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新疆水文水资源变化及对区域气候变化的响应   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
基于全疆8条代表性河流近50年的地表径流、气温和降水数据,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验和突变检测法,对各条河流地表径流、年均气温和年降水进行了长期趋势检验和突变滗分析,同时对径流与气温、降水之间的变化关系以及水文极端事件洪水的发生频次和洪峰流量进行了分析.结果表明,20世纪80年代中期以来伞疆各地气候一致表现为气温升高和降水增多,其中北疆地区变化最为显著,南疆其次,东疆最小.受气温、降水变化影响,河流径流发生年际和年内分布变化.大部分河流自20世纪90年代初水量显著增多,有春汛提前、夏汛推后和洪峰流量增大的现象,其变化特征与河流补给类型密切相关.全疆洪水发生频次增多、洪峰流最增大.气候变暖已对区域水文循环产生重要影响.  相似文献   

黄河上游气候变化对地表水的影响   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
利用1961~2002年黄河上游唐乃亥水文站水文资料及同期该流域气象资料,研究黄河上游流域气候变化及其对地表水资源的影响,结果表明: 黄河上游年流量呈现出逐年减少趋势,20世纪90年代以来减少趋势更为明显;黄河上游流域气候变化表现出气温升高、降水减少和蒸发增大的干旱化趋势,这一变化趋势在90年代以来尤为突出;气温升高、降水量减少和蒸发量增大是导致黄河上游流量减少的气候原因,其中降水量是影响流量的主要气候因子,降水量的减少特别是夏季降水量的减少直接导致了黄河上游流量的减少。  相似文献   

气候变化对水文水资源影响的研究进展   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
气候变化成为21 世纪世界最重大的环境问题之一,愈来愈引起国际社会和各国政府的重视和关注。研究 气候变化对水文水资源的影响,对于理解和解决可能引起的与工业、农业、城市发展等经济领域密切相关的水文水 资源系统的规划管理、开发利用、运行管理、环境保护、生态平衡等问题具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文主要 从研究方法、气候变化情景的生成技术、与水文模型接口技术和水文模拟技术等几个方面综合概述了气候变化对 水文水资源的影响,同时提出存在的问题与展望。  相似文献   

Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter- annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

新疆水文水资源变化及对区域气候变化的响应   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Based on the surface runoff, temperature and precipitation data over the last 50 years from eight representative rivers in Xinjiang, using Mann-Kendall trend and jump detection method, the paper investigated the long-term trend and jump point of time series, the surface runoff, mean annual temperature and annual precipitation. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed the relationship between runoff and temperature and precipitation, and the flood frequency and peak flow. Results showed that climate of all parts of Xinjiang conformably has experienced an increase in temperature and precipitation since the mid-1980s. Northern Xinjiang was the area that changed most significantly followed by southern and eastern Xinjiang. Affected by temperature and precipitation variation, river runoff had changed both inter-annually and intra-annually. The surface runoff of most rivers has increased significantly since the early 1990s, and some of them have even witnessed the earlier spring floods, later summer floods and increasing flood peaks. The variation characteristics were closely related with the replenishment types of rivers. Flood frequency and peak flow increased all over Xinjiang. Climate warming has had an effect on the regional hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

尼罗河水资源与水冲突   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自从阿斯旺高坝建成以来的30年间,尼罗河水资源供需矛盾继续存在。第一期琼格莱工程搁置,使尼罗河增水计划在可预见的未来难以实现。流域各国之间水冲突时有发生,构成影响东北非洲地区政局稳定的不容忽视的因素。有关各国在流域合作框架内,通过平等协商,努力减少矛盾和冲突,是唯一正确的选择。  相似文献   

 利用黄河上游主要产流区甘南高原地面气象观测资料和水资源定位观测资料,分析气候、水资源变化特征,及其二者的关系,建立水资源气候模式。分析表明:黄河上游主要产流区甘南高原大部分区域降水量年际变化呈下降趋势,降水量变化线性拟合倾向率在-22.6~-9.6 mm/10a之间,降水量递减以秋季降水量递减为主,降水量减少突变点在1980—1990年之间,年际变化主要存在6~7 a短周期振荡和15 a的长周期振荡特征。气温年际变化趋势呈显著上升趋势,增温速度均大于全国增温速度,增温率以冬季最大,气温增高突变点在20世纪70年代。草地年干燥指数变化呈显著上升趋势,近50 a来甘南高原气候趋于暖干化。水资源呈显著下降趋势,水资源存在2~3 a、7~8 a、20~23 a的年际周期变化。水资源与降水量呈显著正相关,与干燥指数呈显著负相关,降水量减少,草地干燥指数上升,导致水资源减少。  相似文献   

