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The youngest ice marginal zone between the White Sea and the Ural mountains is the W-E trending belt of moraines called the Varsh-Indiga-Markhida-Harbei-Halmer-Sopkay, here called the Markhida line. Glacial elements show that it was deposited by the Kara Ice Sheet, and in the west, by the Barents Ice Sheet. The Markhida moraine overlies Eemian marine sediments, and is therefore of Weichselian age. Distal to the moraine are Eemian marine sediments and three Palaeolithic sites with many C-14 dates in the range 16-37 ka not covered by till, proving that it represents the maximum ice sheet extension during the Weichselian. The Late Weichselian ice limit of M. G. Grosswald is about 400 km (near the Urals more than 700 km) too far south. Shorelines of ice dammed Lake Komi, probably dammed by the ice sheet ending at the Markhida line, predate 37 ka. We conclude that the Markhida line is of Middle/Early Weichselian age, implying that no ice sheet reached this part of Northern Russia during the Late Weichselian. This age is supported by a series of C-14 and OSL dates inside the Markhida line all of >45 ka. Two moraine loops protrude south of the Markhida line; the Laya-Adzva and Rogavaya moraines. These moraines are covered by Lake Komi sediments, and many C-14 dates on mammoth bones inside the moraines are 26-37 ka. The morphology indicates that the moraines are of Weichselian age, but a Saalian age cannot be excluded. No post-glacial emerged marine shorelines are found along the Barents Sea coast north of the Markhida line.  相似文献   

Nunataks of the last ice sheet in northwest Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-level weathering limits separating ice-scoured topography from an upper zone of frost-weathered detritus were identified on 17 mountains in NW Scotland at altitudes of <600 m to< 900 m, and a further 6 peaks were found to support evidence of ice scouring to summit level. Weathering limits are most clearly defined on Torridon Sandstone, which is resistant to frost shattering, but can also be mapped on Cambrian Quartzite, Lewisian Gneiss and Moine Schist. Contrasts in degree of rock surface weathering above and below the weathering limits were evaluated using measurements of joint depth and rock surface hardness, and through X-ray diffraction analyses of clay mineral assemblages. The results indicate significantly more advanced rock and soil weathering above the weathering limits. Widespread persistence of gibbsite above the weathering limits suggests that they represent the upper limit of Late Devensian glacial erosion, and the regularity of the decline in weathering limit altitude along former flowlines eliminates the possibility that it represents a former thermal boundary between protective cold-based and erosive warm-based ice. The weathering limits are therefore interpreted as periglacial trimlines defining the maximum surface altitude of the last ice sheet around former nunataks. Calculated basal shear stresses of 50–78 kPa are consistent with this interpretation. The altitude of the trimlines implies that the former ice shed lay at 900–930 m in the Fannich Mountains and descended gently northwards, and that the ice surface descended NW from the ice shed to >500 m over the extreme NW tip of Scotland and to 700–730 m at the head of Little Loch Broom.  相似文献   

On the basis of glacial landforms interpreted by means of Landsat satellite imagery and ice-flow data obtained by other methods, the Scandinavian ice sheet has been observed to have divided at the deglaciation stage into several ice lobes. The ice lobes were more active parts of the uniform ice sheet. They represent parts that had bordered on each other in different directions or on more passive portions of the ice. The reasons for the appearance of separate ice lobes were evidently the Fennoscandian topography, the location of accumulation areas, and regional differences in the amounts of ice generated. In the boundary zones of the different ice lobes, there occur exceptionally large glaciofluvial forms and moraines (interlobate complexes). An area of passive ice was often between ice lobes, and in such areas there occur no noteworthy eskers, marginal formations or streamlined forms. In the part of Finland located on the southern side of the Arctic Circle, six different ice lobes and four major areas of passive ice are interpreted to have existed.  相似文献   

