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水库周边岩溶浸没——内涝灾害研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
水库周边岩溶浸没——内涝现象是水利水电建设的环境问题之一。八十年代以来,已在若干水库发生了此类现象,造成了一定的经济损失。本文以红水河岩滩水电站库区的内涝为典型事例,分析了岩溶浸没内涝的主要原因和形成条件。指出需要加强调查、观测、模拟试验研究等工作的重要性   相似文献   

关于岩溶浸没性内涝灾害初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
发生于岩溶峰丛洼地和峰林谷地中的岩溶浸没性内涝是一种地质灾害,具有范围大,频次高的特点,对农业生产危害极大,急待治理,本文以若干内涝片的典型事例分析了岩溶浸没性内涝的主要成因,归纳了“降雨、洪水、岩溶管道”三要素,初步提出了若干治理措施。  相似文献   

在我国华南、西南的裸露型岩溶地区, 旱涝灾害频发。这是亚热带湿润气候条件下岩溶地区环境脆弱的一种表现。一些地势较高的峰丛洼地, 由于地表迳流稀缺, 难以修建蓄水工程, 干旱缺水现象较为普遍。而地势较低的岩溶洼地, 谷地和峰林平原, 夏秋雨季, 地下岩溶管道排泄受阻, 经常发生滞洪涝灾, 使农田、村镇周期性受淹。如果修建水库抬高了河水位, 淹没了地下河或泉口, 使库水循地下河倒灌, 顶托了地下河的排泄, 则使岩溶洼地内涝更加严重。此种岩溶地区三水(大气降水、地表水、地下水 )转化现象所导致的内涝灾害, 称之为岩溶浸没内涝。  相似文献   

岩滩板文地下河及岩溶浸没内涝分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张美良 《广西地质》1996,9(4):53-60,66
研究目的主要在于通过查明板文地下河的汇水区范围以及板文地河下游段的分布轨迹及水文地质特征,岩溶水的补给来源与动态特征等,了 解东兰县的巴片岩溶内涝与岩滩水库蓄水后所引起的板文地下河岩溶浸没之间的关系,提出了解决岩溶内涝的途径与措施,为纳巴片岩溶内涝治理提供依据。  相似文献   

红水河流域岩溶浸没内涝灾害形成的地学因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
郭纯青  李文兴 《中国岩溶》1999,18(3):228-233
红水河流域由于多年人类活动和水能资源开发所产生的岩溶浸没— 内涝灾害,在局部范围内比较严重,必须引起高度重视! 据红水河梯级开发与规划电站的修建情况,对红水河干流岩溶区内已发生的浸没— 内涝灾害成因,进行了综合分析。   相似文献   

岩溶浸没内涝灾害是岩溶区特有的,并且是一种与人类社会经济密切相关的灾害类型.减轻并控制其所造成的危害和影响,对岩溶区的经济持续发展具有重要的意义.岩溶浸没内涝灾害风险评价是指对灾害全过程的综合分析与研究.评价的目的①对灾害造成的经济损失作出评估;②不断提高人类抗御灾害的认识能力和技术能力.岩溶浸没内涝灾害风险评价方法学是科学方法的跨学科运用,它以岩溶多重介质环境中地表水系为主线,岩溶地下河系为支线.二者相互交叉组成的岩溶地表地下流域网络单元为研究对象,应用地质、地理、数学、物理、化学等多学科的理论与方法,研究由自然和人为因素引起的造成人员伤亡和物质财富损毁的灾害过程,本文将重点对此进行讨论.  相似文献   

裴建国  李庆松 《中国岩溶》2001,20(4):297-300
岩溶石山区的生态环境破坏主要表现为植被破坏、水土流失和石漠化、地下河系统淤塞等,它们的生态水文效应对岩溶洼地内涝的影响,既独立发挥作用,又组成因果链而共同发挥作用。本文以广西马山县古寨乡为例,分析了森林植被破坏引发的水土流失、水土流失导致地下河系统淤积和堵塞,以及由此而引发的岩溶洼地内涝灾害。   相似文献   