湿地水文研究的若干热点问题   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
湿地水文研究是认识湿地生态系统的结构、过程与功能,进行湿地生态保护和恢复重建以及水资源合理配置的前提与基础。重点对湿地水文研究的几个热点问题进行了评述。这些问题包括,全球气候变化与人类活动影响下的湿地水文响应;湿地水文过程对湿地生态系统的影响机制;湿地水循环过程与水文模型。在此基础上,提出了基于水循环模拟的流域湿地水资源合理配置的基本思路,并对目前中国湿地水文亟待研究的重要议题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Due to the impact of climate change and human activities, the upper and middle reaches of the Tao’er River have become an ecologically sensitive area in Northeast China. It is important to evaluate the contributions of climate change and human activities to water suitability in the Tao’er River area. From the perspective of water and heat balance, the water suitability index (cr) was used to analyze the water suitability of the upper and middle reaches of the river. The nonparametric Mann-Kendall, moving t-test and cumulative anomaly methods were used to detect abrupt changes in Taonan station runoff from 1961 to 2012. Three inflexion years were detected. Thus, the entire time period was divided into four periods: 1961-1974, 1975-1983, 1984-1998, and 1999-2012. In order to estimate the impacts of climate change and human activities on runoff, the slope change ratio of cumulative quantity (SCRCQ) was adopted. Finally, the contribution of climate change and human activity to cr was transformed from the contribution of climate change and human activity to runoff by the sensitivity coefficient method and SCRCQ method. The results showed that the water suitability index (cr) had a decreasing trend 1961-2012. Factors influencing cr, such as net radiation and runoff, also exhibited a decreasing trend, while precipitation exhibited an increasing trend over the past 52 years. The trends of cr, net radiation and runoff were obvious, which passed the Mann-kendall test of significance at α=0.05. Human activities were the main factors that affected runoff, although the degree of impact was different at different times. During the past 52 years, the biggest contributor to the change in cr was precipitation.  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动对渭河流域蓝水绿水影响研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以渭河流域为研究对象,探讨了1980~2009年气候变化和人类活动对蓝绿水资源的影响。结果表明:研究时段内,在气候变化和人类活动的共同影响下,蓝水流、绿水流和绿水储量分别下降了23.56 mm/a、39.41 mm/a和17.98 mm/a,中北部的蓝水流和绿水储量呈现增加的趋势,流域上游地区的绿水流呈现下降趋势。归因分析表明,蓝水流、绿水流和绿水储量在气候变化驱动下分别下降了13.17 mm/a、44.99 mm/a和22.79 mm/a;土地利用/覆盖变化则导致蓝水流和绿水流分别减少0.42 mm/a和0.37 mm/a,绿水储量增加了0.79 mm/a;而农业灌溉使蓝水流减少了9.97 mm/a,绿水流和绿水储量分别增加了5.95 mm/a和4.02 mm/a。气候变化导致研究区东南部绿水系数呈现增加趋势,而泾河流域绿水系数呈现减小趋势。同时,土地利用/覆盖变化使得东南部的一些子流域绿水系数呈减小的趋势,而在加入农业灌溉情景后,平原地区灌区绿水系数呈明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   

气候变化对华北地区水资源供需影响的模拟预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选择海河南系为华北地区的代表性区域,建立了该区水资源系统动力学模型(SD),对供需平衡在不同气候情景下的发展变化趋势进行了模拟预测。预测结果表明:气候变化对研究区水资源系统的正常运行将产生一定影响,尤其是对经济发展速度带来一定影响,但在本文假设的气候变化幅度范围,即(T≤1.8℃,ΔP≥-0.24%,气候变化不会改变水资源系统运行和发展的基本规律。经济发展、科技进步、人口增长和管理水平提高是水资源系统运行和发展变化的内在动力,决定着水资源系统及其供需平衡发展变化的基本趋势。预测结果可作为研究区需水管理和节水水平提高的定量参照指标,同时也为其经济规划、水资源调配提供必要的决策依据。  相似文献   

