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通过对一号井瓦斯分布与地质构造、埋藏深度的关系分析,探讨了瓦斯赋存规律,旨在对今后瓦斯的预测及预防有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

大同煤田北部瓦斯赋存规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过瓦斯地质图的编制,总结了大同侏罗纪煤田北部的瓦斯赋存规律,分析出高瓦斯区呈异常的带状分布规律,一个是沿十里河的东西向条带,另一个是从忻州窑-云岗-上深涧的北西向条带。在此基础上探讨了石炭纪煤层气体向侏罗煤系运移的可能性,并用聚类分析方法进行了判断、验证,指出了气体运移的通道。  相似文献   

出露于沙尔湖煤田东北角一套以河湖相为主的碎屑岩地层,在地层层位归属及岩石地层单元名称使用上,存在不同意见.笔者在沙尔湖煤田进行地质勘查过程中,于该套地层采到丰富植物化石和孢粉化石,确定其地质时代为晚二叠世.通过对前人资料归纳与实际材料分析,确定使用库莱组作为岩石地层单元.  相似文献   

张占文 《山西地质》2012,(4):129-131
煤层瓦斯是一种自生自储式天然气资源。煤层瓦斯赋存情况除与瓦斯生成量的多少有关外,主要的影响因素还包括煤田地质构造演化、井田地质构造、煤的变质程度、煤层埋深及上覆基岩厚度、煤层顶底板岩性、水文地质条件等。  相似文献   

淮北祁南井田瓦斯赋存规律及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析矿井地质资料的基础上,结合矿井瓦斯实测参数,以区域构造演化和矿井构造的控制作用为主线,探讨了祁南矿煤层的瓦斯赋存规律及其控制因素。结果表明,本区受宿南向斜的控制,煤层瓦斯分布具有南高北低、东高西低、东南部最高的总体规律;宿南向斜转折端部位由于放射状正断层的发育,瓦斯含量相对较低。井田中部逆断层发育的次级褶皱区域,瓦斯含量相对较高;在-900m以浅,瓦斯含量与煤层埋深、煤级均表现出较好的正相关关系;较高的顶底板泥岩比例和半封闭的水文地质条件为瓦斯的保存提供了有利条件;Ⅱ、Ⅲ类煤厚度所占比例小于20%,渗透率大于1mD,表明煤层瓦斯具备较好的运移条件。  相似文献   

根据象顶井田大量瓦斯实测资料分析,区内瓦斯含量高分带不明显,沼气带在埋深100m以下,瓦斯含量有随埋深增加而增大的趋势,但相关性不显著,地质构造及水文条件是影响区内瓦斯分布的主要因素。井田内先期发育的压性层间滑动断层(f701)及其派生断层纵贯全区,导致构造煤发育,瓦斯含量高;中部及西南部的F39、F418、F428、F405张性正断层切割了先期的压性断层,断层破碎带及裂隙为瓦斯逸散提供了通道,同时断层使上盘煤层与下盘岩溶发育的茅口灰岩直接接触,加速了瓦斯的逸散,致使该区域内煤层瓦斯含量降低,形成了井田北东部瓦斯含量高、中部及南西部含量相对较低的格局。根据煤体结构、构造分布、煤层特征,预测区内C19煤层易发生突出区域位于井田北东部。  相似文献   

基于煤层瓦斯的生成、赋存、运移理论,结合地质勘探和矿井生产揭露的瓦斯地质资料,分析了山东黄河北煤田赵官井田煤层瓦斯赋存规律及其主控因素。从区域地质演化、煤的生储气能力、岩性组合特征、地质构造、埋藏深度、基岩厚度、水文地质条件和岩浆侵入等因素综合研究发现,影响赵官井田煤层瓦斯赋存的主控因素为地下水动力条件及岩浆侵入事件。地下水动力条件对煤层瓦斯的控气作用明显,浅部水动力条件对煤层瓦斯主要表现为水力运移逸散作用,不利于煤层瓦斯保存,向深部主要表现为封闭和封堵2种类型,有利于瓦斯的保存。岩浆侵入煤层的方式及其程度是造成下组煤(11号、13号煤)瓦斯含量普遍低于上组煤(7号、10号煤)的主控因素。  相似文献   

研究区位于山西著名的霍西煤田中西部区域,区域含煤地层出露稳定,潜在资源量巨大。研究表明:井田含煤地层主要为上石炭统太原组(C_3t)和下石炭统山西组(P_1s),可采煤层主要为9、10和11号煤层;煤田地质构造复杂程度属于简单型,褶皱、断层和陷落柱等对煤层影响较小;研究区的矿井瓦斯主要受煤层埋深与上覆基岩厚度的影响,而受其他因素影响不明显。  相似文献   

