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海洋动力作用下,河口海岸地区海床通常处于动态变化之中。作为地质环境的控制因素,海床沉积物侵蚀再悬浮过程的研究具有重要意义。为阐明胶州湾海域水动力条件对海床侵蚀再悬浮的作用,本文利用海底原位观测三脚架进行了现场观测。观测结果显示:通常条件下,潮流导致的最大海床剪应力可达0.35 N/m2,高于波浪引起的剪应力。涨潮期间,海床发生侵蚀;退潮期间,海床发生淤积。风速达到5 m/s时,波浪引起的剪应力近似等于流致剪应力。风速达到7 m/s时,有效波高为26 cm,波浪对海床侵蚀再悬浮过程起主要作用;此时也会导致海水浊度显著上升,高于通常条件下的2-8倍。分析表明:通常条件下,周期性海流影响海床侵蚀再悬浮过程;而大幅度沉积物再悬浮过程由偶发的波浪事件控制。针对胶州湾沉积物动力学机制的深入研究仍待进一步开展。  相似文献   

强潮环境下悬沙对底部边界层的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王韫玮  高抒 《海洋科学》2010,34(1):52-57
对杭州湾金山深槽附近两个定点站位的大潮期间同步水文、泥沙观测结果进行了粉砂分布区再悬浮效应的分析,提出了根据再悬浮过程反演底床切应力的新方法。研究结果表明,在强潮动力、高悬沙质量浓度环境下,即使无密度成层性,悬沙质量浓度对底部边界层的影响仍然存在,表现为底部切应力的减小。在这一条件下,如仍然采用卡门-普朗特模型(κ=0.4),则估算的底部切应力将大大高于实际的数值。  相似文献   

根据实测水文泥沙资料,利用悬浮泥沙沉降公式、泥沙起动流速公式、再悬浮通量与沉降通量公式以及通量机制分解方法,分析了庙岛海峡周边海域的悬浮泥沙时空分布和变化特征,计算了再悬浮通量、沉降通量、单宽悬浮泥沙输运量,探讨了表层沉积物再悬浮和悬浮泥沙运移特征及动力机制。结果表明,悬浮泥沙浓度周期变化与潮流流速周期变化具有较好的相关性,底层悬沙浓度变化对高流速的响应比较明显,表层悬沙浓度变化对低流速响应比较明显;悬浮泥沙单颗粒沉降现象不明显,除庙岛海峡外其他海域较适合悬浮泥沙絮凝沉降,并以中、底层絮凝沉降为主,且表现出自表层至底层絮凝沉降作用逐渐加强趋势;表层沉积物再悬浮对近岸浅水区、庙岛群岛周边海域水体悬浮泥沙浓度的影响显著于其他海域;悬浮泥沙输运整体以平流输运为主,垂向净环流为辅,庙岛海峡南侧向黄海输沙、北侧向渤海输沙,二者同时进行,悬浮泥沙净输运主要由水道向两侧浅滩。  相似文献   

杭州湾北部潮流深槽区细颗粒物质输运与再悬浮过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨旸  高抒  汪亚平 《海洋学报》2008,30(2):92-101
于2005年5月大潮期间在杭州湾北部潮流深槽区的4个站位进行潮周期观测,获得了流速、悬沙等数据,并对其进行了分析,计算了水沙通量和再悬浮通量。分析结果表明,该深槽区涨潮流速大于落潮流速,涨潮历时小于落潮历时,潮差自湾口向湾内方向增大;悬沙的组分以粉砂为主,分选较差,偏态以负偏为主,这些特征与底质一致;深槽中部和东部的悬沙沿岸线向湾内方向输运;深槽西部和东部外侧的悬沙输运方向与余流方向一致,分别向湾内和南部输运;除转流和流速加速初期外,垂线流速分布符合Kûrmûn-Prandtl模型,摩阻流速与垂线平均流速变化趋势一致。计算得到的表观粗糙长度在涨落潮时段的水流加速或减速阶段都呈增大趋势,且数值较大,这难以把它简单地归结为床面形态的作用,表观粗糙长度的变化趋势可能是高悬沙浓度和浓度成层性共同作用的结果,但对这一假说的验证还有待于进一步的现场观测和机制分析。计算所得的再悬浮发生的周期性与实测悬沙浓度的周期性相符,而且最大悬沙浓度的出现滞后于最大再悬浮通量,说明再悬浮作用对水层中悬沙浓度的变化具有重要影响。  相似文献   

