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Despite the fact that the field of GIScience has been around for two decades, there is still little agreement as to the exact contents and boundaries of the field. Many authors have dedicated several publications concerned with defining the field, yet little consensus has been reached. Because of the highly dynamic nature of the discipline, new areas are constantly added and rigid borders may have a constraining influence on the field. On the contrary, one agreed part of the many GIScience definitions is the search for general principles, but principles for what? Can we define one field or discipline or all potential fields using geospatial information? Probably not. Therefore, rather than attempting to demarcate exact boundaries for GIScience as a discipline or a multidisciplinary field in order to prove its respectability, we herein attempt to analyze the contents of such a dynamic field on the basis of scientific literature and to assess the multidisciplinary and multiparadigmatic nature of GIScience. Such a discussion is not purely of academic nature, but also bears implications beyond academic discourse, in terms of external scientific funding and research grants. We question whether there is a “dominant” paradigmatic approach in GIScience and identify a need for adopting a multiparadigmatic view to accommodate the multifaceted nature of space, spatial representations, and the societal implications of geospatial information.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that a feminist geographical analysis that examines women as active agents in their daily lives, pays attention to the multiplicity of women's experiences in relational space, and values knowledge for transformative purposes, provides insights as to how GIScience might develop in the near future. We draw upon our research with two different community organizations in North Philadelphia to show how a feminist geographical analysis can shape the conceptualization of a community GIS. We argue that collaborative work with community organizations based on “a view from below” necessitates alternative institutional arrangements while providing rich data to better understand the intersection of daily life and information and communication technologies (ICT) as experienced, in the particular case of our work, by poor women. Our research illustrates that understanding ICT frameworks from the perspective of women and in the context of their daily lives has important implications for GIScience.  相似文献   

The accreditation of GIS programs was first proposed more than 25 years ago as a means of encouraging consistency in instructional content and learning outcomes across many new GIS programs being developed at U.S. colleges and universities. However, in lieu of a peer review system to evaluate the quality of instruction, the GIS community focused instead on certification programs for recognizing and rewarding competency and professionalism among persons already in the workforce. With hundreds of colleges and universities now offering formal programs in GIScience ranging from certificates to undergraduate and graduate degrees, it may be an appropriate time reconsider rewards associated with accreditation. This article argues that accreditation can benefit institutions, students, and GIScience employers by directing attention to “upstream” and formative elements in the preparation of entry-level GIScience professionals that can potentially complement “downstream” and summative programs for recognizing experienced GIScience professionals such as certification. Along with providing detail about the implementation and administration of accreditation, we explore accreditation processes in surveying and engineering as possible pathways for accrediting academic GIScience programs.  相似文献   

Defining a Digital Earth System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a 1998 speech before the California Science Center in Los Angeles, then US Vice‐President Al Gore called for a global undertaking to build a multi‐faceted computing system for education and research, which he termed “Digital Earth.” The vision was that of a system providing access to what is known about the planet and its inhabitants’ activities – currently and for any time in history – via responses to queries and exploratory tools. Furthermore, it would accommodate modeling extensions for predicting future conditions. Organized efforts towards realizing that vision have diminished significantly since 2001, but progress on key requisites has been made. As the 10 year anniversary of that influential speech approaches, we re‐examine it from the perspective of a systematic software design process and find the envisioned system to be in many respects inclusive of concepts of distributed geolibraries and digital atlases. A preliminary definition for a particular digital earth system as: “a comprehensive, distributed geographic information and knowledge organization system,” is offered and discussed. We suggest that resumption of earlier design and focused research efforts can and should be undertaken, and may prove a worthwhile “Grand Challenge” for the GIScience community.  相似文献   