通过对淮北煤田孙庄勘探区地质构造、沉积特征、煤层煤质及煤层气赋存特征的分析,研究认为有利于本区煤层气赋存的主要因素是较大的埋藏深度、较高的壳质组+镜质组、较高的变质程度、较大的煤层厚度、低透气性的盖层、较缓的地层倾角和封闭性较好的构造条件,推测煤田深部可能具有一定工业价值的煤层气资源。  相似文献   

安阳矿区多为高瓦斯和煤与突出瓦斯矿井。通过钻孔和矿井瓦斯资料分析,认为区内二1煤层瓦斯含量高,最高可达41.72m3/t。区内瓦斯赋存规律明显,具有南北分带、北低南高的分布特征,其展布规律主要受地质构造、煤层埋深、围岩、煤厚、变质程度、水文地质条件等因素的影响,而地质构造中的地垒、地堑造成的断块抬升、下降,断层的多期构造应力作用及其对煤层的剪切作用,褶曲等构造因素是造成矿区瓦斯分布不均衡的主要原因。  相似文献   

以沉积学、煤岩学和煤相学理论为指导,运用煤相参数,结合宏观、微观煤岩特征分析煤相类型。结果表明:研究区宏观煤岩类型以暗淡型煤为主,显微煤岩类型以微镜惰煤为主,煤田西北部属潮湿-弱覆水环境,东南部属极潮湿-覆水环境;西北部煤层沼泽类型为干燥森林沼泽相,东南部以潮湿森林沼泽相为主,次为干燥森林沼泽相,沉积环境主要为浅沼相。综合分析认为,库姆塔格煤田煤层形成环境为低水位微弱水动力条件下、以潮湿森林沼泽为主、干燥森林沼泽次之的浅沼相,煤岩和煤相分析为聚煤环境分析、煤质评价、煤层对比等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘准格尔煤田煤中超常富集勃姆石的发现   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用X射线衍射分析(XRD)、带能谱仪的扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)和光学显微镜等技术,首次在鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘准格尔矿区6号巨厚煤层中发现了超常富集的勃姆石及其特殊的矿物组合,勃姆石含量可高达13.1%,与勃姆石伴生的矿物有磷锶铝石、锆石、金红石、菱铁矿、方铅矿、硒铅矿和硒方铅矿。重矿物的组合特征与华北地区本溪组铝土矿中的重矿物组合特征相似,高含量的勃姆石主要来源于聚煤盆地北偏东方向本溪组风化壳铝土矿,三水铝石以胶体溶液的形式从铝土矿中被短距离带入泥炭沼泽中,在泥炭聚积阶段和成岩作用早期经压实作用脱水凝聚而形成勃姆石。  相似文献   

木里煤田聚乎更矿区天然气水合物气源探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木里煤田位于青藏高原东北缘,近年在木里煤田聚乎更矿区中侏罗统窑街组中发现了天然气水合物。为了对天然气水合物气源类型做出客观认识,本文对木里煤田聚乎更矿区中侏罗统窑街组烃源岩样品的有机质丰度、有机质类型、有机质热演化程度进行了详细研究,并在此基础上对比了研究区天然气水合物、煤层气中烷烃气的异同,最终确定研究区天然气水合物成因类型和气源。结果表明:(1)研究区中侏罗统窑街组的泥质烃源岩有机质丰度较高,属好生油岩,有机质类型属于Ⅰ型干酪根,Ro值在0.65%~1.32%之间,有机质热演化程度达到了石油伴生气阶段;(2)天然气水合物烷烃气碳同位素特征显示大部分烷烃气呈现正碳同位素特征系列,相同碳数的天然气水合物烷烃气碳同位素较煤层气轻,天然气水合物烷烃气中甲烷含量相对煤层气较低,且天然气水合物烷烃气δ13 C2值均小于-28‰,属于油型气;(3)中侏罗统窑街组烃源岩碳同位素特征与天然气水合物的碳同位素具有高度一致性,表明研究区天然气水合物气源主要来自于中侏罗统窑街组的湖相泥岩和油页岩。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the mineralogy and geochemistry of the No. 6 Coal (Pennsylvanian) in the Junger Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China. The results show that the vitrinite reflectance (0.58%) is lowest and the proportions of inertinite and liptinite (37.4% and 7.1%, respectively) in the No. 6 Coal of the Junger Coalfield are highest among all of the Late Paleozoic coals in the Ordos Basin. The No. 6 Coal may be divided vertically into four sections based on their mineral compositions and elemental concentrations. A high boehmite content (mean 6.1%) was identified in the No. 6 Coal. The minerals associated with the boehmite in the coal include goyazite, rutile, zircon, and Pb-bearing minerals (galena, clausthalite, and selenio-galena). The boehmite is derived from weathered and oxidized bauxite in the weathered crust of the underlying Benxi Formation (Pennsylvanian). A high Pb-bearing mineral content of samples ZG6-2 and ZG6-3 is likely of hydrothermal origin. The No. 6 coal is enriched in Ga (44.8 μg/g), Se (8.2 μg/g), Sr (423 μg/g), Zr (234 μg/g), REEs (193.3 μg/g), Hg (0.35 μg/g), Pb (35.7 μg/g), and Th (17.8 μg/g). Gallium and Th in the No. 6 Coal mainly occur in boehmite, and the Pb-bearing selenide and sulfide minerals contribute not only to Se and Pb contents in the coal, but also probably to Hg content. A high Zr content is attributed to the presence of zircon, and Sr is related to goyazite. The REEs in the coal are supplied from the sediment-source region, and the REEs leached from the adjacent partings by groundwater.  相似文献   