吐鲁番盆地气候变化及其对水资源的可能影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王永兴 《中国沙漠》2000,20(2):207-212
目前全球和大尺度区域的气候变化研究成果较多,而中小尺度区域的研究,由于资料的缺乏及模拟模型精度不够等原因,进展较慢。吐鲁番盆地是极端干旱的山间盆地,对于全球气候变化十分敏感。本文收集了有关新疆东部气候变化的历史、树轮、仪器测量等资料,对吐鲁番盆地气候变化的历史及未来趋势进行了研究,并探讨了气候变化对区域水资源的可能影响,以及应采取的对策。  相似文献   

在实际调查基础上,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,分析伊洛河流域伊河上游地区气候和土地利用变化对径流变化的影响。结果显示,在研究区域中,林地面积最大,1987-2008年,林地、库塘和建设用地面积持续增加,草地、河流和未利用地面积持续减少,耕地面积则先增加后减少。20世纪80年代以来,土地利用变化在不同阶段都使得年平均径流量减小;80-90年代,气候变化使得年平均径流量减小,而90年代到2000年以后,气候变化使得年平均径流量增加,这与90年代年平均降水量减少,而2000年以后年平均降水量增加密切相关。  相似文献   

湿地水文学研究进展及科学前沿问题   总被引:23,自引:10,他引:23  
邓伟  胡金明 《湿地科学》2003,1(1):12-20
湿地水文过程控制湿地的形成与演化,湿地水文情势制约着湿地环境的生物、物理和化学特征,从而影响到湿地类型分异、湿地结构与功能,湿地水文研究是认识湿地生态系统的结构、过程与功能的主要内容。湿地水文情势分析涉及湿地的降雨-径流、湿地蒸散发、湿地地下水运移等主要过程。湿地水循环及水量平衡是湿地水文情势和过程研究的综合,关系到湿地水文循环过程的各个方面。湿地水文过程、边际效应和参数特征及对不同尺度水周期的响应与功能差异等是现代湿地水文研究的重要科学问题。  相似文献   

 根据北疆西部11个气象站点1957—2007气象资料,主要代表性河流1960—2006年流量数据以及1957—2007年NAO和AO时间序列数据,采用趋势分析,Mann-Kendall检验以及相关分析等方法,研究了北疆西部地区近50 a来气候、水文的变化趋势,分析了气候变化对径流的影响,初步探讨了NAO和AO对区域气候变化的影响。研究结果表明,近50 a来,北疆西部地区增温、增湿显著,但二者变化幅度存在季节差异。受气候变化的影响,奎屯河年径流量表现出显著增加趋势。进一步分析发现,奎屯河、四棵树河年径流量的变化主要受温度因子控制,卡琅古尔河、精河和博尔塔拉河的年径流量则主要受降水因子控制。研究表明,艾比湖水域面积同样受气候变化的影响,尤其是与年降水量增加紧密相关,二者相关系数为0.584。相关分析证实NAO和AO确实对北疆西部地区的气候变化具有显著影响。具体体现在,NAO和AO显著的影响研究区冬季温度和全年的温度变化;NAO对整个区域年降水具有显著影响。温度比降水对NAO和AO的响应更敏感。  相似文献   

泥石流灾害水文气象联合预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于降雨型泥石流是我国泥石流灾害的主要类型,所以以往对泥石流灾害的预测预报主要通过对雨量数据的分析来实现。但是由于雨量站记录雨量和灾害发生雨量并不一致,这就极大的影响了单纯依赖雨量数据预测预报的准确性。在分析环境因素影响的基础上,将水文和气象资料结合起来,用于泥石流灾害的预测预报。通过比较灾害发生前、发生时和发生后的河流洪峰流量、日降雨量和小时降雨量,发现洪峰流量和小时降雨量对灾害发生有很好的指示作用。经过在辽宁省岫岩满族自治县的试验,得到洪峰流量1 800 m3/s和小时降雨量50~60 mm这两个该县泥石流灾害发生临界值。结果表明水文和气象资料的联合应用,会大大改进泥石流灾害的预测预报效果。  相似文献   