Pre-Late Devensian organic deposits in the Buchan area of northeast Scotland were investigated for their geomorphological and palaeoecological (pollen, plant macrofossils, coleoptera) properties. Close ecological agreement exists between fossil indicators and allows the inference that the environment in the vicinity of the deposits was a dwarf shrub tundra of the type met today in high latitude areas of Scandinavia and arctic Russia. The latest in a series of radiocarbon dates from the site produced determinations beyond the limits of the method, although the geomorphological and fossil evidence appears to point to an interstadial date within Oxygen Isotope Stages 5a or 5c. The site has special significance for arguments concerning the much-debated concept of ‘Moraineless Buchan’; indeed, evidence is presented which supports the concept of extensive ice sheet glaciation during the Late Devensian for this crucial geographical area. If Buchan is to be seen as a further casualty amongst other disputed ice-free enclaves, then a return to earlier models of extensive ice sheet glaciation in the Late Devensian of Scotland would seem to be necessary. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trimlines separating glacially abraded lower slopes from blockfield‐covered summits on Irish mountains have traditionally been interpreted as representing the upper limit of the last ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages obtained for samples from glacially deposited perched boulders resting on blockfield debris on the summit area of Slievenamon (721 m a.s.l.) in southern Ireland demonstrate emplacement by the last Irish Ice Sheet (IIS), implying preservation of the blockfield under cold‐based ice during the LGM, and supporting the view that trimlines throughout the British Isles represent former englacial thermal regime boundaries between a lower zone of warm‐based sliding ice and an upper zone of cold‐based ice. The youngest exposure age (22.6±1.1 or 21.0±0.9 ka, depending on the 10Be production rate employed) is statistically indistinguishable from the mean age (23.4±1.2 or 21.8±0.9 ka) obtained for two samples from ice‐abraded bedrock at high ground on Blackstairs Mountain, 51 km to the east, and with published cosmogenic 36Cl ages. Collectively, these ages imply (i) early (24–21 ka) thinning of the last IIS and emergence of high ground in SE Ireland; (ii) relatively brief (1–3 ka) glacial occupation of southernmost Ireland during the LGM; (iii) decoupling of the Irish Sea Ice Stream and ice from the Irish midlands within a similar time frame; and (iv) that the southern fringe of Ireland was deglaciated before western and northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Advance of the Late Weichselian (Valdaian) Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) in northwestern Russia took place after a period of periglacial conditions. Till of the last SIS, Bobrovo till, overlies glacial deposits from the previous Barents and Kara Sea ice sheets and marine deposits of the Last Interglacial. The till is identified by its contents of Scandinavian erratics and it has directional properties of westerly provenance. Above the deglaciation sediments, and extra marginally, it is replaced by glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. At its maximum extent, the last SIS was more restricted in Russia than previously outlined and the time of termination at 18-16 cal. kyr BP was almost 10 kyr delayed compared to the southwestern part of the ice sheet. We argue that the lithology of the ice sheets' substrate, and especially the location of former proglacial lake basins, influenced the dynamics of the ice sheet and guided the direction of flow. We advocate that, while reaching the maximum extent, lobe-shaped glaciers protruded eastward from SIS and moved along the path of water-filled lowland basins. Ice-sheet collapse and deglaciation in the region commenced when ice lobes were detached from the main ice sheet. During the Lateglacial warming, disintegration and melting took place in a 200-600 km wide zone along the northeastern rim of SIS associated with thick Quaternary accumulations. Deglaciation occurred through aerial downwasting within large fields of dead ice developed during successively detached ice lobes. Deglaciation led to the development of hummocky moraine landscapes with scattered periglacial and ice-dammed lakes, while a sub-arctic flora invaded the region.  相似文献   

