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The East Qinling and adjacent cratonic regions belong to two geotectonicunits,the Sinokorean Subdomain including the Sinokorean Platform and itssouthern continental margin the North Qinling Belt,and the YangtzeanSubdomain comprising the Yangtze Platform and its northern continental mar-gin the South Qinling Belt.The Qinling region may thus be subdivided into twocontinental margin belts separated from each other by the Proterozoic Qinlingmarine realm,which did not disappear until Late Triassic.The convergentcrustal consumption zone,the megasuture between the two belts,lies betweenthe Fengxian-Shangnan line in the north and the Shanyang-Xijia line in thesouth and was much deformed and displaced through Mesozoic intracratoniccollision and compression.In the northern subdomain the Lower Proterozoic is representedby protoaulacogen volcano-sediments,the inner Tiedonggou Group and theouter marginal Qinling Group,which were folded and metamorphosed in theLuliangian orogeny,a general process of aggregation and s  相似文献   

祁连山元古宙大陆溢流玄武岩   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
祁连山西段大面积分布的元古宙浅海相火山岩系是大 陆裂 谷火山作用的产 物,属大陆溢流玄武岩系。岩石地球化学研究表明,它们具有高εNd值和低( 87Sr/86Sr)i值 ,系派生于岩石圈之下的地幔柱源,但也显示有岩石圈组分卷入的证据。它们的形成是地幔 柱岩石圈相互作用的结果,是北祁连山早古生代洋盆开启的前兆。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheUpperProterozoicglacigrnousrocksarewidelydistributedinthesoutheasternmarginoftheYangtzeplatformandaflpreservedinHunan,Hubei,GulhouandGuanghProvince.PreviousbarkontheSestudhasbeendonebyLuetal.(1985)andLiuetal.(1991).TheysUggeStedthatthesegladgenousrockscanbeusedasbarkersforhighresolutionstratigl'aphiccoagulationfromcontinenttocontinent,andadoptedtheconceptofPrecambrianglobaliceagepearland,1900.ReCentresea~showthattheSestudhaveah~useaschronostratigraphicmarkers.InrejeC…  相似文献   

根据中生代火山岩和侵入岩的岩石类型与组合及其岩石化学特征等,将中国东南中生代大陆边缘分成陆缘火山(岩浆)弧(Cva)、陆缘弧后(间)火山盆地带(Abv)和裂陷火山(岩浆)带(Rv),并深入研究了它们的Sr、O、Pb和Sm、Nd同位素组成特征。Cva具较低的ISr和δ18O值及变化较大的Pb同位素组成与较高的εNd值;Abv具较高的ISr和δ18O值及较稳定的Pb同位素组成与较低的εNd值;Rv则具较低(较稳定)的ISr值和Pb同位素组成及变化较大的δ18O值与εNd值。由此推断,Cva和Abv的岩浆均为陆缘亏损地幔与上地壳成分混合形成(前者地幔成分居多,后者以地壳成分为主),Rv的岩浆则具陆内交代-亏损地幔与较多的下地壳物质混合源的成因特征。  相似文献   

扬子板块东南大陆边缘晚前寒武纪热水沉积作用   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
晚前寒武纪在拨子板块东南大陆边缘发育厚度较大的层状硅质岩层,岩石化学成分较单一,硅质矿物含量90%以上,岩石富Fe、Mn,相对贫Al、Ti、Mg。岩石贫微量元素,但富Ba、As、Sb、Ag、U元素。稀土元素总量低,Ce呈明显的负异常,轻稀土含量大于重稀土含量。δ^30Si值变化范围为0.0‰ ̄0.7‰,δ^18O值变化范围为20.1‰ ̄23.6‰。硅质岩地球化学特征表明其为热水沉积作用的产物。  相似文献   

东海陆缘(闽北段)晚第四纪沉积的硅藻学研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
对东海陆缘 (闽北段 )晚第四纪沉积 4口钻井岩心进行系统的硅藻分析研究,获得丰富的硅藻化石,共发现硅藻 117种和变种,分属于 33个属。根据剖面硅藻组合特征变化,结合最优分割法和对应序分法的计算机运算结果,可以详细划分为 12个硅藻带,自下而上为 :1.Cascinodiscusargus-Cos.wittiomus-Cyclotellastriata硅藻带,2.Cos.blandus-Cyclotellastriata硅藻带,3.Cos.excentricus-Trbliepteychuscocconiformis硅藻带,4.Gomphonema-Cos.blandus-Actnolychusralfsii硅藻带,5.Cos.-Cyclotellastriata-Actinocyclusralfsii硅藻带,6.Cos.-Actinolychusralfsii硅藻带,7.贫乏硅藻带,8.Cos.lineatus-Cos.rothii-Actinolyclusralfsii硅藻带,9.Gomphonema-Cyclotellastriata-Cocconeisplacentulavareuglypta硅藻带,10.Cos.rothii-Cyclotellastriata-Actinolychusralfsi,11.Cymbel laaffinis-Cyclotellastriata-Gomphonema硅藻带,12.Coscinodiscuswittinus-Cyclotellastriata-Epithemiahynd manii硅藻带,建立了该区晚第四纪硅藻组合序列,并探讨其相应的古环境演变。  相似文献   

