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根据1991年6月15日发生的微波、分米波、米波、十米波等波段内射电爆发以及质子事件,地磁暴等进行了分析研究,认为产生各种物理过程的有效机制和动因是日冕物质抛射而非太阳耀斑。  相似文献   

1998年4月-5月8210活动区在日面上接连出现6次大的爆发活动,搜集了这个活动区在整个日面上软X射线曲线,射电Ⅱ、Ⅳ型爆发,射电日像仪和远紫外观测等资料,它的能量积累过程快,3次软X射线爆发曲线的时间轮廓有一定的相似性。发生日冕物质抛射(CME)时,它的磁环只是局部开放,很快又收拢成一个闭合磁环,在一些非热电子的轰击下,再度被加热,又产生了强列的X射线爆发和射电Ⅱ、Ⅳ型爆发,磁环的薄弱处犹如一个活火山口,CME容易从此处再次喷发,找到非热过程与热过程衔接的拐点,在SXR时间轮廓曲线上它表现为斜率突变点,往往有Ⅲ型爆发作为对应的标志,日冕不同层次上先后出现的Ⅱ型爆发可作为CME出现的有力证据,并可作为判断CME运动速度的依据。  相似文献   

基于我国的太阳射电宽带频谱仪(0.625~7.600GHz)在2003年10月22日~11月3日观测到8个伴生日冕物质抛射(CME)的太阳射电爆发,结合Nobeyama Radio Polarimeter(NORP)的单频观测、Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NORH)、Siberian Solar Radio Telescope(SSRT)的成像观测以及Culgoora和WAVE/WIND的低频射电频谱观测,对8个射电爆发的射电辐射特征进行了初步分析.试图从中寻找与CME伴生的射电爆发的特征。  相似文献   

邵承文  汪敏  谢瑞祥 《天文学报》2005,46(4):416-425
分析了与日冕物质抛射(CME)有关的太阳微波爆发(SMB)的特征,包括持 续时间、峰值流量、爆发类型、谱指数等.选取了从1999年11月至2003年9月的136 个事件,包括60个部分晕状CME(120°<宽度<360°)/晕状CME(宽度=360°)和 76个正常CME(20°<宽度<120°)/窄CME(0°<宽度<20°). 研究发现: (1)与正常CME/窄CME有关的微波爆发持续时间较短,与部分晕状 /晕状CME有关的微波爆发持续时间有长有短; (2)与慢CME有关的微波爆发持续时 间较短,与快CME有关的微波爆发持续时间可长可短;(3)与正常/窄CME有关的微 波爆发峰值辐射流量比较小,与部分晕状/晕状CME有关的微波爆发峰值辐射流量有大 有小;(4)与慢CME有关的微波爆发峰值辐射流量较小,与快CME有关的微波爆发峰 值辐射流量可长可短; (5)与正常/窄CME有关的微波爆发绝大多数为简单(simple) 型,与晕状CME有关的微波爆发绝大多数为复杂(C)/大爆发(GB)型; (6)与CME 有关的事件在频率,f相似文献   

日冕物质抛射与共生射电爆发的地面和空间联测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引述了近年来太阳和空间物理的一大研究成果;产生日地空间射电爆发和地球物理响应的主因不是太阳耀斑,而是日冕物质抛射(CME),论述了射电爆发在研究CME中的作用;分析了1991-06-15CME事件中射电爆发和质子事件产生的物理过程;介绍了地面/空间对CME和共生射电爆发联测研究的新进展;提出了我国今后开展地面/空间联测研究的设想和建议。  相似文献   

利用北京天文台1998.09.23日1-2GHz和2.6-3.8GHz频谱仪观测到的一个Ⅲ-Ⅳ型复杂大爆发,结合俄罗斯SSRT和德国分米-米波动态频谱仪的观测资料,进行了初步的比对分析,拓展了关于日冕电子加速和日冕磁结构方面的一些研究内容,简单地注释了一些可研究的现象和运动Ⅳ型爆发及多重脉动的辐射机制。  相似文献   

射电Ⅳ型运动爆发同日冕物质抛射(CMEs)关系极为密切。本文基于对Ⅳ型运动爆发的研究以及CMEs开放场的物理条件,探讨了CMEs形成及抛射的物理条件。由于磁通量突然喷发,能量大量释放,在CME闭合场中的等离子体被加速,导致高能质子和高能电子被大磁环捕获。随着磁环内的热压P和磁压Pm的升高,当β>βT时磁环将炸裂,从而产生CMEs。抛射出的未离化的等离子体团将产生等离子体基波与谐波辐射。随着等离子体的不断离化,高能相对论电子绕开放磁场线作螺旋飞行,这时等离体辐射降到次要地位,回旋同步加速辐射上升到主导地位,这就是射电Ⅳ型运动爆发。如果离化的早,则在微波波段也能看到Ⅳ型运动爆发。这就是微波Ⅳ型爆发,也是微波Ⅳ型爆发罕见的原因。射电运动Ⅳ型爆发源就是日冕抛射的物质。  相似文献   

