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The sedimentary sequence discovered at archaeological excavations in ancient Theodosius Harbour at İstanbul contains the records of sea level, environmental changes and the cultural history of the region. The cobbles at the base of the sequence include archaeological remnants of Neolithic culture that settled in the area between 8.4 and 7.3 14C ka BP, and are located at 6 m below the present sea level. The sediments representing a coastal environment indicate that the area was used as a harbour from AD 4th to at least the 11th century and were filled by the sediments derived from Lykos Stream after 11th century.  相似文献   

Thirty-five archaeological sites between Lebanon and Gaza on the Mediterranean shore of Israel were surveyed for evidence of relative changes of sea level; and published and unpublished data were compiled on a further 23 sites. Remains of occupation levels were classified into 13 archaeological periods from Neolithic to Crusader, giving a good dating scale over the last 9000 years. The Bronze Age shoreline (4000 years B.P.) is shown to be very close to the present shore along most of the coast, with vertical changes of less than 1.0 m at most sites. For later periods the accuracy of measurement of relative changes of level was improved to a root sum square error of 28 cm.The mean and modal sea levels derived from all sites of the same archaeological period were plotted against time to indicate the most probable “eustatic” sea-level curve, though it is accepted that hydro-isostatic adjustment and broad-scale slow earth movements cannot be separated statistically from eustatic changes on a 200-km stretch of coast. The relative sea level is shown to have been between −70 cm and present sea level for the last 4000 years, with no evidence for oscillations of amplitude more than ±30 cm at periodicities longer than 400 years, and no high sea level still stands.Relative vertical displacement between sites of the same archaeological age is attributed to tectonism. The sites on the alluvium of the Haifa—Qish on graben show no signs of vertical displacement, but there is maximum activity to north and south. Acco, on the north margin, shows submergence of nearly 2.0 m since A.D. 1300, with probable uplift preceding that date. Mount Carmel, south of the graben, shows signs of only very slight relative change, possibly attributable to eustatic change, in the immediate vicinity of the graben. But the southern flank of the mountain, 20–80 km south of the southern fault of the Graben, shows active vertical movements on the whole coast. Dor and Caesarea indicate multiple vertical movements ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 m in the last 2000 years, and a slump or fault has intersected the harbour area of Caesarea about 150 m offshore.These observations are related briefly to recent geodetic levelling of the coast and graben area; observations on the Dead Sea Rift, and hypotheses of fault control of the linearity of the Israel Mediterranean coastline.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of marine isotope stage (MIS) 11 deposits in small Bermudian caves at +21 m above modern sea level: (1) a +21 m MIS 11 eustatic sea-level highstand, and (2) a MIS 11 mega-tsunami event. Importantly, the foraminifera reported in these caves have yet to be critically evaluated within a framework of coastal cave environments. After statistically comparing foraminifera in modern Bermudian littoral caves and the MIS 11 Calonectris Pocket A (+21 m cave) to the largest available database of Bermudian coastal foraminifera, the assemblages found in modern littoral caves – and Calonectris Pocket A – cannot be statistically differentiated from lagoons. This observation is expected considering littoral caves are simply sheltered extensions of a lagoon environment in the littoral zone, where typical coastal processes (waves, storms) homogenize and rework lagoonal, reefal, and occasional planktic taxa. Fossil protoconchs of the Bermudian cave stygobite Caecum caverna were also associated with the foraminifera. These results indicate that the MIS 11 Bermudian caves are fossil littoral caves (breached flank margin caves), where the total MIS 11 microfossil assemblage is preserving a signature of coeval sea level at +21 m. Brackish foraminifera (Polysaccammina, Pseudothurammina) and anchialine gastropods (95%, >300 individuals) indicate a brackish anchialine habitat developed in the elevated caves after the prolonged littoral environmental phase. The onset of sea-level regression following the +21 m highstand would first lower the ancient brackish Ghyben-Herzberg lens (<0.5 m) and flood the cave with brackish water, followed by drainage of the cave to create a permanent vadose environment. These interpretations of the MIS 11 microfossils (considering both taphonomy and paleoecology) are congruent with the micropaleontological, hydrogeological and physical mechanisms influencing modern Bermudian coastal cave environments. In conclusion, we reject the mega-tsunami hypothesis, concur with the +21 m MIS 11 eustatic sea-level hypothesis, and reiterate the need to resolve the disparity between global marine isotopic records and the physical geologic evidence for sea level during MIS 11.  相似文献   