长江口崇明东滩水域悬沙粒径组成和再悬浮作用特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
根据2006年10月在崇明东滩潮间带和潮下带两个站位的大小潮水文泥沙观测资料和悬沙水样的室内粒度分析资料,对悬沙粒径的时空分布特征及其与流速等的关系进行了分析,并对再悬浮特点进行了探讨,结果表明,大小潮期间的悬沙颗粒组成较细,平均粒径的均值仅为6μm;大潮时的悬沙粒径略粗于小潮的,潮间带的略粗于潮下带的;由底床向上悬沙粒径趋于减小。悬沙粒径与流速、悬沙含量无明显的统计学关系,底质粒径、再悬浮强度和再悬浮泥沙粒径的空间变化以及浮泥的悬浮作用等是主要的影响因素。由于底质粒径的空间分布复杂,在东滩水域再悬浮具有明显的空间变化。在底质平均粒径大于60μm的粗颗粒沉积区,大小潮的再悬浮作用微小,底质以推移质运动为主。在底质平均粒径介于5~11μm的细颗粒沉积区上,悬沙级配与底质级配基本相同,该区域是再悬浮的主要发生源地;悬沙级配的变化过程揭示,再悬浮对底层悬沙的贡献率平均为8%~20%,大潮时的再悬浮强度是小潮的5~10倍,由底质再悬浮产生的悬沙在底部水层中的平均含量约为0.03~0.47 kg/m3。  相似文献   

为了解渤海湾泥质区南部近岸及毗邻海域夏季悬浮体输运格局,分别在湾内、湾口、湾口外和黄河口外NE向剖面处设置站位,进行25 h海流、温盐连续观测及悬浮体浓度(SSC)测定。结果显示,高温淡水以羽状流的方式自近岸向渤海中部传输,高浊度悬浮体多出现在涨急和落急的流速较高时期,较高的SSC值多出现在距底5 m水深范围,其中湾内和湾口两站的底层SSC值最高,分别可达约130 和80 mg/L,黄河口外NE向剖面20 m以深海域SSC值最小,均低于40 mg/L。单宽输沙率具有潮周期性特点:湾内A1站涨潮和涨平期以向湾内近岸输沙为主,落潮和落平期以向湾外输沙为主,潮平均单宽输沙率为7.8 g·m−1·s−1,方向为280°;湾口A2站涨落潮流输沙方向相反,整体以SE向朝湾外近岸输沙为主,潮平均单宽输沙率为7.2 g·m−1·s−1,方向为328°。湾外A3站涨潮和涨平时期输沙方向基本相反,大小相当,落潮和落平时期输沙方向以偏E和偏NE向为主,潮平均单宽输沙率为4.7 g·m−1·s−1,方向为77°。黄河口SE向的两个站位涨潮时输沙偏SE向,涨平时输沙偏NW向,落潮时输沙偏NW向,落平时输沙偏N向和偏NE向,两站的潮平均单宽输沙率方向以偏N向为主,A4站的潮平均单宽输沙率为5.2 g·m−1·s−1,方向为94°,A5站潮平均单宽输沙率为7.7 g·m−1·s−1,方向为102°。潮平均单宽输沙率以拉格朗日输沙贡献最显著,在湾口泥质区南部和东南部水深15~25 m的海域,垂向净环流的影响较大,有抵消一部分拉格朗日输沙率的作用,且对潮平均单宽输沙率的影响比湾内和25 m以深海域的大,其他分量数量级较小,对潮平均单宽输沙率贡献较小。水体以混合为主,水体层化程度加强对各站位悬浮体输运均有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Field data from a microtidal estuarine intertidal flat (Tamaki estuary, New Zealand) are used to analyse very small waves (height <10 cm; period 1.0–1.8 s) and associated sediment resuspension under light winds. Mean spectral period at the bed varied over the tidal cycle, driven by changes in surface-wave spectrum and depth-attenuation of orbital motions. Wave-orbital currents exceeded 30 cm/s, disturbing the fine-sand (100–200 μm) matrix of the seabed and resulting in the release of fine silt (particle size <20 μm) at concentrations >120 mg/L. Resuspension was initiated when ∼40% of the maximum zero-downcrossing orbital speeds in a burst exceeded the critical speed for initiation of sediment motion. Sediment concentrations were highest around low tide, when waves were smaller compared to high tide because of a reduced fetch but depth-attenuation of orbital motions was less because the water was shallower. Wave period exerted a control on sediment resuspension through the wave friction factor. There was a hysteresis in the wave Reynolds number such that it was greater on the ebbing tide compared to on the flooding tide: since it did not exceed 3 × 105 the bed was hydraulically smooth, and the wave friction factor therefore is inversely proportional to wave period. Hence, the tidal-cycle hysteresis in wave Reynolds number translated into a smaller wave friction factor on the ebbing tide, and accounting for this caused the ebb and flood sediment concentration data to collapse onto one curve when plotted against wave-induced skin friction. A simple model is presented to evaluate the relative contribution to sediment resuspension of waves associated with weak and strong winds. At the base of the flat (waves competent to resuspend sediment for 5% of the inundation time), waves associated with stronger, infrequent winds dominate resuspension. At the top of the flat (waves competent to resuspend sediment for 30% of the inundation time), waves associated with lighter, frequent winds dominate resuspension. Moderate winds – neither the strongest nor most frequently occurring – dominate resuspension integrated across the profile. The mass of sediment resuspended by waves is greatest towards the top of the flat: shoreward of this, resuspension is smaller because of wave dissipation; seaward of this, resuspension is smaller because of greater depth-attenuation of orbital motions. The location of maximum sediment mass resuspended by waves and the location of maximum duration of resuspension are not necessarily the same.  相似文献   