利用云南天文台声光频谱仪观测到的一次特殊的太阳射电米波爆发 ,与对应的光学活动及相关事件 ,我们探讨了 1 991年 6月 7日的日冕物质喷射过程  相似文献   

利用云南天文台声光频谱仪观测到的一次特殊的太阳射电米波爆发,与对应的光学活动及相关事件,我们探讨了1991年6月7日的日冕物质喷射 过程。  相似文献   

在太阳射电动态频谱图上,II型暴表现为缓慢频率漂移的窄带信号;这些信号为能量电子激发的等离子体辐射,其基频辐射的频率接近当地等离子体频率.II型暴在太阳暴驱动激波、激波加速产生能量电子以及空间天气预报方面具有重要的研究意义.有些II型暴的频谱形态比较丰富,存在多种精细结构;按照频谱形态和成因大致分为频带分裂、多支、鱼骨...  相似文献   

Song  Limin  Zhang  Jun  Yang  Zhiliang  Wang  Jingxiu 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):315-331
By using multi-wavelength observations, we explored the atmospheric dynamics and the surface magnetic activity in NOAA 9026, which were associated with the initiation of a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) on 6 June, 2000. In an interval of less than two hours, two X-class X-ray flares took place successively, each along with one eruption of a filament. However, only the second X-class flare which is characterized by a rather large-scale (larger than a general active region in area) EUV dimming was associated with the CME initiation. It seems that a flare with an extensive dimming is more likely to be CME-associated. We focused our study on the daily evolution of the vector magnetic field in this region from 4 to 9 June and have found the following results. (1) The gradual squeeze and cancellation of the opposite polarity magnetic fields are the main patterns of magnetic evolution. Moreover, there is a spatial coincidence between the sites of magnetic flux cancellation and the locations of the early filament activation and the flare brightenings. (2) The current system increased in the first two days and began to decrease at least ten hours before the CME initiation. It underwent dramatic disruption from 6 to 7 June. (3) The transverse component of the the vector magnetic field appeared helical in configuration. It changed from compact to loose and dissipated from a small to a large area. Here we suggest that although the first filament eruption and first flare were not in step with the CME initiation, they seem to be a part of the entire process. The observed evolution of the magnetic field implies a continuous transport of magnetic energy and complexity from the lower atmosphere to the corona. Moreover, the slow magnetic reconnection in the lower atmosphere, manifested as magnetic flux cancellation, and the helicity re-distribution, appear to play a key role in the energy build-up process of the flares and the initiation of the halo CME.  相似文献   

We present detailed observations of the formations of four distinct coronal dimmings during a flare of 17 September 2002, which was followed by an eruption of a huge coronal loop system, and then an over-and-out partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME), with the same direction as the loop system eruption but laterally far offset from the flare site. Among the four dimmings, two compact ones were symmetrically located in the opposite polarity regions immediately adjacent to the highly sheared magnetic polarity inversion line in the flare region, and hence were probably composed of bipolar double dimmings due to a flux-rope eruption and represented its evacuated footpoints. However, another nearby compact dimming and a remote diffuse one were formed in the opposite polarity footpoint regions of the eruptive loop system, and thus probably consisted of a pair of dimmings magnetically linked by the erupting loop system and also indicated its evacuated footpoints. The loop system might have played a role in guiding the erupting flare field and producing the over-and-out CME, but its eruption might simply have been pushed out by the erupting flare field, because there was no reconnection signature between them. From comparison with a derived potential-field source-surface (PFSS) magnetic configuration, our observations consistently suggest that the dimmings were formed in pairs and originated from the eruptions of the two different magnetic systems. We thus define them as “quadrupolar dimmings.”  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCoronal majss ejections (CMEs) are often seen as spectacular eruptions of matter fromthe Sun which propagate outward through the heliosphere and often interact with the Earth'smagnetosphere (Hundhausen, 1997; Gosling, 1997; and references herein). It is well known thatthese interactions can have substalltial consequences on the geomagnetic environment of theEarth, sometimes resulting in damage to satellites (e.g., McAllister et al., 1996; Berdichevskyet al., 1998). CMEs…  相似文献   

对地日冕物质抛射研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日冕物质抛射,作为太阳大气中频繁发生的极为壮观的活动现象,越来越受到太阳物理学家的关注。其中一类特殊的抛射事件--对地日冕物质抛射,通常与大的地磁暴、行星际激波和高能粒子事件相伴生,具有强烈的地球物理效应,是影响空间天气的主要因素之一。概括了对地日冕物质抛射的研究现状,重点介绍了与对土日冕物质抛射事件相联系的光球向量磁场演化的观测研究成果,并由典型事件探讨了暗条爆发、耀五等剧烈太阳活动和对地日冕物质抛射之间的密切关系,提出了尚待解决的主要问题和进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