岩溶地下水是隧道施工建设过程中最主要的工作对象。针对圆梁山隧道施工建设过程中面临的岩溶地下水问题,我们采集了区域岩溶水和岩溶承压水的样品,对水样做了δD、δ^18O和T值测定,并计算出d值。根据环境同位素示踪、大气降水氘过量参数和地下水氘过量参数演化理论,对该地区域岩溶水和毛坝向斜段核部深层岩溶承压水进行了综合分析研究。证实了隧道选址位于南北两侧水地质单元的分水岭之上的结论。为进一步深入工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为深入了解岩溶地区不同水源转化机理,文章以Basic Hydrology System为平台设计了4组小尺度物理试验。分别对裸露型岩溶区裂隙管道地下径流衰减规律,覆盖型岩溶区土壤达西流、裂隙管道水流转化规律,地表径流、土壤达西流、裂隙管道地下径流三者在覆盖型岩溶区和不同覆盖厚度条件下的转化关系进行了物理模拟。通过试验数据并结合指数衰减方程,得到了裸露型岩溶区流量衰减系数与降雨强度的关系;覆盖型岩溶区以及不同覆盖厚度条件下PSSK(precipitation-surface water-soil water-karst water,降水-地表水-土壤水-岩溶水)转化规律。  相似文献   

岩溶地下河管道空间分布的识别对岩溶区的各类地球科学工作意义重大,文章阐述了采用时延三维电阻率反演技术,开展对地下河管道空间分布识别的研究,在室内灰岩介质下的物理模拟实验结果表明:对雨季管道充水和枯季管道干涸时采集的电阻率数据进行时延反演后,地下河管道的模拟三维空间分布被很好地突显出来,时延反演效果大大地优于对单次采集数据的反演效果,管道充填水时的反演效果次之,管道充填空气时的反演结果很难有效识别地下河管道的空间分布情况。物理模型试验成果可指导野外实践中对岩溶地下河管道的探测研究。  相似文献   

With the acceleration of urbanisation in China, preventing and reducing the economic losses and casualties caused by urban rainstorm waterlogging disasters have become a critical and difficult issue that the government is concerned about. As urban storms are sudden, clustered, continuous, and cause huge economic losses, it is difficult to conduct emergency management. Developing a more scientific method for real-time disaster identification will help prevent losses over time. Examining social media big data is a feasible method for obtaining on-site disaster data and carrying out disaster risk assessments. This paper presents a real-time identification method for urban-storm disasters using Weibo data. Taking the June 2016 heavy rainstorm in Nanjing as an example, the obtained Weibo data are divided into eight parts for the training data set and two parts for the testing data set. It then performs text pre-processing using the Jieba segmentation module for word segmentation. Then, the term frequency–inverse document frequency method is used to calculate the feature items weights and extract the features. Hashing algorithms are introduced for processing high-dimensional sparse vector matrices. Finally, the naive Bayes, support vector machine, and random forest text classification algorithms are used to train the model, and a test set sample is introduced for testing the model to select the optimal classification algorithm. The experiments showed that the naive Bayes algorithm had the highest macro-average accuracy.  相似文献   

中国城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,在全球气候变化和城市化快速发展的共同影响下,中国城市洪涝灾害日益严重,已经成为影响中国城市公共安全的突出问题,严重制约经济社会的持续健康发展。变化环境下城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究是完善城市防洪除涝减灾体系、提升城市防洪除涝能力的重要依据。本文阐述了气候变化和城市化发展对城市洪涝灾害的影响机制,系统分析了城市洪涝灾害的驱动要素和致灾机理,梳理了城市洪涝灾害的风险评估和分区方法,并以济南市海绵城市示范区为例,对城市洪涝灾害风险分区方法进行了分析和对比。  相似文献   

