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We present N -body simulations of dissolving star clusters close to Galactic Centres. For this purpose, we developed a new N -body program called nbody6gc based on Aarseth's series of N -body codes. We describe the algorithm in detail. We report about the density wave phenomenon in the tidal arms which has been recently explained by Küpper, Macleod & Heggie. Standing waves develop in the tidal arms. The wave knots or clumps develop at the position, where the emerging tidal arm hits the potential wall of the effective potential and is reflected. The escaping stars move through the wave knots further into the tidal arms. We show the consistency of the positions of the wave knots with the theory in Just et al. We also demonstrate a simple method to study the properties of tidal arms. By solving many eigenvalue problems along the tidal arms, we numerically construct a one-dimensional coordinate system whose direction is always along a principal axis of the local tensor of inertia. Along this coordinate system, physical quantities can be evaluated. The half-mass or dissolution times of our models are almost independent of the particle number which indicates that two-body relaxation is not the dominant mechanism leading to the dissolution. This may be a typical situation for many young star clusters. We propose a classification scheme which sheds light on the dissolution mechanism.  相似文献   

Using N -body simulations with a large set of massless test particles, we compare the predictions of two theories of violent relaxation, the well-known Lynden-Bell theory and the more recent theory by Nakamura. We derive 'weakened' versions of both the theories in which we use the whole equilibrium coarse-grained distribution function     as a constraint instead of the total energy constraint. We use these weakened theories to construct expressions for the conditional probability   Ki (τ)  that a test particle initially at the phase-space coordinate τ would end-up in the i th macro-cell at equilibrium. We show that the logarithm of the ratio   Rij (τ) ≡ Ki (τ)/ Kj (τ)  is directly proportional to the initial phase-space density   f 0(τ)  for the Lynden-Bell theory and inversely proportional to   f 0(τ)  for the Nakamura theory. We then measure   Rij (τ)  using a set of N -body simulations of a system undergoing a gravitational collapse to check the validity of the two theories of violent relaxation. We find that both the theories are at odds with the numerical results, both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

We present a general scheme for constructing Monte Carlo realizations of equilibrium, collisionless galaxy models with known distribution function (DF) f 0. Our method uses importance sampling to find the sampling DF f s that minimizes the mean-square formal errors in a given set of projections of the DF f 0. The result is a multimass N -body realization of the galaxy model in which 'interesting' regions of phase space are densely populated by lots of low-mass particles, increasing the effective N there, and less interesting regions by fewer, higher mass particles.
As a simple application, we consider the case of minimizing the shot noise in estimates of the acceleration field for an N -body model of a spherical Hernquist model. Models constructed using our scheme easily yield a factor of ∼100 reduction in the variance at the central acceleration field when compared to a traditional equal-mass model with the same number of particles. When evolving both models with a real N -body code, the diffusion coefficients in our model are reduced by a similar factor. Therefore, for certain types of problems, our scheme is a practical method for reducing the two-body relaxation effects, thereby bringing the N -body simulations closer to the collisionless ideal.  相似文献   

We apply the joint lensing and dynamics code for the analysis of early-type galaxies, 'Combined Algorithm for Unified Lensing and Dynamics ReconstructiON ( cauldron )', to a rotating N -body stellar system with dark matter halo which significantly violates the two major assumptions of the method, i.e. axial symmetry supported by a two-integral distribution function. The goal is to study how cauldron performs in an extreme case, and to determine which galaxy properties can still be robustly recovered. Three data sets, corresponding to orthogonal lines of sight, are generated from the N -body system and analysed with the identical procedure followed in the study of real lens galaxies, adopting an axisymmetric power-law total density distribution. We find that several global properties of the N -body system are recovered with remarkable accuracy, despite the fact that the adopted power-law model is too simple to account for the lack of symmetry of the true density distribution. In particular, the logarithmic slope of the total density distribution is robustly recovered to within less than 10 per cent (with the exception of the ill-constrained very inner regions), the inferred angle-averaged radial profile of the total mass closely follows the true distribution, and the dark matter fraction of the system (inside the effective radius) is correctly determined within ∼10 per cent of the total mass. Unless the line-of-sight direction is almost parallel to the total angular momentum vector of the system, reliably recovered quantities also include the angular momentum, the   V /σ  ratio and the anisotropy parameter δ. We conclude that the cauldron code can be safely and effectively applied to real early-type lens galaxies, also providing reliable information for the systems that depart significantly from the method's assumptions.  相似文献   