张军  汪景 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):146-146
主要介绍晕状日冕物质抛射(halo CMEs)的产生机制,包括向量磁场演化是怎样触发halo CMEa的:halo CME与耀斑,暗条活动的相互关系怎样,是否有规律可循,暗条爆发,耀斑等活动现象是如何相互联系的,halo CME事件是由一个活动区域或一个活动事件驱动物,还是多个活动区或多个活动事件相互作用的结果,给出两个halo CME的日面起源的观测例证,提出相反极笥的磁场对消是CME日面源区磁场演化的主要特征。  相似文献   

Basic processes of magnetic reconnection and observations of coronal mass ejection are introduced. A possible mechanism of CME caused by magnetic rcconnection in the current sheet of solar corona is suggested.  相似文献   

A comprehensive case and statistical study of CME onsets has been conducted on the solar limb using the CDS, LASCO and EIT instruments aboard the SOHO spacecraft. This is the first dedicated campaign to establish firmly the EUV signatures of CME onsets and is based on a series of low-corona observing campaigns made in 2002. The event database consisted of 36 multiple emission line sequences observed with CDS and the study builds, in particular, on studies of EUV coronal dimming which have been associated with CME onsets. We witness a range of dimming events in EUV coronal emission line data. Shorter events, commonly of duration < 4 hours, we find are indirectly associated with CME onsets whereas longer-duration dimmings (> 4 hours) appear to be either due to coronal evolution or rotational effects. However, for some CME onsets, where the CDS pointing was appropriate, no dimming was observed. Dimming observed in EIT typically occurred immediately after the launch of a loop or prominence, and in 5 out of 9 events there is evidence of a matter buildup within the loop before launch. A total of 10 events occurred where CDS was used to directly observe the CME footprint, but no relationship between these events was found. The results suggest that the response of the corona to a CME launch differs between the low (1.0 R R≤1.2 R ) and middle (1.2 R <R≤2.0 R ) corona regions, hence implying a difference between dimming observations conducted with different instruments.  相似文献   

S. Y. Oh  Y. Yi 《Solar physics》2012,280(1):197-204
The intensity?Ctime profile of Forbush decrease (FD) events observed by neutron monitors (NMs) looks like that of a geomagnetic storm as defined by the Dst index. Oh, Yi, and Kim (J.?Geophys. Res. 113, A01103, 2008) and Oh and Yi (J.?Geophys. Res. 114, A11102, 2009) classified FD events based on the amount of overlap and simultaneity of their main phase in Universal Time (UT). Oh and Yi define an FD event as simultaneous if the main phases observed by NMs distributed evenly around the Earth overlap in UT, and nonsimultaneous if they overlap only in the local time of some stations. They suggested that the occurrence mechanisms of two types of FD events may be related to interplanetary (IP) magnetic structures such as IP shocks and magnetic clouds. In their model, the simultaneity of FD events depends on the strength and propagation direction of magnetic structures overtaking the Earth. Recently, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission has been able to visualize the emergence and propagation direction of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in three dimensions in the heliosphere; thus, it is now possible to test the suggested mechanisms. One simultaneous FD event observed on 18 February 2011 may have been caused by a CME heading directly toward the Earth, which was observed on 15 February 2011 by the STEREO mission. Therefore, the simultaneity of FD events is proven to be a useful analysis tool in understanding the geoeffectiveness of solar events such as interplanetary CMEs and IP shocks.  相似文献   

We study the solar event on 27 September 2001 that consisted of three consecutive coronal mass ejections (CMEs) originating from the same active region, which were associated with several periods of radio type II burst emission at decameter–hectometer (DH) wavelengths. Our analysis shows that the first radio burst originated from a low-density environment, formed in the wake of the first, slow CME. The frequency-drift of the burst suggests a low-speed burst driver, or that the shock was not propagating along the large density gradient. There is also evidence of band-splitting within this emission lane. The origin of the first shock remains unclear, as several alternative scenarios exist. The second shock showed separate periods of enhanced radio emission. This shock could have originated from a CME bow shock, caused by the fast and accelerating second or third CME. However, a shock at CME flanks is also possible, as the density depletion caused by the three CMEs would have affected the emission frequencies and hence the radio source heights could have been lower than usual. The last type II burst period showed enhanced emission in a wider bandwidth, which was most probably due to the CME–CME interaction. Only one shock that could reliably be associated with the investigated CMEs was observed to arrive near Earth.  相似文献   

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