近年来,在全球气候变化和城市化快速发展的共同影响下,中国城市洪涝灾害日益严重,已经成为影响中国城市公共安全的突出问题,严重制约经济社会的持续健康发展。变化环境下城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究是完善城市防洪除涝减灾体系、提升城市防洪除涝能力的重要依据。本文阐述了气候变化和城市化发展对城市洪涝灾害的影响机制,系统分析了城市洪涝灾害的驱动要素和致灾机理,梳理了城市洪涝灾害的风险评估和分区方法,并以济南市海绵城市示范区为例,对城市洪涝灾害风险分区方法进行了分析和对比。  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for risk analysis, assessment, combination, and regionalization of integrated drought and waterlogging disasters in Anhui Province, which is supported by geographical information systems (GIS) and technique of natural disaster risk assessment from the viewpoints of climatology, geography, disaster science, environmental science, and so on. Along with the global warming, the occurrences of water-related disasters become more frequent and serious. It is necessary to determine the mode of spatial distribution of water-related disaster risk. Based on the principle of natural disaster risk, natural conditions, and socioeconomic situation, drought and waterlogging disaster risk index, which combined hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and restorability, was developed by using combined weights, entropy, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Drought and waterlogging disaster risk zoning map was made out by using GIS spatial analysis technique and gridding GIS technique. It was used for comparing the relative risk of economic and life losses in different grids of Anhui Province. It can also be used to compare the situation of different levels of drought and waterlogging disaster combination risk in a similar place. The result shows that the northwestern and central parts of Anhui Province possess higher risk, while the southwestern and northeastern parts possess lower risk. The information obtained from statistical offices and remote sensing data in relation to results compiled were statistically evaluated. The results obtained from this study are specifically intended to support local and national governmental agencies on water-related disaster management.  相似文献   

Yong Shi 《Natural Hazards》2012,62(2):677-689
Due to special geographical location and climate, the waterlogging has always been one of the most serious hazards in Shanghai. Residences in the inner city are prone to be damaged by waterlogging hazards. This paper describes the risk analysis of rainstorm waterlogging on residences in Shanghai. First, a rainstorm scenario of 50-year return period was simulated with the rainstorm simulation model from Shanghai Flood Risk Information Center. Each residence was ranked according to its degree of exposure indicated by the inundation depth of that residence, and an exposure analysis model was then built. It is found from the exposure analysis that residences in the sub-districts like Linfen Road, Pengpu Village, Gonghe New Village, Hongqiao Road, Xianxia Road, Xinhua Road, and Zhenru Town are at high-exposure level. Whereas residences in other sub-districts like Gaojing Town, Siping Road, Huaihai Road, Yuyuan, Waitan, Caojiadu, Nanjing East Road, etc. are at low-exposure level. Second, given the characteristics of residences in waterlogging, the vulnerability of residences was expressed as the proportion of old-style residences to total residences. The results show that residences in Yuyuan, Xiaodongmen, Waitan, Nanjing East Road, Laoximen, Zhapu Road, North Station, and Tilanqiao are the most vulnerable ones, while there is no vulnerability in Fenglin Road, Kongjiang Road, Liangcheng New Village, Quyang Road, Siping Road, and Xianxia Road due to the absence of old-style residences. Finally, a model has been built from a systematic perspective and then waterlogging risk analysis was quantified by multiplying the exposure value with vulnerability value of residences. The results reveal that Laoximen, Tilanqiao, Dinghai Road, North Station, Tianping Road, Hongmei Road, Hunan Road, and Xiaodongmen are at high-risk level. The systemic risk model is a simple tool that can be used to assess the relative risk of waterlogging in different regions and the results of risk analysis are applicable to prevention and mitigation of waterlogging for Shanghai Municipal Government.  相似文献   