The Late Mesozoic is an important tectonic period for subduction of Paleo-Pacific slab beneath East Asia continent. It intensely led to Jurassic to Cretaceous magmatism associated with intracontinental deformation in South China. Subduction-related accretionary complexes remained regionally from SW Japan, E Taiwan to the W Philippines and Borneo. Studies on geology in South China, especially in magmatism, have been performed with good data, results, and sufficient understandings; whereas those arc-related intermediate igneous rocks have been less found. The areas from East to South China Seas which are located at the junction between sea and land will be the preferred areas for the study of the Late Mesozoic magmatic arc and the forearc basin. The relevant arc-related magmatic rocks and forearc sedimentary records have been increasingly discovered. Studies of magmatic arc and forearc basin combined with subdction complex will be essential to the reconstruction of the convergent continental margin in South China. Analyses of magmatic arc identification from South to East China Seas, arc to forearc relationship, and assembly between arc and regional faults will become necessary to improve the knowledge of the model of East Asia convergent continental margin, and as well help to develop the understanding of Late Mesozoic forearc basin and resource potentials in the southeast sea areas.  相似文献   

Parts of the Late Proterozoic to Cambrian sequence along the northeastern margin of the Amadeus Basin were deposited under the influence of salt movement within the underlying Bitter Springs Formation. Later folding during the Devonian Alice Springs Orogeny and subsequent erosion has exposed salt‐influenced structures to provide a rare opportunity to observe the effects of diapiric growth on local facies and structure. Such effects are commonly only seen in seismic section. Salt withdrawal led to normal faulting and syn‐sedimentary thickening of adjacent units. The Undoolya Sequence, a previously undescribed 710 m section, was deposited within a salt‐withdrawal basin adjacent to a proposed diapiric structure. Periods of salt mobilization are recorded by syn‐depositional thickening and localized unconformities within units flanking the diapiric structure. This structure is representative of the influence salt movement had on deposition in the northeastern Amadeus Basin during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

The crustal evolution of northwestern India is marked by several episodes of acid magmatism during Late Proterozoic period (900-700 Ma). These events occurred during the culmination of Delhi orogenic cycle and continued till the emergence of a stable Aravalli craton. Some of these granites emplaced within the Delhi Supergroup of rocks in central and southern parts of Rajasthan are associated with tungsten mineralisation. This includes three important tungsten deposits, namely those of Degana, Sirohi and Sewariya areas. The geological setting, petrography and geochemical characteristics of the mineralised granites in these deposits are comparable while these features are quite different in non-mineralised granites of this region.Comparison of mineralised granites in the three areas indicates that: (1) these are relatively small plutons, (2) they are emplaced at high crustal level, (3) the roof of the pluton is either just exposed or lies closely beneath ground surface, and (4) the granites are geochemically specialised with enrichment of alumina, W, B, F, Rb and Li, and depletion of Sr.  相似文献   

燕辽地区中、晚元古代宏观藻类化石研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛绍武 《华北地质》2002,25(1):28-35
以蓟县中、上元古界层型剖面所产宏观藻类化石为重点,兼顾京冀辽等邻区,全面总结和系统讨论了该区中、晚元古代宏观藻类化石的研究简史、产出层位、区域分布、化石组合、生物群特征、可能的系统分类,以及国内外对比与地层学意义,初步探讨了宏观藻类植物群在中、新元古代的发生、发展与更迭,追索宏观真核生物起源等.通过对燕辽地区中、新元古代宏观藻类的研究与总结,把显生宙行之有效的生物地层学方法运用于前寒武纪地层研究中,进行国内外前寒武纪地层的对比,显然具有重要的地层学意义.同时,对探讨地球早期生命演化也具有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

There are large-scale Mesozoic bimodal igneous rock associations on the continental margin of southeastern China. They aroused extensive attention in the 1980s because of their specific tectonic implications, and have been found frequently during recent geological surveys. This paper reviews the studies of regional Mesozoic bimodal rocks, and concludes that they can be subdivided into three stages, i.e., the Early Jurassic (209-170 Ma, the first (Ⅰ) stage), the Late Jurassic-early Early Cretaceous (154-121 Ma, the second (Ⅱ) stage), and the late Early Cretaceous-Late Cretaceous (115-85 Ma, the third (Ⅲ) stage). These three stages of bimodal rocks were formed in different tectonic settings, and are important indicators for regional Mesozoic tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