We present results from a suite of forward transient numerical modelling experiments of the British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS), consisting of Scottish, Welsh and Irish accumulation centres, spanning the last Glacial period from 38 to 10 ka BP. The 3D thermomechanical model employed uses higher-order physics to solve longitudinal (membrane) stresses and to reproduce grounding-line dynamics. Surface mass balance is derived using a distributed degree-day calculation based on a reference climatology from mean (1961–1990) precipitation and temperature patterns. The model is perturbed from this reference state by a scaled NGRIP oxygen isotope curve and the SPECMAP sea-level reconstruction. Isostatic response to ice loading is computed using an elastic lithosphere/relaxed asthenosphere scheme. A suite of 350 simulations were designed to explore the parameter space of model uncertainties and sensitivities, to yield a subset of experiments that showed close correspondence to offshore and onshore ice-directional indicators, broad BIIS chronology, and the relative sea-level record. Three of these simulations are described in further detail and indicate that the separate ice centres of the modelled BIIS complex are dynamically interdependent during the build up to maximum conditions, but remain largely independent throughout much of the simulation. The modelled BIIS is extremely dynamic, drained mainly by a number of transient but recurrent ice streams which dynamically switch and fluctuate in extent and intensity on a centennial time-scale. A series of binge/purge, advance/retreat, cycles are identified which correspond to alternating periods of relatively cold-based ice, (associated with a high aspect ratio and net growth), and wet-based ice with a lower aspect ratio, characterised by streaming. The timing and dynamics of these events are determined through a combination of basal thermomechanical switching spatially propagated and amplified through longitudinal coupling, but are modulated and phase-lagged to the oscillations within the NGRIP record of climate forcing. Phases of predominant streaming activity coincide with periods of maximum ice extent and are triggered by abrupt transitions from a cold to relatively warm climate, resulting in major iceberg/melt discharge events into the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The broad chronology of the modelled BIIS indicates a maximum extent at ~20 ka, with fast-flowing ice across its western and northern sectors that extended to the continental shelf edge. Fast-flowing streams also dominate the Irish Sea and North Sea Basin sectors and impinge onto SW England and East Anglia. From ~19 ka BP deglaciation is achieved in less than 2000 years, discharging the freshwater equivalent of ~2 m global sea-level rise. A much reduced ice sheet centred on Scotland undergoes subsequent retrenchment and a series of advance/retreat cycles into the North Sea Basin from 17 ka onwards, culminating in a sustained Younger Dryas event from 13 to 11.5 ka BP. Modelled ice cover is persistent across the Western and Central Highlands until the last remnant glaciers disappear around 10.5 ka BP.  相似文献   

High-level weathering limits separating ice-scoured topography from frost-weathered detritus were identified on 28 mountains in Wester Ross at altitudes of 700–960 m, and a further 22 peaks support evidence of ice scouring to summit level. Weathering limits are defined most clearly on sandstone and gneiss, which have resisted frost shattering during the Late Devensian Lateglacial, but can also be distinguished on schists and quartzite. Schmidt hammer measurements and analyses of clay mineral assemblages indicate significantly more advanced rock and soil weathering above the weathering limits. The persistence of gibbsite above weathering limits indicates that they represent the upper limit of Late Devensian glacial erosion. The regular decline of weathering-limit altitudes along former flowlines eliminates the possibility that the weathering limits represent former thermal boundaries between protective cold-based and erosive warm-based ice. The weathering limits are therefore interpreted as periglacial trimlines that define the maximum surface altitude of the last ice sheet. Calculated basal shear stresses of 50–95 kPa are consistent with this interpretation. Reconstruction of ice-sheet configuration indicates that the former ice-shed lay above 900 m along the present watershed, and that the ice surface descended northwestwards, with broad depressions along major troughs and localised domes around independent centres of ice dispersal. Extrapolation of the ice surface gradient and altitude suggests that the ice sheet did not overrun the Outer Hebrides, but was confluent with the independent Outer Hebrides ice-cap in the North Minch basin. Erratics located up to 140 m above the reconstructed ice surface are inferred to have been emplaced by a pre-Late Devensian ice sheet (or ice sheets) of unknown age. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of future sea level rise requires models that accurately reproduce and explain the recent observed dramatic ice sheet behaviours. This study presents a new multi-phase, multiple-rheology, scalable and extensible geofluid model of the Greenland ice sheet that shows the credential of successfully reproducing the mass loss rate derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), and the microwave remote sensed surface melt area over the past decade. Model simulated early 21st century surface ice flow compares satisfactorily with InSAR measurements. Accurate simulation of the three metrics simultaneously cannot be explained by fortunate model tuning and give us confidence in using this modelling system for projection of the future fate of Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). Based on this fully adaptable three dimensional, thermo-mechanically coupled prognostic ice model, we examined the flow sensitivity to granular basal sliding, and further identified that this leads to a positive feedback contributing to enhanced mass loss in a future warming climate. The rheological properties of ice depend sensitively on its temperature, thus we further verified modelâ?s temperature solver against in situ observations. Driven by the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis atmospheric parameters, the ice model simulated GrIS mass loss rate compares favourably with that derived from the GRACE measurements, or about ?147 km3/yr over the 2002–2008 period. Increase of the summer maximum melt area extent (SME) is indicative of expansion of the ablation zone. The modeled SME from year 1979 to 2006 compares well with the cross-polarized gradient ratio method (XPGR) observed melt area in terms of annual variabilities. A high correlation of 0.88 is found between the two time series. In the 30-year model simulation series, the surface melt exhibited large inter-annual and decadal variability, years 2002, 2005 and 2007 being three significant recent melt episodes.  相似文献   