An intense process of urbanization, witnessed particularly in the last decade, has stressed the need to comprehend human mobility behavior in urban settings. Although the emergence of contributed geospatial data (i.e., pervasive activity‐based data) has contributed to substantial progress toward understanding human activity, the relationship between human‐crowd mobility and the functional structure of a city is not yet well understood. In this context, the present research focuses on the intra‐urban origin–destination matrix modeling founded on a combination of two major crowdsourced datasets as well as the inclusion of urban communities’ structure. Specifically, the well‐known “radiation” and “PWO” models were modified through first, identifying the communities embedded in the cyberspace network then employing the identified hierarchical structure of the spatial‐interaction network for the formulation of the users’ movement network and second, imposing proper input variables including the telecommunication activity volume and check‐in frequency. The results obtained by various empirical analyses suggest that the modified community‐constrained origin–destination flow estimation models exhibit better performance levels than those of alternative conventional mobility models.  相似文献   

A geospatial cyberinfrastructure is needed to support advanced GIScience research and education activities. However, the heterogeneous and distributed nature of geospatial resources creates enormous obstacles for building a unified and interoperable geospatial cyberinfrastructure. In this paper, we propose the Geospatial Service Web (GSW) to underpin the development of a future geospatial cyberinfrastructure. The GSW excels over the traditional spatial data infrastructure by providing a highly intelligent geospatial middleware to integrate various geospatial resources through the Internet based on interoperable Web service technologies. The development of the GSW focuses on the establishment of a platform where data, information, and knowledge can be shared and exchanged in an interoperable manner. Theoretically, we describe the conceptual framework and research challenges for GSW, and then introduce our recent research toward building a GSW. A research agenda for building a GSW is also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

This article reports on the initial development of a generic framework for integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Massive Multi‐player Online Gaming (MMOG) technology to support the integrated modeling of human‐environment resource management and decision‐making. We review Web 2.0 concepts, online maps, and games as key technologies to realize a participatory construction of spatial simulation and decision making practices. Through a design‐based research approach we develop a prototype framework, “GeoGame”, that allows users to play board‐game‐style simulations on top of an online map. Through several iterations we demonstrate the implementation of a range of design artifacts including: real‐time, multi‐user editing of online maps, web services, game lobby, user‐modifiable rules and scenarios building, chat, discussion, and market transactions. Based on observational, analytical, experimental and functional evaluations of design artifacts as well as a literature review, we argue that a MMO GeoGame‐framework offers a viable approach to address the complex dynamics of human‐environmental systems that require a simultaneous reconciliation of both top‐down and bottom‐up decision making where stakeholders are an integral part of a modeling environment. Further research will offer additional insight into the development of social‐environmental models using stakeholder input and the use of such models to explore properties of complex dynamic systems.  相似文献   

Emerging computer architectures and systems that combine multi‐core CPUs and accelerator technologies, like many‐core Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and Intel's Many Integrated Core (MIC) coprocessors, would provide substantial computing power for many time‐consuming spatial‐temporal computation and applications. Although a distributed computing environment is suitable for large‐scale geospatial computation, emerging advanced computing infrastructure remains unexplored in GIScience applications. This article introduces three categories of geospatial applications by effectively exploiting clusters of CPUs, GPUs and MICs for comparative analysis. Within these three benchmark tests, the GPU clusters exemplify advantages in the use case of embarrassingly parallelism. For spatial computation that has light communication between the computing nodes, GPU clusters present a similar performance to that of the MIC clusters when large data is applied. For applications that have intensive data communication between the computing nodes, MIC clusters could display better performance than GPU clusters. This conclusion will be beneficial to the future endeavors of the GIScience community to deploy the emerging heterogeneous computing infrastructure efficiently to achieve high or better performance spatial computation over big data.  相似文献   

This article reports on an empirical study of the trends and patterns of research activities in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) during the years 1997–2007. The GIScience research priorities identified by the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) were used as guidelines to examine the 985 research articles published in six well‐recognized academic journals. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) was employed to investigate the association among the different GIScience research themes. The spatial and temporal patterns of the association between the publications and the different GIScience themes were examined to show the development of GIScience research during the study period. Furthermore, correlation analyses between the publications were conducted following the LSA results to reveal GIScience research networks, including the networks of the published articles and those formed by the research places. In this article, we applied an approach that was developed within information science to depict what GIS research activities were conducted when and where and how they connect to each other through sharing common research themes. The related findings pave the way for future efforts to describe the paradigm of GIScience as well as the pattern of GIScience research.  相似文献   