The distribution, structural relations and ages of ophiolites and ophiolitic melanges in the Eastern Deserts of Egypt and north-east Sudan, and their relation to arc and post-arc magmatism, are used to infer the probable positions of sutures and the directions of obduction and subduction. The ages of the successive tectonic stages in the terranes decrease northwards, by about 100 Ma in the region discussed. Obduction was north-westwards. The obducted sheets of ophiolite and ophiolitic melange, extending about 500 km north from the Onib-Sol Flamed suture, may all represent a single back-arc basin. The direction of subduction is still not clearly proved: more geochemical evidence of arc-magmatic polarity is needed. The late tectonic north-westward thrusting, the NW - SE stretching lineation, the transpressional north-south Hamisama Shear Zone and the NW-SE sinistral Najd faults are all attributed to north-westward movement (present coordinates) of terranes towards the older craton west of the Nile. The Najd faults are interpreted as intracontinental transform faults.  相似文献   

文章对大连、北京元古宙沉积岩及白云鄂博稀土矿围岩的岩石化学成分、独居石形态和稀土元素特征等进行了分析与总结,结果显示三者特征相似.因此认为白云鄂博的稀土矿不是来自地幔岩而是源于大陆增生,华北元古宙富钾、富稀土沉积岩可能是白云鄂博巨型稀土矿的矿源层.文章还提出了一个白云鄂博稀土矿的理想大陆增生成矿模式图.  相似文献   

在扬子克拉通东南缘的江山-绍兴结合带沿线多处出露新元古代深成杂岩,以往被认为是沿扬子克拉通和华夏地块碰撞缝合带侵入的板内型深成岩类。本文选择其中的浙江金华罗店中酸性深成杂岩进行了系统的岩石学、年代学和地球化学研究,提出它们属TTG岩石组合,包括英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩组合(T1T2G1)和二长花岗岩-花岗岩组合(G2QM)两类,普遍以明显富集Rb、Ba、K、Pb等大离子亲石元素而强烈亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P等高场强元素为特征,δCe为弱负异常或无异常,属典型的弧岩浆岩类。T1T2G1组合富钠贫钾,εNd(t)值=+2.6~+9.4,Mg#值为41.5~63.1,推断由玄武质俯冲板片脱水部分熔融而成,并受到地幔楔橄榄岩熔体的混染。G2QM组合与T1T2G1组合地球化学特征类似,但又明显富K2O(2.75%~5.08%)、LILE和LREE,低Mg#值(27.2~52.31)和εNd(t)值(+1.7~+2.0),应是T1T2G1源区继续部分熔融的产物,可能未受到明显的地幔楔橄榄岩混染。测得花岗闪长岩(G1)锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为841±10Ma,奥长花岗岩(T2)锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为793±13Ma,前人报道之花岗岩(G2)年龄为832±44Ma,结合上述地球化学特征,说明T1T2G1和G2QM组合是由新元古代古华南洋向扬子东南缘持续俯冲形成的。综合区域地质资料及前人研究结果,提出金华罗店与诸暨璜山、绍兴平水等地的深成杂岩共同构成了扬子克拉通东南缘一条长达200km的青白口纪(930~793Ma)陆缘弧型深成杂岩带,反映迟至793Ma前仍存在强烈的洋壳俯冲,扬子克拉通尚未与华夏地块发生碰撞拼合,且T1T2G1-G2QM组合的出现指示洋壳俯冲正处于早-中期阶段。  相似文献   

中祁连西段苏里地区有大量北东和近东西向延伸的辉绿岩、辉长岩呈岩墙状侵入到元古宙地质体中。基性岩墙的SiO2含量为46.77%~52.37%,Al2O3含量为12.82%~15.86%,TiO2含量为1.16%~3.14%,MgO含量为3.84%~7.98%,FeOT含量为10.42%~15.53%,以贫K2O (0.10%~1.60%)、Na2O>K2O为特征,里特曼指数σ=0.67~2.96,岩石主量元素地球化学成分与大洋拉斑玄武岩一致;全岩稀土元素总量较低(51.28×10-6~165.11×10-6),轻重稀土元素之比为2.67~4.90,(La/Yb)N值为2.04~5.03,属轻稀土元素富集型,δEu=0.93~1.12,无明显的Eu异常;富集Rb、Ba、Th、U,亏损Nb和K,大离子亲石元素丰度变化范围相对较宽,高场强元素富集程度不强,微量元素蛛网图上具有左侧隆起、右侧相对平坦的分布型式。基性岩墙LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为819.5±5.2 Ma,形成时代与全球性Rodinia超级大陆裂解时代高度一致。岩石地球化学分析结果显示岩浆起源于亏损地幔源区,是尖晶石地幔橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,岩浆形成于陆内裂谷环境,表明其可能为Rodinia超级大陆裂解的产物。  相似文献   