An exponentially expanding Universe, possibly governed by a cosmological constant, forces gravitationally bound structures to become more and more isolated, eventually becoming causally disconnected from each other and forming so-called 'island universes'. This new scenario reformulates the question about which will be the largest structures that will remain gravitationally bound, together with requiring a systematic tool that can be used to recognize the limits and mass of these structures from observational data, namely redshift surveys of galaxies. Here we present a method, based on the spherical collapse model and N -body simulations, by which we can estimate the limits of bound structures as observed in redshift space. The method is based on a theoretical criterion presented in a previous paper that determines the mean density contrast that a spherical shell must have in order to be marginally bound to the massive structure within it. Understanding the kinematics of the system, we translated the real-space limiting conditions of this 'critical' shell to redshift space, producing a projected velocity envelope that only depends on the density profile of the structure. From it we created a redshift-space version of the density contrast that we called 'density estimator', which can be calibrated from N -body simulations for a reasonable projected velocity envelope template, and used to estimate the limits and mass of a structure only from its redshift-space coordinates.  相似文献   

The made-to-measure N -body method slowly adapts the particle weights of an N -body model, whilst integrating the trajectories in an assumed static potential, until some constraints are satisfied, such as optimal fits to observational data. I propose a novel technique for this adaption procedure, which overcomes several limitations and shortcomings of the original method. The capability of the new technique is demonstrated by generating realistic N -body equilibrium models for dark matter haloes with prescribed density profile, triaxial shape and slowly outwardly growing radial velocity anisotropy.  相似文献   

We present data probing the spatial and kinematical distribution of both the atomic (H  i ) and molecular (CO) gas in NGC 5218, the late-type barred spiral galaxy in the spiral–elliptical interacting pair, Arp 104. We consider these data in conjunction with far-infrared and radio-continuum data, and N -body simulations, to study the galaxies interactions, and the star formation properties of NGC 5218. We use these data to assess the importance of the bar and tidal interaction on the evolution of NGC 5218, and the extent to which the tidal interaction may have been important in triggering the bar. The molecular gas distribution of NGC 5218 appears to have been strongly affected by the bar; the distribution is centrally condensed with a very large surface density in the central region. The N -body simulations indicate a time-scale since perigalacticon of  ∼3 × 108 yr  , which is consistent with the interaction having triggered or enhanced the bar potential in NGC 5218, leading to inflow and the large central molecular gas density observed. Whilst NGC 5218 appears to be undergoing active star formation, its star formation efficiency is comparable to a 'normal' SBb galaxy. We propose that this system may be on the brink of a more active phase of star formation.  相似文献   

We have developed an algorithm, called voboz (VOronoi BOund Zones), to find haloes in an N -body dark matter simulation; it has as little dependence on free parameters as we can manage. By using the Voronoi diagram, we achieve non-parametric, 'natural' measurements of each particle's density and set of neighbours. We then eliminate much of the ambiguity in merging sets of particles together by identifying every possible density peak, and measuring the probability that each does not arise from Poisson noise. The main halo in a cluster tends to have a high probability, while its subhaloes tend to have lower probabilities. The first parameter in voboz controls the subtlety of particle unbinding, and may be eliminated if one is cavalier with processor time; even if one is not, the results saturate to the parameter-free answer when the parameter is sufficiently small. The only parameter that remains, an outer density cut-off, does not influence whether or not haloes are identified, nor does it have any effect on subhaloes; it only affects the masses returned for supercluster haloes.  相似文献   

