°的有限长直立薄壁防波堤的浅水波绕射作用计算,从而将无限长直立薄壁堤的反射波理论加以有效拓展。张角同为120°的V形堤与圆弧堤的堤后防浪效果相近,而180°圆弧堤的堤后防浪效果优于张角90°的V形堤。  相似文献   

设有挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤适用于水深较大的海域,且具有较好的消浪效果。采用物理模型试验,探究具有双侧挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤透浪系数与反射系数的影响因素与规律,研究包括外侧与内侧挡浪板入水深度,水平板板宽,结构上部挡浪墙的高度与位置,水平板超高与波浪要素等因素。通过比较各家透浪系数的理论计算公式与实验结果,进行透浪系数的计算方法研究,给出修正Wiegel公式拟合双侧挡浪板透空式防波堤的透浪系数计算公式,供工程设计参考与进一步研究。  相似文献   

矩形港池的港内共振研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在理想地形条件下,应用MIKE 21-BW模块进行了不同入射波周期的矩形港池的港内波高分布计算,数值计算结果表明,港池尺度为入射波半波长的整数倍时,港内将产生驻波共振;港内共振与口门宽度相关.在某一尺度下,口门宽度越小,港池共振越明显;港池口门的位置会对港池共振的模式发生影响,可能导致出现第二类共振频率.  相似文献   

为研究矩形开孔沉箱防波堤的可靠性,本文提出了一种新的直立式防波堤结构可靠性计算方法,考虑波高同周期的相关性,将波高、周期和抗力作为随机变量处理,构造隐式功能函数,采用直接抽样法生成随机样本进行模拟,作为中间变量的波浪荷载不做统计分析处理,根据功能函数的响应直接判断是否滑移或倾覆失效,计算失效概率和可靠指标。计算结果表明:新的计算方法与传统直接抽样法相比结果数值非常接近,验证了新方法的有效性;同传统JC法相比,新方法相对保守。本计算方法在波浪要素资料充足时可为矩形开孔沉箱防波堤的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

针对设计的新型双浮筒+Savinious型(S型)桨叶浮式防波堤的结构形式,基于势波理论和结构耦合水动力分析理论,利用面元积分和Newmark-β时间步进格式进行计算,研究其在线性规则波作用下的消波性能、运动响应和系泊张力响应,验证该结构的合理性。数值计算结果表明,阻尼修正后的防波堤纵摇运动响应合理,在波高H=1.5 m、波浪周期T=3 s下其消浪性能较为理想,透射系数达到0.65,同时系泊线张力呈周期响应并满足最大破断力的条件。此外,还研究了浮筒相对间距S1/L,浮筒—桨叶相对间距S2/L以及Savinious型桨叶高径比d/h三个无量纲关键几何参数对防波堤透射系数Ct和系泊线时域张力响应的影响。计算结果表明,浮筒间距S1越接近波长,防波堤消波性能越好,但迎浪侧张力响应幅值越大;随着浮筒—桨叶相对间距S2/L由0趋近于1,其透射系数随之减小,但迎浪侧张力响应幅值基本保持不变;减小桨叶的高径比d/h可以提高防波堤消波性能的稳定性,但张力响应幅值随之增大。  相似文献   

An analytic method is used to study the reflection and transmission coefficients of the double submerged rectangular blocks (DSRBs) in oblique waves. The scattering potentials are obtained by means of the eigenfunction expansion method, and expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients are determined. The boundary element method is employed to verify the correctness of the present analytical method. The DSRBs have better performance than the single submerged rectangular block (SSRB) in certain cases. The reflection and transmission properties of the DSRBs are investigated for some specific cases, and the influences of the geometric parameters are also presented.  相似文献   

Performance of hemi-cylindrical and rectangular submerged breakwaters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A parametric experimental study is conducted to compare the reflection and transmission characteristics of submerged hemi-cylindrical and rectangular rigid and water-filled flexible breakwater models. The results show that, for the rigid breakwaters, rectangular models are more effective than hemi-cylindrical ones in terms of reduction of transmitted waves. As for the flexible breakwaters, the hemi-cylindrical models may give better wave reflection than rectangular ones. However, the energy loss induced by the rectangular breakwaters is much larger and more significant to result in an overall better efficiency in terms of reduction in wave transmission. The effects of internal pressure show that the lowest pressurized flexible models considered in this work are the most effective in the reduction of the transmitted wave height. Higher wave reflection, lower wave transmission and higher energy loss are obtained consistently at the lower submergence depth ratio.  相似文献   

Chan-Hoo Jeon  Yong-Sik Cho   《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(14-15):2067-2082
Numerical and laboratory experiments are performed to investigate characteristics of the Bragg reflection due to multi-arrayed trapezoidal submerged breakwaters. The numerical model is based on the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations with the VOF method and the k–ε turbulence closure model. As expected, the reflection coefficients increase as the array of submerged breakwaters increases in both laboratory measurements and numerical results. The resonant periods provide similar relative wave numbers regardless of the permeability and the number of arrays. The reflection coefficients due to porous breakwaters are smaller than those due to non-porous breakwaters. The velocity contours for two and three arrays are also described.  相似文献   

潜堤结构型式及其透射系数研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
针对胜利油田某保滩促淤工程,进行了多种方案不同潜堤结构型式的优选,比较了其中四种结构型式,并对这四种结构型式的潜堤分别进行了波浪水槽试验,测试其透射系数,在此基础上,给出了计算潜堤透射系数的经验公式,为工程设计提供依据。  相似文献   

部分反射直墙前潜堤水动力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  何士艳 《海洋学报》2012,34(6):210-216
基于线性势流理论,对部分反射直墙前潜堤的水动力特性进行了理论研究。利用匹配特征函数展开法给出了潜堤透射系数和反射系数的计算方法,计算结果与边界元方法的计算结果一致。利用数值算例分析了潜堤透射系数和反射系数的主要影响因素。增大部分反射直墙的反射系数,将加大潜堤的透射系数。随着潜堤相对宽度或潜堤与直墙之间相对间距的增加,潜堤透射系数和反射系数呈周期性变化,但变化规律相反。  相似文献   

This study investigated how the porosity of submerged breakwaters affects non-breaking wave transformations. Eight model geometries each with six different porosities, from 0.421 to 0.912, were also considered. Experimental results reveal that the model width has little effect on wave reflection and transmission when the model heights are fixed. The transmission coefficient is maximum at a kh in the range from 1.3 to 2.0 and minimum at a kh around 0.7. The wave reflection maximum is at kh of near 0.5. The energy loss of the primary waves is maximum near kh=0.81 and minimum when the porosity of the model is large. Porosity does affect wave transformation and its influence becomes significant as the heights of the models increase. For the range of porosities tested, wave energy loss from the primary harmonic was found to be almost constant at around 0.4 when kh >1.3, decreasing slowly when kh <1.3; wave energy loss decreases for porosities above 0.75.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments was carried out to investigate the strong reflection of regular water waves over a train of submerged breakwaters. Rectangular and trapezoidal shapes of submerged breakwaters are employed and compared for reflecting capability of incident waves. Measured reflection coefficients of regular waves over impermeable submerged breakwaters are verified by comparing with those of the eigenfunction expansion method. A very good agreement is observed. Reflection coefficients of permeable submerged breakwaters are less than those of impermeable breakwaters. The trapezoidal shape is recommended for a submerged breakwater in terms of reflecting capability and practical application.  相似文献   

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