In this article we reflect back on our decade‐long collaboration on the geographies of the Holocaust to argue for a GIS of place. Our previous work on ghettoization in Budapest and on the spatio‐temporal patterns of Jewish persecution in Italy had a marked spatial dimension, both in the research questions we set out to answer and the methods we used, which were largely quantitative. During the course of our research, we progressively came to realize that a spatial perspective favors the voice of the perpetrator and that to fully comprehend and understand the geography of the Holocaust, we needed to engage with the voice of the victim, extend the set of methods and tools used, and broaden our epistemology. While proposing a fully‐fledged model of a qualitative GIS of the places and spaces of the Holocaust is beyond the scope of this article, we: (a) argue for the integration of social network analysis, corpus linguistics, and spatio‐temporal methods and for a mixed‐methods analytical approach and (b) note how the topological and relational foundations we identify as fundamental to a GIS of place parallel the long‐standing call for an “integrated history” of the Holocaust.  相似文献   

Current research in the Cartographic and Geographic Information Sciences at Penn State emphasizes map design, geovisual analytics, spatiotemporal pattern detection, spatial cognition, CyberGIS, geographic information retrieval, image analysis, and novel methods for geospatial education. Cartography and GIScience research and education at Penn State is organized through groups such as the GeoVISTA Center and the Peter R. Gould Center in the Department of Geography, the Institute for CyberScience, and the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute. Recent achievements in these units have included advances in extracting geographic information from social media, novel methods for pattern analysis from event data, and the development of the first massive open online course in geography.  相似文献   

Choosing a textbook is among the most important decisions instructors make in preparation for an academic term. Geographic Information Systems and Technology (GIS&T) textbook development has been influenced by a unique set of circumstances, mainly the rapid development of the discipline within an interdisciplinary environment, which has resulted in a continuous state of evolution. We examine the anatomy of GIS&T textbooks through a comparison of their organization, content, and depth of coverage. Specifically, utilizing the Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (BoK) as a comprehensive reference, we categorize the content of 26 of the most widely used introductory GIS textbooks. Our results show that there has been consistent coverage of topics over time, with analytical methods and geospatial data being the most prominent topics covered in texts. However, individual textbooks place varying emphasis on the BoK knowledge areas, which is potentially useful to instructors seeking books that emphasize particular knowledge areas. Additionally, long‐term trends indicate a shift toward an emphasis on new forms of geospatial data (e.g., social media). Ongoing efforts to expand and revise the BoK reflect how the discipline continues to manage its own evolution as new geographic research linked to GIS and GIScience emerges.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief review of hyperspectral imagery and its analysis from a perspective based in Geographic Information Science. The ten original research priorities of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science from 1996 and the five emerging themes from 2000/2001 are used as a framework to examine different aspects of management, analysis and use of hyperspectral imagery. A GIScience perspective identifies a series of issues that can develop the utility of hyperspectral imagery and gives an agenda for research that integrates hyperspectral imagery into Geographic Information Science to the benefit of both GIScience and hyperspectral remote sensing.  相似文献   

Geo-ontology Tools: The Missing Link   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous authors have presented ontology building tools that have all been developed as part of academic projects and that are usually adaptations of more generic tools for geo-spatial applications. While we trust that these tools do their job for the special purpose they have been built, the GIScience user community is still a long way away from off-the-shelf ontology builders that can be used by GIS project managers. In this article, we present a comparative study of ontology building tools described in some twenty peer-reviewed GIScience journal articles. We analyze them from the perspective of two application domains, crime analysis and transportation/land use. For the latter, we developed a database schema, which is substantially different from the three main templates commonly used. The crime analysis application uses a rule base for an agent-based model that had no precursor. In both cases, the currently available set of tools cannot replace manual coding of ontologies for use with ESRI-based application software. Based on these experiences, we outline a requirements list of what the tools described in the first part of the article are missing to make them practical from an applications perspective. The result is an R&D agenda for this important aspect of GIScience.  相似文献   