We constrain a three-dimensional thermomechanical model of Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) evolution from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 ka BP) to the present-day using, primarily, observations of relative sea level (RSL) as well as field data on past ice extent. Our new model (Huy2) fits a majority of the observations and is characterised by a number of key features: (i) the ice sheet had an excess volume (relative to present) of 4.1 m ice-equivalent sea level at the LGM, which increased to reach a maximum value of 4.6 m at 16.5 ka BP; (ii) retreat from the continental shelf was not continuous around the entire margin, as there was a Younger Dryas readvance in some areas. The final episode of marine retreat was rapid and relatively late (c. 12 ka BP), leaving the ice sheet land based by 10 ka BP; (iii) in response to the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) the ice margin retreated behind its present-day position by up to 80 km in the southwest, 20 km in the south and 80 km in a small area of the northeast. As a result of this retreat the modelled ice sheet reaches a minimum extent between 5 and 4 ka BP, which corresponds to a deficit volume (relative to present) of 0.17 m ice-equivalent sea level. Our results suggest that remaining discrepancies between the model and the observations are likely associated with non-Greenland ice load, differences between modelled and observed present-day ice elevation around the margin, lateral variations in Earth structure and/or the pattern of ice margin retreat.  相似文献   

The consistent geographical and altitudinal distribution of autochthonous block fields (mantle of bedrock weathered in situ) and trimlines in southern Norway suggests a multi-domed and asymmetric Late Weichselian ice sheet. Low-gradient ice-sheet profiles in the southern Baltic region, in the North Sea, and along the outer fjord areas of southern Norway, are best explained by movement of ice on a bed of deforming sediment, although water lubricated sliding or a combination of the two, may not be excluded. The ice-thickness distribution of the Late Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet is not in correspondence with the modern uplift pattern of Fennoscandia. Early Holocene crustal rebound was apparently determined by an exponential, glacio-isostatic rise. Later, however, crustal movements appear to have been dominated by large-scale tectonic uplift of the Fennoscandian Shield, centred on the Gulf of Bothnia, the region of maximum lithosphere thickness.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic field studies and nuclear age determinations outline a vast belt of essentially contemporary crystalline rocks extending from southern England through France eastward into central Europe and Asia. The belt (here referred to as the Hercynian complex) lies south of the Scandinavian-Baltic-Ukrainian shield area and north of the Alpine-Himalayan chain. The stratigraphic ages of the crystalline rocks in this belt fall into late Viséan to Stephanian (Carboniferous) time wherever they can be determined. Nuclear ages measured on rocks of this belt by several methods on mica, zircon and uraninite fall within the bracket of about 290 to 330 million years ago. It is concluded that a large expanse of rock in Europe and Asia intruded (or was heated and metamorphosed enough to remove radiogenic daughter isotopes) and then cooled within a geologically short period in Carboniferous time. Isolated intrusive and volcanic events took place in Permian time but most of the belt remained unaffected until the large-scale Alpine events of about 20 million years ago.
Zusammenfassung Der Autor behandelt kristalline Einheiten des Variscikums, die sich als scheinbar gleichaltes kristallines Band von Süd-England durch Mitteleuropa nach Asien erstrecken. Zahlreiche Altersbestimmungen werden zusammengestellt. Sie ergeben ein generelles Alter der Verbände von 290–330 Mill. Jahren. Genetische Bemerkungen.

