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A brackish-water, intertidal creek was sampled 19 times during the summer of 1976. Samples were analyzed to determine occurrence, abundance, and diversity of fish species present and to determine patterns of daily fish movement and utilization of intertidal creeks in an old rice field. Samples were collected from the primary station on the ebbing tide with a channel net. Three secondary stations were each sampled twice for comparative results and total biomass and average length per species calculated for each sample. We collected 125,579 individuals with a total biomass of 11.7 kg which represented 23 families and 37 species. Anchoa mitchilli was the dominant species and comprised 96.3% of the total numbers of individuals caught. The next two most abundant fish, Menidia menidia and Fundulus heteroclitus, represented 2.5% and 0.4% of the total numbers caught. The data from the nineteen sample collections were ordered by time of day and the resultant time series sequence of collections simulated a sample collection taken about once every 1.5 hours over 24 hours. A pattern of occurrence was noted for A. mitchilli as increased fish numbers occurred when the creek flooded during the daylight hours and there were significantly reduced numbers when the creek flooded during the early evening or at night. A relationship between light intensity, feeding, and predator avoidance is proposed to explain the creek loading pattern of A. mitchilli.  相似文献   


We examined fish assemblages in tidal salt marsh creeks in Delaware Bay in order to evaluate their response to treatment forPhragmites removal following initial treatment in 1996. In Alloway Crrek, a tributary to Delaware Bay, reference creeks draining marsh of untreatedPhragmites or naturally occurringSpartina were compared with creeks in marshes treated forPhragmites removal. These reference and treated creeks occur in close proximity and share many characteristics including salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity, although creeks inPhragmites sites differed slightly in bathymetry. We analyzed a time series of otter trawl collections (22 monthly sample periods from 1999 to 2001) for differences in juvenile fish assemblage among creeks with different vegetation history. Periodically, young-of-the-year (YOY) and age 1+ white perch (Morone americana), YOY spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), YOY Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), and other species were relatively more abundant atPhragmites sites, but other dominant species were preiodically abundant at all sites. Among-treatment differences based on principal response curves analysis accounted for about 19% of the total species variation, but differences varied widely among sample periods and there is little or no indication of a trend over the 3-yr period. Larger collections were often associated with subtidal structure, which was more common atPhragmites sites and potentially represents a sampling artifact. Assemblages of creeks with differing vegetation history differ weakly but recognizably, suggesting slow or little response to treatment, at least based on otter trawl collections in subtidal marsh creeks.


Protocols for monitoring wetland mitigation and restoration projects call for routine counts of animals, yet long-term spatial and temporal patterns are rarely examined. An analysis of monitoring data from three southern California estuaries spanning 11 years, four seasons, and multiple stations within the estuaries revealed differences in spatio-temporal patterns between fish and invertebrates. Ordination analysis showed that fish assemblages were more predictable from environmental variables than were invertebrate assemblages. Variation in the fish assemblage was, primarily due to seasonal differences that were driven by changes in temperature. Invertebrates showed little seasonal variation, but a much higher degree of interannual variation than fish. Streamflow and dissolved oxygen were significant predictors of the invertebrate assemblage, indicating that irregular disturbances such as flooding events had a more important effect on the invertebrate assemblage than predictable seasonal cues such as temperature. Variation in fish and invertebrates was high both between and within the three estuaries, indicating that differences exist on multiple spatial scales. The influence of spatial and temporal factors on estuarine invertebrate and fish communities should be considered in planning monitoring programs for wetland mitigation or restoration sites.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic results from 107 samples of the Chugwater Group near Lander, Wyoming, show a regular progression in pole positions from bottom to top of the sequence. This pole position trend of about 25° matches very well the North American apparent polar wander path between Early Permian and Early Triassic. It could be argued that this “agreement” results in a conflict between the apparent magnetic age (Permian) and the Early to Late Triassic age generally assigned to the Chugwater Group. However, similar progressions of paleomagnetic pole positions have been reported for the Early Triassic Moenkopi Formation in Colorado; thus it appears that long-term variations and swings characterized the geomagnetic field at that time. With detailed paleomagnetic sampling, these features can be utilized for stratigraphic correlation in addition to magnetic-reversal stratigraphy. This will eliminate, to some degree, part of the non-uniqueness inherently present in correlations based on reversal stratigraphy only.  相似文献   