We review recent developments in cartographic research in North America, in the context of informing the 29th International Cartographic Conference, and 18th General Assembly in 2019. The titles of papers published since 2015 in four leading cartographic journals yielded a corpus of 245 documents containing 1109 unique terms. These terms were analyzed using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and by visual analytics to produce 14 topic groups that mapped onto five classes. These classes were named as information visualization, cartographic data, spatial analysis and applications, methods and models, and GIScience. The classes were then used as themes to discuss the recent cartographic literature more broadly, first, to review recent trends in the research and to identify research gaps, and second, to examine prospects for new research over the next 20 years. A conclusion draws some broad findings from the review, suggesting that cartographic research in the future will be aimed less at dealing with data, and more at generating insight and knowledge to better inform society about global challenges.  相似文献   

This editorial presents a special collection of papers addressing the concept of place and its use in geographical information science (GIScience). The concept of place is a topic of increasing interest among GIScience scholars. First attempts to formalise platial information have been made and it is increasingly held that user‐generated data sets in particular are often more platial than spatial in nature. At the same time, and especially when compared to geometric spatial concepts, the concept of place is ambiguous, complex and difficult to capture in formal and analytical terms, suggesting the need for interdisciplinary approaches. This collection presents articles covering a wide range of place‐related aspects, including both conceptual and more applied contributions. In the present editorial we summarise these and comment on their individual contributions, and hope that the readership of Transactions in GIS will find the special collection inspiring and informative.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to conduct a systematic literature review that provides an overview of the current state of research concerning methods and application for spatiotemporal analyses of the social network Twitter. Reviewed papers and their application domains have shown that the study of geographical processes by using spatiotemporal information from location‐based social networks represent a promising and still underexplored field for GIScience researchers.  相似文献   

The design of methods and tools to build adequate representations of complex geographical phenomena in a way that spatial patterns are emphasized is one of the core objectives of GIScience. In this paper, we build on the concept of geons as a strategy to represent and analyze latent spatial phenomena across different geographical scales (local, national, regional) incorporating domain-specific expert knowledge. Focusing on two types, we illustrate and exemplify how geons are generated and explored. So-called composite geons represent functional land-use classes, required for regional planning purposes. They are created via class modeling to translate interpretation schemes from mapping keys. Integrated geons, on the other hand, address abstract, yet policy-relevant phenomena such as societal vulnerability to hazards. They are delineated by regionalizing continuous geospatial data sets representing relevant indicators in a multidimensional variable space. Using the geon approach, we create spatially exhaustive sets of units, scalable to the level of policy intervention, homogenous in their domain-specific response, and independent from any predefined boundaries. From a GIScience perspective, we discuss either type of geons in a semantic hierarchy of geographic information constructs. Despite its validity for decision-making and its transferability across scales and application fields, the delineation of geons requires further methodological research to assess their statistical and conceptual robustness.  相似文献   

随着"智慧城市"建设的开展,城市空间信息普查将在一些城市铺开。结合哈尔滨市空间信息普查项目,论述了城市空间信息的特点、分类与编码方法,分别就城市空间信息中的位置信息和属性信息讨论了普查方法,通过实践验证,其方法有效、可行,可供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) overlays real‐world views or scenes with virtual, computer‐generated objects that appear to visually coexist in the same space. Location‐based social networks (LBSNs) are platforms for individuals to be connected through the interdependency derived from their physical locations and their location‐tagged social media content. Current research and development in both areas focuses on integrating mobile‐based AR and LBSNs. Several applications (e.g., Sekai Camera and Wallame) have been developed and commercialized successfully. However, little research has been done on the potential impacts and successful evaluation methods of AR‐integrated LBSNs in the GIScience field. To close this gap, the article outlines the impacts and benefits of AR‐integrated LBSNs and highlights the importance of LBSNs in GIScience research. Based on the status quo of AR‐integrated LBSNs, this article discusses—from theoretical and application‐oriented perspectives—how AR‐integrated LBSNs could enrich the GIScience research agenda in three aspects: data conflation, platial GIS, and multimedia storytelling. The article concludes with guidelines on visualization, functionality, and ethics that aim to help users develop and evaluate AR‐integrated LBSNs.  相似文献   

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