We present a new and completely general technique for calculating the fine-grained phase-space structure of dark matter (DM) throughout the Galactic halo. Our goal is to understand this structure on the scales relevant for direct and indirect detection experiments. Our method is based on evaluating the geodesic deviation equation along the trajectories of individual DM particles. It requires no assumptions about the symmetry or stationarity of the halo formation process. In this paper we study general static potentials which exhibit more complex behaviour than the separable potentials studied previously. For ellipsoidal logarithmic potentials with a core, phase mixing is sensitive to the resonance structure, as indicated by the number of independent orbital frequencies. Regions of chaotic mixing can be identified by the very rapid decrease in the real-space density of the associated DM streams. We also study the evolution of stream-density in ellipsoidal NFW haloes with radially varying isopotential shape, showing that if such a model is applied to the Galactic halo, at least 105 streams are expected near the Sun. The most novel aspect of our approach is that general non-static systems can be studied through implementation in a cosmological N -body code. Such an implementation allows a robust and accurate evaluation of the enhancements in annihilation radiation due to fine-scale structure such as caustics. We embed the scheme in the current state-of-the-art code gadget -3 and present tests which demonstrate that N -body discreteness effects can be kept under control in realistic configurations.  相似文献   

A revision of Stodoíkiewicz's Monte Carlo code is used to simulate evolution of star clusters. The new method treats each superstar as a single star and follows the evolution and motion of all individual stellar objects. The first calculations for isolated, equal-mass N -body systems with three-body energy generation according to Spitzer's formulae show good agreement with direct N -body calculations for N  = 2000, 4096 and 10 000 particles. The density, velocity, mass distributions, energy generation, number of binaries, etc., follow the N -body results. Only the number of escapers is slightly too high compared with N -body results, and there is no level-off anisotropy for advanced post-collapse evolution of Monte Carlo models as is seen in N -body simulations for N  ≤ 2000. For simulations with N  > 10 000 gravothermal oscillations are clearly visible. The calculations of N   2000, 4096, 10 000, 32 000 and 100 000 models take about 2, 6, 20, 130 and 2500 h, respectively. The Monte Carlo code is at least 105 times faster than the N -body one for N  = 32 768 with special-purpose hardware. Thus it becomes possible to run several different models to improve statistical quality of the data and run individual models with N as large as 100 000. The Monte Carlo scheme can be regarded as a method which lies in the middle between direct N -body and Fokker–Planck models and combines most advantages of both methods.  相似文献   

We present a new method for constructing equilibrium phase models for stellar systems, which we call the iterative method. It relies on constrained, or guided evolution, so that the equilibrium solution has a number of desired parameters and/or constraints. This method is very powerful, to a large extent due to its simplicity. It can be used for mass distributions with an arbitrary geometry and a large variety of kinematical constraints. We present several examples illustrating it. Applications of this method include the creation of initial conditions for N -body simulations and the modelling of galaxies from their photometric and kinematic observations.  相似文献   

We present a simple and efficient method to set up spherical structure models for N -body simulations with a multimass technique. This technique reduces by a substantial factor the computer run time needed in order to resolve a given scale as compared to single-mass models. It therefore allows to resolve smaller scales in N -body simulations for a given computer run time. Here, we present several models with an effective resolution of up to  1.68 × 109  particles within their virial radius which are stable over cosmologically relevant time-scales. As an application, we confirm the theoretical prediction by Dehnen that in mergers of collisionless structures like dark matter haloes always the cusp of the steepest progenitor is preserved. We model each merger progenitor with an effective number of particles of approximately 108 particles. We also find that in a core–core merger the central density approximately doubles whereas in the cusp–cusp case the central density only increases by approximately 50 per cent. This may suggest that the central regions of flat structures are better protected and get less energy input through the merger process.  相似文献   