Résumé Etudes stratigraphiques et déterminations d'âge nucléaire définissent un vaste domaine de roches cristallines contemporaines s'étendant depuis le S. de l'Angleterre, la France et en direction de l'E. en Europe Centrale et en Asie. Cette ceinture (dénommée ici complexe hercynien) se trouve au S. du bouclier balticoukrainien et au N. de la chaîne alpine himalayenne. Les âges stratigraphiques des roches cristallines dans ce domaine compris entre le Viséen supérieur et le Stéphanien (Carbonifère) partout où ils ont pu être déterminés. Les âges nucléaires mesurés sur des roches par différentes méthodes appliquées aux mica, zircon et uraninite tombent dans un intervalle de 290 à 300 millions d'années. On en conclut que de grandes masses de roches en Europe et en Asie ont fait intrusion (ou ont été chauffées et métamorphisées suffisamment pour éliminer les isotopes radiogéniques déjà engendrés) et se sont ensuite refroidies au Carbonifère pendant un temps géologiquement court. Des manifestations intrusives et volcaniques isolées ont eu lieu à l'époque peruvienne, mais la majeure partie du domaine n'a pas été affectée jusqu'aux grandes manifestations alpines d'il y a quelque 20 millions d'années.

, . 290–330 . .

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(19-21):2316-2321
Traditional ice sheet reconstructions have suggested two distinctly different ice sheet regimes along the East Greenland continental margin during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM): ice to the shelf break south of Scoresby Sund and ice extending no further than to the inner shelf at and north of Scoresby Sund. We report new 10Be ages from erratic boulders perched at 250 m a.s.l. on the Kap Brewster peninsula at the mouth of Scoresby Sund. The average 10Be ages, calculated with an assumed maximum erosion rate of 1 cm/ka and no erosion (respectively, 17.3±2.3 ka and 15.1±1.7 ka) overlap with a period of increased sediment input to the Scoresby Sund fan (19–15 ka). The results presented here suggest that ice reached at least 250 m a.s.l. at the mouth of Scoresby Sund during the LGM and add to a growing body of evidence indicating that LGM ice extended onto the outer shelf in northeast Greenland.  相似文献   

In Snowdonia there is a marked contrast between weathered summits, often with well‐developed blockfields or tors, and lower ice‐moulded terrain. The boundary is interpreted as a trimline marking the upper surface of the last ice sheet. This interpretation is supported by the presence of gibbsite, an end‐product of prolonged weathering, at the base of soils above but not below the trimline. The reconstructed ice surface reaches about 850 m above present sea‐level along an ice divide running NE–SW through the massif. There is no evidence to support the popular view that ice centred further south extended over Snowdonia, and breaching to form the major glacial troughs can be explained by the action of local ice. The field evidence presented here demonstrates that most models of the southern British and Irish Sea ice sheets are significantly flawed, the earliest being far too thick and the most recent far too thin. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The basal ice of many glaciers contains debris structures that reflect subglacial processes. Presented here is an unusually clear photograph of ice and debris in the lowest 2 m of the basal layer at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet. The photograph shows ice-debris relationships and deformation structures that reflect entrainment processes and flow history.  相似文献   