根据2011年5月31日至6月3日在长江口南槽口门附近海域投放三角架观测系统获取的沉积动力观测数据以及现场采集的水样和底质样品,进行底部边界层参数、悬沙粒度及悬沙组分分析,以探讨研究区近底部边界层特征和沉积物再悬浮过程。结果表明,研究区海域的悬沙以粉砂组分为主,潮周期内近底部流速与相应层位的悬沙浓度变化呈正相关,存在显著的再悬浮作用。分析发现,随着水体中悬沙砂组分的增加,再悬浮通量随之显著增加;砂组分减小,则再悬浮通量亦减小。因此,悬沙砂组分是对再悬浮过程响应的敏感组分,在一定程度上可指示和"示踪"再悬浮效应。  相似文献   

基于2014年12月在福宁湾附近海域8个站位的同步水文泥沙观测资料,分析了冬季大潮期悬浮泥沙分布以及输运通量的变化规律,并结合理查森数、水体混合所需的势能、潮动力引起的水体势能变化率的计算结果,初步探讨了水体的垂向混合对于悬浮泥沙垂向分布的影响,研究了悬浮泥沙的输运机制。结果表明,从湾内到湾外,温度、盐度总体上呈现递增的趋势;平面上各站位悬浮泥沙浓度由湾内向湾外递减;潮周期内悬浮泥沙浓度变化存在不对称性,总体来说,湾内及湾口处(1#站除外)涨潮阶段悬浮泥沙浓度高,湾外(4#站除外)落潮阶段悬浮泥沙浓度较高。从湾内向湾外,随着水深的增加潮周期内水体的垂向混合逐渐减弱,悬沙浓度的垂向差异逐渐增大。悬浮泥沙输运在湾内及湾口整体表现为向陆输运,在湾外为向海输运。在湾内及湾口处,各分层悬浮泥沙的输运方向大多向陆,且量值较高,而湾外的悬浮泥沙输运方向在垂向上存在差异。由于潮流不对称以及悬浮泥沙的滞后效应引起的潮泵项输运对总的悬浮泥沙通量起主要贡献。  相似文献   