Analysis of heavy-mineral distribution in modern sediments of Willapa Bay, Washington, indicates a dominance of two mineralogic assemblages, one with approximately equivalent amounts of hornblende, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, the other dominated by clinopyroxene. The hornblende-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene suite is derived from the Columbia River, which discharges into the ocean a short distance south of the bay. The clinopyroxene suite is restricted in modern sediments to sands in rivers flowing into the bay from the east. The heavy-mineral distributions suggest that sand discharged from the Columbia River, borne north by longshore transport, and carried into the bay by tidal currents accounts for most of the sand within the interior of Willapa Bay.Three heavy-mineral assemblages are present in the surrounding Pleistocene deposits; two of these are identical to the modern assemblages described above. These heavy-mineral assemblages reflect the relative influence of tidal and fluvial processes on the Late Pleistocene deposits; their relative influences are consistent with those inferred on the basis of sedimentary structures and stratigraphic relations in about two-thirds of the samples examined. The anomalies can be explained by recycling of sand from older deposits. The persistence of the two heavy-mineral assemblages suggests that the pattern of estuarine sedimentation in Late Pleistocene deposits closely resembled that of the modern bay.The third heavy-mineral suite, dominated by epidote, occurs in a few older Pleistocene units. On the north side of the bay, the association of this suite with southwest-directed foresets in crossbedded gravel indicates derivation from the northeast, perhaps from an area of glacial outwash. The presence of this suite in ancient estuarine sands exposed on the east side of the bay suggests that input from this northerly source may have intermittently dominated bay deposition in the past.  相似文献   

A preliminary review of the literature indicates that the chemistry of the water from relief wells south of Tuttle Creek Dam (T.C.D.) is favorable for the formation of authigenic montmorillonitic and mixed-layer clays whereas the chemistry of the waters of Tuttle Creek Reservoir (T.C.R.) indicates only kaolinite as a possible authigenic phase. The montmorillonitic and mixed-layer clays are very undesirable in a dam's structure due to their ion exchange capacity and swellability-compressibility; both factors can possibly shorten the life of an earthfill dam.

Further study indicates that the water chemistry of the relief wells is close to that for many of the wells in the Blue River Valley and Kansas River Valley from below the dam and that this criterion alone cannot be used to answer the critical question of authigenesis. Clay mineralogic study coupled with a Rb-Sr geochronologic study indicates that, despite some real differences in the types of clays found in both T.C.R. and T.C.D., an allogenic origin for the clays is probable. This refutes the idea that the dam is being weakened by authigenic clay deposition, but more chemical date are needed to confirm the Rb-Sr work.  相似文献   

The series of earthquakes that occurred along the New Madrid Fault System in 1811 and 1812 probably was as large as any earthquakes that ever occurred in eastern North America. The magnitude of each of the four major shocks exceeded M2 = 8.4, and the effects of these shocks were felt with a Modified Mercalli Intensity V or greater over approximately 2.5 million km2. Because the epicenters were located in a sparsely settled region of the American frontier, there was little loss of life or damage. However, eyewitness accounts of those who lived through the shocks have provided striking accounts of the high levels of ground motion the region experienced. Thus, the historical record gives engineering geologists a good indication of the catastrophic damage that could result if earthquakes of similar magnitude would occur today.  相似文献   