Waterlogging is one of the most serious hazards in China. Old-style residences in cities are prone to be damaged by waterlogging hazards. This paper describes our exposure assessment of old-style residences in Shanghai during rainstorm waterlogging. Two rainstorm scenarios of 20-year and 50-year return periods were simulated with the rainstorm simulation model from Shanghai Flood Risk Information Center. Each old-style residence was ranked according to its degree of exposure indicated by the inundation depth of that residence. An exposure assessment model was then built to integrate three ranks of exposure in order to reflect the total exposure features of a district and to compare disaster situation among different districts. Our research results reveal that Hongkou District and Huangpu District are the regions most necessary for the government to carry out safety defense in old-style residences, while rainstorms bring little effect on old-style residences in the districts of Putuo, Luwan, Changning, Zhabei, and Jing’an. These results provide important information for Shanghai Municipal Government to improve waterlogging management, and the method of exposure assessment can also be applied in other cities to provide guidance regarding flood risk control.  相似文献   

Rui-Song Quan 《Natural Hazards》2014,73(3):1569-1585
With the acceleration of the urbanization process, waterlogging problems in coastal cities are becoming more and more serious due to climate change. However, up until now, the common procedures and programs for rainstorm waterlogging risk assessment in coastal cities still have not formed. Considering a series of impact factors of rainstorm waterlogging in coastal city, the present study established a paradigm for rainstorm waterlogging risk assessment through the combination of hydrological modeling and GIS spatial analysis, and took the residence in central urban area of Shanghai as an example. First, the simplified urban waterlogging model was applied to simulate the depth and extent of rainstorm waterlogging under six hypothetic scenarios. Second, the residence exposed to rainstorm waterlogging was extracted and analyzed supported by spatial analysis module of ArcGIS. Then, stage-damage curves were applied to analyze the loss rate of structure and contents of residential building. Finally, the waterlogging loss maps of residence in different scenarios, the annual average loss, and the risk curve were taken as the expression of waterlogging risk. The results show that the inundated water depth, vulnerability, and losses of residence all increase as the intensity of rainstorm increases. The old-style residence is most vulnerable to rainstorm waterlogging, followed by the new-style residence, and villa is less vulnerable to rainstorm waterlogging. The annual average loss of residence in Shanghai central urban area was about CNY 22.25 million. The results also indicate high risk in Yangpu and Putuo districts, Xuhui, Hongkou, Changning and Zhabei districts come under medium-risk zone, and Jing’an, Luwan and Huangpu districts come under low-risk zone. These results provide important information for the local government, and the methodology can be applied in other cities to provide guidance on waterlogging risk governance.  相似文献   

基于Modflow的岩溶管道概化与模拟探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖斌  许模  曾科  王梅 《地下水》2014,(1):53-55,78
在复杂岩溶介质中,由于岩溶形态存在小尺度的溶缝到大尺度的岩溶管道的变化,岩溶地下水流呈现为层流-紊流多种流态共存的复杂系统。对含水层中岩溶管道的准确概化是精确模拟复杂岩溶介质地下水流动的前提。在较为成熟的三维有限差分地下水流动模型(等效多孔介质)条件下寻找一种概化岩溶管道的方法,基于Modflow地下水流动模型,分别讨论模型软件中的单元渗流计算子模块( BCF )、排水沟子模块( DRN )、河流子模块( RIV )以及溪流子模块( STR)对岩溶管道的概化模拟效果,发现河流子模块( RIV)与溪流子模块( STR)是概化岩溶管道的最优模块。  相似文献   

岩溶地下水脆弱性评价研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王松  章程  裴建国 《地下水》2008,30(6):14-18
岩溶地下水脆弱性评价是基于保护岩溶含水层从而有效地管理和利用地下水提出的有效方法和手段。岩溶含水层的特殊性导致污染物极易进入地下含水层,并在岩溶管道中快速、远距离地运移。与其他基岩第四系含水层相比,岩溶含水层的保护面临更大的挑战。介绍了地下水脆弱性的概念;以及岩溶地下水脆弱性的相关问题,并讨论了岩溶区脆弱性评价应考虑的一些问题。  相似文献   

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