乐清湾悬沙的浓度分布与运移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据冬、夏、秋3季29站次的周日水文泥沙观测资料,通过对悬沙浓度和单宽输沙特征值的计算,讨论了该湾悬沙浓度的分布规律以及单宽输沙与悬沙运移的特点。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of resuspension on the fate and bioaccumulation of mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in shallow estuarine environments, using mesocosms. Two 4-week experiments were conducted in July (Experiment 1) and October (Experiment 2) of 2001 with Baltimore Harbor sediments. Hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, were introduced into sediments for Experiment 2. Tidal resuspension (4 h on and 2 h off cycles) was simulated, with 3 replicate tanks for each treatment—resuspension (R) and non-resuspension (NR). Sediment cores were collected during the experiments for THg, MeHg, organic content and AVS analyses, and for the determination of methylation/demethylation using Hg stable isotopes (199Hg(II) and CH3199Hg(II)). Zooplankton samples were collected once a week while clams were taken before and after Experiment 2 for THg and MeHg analyses. Our results suggest that the interplay between Hg methylation and MeHg degradation determines the overall MeHg pool in sediments. Sediment resuspension does not appear to directly impact the Hg transformations but can lead to changes in the association to Hg binding phases, influencing Hg methylation. The bioaccumulation results indicate that sediment resuspension can play an important role in transferring sediment MeHg into organisms.  相似文献   

杭州湾口南汇咀近岸水域水沙特征与通量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈沈良 《海洋科学》2004,28(3):18-22
南汇咀近岸水域是长江口与杭州湾交汇以及近岸水沙交换的重要地带。根据杭州湾口北部南汇咀-崎岖列岛断面上6个测站1999年1~2月大、中、小潮海流与悬沙含量的现场同步观测资料,阐述了该断面上潮流和悬沙浓度的分布变化特征,并通过断面进出潮通量和悬沙通量的计算,得出该断面以出水出沙为主要特征,与余流方向一致。分析表明,长江口与杭州湾的水沙交换是复杂的,而间接交换是其主要的方式。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate that the effects of different hydrodynamic conditions on sediment resuspension on a tidal mudflat in the Yellow River Estuary. A field experiment was conducted on an intertidal flat of the Yellow River Delta, China. The sediment resuspension concentrations and hydrodynamic conditions were obtained in the field from September 2–7, 2013. The resuspended sediment concentrations induced by wave loading were compared with those induced by coupled wave–current actions in Yellow River Delta. The results were as follows: (1) when the wave height was higher than 10?cm and the shear stress induced by the waves was greater than the critical stress of the seabed sediments, the surface seabed was eroded and sediment was resuspended. In addition, 60% of the significant wave heights were larger than 10?cm on the intertidal flat of the Yellow River Delta. (2) The contribution of waves to sediment resuspension was greater than 30% when the significant wave height is higher than 10?cm, and the average contribution of waves to sediment resuspension was 51%. The mechanism of wave-induced sediment resuspension and processes of sediment resuspension were described in this paper.  相似文献   

以长江口及邻近海域为研究区域,采用改进后的SEDEX法对沉积物中各形态磷的含量进行了分析,并通过模拟实验探讨了沉积物再悬浮对上覆水体磷酸盐浓度的影响。结果表明:碎屑磷(De-P)是沉积物磷的主要赋存形态,占总磷(TP)的50%以上;其次是可提取态有机磷(Or-P)和非活性有机磷(Re-P);生物可利用磷(BAP)占总磷的比例约为21%,可提取态有机磷(Or-P)是生物可利用磷(BAP)的主要存在形态。沉积物再悬浮时,水体磷酸盐的浓度显著升高,说明沉积物再悬浮会引起沉积物中磷的释放;水体磷酸盐浓度升高主要源于沉积物中磷的释放,而间隙水的贡献较低。沉积物发生再悬浮时,厌氧条件相对于好氧条件,更有利于沉积物磷的释放。  相似文献   

1Introduction The sediment dynamics of intertidal flats in-volves erosion, transport, and settling processes. A-mong these, the mechanisms of sediment transportare a key question. Progress has been made in awide range of associated areas, including sedime…  相似文献   

A sediment budget for the Choptank River, one of the three largest estuaries on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay, was developed from measurements of sediment carried in upland runoff, shore erosion, sedimentation, and levels of suspended sediments in estuarine waters. Shore erosion was the major source of sediment (340 × 106 kg y?1), contributing seven times more sediment than upland runoff. Low relief, the rural character of the Coastal Plain drainage basin, and the susceptibility of poorly consolidated shoreline materials to erosion contributed to the dominance of shore erosion over runoff as a sediment source. Box modelling indicated a net annual flux (14–44 × 106 kg y?1) of sediment from the Choptank River to Chesapeake Bay. A mass balance estimate of sedimentation, calculated as the difference between total inputs and loss at the mouth of the estuary, (350 × 106 kg y?1) agreed well with an estimate based on 210Pb profiles (340 × 106 kg y?1) measured along the longitudinal axis of the estuary. Lead-210 sedimentation rates correspond to accumulation rates of 1·5–7·9 mm y?1.  相似文献   