Extreme climate events exhibit an increasing spatio-temporal trend globally, and the increasing intensity and frequency may have severe impacts on the human society and natural ecosystems. This study analyzed the extreme temperature and precipitation variability from 1956 to 2016, and evaluated their potential effects on crop yield in Ethiopia. Relative extreme temperature indices exhibited a decreasing trend with low-temperature events, but a significantly upward trend with extreme high temperature events. The frequency of annual warm nights increased to a greater degree than that of cold days. The total annual wet-day precipitation decreased significantly at a rate of -46 mm/decade. Further, the succession of dry days gradually increased by 5.6 day/decade, while an opposite trend of wet days was found with a decline of 1.4 day/ decade. The correlation between annual precipitation and crop production was 0.422, indicating that extreme precipitation indices may have higher explanatory power than extreme temperature indices in the crop yield variations. Moreover, the extreme climate changes have induced significant adverse impacts on crops yield particularly in Ethiopia where no proper adaptation measures have been implemented.  相似文献   

Glaciers in the western USA contribute summer meltwater to regional hydrological systems. In the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, where glaciers do not exist, rock glaciers serve that function during the summer runoff period. Most rock glaciers in Colorado are located on northern slopes in mountainous areas; however, some rock glaciers in southwest Colorado have different aspects. In this study, we asked how slope aspect and rising air temperatures influence the hydrological processes of streams sourced from rock glaciers in the San Juan Mountains. We focused on three adjacent basins, Yankee Boy basin, Blue Lakes basin, and Mill Creek basin, which share a common peak, Gilpin Peak. Using HOBO® U20-001–04 water-level loggers, streamflow data were collected in each of these basins, below each rock glacier. Air temperature significantly influenced stream discharge below the rock glacier. Discharge and air temperature patterns indicate a possible air temperature threshold during late summer when rock glacier melt increases at a greater rate. The results also suggest that the aspect of rock glacier basins influences stream discharge, but that temperature and precipitation are likely larger components of melt regimes.  相似文献   

1959-2008年淮河流域极端径流的强度和频率特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚梦婷  高超  陆苗  刘青  胡春生 《地理研究》2015,34(8):1535-1546
基于淮河中上游主干流两侧13个水文站点1959-2008年逐日径流量的年最大值序列和超门限峰值序列,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验、21种分布函数和Pearson III分布,分析淮河流域极端径流的强度和频率特征。结果表明:① 极端径流强度6个站点呈增加趋势,7个呈减少趋势;极端径流发生频率8个站点呈增加趋势,5个呈减少趋势。② 极端径流在径流值上的频率分布,年最大值序列总体较服从Weibull分布,而非普遍采用的广义极值分布;超门限峰值序列总体仍较服从广义帕累托分布。③ 基于超门限峰值序列和广义帕累托分布估算的50年一遇的极端径流值精度最高,大部分地区误差率低于0.2,精度优于工程标准Pearson III分布。气候变化背景下,极端径流频率特征发生变化,流域上游地区工程标准可能需要调整。受函数形态影响,极值序列最优拟合函数估算精度不如广义极值分布和广义帕累托分布。  相似文献   

黄河源区径流对气候变化的响应及未来趋势预测   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李林  申红艳  戴升  肖建设  时兴合 《地理学报》2011,66(9):1261-1269
利用1956-2010 年黄河源区流域水文、气象观测数据和2010-2030 年区域气候模式系统PRECIS输出数据降尺度生成的未来气候情景资料,通过分析流量的演变规律和揭示气候归因,预测了未来流量可能的演变趋势。研究表明:近55 年来黄河源区年平均流量总体呈减少趋势,并具有5a、8a、15a、22a 和42a 的准周期变化;南海夏季风减弱引起流域降水量的减少与全球变暖背景下蒸发量的增大和冻土的退化是导致黄河源区流量减少的气候归因;根据区域气候模式系统PRECIS预测结果,未来20 年黄河源区流量变化趋势可能仍以减少为主。  相似文献   

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