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本文对磁化等离子体非相干散射理论谱下的共振线进行了研究,简要介绍了等离子体线和回旋线的色散关系,并通过理论分析给出了二次回旋谐频处等离子体线分裂现象的色散关系.结合三亚非相干散射雷达(Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar,SYISR)实际参数,对回旋线以及低频振荡、高频共振进行了分析讨论.分析后认为:SYISR拥有观测夜间200 km以下和400 km以上回旋线的可能性;在白天仅存在观测到H+振荡谱线的可能性;若观测数据足够良好,将可以观测到二次以及三次回旋谐频处的等离子体线分裂现象.
使用一个修正的双麦克斯韦分布函数,通过最小均方适应技术使它与高纬电离层F区中离子的非麦克斯韦速度分布函数相适配.结果表明,使用这样的分布函数可以简化非相干散射谱的计算,并有助于简化高纬地区电离层非相干散射谱的反演. 相似文献
根据Grad理论,以麦克斯韦分布函数为基,将离子分布函数展成20矩近似的形式,讨论了黏滞张量项与热流项对离子分布函数的影响.在电场比较弱的情况下,沿着E×B和E的方向上,热流矢量项和黏滞张量项是可以分别忽略掉的.离子温度的各向异性特征和分布函数的不对称性是由黏滞项和热流项引起的.利用Sheffield理论计算得到了非相干散射谱,并对13矩近似和20矩近似得到的非相干散射谱进行了对比.在电场比较弱的情况下,这两种近似基本一致,而当电场增强时,热流张量项的贡献变得很明显,温度各向异性的特征加剧.此时与13矩近似相比较,20矩近似能够更加准确地描述以温度各向异性为特性的非麦克斯韦分布等离子体. 相似文献
本文尝试结合非相干散射雷达和GPS TEC观测数据提取等离子体层总电子含量(PTEC).我们首先描述所用的技术方法,然后具体利用了Millstone Hill台站的观测数据研究该地区上空等离子体层总电子含量(PTEC)的变化情况.我们采用变化标高的Chapman函数对非相干散射雷达测得的电子浓度剖面数据进行拟合,然后通过对剖面积分得到100 km到1000 km高度范围的电离层总电子含量.GPS提供的TEC数据为高度达20200 km的总电子含量,两者之差可近似看成等离子体层的电子含量.本文分别选取太阳活动高年(2000, 2002年)和太阳活动低年(2005,2008年)Millstone Hill台站的静日数据进行研究.结果表明,等离子体层电子含量及其所占GPS TEC的比例具有明显的周日变化.PTEC含量在白天高于夜间,而所占GPS TEC的百分比,夜间明显高于白天.太阳活动高年所选月份等离子体层电子含量在4~14 TECU (1TECU=1016el/m2) 范围内变化,夜间所占比例可达60%左右.太阳活动低年所选月份等离子体层电子含量在3~7 TECU范围内变化,所占比例夜间最高可达80%左右.我们所得到的结果与前人基于其它观测手段所得结果在变化趋势上一致,在量级上也大致相当.因此,这从一个侧面证明了我们所用方法的可靠性.非相干散射雷达能够探测包括F2层峰值以下及以上高度的电子浓度,利用这一设备所观测得到的资料来推算电离层电子含量将比前人基于电离层垂测仪观测资料进行的推算更具真实性,由此得到的等离子体层电子含量也将更为接近真实情况. 相似文献
三亚非相干散射雷达是一部位于低纬度地区的先进的相控阵雷达系统,其主要任务是对地球电离层进行观测研究.在其探测区域内有许多航天器及碎片飞越,这些硬目标的存在导致回波信号比电离层非相干散射信号强度高出几个量级,进而影响电离层参量反演.为了有效消除原始数据中的硬目标信号,本文采用CFAR (constant false alarm rate)的方法来检测和消除硬目标.由于电离层背景不稳定,我们提出了基于传统OS-CFAR的自适应VI-OS-CFAR算法.在本文中,我们将新算法与传统的四种算法进行比较并将其应用于三亚雷达观测的数据处理中,结果证明了我们方法的有效性,该方法有望应用于三亚非相干散射雷达实际信号处理中.