海底沉积物再悬浮及其分布取决于海洋水动力、沉积物类型与床面形态之间复杂的相互作用,准确地理解和确定沉积物再悬浮过程对于沉积物输运的研究具有重要的意义。本文在祥云湾海洋牧场典型海域开展现场原位观测,获取研究区波浪、海流及悬浮沉积物浓度数据;分析了波、流作用下海底边界层悬浮沉积物垂向分布特征,并探究了海洋水动力和床面形态对悬浮沉积物垂向分布的影响。结果表明,研究区波流之间的相互作用不显著,沉积物再悬浮受控于风暴浪作用,风暴浪作用下底床切应力可以达到沉积物临界切应力的10~15倍,沉积物的再悬浮滞后于风暴浪作用2~3 h。在波浪荷载微小的情况下,悬浮沉积物垂向分布呈现"I"型,波浪荷载下,悬浮沉积物垂向分布呈现幂指函数分布,表现为"L"型;床面形态随波、流作用而演化,影响沉积物的再悬浮过程,u?w/u?c=1.00可作为波浪和海流起主导控制作用的床面形态的判别依据,纯波浪荷载作用下的u?w/u?c显著高于波浪主控作用下,但二者之间的界线随着波浪荷载的增加而升高。  相似文献   

江苏大丰潮滩悬沙级配特征及其动力响应   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
根据2002和2003年夏季在江苏大丰潮滩的现场观测资料,详细分析了悬沙级配的时空分布特征、影响因素及其对再悬浮、沉降和流速的响应.研究结果表明,悬沙颗粒较细,以粉砂为主,悬沙级配在潮周期内的变化模式有两种类型:一是稳定型,悬沙级配的时空(垂向和平面)变化很小;二是双峰型,悬沙级配的时空变化显著,粗细峰高度不断变化.再悬浮、沉降、涨潮时输入潮滩的悬沙和底质级配是影响悬沙级配的重要因子.再悬浮使粗颗粒悬沙的含量增加,悬沙与底质级配不断接近,沉降对悬沙级配的影响与再悬浮相反.再悬浮发生时悬沙级配对流速有明显响应.在没有再悬浮和沉降影响的情况下,潮滩不同部位、不同时间的悬沙级配趋于稳定和相同,对这种状态下的悬沙级配可称为背景悬沙级配,大丰潮滩背景悬沙级配的平均粒径为7μm.  相似文献   

Historical sediment nutrient concentrations and heavy metal distributions were studied in four estuaries in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea to examine the response of these estuaries to temporal changes in human activities. Cores were collected using a 1-m Mackereth corer and dated using 210Pb and 137Cs. The cores were analyzed for total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic phosphorus (OP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), biogenic silica (BSi), loss-on-ignition (LOI), Cu, Zn, Al, Fe, Mn, K, Ca, Mg and Na. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to summarize the trends in the chemical variables and to compare the trends at the different sites. Applying the 1986 137Cs date as a reference point, 210Pb chronologies were constructed for the sites using either the CRS model or a composite model (using both CIC and CRS). Significant increases were observed in sedimentation rates, TP and TN concentrations in all of the cores. Copper showed clear increases from 1850 towards present at all sites. Furthermore, redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to correlate environmental variables (catchment land use, catchment size, estuary surface area, depth and lake percentage) to sediment geochemistry. Based on redundancy analysis (RDA), the percentage of agriculture in the catchment was the most important factor affecting the sediment accumulation rate. Urban land-use types and industry correlate well with sediment Cu and Ca concentrations. Forest areas were related to high sediment BSi concentrations. Catchment land use was the most significant factor affecting sediment geochemical composition and sediment accumulation rates in these coastal embayments. Our results demonstrate that the coastal estuaries of the Gulf of Finland respond to the increased nutrient loading with the increased sedimentation and nutrient accumulation rates.  相似文献   

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