Primary sedimentary structures and sedimentary textures of the Pleistocene fluvial sediments of the Columbia Formation were investigated both in the outcrops and in the subsurface. Three hundred and thirty-one subsurface samples, taken from forty holes, and fifty-six outcrop samples were analysed in the laboratory and the results were statistically treated. Unknown sedimentary structures were recognized in the subsurface by correlating some textural parameters (mean grain size, skewness, and kurtosis) of the drilling (subsurface) samples with those of the outcrop samples where the sedimentary structures were known. The utilization of both the sedimentary structures and the textures made it possible to recognize major morphologic elements of a Pleistocene stream system (channels, channel bars, floodbasins, and channel-fills) in the subsurface and to reconstruct, in a general way, the events that occurred during the existence of the stream system. It seems that in the initial stages of the Columbia deposition, the streams were confined to the valleys in the underlying surface made up of the Palaeocene-Eocene glauconitic greensands. After the valleys were filled with the Pleistocene sediments, the streams were able to shift their channels freely throughout the study area; at least two new tributary streams were added to the system and a major flood occurred during that time. Although the technique of the recognition of primary sedimentary structures in the subsurface employed in this study has shown useful in the interpretation of the fluvial sedimentary bodies, it needs further testing before it can be accepted as a new geologic tool.  相似文献   

Fifteen sections from an anoxic sediment core were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Two types of PAH were observed: (a) those from combustion sources such as pyrene and chrysene and (b) those from natural sources such as retene and perylene. The combustion PAH levels in core sections dated between 1900 and 1970 were much higher than in earlier sections; this indicated an anthropogenic origin of these PAH at this location. The perylene and retene core profiles show significant anomalies during the period 1850–1880. Organic carbon does not fluctuate markedly but δC-13 of organic carbon shows several unexplained excursions; one of which correlates with the perylene and retene anomalies.  相似文献   

Many of the estuaries of the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A. and Canada contain stratigraphic sequences typified by alternating peat-mud couplets. Recent studies in this region interpret such couplets as the product of repeated large (magnitude S or 9) earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone. The resultant pattern of land-level movements is described by a model, the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’, of coseismic land subsidence followed by land uplift during interseismic strain accumulation. However, peat-mud couplets similar to those recorded in the Pacific Northwest are found on other less tectonically active temperate-latitude coasts, such as northwest Europe and the Atlantic coast of the U.S.A., where they have been interpreted as the product of non-seismic coastal processes. In this paper we apply the methods and scientific framework common to sea-level investigations in northwest Europe to a sequence of peat-mud couplets recorded in the lower Johns River, an estuary in southern Washington, to provide a test of the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’.Stratigraphic investigations of the intertidal sediments along the lower Johns River, using lithological, pollen, diatom and foraminiferal data, show evidence for eight coastal submergence events during the last 5000 years. To evaluate the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’ we assess the lateral extent of peat-mud couplets, the synchroneity of submergence, the presence of tsunami deposits accompanying submergence, and the suddenness and amount of submergence. Each submergence is shown to be accompanied by changes in coastal sedimentation broadly commensurate with those predicted by the ‘earthquake deformation cycle’, demonstrating the continued intermittent seismic activity of the Cascadia subduction zone throughout the mid and late-Holocene.Quantitative analyses of contemporary and fossil biostratigraphic data, using TWINSPAN and Detrended Correspondence Analysis, enable us to estimate the magnitude of submergence accompanying each peat-mud couplet. One event was accompanied by submergence of about 1.5 m or more, four events by intermediate submergence of about 1±0.5 m, and a further three events by submergence of <0.5 m. There is evidence for non-seismic relative sea-level rise prior to two of the eight submergence events, but for at least the last 3500 years the magnitude of relative sea-level rise has been less than the combined influence of sediment accretion following submergence and interseismic land uplift.  相似文献   