Reevaluation of geological and archaeological evidence from western Mount Carmel constrains its maximal tectonic uplift since the Middle Pleistocene. Tabun Cave, presently 45 m above sea level (asl), revealed human occupation from about 600 ka to 90 ka before present. The 25 m thick archaeological strata at Tabun are composed of laminated fine sand, silt and clays. Moreover, no marine deposits were found in Tabun or nearby caves. Since sea level in the last 600 ka reached a maximal of 5 to 10 m asl, Tabun Cave could not have been uplifted since then by more than 35 to 40 m, that is a maximal average rate of 58 to 67 mm/ka.  相似文献   

Submerged caves of Croatia: distribution,classification and origin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Presently, 235 submerged caves and pits have been recorded along the Croatian coast and islands, partly or completely submerged by sea water. Contrary to the inland situation, recorded submerged features are predominantly horizontal (60%), though there are indications that the real situation is similar to that of the continental part where 69% are vertical pits. Completely marine conditions are established in 126 caves and the rest are anchihaline caves and submarine springs. Speleothems are found in more than 140 caves. By their origin, the investigated caves are all continental features formed in Mesozoic and Palaeogene carbonates, subsequently submerged owing to sea transgression. Due to the relatively low wave energy, rapid sea level rise and maturity of the host rock, they do not fit into concepts of a sea cave or a flank margin cave development, but they fulfil several conditions for being the blue holes. Since the term ‘blue hole’ is mainly associated with the Bahamian karst, our attempt is only to show the possible similarities with no intention of ascribing that term to the Croatian caves. Beside karstological issues, Croatian submerged caves are unique environmental, archaeological and tourism assets.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys facilitate tracing of buried archaeological relics at the archaeological site of the Tell El Rabi'a, southwestern Cairo. These surveys also provide information on variations in depth of the groundwater table, which affect both exhumed and buried archaeological remains. The 2-D electrical resistivity profiles obtained show some high anomalies (up to 6900 Ω m). Based upon on-site calibration at partly exhumed sites, such anomalies are interpreted as pillar crowns and wall-like structures of hard limestone of the Hathour temple. The low background resistivities are interpreted to represent riverine deposits with differing moisture (or saturation) characteristics. The results of the GPR survey show three forms of high-amplitude radar anomalies, denoted as “P, H and R”. The “P” anomalies have semi-hyperbolic shapes, which suggest the presence of thin buried walls. The second, near-horizontal group of anomalies, “H”, may be either due to the presence of thick buried walls or arise from coincidental parallel alignment of survey lines with buried linear structures. The third group of GPR anomalies “R” is composed of chaotic reflections, and interpreted to depict buried stone-filled chambers. Some un-exhumed parts of the study area show weak radar reflections with occasional highly attenuated radar signals. These phenomena are ascribed to differing compaction and moisture characteristics of riverine soil layers. Recommendations with regard to archaeological site-excavation, preservation of archaeological relics, and soil conservation are submitted.  相似文献   

Nick Marriner  Christophe Morhange   《Earth》2007,80(3-4):137-194
Although much has been written on the subject of ancient Mediterranean harbours, the relatively new area of harbour geoarchaeology remains dispersed in the geoscience and archaeological literature. Over a decade of research has amassed rich and varied datasets of anthropogenically forced coastal evolution, with a remarkable number of between-site analogies. This new research field also shows the rich potential of geoscience to reconcile important archaeological questions. No single publication, however, has yet drawn on these geological patterns to yield a detailed overview suitable for geoscientists and environmental archaeologists. The aim of this review article is to (1) discuss how ancient harbours have come to be preserved in the geological record; (2) expound the basic principles and palaeoenvironmental tools underpinning ancient harbour geoarchaeology; (3) outline some of the most significant research advances made; and (4) discuss a new chrono-stratigraphic model applicable to harbour sequences.  相似文献   

The Luni Plain, which faces the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, underwent major landscape changes over the last 3000 years. The coastline shifted south and west, separating the ruins of the ancient Roman colony of Luni (founded in 177 BC) from the sea by means of a new coastal plain. The precise location of the coastline during the main settlement phase as well as during the city's decline has never been established, although partial and qualitative scenarios have been suggested by various authors. According to these authors, an indentation of the coastline west of the city formed a major water basin, along the shores of which traces of pre-Roman settlements exist; near the city, two minor basins were present, suitable for hosting harbour structures. The city of Luni was famed for its harbour (Portus Lunae), from which the marbles quarried in the Apuan Alps, used to build many of the monuments in Rome, were delivered. The traces of its port, however, are scattered and uncertain.Newly available subsurface data are presented, associated with a revision of unpublished archaeological evidence of the ancient city topography. Progress in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions at Luni has been possible thanks to the collection and analysis of ancient and recent cores, supported by radiocarbon dates, as well as the interpretation of archaeological findings suitable as markers for sea-level recognition. The main environmental changes in the area have been refined: since a few centuries before the colony was founded, the Luni plain had been characterized by a complex architecture of swamps and marshes limited by dune ridges and fluvial sand bars. The positions of these landforms were not fixed, but shifted, mainly depending on the spatial relationship between the coastline and the river mouths.Determining the precise position of the Roman coastline is useful to constrain the area in which archaeological surveys should be concentrated in order to identify the harbour location. Moreover, some of these results have been used to infer altitude constraints on the sea-level position in Roman times: preliminary data are shown for constructing a Late Holocene local sea-level curve in the area.  相似文献   