Basin modelling has been used to improve understanding of the origin and temporal evolution of coal seam gas in the Hunter Coalfield of the Sydney Basin. Burial history models were produced based on data from seven boreholes located in the southern, eastern, central and western areas of the coalfield. Mean random vitrinite reflectance (Rv,r) data, derived from measurements of mean maximum reflectance (Rv,max), were used for calibration of the models. A qualitative sensitivity analysis of one model shows that varying the paleoheat flow has a greater influence on calculated Rv,r than varying the eroded overburden thickness.

The differences between the constructed models are significant enough to provide plausible explanations for regional gas distribution in the Hunter Coalfield. Coals in the south of the coalfield appear to have the greatest potential for thermogenic gas generation. Modelling has shown that areas that have low gas contents and decreased permeability have been uplifted more, and buried less, compared with areas that have high gas contents. Burial history modelling shows noticeable variations in the extent of burial and uplift, and, consequently, in thermal maturities and potential for thermogenic gas generation; together with the assessment of other coal and gas property data, it appears that present-day gas contents may partially reflect coal ranks and adsorption capacities, with late-stage biogenic gas generation replenishing CH4 volumes that were lost following uplift during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   


From the early Late Permian onwards, the northeastern part of the Sydney Basin, New South Wales, (encompassing the Hunter Coalfield) developed as a foreland basin to the rising New England Orogen lying to the east and northeast. Structurally, Permian rocks in the Hunter Coalfield lie in the frontal part of a foreland fold‐thrust belt that propagated westwards from the adjacent New England Orogen. Thrust faults and folds are common in the inner part of the Sydney Basin. Small‐scale thrusts are restricted to individual stratigraphic units (with a major ‘upper decollement horizon’ occurring in the mechanically weak Mulbring Siltstone), but major thrusts are inferred to sole into a floor thrust at a poorly constrained depth of approximately 3 km. Folds appear to have formed mainly as hangingwall anticlines above these splaying thrust faults. Other folds formed as flat‐topped anticlines developed above ramps in that floor thrust, as intervening synclines ahead of such ramp anticlines, or as decollement folds. These contractional structures were overprinted by extensional faults developed during compressional deformation or afterwards during post‐thrusting relaxation and/or subsequent extension. The southern part of the Hunter Coalfield (and the Newcastle Coalfield to the east) occupies a structural recess in the western margin of the New England Orogen and its offshore continuation, the Currarong Orogen. Rocks in this recess underwent a two‐stage deformation history. West‐northwest‐trending stage one structures such as the southern part of the Hunter Thrust and the Hunter River Transverse Zone (a reactivated syndepositional transfer fault) developed in response to maximum regional compression from the east‐northeast. These were followed by stage two folds and thrusts oriented north‐south and developed from maximum compression oriented east‐west. The Hunter Thrust itself was folded by these later folds, and the Hunter River Transverse Zone underwent strike‐slip reactivation.  相似文献   

