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The coronal hole observed on May 31, 1973 is studied using extreme ultraviolet and radio observations. The EUV line is the Fe xv at = 284 Å and the radio frequencies are 169 and 408 MHz. An unsuccessful attempt to deduce an homogeneous model of the hole from these observations, shows that EUV and radio observations are inconsistent if interpreted in such a frame and if the EUV line intensity measurements in the hole are reliable.Inhomogeneities are therefore required to account for both observations. An inhomogeneous model consisting of hot (T2×106K) elements covering 10% of the hole surface surrounded by regions of colder gas (T8×105K) is able to explain both observations.  相似文献   

Identifications are proposed for twenty of the twenty-eight coronal lines observed in the spectra obtained during a rocket flight into the path of the 7 March, 1970 solar eclipse. The methods by which the lines have been identified are discussed. Most of the lines identified are from forbidden transitions between levels in the ground 2p n and 3p n configurations in high ions of magnesium, silicon, sulphur, iron, and nickel. The temperature range represented is from 6.9 × 105 K to 2.5 × 106 K. The classification of three lines of Fexii and two of Nixiv has led to a revised identification for the near ultraviolet 2 D 3/2-2 P 1/2 transition in Fe xii. This transition can be identified with the line at 3072 Å rather than that at 3021 Å as previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

On 2001 Oct. 19, a very complex solar radio burst with a host of interesting features was observed with a broadband (0.7–7.6 GHz) solar radio spectrometer. Combining with the data of NoRH (Nobeyama Radio Heliograph) and TRACE (Transition Region and Corona Explorer), the spectral features of the radio burst, the evolution of the microwave radio sources, and relations with the complex EUV coronal loops are analyzed. The burst is the radio manifestation of a large double-ribbon flare; it consisted of two stages. The earlier stage was dominated bya broadband burst in the centimeter-meter waveband from gyro-synchrotron emission of sources at the footpoints of the loop. The later stage was dominated by a narrow-band decimeter wave burst in the decimetermeter waveband, from a combination of plasma emission and gyro-resonance emission from sources in the top of the loop.  相似文献   

We present observations of a coronal hole made with the EUV spectroheliometer of the Harvard College aboard Skylab and with high resolution (2–4) radio telescopes at Culgoora and Fleurs Australia and Bonn, West Germany. We attempt to derive the density and temperature distributions in the transition region and inner corona from the combined observations. No one standard model can explain both sets of observations; characteristically, models based on EUV data yield higher radio brightnesses than are observed, while models based on radio data yield lower EUV line intensities than are observed. The discrepancy is essentially that the electron density inferred from the EUV data is about three times that inferred from the radio data.After examining several possible modifications of the standard models we suggest that the discrepancy would disappear if the abundances of the heavier elements were increased by about a factor of 10. Such increases could result from differential diffusion in the large temperature gradient of the transition region. We conclude therefore that models which incorporate thermal diffusion, as well as mass outflow and departures from ionization equilibrium, offer the greatest hope of reconciling the EUV and radio observations of coronal holes.  相似文献   

The Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) provide us with unprecedented multi-wavelength observations helping us to understand different dynamic phenomena on the Sun and in the corona. In this paper we discuss the association between post-eruptive arcades (PEAs) detected by EIT and white-light coronal mass ejections (CMEs) detected by LASCO/C2 telescope.  相似文献   

On the basis of multifrequency solar radio observations made on RATAN–600 radiotelescope with high spatial resolution at nine wavelengths in the 2–32–wavelength range is shown that filaments and cavities are well detected on the solar scans at short centimeter wavelengths as the regions of low radio brightness with angular dimensions of 25′–80′ in E—W direction. The tendency of decreasing radio sizes for cavities and filaments from 2.0 to 8.0 cm is observed. The coronal hole (CH) is more contrast in the range of 8–32 cm. The radio size of CH in E—N direction increases from 2′ (at 8.2) to 5′.0 (at 31.6 cm). The spectra of the brightness temperature of CH and the quiet Sun are obtained. The brightness temperature of CH is twice lower than that of the quiet Sun at wavelength of 31.6 cm.  相似文献   

We reexamine the well-known polytropic flow-tube model of the expanding solar corona, and find that as the divergence of the flow tube increases the expansion speed increases throughout the flow, over a stated parameter range. Corresponding to a specified flow-tube geometry the terminal speed of the fluid may be far in excess of the value corresponding to purely spherically symmetric flow. The implications of the results for the modelling of high-speed streams emanating from coronal holes are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports results of an analysis of Skylab observations of coronal bright points made in EUV spectral lines formed in the chromosphere, chromospheric-coronal transition region and corona. The most important result is that the observed bright points exhibited large variations in EUV emission over time scales as short as 5.5 min, the temporal resolution of the data. In most cases strong enhancements in the coronal line were accompanied by strong enhancements in the chromospheric and transition region lines. The intensity variations appear to take place within substructures of the bright points, which most likely consist of miniature loops evolving on time scales of a few minutes. Coronal cooling times derived from the data are consistent with an intermittent, impulsive coronal heating mechanism for bright points.  相似文献   