Holocene prograded coastal sequences at Becher/Rockingham, southern Western Australia, contain a detailed record of sea level over the last 6400 yr. Radiocarbon dating and use of a distinct stratigraphic indicator as a sea-level marker permit reconstruction of sea-level history and suggest that the sea was at least 2.5 m above present datum about 6400 yr B.P. before falling to its present level. No evidence was found for eustatic fluctuations of the scale proposed by R. W. Fairbridge [1961, in “Physics and Chemistry of the Earth” (L. H. Ahrens, F. Press, K. Rankema, and S. K. Runcorn, Eds.), Vol. 4, pp. 99–185, Pergamon, Oxford]. The sea-level record preserved on this coast can be explained by hydro-isostasy, tectonism, or eustasy, acting individually or in concert. Without a fixed reference point or analogous data from other locations, a firm conclusion on which mechanism(s) has(have) operated could not be reached. Published sea-level data from this and other coasts are often insufficiently detailed to compare with this study. Application of the techniques of this study to analogous sedimentary sequences elsewhere will provide data of comparable accuracy that would contribute to a more precise understanding of relative sea-level movements in the late Quaternary.  相似文献   

Pompeii, buried by the explosive A.D. 79 eruption of Somma‐Vesuvius, is one of the most studied ancient cities in the Roman world. However, until very recently, the rural settlement in its hinterland had been largely ignored by systematic archaeological research. The ancient landscape around Pompeii consisted of a dense network of Roman farms (villae rusticae). They are believed to have played a vital role in ancient rural life and economy and thus represented the interactive rural–urban relationship in the Sarno River plain. The systematic investigation of published work combined with new fieldwork has yielded a data set of 140 villae rusticae in the Sarno River plain. Geographic information system based spatial statistics as well as predictive modeling were applied to gain a more detailed understanding of the ancient rural settlement structure in relation to the underlying paleoenvironmental and socioeconomic conditions. A high‐resolution pre‐A.D. 79 paleolandscape model of the Sarno River plain was utilized. The aim of this paper is to address theoretical considerations, the methodological implementation, and the archaeological discussion of the analysis of the ancient rural settlements and agriculture around Pompeii.  相似文献   

Precise measurements of submerged archaeological markers in the Siracusa coast (Southeastern Sicily, Italy) provide new data on relative sea-level change during the late Holocene. Four submerged archaeological sites have been studied and investigated through direct observations. Two of them are Greek archaic in age (2.5–2.7 ka) and are now 0.98–1.48 m below sea level; the other two developed during the Bronze age (3.2–3.8 ka) and are now 1.03–1.97 m below sea level. These archaeological data have been integrated with information derived from a submerged speleothem collected in a cave located along the Siracusa coast at − 20 m depth. The positions of the archaeological markers have been measured with respect to present sea level, corrected for tide and pressure at the time of surveys. These data were compared with predicted sea-level rise curves for the Holocene using a glacio-hydro-isostatic model. The comparison with the curve for the southeastern Sicily coast yields a tectonic component of relative sea-level change related to regional uplift. Uplift rates between 0.3 and 0.8 mm/yr have been estimated.  相似文献   

