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We investigate the physical characteristics of single, rapidly rotating white dwarfs, which could form as a result of a merger of two white dwarfs with different masses and filled Roche lobes, due to the radiation of gravitational waves. When the merging of the binary components occurs without loss of mass and angular momentum, the merger products are subject to secular instability, and the density in their cores does not exceed ~108 g/cm3. Models are constructed for rapidly rotating neutron stars, which could form after the collapse of rotating iron cores of evolved massive stars. Dynamically unstable neutron-star models are characterized by a shift of the maximum density from the rotational axis. The total momentum of such neutron stars is about half the maximum possible momentum for the evolved cores of massive stars.  相似文献   

In this work, cold and hot, static and rotating white dwarf stars are investigated within the framework of classical physics, employing the Chandrasekhar equation of state. The main parameters of white dwarfs such as the central density, pressure, total mass and radius are calculated fulfilling the stability criteria for hot rotating stars. To construct rotating configurations the Hartle approach is involved. It is shown that the effects of finite temperatures become crucial in low-mass white dwarfs, whereas rotation is relevant in all mass range. The simultaneous accounting for temperature and rotation is critical in the calculation of the radii of white dwarfs. The results obtained in this work can be applied to explain a variety of observational data for white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Releases.  相似文献   


The conditions for the formation of close binaries containing main-sequence stars, degenerate dwarfs of various types, neutron stars, and black holes of various masses are considered. The paper investigates the evolution of the closest binary systems under the influence of their gravitational-wave radiation. The conditions under which the binary components can merge on a time scale shorter than the Hubble time as a result of their emission of gravitational waves are estimated. A self-consistent scenario model is used to estimate the frequency of such events in the Galaxy, their observable manifestations, the nature of the merger products, and the role of these events in the evolution of stars and galaxies. The conditions for the formation and evolution of supermassive binary black holes during collisions andmergers of galaxies in their dense clusters are studied.


The parameters of ten supersoft X-ray sources observed by ROSAT obtained using blanketing approximations and LTE model atmospheres are analyzed. The consistency of the resulting parameters with a model with stable/recurrent burning on the surface of the white dwarf is studied. The luminosity and sizes of seven of the sources are in good agreement with this model. The masses of the white dwarfs in these sources are estimated. A formula that can be used to estimate the masses of white dwarfs in classical supersoft sources based on their effective temperatures is presented.  相似文献   

Microlensing events detected in the MACHO project are sometimes interpreted as evidence for the presence of a rich population of white dwarfs in the halo of the Galaxy, containing up to 1012 objects. In this connection, we study the possible formation of this population in the Galaxy via the accretion of gaseous or gaseous-stellar systems. The accumulation of a large number of white dwarfs in the Galactic halo is possible only if several specific conditions are simultaneously satisfied. We conclude that the presence of a rich white-dwarf population in the halo is unlikely.  相似文献   

The “Scenario Machine” (a computer code designed for studies of the evolution of close binaries) was used to carry out a population synthesis for a wide range of merging astrophysical objects: main-sequence stars with main-sequence stars; white dwarfs with white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes; neutron stars with neutron stars and black holes; and black holes with black holes. We calculate the rates of such events, and plot the mass distributions for merging white dwarfs and main-sequence stars. It is shown that Type Ia supernovae can be used as standard candles only after approximately one billion years of evolution of galaxies. In the course of this evolution, the average energy of Type Ia supernovae should decrease by roughly 10%; the maximum and minimum energies of Type Ia supernovae may differ by no less than by a factor of 1.5. This circumstance must be taken into account at estimating the parameters of the Universe expansion acceleration. According to theoretical estimates, the most massive—as a rule, magnetic—white dwarfs probably originate from mergers of white dwarfs of lower mass. At least some magnetic Ap and Bp stars may form in mergers of low-mass main-sequence stars (M ? 1.5 M ) with convective envelopes.  相似文献   

The characteristics of degenerate dwarfs-core radius, mass, and energy, thickness of their outer layers-are calculated based on a mechanical-equilibrium equation in a five-parameter, two-phase compositemodel with an isothermal core and a non-degenerate outer region. An accurate equation of state for the partially degenerate, ideal, relativistic electron gas of the core is used together with a polytropic approximation for the outer layers. The model parameters are determined using the known masses, radii, and luminosities of observed DA white dwarfs. A region where dwarfs can exist is identified in a plot of core temperature vs. the relativity parameter at the center of the star, and the dependence of the core temperature on the effective temperature of the photosphere is constructed.  相似文献   

