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The paper outlines the evolution of fisheries development policies (aquaculture excluded), from an international perspective as seen within the various UN and FAO fishery committees. It begins with the first FAO Technical Committee on Fisheries in 1945 and extends through the various periods corresponding to post-war reconstruction (1945–1958), geographical expansion (1959–1972), establishment of a new economic order of the oceans (1973–1982), and transition towards global concerns (1983–1992). It underlines the gaps between government resolutions at the international level and effective implementation at national policy level. This identifies the elements to be considered in responsible fishing policies. Finally, the FAO International Code of Conduct for Responsible fisheries is presented as the conceptual framework for achieving sustainable fisheries development and UNCED's objectives within the framework of the 1992 Convention.  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈流变学是固体地球科学领域的基本问题,也是理解大陆变形的动力学过程和构造演化史的关键.本文对近年来大陆岩石圈流变学的研究进展进行了综述.重点讨论大陆岩石圈流变学的纵向分层和横向分块特性及流变学与地震活动性、壳-幔解耦及下地壳流动变形的地球动力学意义和中国大陆地区岩石圈流变学研究状况.最后,对大陆岩石圈流变学研究存在的问题和未来的研究方向做了一定的探讨和展望.  相似文献   

For problems of convection–diffusion type, Eulerian–Lagrangian localized adjoint methods provide a methodology that maintains the accuracy and efficiency of Eulerian–Lagrangian methods, while also conserving mass and systematically treating any type of boundary condition. In groundwater hydrology, this framework is useful for solute transport, as well as vadose-zone transport, multiphase transport, and reactive flows. The formulation was originated around 1990 by the authors, Herrera and Ewing, in a paper that appeared in Advances in Water Resources [Adv. Water Resour. 13 (1990) 187]. This paper reviews the progress in the development, analysis, and application of these methods since 1990, and suggests topics for future work.  相似文献   

The main environmental features of the Gulf of Batabanó, Cuba, Caribbean, were investigated through the analyses of surface sediments collected at 23 sites. In order to highlight the potential threats affecting the sedimentary compartment of this area, samples were analysed for: granulometry, mineralogy, heavy metals concentration (As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), organic carbon, total nitrogen and radionuclides. Findings were compared with published data and “grey” literature.Results showed: granulometric homogeneity and a widespread carbonatic condition all over the gulf, probably due to stable bathymetry and lack of terrigenous input (except for the La Coloma basin); a rather pristine environment for what concerns heavy metals pollution, except for La Coloma where a large arsenic input was recorded; very low levels of natural and artificial radioactivity; a relevant quantity of sedimentary organic matter, providing biota with useful substrate for feeding and enhancing the food-web development while indirectly supplying lobster fisheries. Combined data highlighted the impact of the Dique Sur in reducing terrigenous input in the coastal area.Future studies should focus on dating of sediment cores for identifying and quantifying the changes acting in the gulf and on investigating the origins of the large arsenic input to La Coloma.  相似文献   

The seismic performance of geotechnical works is significantly affected by ground displacement. In particular, soil–structure interaction and effects of liquefaction play major roles and pose difficult problems for engineers. An International Standard, ISO23469, is being developed for addressing these issues in a systematic manner within a consistent framework. The objective of this paper is to give an overview of this International Standard.In this International Standard, the seismic actions are determined through two stages. The first stage determines basic seismic action variables, including the earthquake ground motion at the site, the potential for earthquake-associated phenomena such as liquefaction and induced lateral ground displacement. These basic variables are used, in the second stage, for specifying the seismic actions for designing geotechnical works. In the second stage, the soil–structure interaction plays a major role. Types of analyses are classified based on a combination of static/dynamic analyses and the procedure for soil–structure interaction classified as follows:
– simplified: soil–structure interaction of a global system is modeled as an action on a substructure;
– detailed: soil–structure interaction of a global system is modeled as a coupled system.
Keywords: Design; Geotechnical works; Liquefaction; International Standard; Seismic actions; Seismic hazard analysis  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model covering the northwest European Shelf and part of the adjacent Atlantic Ocean is used to examine the influence of water depth change upon the distribution of maximum tidal bed stress. The direction of bed stress is an indicator of sediment movement as bed load and various regions of convergence and divergence in good agreement with observations are identified. Calculations are performed with water depths reduced by 35 m, corresponding to 10 000 years before present (B.P.). Initially, the model is forced by only the M2 tide, although subsequently five constituents, namely M2, S2, N2, K1 and O1, are used for tidal forcing. Although the distribution of extreme bed stresses computed with only M2 tidal forcing is comparable to that computed with five tides, the additional tidal constituents modify the magnitude of the bed stress. In particular the diurnal tides show regions of local enhanced current amplitude in the shelf-edge region with corresponding changes in bed stress. When water depths are reduced such that the North Sea and English Channel are separated, then there is a significant change in the tidal distribution in the shallow Southern Bight which influences bed-stress distributions and hence bed-load sediment transport in the area. Besides changes in shallow regions, the distribution of tides at the shelf edge is affected. A discussion of the limitations of the present coarse-grid model in shelf-edge regions and how it can be used to provide boundary conditions for limited-area three-dimensional models that can include stratification is presented. Also the importance of stratification for sediment movement at the shelf edge is briefly discussed.Responsible Editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   