The chronologies of few Neolithic sites in the lower reaches of the Min River of China have been well investigated for the middle to late Holocene. In this study, the Hengyu Neolithic site in Fujian Province, South China, which has significant archaeological remains, was dated using blue‐stimulated optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS14C) techniques. The results, comprising nine OSL and three AMS14C ages through the Neolithic sequence, provide new evidence towards understanding the relationship between environmental evolution and human activities in the middle to late Holocene in the Fuzhou Basin and coastal areas of South China. The ages of the site deposits vary from 6.83 to 1.67 ka and can be divided into two main phases: the Keqiutou–Tanshishan culture period and the Bronze culture period. In contrast, the persistent periods of ancient human activities at the Hengyu site seem to correspond to regional sea‐level changes and the East Asian winter monsoon as a secondary factor, which can affect human activities through sea‐level impacts. The warm and high sea level conditions provided a liveable environment for the ancient humans of Fujian and even South China. The ages of two building column bases are linked to the early stage of the Han dynasty, suggesting a potentially favourable habitation environment; that is, ancient humans occupied and settled this area for the long term within this time period, which is consistent with sea‐level changes and palynology records. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We conducted archaeological and geophysical surveys in order to investigate the submergence of ancient constructions along the coast at Kekova Island in southern Turkey. Submerged archaeological remains were measured with respect to present sea level, and geological features that may have caused subsidence were determined by seismic investigation. We estimated relative sea‐level change taking into account presumed original elevation of constructions associated with the harbor at the time of occupation and compared our results with eustatic–isostatic sea‐level studies in the Mediterranean. Ceramics found along the submerged quay of Kekova Island provided evidence for the time of last use of the harbor structures and suggest that submergence began during the early Byzantine period. Considering relative sea‐level changes, eustatic–isostatic effects, and the period of submergence, we estimate a rate of coastal tectonic subsidence of at least 1.6 mm/yr over the last 1400 years.  相似文献   

This study investigates the stratigraphical sequence of Cocina Cave (Spain) employing and testing for the first time the capability of rare earth elements as markers of human activities in caves. Located in Dos Aguas (Valencian Community, Spain), Cocina Cave is characterized by the presence of several Holocene archaeological deposits from the final Mesolithic to the present day and is a pivotal site for understanding the socio-ecological dynamics of the last hunter-gatherer inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula and the transition to pastoral and agricultural economies in the Western Mediterranean. However, the identification of strata from particular time-periods in the cave is often difficult due to the homogeneity of layers, the poor archaeological record in some strata and the presence of severe disturbance phenomena. The methodological approach of this study consisted of cross-referencing rare earth elements and other chemical markers with the archaeological stratigraphical interpretation, in an attempt to not only support the identification of the anthropic contribution to the formation of Cocina Cave strata, but also to characterize and confirm different natural and occupational episodes, particularly those associated with hunter-gatherer, early agriculturalist, and shepherd activities. Sediments were collected from different excavation areas and analysed for major elements, trace elements, rare earth elements (REE), soil organic matter (SOM) amounts and pH. Multivariate statistics were employed to group samples according to their elemental profile, and these were then compared to the archaeological temporal interpretation. The obtained results showed that REE amount and fractionation geochemical processes were regulated by carbonates, phosphates and pH. The use of REE as markers was particularly useful as their concentrations and their calculated ratios and anomaly distributions were demonstrated to be highly consistent with the archaeological stratigraphical interpretation.  相似文献   

Most Ordovician source rocks consist of accumulation of a colonial marine microorganism, Gloeocapsomorpha prisca (G. prisca) whose nature, ecology and affinity with extant organisms have been in dispute for years. Furthermore, recent studies have shown major differences in phenol moieties between two G. prisca-rich samples. Examination of five G. prisca-rich kerogens by electron microscopy and pyrolysis studies revealed (i) the occurrence of two markedly distinct “morpho/chemical” types: a “closed/phenol-rich” type (Baltic samples) and an “open/phenol-poor” one (North American samples) and (ii) the selective preservation of the resistant micromolecular material building up the thick cell walls in the original organism. Comparison with extant Botryococcus braunii (a widespread green microalga) grown on media of increasing salinity suggests that G. prisca is likely to be a planktonic green microalga related to B. braunii, which can adapt to large salinity variations which, in turn, control its polymorphism. The large differences in colony morphology and in the content of phenol moieties observed in fossil G. prisca and the resulting occurrence of two “morpho/chemical” types, should therefore reflect depositional environments with different salinities. The presence of thick, highly aliphatic, resistant walls in G. prisca selectively preserved during fossilization, accounts for the major contribution of this organism to Ordovician organic-rich sediments and for the resulting typical signature of Ordovician oils.  相似文献   