Composition and quality of coals in the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui Province, China, is one of the largest coalfields in China. The coals of Permian age are used mainly for power generation. Coal compositions and 47 trace elements of the No. 10 Coal of the Shanxi Formation, the No. 7, 5, and 4 Coals of the Lower Shihezi Formation, and the No. 3 Coal of the Upper Shihezi Formation from the Huaibei Coalfield were studied. The results indicate that the Huaibei coals have low ash, moisture, and sulfur contents, but high volatile matter and calorific value. The ash yield increases stratigraphically upwards, but the volatile matter and total sulfur contents show a slight decrease from the lower to upper seams. Magmatic intrusion into the No. 5 Coal resulted in high ash, volatile matter, and calorific value, but low moisture value in the coal. Among the studied 47 trace elements, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Th, U, V, and Zn are of environmental concerns. Four elements Hg, Mo, Zn, and Sb are clearly enriched in the coals as compared with the upper continental crust.  相似文献   

泥炭地具有明显的碳汇能力, 对减缓全球气候变化有着至关重要的作用, 煤作为泥炭地的最终产物, 保存有丰富的泥炭地发育时期的古环境信息, 成煤泥炭地碳聚集速率和净初级生产力(NPP)可以作为恢复古气候的替代指标。吐哈盆地南缘沙尔湖煤田ZK9E02钻孔中侏罗统西山窑组发育视厚度为121.97 m的煤层(C8), 本研究使用频谱分析对其进行米兰科维奇轨道周期的识别及成煤泥炭地发育时限的估算, 然后利用该时限, 结合煤的碳含量以及煤化作用阶段的碳损, 计算出成煤泥炭地的NPP, 进而探究成煤泥炭地的碳汇能力与碳循环关系。研究发现, 所研究煤层的自然伽马测井曲线中蕴含着约405 ka长偏心率、约95 ka短偏心率、约37.6 ka斜率、约18.2 ka岁差的米兰科维奇旋回天文周期, 计算出该成煤泥炭地发育的煤层沉积约2218.54~2347.03 ka。该煤层碳含量74.54%, 考虑到煤化过程中的碳损失约为26.75%, 恢复出成煤期泥炭地碳聚集速率为66.11~69.86 g C/m2·a, NPP为265.2~280.2 g C/m2·a。控制泥炭地NPP的主要因素有CO2含量、古纬度、古大气温度等, 研究区较低的泥炭地NPP水平与当时CO2含量过低或古纬度较低有一定关系。泥炭地NPP在一定程度上反映着大气中CO2的变化, 进一步用来揭示全球碳循环对气候变化的动态响应过程, 这对"深时"高分辨率的古环境研究有重要意义。因此, 预测泥炭地NPP的水平, 研究生态系统中碳元素的最终去向, 亦有利于更好地认识到全球碳循环过程中泥炭地的"碳汇"角色, 助力实现"碳达峰、碳中和"目标。  相似文献   

The Huanghebei Coalfield, one of the coal production bases in North China, was considered as a coalfield without coal‐bed methane (CBM) during past decades. In recent years, however, CBM has been discovered in coal‐bearing successions. In order to understand the CBM geological characteristics and accumulation process in this area, fifteen coal samples were collected and analyzed with respect to coal maceral and reflectance. The result shows that the gas distribution is uneven and the content varies in different areas even for the same coal bed. The storage of CBM is affected by geological factors such as burial depth, geological structures, and magmatic intrusion, among which the former two are more important in the formation of CBM. Deep burial of coal beds with the presence of cap‐rock mudstone can seal CBM. The CBM is also accumulated and preserved at the place where normal faults are distributed. Magmatic intrusion causes contact metamorphism and controls the CBM formation by heating the coal‐bearing successions. The obtained data indicate the geological conditions in northeastern Zhaoguan Mine are preferable for CBM formation and conservation; recent exploration estimates the CBM geological reserves up to 282.16 Mm3 and average of reserve abundance at 0.1662 × 108 m3 km?2. The Changqing Mine is a potential prospect in terms of CBM exploration since its geological conditions (structures and burial depth) are similar to the Zhaoguan Mine and its cap rock is even better.  相似文献   

解伟  马广明  孙卫 《现代地质》2008,22(1):81-85
对吐哈盆地丘东凝析气藏中侏罗统储层的流动单元的划分方法和参数选取进行探讨。针对丘东凝析低渗透气藏的储层和流体特点,纵向上对研究区中侏罗统地层进行小层精细划分,平面上应用SPSS统计分析软件对厚度、孔隙度、泥质含量、流动带指数等4个参数进行聚类分析和判别分析,将研究区中侏罗统储层砂体划分为4类流动单元。结果表明各流动单元的类型与储层物性、沉积微相具有很好的对应关系,能够客观地反映气藏储层的地质特征。虽然丘东凝析低渗透气藏中流动单元的划分和油藏中流动单元的划分没有太大差别,但是参数的选取却与油藏中的存在着明显的不同。  相似文献   

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