An established numerical tidal model has been used to investigate the impact of various sea-level rise (SLR) scenarios, as well as SLR in combination with large-scale tidal power plants on European shelf tidal dynamics. Even moderate and realistic levels of future SLR are shown to have significant impacts on the tidal dynamics of the area. These changes are further enhanced when SLR and tidal power plants are considered in combination, resulting in changes to tidal amplitudes, currents and associated tidal dissipation and bed shear stresses. Sea-level rise is the dominant influence on any far-field impacts, whereas tidal power plants are shown to have the prevailing influence over any changes close to the point of energy extraction. The spatial extent of the impacts of energy extraction is shown to be affected by the sea level when more than one tidal power plant in the Irish Sea was considered. Different ways to implement SLR in the model are also discussed and shown to be of great significance for the response of the tides.  相似文献   

Ridge subduction and porphyry copper-gold mineralization:An overview   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Many large porphyry Cu-Au deposits are connected to adakitic rocks known to be closely associated with ridge subduction. For example, there are several subducting ridges along the east Pacific margin, e.g., in Chile, Peru, and South America, most of which are associated with large porphyry Cu-Au deposits. In contrast, there are much fewer ridge subductions on the west Pacific margin and porphyry Cu-Au deposits are much less there, both in terms of tonnage and the number of deposits. Given that Cu and Au are...  相似文献   

This volume builds on presentations made at two thematic sessions on “The Active Tectonics of the Circum-Adriatic Region” at the EGU 2007 and 2008 General Assemblies in Vienna. In both sessions, contributions were invited from workers incorporating structural, geophysical, seismological, remote sensing, geodetic and thermochronological methods to better understand the crustal evolution and ongoing development of one of Europe's most interesting tectonic regions. The Adriatic region occupies a central position within the geodynamic framework of the Central Mediterranean. It is surrounded by actively deforming belts of diverse character including transpressional, contractional, strike-slip and extensional domains, collectively defining the structurally complex and kinematically varied boundaries of the Adria plate. Because many countries occupy the circum-Adriatic region, international collaborative research into the tectonic activity and associated natural hazards of the region is relevant and important to European society. In this context, the papers presented in this volume provide important new data that bear on various aspects of the active tectonics of the circum-Adriatic region. These contributions typically draw on multidisciplinary structural, geophysical and geochronological datasets to draw new conclusions concerning the spatial and temporal evolution of Adria's bounding deformation zones, especially the southeastern and southern Italian regions and NE Adriatic region. In this overview, we provide a state-of-the-art summary of different aspects of present-day Adria geodynamics to provide a common background for the individual contributions that follow.  相似文献   

古ENSO的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对20世纪90年代后期逐渐在古气候学、古海洋学、地质学和古生物学等跨学科交叉领域中崭露头角的热点问题——古ENSO研究的前沿进展做了系统的总结和回顾.从观测和气候模拟两方面对集中于不同时间尺度的焦点问题进行展开,主要包括如下几个时段:早-中全新世的厄尔尼诺的减弱;末次冰期中的ENSO循环及其与高纬气候的联系;以及末次间冰期的ENSO现象.其中对早-中全新世时期的ENSO减弱的相对成熟的“岁差”机制做了详细总结,而对另两个时段的矛盾和问题做了简要整理和概括.建议在今后的古ENSO研究中,除观测外,要注意提高对古ENSO进行动力模拟研究的比重,两者相互配合来增加对ENSO循环和气候背景之间相互作用机理的理解,从而为今后全球变暖背景下的ENSO预测提供有意义的借鉴.  相似文献   