An efficient method for the detection and estimation of the parameters of the coronas of isolated white dwarfs possessing magnetic fields of about 107 G is tested. This method is based on the detection of thermal radiation of the coronal plasma at harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency, which is manifest as a polarized infrared excess. The Stokes parameters for the thermal cyclotron radiation from the hot corona of a white dwarf with a dipolar magnetic field are calculated. A new upper limit for the electron density, 1010 cm?3, in a corona with a temperature of ?106 K is found for the white dwarf G99-47 (WD 0553+053). This limit is a factor of 40 lower than the value derived earlier from ROSAT X-ray observations. Recommendations for subsequent infrared observations of isolated magnetic white dwarfs aimed at detecting their coronas or deriving better constraints on their parameters are presented.  相似文献   

The results of spectropolarimetric observations of a number of magnetic white dwarfs obtained on the 6-m optical telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory are presented. The observations were carried out using the SCORPIO focal aperture-ratio reducer in a spectropolarimetric regime. Two characteristic dependences of the degree of polarization on the wavelength are observed. For one group of objects, the degree of linear polarization grows with wavelength, suggesting that the alignment of atoms and molecules in Rydberg states in the atmosphere of the white dwarf due to the action of its magnetic field influences scattering processes. The second group of objects displays an increase in the degrees of both linear and circular polarization with wavelength, providing evidence for the presence of protoplanetary disks around these magnetic white dwarfs, in which the alignment of circumstellar grains leads to the observed behavior.  相似文献   

We suggest two mechanisms to explain IR photometric and spectropolarimetric observations of magnetic white dwarfs: vacuum polarization and the existence of Rydberg atomic states with large dipole moments arising due to atomic collisions in the strong magnetic field of the white dwarf (so-called magnetic collision-induced absorption, or magnetic CIA). Both mechanisms can explain the observed rotations of the polarization ellipses and the depression of the IR spectral energy distribution. We present the results of spectropolarimetric observations of several magnetic white dwarfs with the Special Astrophysical Observatory 6-m telescope, together with photometric observations in the near-IR obtained with the Russian-Italian AZT-24 Telescope at Campo Imperatore.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric observations are used to study the envelopes of the FeII nova V2467 Cyg and the HeN nova V2491 Cyg. The abundances of several elements in the nova envelopes and the envelope masses are estimated. The nitrogen mass abundance in the V2467 Cyg envelope is higher than the solar value by a factor of 186 and the oxygen abundance by the factor of 10. The nitrogen abundance in the envelope of V2491 Cyg exceeds the solar value by a factor of 56, the oxygen abundance by a factor of 12, and the neon abundance by a factor of 8. The masses of the envelopes were estimated to be 8.5×10?5 M for V2467 Cyg and 1.5×10?5 M for V2491 Cyg. These envelope elemental abundances and masses are in good agreement with those of low-mass CO white dwarfs (0.8 M ) and ONe white dwarfs (1.15 M ).  相似文献   

Usingthe “Scenario Machine” (a specialized numerical code formodeling the evolution of large ensembles of binary systems), we have studied the physical properties of rapidly rotating main-sequence binary stars (Be stars) with white-dwarf companions and their abundance in the Galaxy. The calculations are the first to take into account the cooling of the compact object and the effect of synchronization of the rotation on the evolution of Be stars in close binaries. The synchronization time scale can be shorter than the main-sequence lifetime of a Be star formed during the first mass transfer. This strongly influences the distribution of orbital periods for binary Be stars. In particular, it can explain the observed deficit of short-period Be binaries. According to our computations, the number of binary systems in the Galaxy containing a Be star and white dwarf is large: 70–80% of all Be stars in binaries should have degenerate dwarf companions. Based on our calculations, we conclude that the compact components in these systems have high surface temperatures. Despite their high surface temperatures, the detection of white dwarfs in such systems is hampered by the fact that the entire orbit of the white dwarf is embedded in the dense circumstellar envelope of the primary, and all the extreme-UV and soft X-ray emission of the compact object is absorbed by the Be star’s envelope. It may be possible to detect the white dwarfs via observations of helium emission lines of Be stars of not very early spectral types. The ultraviolet continuum energies of these stars are not sufficient to produce helium line emission. We also discuss numerical results for Be stars with other evolved companions, such as helium stars and neutron stars, and suggest an explanation for the absence of Be-black-hole binaries.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of the evolution of light absorption by gray dust in the host galaxies of type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) and the evolution of the mean combined mass of close-binary carbon-oxygen white dwarfs merging due to gravitational waves (SN Ia precursors) on the interpretation of Hubble diagrams for SN Ia. A significant increase in the mean SN Ia energy due to the higher combined masses of merging dwarfs should be observable at redshifts z > 2. The observed relation between the distance moduli and redshifts of SN Ia can be interpreted not only as evidence for accelerated expansion of the Universe, but also as indicating time variations of the gray-dust absorption of light from these supernovae in various types of host galaxies, observational selection effects, and the decreasing mean combined masses of merging degenerate dwarfs.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the development of a large-scale instability accompanying deflagration in the degenerate cores of rotating white dwarfs—progenitors of type-Ia supernovae—are presented. The numerical algorithm used is described in detail. An explicit, conservative, Godunov-type TVD difference scheme was employed for the computations. Large-scale convective processes are important as the deflagration front propagates. The supernova explosion is strongly nonspherically symmetric; a large-scale front structure emerges and propagates most rapidly along the rotational axis. The arrival of fresh thermonuclear fuel to the central region of the core can result in flares and the destruction of the core.  相似文献   