Bison (Bison spp.) occurred in eastern Washington state during the late Quaternary. This area is considered to be peripheral to the center of this taxon's natural range. Bison in the plains east of the Rocky Mountains, the heart of this range, underwent diminution during the late Quaternary, and apparently also did so in other, peripheral areas. A ratio diagram of measurement data derived from eight zooarchaeological collections of bison remains recovered from eastern Washington, in combination with the presence of both sexes and all age classes of individuals, indicate that local bison may have also undergone diminution there. There are, however, a relative paucity of bison remains during the middle Holocene and an apparent 2000-year absence of bison from eastern Washington at this time. As a result, the hypothesis that bison became smaller elsewhere and then immigrated to eastern Washington cannot be falsified. Both the diminution and the fluctuating abundance of bison appear to be responses to forage quality and quantity.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1987,37(4):287-304
Evidence for an extensive Archean crustal history in the Wind River Range is preserved in the Medina Mountain area in the west-central part of the range. The oldest rocks in the area are metasedimentary, mafic, and ultramafic blocks in a migmatite host. The supracrustal rocks of the Medina Mountain area (MMS) are folded into the migmatites, and include semi-pelitic and pelitic gneisses, and mafic rocks of probable volcanic origin. Mafic dikes intrude the older migmatites but not the MMS, suggesting that the MMS are distinctly younger than the supracrustal rocks in the migmatites. The migmatites and the MMS were engulfed by the late Archean granite of the Bridger, Louis Lake, and Bears Ears batholiths, which constitutes the dominant rock of the Wind River Range.Isotopic data available for the area include Nd crustal residence ages from the MMS which indicate that continental crust existed in the area at or before 3.4 Ga, but the age of the older supracrustal sequence is not yet known. The upper age of the MMS is limited by a 2.7 Ga RbSr age of the Bridger batholith, which was emplaced during the waning stages of the last regional metamorphism. The post-tectonic Louis Lake and Bears Ears batholiths have ages of 2.6 and 2.5 Ga, respectively (Stuckless et al., 1985).At least three metamorphic events are recorded in the area: (1) an early regional granulite event (M1) that affected only the older inclusions within the migmatites, (2) a second regional amphibolite event (M2) that locally reached granulite facies conditions, and (3) a restricted, contact granulite facies event (M3) caused by the intrusion of charnockitic melts associated with the late Archean plutons. Results from cation exchange geobarometers and geothermometers yield unreasonablu low pressures and temperatures, suggesting resetting during the long late Archean thermal evenn  相似文献   

Spoil piles in coal mine areas in north-central West Virginia suffer from numerous landslide problems. An investigation to determine the causes of these slides showed that the stratigraphic composition, the nature of the foundation soils, the seasonal high water table and the mining technique contributed to the instability. The presence of red shales is identified as a key problem.

Several models of failure were investigated based on inclinometer data. These data suggest that multiple failure surfaces may develop in spoil piles. In such cases, the initial failure surface is better defined than other movement surfaces, which either represent subsequent failures that occur in response to placement of additional spoil materials, or are shear zones of readjustment following initial failure. Results show that failures are most likely initiated along the spoil-natural ground interface and propagate slowly into the spoil mass.  相似文献   

The complex representation of plane stress is used for an analytic model to describe the stress regime of the Snake River Plain (SRP) region of the western United States. The area is modeled as an infinite elastic sheet cut along a circular arc with tension applied at infinity. Modeling results include the following: (1) south of the Snake River Plain, the principal direction of tension rotates from the direction of the applied stress to a direction sub-parallel to the cut, consistent with the orientation of normal faulting and nodal planes given by fault plane solutions; (2) north of the Snake River Plain, calculated stress directions are consistent with the variable nature of faulting in that region; (3) a decrease in magnitude of predicted stresses is observed within the Snake River Plain consistent with relatively low levels of seismicity on the Plain.  相似文献   