The caves that are present within the Injana Formation (Upper Miocene–Pliocene) which sometimes extend to be hosted within the Dibdibba Formation (Pliocene–Pleistocene) in the Tar Al-Najaf and Tar Al-Sayyed within the Najaf–Karbala district have been studied. The study aims to assess the genesis of caves and diagnose the factors affecting the building and the destruction of these caves through geologic time. For this reasons, intensive fieldwork as well as the mineralogical composition and microscopic interpretation were achieved to facilitate the investigation of cave-forming factors. Calcite, quartz, feldspar, dolomite, as well as clay minerals are the constituents of Injana Formation in the study area. The amount of insoluble residue is usually higher in weathered carbonates and in some other cases in fresh carbonate, which is not very common but it may occur. Caves appear to be hosted within the claystone beds and concentrated within Injana Formation, whereas the Dibdibba Formation seems to form the roof of the caves. The mechanism of building caves starts by microdissolution forming microfractures. Then with time, they have developed to be vertical joints. These joints were gradually enlarged as a result of claystone exfoliation along joint planes. Chemical weathering, physical weathering, and sedimentary structure (mud balls) play a key role in the processes of cave evolution. Some caves appear to be irregular, but others tend to be regular with rectangular shape, enough for hosting human beings. These caves may have been used as homes for the ancient human for his protection and improvement of his life. At the same time as the caves were formed, there were other natural factors working continuously that destroy the cave. These factors are dissolution, soil creep, and mass sliding. This work highly recommends for further contributions in terms of the archaeological investigation on these caves to discover the ancient civilization in this area, if any.  相似文献   

Determining the position of Liman Tepe's (ancient `Clazomenae') archaeological features relative to the coastline is important for understanding their intended function and reconstructing the character of Aegean maritime activities and sea-based trade. Previous attempts at reconstructing harbour locations at Liman Tepe relied on extrapolating paleoenvironments based on modern surface topography. In light of this, samples from a sediment coring survey and terrestrial and underwater archaeological excavations were analysed using multi-proxy geoarchaeological methods to determine paleoenvironmental facies. Micropaleontological (foraminifera), sedimentological (grain-size analysis) and geochemical (δ13C/δ18O) analyses resulted in the reconstruction of the coastal paleogeomorphology, including the presence and absence of ancient harbouring areas. Neither of the previous coastal reconstructions was supported by the new results. Instead, two separate harbouring areas were recognized, one coincident with the Early Bronze Age (4800–3900 years bp) and a second during the archaic and classical periods ( c. 2800–2400 years bp). These results emphasize the necessity for multi-proxy geoarchaeological studies when approaching coastal archaeological sites as a means to reconstruct paleocoastal geomorphology and understand ancient maritime development better .  相似文献   

Existing models of coastal occupation, in one form or another, embrace the assumption that changes in mean sea level were the prime driver for shifts in coastal resource productivity of consequence to coastal foragers. Focusing on the North West Shelf of Australia, this paper considers the role of physical sedimentary processes in understanding both past coastal resource productivity and the archaeology of drowned coastal landscapes. From a review of up‐to‐date literature on sea‐level related coastal formation process related to the North West Shelf, we describe the complex interplay of sea‐level change and sedimentary processes in determining (i) coastal resource availability, and (ii) archaeological site preservation potential through time. We argue that human behavioral models that have been linked solely to changes in sea level change from ca. 45 ka onward along the Australia continental shelf have inadequately accounted for local sedimentary regimes. It is not past sea‐level per se, which is of relevance to coastal productivity and human behavioral ecology models but changes in tidal regimes, coastal configurations and sedimentation. We conclude that our understanding of maritime adaptations for Sahul (Greater Australia) remain incomplete without investigating former coastlines and archaeological information that now lies submerged offshore.  相似文献   

The dating of the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption to 37,000 cal yr B.P. draws attention to the coincidence of this volcanic catastrophe and the suite of coeval, Late Pleistocene biocultural changes that occurred within and outside the Mediterranean region. These included the Middle to Upper Paleolithic cultural transition and the supposed change from Neanderthal to “modern” Homo sapiens anatomy, a subject of sustained debate. No less than 150 km3 of magma were extruded in the CI eruption, the signal of which can be detected in Greenland ice cores. As widespread discontinuities in archaeological sequences are observed at or following the CI event, a significant interference with ongoing human processes in Mediterranean Europe is hypothesized.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the occurrence of 28,30-dinor-17α,18α,21β-hopane (bisnorhopane) in stratigraphically, fairly well preserved Viking Group sections from wells in local depressions in the North Viking Graben Area. The results show the presence of high relative amounts of bisnorhopane in the “Syn-rift sections”, whilst the “Post-rift sections” contain little or no bisnorhopane. Since most exploration wells are drilled on structural highs, primarily penetrating the “Post-rift Draupne”, this may explain why many analyzed source rock sections in this area contain little bisnorhopane.As a correlation of Draupne sections using the vertical, relative bisnorhopane distributions, it is suggested to be a potential stratigraphic marker for the area, indicating the presence of “Syn-rift Draupne” sediments.The relative bisnorhopane amounts follow a logarithmic reduction with depth and thermal maturity. The bisnorhopane signal is nearly extinguished at 3700 m depth at a maturity of Ro = 0.9–1.0%.  相似文献   

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