大陆边缘热状态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热流与岩石圈热状态是大陆边缘构造研究的重要课题,其研究不仅能为探讨发生在大陆边缘的物理、化学和生物过程提供地热约束,而且还能为深水油气资源评价和勘探提供依据.近年来,随着对海底过程研究的深入和对能源资源问题的关注,大陆边缘热状态研究取得了新认识,特别是,主动大陆边缘弧后地区高热流的认识及成因机制以及被动大陆边缘洋陆过渡带可能存在的高热流异常等这些重要发现,进一步丰富和完善了大陆边缘热状态的认识.本文总结了近年来大陆边缘热流研究进展,重点讨论了主动大陆边缘岛弧弧后地区热状态和部分被动大陆边缘发现的高热流异常,前者一般被认为是与弧后地区岩石圈之下的浅地幔对流有关;而后者既包括来自浅层地壳生热贡献,也有深部地幔热流所致,一些学者将此归因于小尺度地幔对流或岩石圈厚度差异引发的边界效应,仍存争议.我们还分析了探针热流、钻孔热流和BSR热流等不同类型数据的优缺点,指出钻孔热流和BSR热流成为继传统探针热流之后研究大陆边缘热流的有效手段.在海底热流和近海底过程之间相互响应的基础上,强调热流探测对近海底过程研究的贡献.还对比了国内外热状态的研究,探讨了国内研究与国际的差距.最后,就未来大陆边缘热状态研究提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

The energy flux in internal waves generated at the Celtic Sea shelf break was estimated by (i) applying perturbation theory to a week-long dataset from a mooring at 200 m depth, and (ii) using a 2D non-hydrostatic circulation model over the shelf break. The dataset consisted of high resolution time-series of currents and vertical stratification together with two 25-h sets of vertical profiles of the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. The observations indicated an average energy flux of 139 W m−1, travelling along the shelf break towards the northwest. The average energy flux across the shelf break at the mooring was only 8 W m−1. However, the waves propagating onshelf transported up to 200 W m−1, but they were only present 51% of the time. A comparison between the divergence of the baroclinic energy flux and observed dissipation within the seasonal thermocline at the mooring showed that the dissipation was at least one order of magnitude larger. Results from a 2D model along a transect perpendicular to the shelf break showed a time-averaged onshelf energy flux of 153–425 W m−1, depending on the magnitude of the barotropic forcing. A divergence zone of the energy flux was found a few kilometre offshore of the location of the observations in the model results, and fluxes on the order of several kW m−1 were present in the deep waters further offshelf from the divergence zone. The modelled fluxes exhibited qualitative agreements with the phase and hourly onshelf magnitudes of the observed energy fluxes. Both the observations and the model results show an intermittent onshelf energy flux of 100–200 W m−1, but these waves could only propagate ∼20–30 km onshore before dissipating. This conclusion was supported by a 25-h dataset sampled some 180 km onto the shelf, where a weak wave energy flux was found going towards the shelf break. We therefore conclude that shelf break generated internal waves are unlikely to be the main source of energy for mixing on the inner part of the shelf.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the newer techniques for acquiring and inverting electromagnetic data. Attention is confined primarily to the 2d magnetotelluric (MT) problem but the inverse methods are applicable to all areas of EM induction. The basis of the EMAP technique of Bostick is presented along with examples to illustrate the efficacy of that method in structural imaging and in overcoming the deleterious effects of near-surface distortions of the electric field. Reflectivity imaging methods and the application of seismic migration techniques to EM problems are also explored as imaging tools. Two new approaches to the solution of the inverse problem are presented. The AIM (Approximate Inverse Mapping) inversion of Oldenburg and Ellis uses a new way to estimate a perturbation in an iterative solution which does not involve linearization of the equations. The RRI (Rapid Relaxation Inverse) of Smith and Booker shows how approximate Fréchet derivatives and sequences of 1d inversions can be used to develop a practical inversion algorithm. The overview is structured to provide insight about the latest inversion techniques and also to touch upon most areas of the inverse problem that must be considered to carry out a practical inversion. These include model parameterization, methods of calculating first order sensitivities, and methods for setting up a linearized inversion.  相似文献   