A large number of specimens of Seymouriamorph amphibian, family Discosauriscidae, were collected from the south slopes of the Kuramanskiy Khrebet, Mt. Sarytaypan, 10 km northeast of the settlement of Adrasman, Tadzhik S.S.R. Deposits yielding the fossils consist of about 70 m of effusive sedimentary rocks, the top third being tuffs, tuff sandstones, and tuff breccias, and the remainder being alternating fine-grained sandstones, argillites, and siltstones, of gray, greenish, pink, and black colors. The beds overlie 800 m of tuff lavas and tuff breccias and are overlain by 200 m of-tuff breccias. Fossil leaves are abundant in the lower half of the beds in all lithologic types, but the vertebrates are confined to about 1 m of adjoining layers of fine-grained gray to pink sandstone, and almost black argillite. The fossils consist of complete impressions of skeletons, which will yield much anatomical information. Two genera are represented, the most abundant referrable to the Central European form Discosauriscus. The other is related to the European Leptoverpeton but may be new. These specimens permit correlation of the Sarytaypan deposits with Lower Permian' bedsgqn Czechoslovakia and Germany. Larval forms are by far the most abundant, but the presence of adults affords a reliable comparison of growth stages. New and detailed information of the development of the spinal column will also be forthcoming from further study of the growth stages. Presence of gills in the larvae reaffirms the persistence of an aquatic larval stage in the morphologically reptile-like Seymouriamorpha. — N. Hotton III.  相似文献   

The economic mineral constituents of the black sand deposits occurring at the outpourings of the Nile Delta, Egypt, were studied from the mineralogical and geochemical point of view. These include magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, monazite, rutile und garnet. Microscopical, X-ray, chemical und spectrographic analyses are reported and discussed for each mineral.
Zusammenfassung Die wirtschaftlich wichtigen Mineralkomponenten der Schwarzsand-Ablagerungen, die an den Mündungen des Nildeltas in Ägypten vorkommen, wurden in mineralogischer und geochemischer Hinsicht untersucht. Sie enthalten Magnetit, Ilmenit, Zirkon, Monazit, Rutil und Granat. Mikroskopische, röntgenographische, chemische und spektrographische Analysen werden für jedes Mineral angeführt und diskutiert.

With 9 Figures in the Text  相似文献   

The Kaiparowits Formation contains an exceptionally rich history of tectonic, climatic, and biologic conditions within the Western Interior of North America during the Campanian. Here we reconstruct aspects of the southern Cordilleran foreland basin's paleohydrology using δ18O and δ13C values determined from unionoid bivalve shells and pedogenic carbonate nodules derived from a suite of lithofacies associations. Unionoid shells derived from fluvial deposits display average water δ18O estimates of −13.7‰ ± 2.1 (1σ) (VSMOW) and shell δ13C values of −4.0‰ ± 1.5 (VPDB), whereas pedogenic carbonate nodules display average values of −6.0‰ ± 0.5 and −8.7‰ ± 0.8, respectively. Unionoid shells derived from pond deposits fall in between the two other environments with average values of −9.5‰ ± 1.8 and −5.7‰ ± 2.1, in δ18O and δ13C values respectively. Water δ18O estimates are interpreted to represent high altitude runoff within river systems, low elevation precipitation within the basin onto floodplain soils, and varying degrees of mixing between these two components within floodplain ponds. δ13C values track the isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon within river, soil, and pond waters with high values likely reflecting greater contribution from chemically weathered marine carbonates exposed in the hinterland and lower values reflecting greater contributions from the in situ degradation of plant matter. Up-section there is a shift to lower δ18O values and higher δ13C values in fluvially-derived unionoid shells that post-dates an incursion of the Western Interior Seaway, but coincides with a shift in sediment provenance, an increase in basin sedimentation rates, and a change to a more anastomosed-style channel morphology within the basin foredeep depocentre. By combining the isotopic patterns with previously published sedimentologic, climate model, and paleofloral records we find: 1) additional evidence for humid, wet, and potentially monsoonal conditions within the region, 2) support for a tectonic uplift event, potentially related to Laramide deformation, and 3) greater aggradation and overbank flooding within the alluvial system in response to the uplift event.  相似文献   

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