We present the results of weak gravitational lensing statistics in four different cosmological N -body simulations. The data have been generated using an algorithm for the three-dimensional shear, which makes use of a variable softening facility for the N -body particle masses, and enables a physical interpretation for the large-scale structure to be made. Working in three dimensions also allows the correct use of the appropriate angular diameter distances.
Our results are presented on the basis of the filled-beam approximation in view of the variable particle softening scheme in our algorithm. The importance of the smoothness of matter in the Universe for the weak lensing results is discussed in some detail.
The low-density cosmology with a cosmological constant appears to give the broadest distributions for all the statistics computed for sources at high redshifts. In particular, the range in magnification values for this cosmology has implications for the determination of the cosmological parameters from high-redshift type Ia supernovae. The possibility of determining the density parameter from the non-Gaussianity in the probability distribution for the convergence is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a general recipe for constructing N -body realizations of galaxies comprising near spherical and disc components. First, an exact spherical distribution function for the spheroids (halo and bulge) is determined, such that it is in equilibrium with the gravitational monopole of the disc components. Second, an N -body realization of this model is adapted to the full disc potential by growing the latter adiabatically from its monopole. Finally, the disc is sampled with particles drawn from an appropriate distribution function, avoiding local-Maxwellian approximations. We performed test simulations and find that the halo and bulge radial density profile very closely match their target model, while they become slightly oblate due to the added disc gravity. Our findings suggest that vertical thickening of the initially thin disc is caused predominantly by spiral and bar instabilities, which also result in a radial re-distribution of matter, rather than scattering off interloping massive halo particles.  相似文献   

The inclination of M31 is too close to edge-on for a bar component to be easily recognized and is not sufficiently edge-on for a boxy/peanut bulge to protrude clearly out of the equatorial plane. Nevertheless, a sufficient number of clues allow us to argue that this galaxy is barred. We use fully self-consistent N -body simulations of barred galaxies and compare them with both photometric and kinematic observational data for M31. In particular, we rely on the near-infrared photometry presented in a companion paper. We compare isodensity contours to isophotal contours and the light profile along cuts parallel to the galaxy major axis and offset towards the north, or the south, to mass profiles along similar cuts on the model. All these comparisons, as well as position–velocity diagrams for the gaseous component, give us strong arguments that M31 is barred. We compare four fiducial N -body models to the data and thus set constraints on the parameters of the M31 bar, as its strength, length and orientation. Our 'best' models, although not meant to be exact models of M31, reproduce in a very satisfactory way the main relevant observations. We present arguments that M31 has both a classical and a boxy/peanut bulge. Its pseudo-ring-like structure at roughly 50 arcmin is near the outer Lindblad resonance of the bar and could thus be an outer ring, as often observed in barred galaxies. The shape of the isophotes also argues that the vertically thin part of the M31 bar extends considerably further out than its boxy bulge, that is, that the boxy bulge is only part of the bar, thus confirming predictions from orbital structure studies and from previous N -body simulations. It seems very likely that the backbone of M31's boxy bulge is families of periodic orbits, members of the x1-tree and bifurcating from the x1 family at its higher order vertical resonances, such as the x1v3 or x1v4 families.  相似文献   

On a time-symmetric Hermite integrator for planetary N-body simulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe a P(EC) n Hermite scheme for planetary N -body simulation. The fourth-order implicit Hermite scheme is a time-symmetric integrator that has no secular energy error for the integration of periodic orbits with time-symmetric time-steps. In general N -body problems, however, this advantage is of little practical significance, since it is difficult to achieve time-symmetry with individual variable time-steps. However, we can easily enjoy the benefit of the time-symmetric Hermite integrator in planetary N -body systems, where all bodies spend most of the time on nearly circular orbits. These orbits are integrated with almost constant time-steps even if we adopt the individual time-step scheme. The P(EC) n Hermite scheme and almost constant time-steps reduce the integration error greatly. For example, the energy error of the P(EC)2 Hermite scheme is two orders of magnitude smaller than that of the standard PEC Hermite scheme in the case of an N  = 100,  m  = 1025 g planetesimal system with the rms eccentricity 〈 e 21/2 ≲0.03.  相似文献   