The sedimentology, cyclicity and hiatuses of the Blue Lias Formation (basal Jurassic) were investigated at five localities in South Britain. Most carbonate mud, which is the dominant carbonate component, has been neomorphosed to microspar. However, carbonate mud was apparently supplied by coccoliths in zooplankton faecal pellets, suggesting hemipelagic sedimentation. Clay is assumed to have been supplied by rivers. The three sediment types involved reflect cyclic changes in bottom-water oxygenation levels combined with changes in the clay-to-carbonate mud ratio.Walsh power spectra have been applied for the first time to measured sections in order to investigate the control of cyclicity. This application is analogous to palaeoclimatological studies of Pleistocene oxygen-isotope (ice-volume) records. The spectra show that 1 or 2 sedimentary cycles, of constant thickness, occur in four out of five sections, each of which represents several million years. The maximum possible duration of these cycles is too short for their generation by sea-level changes. Their regularity, stability and order of duration (tens of thousands of years) are consistent with the hypothesis of sedimentary cyclicity controlled by climatic change, itself forced by orbital changes in insolation (Milankovitch theory). The duration of both cycles recognised is less than 93,000 years (93 ka) and may record changes in orbital precession (21 ka) and obliquity (41 ka). Assuming that one ammonite zone represents 1 Ma, comparison of the longest-possible with the implied durations of the cycles, suggests that the sections are at best 20–40% complete. Loss of sediment may have occurred during winter storms or hurricanes. A model relating the sedimentary cycles to changes in the volume of runoff is proposed.  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary study of the waters across the continental shelf off Perth, Western Australia, has provided the first detailed climatology of the physical, chemical, optical, and biological processes across the shelf. In support of this work, remote-sensing data were utilised to provide a broad view of the spatial and temporal chlorophyll concentration dynamics, to support in situ observations, and to help “fill the gaps” inherent in in situ point sampling.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide an overview of regional carbon fluxes and budgets in the marginal seas adjacent to China.The "China Seas" includes primarily the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and the Bohai Sea. Emphasis is given to CO_2 fluxes across the air-sea interface and their controls. The net flux of CO_2 degassing from the China Seas is estimated to be9.5±53 Tg C yr~(-1). The total riverine carbon flux through estuaries to the China Seas is estimated as 59.6±6.4 Tg C yr~(-1). Chinese estuaries annually emit 0.74±0.02 Tg C as CO_2 to the atmosphere. Additionally, there is a very large net carbon influx from the Western Pacific to the China Seas, amounting to ~2.5 Pg C yr~(-1). As a first-order estimate, the total export flux of particulate organic carbon from the upper ocean of the China Seas is 240±80 Tg C yr~(-1). This review also attempts to examine current knowledge gaps to promote a better understanding of the carbon cycle in this important region.  相似文献   

This introduction to a series of high-resolution varve studies in Baldeggersee provides both an overview of the different subprojects as well as background information on relevant limnological trends. The project was based on a new method of in-situ freezing of unconsolidated surficial sediments in deep lakes. With this freeze-core technique a detailed, high-resolution stratigraphy of the varved sediments at the deepest point of Baldeggersee has been established for the period of 1885–1993. Annual and seasonal sediment samples were analyzed. Concentrations of redox active metals in sediments were calibrated as proxy indicators for the reconstruction of hypolimnetic oxygen conditions. Particle size analysis and varve measurements were used to discriminate between the influence of nutrients and climate on sediment formation and accumulation. Baldeggersee is an ideal system for calibrating indicators of deep-water oxygen concentrations because it underwent dramatic changes in nutrient loading and redox conditions during this century. The hypolimnion has been seasonally anoxic for the last 100 years and phosphorus content decreased by a factor of five in the last 20 years. Meromixis was observed between 1960 and 1980. Since 1983 the deep water has been artificially oxygenated. This well documented change in deep-water oxygen concentration represents a unique whole-lake experiment that can be used to analyze the geochemical response of the sediments.  相似文献   

A 350 m deep borehole was drilled in the Colli Albani volcanic district (Central Italy) in order to: understand the shallow crust structure beneath the volcanic complex; characterize the rock physical properties especially through in-situ measurements and, afterward, laboratory experiments; assess the local present-day stress field; install a broad-band seismometer at depth. The borehole is located adjacent to the western rim of the Tuscolano–Artemisio caldera, where several phenomena of unrest recently occurred. In 1989–90 a seismic swarm affected this area and a related uplift was recognized. In addition, high gas concentrations (mainly CO2 and H2S), in aquifers and soils, caused illnesses and casualties among inhabitants and animals in the past.  相似文献   

根据各大网站地震目录和前人研究成果,分析全球地震台网与地震台阵、我国区域台网与地震台阵的监测能力,阐述了地震台阵与密集台网/台阵的区别。研究表明,对同一地区所检测的地震数,地震台阵是地震台网的3—10倍,而震级下限可降低1.2—2级。一般情况下,以微弱信号检测为目的的地震台阵监测能力均优于以结构研究为目的的密集台网/台阵,2种台阵是目的、性质、孔径、形状、台间距、技术手段、研究方法均不同的监测系统。  相似文献   

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