J. D. Bohlin 《Solar physics》1977,51(2):377-398
The disk boundaries of coronal holes have been systematically determined from XUV observations taken during the manned Skylab missions (June 1973–January 1974). The resulting Atlas was used to find the sizes, global distributions, differential rotation rates, growth/decay rates and lifetimes of holes during this period. The polar cap holes together covered 15% of the Sun's total surface area, a number which remained surprisingly constant throughout Skylab despite the fact that each pole was independently evolving in time. Lower latitude holes contributed another 2 to 5%. The anomalous differential rotation law derived for a large north-south hole by Timothy et al. (1975) has been confirmed. However, other Skylab holes were too low in latitude to demonstrate the generality of this result. The average growth/decay rate for holes was 1.5 × 104 km2 s-1, in excellent agreement with the value used by Leighton (1964) for his successful treatment of the surface transport of solar magnetic fields. The lifetimes of lower-latitude holes are found to regularly exceed 5 solar rotations, in good agreement with the lifetimes of recurrent geomagnetic storms with which holes are now known to be associated.  相似文献   

Using KPNO helium 10830 Å synoptic charts of Carrington rotations 1716 through 1739, and by assembling a time sequence representing single latitude zone, rotational properties of coronal holes for five zones of latitudes (±10°, ±20° – ±40°, and ±40° – ±60°) have been examined. It seems that the rotation period of coronal holes is a function of latitude, thus reflecting differential rotation of coronal holes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present observations of two types of solar mass ejections, which seem to be associated with the location of coronal, holes. In the first type, a filament eruption was observed near a coronal hole, which gave rise to a strong interplanetary scintillations. as detected by IPS observations. In the second type, several large scale soft X-ray blow-outs were observed in the YOHKOH SXT X-ray movies, in all the cases they erupted from or near the boundary of coronal holes and over the magnetic neutral line. It is proposed that the open magnetic field configuration of the coronal hole provides, the necessary field structure for reconnection to take place, which in turn is responsible for filament eruption, from relatively lower heights. While, in the case of X-ray blow-outs, the reconnection takes place at a greater height, resulting in high temperature soft X-ray emission visible as X-ray blow-outs.  相似文献   

The relationship between the geomagnetic activity of the three years preceding a sunspot minimum and the peak of the next sunspot maximum confirms the polar origin of the solar wind during one part of the solar cycle. Pointing out that the polar holes have a very small size or disappear at the time of the polar field reversal, we suggest a low latitude origin of the solar wind at sunspot maximum and we describe the cycle variation of solar wind and geomagnetic activity. In addition we note a close relationship between the maximum level of the geomagnetic activity reached few years before a solar minimum and its level at the next sunspot maximum. Studying separately the effects of both the low latitude holes and the solar activity, we point out the possibility of predicting both the level of geomagnetic activity and the sunspot number at the next sunspot maximum. As a conclusion we specify the different categories of phenomena contributing to a solar cycle.  相似文献   

It is shown that the constancy of the ratio between conductive flux and pressure squared as one goes from quiet regions to holes (regions of exceptionally low density and temperature) in the solar corona, observed in the case of the first well-studied coronal hole, implies that a strong solar wind is likely to originate in coronal holes.On leave of absence from Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Florence, Italy.  相似文献   

When observed at soft X-ray wavelengths coronal holes are seen as open features, devoid of X-ray emission and bounded by apparently divergent coronal loop structures. Inspection of the topology of the photospheric magnetic fields associated with these features suggests that holes are formed when the remnants of active region fields, emerging in both hemispheres over a period of several solar rotations, combine to form a large area of essentially unipolar field. Remnants of opposite polarity fields surround these features resulting in a divergent magnetic configuration at the hole boundaries. Holes are seen to form and evolve while the large scale divergent field pattern is reinforced and to close when large scale remnants occur which disrupt the general field pattern. Two types of holes are observed in the early Skylab observations. The first are elongated features which are aligned approximately north-south extending from one solar pole to a polar filament channel in the opposite hemisphere. The polar holes and somewhat lower latitude holes appear to lie in unipolar areas which are completely confined by opposite polarity fields. Studies of the rotation properties of an elongated hole, which extended from the north pole to a latitude of approximately 20° S, showed it to rotate with a synodic rate of (13.25±0.03)?(0.4±0.1 sin2φdeg day?1. Possible explanations for the almost rigid rotational characteristics of this feature are discussed.  相似文献   