We model the Galactic ensemble of helium stars using population synthesis techniques, assuming that all helium stars are formed in binaries. In this picture, single helium stars are produced by mergers of helium remnants of the components of close binaries (mainly, the merging of helium white dwarfs) or in the disruption of binaries with helium components during supernova explosions. The estimated total birthrate of helium stars in the Galaxy is 0.043 yr?1; the total number is 4 × 106; and the binarity rate is 76%. We construct a subsample of low-mass (MHe ? 2M) helium stars defined by observational selection effects: the limiting magnitude (VHe ≤ 16), ratio of the magnitudes of the components in binaries (VHeVcomp), and lower limit for the semiamplitude of the radial velocity required for detecting binarity (Kmin = 30 km s?1). The parameters of this subsample are in satisfactory agreement with observations of helium subdwarfs. In particular, the binarity rate in the selection-limited sample is 58%. We analyze the relations between the orbital periods and masses of helium subdwarfs and their companions in systems with various combinations of components. We predict that the overwhelming majority (~97%) of unobserved companions to helium stars will be white dwarfs, predominantly, carbon-oxygen white dwarfs.  相似文献   

The quantum motion of non-relativistic and relativistic electrons in the presence of constant magnetic fields at the surfaces of magnetic stars, magnetic white dwarfs, and pulsars is considered. The quantizing magnetic-field strengths for charged particles with specified energies are determined. The quantum motion of these particles in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field is accompanied by spontaneous radiation due to electron transitions from higher to lower discrete energy levels, right down to the ground state. In the non-relativistic case, this emission is monochromatic. In the non-relativistic case, various frequencies are emitted, but lie within an order of magnitude of each other. The electron kinetic energy along the magnetic field varies from zero to a maximum value, due to the one-dimensional character of the motion along the field, between each pair of potential barriers corresponding to the discrete energy levels. The results may be relevant to describing gamma-ray flares of pulsars.  相似文献   

We have performed three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical calculations of stream accretion in cataclysmic variable stars for which the white dwarf primary possesses a strong, complex magnetic field. These calculations were motivated by observations of polars: cataclysmic variables containing white dwarfs with magnetic fields sufficiently strong to prevent the formation of an accretion disk. In this case, an accretion stream flows from the L1 point and impacts directly onto one or more spots on the surface of the white dwarf. Observations indicate that the white dwarfs in some binaries possess complex (non-dipolar) magnetic fields. We performed simulations of ten polars, with the only variable being the azimuthal angle of the secondary with respect to the white dwarf. These calculations are also applicable to asynchronous polars, where the spin period of the white dwarf differs by a few percent from the orbital period. Our results are equivalent to calculating the structure of one asynchronous polar at ten different spin-orbit beat phases. Our models have an aligned dipolar plus quadrupolar magnetic field centered on the whitedwarf primary. We find that, with a sufficiently strong quadrupolar component, an accretion spot arises near the magnetic equator for slightly less than half our simulations, while a polar accretion zone is active for most of the remaining simulations. For two configurations, accretion at a dominant polar region and in an equatorial zone occurs simultaneously. Most polar studies assume that the magnetic field is dipolar, especially for single-pole accretors. We demonstrate that, with the orbital parameters and magnetic-field strengths typical of polars, the accretion flow patterns can vary widely in the case of a complex magnetic field. This may make it difficult formany polars to determine observationally whether the field is pure dipolar or is more complex, but there shoulid be indications for some systems. In particular, a complex magnetic field should be suspected if there is an accretion zone near the white dwarf’s equator (assumed to be in the orbital plane) or if there are two or more accretion regions that cannot be fitted by dipolar magnetic field. Magnetic-field constraints are expected to be substantially stronger for asynchronous polars, with clearer signs of complex field geometry due to changes in the accretion flow structure as a function of azimuthal angle. These indications become clearer in asynchronous polars because each azimuthal angle corresponds to a different spin-orbit beat phase.  相似文献   

There should be a universal correlation between the main observational parameters of magnetized accreting stars (neutron stars, white dwarfs, and possibly T Tauri stars): their luminosities, periods, and temperatures. To first approximation, such a dependence is obeyed reasonably well for X-ray pulsars, intermediate polars, and T Tauri stars. In contrast, the parameters of anomalous pulsars (so-called “magnetars”) and soft gamma-ray repeaters differ sharply from this dependence, and even occupy a “forbidden” region in the parameter space. This presents a serious argument against the idea that these are accretingneutron stars.  相似文献   

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