黔中早二叠世茅口晚期断裂陆缘层序地层分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黔中早二叠世晚期发育变异多姿的硅质岩-碳酸盐岩和火山岩,笔者通过大地构造学、火山岩岩石学和岩石地球化学、层序地层学的综合分析认为,与一般的被动大陆边缘不同,该区这种断裂大陆边缘的层序地层特征主要依据纵向上反映海平面变化的岩性突变来识别,而岩性突变又是构造变动的反映。据此,将该区茅口组二段划分为一个准层序组和两个准层序,每个准层序以突变最大海泛面为基础,包含了凝缩层和加积高位体系域;横向上解释为破裂碳酸盐台地型层序地层格架,即把构造作用与层序地层格架的形成以及沉积体系的分异统一起来,提出了断裂陆缘层序层分析的实例。  相似文献   

扬子板块西缘晋宁期格宗、东谷花岗岩体具有较高的εNd(t)值(-0.82~+2.54),较低的87Sr/86Sr初始比值(0.7035~0.7045),206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb,208Pb/204Pb分别为17.444~17.695,15.403~15.566,36.671~37.181,δ18O值为9.01‰~10.11‰。它们与扬子板块其它边缘(北缘、东缘、东南缘)晋宁期花岗岩的同位素组成特征相类似,都是扬子古大陆板块之古岛孤或古活动大陆边缘非成熟地壳的产物。从扬子板块东缘、西缘、北缘到东南缘,晋宁期花岗岩同位素组成的微小差异显示其物质来源中幔源组分含量依次减少,壳源组分含量依次增加。扬子东南缘西南端的广西摩天岭花岗岩则是古大陆边缘相对较古老成熟地壳的产物。  相似文献   

Magma mingling has been identified within the continental margin of southeastern China.This study focuses on the relationship between mafic and felsic igneous rocks in composite dikes and plutons in this area,and uses this relationship to examine the tectonic and geodynamic implications of the mingling of mafic and felsic magmas.Mafic magmatic enclaves(MMEs) show complex relationships with the hosting Xiaocuo granite in Fujian area,including lenticular to rounded porphyritic microgranular enclaves containing abundant felsic/mafic phenocrysts,elongate mafic enclaves,and back-veining of the felsic host granite into mafic enclaves.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb analyses show crystallization of the granite and dioritic mafic magmatic enclave during ca.132 and 116 Ma.The host granite and MMEs both show zircon growth during repeated thermal events at-210 Ma and 160-180 Ma.Samples from the magma mingling zone generally contain felsic-derived zircons with well-developed growth zoning and aspect ratios of 2-3,and maficderived zircons with no obvious oscillatory zoning and with higher aspect ratios of 5-10.However,these two groups of zircons show no obvious trace element or age differences.The Hf-isotope compositions show that the host granite and MMEs have similar ε_(Hf)(t) values from negative to positive which suggest a mixed source from partial melting of the Meso-Neoproterozoic with involvement of enriched mantlederived magmas or juvenile components.The lithologies,mineral associations,and geochemical characteristics of the mafic and felsic rocks in this study area indicate that both were intruded together,suggesting Early Cretaceous mantle—crustal interactions along the southeastern China continental margin.The Early Cretaceous magma mingling is correlated to subduction of Paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

Upper Miocene to Holocene sediments from the Cascadia accretionary prism and its oceanic surroundings drilled during ODP Leg 146 are studied in order to reveal their alteration during the accretion. The conclusion is made that methane-bearing solutions play a leading role in the transportation of material and the formation of mineralogical-geochemical zonality within the prism. A considerable intensity and high rates of epigenetic alteration are noted. It is shown that low heat flow, absence of progressive subsidence of the accretionary prism, open character of the system relative to water circulation, and heterogeneity of the sedimentary sequence hindered the successive development of epigenesis.  相似文献   

陆壳的垂向增生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆壳的垂向增生是幔源物质进入到下地壳和下地壳物质进入到地幔的双向过程 ,前者主要表现为壳下底侵作用 ,后者主要表现为岩石圈规模的拆沉作用 ,其中拆沉作用往往诱发了陆壳下大规模的底侵作用。下地壳部分熔融残余的超镁铁质岩沉入到岩石圈地幔的过程称为陆壳沉没作用 ,它可能是陆壳物质进入地幔的一种重要方式。  相似文献   

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