本文介绍了我国曲靖非相干散射雷达的主要技术方案,结合实测数据分析表明该雷达具备了电离层电子密度与等离子体温度观测、空间碎片凝视探测与月球二维成像探测等能力,可用于研究电离层F层气候学特征、电子密度暴时变化与异常增强等天气事件、E-F谷区结构与变化、约3 cm以上尺寸空间碎片的分布特征与模型、月球不同区域的散射回波特性等.下一步将重点开展低电离层与北驼峰结构及演化过程、电离层暴时与扰动特性观测. 相似文献
The plasma dispersion function and the reduced velocity distribution function are calculated numerically for any arbitrary velocity distribution function with cylindrical symmetry along the magnetic field. The electron velocity distribution is separated into two distributions representing the distribution of the ambient electrons and the suprathermal electrons. The velocity distribution function of the ambient electrons is modelled by a near-Maxwellian distribution function in presence of a temperature gradient and a potential electric field. The velocity distribution function of the suprathermal electrons is derived from a numerical model of the angular energy flux spectrum obtained by solving the transport equation of electrons. The numerical method used to calculate the plasma dispersion function and the reduced velocity distribution is described. The numerical code is used with simulated data to evaluate the Doppler frequency asymmetry between the up- and downshifted plasma lines of the incoherent-scatter plasma lines at different wave vectors. It is shown that the observed Doppler asymmetry is more dependent on deviation from the Maxwellian through the thermal part for high-frequency radars, while for low-frequency radars the Doppler asymmetry depends more on the presence of a suprathermal population. It is also seen that the full evaluation of the plasma dispersion function gives larger Doppler asymmetry than the heat flow approximation for Langmuir waves with phase velocity about three to six times the mean thermal velocity. For such waves the moment expansion of the dispersion function is not fully valid and the full calculation of the dispersion function is needed. 相似文献
基于尘埃等离子体Mie-Debye散射模型,研究平衡态下尘埃等离子体中带电尘埃的电磁散射特性.根据输运理论计算高层大气环境中尘埃等离子体层的电磁散射场,给出电磁波垂直入射时尘埃等离子体层的反射函数,同时分析不同浓度、不同粒径分布状态下尘埃等离子体层对电磁波传播的影响.结果表明:尘埃粒子尺度对其电磁散射特性影响非常大;在对数正态分布情况下,当入射波长远大于Debye半径时,尘埃等离子体的散射主要表现为Debye散射,而入射波长远小于Debye半径时,Mie散射占主要部分;并且尘埃等离子体层对电磁波的衰减随尘埃粒子浓度以及尘埃粒子半径的增大而明显增强. 相似文献
H. Wiechen 《Annales Geophysicae》1999,17(5):595-603
Magnetic reconnection is a process of fundamental importance for the dynamics of the Earth’s plasma sheet. In this context, the development of thin current sheets in the near-Earth plasma sheet is a topic of special interest because they could be a possible cause of microscopic fluctuations acting as collective non-idealness from a macroscopic point of view. Simulations of the near-Earth plasma sheet including boundary perturbations due to localized inflow through the northern (or southern) plasma sheet boundary show developing thin current sheets in the near-Earth plasma sheet about 8–10 RE tailwards of the Earth. This location is largely independent from the localization of the perturbation. The second part of the paper deals with the problem of the macroscopic non-ideal consequences of microscopic fluctuations. A new model is presented that allows the quantitative calculation of macroscopic non-idealness without considering details of microscopic instabilities or turbulence. This model is only based on the assumption of a strongly fluctuating, mixing dynamics on microscopic scales in phase space. The result of this approach is an expression for anomalous non-idealness formally similar to the Krook resistivity but now describing the macroscopic consequences of collective microscopic fluctuations, not of collisions. 相似文献
In usual incoherent scatter data analysis, the plasma distribution function is assumed to be Maxwellian. In space plasmas, however, distribution functions with a high energy tail which can be well modeled by a generalized Lorentzian distribution function with spectral index kappa (kappa distribution) have been observed. We have theoretically calculated incoherent scatter spectra for a plasma that consists of electrons with kappa distribution function and ions with Maxwellian neglecting the effects of the magnetic field and collisions. The ion line spectra have a double-humped shape similar to those from a Maxwellian plasma. The electron temperatures are underestimated, however, by up to 40% when interpreted assuming Maxwellian distribution. Ion temperatures and electron densities are affected little. Accordingly, actual electron temperatures might be underestimated when an energy input maintaining a high energy tail exists. We have also calculated plasma lines with the kappa distribution function. They are enhanced in total strength, and the peak frequencies appear to be slightly shifted to the transmitter frequency compared to the peak frequencies for a Maxwellian distribution. The damping rate depends on the electron temperature. For lower electron temperatures, plasma lines for electrons with a distribution function are more strongly damped than for a Maxwellian distribution. For higher electron temperatures, however, they have a relatively sharp peak. 相似文献
应用当前的数值方法求解动态海面与目标的复合电磁散射,由于海面的变化,在不同时刻需要对阻抗矩阵各元素及海面表面电流重新求解,因而要耗费大量内存和运算量.为了克服这一问题,本文应用物理光学(PO)近似求解了导体海面表面电流及导体平板的一阶散射场,应用基尔霍夫近似给出了海面的后向散射场,同时借助互易性定理降低了求解平板和海面之间二次耦合散射场的难度,讨论了平板尺寸、风速等对后向复合散射场的影响.另外,本文还推导出了耦合散射场多普勒谱频移的理论公式,详细分析了复合后向散射场的Doppler 频谱特性. 相似文献
叠前逆时偏移将是应用前景最为广泛的地震偏移技术,但存在计算量大和存储单元要求多的瓶颈问题.随机边界条件思想的提出较好地解决了其中的存储问题,但同时也大大增加了计算成本.为了减小边界宽度,降低宽边界带来的计算负担,同时又不影响随机边界的随机效果,本文首先提出了一种多形式随机边界函数,并从随机介质散射理论出发,研究了随机边界的散射特性,并将随机边界归纳为增强模式和衰减模式两类,深入分析推导了不同模式边界的随机函数形式选择的最优判据,最后形成了一套能够使得在边界宽度有限情况下获得最佳散射效果的随机边界构建算法.理论分析和数值模拟实验结果表明:在边界宽度较窄的情况下,利用本文提出的随机边界构建策略,能够最大程度地发挥有限宽随机边界散射性能,压制相干能量的产生.这为提高随机边界的随机性能,减小随机边界的宽度,提高逆时偏移的计算效率提供了一种有效的方法. 相似文献