The deglaciation at the end of the Weichselian in the Danish area has previously been considered to occur as a frontal wastage. Since the glacier ice was assumed to be debris-free, the wasting should be characterized by outwash plains and successions of end-moraines. The almost complete lack of sandur plains in the eastern part of the area and indications from recent investigations of widespread occurrence of flow till justify a re-evaluation of the mentioned deglaciation model.
Two morphological features have a general occurrence: the plains and the 'tunnel' valleys. The plains appear stepwise in the landscapes, and are frequently limited by steep slopes. Topmost is a subcircular kame-like hill. Sedimentologically, the plains mainly consist of melt water deposits, and the scattered occurrences of till are interpreted as flow till. The plains continue from the open landscape into the 'tunnel' valleys where they appear as terraces.
These features are considered to have been formed during the deglaciation. The almost horizontal surface of the ice sheet over large areas caused a sensitivity to changes in the climate. The wasting of the ice may therefore be expected to affect large areas almost simultaneously. On the assumption that the ice contained debris, an increasing amount of clastic matter was released on the ice surface. This material was concentrated in the depressions. If such a depression perforated the ice, the content of sediments settled on the substratum and a plain was established. During continued wasting the thickness of the ice decreased and the depressions were enlarged. They assumed the character of sandur plains. As still larger areas of these supraglacial sandurs rested on the basement the successive lower situated plains were formed. The latest ice was preserved where the 'tunnel' valleys are situated to-day.  相似文献   

Reconstructions of the last (late Devensian) British ice sheet have hitherto been based on assumptions regarding its extent and form. Here we employ observational evidence for the maximum altitude of glacial erosion (trimlines) on mountains that protruded through the ice (palaeonunataks) to reconstruct the form of the ice sheet over ≈ 10 000 km2 of NW Scotland. Contrasts in the clay mineralogy of soils and exposure ages of rock surfaces above and below these trimlines confirm that they represent the upper limit of late Devensian glacial erosion. The reconstruction yields realistic values of basal shear stress and is consistent with independent evidence of ice movement directions. The ice sheet reached ≈ 950 m altitude over the present N–S watershed, descended northwards and north-westwards, was deflected around an ice dome on Skye and an independent Outer Hebrides ice cap, and probably extended across the adjacent shelf on a bed of deforming sediments.  相似文献   

The position of the Inland Ice margin during the late Wisconsin-Würm glaciation (ca. 15,000 yr BP) is probably marked by offshore banks (submarine moraines?) in the Davis Strait. The history of the Inland Ice since the late Wisconsin-Würm can be divided into four principal phases: (1) Relatively slow retreat from the offshore banks occurred at an average rate of approximately 1 km/100 yr until ca. 10,000 yr BP (Younger Dryas?) when the Taserqat moraine system was formed by a readvance. (2) At ca. 9500 yr BP, the rate of retreat increased markedly to about 3 km/100 yr, and although nearly 100 km of retreat occurred by ca. 6500 yr BP, it was punctuated by frequent regional reexpansions of the Inland Ice that formed extensive moraine systems at ca. 8800-8700 yr BP (Avatdleq-Sarfartôq moraines), 8400-8100 yr BP (Angujârtorfik-Fjord moraines), 7300 yr BP (Umîvît moraines), and 7200-6500 yr BP (Keglen-Mt, Keglen moraines). (3) Between 6500 and 700 yr BP, discontinous ice-margin deposits and ice-disintegration features were formed during retreat, which may have continued until the ice margin was near or behind its present position by ca. 6000 yr BP. Most of the discontinuous ice-margin deposits occur within 5–10 km of the present ice margin, and may have been formed by two main phases of readvance at ca. 4800-4000 yr BP and 2500-2000 yr BP. (4) Since a readvance at ca. 700 yr BP, the Inland Ice margin has undergone several minor retreats and readvances resulting in deposition of numerous closely spaced moraines within about 3 km of the present ice margin. The young moraines are diffieulto to correlate regionally, but several individual moraines have the following approximate ages: A.D. 1650, 1750, and 1880–1920.Inland Ice fluctuations in West Greenland were very closely paralleled by Holocene glacial events in East Greenland and the eastern Canadian Aretic. Such similarity of glacier behavior over a large area strongly suggests that widespread climatic change was the direct cause of Holocene glacial fluctuations. Moreover, historical advances of the Inland Ice margin followed slight temperature decreases by no more than a few decades, and 18O data from Greenland ice cores show that slight temperature decreases occurred frequently throughout the Holocene. Therefore, we conclude that construction of the major Holocene moraine systems in West Greenland was caused by slight temperature decreases, which decreased rates of ablation and thereby produced practically immediate advances of the ice sheet margin, but did not necessarily affect the long-term equilibrium of the ice sheet.  相似文献   

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