The positions of X-ray coronal transients outside of active regions observed during Skylab were superposed on H synoptic charts and coronal hole boundaries for seven solar rotations. We confirmed a detailed spatial association between the transients and neutral lines. We found that most of the transients were related to large-scale changes in coronal hole area and tended to occur on the borders of evolving equatorial holes.Skylab Solar Workshop Post-Doctoral Appointee, 1975–1977.  相似文献   

Extreme ultraviolet observations of coronal holes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extreme-ultraviolet Skylab and ground-based solar magnetic field data have been combined to study the origin and evolution of coronal holes. It is shown that holes exist only within the large-scale unipolar magnetic cells into which the solar surface is divided at any given time. A well-defined boundary zone usually exists between the edge of a hole and the neutral line which marks the edge of its magnetic cell. This boundary zone is the region across which a cell is connected by magnetic arcades with adjacent cells of opposite polarity. Three pieces of observational evidence are offered to support the hypothesis that the magnetic lines of force from a hole are open. Kitt Peak magnetograms are used to show that, at least on a relative scale, the average field strengths within holes are quite variable, but indistinguishable from the field strengths in other quiet parts of the Sun's surface.Finally it is shown that the large, equatorial holes characteristic of the declining phase of the last solar cycle during Skylab (1973–74) were all formed as a result of the mergence of bipolar magnetic regions (BMR's), confirming an earlier hypothesis by Timothy et al. (1975). Systematic application of this model to the different aspects of the solar cycle correctly predicts the occurrence of both large, equatorial coronal holes (the M-regions which cause recurrent geomagnetic storms) and the polar cap holes.  相似文献   

Active regions were followed across the disk on OSO 4 spectroheliograms in the Lyman continuum (LC) and in Mg x 625. These observations indicate differential rotation with latitude, but not with height in the atmosphere. The measured equatorial sidereal rotation velocity is 14.7° ±0.2° per day in both chromospheric LC and coronal Mg x, where the quoted error is the standard deviation of a least-squares fit to the data.  相似文献   

Polytropic solar wind flows in flow tubes whose cross-sectional area increases faster with radius than for a radial expansion have been studied by Kopp and Holzer (1976). Their use of a faster-than-radial expansion proved promising in analytically associating the high-speed streams observed near 1 AU with the relatively low values of electron densities observed in the lower corona. They could not, however, obtain quantitative agreement with observations. We have extended their work to include thermal conduction and have compared thermally conductive and polytropic flows in the lower corona for given high-speed conditions at 1 AU. The thermally conductive flows (calculated using the Spitzer (1962) thermal conductivity) do yield closer agreement with observations, although the predicted electron density is still too low and the predicted temperature is too high. We also considered a modified thermal conductivity which decreases more rapidly with increasing radius than does the Spitzer value. Again the results were improved, but the agreement could not be termed quantitative. We conclude that thermal conduction alone will not explain solar wind flows originating in coronal holes and that some other mechanism (such as wave pressure) is necessary.  相似文献   

G. Borrini  G. Noci 《Solar physics》1979,64(2):367-389
This paper discusses the outflow of ions in an open magnetic field region in the solar corona. The model is polytropic and assumes that the ions do not affect the motion of the protons; treatment of large openings of the flux tubes is included.It is found that a large variety of topologies in the velocity-heliocentric distance plane occurs, by varying the funnelling factor and the proton density. While for low proton densities the topology is characterized by a single critical point, above some value of the density and of the funnelling factor multiple critical points appear, causing the ion velocity to become large in the low corona. All the ions studied (He iii, Fe xv, Si xii, Mg x) show the same general trend, although their sensitivity to the proton density is different.The abundance increase in the low corona, with respect to interplanetary space, is depressed if the opening of the flux tubes increases; however, for some extreme values of the acceleration due to large openings of the flux tubes, the theory predicts, on the contrary, very large increases of the coronal abundances.  相似文献   

A. G. Hearn 《Solar physics》1977,51(1):159-168
The main differences between a coronal hole and quiet coronal regions are explained by a reduction of the thermal conduction coefficient by transverse components of the magnetic field in the transition region of quiet coronal regions.Calculations of minimum flux coronae show that if the flux of energy heating the corona is maintained constant while the thermal conductivity in the transition region is reduced, the coronal temperature, the pressure in the transition region and the corona, and the temperature gradient in the transition region all increase. At the same time the intensities of lines emitted from the transition region are almost unchanged. Thus all the main spectroscopically observed differences between coronal holes and quiet coronal regions are explained.The flux of energy heating the corona in both coronal holes and quiet coronal regions is 3.0 × 105 erg cm-2 s-1.The energy lost from coronal holes by the high speed streams in the solar wind is not sufficient to explain the difference in the coronal temperature in coronal holes and quiet coronal regions. The most likely explanation of the high velocity streams in the solar wind associated with coronal holes is that of Durney and Hundhausen.  相似文献   

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