The evolution of a stellar bar transforms not only the galactic disc, but also the host dark matter halo. We present high-resolution, fully self-consistent N -body simulations that clearly demonstrate that dark matter halo central density cusps flatten as the bar torques the halo. This effect is independent of the bar formation mode and occurs even for rather short bars. The halo and bar evolution is mediated by resonant interactions between orbits in the halo and the bar pattern speed, as predicted by linear Hamiltonian perturbation theory. The bar lengthens and slows as it loses angular momentum, a process that occurs even in rather warm discs. We demonstrate that the bar and halo response can be critically underestimated for experiments that are unable to resolve the relevant resonant dynamics; this occurs when the phase space in the resonant region is undersampled or plagued by noise.  相似文献   

We have tested a previous analytical estimate of the dynamical friction time-scale in modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) with fully non-linear N -body simulations. The simulations confirm that the dynamical friction time-scale is significantly shorter in MOND than in equivalent Newtonian systems, i.e. systems with the same phase-space distribution of baryons and additional dark matter. An apparent conflict between this result and the long time-scales determined for bars to slow and mergers to be completed in previous N -body simulations of MOND systems is explained. The confirmation of the short dynamical-friction time-scale in MOND underlines the challenge that the Fornax dwarf spheroidal poses to the viability of MOND.  相似文献   

Possible orbital histories of the Sgr dwarf galaxy are explored. A special-purpose N -body code is used to construct the first models of the Milky Way–Sgr dwarf system in which both the Milky Way and the Sgr dwarf are represented by full N -body systems and followed for a Hubble time. These models are used to calibrate a semi-analytic model of the Sgr dwarf's orbit that enables us to explore a wider parameter space than is accessible to the N -body models. We conclude that the extant data on the Sgr dwarf are compatible with a wide range of orbital histories. At one extreme the Sgr dwarf initially possesses ∼1011 M and starts from a Galactocentric distance R D(0)≳200 kpc. At the other extreme the Sgr dwarf starts with ∼109 M and R D(0)∼60 kpc, similar to its present apocentric distance. In all cases the Sgr dwarf is initially dark matter dominated and the current velocity dispersion of the Sgr dwarf's dark matter is tightly constrained to be 21±2 km s−1. This number is probably compatible with the smaller measured dispersion of the Sgr dwarf's stars because of (i) the dynamical difference between dark and luminous matter, and (ii) velocity anisotropy.  相似文献   

We study the mass distribution in six nearby  ( z < 0.06)  relaxed Abell clusters of galaxies A0262, A0496, A1060, A2199, A3158 and A3558. Given the dominance of dark matter in galaxy clusters, we approximate their total density distribution by the Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) formula characterized by virial mass and concentration. We also assume that the anisotropy of galactic orbits is reasonably well described by a constant and that galaxy distribution traces that of the total density. Using the velocity and position data for 120–420 galaxies per cluster we calculate, after removal of interlopers, the profiles of the lowest order even velocity moments, dispersion and kurtosis. We then reproduce the velocity moments by jointly fitting the moments to the solutions of the Jeans equations. Including the kurtosis in the analysis allows us to break the degeneracy between the mass distribution and anisotropy and constrain the anisotropy as well as the virial mass and concentration. The method is tested in detail on mock data extracted from the N -body simulations of dark matter haloes. We find that the best-fitting Galactic orbits are remarkably close to isotropic in most clusters. Using the fitted pairs of mass and concentration parameters for the six clusters, we conclude that the trend of decreasing concentration for higher masses found in the cosmological N -body simulations is consistent with the data. By scaling the individual cluster data by mass, we combine them to create a composite cluster with 1465 galaxies and perform a similar analysis on such sample. The estimated concentration parameter then lies in the range  1.5 < c < 14  and the anisotropy parameter in the range  −1.1 < β < 0.5  at the 95 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   

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